Last Testament of an Anti-Fascist

Last Testament of an Anti-Fascist Zygmunt Zygielbojm, the Polish jSlfSjwisf deputy, committed tuicide in London Mat week. He left a note in hid own hand addreeetd to Premier Wladyelav Shkereki....

...In moving to disss*** the Comintern, the Soviet Union has taken ss essential stop to remove this contradiction...
...The charge that they -were "a step toward government control" he called "a lot of hooey...
...the Pi ill Slam ef the Execeti ve Committee ef V-r tke Commanist Interna tional in Moscow passed by courtesy oMJH Jl 1Hft asJlj fsRbaal ihsnebtog stoeht The teeeen: aha*/I sjsjl atKgSJ Sjj wRfiW llktor...
...While expressing approval ef the Austin-Wsdswerth bill in general, Mr...
...Minnesota, which supplies most of the ore for Plladhuih district steel mills, wants its own steel mills and, lacking native coal, has announced that it will work with NorthDakota to utilise that state's lignite deposits for fuel... that wo are at a watershed of human history and the direction events will take literally depends apse whst we now do...
...Copies are available fapmjb* Aseeciatien, 730 5th Asa...
...I take the liberty of addressing to yon my last words, and through yon, to the Polish Government and the Polish people, to the Governments and-the peoples of the Allied States —to the conscience of the world...
...He kept ;introducing the witnesses, and repeatedly coached Senator <4jg*tin on Questions he saeald eek the witnesses try passing-notes Vo*im...
...My comrades in the Warsaw ghetto took weapons in their hands on that last heroic impulse...
...alia* ii| all in m the war It at a shrewd blow at Axis aati-Comhetern prope-ganda...
...Childs with George S. Count two months ago, the main atgumeat called for the dissolution of the «saaaeen**t International, it was widely condemned w the American Ossatasmiat tVsse...
...No date as yet has been set for the hearings en the White-Wheeler bill stipulating the pow-eas of the FCC en chain broadcasting...
...2. A system ef mutual security is a neeesshg if we are to have opportunity to develop taw positive seoTJoanic and social arrangesassia, which are reuelrnd to remeve the threat ef -*ar and the crashing burden of modem ssfh-t»
...Tki* i* the text of the Utter...
...Neville Miller, president of 'the NAB., had previously argued that...
...North Carolina is aggressively seeking the development of iron resources and its Governor J. Melville Broughton told law Boy-kin Steel Shortage investigation this week that monopolistic toad-encies would be fought...
...Arthur P. Hall aad Hugo T. Wilder of the Washing tea office of the Alsnanem Cee-poration of America, attended the heariaga...
...flr scsnhhu todaysiaesssf ta») anti-FCC ferees and hey inan in the Broadcasters drhn...
...By my death I wish to express my strongest protest against the inactivity with which the world is looking on sad permitting the extermination of my people...
...From the latest information received from Poland, it is evident, that the Germans, with the most ruthless Cruelty, are now murdering the tern remaining Jews in Poland...
...Benry Stamp, twice Socialist mayor of Reading, was nominated last weak by the Socialist caucus to run for mayor ef the city...
...Fifwt Sialism>, CeetaesaaW /wtWaeCtoeoi THE dissolution of flat Comintern was net a 1 sincere action...
...The Socialists also nominated a full slate of veteran administrators, including jspwtial Me Oonough and Stswast Tomlbison, eouadlmank csBdHstos, who ^ir^tef*" ~ heads Hoi linger for controller and Rev-wmimMm fta-*Ttyhr*a*nr*r &R?iK WAI ttUEF (SSt>« hhfW ATLAS A large, attractive and eeefal 4 tine of World War 11 has been issued by the Greek War Relief Association...
...These who have to pay the price and who are once more betrayed by Stalin ere those enslaved by Bolshevism, Fascism, Nesism and by the global war...
...To Stalin Mseeetf this concession has coat nothing -the vomea eo ae he finds it easy to appease the few leaders of the international Communist movement by giving them to understand that the dissolution is only a temporary maneuver 2) Stalto fasghsd to get rid of the oJsVsel Communist saesaasjssat which for many yeers has been considered in Russia as a financial aaisisn and a political handicap...
...This bill is the white hqpe of the Networks...
