Stalin Liquidates the Communist International - A Symposium

Stalin Liquidates the Communist International — A Symposium Behind the Allied Food Parley By T. SWANN HARDING ? its issue for March 21, 1942, Nature of ¦London discussed "A Scientific Food...

...ProfelHlOr ref!.ect ~ d' :t' h' . becalille MU8BOlini f ancied himself a lI'orld ;• c.i )''.'Y 0u_.' " ot be' a ml 18 Irony...
...Is Ciano in Washington...
...Matthew Wo// Vice-President...
...IfoT.!u& n~w book, WIIin~ Du..-WitA ltaqr-r---n There was a allJ'ht ob~OD at tJris...
...and when have SO •• goofl 8...
...Therefore, whatever the motives that impelled it, we must accept it at face value hi order to attain the full benefit of its favorable implications...
...The dissolution of the Comintern is another expression of that fact aether than a genuine change of policy...
...More and mere the Stalinist ruling class became enamoured of a nationalism of the Rue-sisn State...
...Dean Alfange ALP Candidate for Governor THE dissolution of the Comintern will un* doubtedly aid the prosecution of the war both on the military and on the political and propaganda fronts...
...youl want me to believe Church and Fucism," leCfived international HCretaries...
...Roo.evelt inn.ted!' .. ," ~,~cIuUe :Fory dre •• eoae tne...
...But ",1111~ Why question...
...It is effective, because it will fool some very important persons in Washington and elsewhere who don't know sny better snd some others who in their hearts do know better, but who wish to be fooled The Comintern is no more deed today than it was a week ago...
...We may find some guidance in the Memorandum of Agreement Regarding International Trade in Wheat, arrived at between officials of Argentina, Australia, and the United States, all wheat-exporting nations, and the United Kingdom which normally imports wheat...
...It stated that the world never had Mtsduced in so-called normal times sufficient entries to provide all its people with an ade-¦ntts diet...
...Stalin Liquidates the Communist International — A Symposium Behind the Allied Food Parley By T. SWANN HARDING ? its issue for March 21, 1942, Nature of ¦London discussed "A Scientific Food Policy...
...Now he-'discovers that it was all really "a historic mistake...
...With the ''dissolution," contact with Communists abroad will be maintained through some other channel...
...The motive hi to impose another gigantic Communist deception upon world democracy and upon world labor...
...It worked so 2"**** it was late in 1941 before the United gP eould persuade the committee to heighten jj *g*t quota to 100 percent of production ???** it to prepare for war...
...At the same time, he can claim from his "bourgeois allies" some compensation for the "dsring" dissolution of tbe "dangerous Bed International...
...These international agreements can be made to work and...
...Johm I, Ckildoamd ?? Gitiow...
...If, with some new turn of events, mtematienalist and revolutionary wirmew-dreseing is ogam needed, the once useful and now inconvenient machine may be reassembled and put into opera tion...
...the Comintern proposes to all of its" sections that they carry on in the same way as the American section has carried on from 1940 to the present How has the American section carried on since 1940 ? As a faithful servant of the Kremlin on every point' Browder is perfectly justified in saying that the Comintern declaration does not affect the American Communist Party...
...An hooeater anthem, would be: "The Comintern hoe long been dear.' Long line ehe Gay...
...However, as long as Soviet Rnseia remains on our side in the war against Hitler into which she was dragged by the Nasi invasion of Russia, it ia to our interest to continue to help Russia militarily to the utmost of our ability...
...public opinion ill ',' ~aM MI', Ro.e,.elt accept tIIa' deeicnatiolL Bri tain there is always that wonderful excuse " , • .., "Uied quarten will be o,.erjoyed-a - 'Wka.t could I do...
...Raphael Abramovitch 17ROM an organisational point of view, the ^ so-called "dissolution" of the Comintern is s poorly-veiled bluff...
...World production must be adjusted to broadened consumer demand—demand broadened to provide an adequate diet for all—while ruinous surpluses are avoided...
...What tIIey .. It t t h 'B t d 't be - . 11ne "waYII w_ted...
...Stalin will have their allegiance whether there is in Moscow a so-called Executive Gcmmittee of the Comintern or not...
...It has been nothing but an agency for the dictatorship—a nominally independent and nominally international body, whose function was to say and do things which the dictatorship wished to have said and dona but did not wish to say and do in its own ; nemo...
