Where the News Ends


Where the News Ends By WILLIAM HENRY CHAMBERLIN The Russian Intelligentsia: Tragedy and Glory fkJOTHING I have read for a long time baa ^jaaja|ef aaaj ao. deeply aa an article which »p-iM'V...

...NfT, in tins important matter, the final decision is not up • MussoHnl but to the King...
...It is time for the nation to take over control of this property aad run it in the public interest...
...j ¦• ?\pBfm * v., 1 Sturzo Says Italian People Are Bound, Know End Is Near from DON LUIGI STURIO Te the Editor* After ChuNhin aad Idea, ft is President RooMVelt wht urges Italians to quit fib* war...
...To this job the Board h**j|ft*ght the highest technical akfn and the'gffjjPsit devotion...
...Nor do I sat where the "amoral MachiaveUiaaism" fits in...
...And there would be no more strike*, "f 0>JL AMP Hun IMTlMaUSl CONGRESSMAN SMITH'S committee to investigate government bureaus has chink running up and deem its collective spine...
...r j-JJaV astteto...
...Whether he remained in Russia or whether he want abroad the Russian intellectual often had occasion to feel that he had made a hard choice...
...The National Resources Planning Board wis set op t« do a job of long-term planning for the purpose of achieving both during the war and after the return of peace a sustained level of public welfare...
...TtejsA something so sacrosanct about them SIM matter how they mount up they ante controlled te the public interest Theeregtel this statesman from Virginia is agais*t*saC tion...
...It is possible within three months te devise aad implement a policy which will .do more than give the nation a few months' reprieve...
...Where the News Ends By WILLIAM HENRY CHAMBERLIN The Russian Intelligentsia: Tragedy and Glory fkJOTHING I have read for a long time baa ^jaaja|ef aaaj ao...
...This they are doing by the simple pruiaas .of limiting profits...
...The Iron Age that has come over the entire world since the First World War bote .with special ruthlestness on this humane and cfvllized group of Russians...
...This man, Who held Cabinet office under the Weimar Republic and was a leading Rhineland Soctel Dee******, it now tekehing in a private research school at Pendle Hill, near Philadelphia...
...We know hew to do soch things efficiently aad without the least taint of politics...
...If this is "cynicism" or "•**•**} MachteveUianiam'* then I don't .know what these ¦KpisafJIaaaj mean...
...What this means in practical terms Is that the House of Representatives favor* inflation...
...Then eAnW^'the tragedy of 1917 and the succeeding years, when Avksentev, like so many other democratic and liberty loving Russian intellectuals, found himself ground between the upper and nether millstones of Red and White dictatorship...
...deeply aa an article which »p-iM'V M^lrktw Russian publication, "Za Svobodu" <"F*r Freedom"^ which describes itself as a' publication of the New York group of the Socialist Revolutionary Party...
...Quick to reseat and denounce even minor eases of injustice, he had no means of saying publicly what he felt and thought about the innumerable execution* and deportations and liquidations of the Soviet regime...
...In him there was something of Bazarov, the nihilist hero, of "Fathers and Sons," of Ivan Karamazov...
...And the Navy usAwS terms ef the contract, would have -.ad tekte back it* ewe o8 from Standard » -^JsgS deduction of 88% far cost of process, n...
...WanhKdos* not mean that I am enthusiastic about this "amoral" state of affairs—just ss ursiwtekte^^ l Not^mtM^t^^tkmt its* a siaattowyLbarenes to awwliet ffy^y****" ^SameSema'l - •<8P7 JlJI^ft*^'to ¦v1** them aaathsi seam to be lea* corrupt predecessors...
...They, their wives and children live la aHaerahli "pstches" where the bright premtes of American life can be little more than * legend...
...In question (I wish it...
...Views on "Cynics and Realists'' from MAX NOMAD To the Editor: I was only mildly amused by trie facetious use of such epithets aa "jeremiads," "amoral Machiavellism" and "cynic," which the editorial commentator last week directly or indirectly applied to my views...
...W The Italiaa Army...
...tas e*> tract is illegal...
...There was no logical argument in fever of this drastic step...
...l^^rfettVtu jh>lge:thdk||Mft of the Cheka, as be...
