General Billy Mitchell's War


General Billy Mitchell's War By GFY GALDWELL MUKHQLL. PIOSEBR OF^AJH POWBR^ty - Isaac Don Levtne. Duell. ' Sloe* 4 VUS excellent biography of General William * Mitchell benefit* greatly and ye*...

...Fach seeks ami hates and doss not know km brother, k...
...been republished or Jrtjwted in this country...
...long round of toaeta with a toast to Stalin...
...And you will detect your kindred By the light within their eyes...
...He sympathizes with the tssr...
...Pin-work in this country radiates from the English Speaking ( 2"jP>30 Rockefeller Plaza...
...Give him a chance to become specific, and, there emerge from this Java of "false escapes, false hopes, false catastrophes, and false passport*" fetches of beauty and rick, tunutitopus living...
...Hearst's aesja-papera and magaunes have been running vigorous editorial* spear-headsng the...
...British have had 10,000,000 volumes destroyed by enemy 7**- Pew books ean__be printed over there—and those are on *** "? of butchers' paper, dirty gray or dirty brown...
...The brilliant Frenchman is WWta old...
...Ho stood to*ed shouted into that patterned scene a shattering word: *"2JJf And this disgustingly honest word he continued to shout...
...I probably read a dosen essays about The fifth 3ml iy, in addition, a number of hot Communist polemics against it... the wKitt-marbled Catherine Room wkiek was draped in Keavy gray silk and lighted by greet rook crystal ffiaisdsheie...
...You should see the scrapbooks made by the kids...
...knows aU about it but we...
...Wislicenus is an 4i Bolshevik honestly devoted to Russia and to the cause of the jJaJfatlon but now in a completely dishonest position...
...Walter Duranty was brought down to discuss the picture with various editors...
...The 18-course dinner began at seven and ended a...
...And many' people hgffr felt that this represented a rather ominous development...
...316 pages...
...where lisssasas /* ringed by worlds of image and of God...
...urged it to do, and bad placed another man in* charge of it, Billy's yearning still would have bean with him, It was his baby, a wax baby born on the battlefields of France...
...The story of Billy Mitchell is essentially a story of frustration, of bitter struggle against the inMw*»e nnlitary...
...Ia addition to the nineteen toasts lendered...
...Every word is uttered—not wini A to truth—but with regard to its effect on their status...
...If they suffer' f«e pains, they also have no pleasures...
...This old writer is tired bat **tosd...
...The "statement by 63" was % forthright progressive document unmasking the "Submission to Moscow" and waa quoted at length in the Timet...
...Beside each chair wa* a table and a bottle of champagne and glasses...
...Haas ia the atshlsm: Do professional critics and literary hatchet-men really ???the books for the discussion of which they draw down their Ahsens...
...They took the child away iron* him, and he pined, sickened, aad on February 19, 1936, he died...
...The major tragedy, according to Malaauais...
...It is precisely thi* technique which operates in small c::ies...
...II translation* • ere necessary, which made a total of thirty-sevea tiHa of the glass...
...You can *J2T*ur copy if you wili send a dollar to <he Association, New Isle of Rootless Men By ISA KAPP V ES FROM SOW ? ERE By Jean Malaquai...
...Baosiesit aad Churchill as the three greet leaders of the democracies...
...thing until the...
...As the golden cloth certain was drawn back, Stalin aad Mr...
...Rimbaud, inheriting the social values of the Paris Commune, had as his literary shield the later poems of Hugo, particularly those expressing the user quality and the deranged artinohag hues that Rissbsmd used so well...
...They move through their scenes ?? old actors speaking vaguely remembered lines...
...The shadows of toitSTtes...
...Waat Silke did to American and English consciousness of modern poetry, can be traced back to sources beginning with Victor Hugo who, as the last of the Romanticist*, took the high road to Symbolism and Realism... fulfilled...
...Throughout the tale—at leset down to the list three pages—not one of these does an honest deed or says ? honest word...
...But if the United States Government had embraced "air power," as Billy...
...At the party the rooms were filled with good books, good people WjrDod ideas...
...But it has taken Ernst Mr wits to issue the definite work of translation — and an excellent book it is...
...And there sre the Stalinist puppets...
...But when he is called upon to defend the domes ted little eienasl, Alvera, he can do no better than feel a vague and futile ??·, Having no faith in the society of his time, he fumbles with fctotmn «f turning to the Communists...
