Italy's 'R' Day-How Not to Bungle Anti-Fascist Reconstruction


Italy's 'R' Day—How Not to Bungle Anti-Fascist Reconstruction How to Invade, Whom to Arrest and Where to Begin By GAETANO SALVEMENI WHEN American and British forces occupy the first Italian...

...bat once again critical uncertainties are being entertained...
...Insight into the "fraud land-force" essence of politics, snd into the necessity of sn occasional change in the composition of the elite may serve any cause...
...Martinique,, in 1937 Governolr^C^fcmdaleapie,* Several months before the sonWsnh of World Wsr II, he wss mode sdmraieftsfar of fhe Chad region in Central Africa...
...the Kins has risen to disassoeiste himself from the functions snd fortunes of Mussolini...
...They believe popular leaders will aria* who truly reflect the aspirations of the natives...
...Portly and majestic in bearing, he is impound snd Mam by the native* ss well aa by his white subordinates...
...Bat France haa never known the intense type of racial prejudice that flourishes ss widely in the United States...
...In 1931 he wss appointed Secreterx Cenoia| of...
...The Italians are not savages...
...He hss the knack of persnnding tribal leaders to cooperate with the autism lUoa...
...His subtitle was "Defenders of Freedom...
...For an understanding of the social process," he says, "the most significant social division to be recognized is that between the ruling clsss and the ruled, between the elite and the non-elite...
...B*t BarSttgm' kr tegtstglr imSS* when he make* a etetiastiSa bktwhaa "d*m*eia«m" am* political liberty...
...They know who, daring the pest twenty years, did not become sn auxiliary of the Fascist evildoers This change of personnel will not be easily brought about...
...In concluding the author voices She faint hope that some day the ruling elite may toe the light and that far the sake of sheer survival it may refresh it* own ranks by the sahnisoten ef progrsetive stamens*, affecting...
...Moreover, they will be suspicious, snd uncertain whether to cooperate or not...
...Nsy, we are asked to believe that in Italy today everyone is shouting "Lone...
...even mere than) aV'tawSt.'yE pence, wosds are wessons...
...When he arrived at Brazzaville, capital of Middle Congo, Eboue broke all precedents...
...h dale become professional lenders...
...However, it would he a mistake to disband the trade organisations, thus reducing the population to the state of incoherent dust...
...In 1909 he was graduated from the School of Colonial Sciences in Paris and given his first assignment in Africa...
...Me baa baasght an nppracedeutod .sympathy aad intelligence into the treatment ef She natives...
...lenders to the whole group was destroyed snd in Hs place substituted responsibility to the new "civilised" administrators Free French native troops are led by white officers...
...Eboue climbed steadily to the top of the administrative hierarchy of the French Empire...
...prophetic anticipation of Soviet Rus-*»—was quite popular among various heretical Leftists... the King" l.Vetr Yerk Times, June 8, 1943...
...THE Commissioner of the Allied Nations * should be a man of wisdom snd patience...
...This provisional central government would be joined by other members from the provinces so far as the Allied military occupation spread...
...This should be done for military, if for no other reasons...
...the former making for attempts to prevent the penetration of new elements into the ranks of the privileged, which usually leads to revolutions...
...To thousands who look forward to a free and independent black Africa, the figure of Eboue has given new hope...
...They do not regard the natives as ignorant children wruv require outside guidance...
...the complete absence of hypocrisy in their approach to the problem of politics, even if they dont pot it as brutally aa did Ludwig Gumplowicx, the Austnan-Polish sonologist, who had influenced Moses, snd whd in his "Rassenksmpr declared that "the eternal urge to exploit and to dominate impelling those who are stronger" is "the driving principle, the motive power of history...
...Felix Bsooe falls between the old Has colonial administrator and this new' type Of educated militant Negro...
...Burnham fa being called "a Machi-asajiaa...
...What would become then of the pledge that the Axis Powers will be disarmed ? Axe we alresdy getting ready for the third World War...
...Further on Burnham discusses what he calls the "aristocratic" and the "democratic" tendencies affecting the elite...
...Bet it may just as well help a clever and open-minded dictator to justify his frame-ups and purges snd to consolidate his regime by the infusion of new blood into the ranks of his elite...
...Felix Eboue was bom some 56 years ago in the South American colony of French Guinea...
