Van Loon's Diary-'The Coming of the Great American Fronde'

Loon, Hendrick Wiliem Van

Van Loon's Diary—'The Coming of the Great American Fronde' Sees Disaffection Growing In U. S. After French Parallel By Hendrick Wiliem Van Loon rjfier#m a private?5? told one of my...

...Moulton's, claims that in the ***"t*es, saving exceeded investment, puts it-P*[In » class with the statement that in the twenties two plus two was equal to five...
...And when in addition to this reckless spending on the part of himself and his henchmen, he showed a decided tendency towards a form of iisnslmtii which surpassed everything the French, bad ever seen along that line, the cup of resentment got filled so rapidly that in the end it ever-flowed and caused the outbreak of tbe fraama and for years afterwards filled the land with the fury of civil war...
...But this does not seem to me to be a fair comparison...
...Moscow still usurps the right to dictate policy to the international labor movement through its official mouthpiece, "War and the Working Classes...
...It is power they want, not money, and they are each serious intellectuals that the number ef bookstores in Washington has been doubled and haa increased from three to six...
...The Bogey of the Federal Debt fy Prof...
...therefore waa a foreigner and he would remain a foreigner, no matter bow devoted he might pretend to be to his adopted country...
...New York City already has 100 such dubs with an average membership of 140, some running as high as 300...
...Dubinsky, etc., in typical Moscow Trial fashion, they are forced to admit their weakness in the Miners Union and the ILGWU... line-with the recent directives from the new Moscow magaxine, "War and the Working Classes," the American Communists, ???- calling themselves the "win-the-war forces,** have let loose a barrage of abuse against the labor sad Socialist movement, while at the same time srowing their intention to end "the division between Right and Left...
...One accepted them as one accepted all the other leas agreeable phenomena of life, such aa flood*, draughts or tbe sudden appearance of a particularly disastrous form of plague...
...but he waa a son of France...
...It would therefore be useless to go into details about the famous...
...Vet the two movements, the French fraud* pf the year 1648 and the American frtmtbi at the year 1943, have a great many aspects ha common...
...Smooth and clever courtiers took his place and they are not going to run the risk of losing their beads <*4s^their influence and their jobs) by offering opinions that will be in direct oppoertion to those tbe All Highest Ear wishes to hear...
...This is getting to be quite s long article and our supply of paper is limited, and I eat sure that I have already made my meaning riser to those who have eyes with which to see and ears with which to hear...
...But the real objeetion to ell this argument is that it is beside the point...
...And civil war (even without actual shooting...
...They might net like some of them, but that was neither hare...
...The ether argaea: the peat Is the gala* to the present, e f f ? ? I a g parallels, suggesting pattern» Historian Van Leon earefotty avoids extreme...
...Lacking the wherewithal for the purging process in the labor movement, the Communists are urged to build "a broad anti-Lewis movement" in the Miners Union--end similar disruptive movements in other organizations where they are weak...
...Hr-war a pre dm t of the Jesuit method of training, and the Jesuit method of training never quite suited the French temperament...
...This "ignoring of the tax side of public finance" /which on p. 48 is laid to his opponents) prevents Dr...
...This is shown by the quotations near the beginning of this article which differ from the tenets of functional finance only in the tendency to minimise the part that must be played by taxation in checking inflation...
...Hundreds of other Communists have done likewise...
...Using their disciplined machine the Communists are now engaged in attempt to capture the Labor Party in the primaries...
...Moultoat pamphlet is that it lends his prestige as president of the Brookings Institution to those Wn© are engaged in such measures as killing tn* National Resources Planning Board or othsr-wise sabotaging efforts at winning the peace...
...there exists sack s feebng in the United States of America...
...French frame: It was strictly a row between the Court and the feudal nobles and it ended, as such squabbles were apt to do, with a complete victory for the Court Party, and the triumph of the monarchial idea aa represented by King Louis XIV... Dr...
