Clippings and Comments


Clippings and Comments By Daniel Bell ??? of the most significant social devebpments of the war is th« w^v imperial! sections of big business, more especially in Great Britain and latterly taiaX... turned a tragedy about war into a tricky, "well-made" melodrama...
...eyes) quite imposSible ^ * ·., id The direction Of j§» JUm is conventional ta .......jjtfnii...
...Only a few people in Hollywood have talent enough to rework the Hemingway style and thoughtfulness into the cinema's terms...
...Hey« M^V TetfV^RA either been in prisoa> or a fugitive, hiding In Peru...
...Hemingway's dialog is torn .from character-context in order not to give the impression that Marty-Massart, the "butcher" and 'bungler,'" is part of the Russian machine... Samuel Courtuald...
...And the only signposts fre ttae rf ·? spirTt—^ai'th ? freedom of the m$i ?! <^fnj ty t etr man, hope for a democrat ? socialist vision...
...common Belgians...
...At the Emttf Theatre m Sew York, far a minute or two, sitting through the Bfvoli's three-hour exhibition of For Whom the Bell Toto, we thought we were back in the Hollywood, up the block and across the street, back in the dark, twisted maze of Mittion to Moicow politics... Lord Melehett one of the biggest chocolate manufacturers...
...when force again prevented his taking office...
...This informal- gathering has given a definite impetus to the organization of a joint Commonwealth Labor Conference to be held in Canada in the . near futurp...
...As soon as the decision appeared, the city announced it would abide by it—and it did...
...M. J. Cold well extended the welcome of the Canadian Group to the visiting delegation and pointed out the fact that, although the members from New Zealand and Australia were...
...instituted a farity good System of social security, ati<r established various - progressive reforms...
...Their main proposals as reported by Peter Lyne in a cable to the Christian Science Monitor are: 1. State control of public utility industries, including probably coal mining...
...G; Lewry, M.P.-from New Zealand, suggested that the Labor Representatives throughout the Empire should bold a conference as soon as poss ible to discuss matters of interest to the Labor Movement within the Empire and the pert of Labor m tee post-war world...
...head of Conrtualds the fabulous rayon trust...
...the memory of their drgaajajjj jt**^-' the handful of their stalwarts wtuffa™ ? middle-classes have been pulverised *y Fasten», small business incorporated into gigant* «*» t>poIies, the small tradesmen squeezed tnte w factory or the amy...
...have' lumped from 18 to 42 ••German fr% sterbng bonds have rtanf recently from S% to 12 . -Japanese 4% 1889 bonds now are ?-fonr times their worth a year age.1 "Greek T% 1»2* beads, which hsv* ben aa low as 8, aire are 2S...
...The pace has been really set in England, however, and til eroore advanced and comprehensive statements have been issued there, notably that of the National Poiicy for Industry, a statement issued by 120 of the leading industrialists...
...But business treats seemingly have learned some lessons fram FSa> ism—that the political forces they atutep control the state can and do at times...
...Europe today hi an ·*¦» of soldiers and industrial \. orkers, fre* fj* equal before the machine and the buaet ?* gether they will be demanding fieett»* If equality before the state and the gldwr - There will he no free world with** » Europe...
...try Cooper and Ingrid Bergman, Tamiref, Kntina Pwcinou, Vladimir Sokoioff and Joteph Calleia...
...Am I a republican...
...was-he being corrupted...
...In what seems to be the first political contest of its kind against the Jersey City authorities, an injunction was issued preventing them from interfering with the Communists in hiring halls for peaceful meetings...
...Apparently out of this war, as it is being fought four giant nations are to emerge dominant over tlfe world...
...and the State Dept...
...His first claim was that the bail had been previously rented to another group for the same evening...
...Partly because of the way the- screen role of Jordan was written (Nichols' script was, I am told, hacked to pieces by the executives), and partly because of his own limitations...
...For what has happened to Europe has been' more drastic than Rand-Mc-Nally nas indicated by mere map color changes...
...Socialist economists have long pointed out that capitalism ean maintain prosperity only in sn expanding economy, bot the price of that expansion lies either m the exploitation of sectors of the home merket, or foreign areas Fascism was a system of subordinating or jam...