...that the masses are incompetent to manage their own organizational or community affairs...
...His well-to-do family sent him to France to be educated, where he attended high school at Bordeaux, making, a brilliant record...
...What Burn ham intends to convey is the ides that the thinkers he is writing about are given to the same frankness and honesty in showing politics in its true colors, as was Macbjavetli whose "intense and dominant passion for truth" made him forego all moralizing hypocrisy about the "f raud-and-force" essence of polities...
...And that .only actions should be considered as a criterion...
...New with the sebfaVcstion of his second book...
...It would not have been difficult to select, from among four and a half million men of Italian extraction here in America, two or three reliable men for each town or group of towns who could act as liaison officers between the Commissioner and the local population...
...In June, 1940, General, do nmsjfar ha London called on all Frenchmen to mnjfani the ftsbt against Germany...
...The members of each organization should be summoned tO choose s new secretary who enjoys their confidence...
...Sorel and Pareto...
...There is an important group of educated African Negroes who take an entirely different view of the colonial problem...
...They, no less than the <dBeers of the Fascist Militia and the mayor, should go to a concentration camp...
...The leaders of the United Nation* vasakt show greater wisdom and humanity—more becoming to the wisdom and humanity -of our peoples—if they said: "We know that bombing cities Is s most horrible means of ati flu We know that we are brinn)<ng untold suffering to innoeent people...
...that with the growth of every large organization, and with the corre-ipaMhng extension of its tasks, there appears the physical impossibility of self-administra-aoa...
...WW the Italians adopt a republican or retain Udisauueisntnl form of government...
...and at bottom is only another formulation ** Mosca's theory of the "ruling class...
...The major part of the book—in fact all chapters, except the first and the laat—is devoted to an exposition, with ample quotations, of the main ideas of the thinkers mentioned above...
...They question the motives of those who would impose European civilisation on the people ef Africa...
...It was enhT during the last thirty or forty years that tht possibility or rather the impossibility of noe-exploitative, classless society Wss tested hesi the political rather than from the eco-|0Bic angle...
...n » w * flfHAT MICHELS, Mosca snd Psreto hsve in «*mmon is not merely the fact that they r*j °ot no hope of salvation to the underdog *"JJ» doomed to contitute forever the ruled J^fnty.- Their distinguishing festures are the '"ata*,,, the realism...
...From which, it looks as if BurnhemV patsc-cupation with the elite has made aim forget altogether that outside the "in-oBte'* aad She "out-elite" there is still the "non-elite...
...For democracy, as a ,«stea of government had become the accepted Lfjja for modern industrial society...
...AS thing* go now, it is the Italian people who got the stick, that is the bombs...
...Within the limits of Empire, be has sccomplished a greet deal...
...It may be of help to liberals bent upon the preservation of freedom...
...When the capital city of a province is occupied, the prefect of the province should be instantly disposed of...
...snd that tat gratitude of the hero-worshiping masses raises those leaders to the position of a firmly eitrenched oligarchical group enjoying all the privileges of power, ? Michel's richly documented - work comes to the conclusion that ine view of this "iron law of oligarchy" human society will always be divided into those who lesd—and they will be tht Bmsters—and those who are led...
...It is the Fascist dictatorship which has forced this war opon us...
...It would establish itself in Rome when this city also is occupied...
...What ia the background of this international Negro figure...
...The prospects of complete political independence is relegated to a hazy and distant future...
...When the ship begins to sink, the rata lesrve it—but some leave it sooner and some later...
...The responsibility of the tribe...
...Somebody will wsm see tmttfjahmr are words ef newspapermen, and one should not give weight to words of 1111 anpapavamW^nfa' fact is .that aiwinnpirmsn do^ns T hsnfrlo hnfi circulate the "pap" or "dope" they receive from officials who are addicted te that kind of job...
...He adds that the chief concern of every ruling class is "to maintain its own power and privilege," and that "the rule of the elite is based upon force and fraud...
...capable of progress in the framework of -hie natural institutions, and probably lost • if detached from tins background...
...However, Burnham did not find it necessary to acknowledge this fact...
...For tie riapit U> cvStiete* 'those ia passu rise ef power vithowt rttattn* arrest or ligtSaatian ia something patently real while deastesacy m the asase af "setf-gorernateat* Is at beet the rigat to choose between two iingaiahhii or elites...