...Allied lines in Greece, where the Nazi invaders broadcast is steadily over the radio between propaganda messages...
...comic obtrudes itself gently...
...Ia the last few years several critics hgve gone over the political body of the dead poet and in every instance George was a million mikes away from the bruah of Alfred Rosenberg...
...counties, and many ststea where legislation touching big-busineas interests laces peesssys...
...British books which have not...
...thorough!: understood this...
...Christ and Apollo By HARRY ROSKOLENKO POE.V5...
...the publishingr asa-terials, . . . Some of the bookmen were very much en edge, aad ? difficulties were aggravated by the fact that Elmer Davi* never got a chance all evening to clarify -what the O.W.L was really ? ? -to...
...f on ehe British Hit Parade and was being sung by soldiers cm ail the lale-flung global fronts from Africa to Australia...
...Hjagsf Profonffy os Climax ?IT the central figure is the bourgeois artist, Louis-Etienne Tainaiiiliiin...
...And W. W. sasaself has dona a lot of yeoman esah in anti-fascist propageads - . But all af them depend on tipsters, and WmcbefJ has been pulling sn awfot k*t of raw deals lately Right out af the Stalin slander factory ha* come attack* en critics of " Mission to Moscow," ?? pae» labor trade-usintists (who unlike the Casspntos are not ready so rive up their movement out of gi sssfatsjasa for Russiss teed lease) on "Trotskyitos...
...These persons live a hunted life, are suspicious of everyone...
...The state dinner was held in the Kremlin...
...Pascal, Montaigne, Beethoven seemed to crowd round aleVauiting for his answer...
...The French Count, Bellan-ftieDre, is symbol of the same class and the same psychology...
...This fumbling leads to waesaaaa rf the tale, a climax in which the meaning of the novel a anally distilled...
...Engte K-German Edition...
...Levme's absorbing, adoring biogradhy of th departed here...
...He was to send a telegram gjmg his support to the Communists in France...
...Did he eom plain to his wife about what those brass hat in Washington were doing to him, and enlist he sympathy...
...What Bilke could not attach to a social organisation like the Church, George attaches to Leo XIII...
...Show their greeds in ribald glance* Scions rare of rank intromit Grow from masse*, not'from peerage...
...Now we learn that Ohsjppdn Harms, the song publishers, had' dropped "Lili Marleae" on she ground* that the U. <S...
...J* Forever roams and...
...So much warmth aad enjoyment has gene into the teRing of the tragedy that in the end case ? mere oorenaeed by stogie incident* than by the - taeme of tmaiitigated deterioration...
...he undoubted.: would have rushed boldly at it, and hit it ore the head...
...ncient theme-song: "Geography is the basis of intelli-The Greeks have cleverly combined Geography with Hia-ltofc_Her*' thousands of dollars worth of beautiful maps, have the tale of the war spread before your eyes...
...ItEditor's note: The Aldanov novel will shortly be reviewed m ¦** eeJomns by literary critic Burton Rascoe] • · · JJJl acrois fhe Sao ;|"** other night Mel Lasky and I went up to meet some British jsJWwsbera at a party given by Books Across "the Sea erowd...
...The State Publishing House J*soe s complete edition of his works in Russian—and win OTsna in dollars...
...The Home Front By WILLLIAM E BOHN...
...and a* it turned out they were biege and tougher than he was...
...From Surepe came word that the N axis had quashed Jewish resistance in Poland, the Ghetto had been wiped out...
...Is is, ia fact, feebly at work upon a novel which is to decant for ¦ the essence of the Attic spirit He discourses wittily at dinners s| leakers and countesses...
...He had "an air" about him, a personality that he projected with all the skill of an accomplished theatrical performer...
...The springs of honest and spontaneous jajaa are completely dried up...
...These are now being distributed widely as reprmta No men-tioa is mad* in the letter of the milkoas in revenue that usajst newapnpers receive from the big canners...
...other night I finished Aldanov* Fifth Seal, and a puitiing • thought kept me awake for at least five mi ? u tea...
...Here are maladjusted and rootles* men, totally incapable of coping with the phenomenon of leisure...
...I mean that it is about toe ^sjan effect of moral codes designed to hold groups together, to jirre group end...
...Sunday is monstrous aad unmanageable...