...I have never kept quiet when I felt that the American publk should be enlightened upon certain rather unpopular subjects...
...Victory Bond drives...
...a well-sharposad steel pen is the mighttest Of all weapons...
...told one of my co«*epondeiitaftik'"'¦??*1* going to have a frotkU in America...
...Simon describes here, ia their current atempt to capture tbe American Labor Party in New York...
...But it can't be helped, and here goes...
...That wap old stuff...
...And it did not matter very much so long as those royal counselors were pert of the natural lananeapa, so to speak...
...But apart from this distortion he does see the ultimate implications of the new philosophy and states them more clearly than they are ever formulated by Hansen or Berle...
...They at* ksflk...
...People everywhere and at all times have disliked the way they were being ruled...
...At the Plenary Meeting, Gibert Green declared: "Hillman and the forces around him respect us, know the important role wt are playing, yet fear us...
...anything went wrong, and so they do took have to fear auch a mishap The prestige of their former position will always get thaw' something and their needs are net exorbitant...
...Over the past seven years the trade unions have built a party which has solidified liberal strength in New York and made it a com- — - - —--manding weapon against old-line forces...
...Despite the newest version of Trojan Horse tactics as streamlined by' the Plenary Meeting of the Communist Party National Committee, the proceedings make it clearer than ever that the party is not to be trusted, that it must be exposed and fought as essentially at:ti-democratic and un-American and that it remains tbS greatest single barfrier to' s*muWs?sm*$mW lean friendship «ad confidence...
...We can as a mas* profoundly disapprove of the way in which en* of our branches of government is being oen-ducted...
...Hon would no doubt strongly protest this political alignment, hut nowhere does he indicate say alternative machinery by which full employment can be prevented from setting loose the horror* of inflation...
...There is no Cardinal Masarin...
...It ta necessary that there exist one ruiniawii cause of discontent of auch overpowering proportions, such tremendous importance, "that it ia able to make the existing factions and parties forget their mutual dislike for each other for a sufficient length of time to allow them to act in unison...
...There had to be a cause of dissatisfaction that struck much deeper into the souls of these patient and long-suffering Frenchmen of the year 1648 than a mere grouch about high taxes and overbearing court favorites...
...Every reader caa supply the necessary aamaa oat of his own memory They are familiar to alt of aa and I caa keep my argaaaeata aa a basis of generalities...
...That was the feeling that the government in Paris no longer represented the true spirit of France, that ? had fallen into the hands of irresponsible and non-French adventurers who could not truly represent France for the single reason that they were foreign to What ? just called the True Spirit of France...
...Moulton revives this in his theory of inflation by way of the foreign exchanges resulting from a psychological loss of confidence because of the unending growth of debt and a consequent flight of capital...
...Party leaders must never again make deals with "non-party trade onion leaders...
...are holding back labor's demands...
...The Communists are threatened with a loss of all the gains they made during the days When (hey provoked strikes in line with the Stalin-Hitier Pact, when they assumed a role of militant defenders of labor's interests...
...all strikes and advocate the "incentive wage," which is another name Ian the detested piece-work speed-up system...
...Should each a movement into the A. F. of L. take place, it is manifest that this would leave lbs Communists in a desperate plight, practically isolated in a narrow CIO...
...We live under entirely different conditions...
...For thi» is not the moment to go forth, ttepping on people's tofts...
...Tbe name stuck, as such names are apt to do (think of our own "Bull Moose Party" after Theodore Roosevelt had casually remarked that he feU as fit as a bull moose"), and today we speak of violent political uprisings aa a frond*, regardless of the reasons which have caused this particular outbreak of discontent...
...It is bot exactly a job which flue my heart with joy...
...No one cor remove them from office except the men who has apposrftmt them, and he is not likely to do ao as dmde is no one who con go directly te him sad expflRh the situation ?» it is ' * »** There is no way oat except the latter wag . of a war ef words...
...The Communist forces are only a tiny minority Of the 150.000 enrolled ALP voters...