...Rooeevelt, that "it is the hop* sai intention of tit* United Nations that Italy be restorec to ns-tktnheed mad 'take her pteos as a rsapwaetad member of thi European family ef nations," though phrssed in cautioBI Bat norther the Enghah Priam Minister nor the amcrtoM...
...Keen AMfty ? V...
...Equally cynical and sinister were provisions that all officials except Prentice Brown must have five year* of business experience and that none of the funds should be used to institute grade labeling or standardization of food or clothing...
...To ahetteh this Board by AuffusfSl, as the bill provides, would be a specie*, of suicide...
...After being released, he took part in the democratic anti-Bolshevik movement in Eastern Russia and Siberia...
...Two writers who are themselves representatives of this group, V. Veresaev and Michel Ossorgin, have depicted this tragedy in novels of poignant sincerity, in Veresaev's "The Deadlock" and in Ossorgin'a "A Quiet 8treet...
...According to the Const, toth* 1 it is he who m the real, supreme Military Chief of tto Stat* j The King, Vittorio Emanuele III, has three courses efSp ~ *?yfi'»w'.M*l"^lUi»» anadhmtton...
...Aad ss Russia finds its way, whether it be a matter of decades or of generations, to the realization of the ideals of democracy and liberty which alone can be the basis of a humane and civilised life for the Russian people the role of this little group of torchbearera who contributed so much to give Russis a high place in the international republic of culture and civilization will be increasingly recognised and honored...
...He wants te keep tb« wSgp down, aad^h* a**a*aja>k«e*t the capitalteJeem - fia^iar^aBMiangito * ^^te^apaes^anv'^peaar ^arqananp rw j*^a*aveBaaw -r%W w^ rw, |wjaa*a IT w*s The New Leader which 'oar tract the New Teapot Dome Scandal...
...But tbe.oper-ators, especially the southern operators, ire far more at fault than the current newspaper stories indicate...
...a: fact uahfl...
...IT was a tragedy, both for Russia and for the * intelligentsia, that the course of the Revolution produced such a sharp schism...
...The affirmation made by Mr Churchill aad now by Mr...
...They must still run the gauntlet or the Senate...
...The House wishes to abolish subsidies...
...The St soil as, jptda.ll eea^gea^ have been kept unnecessarily high...
...They were guillotined in the fierce struggle of the time...
...A democracy can have no better and...
...Congressman Howard Smith ia, the same man ndfose name fat attached to the Cotrnaliy-Smith Bill...
...He has a (*<'-s***n*i motivstion...
...It was a bad day'* work...
...the brilliant thinker of Dostoevsky's greatest novel...
...We shall hare sgsin the sort of confusion which the unified bureau was set up to cur...
...He is, it would appear, enthusiastic about controlling wages...
...The Office of War Information organises, condenses and passes on information* from aB war agencies and departments...
...more promising Cttfsena than men who have known, and abhorred, totalitarianism at first hand...
...til Jha past twenty-five years that they ssnstlUrt* * nation within the nation...
...It is sli right to control wagws It it seti^B What the Congressman is telteg if M profits are so sacred that the war ssseafcS cannot be allowed to touch then...
...For the intellectual who went abroad and found * new home in Paris or Shanghai or New York there was often the sense of futility and frustration, of nostalgic longing for his native country...
...We^seojH Igarea en W*M *KWaaditil QU n«o*« V to get But why rcpwaerrtetivei of tht |2 U^^STcf a tietie btecT^ag*)!* OfiVteK ampjjjjiafkjiiate aWIng ta toadsK mlBtons of ^|^i^*^t*^r Botfe The Standard Wl T&emuany waa, under 2 terms of the contract, given the excJuaivt am to daivatop the Elk Hills oil reserve CkJ flee yeas period it was »utborb*c to «C tract 18,000.000 barrels, worth 880 JoOjeiZ While this handsome payment wa...
...Profits are the income of capitalists...
...New there Wtm competition among Committees for paMeS connected with an all-out Invest igstioa, Ik Navy still maintains that the contract em in the public interest, but has n iiltefM cancel ft a, • ,1»*m What's back of this is really mors daafm out than the ftulduggery behind "espot Bam Both the Army and the Navy have show***f aad over again in ceemeetton with est aa> tracts that- they are inclined to take ta* snd) of big holiness corporation...
