LaFollette Urges labor Rights Law,' Warns Against Anti-Union Violence

LaFollette Urges labor Rights Law,' Warns Against Anti-Union Violence Special to THE NEW Leader "WASHINGTON, D.C.—The first direct and vigorous blow struck in behalf of American Labor in the...

...wffljff to maintain constant communication **ff Jews in countries under Hitler's rem...
...He stated: "For decade after decade, similar proposals to outlaw these practices have been presented to the Congress...
...S., Contact will be esto^isriodjev^y' in support*of the^anu^Hitl™ prep***** and campaigns for— "(a) amximum help to the fJ» from the IL8JL in form of war uunmew end supplies • ^ "(|^maximum credit facilities Jm...
...We couldn't let John get away with it...
...up to the end, full of plans...
...Americans meveaf% aceordia( te see reserve, staging "Marching f? N.e w Georgia," wefe "echoed back frtm % forbidding jangle as finh Iending craft snaked 'wM the tortuous reefs...
...12,000 firms were forced to close because of an artificially induced shortage of raw materials...
...The keynote, hit by Sen...
...Together they turned eat alight works...
...Lewis put it over on Senator Brewster at 4 hearing simply by answering a question about the miners' treasury by reading the reserve account items from the balance sheet of U. S. Steel...
...In bttwem, with Alice Geretel.-who was twenty years Jm junior and who had participated in the psjvhs-logieal investigations of Alfred Adler...
...On the eve of his death, already wasted aeay, he said with a smile: "I have net see West e-tention of dying...
...The General Jewish Workers Union of Poland this week released a letter that Erlich and Alter had written to Stalin in October 1941...
...I say that unless we, in the Congress, have the intestinal fortitude hi this time of peril and crisis to defend and promote the institutions and doctrines that symbolize our democracy, we will be guilty of losing the war on the home front If we- * indicate that it is our intention or design to refuse protection to the growth ef bona Ide trade aeisakai and fndastrial democracy, we deprive the nation at asm af its greatest sources af internal and spiritual strength, a fading on the part of working men that they are truly defending a democracy...
...As things are, however, there were only about a hundred of close friends representing the anti-totalitarian refugees and the Mexican intelligentsia...
...In 1920, shortly after the formation of the Communist International—to which he refuted to give his support—he went to Moscow to discuss the European situation with Lenin and to oppose, in the name of various German Socialist groups the authoritarian and centralised methods of Bolshevism...
...Referring directly to the many drives for restrictive labor legislation in Congress and the various states, Senator LaFollette warned against any action that would deprive labor of its basic rights...
...The reporter has written his own pieces attacking Lewis...
...Now, the winds that blow through the mail, over the rsdse...
...Here ere a few examples out of many...
...This report makes it clear for all who would read that this is not a theory but a fact...
...They occupied a spacious and beautiful rae-deace filled with books and with those Qojecfe of Mexican art which one buys in the swash for a few cents and which maintain sue* at astonishingly lively popular tradition...
...Ickes has a pretty hot vocabulary when he wants to use it, but it is noteworthy that he has kept it ia leash while trying to settle the coal case...
...Mem York CHy) demonstrates the need for a Jewish anti-Faeeist Oriamtetii, outlines the general principles, the aims, the means and the organizational The letter avid hi part:' finaatriw ittyiijlii^lUa^^^a^^S his peevjseavaen ef the Jews is pel toi avadf cruel...
...They outlined the organisation of the Committee and stressed the fact that the project had been organized with Soviet approval...
...If I were to have aty tray about it" said Aranha, Td erect a statue to Hitter fat every plaza hi Latin America, For Hitler has compelled aa to face up to-our need for democracy aad unity...
...The failure of the FEPC and its lack of powers has strengthened the antagonism of Negro group* to the Administration...
...These modest quotations from a long list can he rightly understood only by comparing them with the money of large sections of the French people...
...The people I talked pa are aeed to diocoaatiae charm...
...You talk to a reporter for a newspaper that has been slarpming Lewis, not from the Right, but from a fairly liberal.point of view...
...This is tree ef the Jewish craene of those countries in which the threat ef Hitler's barbarian rule haa already oseeuP cruel reality...
...After all, the way to come into court U with clean hands...
...Yet the organizers and moving spirits of that committee were Henryk Erhch and Victor Alter...
...He drags through the mad th* bam* and national dignity of the Jewish pespto, he places it outside all law, even hit vn Fascist law...