...A n!CenLpoIemic of his, "The believe in-and ~ 1Ia.l1 Jour new Mayor and 4O;.u want to say...
...For many years Wheat, like Rubber, has offered an international problem...
...for profit and exploitation than the JgBiational cartels which so often impeded us wanted to prepare for war...
...The other "It was the Comintern that tried to infiltrate and to rule or ruin our free trade unions...
...Chanhil1 advanced and more critic-a...
...It is realized that we have not had surpluses of agricultural commodities in the past, for these -have really been the result of maldistribution and underconsumption...
...AJld oh...
...jj^tog could have worked smoother than SRrJtornational Rubber Committee, created by ^Agreement of"London, signed May 7, 1934...
...I But as time goes by sorb, pretences wear thin...
...We pledge you, Comrade Lenin," he declared in a memorial speech, "that we will not spare our lives in order to strengthen and to widen the union of all workingmen of the world, the Communist International...
...controversies it wu raising , ;n with vicoolT· ~. ItaJaD people ~ .have ~ion Jor an interview...
...fed to the nutritional and financial benefit of us all...
...Vor the present, and for eesee ohne te eosae, we shall hoar two siren songs...
...Ciano- affair-it was lItill too much to Wlention him only because be is over SO, sun with him, or awim with him...
...There are huge blocks of human life, 4 India and in China, for example, whose Jpederd of diet is not of the same order as ? minimum proposed by the Technical Com-•dsdon of the League of Nations, or as the osoderd of diet of Western Europe...
...Stalinist Russia remains, in the eyes of the Communists, "the father.and of all workingmen...
...sent ltaJi&n · . r.' Etcetera," be saddled this way...
...ur ta Ian...
...Now the front has been removed...
...ltiJlC fw the dition of obiter dictG feU rather flat... prompt Sahuul.i, ' ~ , __ are A~rka...
...11, * 1941] I argued that the dissolution of the Communist International, and more particularly of the American Communist Party, would be to everybody's interest except Hitler's...
...The reason for the dissolution of the Comintern—the "deep differences" between the various countries in which its sections are active —would have been just as valid a ground for liquidating the Comintern long ago...
...ith MulJllO- pIn...
...Churchill has reminded us that war is full of surprises...
...The Communist parties oat-side of Russia were "bossed" to the smallest details by the Russian agency known as the "Orgotdiel," the Comintenp's organizational department, but actually a section of the Russian CP...
...He standard of living has long been low in many countries, continues the Preamble, where it could be improved by the consumption of more wheat through lowered prices...
...On the one hand, "Oh, no, t hat's not a very good question for .'f'.Ian...
...The Comintern has been but little beard of for the last two or three years—since the N exist invasion of Russia or even since the fall ' of France, which wined out the only rtmmbring Communist party in Europe that hod to he I treated with at least formal respect...
...Wheat, like other foods, should be produced where it can be turned out most economically...
...As they became transparent, they lose their I value...
...In abandoning the Comintern, Stalin combines a maneuver with the necessities of his internal policy He has given up the door-sign of the "Third International" (long since useless for him), which changes nothing important and nothing essential...
...Its complete capitulation as a proletarian ideology reflects the deep social transformation of the ruling class of Stalin's Boasts with respect to the idee of world revolution...
...role •• or GAfT ANO S.4LVfM'NI to iL The BOCial Sllceess of BOn-in-la w ~~ .aU, It s only a pledge...
...flo •• for o. IIrtervlew...
...ya In> m lopla... FUels...
...purged of its original sin, it most be richly rewarded after the war...
...ill'ruetiOlI, or opportunism, or ~tupidity...
...practinlly (ell over euh other to ae...
...ot ~h~ing and waitinr . for th~ faU and Iero or VidlUlllOni, and when We pr~ "You rememOe~ that K.ingsbury Smith article · ~~<tn of a tyranny had left him resistant we are challenred to make pvblic our in the Februny MfIN:tlr1I which quoted the .~ nll1l1lo~l...
...Taking the official statement at its face value, it is questionable whether anything was intended to be accomplished except the preparation of a de jure rejoinder to future charges against the Kremlin...
...The control is exercised through the Foreign Office and the Nazi Auslandsamt...