...Recfmafes THE beet example ? I 1 the moral hypocrisy of the Com munist Party line, which Mr...
...Jefferson would as soon have thought of serving them to their gnests as they would have cfreeamm^mt receiving in their shirtsleeves...
...The immediate significance of Dr...
...There is as yet no organized movement to give expression to the widespread feeling of discontent which b new sweeping across the country with the violence and rapidity of a tidal wave, and something may still happen to save us from the OSUirohl of an American fronde...
...Both are necessarily equal to the ex-PJlof income over consumption and so they are heritably and always equal to each other...
...The "Fronde"—expressing pece-liar French dissatisfaction several eewtar-* lea ago stream him in connection wHH the warthac temper ef the American people ami tbe possibli newt-war...
...unless the President of the United States succeeds in making himself tbe leader of a United People, we may well anticipate a fraud* of oar own...
...His ancestors, since time immemorial, bad Hved in Poitiers, and the father of the greet Cardinal had been a mighty warrior in the sat ram of the king...
...goods to take the/place of the NKIn) salaries *aved by the new employees •*4 so not returned to their employers in in-^ffijl, demand for products...
...Hence: a rr.a.eontent party »- a Tha^tart^^ondfd^not make him much wiser and he asked me for further enitghtenment...
...It is not enough to say that they did not like the way they were being ruled...
...At the same time Mr...
...He does see the extremely unorthodox implications of the new fiscal philosophy...
...While the f rmmnnjmsa ?? publicly stressing their utter unwillingness to dominate the uniops and other nWss organizations, the party still insists that rt is the "unifying and guiding center for helping organise the broadest antifascist unity of the nation," and furthermore that it "has a unique role to play, second to none...
...The American Communist Party is abolishing all industrial branches snd sectione in favor of community clubs usually camouflaged under the name of some national hero like George Washington or Thomas Jefferson...
...They also know who butters their bread for them in this era of butter scarcity „ . They are brffjiarsjraiwei fnnists and they have no fear of 'aaamg owet grace, hm eines almost all of them had started on the ground floor, they would not have to fall very far in...
...For the resistance to spplying adequite taxation sow in large measure due to the new fiscal policy not having yet permeated the treasury...
...But be accepts it aa one of the meet enuaeatly, useful measures ever taken for the protection of a sovereign nation which hopes to retain* its own character...
...They art flatly opposed to...
...But I doubt it...
...s IT occurs very rarely that the lion and the * lamb find an enemy which frightens them so much that they are willing to overlook the fact that, aa a rule, lions and lambs are not exactly the best of friends but have reasons to fear and distrust each other...
...This strengthens one's worst fears about the expected working of the Treasaif'swpM gram, for if Dr...
...the party will only be saved however if its members take the initiative and go out and Vote August 10 in the primaries...
...Much is .made of the present difficulties of imposing adequate taxation and preventing wages and prices from rising, even with the call of patriotism on the side of the government...
...Indeed, it was as old & organised society itself...
...And tbe friends of* on ? unsavory Ham Fish went the usual length of their' unsavory arguments...
...To bring about a vast political uprising in any country (whether Urge or small...
...of^ouie ??V to make war on the court party...
...two schools ef thought The first insists: the only thing you learn from history la that yew dee'* learn anything free* history...
...The recent Supreme Court decision in the Schneiderman ease is being used to prove that -Communists are attached to the American Constitution" and that the dictatorship of the proletariat is ao* "contrary to the «pirit of the American Constitution...
...those were not exactly pleasant days, and these entries Come at just auch ah inappropriate moment...
...There is no doubt that the Communists would favor the employment of .-coercive Government measures to suppress Lewis and that this is the motive behind their labeling him as "an integral part of the pro-Nazi fifth column, aiming at a negotiated "peace"'with Hitler at the expense of Britain and the Soviet Union...