...I came away from Washington wondering about the singular phenomenon of Lewis's enemies regarding him with at least a dash ef reluctant admiration...
...New Miebeels is in this country and the Soviets are ¦easing to vapttolmc on this ewavmittee among the Jewish people here...
...The latter, printed hi fall in the current issue of The Ghetto Speaks (published by the Polish Band at 176 East Broadway...
...Soviet Propaganda Visitors— An Echo of the Erlich- Alter Case The current propaganda visit of two Soviet representatives, the actor Solomon Michaels and the writer Itwk Feffer, brings to the fore an important sidelight of the Erhch-Alter case and sheds light on their steadfast anti-fascism...
...To sum up in one phrase the gin In— sf these two human beings, 1 would sag that tier belonged completely to an active and intilflgmi humanism which everything hopeful in ui h> pels us to believe that the future wj...
...The annual reports so*far published of a variety of leading banks and industrial enterprises show that circles of high finance and heavy industry are making rich profits out of the plight of their feilow-eoutiriami...
...The J.A.C will establish p«Ma*t rawaiLteaa with the mem setthmmhts * Jewish refugees from seen countries m m» U.S.SJL with a view to: "(a) sponsoring the enltsapeatof # ebk-bodied persons in their respective "(h) organising auxiliary werMhg vjf> ties scrvir^tfte^eed* of th*s* "(c) helping to' provide work t<* af ether rifwgsss in their settlements...
...You amy not like what Lewis is doing," he says, "but you know where you stand with him...
...par month) end the prices of rationed foods...
...During these last dsn v» ' discussed together the letter of Dr...
...Well, John L. has called three strikes in a really basic industry...
...The J. A. C. in the U-6J&-R... sab-lished several volumes on psychology as IMM to Socialist education, sexual education sain* reformation of habits...
...The two leaders wrote: "The projected composition of the Jewish anti-Hitler Committee in the U.S.S.R...
...Bat why, shea, the seeskieg...
...Among the friend* whom they had is tat United States, they especially loved and it-mired John Dewey...
...The Societe Lyon-naise reports a rise in profits of 14 millions, enabling the Society to raise dividends by 20...
...The Oppressive Labor Practices Act would proscribe- as .criminal offenses labor espionage, MOW Parley Decides on Negro Protest March CHICAGO.—The national convention of the March-on-Washington movement, whose president is A. Philip Randolph, voted this week to give its executive committee power to organise a "march on Washington,' to present the grievances of the Negro to the administration...
...The need 'for the legislation was further emphasized in a report filed with the Senate on ''The Organisation of Resistance to Collective Bargaining in California, 1935-1930...
...A projected national pilgrimage to Washington in '1941 was responsible for the President's creation af the Fair Employment Practices Committee...
...They interested Ape-selves in every phase of the life They van...
...Capital Profits Under Vichy, Wages Fall Special to The N'rw La*MB LONDON (By Mail)-—Preach capitalism cooperating with Hitler is making enormous profits while the standard of living of the French people sinks daily, reports from Franca here reveal...
...With «eaeral li Arthur aiming at Jam> New Gemma, end Aeafimi meanoy heaaesg toea* Meade, key enemy tern en New Georgia heaat the effaaaive betas hat week with the eaptais at the fade ef Beadeva...
...Bet before the War Labor Board man is through he is repeating, with infinite relish, what John L Lewis said about William Green at the Last mine worker's convention...
...Presumably "Honest Harold" is honest with himself...
...In 1918 he participated actively in the November revolution...
...That is why those who have been dealing with him haven't felt like denouncing him...
...Bet m counted on the fine vigor of the ok asm h surmount it...
...This is equally tree ef ¦» Jewish citizens of all other ceentries "Under each circumstances, the way*-signed, as representatives of Jewish popafcv tioas of countries violated by Hitmrnm, •»* sider it essential to form a special J«ew» Anti-Hitler Committee...
...The undertaking Eaergie In-dustrielje, despite the restrictions op the use of current, has made a net profit of 40 millions France Rayon and Compagnie Metallurgique have doubled their share capital up to, respectively, 400 and 150 million francs...
...cannot always be had in full...
...Mkhoels is being hailed here as the head of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee in Moscow...
...Lewie didn't convince the reporter thai his heart was really in the war effort "But you know," said the reporter, "since that talk I've had a hard time believing that John L. Lewis is a sinister character...
...That's a rare thing in Washington...
...Naturally the talk gets around to John L. Lewis, whose miners are still on strike...