...While the "Official dissolution" of a movement which no longer had any teal agist asm sac apt as small inefficient asanas of assents ef the Russian government or of cocktail liberal "communists" has no significance, it may, however, k***^fSf^sSePrtiiT^he%, *Y*\l"IkffivaW aMVipksat...
...The current radio fight is not over by a long-shot yet, hot Fly is giving the Radio-Network monopolists a bad case of static...
...Stump was defeated two years ego...
...He told the Senate Committee that "it will make a long period of time to pot the machinery into operation,'' aad said that the setting up of a civilian labor draft was "an infinitely greater job" than setting up the Selective Service .System...
...The 8enator from Vermont, a staunch Republican who voted for the sntijabor Smith-Cennally bill, charged that "the objective of production will be retarded as long as we lack the power to solve these problems...
...vCoJoael Lewis Sanders of Se-Jeslive Service, who sat between Senators Reynolds and Austin at tat hearings, seemed to he running fh« show for Senator Austin...
...MJse te recant when the -Ssissto 4ajjt-tsry Affair^ Committee re«nv statement onrosnpower problems in the Aluminum industry...
...1 is Geeiwia's Eugene Cox...
...I must also state that although the Polish Government has in a high degree contributed to the enlistment of world opinion, it has pet done so insufficiently...
...What- are Stalin's motives ' 1) The "dissolution" is a pert of a bargain with the United Nations end public opinion oat-side of Russia...
...Chief credit for this work mast go to the Boy kin Committee ef the House which has been laboring under terrific ¦medics ps for many months to arouse public awareness of the monopoly grip sad the possibilities of breaking it ? front-page New Leader lead story on April 17, 1943, disclosed teat the Pacific shipyards were lagging in production schedules bssaass the steel trusts obstructed 'the construction of foundries on the west coast and that to pro-dace the one-half of the new ships launched in this country a month the Pacific coast shipyards had to haul every ton of steel from the Eastern steel mills, ever railroads already choked with other necessary transportation...
...It is yet to be achieved...
...seito^«wnpsav!aa^ ^1«C^ W.w na»awl^ mnnlkZ'\7"Jl...
...The End of the Comintern lets* of asmce last week forced the omission the statements requested tea Notvanf TaxvSltJohn L. Childs, Angelica Baiaijaaoff and Ben Gitlow on the *Q mSEm of •» -Ostnintern...
...It is doubtful that Miller will he able to mobilise any considerable amount of editorial support hi view of the competitive antagonisms hstwisM the newspaper ami the radio...
...Events ui Poland and Yugoslavia will seen help to tell the story...
...It is net rscardsd whether he ateeei tO isa^llMw^Oanaewt^Maee^^ eft* servtoae^RsrPh*^ setod aWtoVe«ee«t tor the easstog vgtto>«CXes«s -weaneag SsaWt sf akm 1 jT 8aai Rates aaraeea ef the Cbaato Chttoi siiipisst- 'sTtwiatnlSst SBtoto a hntge^w gpsat that every kepe that liberal ssee h*»* ¦Tlssan s?kvaaTia^ Tn Sffi^ristitosf*^'' ^¦¦¦toi ^ To The New Manses" ssaj Meaers, t laRSsR aad Ratea the Beeby Prtoes for May...
...and hopes with wssfch it is sssoristart la oar experience, 1 consieereSU official derision to disband the Comintern a political devetopment of far-reaching possitnaty becaeee I view « from the eagle of four sea-fidcretions which seem to me fundamental...
...Chairman Reynolds made clear his support of -the Austrn-Wadsworth bill...
...3. The United hlations is the only agency which has aay seal shaaee today ef creating e stable system of collective security in hasnseaf with democratic principles...
...The responsibility for this crime of murdering the entire Jewish population of Poland falls in the first instance on the perpetrators, but indirectly it is also a burden on the whole of humanity, the people and the Governments of the Allied States which thus far have made no effort toward concrete action for the purpose of curtailing this crime...
...We need, to be sum, -to keep our eyes open and to be on our guanj against the kind of wishful thinking whsth ignores stubborn realities, but we need ssjnalr to be on our guard against the fatalistic defeatism which holds that since the Soviet Uniea Is a totalitarian state it must inevitably eontiaat to ¦¦jaighl fifth-columns in foreign countries, and hi areeloded from making new adjust awns I...
...And a Socialist cannot but mourn that in this time when world federation of the right sort is so important, there is ae longer any worker international save e partial federation of unions...