...What was international Com-mimtam et the outset has long ago become Na-tioeePCeOhvnunism...
...But the facta have preceded the change in slogans by many years...
...One "Moscow is no lunger interested in fomenting world revolution : Stalin's Government is a safe partner for the democracies, in peace as veil as in war...
...The Communist will continue to speak with the voice of Jacob, but the hand will be and remain, as always, the bend of Been...
...Its link with the Comintern was formally dissolved in 1940...
...consumption deficiencies in all countries, the causes and consequences of malnutrition* measures for improving the standards of consumption, and the nutrition goals that may reasonably be established...
...Where in the Pravda of the last 23 months can one find even a mention of the slogans and principles which were laid down by Lenin at the foundation of the Third International...
...Oh, no, that...
...La*k if space /ooeed so to eexst statement* by Norma* Thomas...
...An effort is to be made to ascertain the food needs of the various peoples-in the world...
...of course, been provided by the American Communist Party...
...ChurehiH won't find t.hU very hard to take ; it "Why non II Daee . has I'rooJDed his remains for him 'a WIlr against one man and...
...a nuisance and tbe war against Fascism...
...Pools of non-perishable foods must be established as international ever-normal granaries, upon which nations can draw when in need and in which they can make deposits when in flush production...
...Ciano contributed to it...
...1 it i.n'~ IlJrpriainc .••• " overw~Otinr dt;monstrat~ of he war tum but she "as'.eurtJ.y '~ silence...
...The dissolution of the Comintern is useful to World Communism and of no value to world democracy...
...Well, to beheye It...
...Jl-¦· * * * |«1S means international cooperation...
...It should mark an important initial step in the development of a scientific global food policy...
...For if it was possible to bamboozle so many people when the fact of their affiliation to an agency of a foreign government was openly avowed, how much easier will it be to take the innocent and misinformed into camp now...
...heir . ~! [. ,1 tnu tAat ' 0imI-0...
...through them, the population of the world can be adequate...
...When a Roose- t k" pe<>rk l1 oi1t{1 to wakf' Itp...
...It should be recalled that the dissolution of the Profintem—the Red Trade Union International—some seven years ago did not end Communist infiltration of trade unions abroad in accordance with directives and party-line trimmings elaborated in Moscow...
...More will take plate...
...Stranger things have happened...
...I^Tf*01 mittee was composed of members from ?|*?' the Netherlands, India, France, and 25 The respective governments backed their 2"***» snd a technical board advised...
...Thome will appear next week...
...Why, the de.oc, . . c~a~ Ever k,t:n handicapped by the'" radea' a.baasadorB (and their wi...
...Such conditions of production, supply, snd marketing must be instituted for wheat and other foods as will be fair to consumers, maintain world supplies at a safe level, and supply reasonable renumerations to producers...
...1mo .. . ..-uon il to be handled 1Iritb-" · , apotlight on the twin ~rs of monarehilllll wbom they _1, ~~' they 'eai...
...the exact parallel of Hitler's National Socialism...
...There was 0,,", nominations for New Italy's leaderB...
...In-I.w .. his •• eceuor for .aay years, one ~n . Ione...
...I' Here we have glimmerings of a scientific ."IJJrtd food policy...
...But in this instance, unlike rubber, an international committee, also advised by technical experts, has been set up to serve rather than to exploit the world public...
...C~l S~l vemm l was qUite pN!pared deal with anybody-sbort of MusllOlini...
...In future the food required must be produced and moved into consumption on a world-wide basis...
...A world of such gross inequities cannot * stable...
...Europe, edading the U.SJ5.R., with a population a Stle more than one-third that of Asia, con-¦mes more cereals and six times as much mdst...
...It has now been replaced by "Workers of the world, divide...
...Because of its malodorous reputation the Comintern had long ceased to be an asset to Moscow end to International Communism...
...This acknowledgment of the failure o| (he Comintern and the gross abandonment of even the formal Marxian principle of iaternatioOaJum signifies another basic mcral defeat of Communism...
...although it employed a certain number of minor foreign figures...
...coaue1 i? .fifteen busy ye~n in , America . the nod...
...It will develop means of producing more of commodities needed in increased supply and less of those in real surplus...
...It is safe, because ? will not fool the Communists in this or other countries, nor will it fool their stooges or their intimate fellow travelers...