...and that ?? National Council shall formulate and present ? unified view for industry...
...Its «H-memberment into the balkanized patches ef pre-War Europe can only mean relapse, ram and chaos...
...The Communists sued this unwilling tool of Hague...
...A few months ago, the Apristtas scored a triumph when they were able to revive their illicit press add bring out their clandestine little paper, La Tribune...
...pressing labor forces at borne before emberkat on foreign aggression...
...He stated there was a very-evident need for the freest exchange of ideas between different parts of the Labor movement throughout the Commonwealth where each part was in a different state of development He expressed the international value of a conference of the representatives* of Labor being held in Canada and the importance of having the people throughout the English speaking nations'realise tite Importance of the Labor movement...
...As a result thfi halt...
...which esedd net he eeM at any price * few rears ago -i " ,'' 'Financial circles said buyers spear, entjy were taaktag on a «Birk defeat «f the A zis—hoping that' European coaetrMs would still hare asnsxyh...
...No man," John Donne was saying to Hemingway, Jordan, to you and me, "no man ts an llatid...
...The Cooperative Commonwealth Federation M.P.'s had availed themselves' of the opportunity of discussing tbe position of Labor throughout the British Commonwealth of Nations - with Labor Representatives from Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand who were visiting Ottawa with she Empire Parliamentary Association Delegation...
...and fell back, as in the bridge-blowing climax, to the cheap excitement of "melier" tension (long-shot of bridge, close-up of Jordan, long-shot of fascist tanks, close-up of dynamite, close-up of fascists, long-shot of Jordan, close-up of Maria...
...Empire Labor Parties Plan Working Unity fy Q.H...
...bad been educated into," and turned him into a wooden cowboy rustling "Nationalists" in the mountains of the Sierra Nevada...
...etc., etc...
...He assured*- those present-that New Zealand'Would send Representatives to Any such conference...
...In Italy, aw anti-tsscist, ??-?^^ anti-clerical people want nc remnants <?j...
...Labor is given all it asks for in its program, i.e...
...A Paramount picture produced and directed by Sam Wood...
...Yugoslavia^ G/t")f Germans, are as much part of '-the Hf^t^jr* hope ol earth" as heroes of nauw ?» A whole century stands at the European <fl...
...Whether it is too long (as the moan has gone up) is not a matter of eitzfleiech... as well...
...her final scenes, mixing anxiety, Terror, grief with love, are some of the greatest pieces of film acting I know...
...This tight little half-continent locks the destinies of the world, a world of all nations, classes, and peoples, its recorded past is the history of what we know as "Western civilization...
...And now, by strange coincidence just a feV days after the endorsement of Hague by fhe Communists, we find the president of the Comity Industrial Union Council, John Grogan, petitioning the Boss for a place on his ticket as State Assemblyman—and being accepted in the one-man primary so typical of the dictator's rule...
...that the German army is so to**-mobilized within six months of the Analste that Germany is to pay all the costs of an dmi army and air force in occupation...
...This bit, is, to be sure, in the novel, but as a casual, Off-side remark which far from" controlled the mood of the scene...
...Baud on the novel bp Erneet ?. Screenplay by Dudley Sickolt...
...every man it a peece of the Continent, part of the meine...
...This movement, known as Alian za Popular Revolueionaria Americana, or Popular Alliance of the American Revolution, and its brilliant leader, Victor Underground Peru's t)icfa|or Rauf HayaUe § Tolre...
...of "Fascism** or "Communism" m ??«?9?~1...
...The base of traditional power-politics, the perspective of oM-time balance-of-power alignments,, has thus been considerably broadened, but' a' tragic lag between the conception and the reality stffi exists...
...And" just as "I Am the Law" ruled in this matter, so he has absolute control, now as then, over the civic and communal life of Jersey City...
...The Nuffield statement is an extension of a plar advanced1 by Courtauid in the Beonomie Joumtu last April, which mapped out a corporate plan for the British economy...
...Additional proscription was proclaimed for numerous other liberals, student* workers, pro-democrat* in the professions...