...Lewis was ironical, but he Was also courtly and gracious...
...He said: "Many feel that the present emergency will be the occasion used by anti-lahor groups to deprive labor o fits rights...
...The firm Rhone-Pouleme records a record profit of 7014...
...A victory for Lewis would mesn cwt^im...
...the march was called off then when the President issued Executive Order 8202 which forbade discrimination in industry... I knew from pereeaa...
...Alter, secretary...
...LaFollette Urges labor Rights Law,' Warns Against Anti-Union Violence Special to THE NEW Leader "WASHINGTON, D.C.—The first direct and vigorous blow struck in behalf of American Labor in the wartime capital came this week...
...Robert LaFollette, was not merely "holding the line" in defense of U.S...
...I aorta wish I could throw everything I've written about Lewis into the ash can and ¦ begin all ever again...
...was the purpose of obtaining correct rntermffj" on the peeitten of the Jewish masses mart, at* its sag shining the spirit of these ewamt, and of helping them with all means avan> able in their fight against Hitlerism...
...The letter hp Erlich and Alter addressed to Stalin leaves no doubt as to the standpoint ef these two men aad the activities to wet da which they were determined to direct their energies...
...The Ickes man thinks it over...
...The Jewish Bund sent a large delegation...
...He wrote A History of the Mom of tke Proletariat and A History of 1 Revolutions...
...meat, 200 grs, cheese per month, and the daily bread ration, officially 275 grs., but actually 125...
...Increasing dissatisfaction with <ne treatment of Negroes led to the call ' for the "We axe Americans, Too" conference, which met in Chicago early this week...
...But before Baltimore is reached a note of admiration comes into the C.I.O...
...and in the great newspaper organs have created in some minds a contrary impression...
...will wawe ** objection to its formatten...
...It would mean the end of the Littie Steel formula and the end of price control...
...Deeer to The Timet on the moving picture, Jftanm «• af secern...
...But Lewis is doing for the United States on the home front what the menace of Nazism has done, er st least should be doing, for afl the Americas...
...Waehmgiss will have te wed sedations to the farm prsductiea problem aad to an the manifold problems hrvelvod la seating inflation end homing down the oast ef living...
...The calculations appearing in the Vichy organ "Aa Travail" shew that since the outbreak of war, a disproportion has arisen between the average income for aujumis markers (st pceseni about 1300 fra...
...Toward the end of the Wapm* regime he published a study of State "ajtfejhe which exhibited rare clairvoyance...
...Up to the opening of the present year, about...
...Both had made a beginning with new works in line with their genuine life interests...
...If we did, ¦ it would mean the end of all the machinery that has been set ap by the gwvcrsilent to handle war labor ' problems...
...Yea talk next to an employee of the War Labor Board...
...esteemed Joseph Visssnonovitch...
...These messages give proof of her clearness of mind and moral energy...
...Relating the disclosures in California to the proposed Oppressive Labor Practices Act, the report stated: "The national policy , for collective bargaining will never be secured in California so long as the •belligerent' employers' associations, carrying on the practices outlined in the proposed Act, can function without fear of severe sanctions...
...But whatever you say about him, he's a big man... saying: "Lewis is wrong...
...Les Forges d'Audincourt, though they have enlarged the share capital from 18 to 36 millions, are now able to pay dividends of 11 instead of 8...
...Bat wasn't Lewis causing a lot of havoc in production...
...almost perverse sytmiratiea for a character who pats the cease of his stivers abeve the raves ef his country ? The answer to this question came clear when I balanced up the experience of two days In Washington...
...But ha respects Lewis nevertheless...
...He is forcing em to face up to ear problems...
...professional strike-breaking, the use of industrial munitions, certain abuses of private police systems, anti-union vigiltantism, blacklisting employer agreements to refrain from collective bargaining, so-called "yellow dog" practices, and coercion of employers' or employees to prevent them from practicing collective bargaining...
...0a $ for me i occasion I called him our "proteinase Bismarck" because of his massive tad forate face...
...Wsth Socialist greetings, • H. avMJCM... complains about how difficult Lewis is making it to hold the rank and file nt both the C.I.O...
...The measure referred to is designed to provide criminal penalties for employers and their •gents found guilty of many types of activities uncovered tn the extensive investigation conducted by the, committee from 1936 to 1040...
...They have failed of passage not because of any criticism of their merits bat because the legislature was too easily diverted as the more spectacular revelations of these sordid activities grew cold in the public mind...