...In January of 1938, Stalin was still pledging allegiance to tbe principles of 1919...
...The declaration of the Comintern is itself evidence, aside from giving tbe Kreaalin a talking point in its dealings with the world, that not much has been accomplished...
...Why, we shore, and there would be hectic diplomatic: • wJIl be forgotte n With the makmg of a Ger- might as well be s pies in MUIJIIOJini's tompetition for tile cabin next td his---so J!!IIID muddle . . , ." service ! Suppose I sa id 'Croce' (and I that the internatiollal set tOQld take the , 41...
...What could have operated more...
...It should not be grown under subsidy and then thrown upon the world market at too high a price... see that by plaYIDC With Ciano there are a ll the gl ittering generalities, on the an interv iew ! Why don't you ask me ; Wh-n...
...However, it is quite possible 3HSj»Moothly functioning international set-¦***ieve socially and economically constructive ends like feeding all inhabitants of the world properly...
...or a year ago, or five or ten years ago...
...It will investigate methods of facilitating the movement of agricultural products in world commerce, the improvement of agricultural marketing, processing, ana attribution, and the setting up of buffer stocks to assure equitable prices and adequate supplies... is only .ataral tltat Mr...
...the Iltu pi4ity ! Wuhillp...
...Cihnngaa jo Soviet foreign policies, in Stalin's -atiemaHst ideology, have taken place...
...And ~ ~ ta la~ peop e ~t , " Iiai...
...The tI!;t&-thil corrupt irresponsible, playboy, this and public service for him is out of the Ameritan Aabuaador lionized him-built }fidNiaired boy of Fucism...
...For all practical purposes ever since Hitler's accession to power in Germany, and very definitely ever since the extermination of the Old Bolsheviks through the Moscow trials, the Commmtern has had no life whatever that it could cell its own...
...Was of anti-Fascist (or perhaps "non-Fascist") boYII iDto war...
...De I!IelUlitivit...
...aJr* committee was designed, of course, to ^••Production and export quotas in order UtJ?* Prices...
...And Tjr1IrtY )'ears of Mu_l1m, two bitter decades · .eDtiona a Ciano or • GralMli or a Caval- it is believe me an ' Ameiiearr' waj...
...The renown~ Italian exile and the ItaUan people IJe Ioea~ ".Iaea an wmewhat r al1ant defense of an American tra-ela.9lar ~as become by hut ullCompromiainj...
...To this end I hope that with the recent splendid victories in Tunisia the allied invasion of Europe will not be long delayed...
...ill entail changes in the agriculture of...
...Agreements like the one on wheat can be made regarding foods other than wheat...
...Wht don't you uk Allied ~tala...
...We jjftj *Un functionally for the production, pro-5...
...Yet the years 1940-43 have witnessed the most rigid adherence to the Moscow line by American Communists Nazi Germany has managed to maintain an effective network of Fifth Columns without any International...
...Be would be shot tomorrow . .. ," up the myth of the New Order _ trencth.1J!ould u.e Ital ian people, filled with" hatred But certainly i!Ome defin ite plans and pro- ened its muiolUl of craJIdeur--encouraced - cOntempt for the "Doo-CHA Y," and the posals hav-e to be prepared for the organir.ation n Duce's drea .. of empire...
...Organized labor, as the spearhead of world democracy, must continue to fight on two fronts —against Fascism on the production and "battle fronts snd against Communism on the political front...
...When the war ends we should con...
...the W &7: ,'" ; . .s" ,~'( .~ aohltiClll . at...
...Workers of the world, unite" was abandoned long ago as a slogan...
...We were still a li ttle incredulous, - Was , r "1t .. lDore opportunism than readion, "Yes, but why a ll thf anxiety and despera...
...s, Eugene Lyons Editor, American Mercury /"4NLY the politically illiterate, which is to say the majority of our press and radio commentators, will accept the "dissolution" of the Communist International at face value...
...A test case of what disassociation from the Comintern means in reality has...
...It will study the manner in which pre-war consumption levels were affected by prosperity or depression, and by the purchasing power of populations...
...Turn-iat to the United Kingdom the editor remarked: j*we shall no longer be able to draw food ¦? feeding stuffs, as tribute, from half the ¦arid...
...I am still convinced that this is true—and also that it hi yet to be done...
