Expose Huge Profit Grab in New "Calif. Teapot Dome" Oil Scandal


Expose Huge Profit Grab in New "Calif. Teapot Dome" Oil Scandal Voorhis Charges in Congress Ignored By Nations Press By DANIEL BELL Oat in Elk Hill, Califoroia'ti* U. $. jiwh mm mmi«pt of **...

...Bat note is also taken of the statement of AFL President William Green that the Federation will go into the Congressional districts to defeat every Representative who votes for the vicious Connelly-Smith Sill whether or not the bill passes...
...Aad I rise at Man time t« protest with aB tha force at my Mai an el srsmst this ecertraet...
...Whether it *r» means that Prentiss Brown will be re-atapsd by somebody who will do the job or ahfthsT OPA will eease to exist depends on ajtstber the President still thinks be can pre-ajat inflation or whether he has given up that Iff The ousting of Gaibraith from OPA should bring no tears...
...The implication ta that this whole business of getting oat thai tight sort of goads and keeping prices eoaM m a aaachOhtaal one...
...And the only way Ubor can accompbsh this, it is universally fait, ia by getting into polities...
...WteBe Ciiiff^ii i ii^cnrtuo^dtamtawswroe eVwt^f+rmT*the*8taadaTd*Oi ^avpaaTaf CeMf erata s raise el M cents a barrel taw efl «^Malahai to the Msrao^ •» » tag this ported absce^Peari Harper .rieet Aa OPA official explaiaed it thta »«y "W the price wasn't iaaraasecl...
...year aad half late m» hate H. «nd in favor of the OftVe of War MobOi-attfcta atad -at ^ha six atan whe make it up these ta much to^n^t^^semm^ta taj 'ftnVthe T*a*sryta1 not^rt^»Sned wHh ttita latest taavlayar isiigiilliailaii Nor II k'dver-optimtatfc aa to tha eembees of the new set-up...
...But it ta equally tana to way that an early meshing of the faars of thinking and action is beginning to ihbw aoaarhilittaa Of ijamlnanee...
...2. Equal representation for Ubor in those war sdmarins and ether government bureaus where manage merit hi now represented, particularly in those agencies which directly affect labor's interests aa producer and as concenter...
...Labor Committee and Polish lnthliaHfiSyMVi London coaesming the nctortaas Trebiinka < slaughter camp on the railway tin* Warsew-Biarystok, where thousands of Jews have bean massacred by the Germans...
...To gat the matter eraaely, aha trouble ta that there ta awt m our inner War Cabinet a maa like Ernest Be Van or Herbert Morrison...
...That lessen Was first driven home by the phoney farm Bloc in the early months of tha present Congress...
...But this time several factors havs quickened the normal JillMsV and heightened thefaeHng of its press-int rMMMfUiii i...
...1360 from Bialapodlaska and 4?00 from Jedr Zejow...
...fhta Board Mas proved its' antJeTitsiwdtftg of the plight of men and women esjaAt to the pinch between static wages and M^nOkag prises., But the iron rule of the LIWIMaatl' Fil'IkBIs Has rendered this tribunal alsMW>mallsil Hii111 CIO and A.F.ofL...
...Tat Cat mans ultimately set fire to the buildtog aad the defenders perished in the flames...
...The daathi occur thiuiagh angamatUaV when steam is turned on in the eaaaatSam)1 chambers at such pressure that the victhae are oaaket to breathe...
...Allen wept publicly this week ovar tat plight of a Virginia landlord who hiked tha riatai of a house from $86 to $120 a month, •oly to be forced by OPA to reduce it to $85 » ssmth...
...Beck hi 1M2 a group of private oil interests sought to grab the Elk Hill reserve and the Teapot Dome scandal exploded...
...in point...
...Tnew is, to be sore, the War Labor Board Hare kmbcr ta represented equally wftk mac agemeat aad the a|Mta...
...The 600^000 miners ate a dramatic case...
...that afternoon, the Labor Committee mat »e consider it* course...