...By the passive observation of the murder of defenseless millions, and of the maltreatment of children, women and old men, these countries have become the criminals' accomplices...
...Jewish people of Poland and I therefore give it to could live to see the liberation of a sew wesST ef freedom, and -the justice of true sonatinas...
...See First Cracks in Copper, Steel Trusts in New Orders By MURRAY EVERETT WASHINGTON, D. C—The first, small wedges in the tight steel and copper, monopolies in this country was made this week when the War Production Board finally authorised the opening of several independent copper mines in various parts of the country and several states announced moves to aid local iron and steel production...
...No radio legislate— jaw get kg without the Wheeler committee's sag port...
...I know hew little human life is worth today, but as I was unable to do anything daging say life perhaps by say death I shall contribute to breaking down that indifference of those who may now—at the last moment—lescae the few Polish Jews still alive from certain annihilation...
...among othsrj aaittsM, wtej*%iiesB|)nsy" contracts under which small independent stations were forced to sell their time exclusively to one netnjeek...
...OnTthtrasktr lesalag ef that week...
...The liberal and labor -friends of 1*m«c...
...As FCC head he has conducted a vigorous administrative campaign on the matter ef television sale (receivers, he said, are still unready for commercial exploitation) and over the issue of newspaper ownership of radio Stations...
...The Big Three copper companies, -with Anaconda in the lead, had choked off the reopening of small independent mines because of the fear of pott-war competition...
...The BrosSessters are anxious far every vote they can get...
...Before that he had served as a Special Assistant Attorney General in charge of antitrust prosecutions...
...Hall said: "We have some facilities that are Wile fog lack ef ssas*b»er...
...The result was a copper shortage...
...Generally speaking it wfll have no effect, except that the mere unscrupulous among the "appeaserj" will temporarily take advantage of Stalin's eromises in order to souse the credulity aad good faith ef innocent people and of the toiling masses in particular...
...Behind the ghetto's walla the last act of a tragedy unprecedented in history is being performed...
...Gsegressional Enemy No...
...My life belongs to the...
...Its nature helped to defiant tree fraternity aad the war itself, to some degree, was a seeult of that defeat which also weakens ear hope for the pest war world A reel fsates sal latsiiastlaiisJ under nobody's dictatorial centre* ht hasaenssly daewahle...
...Aaft* with the plea that Communism is eo ismeer a menace—proof—the Comintern's dissolution aad that therefore a separate peace with Eussis establishing a new world orfi»r la pOasfbte...
...the ^LohissT "i^aes»i^lSry,ti or' 'pereaJwivt sissglirie...
...Special to TsaNbotUubsb WASHINGTON D. C—Senator Austin let the cat out of the bag by decktriag before the Senate Military Affairs Committee on June 1 that his draft labor hill would "end strikes by calling en all men to serve their country...
...and adds to she hope that post-war cooperation with StalU can be worked eat en ether usrms than &tefcafc>uConsmsmitt detainstkavof J-urope...
...for'^e^eatahlkdi'isjeer ef^tocgl iron ^aneVrtaaj^gal^^^^iaB ^^^^nv^a^l^^sS^"' - CenaectlcinV 'amd^V^ngteie °hnfsv...
...As always, the only victims of this new wave of demagogy and lies will be the workers end the few idealists who remain innocent and blind and are STpiating their devotion in concentration camps aad prisons...
...Senator Austin declared that the indirect coercion of the labor f reese now in effect tor essential workers "lacks the power of assignment," and added, * there is •no way new ef picking e skilled mam ep and moving him" to e place where he is needed...
...The control, not for fraternity...
...Calling for immediate paaaage of the Austin-Wadsworth bill, Col...
...James Ply, as TVA's legal head, wen from the Supreme Court the first New Deal decision when the Tennessee power project was declared constitutional six years^ago...
...What each *f the United Nations is able to achieve w$: hav* its effect in the attitude and response ef its allies...
...Prom some 3,500,000 Polish Jews and about 700,000 ether Jews deported to Poland from other countries—according to official statistics provided by the underground Bund organization—their remained in April of this year only about 300,000, and this continuing murder still goes on...
...Wright declared that "dissatisfied workers hurt production and should be released," despite aay manpower controls or their effect ea turnover rate...
...Rd- Netol • * - * Antkor of "I Cenfoef The dsiiilin assnrrhaf the Ciag IW amy prove to he a Inst I Hi I sword to ansae'* hands...