...And the talk ends with the C.I.O...
...These calculations are founded on the ofiicial msximem prices for rationed feeds...
...He is against Lewis, naturally...
...And that's a good thing...
...These capital increases hare been partly financed from German quarters (out of the war indemnity pay-meats...
...In reporting upon its final investigation on the West Coast the Senate Liberties Committee, composed of R. M. LaFollette of Wisconsin and Elbert Thomas of Utah, renewed its recommendation that Congress outlaw "oppressive labor practices" and "organized conspiratorial interference with the right of collective bargaining...
...In his great critical biography of Karl Marx, which has just been republished in New York, be applied to the personality of Marx the methods of modern psychological analysis...
...and the A. F. of L in line...
...The same pattern is repeated when you talk to one of Harold Ickes's bright young men...
...Otto was writing on the social transformations in a world at war, and Alice had begun a volume on the psychology of dreams...
...In the dming car you run into'a representative of a~ well-known C.I.O...
...Being the Inltiatae-Grepp ef this Committee we approach yet...
...In order to live, for several years Otto Ruhle became, under a pseudonym, a designer—and a very good designer...
...The activities of the Jewish Anti-Hitler Committee are to he directed by a Presidium ef three: Eh Wen, chairman...'s voice, He begins to tell, with relish, about how...
...The work of this CemmMcat wee* be based on the following principles:— -I...
...There was a day when it was peeataeeed popular and statesmanlike to legislate for the protection af labor's righto...
...His thought was always rigorously pmimp1 His independence was absolute with regard to personal relations as well as to isettrr* of sa-cuesion and thought...
...He urns at the complete «• termination ef the Jews...
...You get off the train in Washington...
...His wife turned to translations and occasional bits of journalism...
...Did he care what happened in the war...
...The reporter threw everything in the book at Lewis...
...We should seise the first opportunity to strike down those oppressive labor practices and write amis to a 'long and bitter chapter of Americas history...
...Otto and Alice "Ituhle carried on to the end and with admirable courage an incessant struggle against material want aad political isolation...
...In coming away from Washington en the day of the iifflimsnt of the coal strike I thought of what Foreign Minister Araahs of Brazil had to any a coupie af years ago during a visit to New York...
...Why did be see so much of certain senators and congressmen up en the bill...
...They maintained an exemplary dignity and moral independence...
...These rations, in themselves scanty, a. g. 300 grs...
...Te get Ad ef Lewis's claims...
...As refugees in M«xW these two were accorded Mexican citrasnws) by President Lazaro Cardenas in reeognitha at their services to education...
...Commenting further, the report stated: The California case history stands aa demonstrable proof of the necessity for striking down by national act not only oppressive labor practices but their organ...
...Not much time has been lost And the shut-downs that have occured in certain steel towns could be traced to management refusal to stock coal...
...Stalin shot Erhch and Alter ae reuse they were old Socialists aad were independent thinkers capable of mobilizing wide papular support, and because they were the leaders of the Polish The project ef a Jewish Anti-Faeestt Committee, initiated with Erlich and Alter, was kept, however, and Miebeels, e non-political theatrical personality installed as chairman...
...This volume, the fifth of a series of ten, analyzed a program of "conspiratorial interference with the right of labor to organize and bargain collectively" Carried on by powerful and well-" known employers' associations on the West Coast since the enactment of the National Labor Relations Act...
...The Credit Industrial Coramreial has been able to increase profits, as compared with last year, from 17^ to 25.9 millions...
...The key to the phenomenon is hardly to be foead in Lewis's own personal charm, although that can be considerable if he chooses to tarn se the eptget...
...Black market prices ere four er fire times as high...
...workers' rights, but actually "progress on the home front...
...Old age did not succeed in reducing km...
...There isn't an operator in the coal industry that won't say with considerable awe: 'John L. always keeps his word.' What's more indicative, John L. is trustworthy in little things as well as big...
...That were water colors of Otto on the Walls...
...hi P* capacity es the Chairman ef the OejmcM j» People's Commissars ef the UliX, vfj the request that yea should grant mnwie sion to form such a Committee oa serif...
...Referring to the Oppressive Labor Practices Act,, introduced by him and Senator Thomas during the last two terms to carry out this recommendation, Senator LaFollette bluntly iau icated that he would press it as part of any future Congressional considataikm of new national labor policy...