...For a tve years sevtedfcjMNeMae}' ta tha -casttraet, the Stonier* W^av » to re-eerre the entire predeetiaa ef Eft Hill, with aa obhg.ttoe ta pay the /Heey «arO*»f whatoOTST.^U gtvos tha eaaraaaj^^ht anting It ta compete as a part ef hi repey-¦eat aB tha ptati hrealvaaV...
...Wti has accused Porter of "taking control of ireserty away from.its owners and giving.it * tabor...
...Gnu details have now reaahed the Jewish...
...V In the past, collect!Te bargaining involved only union*, and employers...
...on imdanJD prices—but there ta at praesat no -eeilinr prtee on gasoline fixed in the contract <a» sfos whang) to protect the Navy or the Gcvwnaaart or the It hi anHe ImsiisMli far me t« awlWve...
...The Ghetto, acccrding to Stoit...
...8,000 from...
...Santo IS mjBjsn tasTTOta of aft, wnrOAMJs proximately 20 olHUob douars at arm ant trOl tiros been horned «tt ta MM& JtsJcUpd monopolists...
...Matteotti curses "••Wlini...
...The Trebiinka camp ta so organised aa 4o < be capable of putting to death at least (,000 Jews dairy...
...Today eoHsctive bargaining to-vatvee each .geearaatawtsl eomtreto as the War Ubor Board, the National Labor Relations Board, the Wsr Manpower Commission, the War Production Board, the Office Of Defense Transportation, the Interstate reaimccce Commission, the Army, the Navy...
...In mast of the other agencies, nwrticnUrty the .potent ,War Production Board, Manpower Commission and the industrial sections of the Army and Navy, Big Business has moved in and taken over...
...The Rawar-uaka Ghetto where abeas 12,000 Jews have been living since 1942 has been, completely destroyed., In the meantime reports mark London ef a fresh fight that broke out batO sen Germans and Jews at the end of April In Minsk-Msso-wiecki, where Germans assembled some 350 Jews in a school and shot them, Only 30 remained, alive and these beisfcaUad in the school and opened fire on the Pennine...
...Thta is said csutiotMly and conservatively...
...An even more compelling reason for Ubor political action, from the long re map point of view, is the gbsaanpd conditions wiueh iaoor leaders are facing as a result ofmereaning ing and the invasion* af the war ageuete^'and other government bureaus by the representatives of Big Business...
...Things are involved which make this an infinitely mare difficult job than anything con'of war...
...scribes the etanghtering el Jews in haasagaeg*' 600 at a time ia spectaHy eeemtrnetod eJMMr>, bars...
...We could get their enthusiasm as wail at sa saanj bears of work each week...
...There are a total of six million farmers in the United Statoa...
...J*- ¦ In this specific deal, the iinmsey ta protected becaaae there ta already a ceiling...
...v» jT . They have refused to recegntae that certain fundaotontal tight*'«|faber most be maintained or the whole structure Of unionism topples destroying all past gains...
...Paul Porter was accused of penalising t»a patriotic gesture of the landlord who testi-tad he advertised the house for rent in hopes «f relieving tha housing shortage and at the *»a* time making a little money tp be invested to.Wsr Bonds...
...The crime of fascism started fhi»**»r...
...The CIO posi-0*9 was split, part of the delegation agrealhc at one more chance to really do something about Jt is felt that not even the resourcafal Mr...
...MMtfry Ui-y ©oai to Work Tier* is a different story on Paul A. Porter, Iktaf of the OPA Kent Section, whose resigna-ttea is expected imminently...
...This tough and realistic fact is rapidly overcoming whatever influence the old tradition still retains about Ubor staying out of direct political action and contenting Itself with the Gotnpers formula of rewarding friends and punishing enemies or...
...For the first four months of this year there was a tendency among important sections of thO labor movement to regard the actions of such Administration lieutenants as Byrnes...
