Where the News Ends


Where the News Ends By WILLIAM HENRY CHAMBERLIN THE dissolution of the Communist International formally puts, an end to an intolerable scandal far Soviet foreign relations and tardily redeems a...

...finally amputation of the affected areas...
...That the Congress of the United States could descend so lew is beyond imagination...
...He had none of the manners of congressional oratory...
...attache* to an appropriation bill a proviso to th< effect that none of the funds should be usee to pay the salaries of Robert Morse Lovett Goodwin B. Watson or William E. Dodd...
...In a recent current-events paper ia school she...
...It is an old convention in Soviet political trials for children to denounce their supposedly yguilty parents and clamor for their immediate execution...
...Hot springs represents tat um« *f planting...
...This is meant to mean, in plait language, that they are Communists...
...WHAT is worst about the Davies-Hollywood *· partnership production is that, instead of concentrating on aspects of Russian life with which Americans would sympathize, it perversely whitewashes and even glorifies some of the most objectionable features of a totalitarian state: the Moscow trials and the hardboiled Soviet foreign policy of the period of the Stalin-Hitler Pact...
...THE House Immigration Committee is beding hearings on the Chinese Exclusion hem...
...He conjured up the spectre of a sinister "anti-Soviet campaign" in this country and proceeded to list as the first four elements In it...
...R. L WELL-INFORMED— UNffASfD Prem VINCENT BELLO Director, /tamest ? si «tun Labor Council To- the Editor: I waat to compliment yea ea the complete structure of your publication, the liberal policy you display...
...He was not elected...
...They an fighting for our way ef life aa opposed to the ways of life as proposed by the Axis powers...
...I yield to no man in my gratitude to those who are fighting on the battle fronts oh land, on sea and in the sir...
...It provokes and makes inevitable criticism from all who have the least concern with objective historical truth...
...There is still time for the setting ?? of similar labor groups in other states...
...Their only means off...
...Tab action was taken en the basis of "evidence' submitted by the Kerr Committee to the effect that these men were guilty of "subversiv« affiliations...
...The most impressive feature of the situation is that in both these great industrial states, unions of the A. F. of L...
...Finally, and most absurdly, Pad-erewski is shown as Premier of Poland in 1938, although the great musician's fleeting connection with Polish politics ended very soon after the First World War...
...Then must be a heavy toll of deaths and accidents among the industrial ????ken...
...266 to 110...
...For many years our immigration law has baa aa insult to ear greet ally, to the nation wtJet is bearer of the oldest civilisation on easts and which will, in the not distant future, test the lead in the rehabilitation of Asm...
...Dies and Kerr...
...Bat so an the men and women on the production and transportation lines, on land and on the seas...
...For more than ? century the Supreme Court has consistent^ ruled that appointments are the responsibility of the executive department...
...They wear no uniforms but the grime and sweat of honest labor...
...For the mfersst-tion of Anglo-American reader*, some* newspapermen an fat tat habit of adding Ckrittiau Domo-erotic parenthesizing these words The Italian Popular Party ev neither a religions aar a eenosu-national party...
...Who Mm...
...enrmeots "a specific plan for a pemseaat international body to deal with tat problsa of food and agriculture...
...Nor waa it» eh* party...
...It is not on a basis of falsehood and slick onesided totalitarian propaganda that Russian-American friendship can be or will be built...
...No one out of the political simpleton elaas coeld seriously question the proposition that the Soviet Government bears direct responsibility fer every act of the International...
...Corliss Lament to believe that the Soviet Government would permit the existence in its capital of an international organisation which it did not control down to the last and smallest detail of its activity...
...Unless the .harvest is .to ratals purely imaginary, the toughest part of ts* work remains to be done...
...Stern necessity has triumphed over traditional theory...
...Aa reported by the Nstional Safety Council, the toll fer 1942 exceeds by several times the number of casualties fat the armed force...
...Then rumors spread that leprosy had been transmitted from the South ????- ?· —-« ~* %T - vember, 1941, the improper use of the fiuoroscope had been definitely established as the cause of the "leprosy" although the information was kept from the victims for over a year...