...In the Ernest Hemingway novel he was specifically identified as Andre Marty, the leader of the French Communists, who had worked in Spain during the Civil War...
...Given average air-conditioning, and a reasonable cushioning, there's no reason why three hours of cinema can't be taken...
...In the film, Marty's name is changed to Slassart...
...His engagement came about after the police department'prevented the Communists from hiring halls for public meetings...
...2. Public industrial boards to direct other major industries...
...Allied rictories are tan.: tasT a rurioe* twist to the Lnndaa SbeA Exchange with a marked rise in priem« securities of...
...The whole world has bocomsW...
...They championed John Longo, a young opportunist, who was railroaded by the Hague machine when he emerged as an "independent" Democrat...
...Through all the* year...
...Here is a film which bail slashed the life and heart and meaning out of Hemingway's novel...
...The last proposal is the nub of the plan...
...The government of President Prado is, for all its conservatism and its' origin In dictatorship, less reactionary than a powerful group which criticizes it from the right... and calling it "staMHfr " On hrtra old-time waltzes, but their nestalgi» * *"· for 8trauss' Vienna than for Prince...
...Although the owner denied any pressure upon him by the city officials, he was represented in court in a $50 damage suit by two lawyers then on Hague's public payroll, one of whom was later raised to be a judge...
...We have become one world...
...And, perhaps saddest of all, the Hudson County Central Labor Union is completely dominated by the Boss...
...The acting is a redeeming feature...
...a ward politician in civilian clothes carried the message—as a purely personal matter of advice to a friend...
...The question ajar well be, at whose expense ? One answer... had watered down anti-fascism to the point where the sole democratic passage is allowed only because Loyalist brutalities are also depicted...
...But it is a world without unity, and the violent disorder of a global war is only a symptom of deep, fundamental dislocations...
...The police department, the school system, the well-publicised and enormous Medical Center with its control of the local medical profession, the fire department, the County Bar Association, to name a few of the important agencies of the 'city, are all under his manipulation...
...It seem* dear that these efforts ere rooted both tn Aprs re assertrrenem and a hope' that Apra moral prestige may be minimised m anticipation of the 1P46 elections, toward which the Unite* States and a mere self-consciously unified Lstir...
...The report is signed by Lord Nuffield, formerly William Morris, Britain's biggest automobile magnate...
...Miss Ingrid Bergman, a miracle ofsheer talent and personality, surpasses...
...D. ?.-* ' ? . Aprista Renews Activity to Oust MEXICO, D. F.—Underground leaflets and uncensored reports indicate that political activities are being intensified in Peru, probably because elections are expected in 1946...
...When you see Cooper-Jordan's death, know that the bell tolls for Hollywood...
...John Longo, today a Republican, is about to stand trial again, but this time without the barrage of lawyers provided by the Communists (including Vi to Marcantonio) and without their support...
...others, is propagandizing for a Vsnsfcfcrl peace...
...ELFENBEIN The Communist Party's present endorsement of Frank Hague, New Jersey's Total Democrat, is a dash of cold water to those who recall the days when1 the Communists and the CIO were completely banned from Jersey City...
...t Only.a few years ago Hague flagrantly denied the Communists and the CIO the right •to speak, to meet) to organize, to distribute circulars, even to be present in Jersey City...
...govefAent No models ean be ????* far-away »ebooarters The peoples mt tlUNp today are a Killess mass, anxious forfwedXlt desperate for a free choice in fashioning "*» ? society...
...The impact of its material progress and the course of its culture and spirit have known no geographical frontiers...
...There will be no free Europe ? J restoration of the social, political and ecoapa* jungle of the inter-bellum years betwtea 1*· and 1M0...
...U i?fiUUu ta sho*Ubgvaad cutting...
...And even the roseate visions of a post-war organisation are troubled by the peculiar malatte of o»r times...
...Robert Jordan, anti-fascist guerrilla behind Franco's lines, bad sent a messenger through to the Loyalist command to 'stop the scheduled Loyalist offensive...
...British industrial thinking now eavisagw t junior partnership scheme for labor and a bsh-ness control of the economy...