...And there was being heard this weak sr revival of the intfntliiei that to guard against a recurrence of this disastrous sitooltow every local of each anion most arrange to have an official who, just as, political club workers do, will be charged with the responsibility ef seeing that each member of tha local votes on election day, gnd that each member is fully informed of those candidates endorsed by his union...
...It had the effect of sharpening the focus of thinking on political lines and of heightening the tempo of the trend...
...Isasevelt can pass the buck again...
...There were two hopes...
...Over 1,000 Jews have been murdered in the Lakow Ghetto and some 3,000 were "deported" from Sokokrw...
...Je*rd*su sossgtaag LHfle «tee> jarssala aa taw face sion s strait jacketing of take* wtth the wage sad job freese seder, the Gwrereaeeafe ene-saiad aaaarfareaee is the aneaaat preeeaeee Of eefaoaaa be rgaining...
...If CU»o ever came to this ebwa-Iry H weald'•a only aa a prtaaaer of war w sader srrest as an enemy alien, depend-hit en whether he arrived in uniform or Mamftl" •--».• totty in the Wor— wt» to r*o WM t tt May Be So Department: It is reported to «gH diplomatic and military circles that Turkey enter the war on tha side of tha United nations in about a month...
...It would mean in every nana and factory and transportation system that the lines of control ran straight from the bottom to the top of oar production system...
...tht man in the cabinet rap res ant Amy, N*vy, war production and price stabilisation...
...v , * • "Every independent, every emaR oil compar y ." Voorhis warned, "every competitor of Standard, is shot oat from any otMMMjMMJ ef having a part in the development el MJMtMft fieM...
...The men and women oaf the production tines have no one to speak far them, no one in whom they have conAtaMhv no ape who can talk to them iti their langdlhge...
...leeee»elt waa the result of • meeting the OPA Leber Policy Committee k.d with Ad* aJatifretar Prentiss Brawn last Tneeday •erninr Among other things, the commK- ¦ F^Jp} waatad aseeranee from Brown that the rmignstion aTX^fJaaWatth, kead of the OPA Price SecUon...
...The doomed Jews asp afct forced to take off all clothing While they are kept waiting ra the open air for hours being • driven ta the death chamber...
...Albert Fall, Secretary of Interior, leased the property te oil man Edward Dohedfy...
...reser.tadon ever in- siiek secondary authorities as Manpower Offtae %nd the War r^edMJMba Beard...
...sott •Voortif "It ta doubtful that those costs tap amount to more than a minor fraction of that a royalty of 50 per cert of the Navy1...
...It mat taast clear that the first hope ta aa dead as a dodo...
...jfMsr long-term gjitvaaam make them a group apart...
...1. that the WatKVoften would fight labor's battle teflttat anything a reactionary CongreOs might ear^L that the Republicans would not jeopardise their hopes ef mining tabor away from the Democratic Party by sepperVing anti-labor\jegiatalion, , Whatever amy ressaaf MJMaajkl for the secaed hope (aot mech...
...Tata ta oar test gfgeMfe to you...
...Unless there are changes at the very top of our admintatratasV there MO be other stoppages...
...For twjswiy years we have treated them-as a nation within « nation...
...This 20-mfflkm-dollar advance by the New/ to Standard Oil is supposed to be far Ma W pom of -amchj iln.Hn, eaata...
...tte inference, of course, was that labor look MtaMfflaktead of the Administration for the 'sMJBSo of the price situation...
...Any adequate haridtftft of the situation would involving getting them beck on their jobs wfth a willing arid patriotic spirit They mat A treated ae a part ef the nation, they must fed that the War Cabinet is then-cabinet, that it represents their interest as much as John L. Lewis and the union...
...secret radio ef the Polish underground movement, u new one huge cemetery...
...than the innrpeaiM would make ether product, in which there is Them* to no frits'^ seek as a wage frees*, to keep ^Samdard turning put oil for the navy at the «¦* aid pries...
...In the whole mMatkHm iabor--rehrtk>ns and in the matter of the #Sl strike hi particular, the Communists have Itayed an insidious anti-Labor role...
...They leak direct rep...