...We should be giving friendly recognition to our heroic Astatic ally...
...His address consisted of two sentences...
...The 57 shipyard workers were permanently injured by the X-rays of a fiuoroscope machine operated by inexperienced attendants in the first aid unit maintained by the Liberty Mutual Co., the compensation insurance carrier for the California Shipbuilding Corporation...
...the only survivor is the Cssea Popular Party, and its leader it now the President of the Cssttv-Slovakian Government It Esfft Msgr...
...T^Vf _-aa—¦ EDITORIAL COMMENT (sOVfRMMfNT IT ATTAINOfl AGAIN we have a Senate eozasaittas * thank for heading off s scandalous aetioi by the House, The House of Representative oa May 18th, by a vote of 318 to 62...
...To pretend that then coole st any possible evil results would be fan testa...
...It was not the CVfa-tta* Popular iPeasant) Porta, as noted in the April SO tssot e? Tbe New Leader, bat the...
...Why this veil of silence about the soldiers of the production front...
...Ite contents are: the beat lltpsmtari one may get from a periodical...
...Therefore to LhsHitsfha it ae a Christian aad as s peaasat party ia to give a falsa ImSfff skm...
...Marshal Takhachevsky, who never received a public trial at all, is shown confessing in open court Ribbentrop is represented as making a trip to Moscow in 1987, or 1938, which he never made...
...This piece of taiejgrerta* tion has come from a sdisjald published last year by thdusfam Press -under the title...
...minister them in such a way ? to »ecure as even flow through good years aad baa, sei prevent speculative prices such si hav«, a ^ pest, interfered with international trade...
...the Kerr Committee When this group was set up, it was thought to be a means provided by Congress to protect itself against the slanderous methods of the Dies Committee...
...If the Senators start a filibuster, they will have this young man to deal with...
...Congress ins ? Sternes of Alabama cut a sorry figure when he proclaimed that "if all the forty-eight states had a poll tax, the quality of the legislators in this body would be raised to a higher level...
...It is the duty of Socialists and progressives to protect the labor safeguards against the specious argument that the war effort requires their abrogation...
...Even such an Innocuous organization as a press club for foreign journalists has been frowned on and officially forbidden...
...Where the News Ends By WILLIAM HENRY CHAMBERLIN THE dissolution of the Communist International formally puts, an end to an intolerable scandal far Soviet foreign relations and tardily redeems a pledge given by Maxim Litvinov, then Commissar forroreign Affairs, to President Roosevelt almost ten years ago...
...A* United States sailor spoke...
...Lament's speech at Carnegie Hall...
...Lament attributes to the unnamed promoters ef his "anti-Soviet campaign" responsibility for Issues whieh would never have arisen had it not been for acta of the Soviet Government itself...
...The technique of the Davies film was very much in evidence in Mr...
...First came a question: "Why should a man have to pay a tax to vote when he can fight without paying it...
...At first it waa thought that fungus infection was responsible...
...South will do well to pay attention to * one voice that rang oat oa Tuesday Im...
...The two occasions when he did visit Moscow, in 1939, were signalised by the signature .of the Soviet-German non-aggression pact and of supplementary economic agreements which eased the task of the German war machine...
...There would be no controversy about Soviet-Polish relations, no "furor over relations of Russia with the Baltic States," no "question of Finland" if the Soviet Government were prepared to honor the treaties of non-aggression and neutrality which it concluded, at its own initiative, with its Western neighbors in the thirties, if Stalin were disposed to live up to his own popular phrase of that same, time: "We won'twant a foot of anyone else's territory and wffi not give up an inch of our own...
...It certainly calls for no compensation, because neither America nor any other foreign country has ever- maintained an organization comparable with the Communist International, and aiming at the overthrow of the Soviet Government...
...The bill was passed...
...The wild raving ef enemies of the bill heard on the floor last Tuesday is sufficient to prove that there is no each thing as reasonable argument against it...