...People in government, people who are busy reporting she Washington scene, have uneasy eoswCysswes They know that we have been doing a bad job en the home front They know that we haven't yet discovered the final answer to the problem of stabilising wages, prices, costs, profits and the length of the working day in wartime They know that our national tendency on the borne front is to sweep the dirt back under the carpet in hopes that the war will aad before anyone tries to lift the carpet for a thorough cleaning...
...It decided against a march now...
...Otto Ruhle was of average height, stout, was a sharply sculptured visage, high foreoead Hi sharp blue eyes, which could, on occasion, gist the impression of youthful innocence...
...But he goes on to tell you how he happened to run into Lewis in a Pennsylvania Pullman...
...MS*** On the Labor Frdht The Puizle of John L Lewis By JOHN CHAMBERLAIN You get on the train to Washington...
...jsstjfj In their death we feel ourselves greatly h> poverished...
...Tha Credit Commercial de France reports a striking expansion of business, accompanied by » large increase, 200 million franca, in net profits...
...This has a double purpose: first, to tain all productive capacity towards the ends of war industry atone, aed, secondly, to release labor toeratee agteeter assort of slaves for the German arms thfipatea, at present angering from a severe laber shortage The Death of Otto Ruhle By VICTOR Setoff MEXICO CITY, June 27".—Socialism has just lost two great minds and two great characters...
...The more militant criticism has been voiced by Randolph and his movement...
...He's trustworthy... original and scrupuseth conscientious character...
...Michaels, vice chairman...
...Repelled by these methods, Ruhle devoted himself to scientific studies...
...fats, 260 grs...
...The rasterial circumstances of the working class have altered for the worse...
...But the strikes have been timed to take place over week-ends...
...and Great Britain, respectively...
...Since the previous evening, when she had foreseen the approaching and, she had busied herself composing a series of letters to the press and to her friends, explaining that she had no wish to survive the passing of the great revolutionary leader who had been her companion...
...We hope that the Csencil pf Cammmeevs of the U-S.S.R...
...Therefore, ae Jewish masses must fight HiUerism wrtk particular energy aad the greatest mf-sacrifice...
...He spoke ksmt several times of "the return to Eareps* m time when there would be so many thttma as da The heart attack came on suddenly and <h> physicians recognised the anger...
...Otto Ruble, veteran of the German revolution af 1918, died of a heart attack at his home here, on June 24 at the age of 69...
...One always felt that her was a strong man...
...Was he still an isolationist...
...Now that we are for the time being in an era of comparative industrial peace, we should not forget these manifestations of evil that win surely poison the stream of industrial labor relations and thwart the rights of labor when we return to normal peacetime relationships...
...As a Social Democratic member of the Reichstag in 1914, along with Karl Liebknecht, Otto Ruhle refused to vote for the war credits...
...But he probably thinks the government mast get going on the inflation problem before it has the right to smack down Lewis...
...He doesn't approve of Lewis's course...
...There is the usual denunciation of "Big John...
...Had this2tragedy occurred in other times, there would have been tens of thousands to follow the remains to the crematory...
...The C.I.O...
...The reports of the Civil Liberties Committee conclusively prove that the condemned practices still persisted on a widespread scale...
...Senator LaFollette, recalling the long history of various Congressional disclosures on the problem attacked by the bill, emphasized that "the legislation recommended was long overdoe...
...he says...
...would be: seven representatives of Jewish populations in countries under Hitler's rale, and one representative each ef the Jsmiali population m the U-S.S.R., the L'iA...
...Action in the South Pacific "THE GREATesTI'Mfi-j VAL BATTLBB » TsS ii»toit or wit FAKE*-was the wZ Secretary Frank vase deecribed -h» ~~rW^P ^Vnc.1" r^^TsSt ejve...
...ixed and conspiratorial fulmination...
...His wife, Alice Gerstel-Ruhle, committed suicide an hour later by throwing herself from a window...
...In this letter, the two Polish-Jewish labor leaders proposed a Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee be organised In Russia to rally resistance to the Nazis...
...He is forcing the United States and Brazil to collaborate...
...I am net one to equate Lewis with ¦Her...
...The 'knew and loved Mexico...
...Lewis has compelled rnaomerable persona in the peat meats to search their reasrirarae... every I* firs, added to) v*f|res, food prices have gone up by 120 f rt...
...I want to see the end af ta» war—and what is to follow...
...The closer you get to the men who have to deal with Lewis, the leas disposed yon are to look at the man in terms of black and white...

Vol. 26 • July 1943 • No. 28

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