...and in realising the enormity of labor's responsibility in failing to get oat the labor vote at that time...
...Since no niitirti Ubor leader believes that of existence when peace comes or' that thane that remain will be able to withdraw their partscipaticm in collective bargaining im taste and smce Big Business is in hheae tammg 11 appereatiy to stay, the only alternative far Ubor to to get into government on an equal basis with msaagiitat...
...The ovarwhelathaf aaaSeptto* of PMQg Jews —the last numbers ef Jfco #MWsw who were originally seat to the-Wa»M> 0**vto by the Nasis—has beep eassa^staM/ wiped Ottt...
...The cloak of being a champion sf price control was donned very belatedly by -fijasd pf the OPA Price Section...
...ithfobgh Italy like a whispered enree f*M» rlP»n the pungent threa-word pbresej -*5Ma*r ^ti Maled1Ce Mussolini...
...Thousands have been shot or taken to death camps...
...eoaUa ^¦^^^'^"u^p^mear^u at^ eiTeeetreMma tacrsawed, aat^Jnmeai,-M the reeaH ef the war...
...a strictly individual basis...
...For it might be added that labor's conscience mm ef itself as a consumer never has been higher and is still on the upgrade...
...far example, means s thing these days until it has keen approved by the War Labor Board...
...Govim—> est*red the pietare rsrely, smith— gage)My by yHhtfcan anly an .a-: msatotsr da -an tesaaase...
...v, : BrowTi revealed bis capitulation ta tha press-are of the War Profiteers lobbies in Congress fej mfusing to |ive the Labor Committee asstff-anm on tha sdbject of Maxon or saririactory igdkaticm that be means to do more than talk shea* rolling back prices...
...And It ta bow universally rengatail that the meet lmaertaat lesson taher'has learned from Jeha L. Lewis to the esaaaaet el the recent mine controversy ta that It cannot depend with compliaat aeriahflity on say poUUcal fgere eatotata of the tabor sseve-ssaat, hat maat always reasaig aggrpselvely self-reliant ia its political setatii— with evea the moat friendly adssiatatrstioa...
...etc No collective bargaining agreement...
...we do Mil sets John L. Lewie, yet with the aa«ari«MMaag that M at hdMaa&y the fta-satsaade el Ciasisaaaai aolMy, L a, the failure to hah price rises, the lack el Labor representation hi poBey-makiea sec-tars, and the aha, which has hreaght aa wiaespread Labor aaroat, And ta this par-ttaatar coal ease a targe msakare ef btame maat rest ea gee statbsrasnas of aba The "Daily Worker," however, ears, "there was no earthly reaeaa far the miners to walk eert...
...It« ihto ta iadta-tinguiahable from tha* of the BjLM...
...that certain reactionary forces are using the war emergency as a cloak to throttle Labor and open the way towards smashing tabor standards during aad after the war...
...Bar thnt reason Audita Khisvy's report in •the New Leader teat week of the fnrssatlin in FMbMMfhia of a United Labor Committee af AFL and CIO unions far peasant independent political action was tend here with the greatest interest...
...It is not too late...
...What happened in Aktam, Toledo and Detroit is sufficient to show that tha mine strike ta not altogether an aMlatod' phenomenon...
...In the three-cornered collective bargaining negotiations involving labor, employer and government these days, .labor leaders are finding thesaeelves faced with the agate tag Bmrlntse taker sett aa the emmjoyer side af the table aad ea the government side of the tatoe...
...Yet iaeor ee* keen getting a terrific kicking around in Congress There is practical unanimity among labor readers today in realising that the keystone of labor's troubles is last November's elections...
...A further n in I Suit isatai gives IMJMI all the oil for • poM ef afp year...