...If trade unionists throughout the country follow the examples set m these three states, the election of 1944 may turn out very differently from that of 1942...
...If immigrants from China were admitted exactly as are all others under ear quota system, we could accept no snort east 100 a year...
...In his two sentences he expressed two clear and pertinent thoughts...
...2 have resulting from this conferee** a. yd manent international body with fat -,„14 executive authority than, let us say, the has*, national Labor Office of the League of KaaS Both proposals, moreover, involve the...
...Speed * taking this action would add to Ra deesssj and effectiveness _ LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Deathson Production FrontExceed War Casualties as Safety Guards are Relaxed From JACOB MARGOLIN ?? the Edilort After being concealed for over a year, what has been termed the "greatest blunder in industrial medicine" recently came to light in Lois Angeles, when suits aggregating $5,000,000 were filed in the Superior Court on behalf of 57 employees of the California Shipbuilding Corporation, one of the largest shipbuilders in the country with a monthly production of ahnpst twenty ships...
...But be voiced the thought of the vast majority of the people of this country...
...regard to William E. Dodd, The New Leedei holds no brief for him...
...afls^^^a^-eSa' woll-h^ formed of sil important current events...
...Mission to Moscow," and the meeting which was recently held in Carnegie Hall ender the chair...
...flatietai/ of the Interior Ickes performed aa important public service in revealing the slipshod methods of...
...A considerable proportion ef the responsibility for these civilian tragedies rests en certain interests hostile to labor who are using the war emergency as a lever with whieh to overthrow protective legislation built up ia the last fifty years...
...Inasmuch aa the Axis powers have made much use of the hypocritical claim that they were fighting international communism (despite the recent experience of the Hitter-Stalin Pact) it is a shrewd step on the part of the Soviet dictator to throw the Internationa] out of the window, or at least to put it in cold storage for the duration of the war...
...Popular Porta...
...Ia this ease, however, Congressman Kerr has merely echoed Congressman Dies, and both of then—as Secretary Ickes proved—ere merely repeating the malodorous gossip of Elisabeth Dilling...
...So far as America is concerned, the closing down of the International is merely the redemption of a promise, the precise text of which was cited in this column several weeks ago, given oh behalf of the Soviet Government on the eve of the resumption of Soviet-American diplomatic relations in the autumn of 1933...
...The British and American proposals placed before the Uemw Nations Food Conference this wtek «? this project fer*beyond the »ordy regiZj investigation and theory If these as...
...Mission to Moscow...
...Rectifying action by the Senate Appropriations Committee is needed, not to clear the reputations of Robert Morse Lovett and Goodwin B. Watson, but to wipe away the stigma placed en the record of our national legislature by Messrs...
...Over the years procedures have been perfected for the protection of government employees and for theii proper trial in case of charges...
...But they, too, piece their lives and limbs to danger every hour of the day and night...
...It is to be hoped that the Soviet dictator did not sell the idea to Mr...
...Every farmer knows there a i Jet ef work aad sweat between seed-time tat harvest...
...It is certainly the first time in history tfcat a government which was receiving lavish and desperately needed war aid from foreign powers maintained on its territory a conspiratorial organization which aimed to overthrow these friendly governments...
...But at the present moment It is mat-fensible...
...Lee Angeles...
...I am afraid I must reverse that process and report my fifteen-year-old daughter Elisabeth, who was born in...
...Over the week-end, representative bodies of union men in Pennsylvania and New Jersey took definite action...
...bold proposal is, of course, ciosetj tiuj tt the "ever normal granary" project ef ear own Department cf Agriculture Withes a decade a great idea has passed fror, tbe a*, tional to the international level On Tuesday the United States Celcsatke proposed the setting up of an "inten« es» mission" to continue the work of the Cat fere nee and recommend to the member gss...
...One might imagine it would strain the credulity even of the Webbs, the Dean of Canterbury and Mr...
...part of: ¦ «" ' ' ¦.......¦¦¦¦¦Bssass...