...b aa attempt to escape from the argu¦fP* that inflation cannot occur as long \ *f the money demand for goods is not Permitted to exceed Use available potential •fPPly st current prices, Drl Moalton » to a really primitive theory of During the great inflation in Germany, and before Gustav Cassel acquired great fame by neatly wrapping up as the Purchasing Power Parity Theory a crude version of the theory of inflation of Ricardo's time, it was felt necessary (politically) to blame the inflation upon something, external like an unfavorable balance of trade which reduced the gold or dollar value of the mark...
...Some of the Murray people react the same way...
...incensed at the cruel fate that bad befallen h» nattve land, now wanted to sacrifice millions of mnocent American boys in order to have his littie day of vengeance... do...
...Ia eRfa present esse ws need sot worry shoot theft very important detail far those men aBsT women are activated by the highest of all motives, thetr senses* devottee ta febMe ideal* of a country that waa fseummoV't* avoid hot not te repeat the...
...This ie the basis of labor's opposition to the Smith-Connelly Bill...
...I waa den cm seed as *a- dirty war-monger " I waa accused of being a sort of Dutch agent provocateur, who...
...The rale aiMlsatml against the best interests of the ? rasant author...
...Worse than that, he waa a* Sicilian and a Sicilian was as little like a Frenchman as a Spaniard was like a Fleming...
...the Current Communist Party Line : By HAROLD SIMON COR those who may cherish any illusions as * as to the activity, hypocrisy and international coordinated disruptiveness Of the Communist Party since the "dissolution" of the Comintern, a close reading of the July 1943 issue of The Commatmt, containing reports of the June LL-13 Plenary Meeting of the National Committee of the Communist Party, is recommended...
...In the thirties, it manifested itself in extremely Well-intentioned proposals to solve the depression by getting all manufacturers to J«*aae their output together^ ' Ifhsse writings saw that ? would1 Trot pay any ••¦producer to expand output if the others did ¦oflncrease their output and employment, but...
...the end...
...John L. Lewis, whom the Communists link with the "Dnbinsky Social Democrats," is charged with 'insurrection against the war" and with .being an "integral part of the pro-Nazi fifth column...
...this country tbe only hope for the world's salvation—it is my duty to discuss this matter ir soma detail...
...but we are helpless as the hssds of the different branches of government are not directly responsible te Congress...
...A Richelieu might be a hard taskmaster...
...If the philosophy underlying the Hattjsml Resources Planning Board's program tt ee-cepted as a basis for domestic reconstruction...
...It is an objection to prosperity under capitalism...
...That devotion, by the way, showed itself mostly in the love he showed for the French treasury, which be plundered with systematic seriousness, piling taxes upon taxes until the public credit bad been well-nigh destroyed...
...AND today, anlose I am entirely mistaken ia my view of the sRaatioa...
...Whatever the reason for prosperity, even if it is due to the government faithfully balancing the budget and returning to the old gold standard, prosperity will bring about all the same pressures for higher price* and wages with the only difference that the government will not even be trying to keep spending from going above the inflation level...
...Here economics is abandoned for sociology and the srgument is in terms of political pressures which would prevent the government or its sgencies from taking the necessary measures to keep spending within the required limits...
...The recipient of the document, not beftM ?? historian, tooked the word up m his Webster...
...I indulged ir, this uncomfortable luxury during the years of our non-interveirtlonist tribulations...
...Browder demonstrates the tenuousness of his loyalty to the Commander-in-Chief by stating that "the only clear hope of a straight Republican Party victory in 1944 lies in the nomination of WiTTkie...
...We have no Sun King...
...It* ultimate effect BteBestej depends noon the courage and integrity of the men and wessen who wtoM fat...
...THE Founding Fathers, who did not reduce " their wisdom to a definite system of points, knew this when they declared that no...
...This is because the unfamiliar implications are welcome to him as a reductio ad absurdum of the policy to which he objects, while they are disturbing and unwelccme to his opponents who, quite unnecessarily, are a little timid about the extremes of unorthodoxy implied in their theories...