...The Italian royal rat ia being toM that be wfii find a safe place in the Angle gases larder asy time-he runs away, even if he is tim vary am* one to run...
...He uses the word "socialism" in the sense of a classless commonwealth, of worse, and not in the .purely economic sense of * socialized economy which, as...
...In the generally accepted meaning' "Machia veil ism" stands for double-dealing sad all that ia most despicable in political matters...
...I would bet that if they are left free to do what they like, the overwhelming majority of them Will choose a democratic republic But will they be left free to choose...
...A Profile of on Important But Unknown Man Felix Eboue — Black Leader of French Africa By NAT GLICK A LPHONSE FELIX SYLVESTRE EBOUE ** holds a unique and paradoxical position in the African picture...
...we know from toe Russian example, may be even more exploitative and more tyrannical than private capi-4dam...
...Exclusive privste schools were opes to white sad black without smcrimisstion...
...The main thesis developed in J* book to that regardless of variations in 7* Political or economic structure, human soare always governed by minorities...
...The Negro press here has taken" this distinguished racial brother to its bosom...
...Then the Commissioner should realize thai the po*oJ*tiOB of the town Motorized into >sms<mi»iotM of employers or professional men, and unions of clerks or workers, and that these organizations are managed by saarilnries, whq have been appointed by the higher-ups of the Fascist Party, are accountable not to the membership bat to the Party, and wield despotic powers* over the membership...
...In enumerating what he' calls the "main principles of Machiavelliam" Burnham says that "the primary subject matter of political science is the struggle for social power" rather than "general welfare," "common good" and similar inventions of theorists...
...This idea was the core of Machaj-ski's intellectual contribution which since/ 1932 has been presented and developed hi tins country in the writings of the present reviewer...
...He sees political serf determination as the last and aot tlw first step in the emancipation of the African Negro...
...Yet sll of his prseticsl |mlUht<#a|f rigidly bound by that framework, MswmnWmWaV he suggest that French sovsnsnsnty ever hoc colonies should be sbttnsMeV He haa uunhmmi...
...They are the moving wheels in the Fascist machine...
...If Mussolini, the King, snd the ether Fascist leaders are killed in popular op-risisga before the British or American* eeeae ia, this would make easier the task of the armies ef occupation...
...Now, whatever the greet Florentines merits aa a truth-teller and champion of Italian unity, only a desperate need for a sensational title could induce a writer to couple "Defense of Freedom" with the name of one who expected the unification snd liberation of his country from a prince modeled after Cesare Borgia, one of the most unmitigated scoundrels among the world's tyrants...
...Whom does he really represent...
...WHEN Sicily snd Sardinia have been, eccu-" pied, the moment will came-to summon the provisional governors of the provinces and ask Xhem te choose a provisional government for the whole of Italy...
...Hk program for French Equatorial Africa include* government participation in the erection of native dwellings, building at nigbways, planning of schools and hospitals, installation of water, electric and hygienic facilities...
...Then, after, let us say, six months of provisional regime, the electorate would be summoned to chose by universal suffrage their municipal and provisional permanent administrations...
...The African natives under French rule hsve benefited little from the lack of racial prejudice...
...Hie sharp, unsentimental analyses were called "i moral Machiavellianism...
...1*HE most striking aspect of Eboue's career, • to American and British eyes, is that s Negro could attain so high an office...
...But the rewards of the tradition extend only to the educated Negro who is s Flinch aitisSa...
...and, finally, at the end, let us say, of the year, a National Constituent Assembly would be elected by the whole country with the task of establishing the new political constitution...
...In this connection it may perhaps not be amiss to mention that when reviewing *?rhe Managerial Revolution" in The New leader of April 19, 1941, I bad remarked that the author would have strengthened his point if he bad given seme consideration to the theories of Michels, Mosca, Pareto and others...
...In the June, 1943, issue of "Harpers" John Chamberlain, in reviewing The Machiavellians, wonders "why Mr...
...How does Eboue fit into this colonial scheme ? From the imperial point of view, he is an able and efficient administrator...
...Instead of living in the comfortable government offices, he traveled hundreds of miles into the interior... hie recent book enttthid "The Machiavellians—Defenders of Ft until* has chosen to call them "Machiavellians—a obsignation under which he includes Mosca, Michels...