...Today, as from a point on the poles, there is no East or West...
...The latter group, including lepresentatives of the giant steel, chemical, auto and armament trusts, proposed that all industry be organised on a compulsory basis into trade associations...
...America will undoubtedly turn deep interest' The Hemingway Film It Tolls for Hollywood By MATTHEW LOW FOR WHOM TBE BELL TOLLS...
...that these associations pyramid into a peak Rational Council for Industry which "shall have rule-making powers hitherto performed by ParKament...
...Or that presaurc cooid to broeeta on Allied governments to persaade tnefc countries to meet their leans—Bat petal "Tyateai examptos ef the t.-ens are... sneak as members of their respective governments, the Canadian movement was still in its lusty infancy...
...a political commissar...
...But it will prove embarrassing, we think, to many of their local followers in Jersey City to find themselves in the most uncomfortable and probably unwilling and awkward embrace of "I Am the Law" Hague...
...Russia, and China are to stand like colossi at the earth's corners...
...It tolls for*ike...
...Gcoper-Jordan is a spiritless, meaningless feBow...
...For Whom the Bell ???», as the reviewers have been saying, is a rich, handsome production, crowded with imaginative designing and finely-acted characterizations...
...was closed on the date set for...
...A new fm Europe can arise after this war a Europe whose (raiding principle* are economic unity, political autonomy, and cultural diversity...
...Obviously, they expect to gain advantage for themselves by this coalition of forces which seeks to wreck any attempt at independent political action by labor...
...wW of 1931, but were defrauded by a forcible seizure of power by a ifeaeliotsary mirietity.- *JC"i * The Apra candidate was far in the .eetions of lf»36...
...Their theme is expansionism and full employment...
...So was the case...
...v None of the great powers must dtctat...
...They propose that German aeroplane, hau» and chemical industries are to be eampiaV% dismantled...
...But the A pre movement calls for more advanced legislation, warnet backing of the democratic cause in the war...
...Notice was gi*er Hays that even though he did not prsssrH himself for open trial, "justice' would prbeeeC all the same...
...cracks Cooper, "why, my folks have been voting the Republican ticket for generations... had token the character of an American leftist, caught up in a fight "for all the poor in the world, against all tyranny, tor all the things yon believed and taV the new world you...
...The United States...
...en) lie in the activities of another group ef hrjta> big businessmen who have recently ni|i)((aj a "Win the Peace" movement...
...Marty is presented as a warped fanatic, with "a mania for shooting people...
...and occupied... W. H. Coates, a leader in the chemical industries...
...Hemingway's Jordan wondered about Maria (was this real, or just another Garbo-Harlow dream...
...Respite' this legal victory, the right to hold meetings in Jersey City was a fictitious right to the Communist Party...
...This rallying to Hague is merely paving the way for a joint effort to destroy what they cannot control—a real American Labor Party...
...And only by pauiaee wda change can the seeds of war and faschar tatf rooted from the earth...
...anTtniite sh*e...
...They may yet turn to vilification of him—for he still claims to be anti-Hague...
...The scene Is very strange, and surprise, shock and bewilderment hubbubbed through the audience...
...Their slogan is "legitimeey,^ bot er» wars and old destruction are jest aroaes to col net Nor do we belive that a system of toao Power Paternalism can build a free, stable wurk order, or even achieve a "Just, lasting" seaa Nothing » so dead m this time of total osstrsf tive war as "Conservatism " Change ? threV crder ef the day... tin •kitty' to meet obligations of their boat-holders...
...Italian credit 7% eterlin...
...Here a miserable« little pun constitutes the whole sum of its "democratic spirit...
...only if we Bfcht for Hand plan tor ?. * This crhne is the coiiniiur, Europeae «**-and* t*e hope, we have insisted sgei* tWJOtL ues w,th the labor movement...
...Then comet Karkov, the influential Soviet correspondent at "the front Played brilliantly by ions tan tin Shayne (who, by the way, was Bukharin in the pa vies film), Karkov saves the message, frees the messenger, albeit too Iste to Stop the offensive, and all with a little speech that ends with a cryptically uttered, "/ am from Statin,* What goes on here...