...Enough of them to make me apeak of the American frond* of tbe year 1948 a* a definite chapter in our history -and one which future historians of our republic will recognise aa such...
...The party is striving to wipe out the public memory of the Stalin-Hitler Pact by insisting that "tie Soviet Union was always a power on our Side" but that we only awakened to that realisation on June 22...
...While asking the welkin ring with the cry of . labor unity, the Communists cannot afford ts permit this movement to take shape...
...He does not refer to a taste for Frankfurters and Hamburger...
...Dean Alfange, chairman of the Liberal and Labor Committee, revealed that four high Communist functionaries, three of them members of their party's national committee, had enrolled in the Labor Party to aid the so-called left-wing to defeat the party...
...This has been s very gradual Indeed, it haa come about at such a slow rate of apead that be himself may not have been able to notice it 'And today there ia no one in ?- local ??????* (Versailles did not as yet exist "an a center of government, for it was born oat of the framda and a desire to get away from the turbulent Paris populace) whe fcatblc to go to the Throne and to whisper mte the ear of the Great White Father: "Pardon me...
...The ssme blindness appea'rs in another fer» in the arithmetical absurdity, reseated by Dr...
...They *k now which way the wind is blowing...
...I do not want to indulge in personalities...
...It is conceivable that Marx and Miiiiman asp right, but we .should at least try to make our economy work at capacity before and i-nthjnlag the field to the Communists and the Fascists...
...Moniten'» «? nuns MS SSO anything, fat meoos that Ins TitnSBBj'e puss) is to restore the system by which national prosperity is periodically sacrificed for the sake ef the not of fixed international exchange rates or gold parities that aa many Uke for the essence of international roron-»iruction, that when there ia a tsaslsBry for the foreign raise of the exchange to fsll in sny country, that country will be expected to try Inst end to redoes all its myriad domestic prices by creating a' domestic depression severe enough and long enough to bring this aaset all in the same of international reconstruction—untfl the frictions thee engendered once again...
...The Communist Party takes stern issue with The New Leader and the "Dubinsky Social Democrats" for their insistence upon the continuance of the New Deal -as a prerequisite for fourth term support for Roosevelt and demands instead unreserved support of the Commander-in-Chief...
...And all because the government out of too great a consideration for the capitalists refrained from taxing them (borrowed from them instead), while shunning the other alternative of permitting or engineering a domestic depression which would have made the capitalists content to keep their money at home...
...The majority of the people, even these who are not qaite aware of what is acta a ? ? happening, have a feeling that the executive government in Washington haa keel all feeling with the people at large and that it ?? longer represents the Tree Spirit of America...
...Oar State Department can follow s policy which ? distasteful to 90% of the populace, test the bright young men responsible for these poiieies cms merrily thumb their noses st us...
...The Communists have lost strength and at the last election were unable to tally 50,000 votes that would place them on the ballot...
...NO more thee it was the business of the Preach people .of the middle of the seven teeth century to tell their an no in ted Majesty whom ha should call to Paris to asant him in tbe difficult business of ruling his realm...
...Moniten from earlier works <f his, of speaking of an excess of sctusl '•Trent saving over actual current invest-·*** as a cause or a symptom of de-Ptession...
...This investment is needed 10 provide extra income and extru^demand for...
...The elaird that in such a condition inflation, and all the other horrors of collapse snd depression implied in it, cannot be prevented by democratic means is nothing but a denunciation cf capitalism on the strictly Marxian lines that the stability of capitalism depends on the maintenance ef a restive army of miserable unemployed to prevent the employed workers from asking for more say...
...Pasf and Present* *T*H ERE are, yon aee...
...ef th* •id world...
...It is not peculiarly an cbjection to functional finance or any other version of the new fiscal thinking...
...In line with this move to give the party respectability is the recently adopted practice of publicly announcing the party membership of some leading person, whaee Communist activities have long been known...
...ABBA LERNE ? [Tku i* Part II of Prof...