...EDITORIAL COMMENT ^ WMIAW ITS TH1 "MAT Thj,SricaT UteS, ^tevelent about the Congressional attack on OWL...
...c) ^-der...
...Narmari Littell, Aa»;state A tomey General, has given to one of the Bam committees ah outline ef the reasons tojkil the depei tmsafs deoiaton...
...OPA, he observes with horror, "uses the pries fixing mechanism to control profits aad redistibute them instead of using them to prevent inflation...
...It has discovered from papers taken from the files of David Ginsberg, now in the Army, that the Office of Price Administration is making "an attempt to bring the entire American system of free enterprise undee-gevern-ment domination...
...It is coordinating information with regard to the' reconversion of industry, the expansion of the federal employment service, the development of our social security system so that It trill include soldiers as well as workers...
...Pierre, in Tolstoy'* "War and Peace," was his forerunner...
...DEC A USE it has been my good fortune, to know many members of the Russian intelligentsia, both in Russia end abroad, this memorial tribute to a very floe, and typical representative of that group recalled many memories...
...The mine workers hsrfb wpan" a* lilnlsi pa 11 flagjaj...
...Par, to quote quote agate one of my favorite authors: "there have always bean leaders who, disregarding their personal and group interest*, have found a sublimation tar their ambition in glory, lassitot eney and at times in martyrdom...
...He it only thsossaV cslly against inflation...
...m Than came a revelation by Congrsamaa Jury Voorhis, aa investigation by tn» DesteV ¦sent of Justice and a decision tht...
...The Congressman's statement is a bit blurry...
...Another new citizen in whom America may well take satisfaction is Alexander leraihe, one of the few Soviet diplomat* who escaped the great purge...
...Some of the bravest spirits and, finest minds of the French Revolution were to be found, among the Girondins...
...We have new had abundant experience...
...But be shivers at the thought of controlling profits...
...In my RebeU and Renegades I had said that the realist "sees human history not as material for moral tales in whkb virtue triumph* and wiekednfte ¦ punished at the end, bat aa i* perfectly amoral succession «f straggles for material comforts and power, between Haisaa, cliques snd leaders...
...r •?.CJJS?* gem aliiostalgic picture of ceatain aspects ed Jbwp old cultures, Russian and German, that have simply ceased to exist under Communism '«*4ater Avkeentoy ikt shown as the orator, the tribune of the people When the dawn of freedom *|nr%a**m aeeuitd to be breaking in 1908...
...I have lived ^abroad 'for a considerable part of my life and 1 have known a reasonable number of educated persons, not only in the United States, but in England, France, Germany and the Far East But - nowhere have-1 found that extraordinary combination of attractive qualities that one almost came to take'for granted in the pre-war Russian intellectual:, rich, mellow and manysided culture, simplicity and absence of affectation, uncompromising political and intellectual honesty and deep social idealism...
...It is something which we have never had...
...It wag perhaps part of Russia's compensation for arriving very late on tHe scene of European culture that the young Russian educated class of the nineteenth century fairly threw itself on the accumulated treasures of Western science and philosophy and literature and art with an ardor and enthusiasm that were already perhaps s little burned out among the more sophisticated peoples of the West...
...He does net eaa about winning the war...
...to/-TteJ flaw ment you^ ohja* sustained high CaUforaia...
...Be knew how much Russia had contributed to world culture in * surprisingly short period of time...
...After all, it ia only the generalized application of the steadard wAeh every political movement applies to aB other groups, except its own...
...But there is .glory as well as tragedy in-these noncomformiste of the spirit, in these men and women whose every thought and action was s protest against the Iron Age and the fearful extremes of governmental tyranny, brutality and lying which sre its most characteristic symbols...
...John L. Lewis hears a heavy responsibility for our immediate difficulties...
...I recently met Wilhelm Sollman, a German Social Democrat who possesses many of the qualities of the Russian radical intelligentsia, in Philadelphia, where he Was completing the process of becoming Jan American citizen...
...From the start, they have sabotaged the acgotiationt...
...And I always take off my hat to thee* individual political leaders of wheat tot eg rity I am convinced...
...But later generations did them justice and the city of Bordeaux raised' an impressive monument in their honor...
...The President should veto this bill...