...It clearly differentiates between the position of liberal-labor critics and the oio-iiae reactionaries, some of whom, like Pegler and Hearst, have been digging at the film—although some, like arch-right-winger Victor Dsfpr eux, the "Amencaarsrs'-monger of the V.F.W., have been pro-Daviea, on the grounds that John Dewey was "subversive...
...And this to a concept of men: Sow nobility you wanted Qoet not anil from crown or eeutckaon' Men of whatever krvel Snow their bust to venal glance...
...He played to the orchestra and the gallery—especially to the gallery...
...He yearned for understanding, for appreciation of his military foresight This was taken, genemUly, to be a moat altruistic desire for an understanding of the need for air power in our national defense...
...Drees Check Departs*sat:—We know it's old stuff, aad everybedr D...
...Well, we've nast seen a photostat of a letter which the Beerst Corporation is sjlgp-ing out to "key people" all over the country... is widely believed that Stand will be highly to-r.tatoc at the gir riAcauor...
...The subtle Soviet Ambassador waited for his aas wer...
...The 70-year-old artist grew purple in the face, •¦en dignity must be defended against all tyrants...
...last week the hberal-kabor Record exposed the picture as a fraud in a leading editorial...
...Jj/Jjka part of that whole superficial, dishonest, powerful and ?an»ive world...
...None of this, of course, is even hinted at ii Mr...
...and the decoration, of a Hero of Socialist Labor, received hxs...
...In shis novel we have three groups of such decayed gentry fbere sre the titled nobility...
...At least, that's what he did to th General Staff of the United States Army and th High Command of the Navy... all its aversion to change, *» he brer* his own scintillating perception of'things to cam in the air...
...How mar-atoe it would be to have all those dollars...
...By Stefan George...
...trump© sounds the charge am the «eistet begin...
...Did he get a toothache and fear to go to the dentist...
...Bean- eyes we see them going to pieces...
...In England the British Ministry has published a heH-dozen ofik.a...
...Ed ouilivan hits ? ?nasilent liberal note in uatimml politics and on racial issue* (where Densen Wafter bats gutter-bottom an both counts...
...There are the artistic elite...
...the box-office slumped badly in Philadelphia, Los Angeles apt Pittsburgh...
...The old King jmsa on...
...My mother always warned me— In short, was the fellow human, or just a hero Mr...
...Few poets begin with so auspicious a critical fraternity of English-speaking friends...
...salmon, snipe, fried potatoes, turkey and cauliflower...
...jjst one of these or all of them together gave me the slighte*t iden a{ what the book is like or what it ia about The novel is not just an account of Communist morals...
...StaKn saw the film this week, and althe the report is that be "en-joyed himself...
...WelL a: the dinner it became known that the U- S- Government -wae planning to follow British formulas and pet out its own basis i. length coram uruques...
...All the rest of an hae would be in pawn to them...
...It is, I think, a defect in an...
...mind, which cannot iearn ar...
...After all...
...justifying the robe of power by toe humility given to the oaVse of God on earth, aad with tbe same sensuality that kept Bsudetaire from being welcomed by T. S. ? bot to she Papal fraternity of the poets of Rome, hi purpose and in his middle-of-the-road-classic ism, Ooorge "undreams the tranquil sou...
...This man is Hi unhappy repository of the Greek and Renaissance tradition...
...The a^ertisers poke the publisher*, aad the pukllshess ga« fusy on the dirty work .The Heantt material is sent out dsaerty from the oface of the President—whose name by the way is "Berlin...
...These men without passports oe identification cards seem to have lost their sense of security along with their papers...
...All of them are externally insecure and internally Tided...
...Bread Ratios-Cards ? :—?{ was a pretty black ¦"•day...
...Jacques Doriot...
...The picture was Mlesioa to Moscow.' Stalin, it was saht enjoyed the film immensely...'*" » * * Dattie of the Books:—There was a little bit of tension at the book-publishers'" dinner the other night...
...These are circles with similar eollec-and activities in Boston, in Baltimore—and in other cities...
...Given to a language within a langnage, George lifts (even in translation) the somber edges off speech and intrude* a heady variety of pleasure and dignity to* what is by no mean* a common relationship to Christian ethics and practice today...
...The main drinks were red and white wines— —red Georgian wines being one of Stalin's favorites—vodka with hot pepper and champagne...