...With typical Communist consistency he insists that "there ia not and there mast not be any special discipline among Communists la the trade aniens" and then points out that "the Communist Party has its own special discipline...
...Moulton from seeing tli*t there is no need for a continualliy increasing national debt even if the opportunities for private investment should turn out inadequate...
...NOW, as all of us know, the Constitution allows the head of the nation to cheese his advisors as he plea see, and it is none of oar business whom he asks to help him...
...He in turn is linked with Walter Reuther and James Carey in a "conspiracy" to bring the Ante Workers sad the Rubber Workers into the A. F. of L. together with the Mine Workers...
...When an outraged mob in Paris broke all the windows of tbe palace of the Cardinal Masarin with sling-shots, the movement became known as the outbreak of the sling-shot wielders...
...concludes Dr...
...As for the Cardinal, ho had spent the first six years of his ecclesiastical career administering one of the moat desolate dioceses of the whole kingdom...
...This Signer Masann waa aa Italian...
...There is no truth whatsoever in the fairy tales that the Communists want to dominate or to capture the trade unions" declares Earl Browder...
...Although the Communists call for the purging of Lewis...
...Typical of the contradictions which permeate the present policy of the Communist Party, is its opposition to strikes at all costs and its simultaneous opposition to the Smith-Connally Bill...
...The club headquarters are to become the center of all sorts of community activity, such as solicitation of blood donors...
...If after ha had come to power, he had done a great many things that were not quite acceptable to a great many Frenchmen, they could always find tcMSsati** in the fact that if they were made to mind their p's and q*s with greater sewiitly than ever before, it was a frenchman, a sac* ef their own flesh and blood, who was rewponarbte for their increasing number of hardships Far different waa the case of trie successor...
...Such flirtations will avail the Communists little, for the sources of their increasing isolation lie deeper than mere personal relations...
...Nor is It necessary for...
...Fractions (Communist cells) in the unions are to be abolished although Browder admits the existence at "aeeae remnants" of these cancerous pasta, which were officially liquidated in 1*39...
...Red Cross activity, collections for war relief, civilian defense work and price control campaigns...
...But it does indicate that an analysis, *°teh...
...They are subsequent devetopnsente, and George Washington snd Mr...
...s » s WHILE this soft soap is peddled to the gullible ones, the old dualist, splitting policy is continued in new forms...
...upheaval ip 1...
...the world in flames...
...The issues at stake are entirely different...
...In other words, the Communist Party is attempting to assume a quasi-official role in the war effort, utilizing these agencies to deceive the public as to its true character snd to raise its prestige in the community...
...His first years ¦ he * had Spent in the service of the Colonna family, and a Roman Colonna was no Pi each Turewne...
...Actually their opposition is based ? pen the fact that seen s movement would throw a monkey wrench into a number of shady deals the Communists have made with Democratic politicians in California, Chicago and New Jersey...
...Moulton is more logical than those he criticises...
...analogy is not preeW...
...and that it gave its name to a politic...
...He discovered that a fnmdt wm the French word for...
...He would even have gone a step further and would have insisted upon keeping all the higher offices safety within Che hamsm of those who had learned to Mb» fried heminy far breakfast in the days of their childhood apd who had been initiated into the secrete of baseball on the sand lot just around the comer...
...The failure to keep wages and costs down is mainly a reflection ef the feilere to keep demand and prices down, and the present wartime situation, when people working harder tnd their increased atoney earnings able to bey them less than before even while, their employers are making large profits, naturally makes them more dissatisfied than they wees* be in peacetime, when the seme level ef activity would permit about twice the present level of consumption...
...The hut man whose privilege it was Set say such things and to get sway with his" jbec~ Melted advice, died many years ago an< there waa no one to take hie place...
...Lerner'e analyei* of Harold AlouHon's view* on public debt.] AN inability to see the nature of the part !* played by investment, private or pub-be, in determining the level of activity of the economy seems to pervade the atmosphere of the Brookings Institution...