...The Jfaj'or is ' jal"'" -~ sec?ref&ries ,Of the '~irig ne,Wlpaper -dispatchea, the Italian . Por ~ be bad been foeusing an unawenin... ItaUan pro- • mu II?, a~pen . u o~ . i .t.1Ied F.-:.a -t.L t M II' th bltnded by an It can t happen here COlD, .~ - . -- "'WlOII , lUNIO nl ra er f th I l ' I ' 1, . hTtUa a ' pro-Ge...
...Salvemini explained '.~ a smile, "have no ~.tvm i was hardly an Item to raise an eye- Be...
...It will consider measures of improving agricultural productivity and efficiency, while developing and conserving agricultural resources and facilitating occupational adjustments...
...But there is another aspect...
...The entire food industry from farm .m consumer is being organized primarily to ;,TN»We sufficient food for all Americans to ;**»tain health and morale, not to produce ijjjats... announce the President or the 'The Lovely Boy,' He "ould ,"0 to the &ea• ~11li' of the C .. . no affall, :which In turn cabinet of the Italian Republic...
...Ciano it appar,ntiy •• l~pll!r ' ouf...
...Let us rather aay that the Comintern has been dismantled and pot in storage Mr...
...about Benito is SOJae- (ma)' beo sa.JId tl...
...Uttle ,diflicult to nde taad to ore...
...The jWN exercised absolute control over th« JJ*f*W of rubber in the Far East and the 2...
...American^Federatism of Labor fHE sincerity of the action, dissolving the * Communist International, could be easily demonstrated by those responsible...
...and extend this scientific policy...
...Today, under the War gam Administration, the United States is •developing a well-coordinated national food itjMey...
...The Preamble to this Agreement, which was signed July 6, 1942, is very broad in viewpoint...
...State Department as afti1'ftl,jng a rftidilles5 to But...
...The total effect will be nil...
...The agenda for the United Nations Conference on Food and Agriculture, scheduled to convene at Hot Springs, Virginia, on May 18, indicates that a global food policy can be in-* itiated there...
...of export quotas...
...By MELVIN J.LASKY ; . ,:llOlIe of our remarb had ~ lead'iq en- .,,1a.idI fret aDd '11'0 .. : _ ,114...
...More important, it points to the "disaffiliation" of the American Communist Party in 1940 as a precedent for its proposals...
...It has been little heard of because it was no longer ' useful and therefore is now discarded...
...The diploaatk suceess of Diao n mg trou~l~ by the Casa- Grandi in appeue.ent London contributed " pl~ of 'unconditional surrender...
...But no," he contiqed, ,,~~ G&leauo .~ c<maclence of the I:n~I-FascI~t movement...
...The conference begins with a world vision...
...e i~lI...
...The liberal and labor movements in this country must be the mora vigilant on that account...
...action, u 1IIIIIal...
...Until this occurs, organized labor in all countries, which has suffered so much from Communist intrigue and conspiracy, is not likely to be impressed...
...That is to say...
...Fascist union&: • .J...
...but when he returns to a more...
...Just why, it is •Pf"" to say...
...DarJa~ ; ajfal r, and, It Will ~ for~tU:n with Imacine...
...It could be demonstrated by the dissolution of the various Communist parties affiliated with the Comintern, the suspension of their press and the dissolution of their many varied "fronts...
...lWJu . · '''~rding, then," _ 'fried apin, "to lOme The pattern- bere, for SaliemiDi, 1I'U clear...
...trat ucl '~ors, all rumo~ . , , or Illuliona I What amh:lericalism...
...The dissolution of the Comintern will have just about the same effect in ending Communist intrusion on the affairs of other nations...
...Ciano reall y i n Washington conferr ing wi th taM PerlaaPill e,{en aore atupidity than tion...
...Discarded," however, is perhaps not just the right word...
...Moreover the nations can make them work...
...It will seek to establish reasonable national and international goals for improved food consumption, based upon sustained employment and expanaea industrial activity...
...The motive behind the dissolution of the Comintern is to give us the shadow while Moscow retains the substance...
...There has been no Comintern as a representative international body for the last 15 years...
...In sober fact the Moscow control has for years come from the same type of sources—from the Narkomindel or Foreign Office, the propaganda apparatus of the Russian Communist Party and the world-wide machinery of the G. P. U. The so-called Comintern has been largely a front for this direct domination...