...After liv-irig for many yean, in France, he found a final flBrhT in America after France collapsed before Jp^Qerman onslaught...
...It is how more necessary than ever to have an intelligent national coalmine policy...
...The Office of Price Administration is charged with the duty of controlling prices...
...If the coal mine* were ran as well as TV A, we could have cheaper coal, happier miners and we could end the waste of edr precious source ef power...
...Aa for rnyeeaf I certainty refuse to be rlsteed smong the "emtes...
...Wagon are the income of wottata...
...The ignorant ilriiiBgnaiq anti-intellectual policy of the first phase of the Bolshevik Revolution cost Russis the services of tens of thousands'of men and women whose ability and training could ill be spared, whose character and devotion made them * shining contrast to the hordes of Cheap careerists who swarmed into the vacuum which she Revolution created in the state service...
...But here again the end was 8jjpgKi, The eoup d'etat of Admiral Kolchak forced him to go into permanent exile...
...Preatoant has ......aMaiiiJ that the Italiaas are act fnto Thar meat taflw at the saf^'ttae ABted hernial 1.....avti and mvasteu, <termste G*s^p^hne> the IVseist Parts* Like other peoptes ef the aocnil** eaeohtttos, Italians art not able to give effect to their ideas and wishes...
...up*aei te equal tee expenditures to be lncurralp toi ¦¦patent, "it is doubtful wheiher flail cost* wffl a mo ant to more than s ir.net torn, tion ef that figure...
...The only way out is drastic govoramaag control or straight government operation...
...a*w then the story baa become coutmsn peflB itad the titie^jgk^u^tkdar^ ttgj wh*t^Ueo*tea*t edSadVor...
...A**|MB tovna abb typjeally enthusiastic 'JMk^'Stun^at m Berlin, never so happy as #||jf?h#,^ moot recondite problems of philosophy, or sitting up with Bus-, aten friends around a samovar, declaiming trans-Aejlqn* from tHeine* or discussing every human fltiip^ft.m .Hte "broad" Russian way until the oarly hours of the morning...
...It was a tribute to N. D. Avksentev, a prominent Socialist Revolutionary, who died a few months ago, by his old aaat^itfeal associate, V. M. Seniinov...
...The tragedy of the Russian intelligentsia is written clearly for 'all to see...
...In many ways it was as if he had been transported by some malignant bit of magic to the times and practices of Ivan the Terrible...
...But he fears inflation far less ?| meddling with the sacred ark of the c*ah*S covenant ^^^2 This rs illuminating This man ft a saJsaZ of our national legislature...
...It is time to let the Senators hear from the folks back h^me...
...That la, the Office set up in accordance with law should prevent inflation but not control profits...
...could be ¦ tjans^ad- into English, or at least that all New eVsMST reedjsku with -a knowledge of Russian would look it up) was a warm and vivid bio-aWiilsil sketch of a man who might baVe mBJf0i flat ef the pages of a Ikwgenev novel, waagaeae...
...These men, operating within tirls system of "private" ownership and operation, offer ne promise of more efficient management or improved human relations...
...And the on^ effective means of reducing prices which are out of line will be cut out completely...
...OPA aad NRPB These alphabetical abbreviations stand for three "of the meet teen rial organs of public admimatration...
...even though it is not good Marxism and steps upon the toes of those who are engaged in preaching the consolations of a classless Utopia that is to cams once the Mor-* gans and Rockefellers have disappeared from this planet Neither is jt "cynicism" (the word "cynics* in the title of my article is not of my choosing) if one sees all political movement* in the light of * struggle for power and privilege for the leading elite...
...If Mapa Eseahstanta will sarreadsT, SJ did the garriaea of Pantelleri...
...Each government unit must re-eetab-Hakv ks public information service...
...it is not cowkrc y jL Italian tombataata resist it ia not impudent They foltefiT-the vote* ef their conscience, the tow of honor, their ssaei of kejaflta to the flag...
...Barmrne acquired his citizenship by serving in the American Army until dismissed as "over-age...
...He was eteahwte one of the poll-tax states...
...If he stayed in Russia, along with the danger of being denounced as a saboteur by some spiteful or envious neighbor, he was exposed to subtler torments...
...LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Max Nomad Clarifies Own...
...The coal was laid down thousand* of years ago by the lure** of nature...