...Moscow, to Izvestia, Pravda, The New Mattet and The Daily Worker aa a counterrevolutionary, an enemy to the people, a Trotsky-ite scoundrel and a Bukharinite viper...
...Men who had been examined by the machine complained of pains, which was followed by ulcers, running sores, the sloughing off.of ti»$ flesh.and...
...Davies, ? whose visit so closely preceded the dissolution of the International, that the closing down of the Comintern wss s notable concession, ? for which America should give a quid pro ooo in the form, for instance, of recognising Stalin's predatory annexations daring the period of his collaboration with Hitler...
...Under stress of war conditions, the unions have voluntarily relinquished the usual weapons whereby * they defend the interests of their members...
...The misuse of the fiuoroscope which resulted in the mutilation of the men, occurred during September, October and November of 1941...
...Now in all these matters Mr...
...Bat the cause of Soviet-American friend -' ship can oaiy suffer from such alleged efforts to promote It ss the Davies film...
...ssere forcibly call to the attention of progressive psapls everywhere the almost wholly unnecessary killing ef werken that is taking place In ear war industries, perhaps easier more prosaic naditisaa...
...The American Labor Party has tans rapidly secured important support With balance-of-power labor groups ia three important states, the prospects grow definitely brighter...
...But it is convinced that Robert Moras Lovett and Goodwir Watson are good eitiaeas, honest men and eminently qualified for the positions which they hold...
...It was the GPU, not any sponsors of an "anti-Soviet campaign...
...Assuming that it will be honestly carried info effect, the repudiation of Moscow's sponsorship, of Communist movements throughout the world removes a serious potential cause of friction ber tween the Soviet Union and foreign countries, and an obtaele to the development of normal friendly relations between the Russian and American peoples...
...And, as a further aside, who appointed Walter Du ran ty a judge of truth ? His plug for the "Submlesmr to-Moscow" contains the phrase: ^Itjs.a picture of truth...
...In connection wfck this proposal, consideration is to be g-rvat « relationships "to other permanent tutitiilisg in related economic aad ether fields" The delegates who introduced this ??» luoon were obviously aware of tbe fact that unless there is international control ef Ansast and .reciprocal lowering of trade barrier*-in fact, unless there is some form of tat» national government—all that goes on at Id Springs comes under the head af srisjda thinking...
...which might have better ' (in Matthew Low's phrase) been entitled "Submission to Moscow" is a Be from beginning to end la its propaganda replications...
...Under these conditions it is inevitable that trades unions should organize for political purposes...
...Way not print—and repeat the figures of production increasing each month in ships, planes, tanks and munitions ? Why not pofatish articles showing the lack of housing for the workers near the larger industrial plants ? Why not tell ea something about the number of deaths in the maritime service...
...Speaking for the seven pell-tax states...
...If 19...
...asserting themselves is through political pressure...
...was askedi about the origin of the S Uli ?-Hi tier...
...The rather ssssssaaJ circumstances surrounding this ease shook...
...L Liberal tolerance in regard to political organisations has never been a characteristic of the Soviet regime...
...ef the peasants were PepsiarL while the intellectual okssa, ? students and professors, «?» widely represented.'* Jacksonville Florida...
...Wants Facts on Labor Record Fro* JOSEPH ?. ? ? LOW ELL To the Editor: The civilian workers have been getting hell lately...
...These states will scad 99 delegates to the neat Democratic national convention...
...The nation is fighting for its life Thus far the present Congress has wasted months of time over every problem presented to it...
...posals are adopted bad implemented, ae...
...Pope's labored apologetics for Stalin's policies don't raise my morale one bit and I wonder whether his title may not be self-bestowed...
...and the unbiased way to which yon present facta...
...A similar bill was passed by the Hoaae last falL It was shamelessly filibustered to death by poll-taxers ia the Senate...
...Then came a declaration that has wide bearing: "I came here to see how a democracy works, aad I found them fighting the Civil War all over again...
...Looked at from any point of view, this it a dangerous proceeding...
