SDF News
SDF News rTi NEW YORK CriT--4reneral membership meemaa ttoSat . sgj, June 23, S:3» p^m.. ia the Debs A«m*ri.a^TB-to'mk . ? sj.T.C Topic: "The MaeeiaHe. of the -tMmiT a—ker. Vlgenton Lee....
...Room 8W...
...German Social Democratic Party before 1933 or were members of Socialist group* in America ate invited The aims of this conference are: to clsrify the issoe* cos-frontmg German Social Democrats in exile...
...when Congressman Howard J. McMurray wrll oo-dress the ouuleiauce oa "Inter-national Security " Members of the Social fteSto-rranc Federation desiring to attend one or more sessions of this conference must obtain guest tickets from the fiDJ...
...N. Y, Jawish Socialist Verband Branch are lending assistance...
...Workmen's Circle Branch rendered fine ijCL...
...In honor of its late organiser and beloved lyman L. Green berg, the ISth-lfith A. D. Branch...
...plans for annual picnic: new T1ter«yiufltti liiiiiiiiiii i gJrltOKAL OFFICE.—The new four-page leaflet, "Organi--g(B, a|r Peace," b}- Alfrod Baker Lewi.-, is receinne favorable m*nt*e Order quantities at $5.00 per thousand—7 East 16th 2Z%oem 200, New York City...
...Colorado, which it reprinted ib the April, 1943 ft* Defender, published by the in dieted Gerald B. Winrod of Xao-sos...
...German S.D.F...
...He will tscain on June 26th and every Saturday thereafter at i. . . . Annual Boat Ride up the Hudson River to Bear Park, Saturday, August 7th...
...Its function pise, the strength and influence of the S.D.F., to coordinate I of the branches and to aetrvtee their membership...
...with the exception Of the Saturday, July 3rd, session st 8:39 p. m...
...weekly..."" ______ »«••«• COUNTY.—At the membership meeting last Friday, ptiedamn was elected county chairman...
...SSfAW, N. Y.—The meeting here last Sunday with August tmmemmm w*t fruitful...
...Tickets: $1.50 for adults ma for children under 12 years Sf age...
...Room 606, New York nu* Volunteers are needed, Mondays through Thursdays, from a*, st, to 4 P- m., and Wednesdays nights...
...ANGELES, Calif.—Ben Groobin, formerly of the Amal-|.Cooperative Houses Branch, is actively engaged in re~ ag the Central Branch...
...Trie July 3rd and 4th Conference will be of historic importance...
...August Claesseno speaks tglgf Murt and Clothing Workers Urtion...
...Saturday, July 3. 10 a. m and 8:80 p m...
...The German Branch hears Gerhart H. mm tt its meeting Friday at the Yorkville Labor Temple, 243 2t Mth St...
...AH speeches and dteeuattons will be held in the German lan cuage...
...Algernon Lee's Lieast ever WEVD has been cancelled for June 19th...
...Friedrich Stampror, Dr...
...Sunday, July 1, 10 i m The sponsors of dm conference are the German Branch of the S.D.F., the German Labi Delegation, and the Neme Y'otto-zritttng...
...Ann Rosen-ereUry, and William Lipson, treasurer...
...On Marco 9. 1943, he wrote a letter to the Reverend Harvey H. Springer of Englowood...
...publi-a*^m-%axe among the recent new members of that branch...
...Springer is a staiMiek de-icoder of the indicted Winrod and himself the publisher of tike sniping Western Voice...
...Siegfried Aaf-hauser...
...July 2. 8:90 p. m. (gathering to wekomo the del* gates...
...Brooklyn, Jewish Socialist Verband has adopted bis name in place of neighborhood district name----The (Hatha**-Central Branch ok the second and fourth Mondays of the month at 844 % gte- Brooklyn...
...CSm,an Jane 25th and in Derby, Conn., on June 29th...
...June 21...
...Rsfael Abramovitch, Ellas Taruk P. Goldberw...
...The Defender sddo: "If Uwitad Stat** Senator Reynolds, one of our moat brilliant atatoatnaSt Chairman of the powerful Ban at* MUitary Affairs Goauaittea, fdi promptec to writ* the above un-tolatited tetter, surely pen *hoo*i have Tke Western Voice coming into your home...
...NYC Conference sessions ere on Friday...
...Get ticketa from eg secretary or at the City Office...
...garments for United Nations' war-sufferers continues yHl^r through July at 7 East 15th St...
...7 East lath <eH...
...was ^JjT^jdent of the Maxxini Society of America...
...Siegfried Marck of Chicago, J6-bcrt C Gnesinski, Dr...
...Martin Heisler...
...Frits Karsen...
...state f,of the S.D.F...
...S. Mnggin...
...Our old veteran, James Battistoni...
...Meyer.LeOenStetn, county organizer...
...Soaefor teyaofeJs Csmmaaati Cetera do Pre-Faacist Senator Robert Race Keynota* of North Carolina, and Chairman of the Military Affair* Conenit tee...
...SDF News rTi NEW YORK CriT--4reneral membership meemaa ttoSat . sgj, June 23, S:3» p^m...
...Spanish editor of I.LXJ W.U...
...atagmted Cooperative Houses Branch meets Monday...
...a B*>Ja*s*mbly Room...
...Among the spathori who will address the sessions are Dr...
...Jgd| YORK CITY.—William Karlin speaks on "Labor and the ~ial" at a round-table discussion and social of the Mid-Bronx fSaturday...
...On the agenda: Reports and election of AgggfiBOimittee delegates...
...June 26, 8:30 p. m., at Anne Abranmon's home, —yeie Ave...
...A.C.W-A., in Branford...
...Bronx branenes t two delegates each to tike County Committee...
...Hedwig Waehenheim and others...
...again is commending neo-fascist publications, using bis of ftcial letterhead...
...H. Babcock is the secretary...
...The Women's Committee Workshop for marru-P^-iMg...
...Florence H. Kirkpatrick...
...Alfred Braunthal...
...formerly of Buffalo...
...Leea Btom Branch: m mil Miller, secretary-treasurer of the New York Joint gUjAAX VY.A , and A. Rain...
...Local functions here, although our Syracuse 2sn3tS s«*ere<i 8 *freBt loss in the r'c0"^ death of Fred Sander...
...7 East 16th St_ New York City, on July 3rd and 4th The oaaferoSko will include some M0 delegutos from various ssetioas of the eenntry...
...City Office...
...ACUSE, N. Y.—Excellent meeting here last Soterday with gg Claessens...
...Msepaiatttns for post-war rebuilding of tike S DP :n Germany: -nor* effaetrv* org** ization- of Gornma Social Democrats for the desaat of Neat so, and the entry ef Gtrmaay • a reconstructed Europe end* aangog the democratic nations of the world...
...will meet in s Nstional Confer eaeo at the Rand School...
...German Socialists Call Nat'l Parley July 3rd-4th Gorman Social Democrats citi-asas or refugees w Shis country...
Vol. 26 • June 1943 • No. 25