...He believed in the groat future of the Russian people...
...Our exploitation of the mine* by turn ing them over to "private" corporations has been crudery iiaitlfsl...
...It belongs to the nation...
...With relation to OWI the House cut the appropriation from 847,000,000 to about $29,-000,000 with an explicit direction that the domestic branch of the bureau's servtos be discontinued...
...Bet the eflsdh# the public treasury is much the same as Bit which followed the activities of FsJ w atowsay...
...No intelligent citizen can possflRy favor their enactment into law...
...On Saturday the House turned on the first two of these organisations and a House-Senate agreement threatening the termination ef the third was sent to.the White House...
...Although he waa not a chauvinist, he wan a patriot in tfie best and truest sense of that much abused word...
...TjEP flcials who hold such theories cannot to a8f8 to jail or forced to 1 saiga...
...The amendments hamstringing OPA and OWI are not yet law...
...Soch work moat be done now to enable us to avoid the greatest Period of confusion snd unemployment we have ever known...
...That measure, If it teostirto law, will give the government authority to use troops and jails and anas to prevent American free enterprise from taking the farm of strikes designed to rates wages...
...From now on, if these slashes become law, its efficiency will be cut down...
...Or msybe those who apply them do not understand the simple fact that it is one thing to he sociologically realistic aa to the motives of social groups or political partis* as a whole, aad that it ia another thing to be a cynic who altogether denies the existence of individuals capable ef lefty motive* and fltototerented deeds...
...Navy ami, Ate Pare* are bound if military discipline...
...from GEORGE A. GARRETT To the Editor: ' " . \ ^ ? l'-"Herewith I am sending 82.00 for reswwcl sub...
...The presentation of the thesis—not of my invention— that capitalism has produced its own successor in the form of a new social stratum of managers, office-holders, technicians, organisers aad other educated employees ia not in the nature of a "jeremiad," but rather a contribution to political science...
...He could not meet foreigners or correspond with old friends abroad without bringing danger on himself and hi* family...
...bad •often attaB^d^pptovade the Tsarist peame^'but v|aa finally arrested and imprisoned in the famous fortress of St Peter and St...
...In the same way the OPA appropriation was slashed 80% and aa amendment was added providing that no salaries are to be paid to anyone employed to administer the payment of subsidies designed to permit the: roll-back of prices...
...They are vary much ah their guard at ts8B technical senflitiss of products d*ltver*dflM are not at all on guard with rslatiaa te# financial I ill IIill Pilllal UaWJ **% the great corporations are all right 1M it advantageous to keep their good **¦ buttering them up with large profits...
...Ttenu |te Paha lily, never have Issued • . prSiiaweasaisate...
...The use ef subsidies is aboslutely necessary if essential foods are to be kept wiuhin the reach-of the working people of this country...
...The National Bat Planning Board, .in the reports submitted to Congress in April, began to set the stage for the return of 12.000.-000 war veteranr*fter the signing of the peace...
...SOMfTHIMt} H/MfaAMf NT A L QUB chronic diflVulty abct^hses^S "dnejrtr '?if^ Jb\S5S *» *> BWrn an srmistice until October Slat, our executives, our legislators and the citizen* have time te do some thinking...
...And it was a hard experience for the Russian liberal or radical intellectual, who had often proved bis devotion te the cause of liberty by going te prteon under the Tsarist regime, to find himself either crushed beneath the heel of a hardboiled dictatorship that made a cynical mockery ef many of the ideals of Hersen and Chenusbevsky and Kropot-kin and Plekhanov or forced to begin life again in some foreign land...
...sj Itaiiia people as a whole realist that sooner or later tht end 1* ic—Ing...
...President Roosevelt "has made it obvious that be e*b> j riders Mussolini and bis aides responsible for the position of Italy to the war, rather than the Italian peophj...
...With them te charge, we shall have one conflict after another, war or no war...
...The bureau was a ceaoslat carrying aa New Deal propaganda If this me*suns, which was passed as an •meadment to War Agencies appropriations MIL gets * majority in the Senate, the cost ef handing out official news will be largely increased...
...Its appropriation up to now has not provided a sufficient staff to enforce price ceilings...
...Elmer Davis was called an American Goebbels...

Vol. 26 • June 1943 • No. 26

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