...During the »*t decade of this century -Machajski'* concept j*st socialism was the ideology of the intel-"Sentiia bant upon establishing its own class "fa in the form of a bureaucratic-collectivist •Wtesv-e...
...Under his' rule, two trans-African rands were constructed, crossing 3,700 miles of forest, swamp and desert...
...Let them state once for all in clear terms whether they wRl carry aot in Europe the ideals of Marshal PetnM sad the Standard Oil Company, or are they stooged to tho** of Jefferson and Lincoln, [fattv article is based on remark* at the American Labor Conference.] Cynics and Realists A Review of James Burnham By MAX NOMAD sjBBJbOlJGHOU T the nineteenth century the I defenders of the status quo, when discussing ^feasibility of democratic socialism, harped gkfcfy on the respective merits of individualism gad collectivism...
...For between them they have carried the analysis of Michels one atep further...
...When the members of the trade organisations have elected their secretaries and the latter have been sanctioned by the Commissioner, the secretaries should act as the provisional council of the town, and be allowed to choose their provisional mayor, the Allied Commissioner retaining the power to veto any decisions taken by local authorities...
...At its went it it the atlaatary s*rr*askr* of the majority to the despotic will of a totaRtariaa loader bent apoa the tupproasioa of all Bb-erties...
...Rhone's present post fa perhaps the most responsible held by a Negro hi say European country...
...But some observers believe he may be the potential leader of another, more revolutionary', movement: the liberation of the natives from "white man's" rule...
...If oar War Office has had enough vision, it haa already, chosen from among citizens or residents of Italian origin in this country, suitable advisers for the Commissioner of each-, town...
...The sight of a- French girl snd s buck soldier walking arm in arm in the street or dancing together is a cafe wss s common one is pre-war France...
...Nearly a dozen years before Michels a Polish revolutionist by the name of Machajski had vntien in Russian a book in which be dealt ritl the class antagonism between the intel-hefaals and the manual workers, or, as one "tight put it, between the "knows" and...
...The outsanding work on that subject wss snd .assf-- the hook by Robert Michels, first pub-s_si in 191 f. which ha the English version (1915) is entitled "Political Parties," Its chief poxpose, as stated on the vary title page of tat anginal German edition wss to demonstrate -the oligarchical, tendencies of group life...
...Throughout the book Burn ham emphasizes, as one of the main tenets of "Machiavellian" wisdom, that party programs, platforms and similar professions of faith should never be taken st their face values...
...A similar pessimistic outlook as far as the r*u*cipation of the underdog is concerned, can °* found in the writings, of Vilfredo Pareto, ehlefly for his concept of the "circula-•** °* elites...
...The books and the names of Burn-hsm's^«oea% Mschisveilisns «n~^ewi good ^^err^tF-Tt^r^*^sTw*t«h OkSt iTthe i i. ,1 hi : ywi^ 11 ^ sesiW- aim hi dasiii o>c tn* aacnutvmnarr >*i...
...He speaks of the "political formula" (Moses's term) which is one of the chief pillars sustaining each social structure, and which "is usually correlated with a generally accepted religion, ideology or myth...
...The question of democracy, fcydW e"1*" o{ self-government, was usually _? est of the debate...
...He wouht like to see the people ruled through the intermediary of their own leader*, not oniy tribal chiefs but the professional and business elements as well...
...M*w 'native schools have been established in ealtako ration with missionary societies which receive moral and financial support from too government...
...But Eboue's concern for the native traditions can have little reality within the framework of Empire...
...During the but days the shores of the King grandfather have gone up on oetr market, ha fact, we nave been told from Switzerland that "after twenty years of complacent soteptnnee...
...This Commissioner would first of all disarm and disband the Fascist Militia, close down its headquarters, send its officers to a concentration camp, and put under surveillance its non-commissioned officers and men...
...No foreign Negro lender since Haile Selassie has received as much publicity snd sdulstion...
...He remained in Af rice continually for 22 years, and it would be difficult to find anyone' better informed about the country and the population...
...After the war, be looks forward to "an influx of large amounts of capital which at present have no outlet...