...a, JSs* rules of arithmetic show that inveetment, *hfeh creates that part of current income not tTe«ed by expenditure on consumption, cannot JJossible differ from eaving, which is the part •fenrrent income that is not being spent on con-•"nption...
...To ward off the possibility of isolation, the Cosununists are openly currying favor with sotae labor leaders...
...The treasury is still talking in terms of the amount of money the government needs to buy the goods for winning the war— as if these were all waiting on the shelves of the stores because the government hss not raised the money—and it is clear that functional finance, like any other policy, is not likely to be successful if those who have to carry it out do not understand it and are half the time working on another theory...
...Mb true that the statement that saving is hWil to investment, like any other truism, says ¦*jj**g about the concrete situation, since it '*??** ,rom the definitions end, like She multiplication table, is true whatever the condition .·* society...
...They are untouchable...
...It lasted vaguely from 1?48 until 1662 and led to a war with Spain which did not come to an end until the year 1659...
...Totalitarian thinking is apparently not sensitive to such glaring contradictions...
...A victory here would effectively destroy the party...
...Daily Worker, page 5, July 4, 1843...
...This is a rather long sentence, but I cannot make it any shorter if I want to make myself entirely clear... might have led to a few scattered outbreaks of rebellion, easily 'repelhud ???- the local gendarmerie, and that would have been all...
...Joint legislative committees "involving" the AFL, the CIO and the Railroad Brotherhoods are to be initiated by the Communists "in key centers," to urge affiliation with the Anglo-Soviet Trade Union Committee, an immediate Second Front, and similar Moscovite demands... which a party which waa opposed to the government made tue of the minor v...
...While labor has voluntarily avoided the use ef the strike weapon during the war, it maintains its right to use it as a weapon of last resort when other means fail...
...There are many misinterpretations and misunderstandings in this short pamphlet but there is one important point in which Dr...
...Bat the Commanists would rather see liberal strength shattered if tTiey cannot control it...
...AT the present juncture the Communist Party is opposed to the establishment of s national Labor or Farmer-Labor Party on the ground that this would "disorganize the camp of labor unit...
...Moulton is not quite satisfied with this retfSefio ad abeurdum and goes onto lip U> show concretely how it would be impossible in a democratic society to prevent total spending from going beyond the danger point of inflation...
...Moniten, "the trsssunjrs uiusogua for international reconstruction ta certota tS fail...
...But there was something that made every Frenchman say "oof" and "la-la" and "enough is enough," and which induced him to reach for hie rapier or musket...
...should ever aspire to become President of tb* United States unless he had been born on this side of the ocean and had his roots ia the soil of the land of his birth...
...The /rslists in France took place during the middle of the seventeenth century...
...Sir, but aa an old end loyal retainer, alle* me to ray that you are all wren...
...These "demands are to be pressed over the heads of the constituted trade union leaders... riinrtdsst bat ? is interesting and tDominating ¦..*.«·* Is -America heading for aa Iraki Age aa age of eowflict and violent hatred...
...Bet as one who believes in this country—who sees in...
...not see that it would not even pay all the wshnfacturers to increase their output together someone simultaneously undertook en-Web investment in goods not currently offered fcrjale to consumers...
...Alarmed at the numerous portents of their declining strength ia the labor movement, the Communists have suddenly sprouted wings and a halo full of good intentions... never a pleasant prospect to contemplate...
...for thetV is no one left who can utter that word of wnriV ing which alone con save us from such's tats...
...Bet the fact remains that the heed of tbe government asm lost all direct tewch with the people entrusted to his care...
...Now what was the real underlying reason for that widespread discontent which in the France of the middle of the seventeenth century made the moat heterogeneous classes of society unite for once in a common cause...
...The word frond*, or "sling," had nothing to do with the event itself...
...But Dr...
...4 Our American system of government does not mske such a course easy...

Vol. 26 • July 1943 • No. 29

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