...f w-~ ' , -.Itm Jewish Labor Coonoittee has made public a list of 42 Jewish Scholars, Laker leaders and writert, »noAVbedtas were Wanti-iao by agents «f the gaArjtoandaiw>oq,ra1, iCerman.cruehy, reports Swit^appaJ&ftg, Vtordta 6?bowee "rfeaSfei •» *htrounded—even outlets of the sewer system tu Limbed ¦>¦¦¦ - *-•*"' f^f~"f: ¦ The Polish clandestin* taoW also appeals p» ail Pale* -Ho giro «#?\»Jg?>*l*Jlto ¦fc> lues mram <tasaM0"tolreeible difneulties...
...bat Senator Tom Walsh of Montana discovered that Doheny had "loaned* Fall $200,000...
...Among these factors atet • 1. The reactionary atajoHty to Congress and lata teed ef iigssnsIN jtaPfl takes: lagta-tatioa ea Capitoi Hill »nd In several of the, Statoa...
...teaTJfcaaJaalayl fttw^iB the KauxUl^crf the t^.Ju^ the fc*i*2TK«KUy on^the to^ol^BwW given WMMtl 00 ef CeHfeente...
...o on June 10, lp*7, under orders ef Mesao-*^ two anti-taacist readers, Nello and Cfttio j»M*lli, were killed near Paris...
...One of the Mm that OPA has failed in 1943 is because WVfaith...
...The appointment of'a first class labor man to tan tamer War Cabinet.would be an electrifying symbol...
...This new increase sbeeld net the stockholders another nice dividend...
...Disregarding for the atetnant the possibility that this limitation may tend itself to labor factionalism in the developing political picture of the near future, the seVf-nestrainod status of the Philadelphia committee coincides remarkably well with the present position of labor's political thinking...
...Ag>fitatt^^pictura, there, an U million orgnsdsma worker* (not counting the m*mm teed) to throe greet losrl timet* Ubor federa-ttons...
...mainly baas use the picture should not be overdrawn...
...I^s the day that has bean haunt-¦% Mussolini like an evil nemesis since JuneW, When Matteoti was assassinated by Wm...
...The gears of thinking have not yet mashed felly with those of action, and until ^hat happens tha explosive tabsaibflities in the situation remain largely yOtonttal...
...Ttoit_nesil jon may be ssmsmrited thus: &Wk&tidiakhng k^tebor to no yet U aa SetiijfteHiadatata...
...Giving them everything they claim, tat phoneys who call themselves the Farm Blow stad whs actually are tha stalking horses of Mgyatnatoees do not represent * aa' much as one million ef these farmers, or less than one-eigth, Tat, they have been havrbe a reactionary field day in Congress...
...Jtwptnwjpee after -tha war hi aggravated mm...
...and what are you going to do about it...
...The latest ~de...
...The coal mine controversy which brought the price and wage parity issue to a crisis has to the past month largely dispelled that point tat view...
...The result has bean to dhilrnsion labor hi one of ito comforting hopes which followed the reectic«*Ty victory in hut November's elections...
...MM ^-f •UwrilM todevetop ui «^to*rfi«*7 oil ia tkM feOateeeiy rfc* lM>av\',--The Nsvy itself tu'wwr get as oil fijMttfb own reton except by sefiiaglt Ik Btoliilrttnip then repurchasing it...
...The Smith Committee fcwaitigating the OPA Rent Section ta franldy •st U wreck hat control so that landlords «a» get at tha *M arofits aaogh ta more Magoate fash-Porter is the mlj OPA executive who has done * «o«di^-nsraid L Alien, counsel of (he Smith Cafenft...
...Of particular interest was the self-Imp need liaiitsftoat of the Philadelphia committee which prohibit it from acting as a political party or as an adMUts of a political unit...
...It becomes timely thetafora to makO h report...
...BwU piudtocaUa had to be encouraged by grannteg price rises (and creating wane profits < whiie wage raises to workers to "imf.ationary " Standard htehteattaBy paid t28.000.000 in dividends to slfiabJiiMmi since Peart Harbor...
...or almost 26 years, since the asaaotfgaWm ^aueoji, the fatal day of Jupe ^»bling...
...And it is even mare significant that af .aB these government agencies the Wsr Labor Board is the only oae where there ia even a pritrmef sf riving labor direct sad equal representation with, management...