...The provisional mayors snd councillors in all the towns of the province should be summoned to choose the provisional governor and counin^av for the province- who also, of course, should work under the supuLi lekwi of s Cem-rrdesismer of the United Nations for the province...
...Mosca «°* his material not merely from the fascinat-lnt but restricted domain of the modem labor **nnent, but from the whole wide field of roman history...
...For Eboue fa not only a colonial administrator...
...People were uncertain whether he really sought tin revolution he was jredktisg...
...Whst role can he be expected to play in an African crisis...
...Yet so long as joggling goes on with the Royal Family and Fascist marshals and Fascist seliaJfileSw aa Mwasofcmfs acceptable successors, those Words of President Roosevelt wilt sound sasbtgaaas and people will be left guessing where precisely Fascism ends, and who are the Fasti It kmdnst who bate to go together with MiiImUbI and Shane who will he allowed still to remain an President Roosevelt's lap...
...This alone makes "The Machiavellians" worth reading for those who are not acquainted with the originals...
...Moreover, no diselsimer ever hseman'ew|pBte: In time ef war...
...His jeremiads on modern society prompted the eharre that he was the intellectual prophet of s new bureaucratic society...
...MOST of the other "main principles of Mach-"** iavellism," as stated by Burnham, deal with the question of the "elite...
...Except that both Marx snd Bak-unin, being active revolutionists intent upon changing the world and not merely interpreting it, had to delude themselves and their followers that once their "elite" had seized power it would do away with all privilege and all elites...
...Cruel retribution .t would fall upon them were the town recaptured by Fsaeist forces...
...He is also a Negro who is proud of his racial origin...
...James Burn ham...
...Through this area passed thousands of British planes and tens of thousands of troops to the Egyptian front When he visited Central Africa in September, 1940, de Gaulle rewarded Eboue's loyalty n> appointing him Governor-General of all French Equatorial Africa...
...Professor fjarakam's political analyses have been hailed as masterpieces of "scientific polities'—and have been, reproached aa "dangerous moral performances...
...In this connection Burnham points out the change within the elite, about which he had written in" his "Managerial Revolution," namely, the increased importance—as against the old elite of capitalists snd politicians—assumed by "the production executives and organizers of the industrial process, officials trained in the manipulation of the great labor organizations, and the- administrators, bureau chiefs and commissars developed in the executive branch of the unlimited, modern state machines...
...This tradition of politics...
...For a serious university professor who respects himself snd his reputation mentions only faraway dead classics—and reciprocating radio commentators...
...In this poet, Eboue has been key man in Free French Africa...
...He will certainly play * significant role ha the com ing changes on the African scene...
...The mayors in Italy today are not elected by the citizens, but appointed by Mussolini from among the most loyal members of the Fascist Party...
...We most preserve his institutions and develop his 1 sense of dignity snd responsibility...
...III IT IS beside the point whether Burnham is correct in < calling "Defenders of Freedom" those whom, he has chosen to designate as Machiavellians...
...He to the ruling minority as the "political One of its chief weaponsJ—according «> Kosca—outside of bare force, is what he <*>» the "political formula," that is a system " illusions serving to justify the rule of the wheal elass" both in the eyes of the rulers **¦ of the ruled...
...He is a leader of the Free French in Africa and the first colonial governor to hsve come out against'Vichy...
...Today he is eae of France's recognised ethnologists and the author of a widely-read dictionary of Central African dialects...
...with tegard to da* present war, that his "sole aim is to liberate -*af listen Faatoe in it* grandeur and iaiteaindtnni with the aid af sag Ames...
...Analysis JAMES BURNHAM, the c r v ran after the IpsbttcaUon of Ua firsi book, was "a manageri-tklh*"!-anyiray, the theoretician of "The Manorial Revolution...
...J^ During those- very days, opossthag e»~fnt Itslian donkey with s stick meant namfifeg hsaafii on Italian cifgta, iififljit by men and women, ehfntsen and- oM psepli, who were no more letaunaish for the policies of the Fascist dictatorship than were the bombed...