...Algernon Lee President of tke Rand School of Social Soisne* THE so-celled dissolution of the Communist * International ia a clever move on the pert of the Stalin regime...
...We.should plan, then, as now, to ascertain j*imd needs of our people and of all peoples, ? terms of age, sex, and activity levels, then •«ventory the world's potential food-produc-JP capacity to respond to these needs...
...This Preamble sets forth the fact that consumers throughout the world must be assured sufficient supplies of wheat, but that the production of wheat by countries which can grow it only at high cost must be curtailed...
...Those familiar with the Kremlin's tactics will recognize it as one more "maneuver," intended to achieve some specific immediate results in Russia's foreign relations...
...He fails to add that the formal gesture of disaffiliation from fthe., Comintern in 1940—taken in order to gel around the law for the Registration of Foreign Agents — had no enWct upon its subsequent activities...
...lqle pl"OYiDce is taken dial . 'ar~angementa will ' be made only · with attention wben forei6n Iornepondents re- you will have )'Our ~rmbCial Goveraor., and <. .· ~ilitarY...
...And be had with him the achieved a l'tlpl'e8l!Jltativi~ l'Overnmerat of...
...not • very pod ~ tlJe...
...The ideological content of the war against Hitler from June 22, 1941, on has been based exclusively on motives and slogans of Russian patriotism in the spirit of "the glorious traditions"' ef the Empire of olden times...
...can ·a democratic ~rablp for juridical -pe~nality of their -own .. . . " Ou~ abdut...
...Liberal, Labor Leaders Analyze Motives of New Soviet Move Sidney Hook •pWO years ago in The New Leader IQct...
...politieal life in Italy...
...Hence the Conference is considering the...
...However, it should always be primary to supply world needs for food functionally, just as that is primary in the United States during total war...
...titr;euity . of ~eeol1clh!lg ~ledges...
...Britain, for instance, should Jfjesalrate on truck crops and dairy and poul-2 Producta, thus permitting malnourished ?***· to get more grain from Canada and ?**00·· We must have global food control, 8? "»tion producing what it can best grow, ^wnsimpeded world-wide distribution of food Kfducu...
...and wily politicians wiH jean in the eiserne, sind in a new setting of heavenly harmony the under-eeeer work will go on as before...
...While "freedom of speech" and m|*B*raey" tend to vary in meaning in differ-•A parts of the world, a calorie is a calorie, aid a vitamin a vitamin the world over...
...t/errirtp wit~ Rooafllelt "Jed CAurcitiU...
...In similar manner the dietetic standards of all countries could be improved by stimulating the consumption of foods rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals, the increased production of which would offer a far more valuable use for arable land than high-cost wheat production...
...The effect of its dissolution upon the Communist Party of America will, in my judgment, be negligible It may strengthen the party in some quarters by lending plausibility to its assertion of independence...
...the power will be exercised without a rubbers tamp imprimature by the foreign Communists in Moscow—all of them virtual prisoners of the Soviet regime...
...that danger is pest...
...It is because the Allies refuse t<J face RQosevelt and ChuN:hill...
...aDd the real problems ahead...
...So is Bolshevist "Realpolitik...
...nd distributing, of food as required... let American and British Organised Labor welcome the Red Trade Unions, pot its faith m thorn,ert at their feat and learn" Well disciplined innocents, sweet sentimentalists, adventurists -jntelieetuals...
...eyes are on the Vatka...
...Many ^"•Wd that as impractical...
...Women," 'Qa~ ?' That It woult~'t surprise Gaetano ~t cl:~l FaaeI8t...
...ill WUAa.gto1l , lII&Jl:qlCl'ipt of hill eh.\pten on the .Vatican own...
...Di~ Grandi, the Allies are ClIlly set- other a ll the fumbling details...
...Only if the national tactions of the Comintern, including all its fronts, are permanently disbanded, wOl the Kremlin's dissolution of tht Comintern mark ? genuin* ckange in its policy If the national sections are not disbanded, they will prove to be even more dangerous foes to the democratic, labor, and socialist movements of the world than at any time in the past... b!ind...
...This is broad, global doctrine...
...The food of our animals is taken '•fAe expense of men in other parts of the ¦add...

Vol. 26 • May 1943 • No. 22

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