...Tearhle said, "thai w» eanhl an*,***, oe-tatood sneh pt oderttaa from fata at reserve as ta rasjateai by tha wsr wltoeet taereastof the strswgte hold of the oil maaaaaiy apen the aattaa...
...It amounts to yimtfmf the company with $.20.000.000 of capita, at Be Interest whatsoever...
...have pafhmtfy done their part to get'what slight aJQptages may be won from panels working...
...The AFL proposal wis that the committee resin forthwith from OPA...
...According to all reports more than 1000 Nasis were killed by the Jews...
...OWM and the Coal Crisis Why Labor Is Restless 'Btitfit since Pearl Barber The Mew Leader *aaa urgbag the eraaatan bf a war urtHtt...
...Driving them mSx firld the pits with bayonets would not help...
...among others, failed to ch) }M> Wait when the price spiral began to rise...
...Brown, McKutt, Nelson and others as separate and independent of that of their boss...
...C»a«a fg Wo»W.,toir$By, farie . Tain't So Department: The wild rwmer that Mttssoiini's son-in-law, Count Ciane...
...Said Voorhis, commenting bitterly on Standard Oil's chance to "clean up millions of easy money" on a eme-aidad contract...
...Now we desperately need their labor power—and we find that nattanal appeals fail to reach their hearts...
...Porter is, under terrific fire in Congress at the instigation of Landlord's Lobby...
...An underground report from Poland states that soma 8,000 Jews were recently "deported" from Krsmrik in the Lublin area...
...Cursing workers or strike leaders does no good...
...bss keen fox...
...Taking the load ia pushing tads plan ate the Railroad Brotherhoods...
...as wag oar plea at least aew that we he is sajto) counted days to Mve...
...We could mobilize men's spirits as well s» their hands...
...A The lanaias and saptere of the geveraamntannnsntaa fey tag Ttosis It is a toss-up as to whtah of these has been the greater prod to labor thinking along the lines of ipriaOeasint political action, aad to labor's slew and painful rjeaalasHiii that it cannot look confidently to Che White House hot must rely neon itself for the protection of its interests...
...A number of Germans were killed...
...TaratoTOrSinxt fl» Nasi, in the Watsaw Qhetto bsoka oot^Aprtl iTtfe, when tttfBafihMto' aattght to ^JjUki i" the remnants oTthe JeWta* t^m^^,^iA'<»tib*M rt)Mi •armed Tea* 3« 1h7 feNfeff M l l^nrMTtod more than a month...
...They iwellHli the Urgent bloc ef voters in oar govern men t-by-k>bby...
...The Unconquered Tragedy and Terror in the Warsaw Ghetto The berofc li ilnlghaj gsnjsh)i i i el the Jews in the Warsaw CTtaMed aaaUta aha Naai terror has actuaHy ceased, aeeerdtog to information raoeiwsdon May ta^lfi^fM- <M.Mlsli Labor Committee and the Pohah Telarrapkac Agency...
...AB MagsfejMi ef the Jewish Council ef Waraaw have been Wiled, Some thousand JeWs still raatain in cellars and .beds bat those are bebag Main oae after an-other...
...On Jane M, ***•> the cowardly assassin struck again, this against a mition, whan Mussolini stabbed ^M* n» the back...
...it is apparent on its face from the language just reed that it gives one of the largest of the major oil companies in America a monopoly of the largest reserve in America...
...With the 1944 presidential eampaign less than a, rear ayay, H would be nerma...
...It to not apti-AdjmUto-tralioa and certainly not asti-Roosevelt...
...Fall was convicted in a New Mexico court and served a year in the Federal p^flrta?Jf|t.iaI ¦ The deal the navy has made with Standard Oil, it is said, is less advantageous from the, standpoint of the government than the FalT Doheny lease...
...W 0%lff<«IUfcUeUi...