...For that hapless majority of the human race ia not always the more paastvt object of caatetfri be'HVMHrnK ¦ awka^ati^ktei affgadft t^amaaj^ftj^to moataflteatatn J^atfV gaM ¦ lwiikil uimotVTB • li*n ^VfWmw*^sv ^W"w» *w% wmr* those en top orjater the Sop are jnmaaBaf by the lust to dooamamv ttose en mte^ladfistaTSr envy- ^ e^TtreTtm^mP m^S^?^ no^w^ist fray and haip th*a* *at*mg Shag may also laarn bow to otgnuiaa society ia sack a way as to avoid the insecurity of the individualist-capitalist Jungle and the deadly "security" of the oollectivist-totolitarian paradise...
...aJj%tfav fhe words of Prime Minister Churchill are not the words of a newsamsermen...
...The choice of the book's title is .rather be-f wildering...
...With a somewhat different terminology similar ideas were' familiar to nineteenth century radicals of the Marx and Bak-unin schools...
...of the fascist dictatorship...
...It appears that the British Foreign Office snd the American State Department cannot dispense with s King in Italy, and therefore /if no other King ia available, Italy must be ruled by sn eight-year-old child...
...Let as cease' speculating and teaching the Europeans what they should do to deserve ear carrots after they haa* experienced our stick: and let us ask our rulers what do they tetead to do in Europe, if they are not to betray thee* ChrUdatB and democratic principles af which they ctehn to be the custodians...
...In other words, Central Africa is to slowly undergo the development of China and India...
...They know each other...
...ant it is the Fascist leaders who have been, ohowti She carrot, that is they have been told that they might continue to rule Italy if only they diopped Mussolini and seme of his more hafefsJ associate* Only last week a first step in the right direction was taken by President Basse volt, -when m hi* press conference ho stated that tho Allies will "assure the Italian people an opportunity to choose the kind of guv-em-men* they wish after Fascism is put down...
...Istormarriage wss frequent asd mssy a famous Frenchman hss had mixed blood...
...In his study on "Native Policy in Equatorial Africa," which contains his basic view on colonial administration, Eboue wrote: "The native must be considered as a, human being, godchild of historical tradition, member of his family and el his tribe...
...In the meantime,*he wishes to advance "the spiritual and material life of the natives.'' He tetteves it is the moral duty of the white race to hslp spread higher standard* of civilixatior and better material conditions...
...know-Ma" Though intended as an ultra-revolutionary out-Marxing of the Marxists, that concept —"hose logical implications were never admit-hd ia the author's writings—led straight,to the |emntfation of all hopes that the division into ^nested masters and uneducated slaves would disappear...
...ems related to those of Robert Michels were ^pressed as far back as 1895 iu the original J™*00 of Gaetano Moses's "Elements of Po-,rt*»l Science," published in English in 1939 **»¦ the title of "The Ruling Class...
...They had elective local government until 1922, and their worst city administrations were no worse than many of those in the United States, and not a few Italian city governments were better than our beat Men who were twenty-five or thirty years of age twenty years ago are now forty-five or fifty, that hi st the height of their physical and intellectual strength...
...Within two days Chad was joined by three other Central Africa colonies, creating an impregnable territorial base for the anti-Fascist French...
...and that *Mfe the socialists may win, socialism will never be realized...
...Bat the population should be allowed, nay encouraged, to reorganise themselves in political parties, snd as soon as possible they should start their own free papers, and these should supersede the official press...
...nUVaannet open s paper without being flooded winh^tite names of Italian "leaders" whom lslnieUn esfiu Am eric* are prepared to accept as Mussolini's SsBtieinrs...
...Economic exploitation fa as oppressive in the French Empire aa in other colonies, French colonization has been sa brutal aa the others in ita destruction of native instituions...
...Burham did not include the Pole Machajski and the American Max Nomad among his Machiavellians...
...Burn ham took the advice without aa much as a bow...
...and satinl samsthw, which Hitler attacked scsfngejir hs "Mass Kampf" as the "Neerroidisng of France," explains in part the indifference of the arm age Frenchman to the racial propaganda of tike Nazis...
...that tactical considerations, the need for t division of labor and specialization make for fie indispensability "of leading individuals who...
...He visited every rigssji and kraal under his administration...
...Leaving these persons st their posts would mean leaving intact the Jumfalsth...
...In the nam* areas conference ef a few watgs ago, hi nauTgFMR "Of this you may be sore, we s1s*B sMhjB-to operate en that donkey at fivm...
...Ia somewhat different times, snd for 'assMwhat different reasons, Msx Nomad sunt through the same literary experience...