...r ¦*< (Siasssd) ^ Zyj*»l>eiss...
...i———_---¦-------in lignt ot Hitter conseaoences...
...It has not done anything that could correspond to the magnitude of the drama being enacted now in Poland...
...There isn't much room, for public-minded administration ht thy capital these years, with big-business dominating all the war-economy bureaus...
...I -cannot be silent—I cannot live—while remnants ef the Jewish people of Poland, of whom I am a representative, are perishing...
...fh-*^if in IHisj im the selssmiil Res John L. Childs Profemor, Columbia ^miverstty TIE signfficance we find in a parth-tnar erase like the ehesoketiea ef the Third ' iin_ tional...
...The opening of some of these smaller copper mines indicates a break in the monopoly resistance...
...j beyond dispwte - ^« 1. The war system of aggressive Tiatienei-ism.aad the democratic way ef life are aatl 11 sans unit] eompetiMe In ear mil.....luatj...
...Declare Austin Bill Hits Labor By MORRIS MILGRAM National Secretary, Werker* Dei en** Lea* nr...
...Inteleependent world, we shall either get rM of the one...
...I believe that such a Poland will arise and that such a world will come...
...Meanwhile, Hew Dealers here have keen eelebrating their victory...
...4. The participation ef the Soviet Uaioa »• the practices of the Third International aee in deep conflict with her rote as a taenuar of the United Nations...
...IS)^ thesis at tpeesga^^stoaaae-Ja*Jar CRRsfis> to ^aVasevjiss^'iSsjSjssa akal ..the>,.Cast* .anantot vwaes^^Slatt aanasaaseaag ef the Cesatotarn woald farther Allied aatty was aisi' lii ii ¦ lid by<«to>npni¦ isjkin ea-^PsaenytJa 49 Cents...
...f •• • * • • Keg shan in the fleets Is Be r ton K. Wheeler, who Is Chairman ef the Interstate (TnssniTrs Commission...
...It was not my dasthry to fi* there '*o000 with them, but I belong to them, and in their mass graves...
...Last Testament of an Anti-Fascist Zygmunt Zygielbojm, the Polish jSlfSjwisf deputy, committed tuicide in London Mat week...
...This is she saore true <* tk* Jact that Stalin baa exceed* betrayssj the tetenaatieael labor asovesaent end subordinated it to the JBjtal sjSs ef Russian nationalism...
...Tories Organize Drive to Fight New Radio Rules of Fly's FCC Networks Seek Wheeler, Cox Support W AS^WT^-^ere Is a new "SWbdnjte for air power" essrtrevwrs* .reghhr, here — this time a knock-down fight between *?stiDCfl L« Ply's Fod^r&l Coroinu• ssijetiies TljWatiii Ha* the big ¦¦Mi jf ifrstru m |w»Me wnfcIn OowSlk* Radio Com-psmiae, toTty th* National Association of Broadcasters, are lining up forces fee a reversal of the ^Sepreaee- Qserrt's ratification of 'wSW'V^sajife^By^egssg entailfrom domination by single netv«tm Tiy, e lorreer anti-trust prosecutor, won a eigne] victory w|ss> 4he ^rfentoal upheld the PCC's Hsnw hsnijlhu...
...And it is widely reported that Wheeler pressure en the Broadcasters > — some kind of "bargain" has probably keen struck—has been behind the censorship of Drew Pearson, Walter Winchell and oth-ers...
...Bat the Supreme Court etimax to the current struggle has ben very good news...
...Haacow sepplied the rehaHsi Vittl gevwAjet| •tsssnsrfser...
...A similar, situation had prevailed in copper...
...New agents of the Russian government or the most shrewd aapong* the %ld' sase but not known as «a»h wffl cbathaue tbeir eomjatiag and demoralising activity in as) countries— their teak being facilitated by the assumption that the femsmsssst aayeasaeat no longer exists...
...Stalin may prefer for the present, at least outwardly, to cooperate with national forces rather then with his a»wn International...
...Booby Prizes f\N May 22...
...Issensdwat at »ssnl Rlilst ¦awssfiSli'' at a meas sseeting...
...T. P. Wright, director of the Aircraft Resources Control Board, and a member of the Aircraft Production Board, teld the Committee that turnover, not ronuHinoat, jssas the seajor personnel problem in the aircraft industry...