...Bnt * ceaM easily become so by the thaw the politicsl campaign gets going next Smrtoyif.thc AdntlnlatUttom dsns net saove ft jjpre1 to produce roanlU an aacb critical 1. Btfeeftty of sacrifice in the war effort, particularly as respects parity in Jabo Vfjslfe ¦(¦lajaniai'iit't profits and middlemen's prices...
...i*\f?%- > Labor looks to Independent Polities' As Old Guard Runs War Agencies By JONATHAN STOUT • WASHINGTON, D. C^retoreand atora sines last November, thinking to top labor circles here has been along potiaea) lines...
...T^i [A etoaem-tof surttas to hewer tee tareta dghtors of bis WarseO Gketto ta miiiiiiagalp» the Jetrith Leber Csssaaiftas /or /nan ' Cenwgta HeX...
...It *9Vfeher»~^that prices rose to their present tmL Oalbralth had his ohance to be for pries am Mb^SP bdltfli Prariti*t Browti and Loti Vftwliarad the picture...
...Weald not meen victory far U« Mason, head of the OPA Information RvfmaK'aMl raaraaebkaMva aMM packers, canners aad ether Btg BasftVsk ¦ teresu wha are aapeeed ta price eatHrbt WUrs-and-cenU celUngs...
...The fight lasted several hours...
...Tfu Voice ef the fiwesaewared, IswtahlaMnr Committee Newsletter dealing with the oeder-grooad movement in Nazi-occupied Enrepa, which was the first to reveal in its April teeue the armed restate nre ia the Wereew Ghetto, publishes in its May tasue toe last appeal from > Warsaw Jewry which reeds: ' ^aVJfej "Brothers, the ramaising JeWs ef Petaad are convinced that yon have fw gotten ««p^ the most tragic hour of our extatoaee...
...Washington conferring with . taosevelt and Churchill got only a snort st th» State Department Said Assistant Sec-rstsry of SUU A. A. Berle, Jr.: *Ta» ¦anjiM...
...It is those word* -exclusive right' that are the meat of this whole bitter nut" . Capital Comment Labor Puts Fate of OPA in FDR's Hands By JONATHAM STOUT /- WASHINGTON, Dr*C.—The fate of OPA aad bmmrtaing AFL Prasidant WOUa* Q^m^OO Rodent Phil Murray epd a .aowp af^jl, •taker leaders of the country- They yiartMlat JV.'Eoosevelt with a W ef paxtr^taral&fii * by the OPA Labor Policy Committee, the .tat of which was to the effect: 5?»baT» can no tattgar go on this am...
...fPjfhe Pr^tim of the matter U Mr...
...CfaaWd .imsifisnO tote aV^M...
...With the Btroidatioit oTaW WarbaW 'Ghetto the Germans have now begun to eliminate the ghettos in the smaller provincial Polish cities...
...Lsbor*S HiiMilelmnata with the Administration ia the cane* ef MVfaUnre • to keep prices dowa...
...Teapot Dome" Oil Scandal Voorhis Charges in Congress Ignored By Nations Press By DANIEL BELL Oat in Elk Hill, Califoroia'ti* U. $. jiwh mm mmi«pt of ** imNt fliiMiK^ SlmMwoZhiTSi1'1' 3»mSmj of Tta*#e* Pome had felted...
...and not sor-Vrwalp^ii any eaaa forfarHMfhted leadership to begin to think along political lines...
...ihjJJQe .par for prooes.ing-whKB if see***) fen* ft WTunmTj WW 01 pTvCwfTrigf IB CM QKImW I...
...War Labor...
...Meet afthe Labor merement—a...
...In their blind hate for John L Lewis they have refused to recognise the legitimate grievances el the Mine Workers— a fa^ttested-to byjht tremendous^.p saM^nrtp^mtners—and have sttribofed tkt wslkoet: soWt to Lewis...
...f«M JS— W«o*» Potof Day , . , * J«»t 10th would be a gx»od day ^'iMlslr^llBr f|»a «b Itajy...
...Many *ews were burned alive...

Vol. 26 • June 1943 • No. 23

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