...If they follow the German forces, or ay te their friend Franco, fat Spain, good-bye...
...The rubber output hss trebled since 1938...
...They will soon mend the broken thread of political experience...
...The class of communist office-holders in Russia staunchly asserts that theirs is a "classless society," while during the Spanish civil war many Anarchists just as staunchly maintained that the government in which their leaders participated was "no* government," and hence in line with anarchist principles...
...When native labor to necessary for mine work or government projects, whole families must be settled and established in the new communities...
...A Negro wss Vice-President of the Chamber Deputies, another Under-Secretory of *iState...
...But we have no other means of destroying the Fascist dictatorship in Italy...
...In~«xpanding upon the question ef peBttotl liberty IVrrnharn points eat-that "m the longer run [it] usually aids both rulers sen) ruled For tke blunders committed by an elite Shag is not restrained by any critic**** on Ska part of tts competitors may- lead to national cahnn-rttea engsufing tho entire population...
...A concept which views history r» succession of struggles for power and priv-"*»« between the "ins" and the "outs...
...To become better . acquainted with the natives, he studied several of their languages...
...while the democratic tendency, which "in the long run alwaya prevails," makes for a continual change in the composition of the elite through the admission of new elements...
...Italy's 'R' Day—How Not to Bungle Anti-Fascist Reconstruction How to Invade, Whom to Arrest and Where to Begin By GAETANO SALVEMENI WHEN American and British forces occupy the first Italian town in Sicily or Sardinia, a Commissioner for civilian affairs in the town will be chosen, no doubt, front among the officials of the occupation forces..., in this special article for The Mew Leader, la Nomad on Burnham, s "realist" on s "cynic," or vice versa...
...While the reorganization of local government takes place, the chief editors of Fascist papers ttpmf fit sent to join the officers of the Fascist Militia and the former leaders of local sdmin-Mg^gksa...
...The papers, st first, could only be StsfRnl by men chosen by the Allied Commis-, alonets...
...Petain and Weygand capitulated to the Nazis...
...He hss opposed recruiting nstives for plantation and factory work...
...7^ The mayor of the town, also, should be sent to join the officers of the militia...
...For lewsTnpSillis the allegiance of French Africa remained uncertainTim from the heart of Africa came the first voice announcing a break with Vichy...
...Michels, in referring to Mosca, Pareto, Gum-plowics and himself, uses the expression representatives of psasmiliui In sociology...
...The prefects of provinces are not elective governors...
...Communal property wss abolished...
...They are appointed by Mussolini from among the moat criminal agents of the dictatorship...
...such changea in the Social structure as would make the world • better piece to live in...
...The purpose of Eboue's policies is to establish a new middle class of edasated aati vet...
...For even the self-educsted mtiert springing up from the mssses would **fa»*ly become pert of the "Knows" looking ** fer their own interests and hot for those J* their uneducated ex-brethren...
...Ai^ nessd'Jftnmnj^ mMiiiMiMinriewthnnr*" The only person ease fa being semVfi»*Ja it ewe of htnasotiafk snsmbst ana users, asm wfsnnf no fair-minded man can brand us- gwflty, ia aha son of the son of the present King of Italy, an eight-year-old boy...
...The people, after having been bombed from the air, win probably be stunned...
...For them, political self-determination comes first...
...people of London or Coventry for those appeasement policies which led to the present world disaster...
...FROM the native point of view, Eboue is S * liberal reformer...
...In athsr words, what the writer undertook to prove M the basis of the experience of modern mass saraments, wss that at bottom there was no isch thing as democracy...
...He is responsible for the transformation of Pointe Noire into s modern harbor...
...sseJMtfvaW?1 stick ss well as with a earn*" <Msw Mat rimes, May 26, 1948...
...If they are Basse prisoners, they should be handed over to Greece snd Yugoslavia to be tried there OS) SScoest of the harm their policies have fctwhgbt te these unfortunate peoples...
...On August 26, 1940, Eboue declared his support of de Gaulle's "Fighting French" forces...
...When he comes of age, he will show to what extent he has inherited the oversowing intelligence ef bis father, the present Csbwn Prises, snd the heroic will-power snd moral integrity of his grandfather, the present King...

Vol. 26 • June 1943 • No. 25

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