...George A. Browne...
...At a press conference last week Fl ydenounced critics of the new chain regulations...
...or we shall net continue to eeJ4» the other...
...the Government was establishing a dictatorship oyer radio, and sounded the opening note Of a propaganda campaign in behalf of "f feodum of the air, freedom of the press...
...That preference will not bring Ehiikh and Alter beck to life or change the fundamental nature and tactics of the man responsible far (heir eaectstien...
...evev^netomaT^ worshwhttofsr SheyjaereaiimsSy ashlsvsrVea> world from the Bolshevist menacs...
...That hope, however, will not he worth much if Churchill and Roosevelt act so that Communist control seems to the peonies ef the continent a smaller evil than the rule of Jssrkssis or Angto-American gauleiters under an Kng-kedKepeeUag eesrierdehip...
...What BQSanmjeanoes will Sow from this eat cannot now be predicted The reasor...
...York City, for a dellar...
...May St, Carttos Ism—t, well ¦atef.rmss teOonrtr*" eler...
...Lament caRed the ss*«*e ^sanaswee the Cismsjtaiai a iliiaaa SShi hii>liil past...
...In January, 1»42, Cox was accused by the FCC of accepting $2,600 from a Georgia station for helping it C^^pWf90Orisstoflpe* «• fat MttuHd the FBI kevnStigation, and peer eeeded to ntosdnes the PCC as -the usell ii« neat of rats in the en tin —sjajtiy...
...and by admitting that public opinion in the itaatij is against passage of -the Austin- Wadsworth National War Service Act...
...attacked UMM who say they are not yet reedy for the draft labor bill...
...Nor are aH of the adjustments to be mad* by Russia, we also have to make funds men* changes to our historic policies...
...If he is thus able to work, his dissolution ef the Third intsmseieesl will he "siaeere...
...ReadingS^cioiists Nominate Stump READING...
...It is not beyond the realm of su-mlny a had turn, far Stahn to luafaeal th...
...I trust that the .President and the Prime Minister will direct may words to all those for wheat they are destined, and that the Polish Government will immediately take appropriate action in the fields of diplomacy...
...Even under the wisest plana,- Stalin may be able, especially en the European Continent, to work underground as well as openly without the aid ef the Communist International as middle-men—to use the striking phrase of the Socialist Party statement...
...I bid my farewell herewith to everybody and everything dear to me and leved by me...
...It sen tains a running geagiaph-ioa) recesd ef she war to date, and feaaares clench/ detailed snaae ef all the key military areas ea #t global fronts...
...So stag as Taglsad and the United Statu give svseaiiii the*, visesry la within their gsssa, Stalin will tuaUasss t* lean amen them to order to be to ea the kill when victory come* Bet the inexorable forces let loose by in* war remain...
...If he gees along, Stalin may yet be the man in Rase is around whom will canter the tiES Qssjljaas^ »ian~fronts*are neaAsnsatiy 'sa vhey are de»cnbe* by wishful thinkers have been insttvnnmad *• inducing Stalin to decree the "dhtselstinti ' Th* condition eseeaad by the war gems hha the web come esaajsanjjttyqto«JBtt wtaeottt tisag ll MS*I who, oeing today his ekstos, would otherwee have crittoiaed him...
...racy -fas the United" State should enh> ht a program of aetata bold and resolute aneagh to measure up to the needs and the poswbilrflm ef this dynamic aad fateful situation [In Russia, America aad the Cwaiueaist Party, written by Dr...
...Monopolistic private interests have long recognised him as a man to watch...
...In steel, the Boykin committee has sought to extend the use of tiie sponge-iron process which permits independents to purify low-grade ores via a cheap process and in foundaries that can be readily constructed...
...3) T>e ecenonak coaditkm of the sssjntry, the tragic shortage of toed and other essentials and...
...The Sisaohstion of the Third International dees net make the firm Mutton to Motion- a true account of events...
...Norman Thomas Lender ef SoeimUet Party ^Tthe eery least, the proclamation dkaote... always conditioned by the wider can-text of facta, sasaarngs...
...During the hearings...
...One cannot but reflect on how different history might have been if Lenin, and later Stalin, had long ago adopted the theories of what was once called "exeepuonsiism" so uncompromisingly stated m his proclamation...

Vol. 26 • June 1943 • No. 23

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