...This latest betrayal by the Communists should not be too surprising...
...But for what Paramount studios (and the Catholic Church...
...and the Franco propagandists ?) have' decided to let the people know about a certain four days in the mountains of Spain, 1987...
...It has aided co-ope rati ves...
...intire of ittelfe...
...The Communists immediately approached another hall owner and, showing him the newspaper report, induced , him to rent them the place...
...sections of big business, more especially in Great Britain and latterly taiaX country, have taken on a "projrressive coloration and captured the cry of "frdTar pJoyment" after the war...
...Sam 'Wood made nothing of it...
...These Uta who are also the founders of a National Leapt for Fr**dtrm, seem to represent the ass* blatantly imperialist wing of British lipiUMaa, a counterpart to the Hoover-Amerios PUst crowd here...
...When the Nasi exploiter is expropriated, they moat ant return to old Rumanian masters, but to the expropriators, the embattled democratic people of Europe - Vahant as some are, the "ghost governments" in Allied capitals are really mocking history with the endlose'wrangling ever old "boundaries and new treaties, -with hopes for regrabbrng areas, and recarring plains...
...Inside the Nazl-fertified coastlines peoples and social orders have been ruthlessly rationalised From the wooden-plow primitivism of the backward countryside to the competitive technologies of the advanced economies, a continent has been overhauled...
...Because everyone has the right -to hold meetings, despite the not too subtle flattery, the plea was successful...
...And it is a comparatively easy about-face for those who have had to make ' more astonishing ones than even this...
...Her* ? 'Peru," asserts Laf Tribune: in one of its wcretly -distributed issues, "after twenty years of -tour eneceeeive dictatorship, we wit...
...was the order, but this shameless bit of Kremlin-Set deceit found a (dace in the footage...
...The hold of the Hague machine in Jersey City on political, civic, communal and labor affairs is not one bit different from that of 1987, when the Communists launched their offensive...
...This writer, frankly, found the Sierra Nevadas rather bor5djm^oA!^^S«5S of^sBgif 2S ! caresses, and protracted appreciative stares into each other's deep...
...Peace, l?s Wonderftf ¦Tlfcw»' ¦ rjbsrie ' ef SieStaa riebek«, brought the feliowint reeetion >r the L* "LONDON...
...The most interesting aspect of the statement was the extreme cordiality to labor, a theme that runs through most of these business documents...
...The message is stopped, the messenger arrested, by a bungling, shadowy character called Andre Massart...
...When proof that this was untrue was offered, this excuse was abandoned and the owner confined his defense solely* to the amount of damages sustained by the Communists...
...This month another astounding document has come from a group of British industrialists, on* issued st Nuffield College...
...Never for mere - than a single moment (again, the very last) is he really alive, and one never understands his determination as one grasps Maria's love...
...CAS7LEDON kt.P TORONTO (by may).—An important step m the linking up of the Labor Parties throughout the British' Empire was taken in Ottawa last month...
...wW*s"t the real sovereignty is from without ??» na# and opportunities here are uJiprecedentea & lied Realpolitik after the crimes ?? Fascism asj destroy the spirit of Europe's demoeiwt* A a*1 despair may put a permanent seal on Europa» tyranny...
...a guaranteed national minimum wage, shorter' hoars, higher compulsory educational age, etc It is proposed that labor be organised in parallel peak organizations and "play the role of junior partner to Industry England then, would be one giant cartel, dominated by the business groups from the top...
...Gary Cooper is simply unfortunate...
...Italian and German planes, heavy Fascist artillery and reinforcements were all waiting at the bridge, and the fate of whole Loyalist divisions hinged on the success of the message...
...This g|5k headed by Sir Leonard Lyle, of ? J ? fd)t sugar trust, . Sir John Wardlaw...
...yet nee the constitution -restored, wit* freedom of expression and of the ballot, and will "see abolished ferevt: the habit of life under fee* ta an article t. -g^led out to sympathisers ,r, other leads, Haja de 1* Torre calls upon Latin Americans of democratic' zaind to insist upon post-war planning now, upon the state ment of liberal and irrevocable war anas, at well as the winning of a military victory...