...If southern Senators consume precious weeks "fighting the Civil War all over again," they will be assuming a terrible responsibility...
...The debate concerned the Anti-Pell-Tax bill, a measure making it illegal to demand the payment of a tax as a qualification for voting for federal officials...
...CIO and the Railway Brotherhoods were well represented...
...Historically this act of exclusion is rntrf-ligible...
...one of the principal bosses of that organization, testified in 1929 that "not a document of importance, possessing big international significance, was issued from the Communist International without ' the most active participation of Stalin in its formulation...
...LABOR AND 1944 IT has long been evident that the present set-up of trades unions and government would drive the unions more definitely and mili-tantly into polities...
...Now it goes to the Senate, It will be well for the southern Senators—before they decide on their Strategy —to coasider seriously the contribution made to the debate by the young sailor...
...The Philadelphia convention spoke directly for 133,000 members...
...Incidentally, who appointed Arthur Upharrr Pope, one of the leading lights of the Carnegie* Hall meeting, to the pompous sounding -post of "Chairman, Committee for National Morale"' Mr...
...according to the New York Timet report of his speech, "Use of the Soviet-Polish crisis, use' of the Alter-Ehrlich case, furor over'-relations of", Russia with the Baltic States, question of Finland...
...of otaer conference* and the setting TI^ other authorities ia the fields of inter ashaaa trade aad finance, ™ The object of the conference is to secan fkj full use of the sail resources of the sadE nations in order to satisfy the nutritions needs ef all tbe populations...
...POOD INTERNATIONALISM AS the dissolution of the Comintern fat sn-*" nouaced, a new international, an international of nutrition, is gradually taking form at Hot Springs, Va...
...Ts» Chinese are the only people apecifncalhr excluded by name from this country...
...The Ken Committee, without hearings, without any thing in the way of legal evidence, now presumes to smear the names of public servaati aad to rob the nation of their services...
...yT*1 rWUn^BLsmoT BotJ^organisations will be^'adequately financed, will set op county aad ward affiliates aad put in motion machinery designed to dominate elections this fall and—especially— in 1944...
...it is a new .proof of the predominance in Stalin's character of the practical politician over the doctrinaire revolutionary fanatic...
...Stalin showed mere sense of propriety then some of his undiscriminating foreign admirers when he decided to pat an end to this .' anomaly...
...the House of Representatives...
...araaship of Corliss Lamont, largely it seems, for the purpose of boosting the film...
...In Europe se have had ten Popular partite...
...David Manuileky...
...At that time, I felt mt self obliged to furnish s rtea> cation in a letter whisk ma* printed in People and JrVeaps* ef London (August, 1941) " In this letter occurred the *» lowing paasage: "Another pkratt which zaay seem unimportant bet which, too, is misleading is **» description of the Party a*99 as one 'which had aoqairad * strong held ower the ssassata, when actually the majority j? members wen drawn frets W middle class and artisans saSS httle leas from the paasetfl (save to the North, waste sstf...
...On the other hand, s great wrong would m set right...
...Don Sturzo Corrects Some History From LUIGI STURZO To the Editor: Permit me to correct ar error that is frequently made with m> gatd to the name of the salty which I founded hi Italy is January...
...It is so thickly studded with desstwaUable factual inaccuracies that space only allows me to list three of the most glaring...
...Those who are completely la-capacitated receive $100.00 per month workmen's compensation from the State, which is a mere pittance for a family under present living costs...
...Psct and " replied, with lamentable disrespect fee the Joe* Davies version of history: "Stalin ecochsded the1 pact with Hitler to gain timt jjpgj...
...that murdered Ehrlich and Alter...
...Their newer* isf negotiation are limited by laws aaffjidminiitratlvrpoHries...
...The BritishfC presented by Richard Law, proposes to tssib lish "buffer stocks" of vital foods sagg...
...i ? J * · * THIS is why the continued existence of the International after Great Britain and the United States became active allies of the Soviet Union, following Hitler's attack, was nothing short of a scandal...

Vol. 26 • May 1943 • No. 22

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