...True to form, they persuaded Longo not to aecept a parole but to serve out his prison sentence, thus creating a hand-picked martyr...
...Today the Malaxa steel works -belong not to "Rumania" but to 'Europe...
...In desperation, they came to the writer,' explaining that no other trustworthy attorney was willing to accept the case...
...and free speech and the practice of democracy in Peruvian politic...
...It is not for nothing that Jersey City has a payroll that mounts sky-high, including a well-paid legal staff, chaplains-—and the president of the Central Labor Union at $4,000 per year as "custodian" of the Court House...
...An efficient pan-European industrial machine has been constructed (at what a tragic costt>, synchronizing the- far-flung steel mills, coal resources, chemical indue tries, oil fields and grain areas of lande which, standing together, can still be prosperous and powerful...
...Tamiroff as Pablo, Sokoioff as the aid man Anselme Katina Paxinou as Pilar, and all the rest, play the' roles to their maximum...
...Behind this new camouflage, however, ofter hes a frflahssf scheme for V corporate organisation for tte '«.· •eonoray with controls in the hands of business Over the pas: year this column has written often aboot these new developesenti · in tBis country- of Fortune t views contained m its supplement The Domestic Economy, and the staiements by the Committee for Economic Development...
...Each of the delegates ex -pressed" his enthusfias*tt* support of such a conference and it was (he unanimous decision to accept the ir.vTtatiori to hole" this conference It Canada as'sootfe*1 tfde-eftlev-'^ ¦« w On the Eve of New Europe We cannot escape Europe...
...There can be ne order free...
...Hegemonies are already being divided, and suggestions offered for a Council of Europe and a Council of Asia and a Council for the Americas...
...and others...
...the evening is pretty insubstantial fare...
...To an unbelievable extent;' the press, the church and the public institutions are guided in their conduct by his possible reaction...
...But this 'time the uniformed police did not vJUi the hail owner to tell hint to cancel the , rental...
...Previous to the CIO effort to enter Jersey City, the writer was the lawyer for the Communisms in a civil liberties action in Mayor Hague's home town...
...e*«cww 'ttrine There is this great WlB of a social democracy to the narrow...
...But that, as I say, eras only for a minute or two...
...3. Trade associations subject to public scru-u tiny to regulate all other industries...
...the meeting...
...El Peruana, officii, organ of the Prado government, published some weeks age an edict declaring Hays de la Torre an "sbsetit defendant** for transgression* against the republic's social sad political tranquffltry—a charge to which the Apra leader would dbott-less plead rtrihy with pride...
...It has never, to this day, held an open public meeting under its own name...
...1 · ·'* • * * ? a: J? PRIESTLEY, the British novelist whs mm a tremendous following in Britain Senat the dark days of 1940 with his Aeme^jft "peoples war," has returned to the BBC aas> phone where he has been telling MsMiMMi that he finds people lees enthusiastic tbae *#} were abcut the prospect of a Brave Heir Hat-War World 1 * ·. Opt of Hague's Record — The Mayor arid the Communists By...
...Fir another minute or tiro I forced myself to watch, distressed and sickened, the little joke the film makes about the cause of the Spanish people...
...For years the Communists denounced and exposed these conditions...
...But we nrost reteecfle' ourselves to forgetting the' New Order's "forgotten mea" who are so anxious about their comebacks into power, «? eager abort their putty-and-paste ptar* slapping togetbr the ???-*3...
...death dimintthe* me', because / am involved in Mankinde: And therefore never tend to know for whom the fteU toils...
...agonized about killing and lying in wartime, worried whether he was betraying his friends, puzzled over the cynicism of the Russians at the Gay lord's Hotel, almost wept over the lost crusading fervor of 1936 (had he been naive...
...The reports reaching the Latin American office here of Worldover Press show that the conservatives behind President Prado are •stiffening their attitude toward all forms of political dissent, and are determined that the Apra movement will be permitted to make no more headway than it did in 1939...

Vol. 26 • July 1943 • No. 30

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