...As* a Baudelaire of the Church, impish to an orderly commerce ol religion...
...And what aid she say?—"Yoa'r right, William...
...Then sud-denly everybody was singing it...
...the "Lili Marlene" ballad was No...
...Oomeone Heard That Seng Before:—Tin Fan Alley waa prepsatog *^ to launch the tune with the biggest advance drive in the hmap business...
...It runs from ??* ^^Pstion of the Rhineland to the invasion routes whieh TJTooops will be following next week or the week after...
...they are imposed from without They have been in-tarjted from other periods, deduced from the writings, opinions, jfitftudss of men now dead... the General's private ???, crowded with the lamily paper*, and ahm had the cooperation of many of XlteheJi's cloeeat friend* and, associates including hie three sisters and his daughter...
...Suddenly he was possessed with fury- He felt that yfilee thought had been insulted in his person...
...I . But not very far sway sat Wilikie making pointed remark* on, how certain critical and independent-minded war books might he stuffed by a Government book policy whic hhogged all...
...All have their special poetical orientations and most of them have wandered vary far from Broadway Noae of them is any great master-mind, bag a few of them esetributo to a few, progressive, constructive campaigns...
...he had asaieted in its delivery and undoubtedly felt that he was, if not a foster father, at least the chief attending physician...
...i ja*» brilliant royal ball Kangarov delivers to Vermandois a atosage from the Soviet government...
...LOCALIZING aa Elioseaque theme, Malaquai* has written the prase epic of a South' France, wasteland...
...shouldn't plug a Neri melody...
...Malaoaais is sufficiently perceptive to leavea his tragedy with spasmodic pleasure and humor...
...ILftisaion Notes:—The Davie* movie has opened in aboat half-a-*vg oo*»ri American cities...
...novel is a book of the way that lies work in the minds of ?. Whether they are the lies of Hitler or Stalin or of the roanu-toftrets association—they are still lies, they are still dirt and •jfieduee the minds of men to dirt...
...For you must know that a similar ggjP exists in London...
...He emerges, the shining knight of the Air Age, % Dot) Quixote, tilting against the windmill of military bureaucracy...
...Levine opine* that he was a aero, and the the Army done him dirt...
...George has written some of the finest lyrical poems ef this century, giving "nobility to the masses,*' to youth, and to that whieh is certainly not an Aryan concept ef man: Yew uttermost /rasa teftsd *esaw*na***d bouidert...
...254 pages...
...The result naturally is a fact-filled, authentic biography that depict* the colorful and now almost legendary figure of the Great Billy Mitchell as his friends and relatives saw hint, and probably as he saw himself...
...Write to Books Across the Rea, Room 1526, 30 Rocke-«ttn Plaza...
...Tamarin is s professional soldier who serves whatever government rules fats...
...And a Soviet representative himself gnat day stood ?? at the...
...That he was right in his basic conception*, an that the generals were, wrong, does not entirely or even largely alter tag ft** that Billy rums*: was wrong ? his approach to the...
...The author is obsessed with the idea that his characters have suffered a complete enervation, a permanent loes of hope... ion this kaad of thing because people forget—and start trusting their nenjpMf)SJBs> . Our Waahingten correspondent has outlined the aettie ever -•raoe-Laoe'.ing that's currently tearing the...
...he knew the orthodox...
...Translation by Carol Sorth Valhope and Ernst Morvcitz...
...Through him speaks again that ancient spirit that has •¦todewn from Greece through the Renaissance to modern France, "th an honest word it can shatter the whole fabric of falsehood...
...Tbe Comnhmists are four in number.' Ambassador Kangarov g tto professional diplomat feverishly readg to turn in any direc-0sn in order to keep himself solid with Stalin...
...The Nazis had given It some nationalist words at first, but when the boys throughout Europe starting singing, new verses sprung up...
...After good first-week hnfiaesf...
...His inner suffering is doled out in fratous aphorism for the price of a meal And—much to Aldanov's eutit—uie talk is hero ia black and white—and its wit is genuine...
...He is tired, and his future is uncertain... the absolute, inevitable deraci nation of the Javanese...
...On the platform sat Col Llewellia boast-, .ng of how he had firmly cut down the British paper supply...
...MeJaqnais' ihlaiikillin of the island the day after the exodus is fuD of unconscious aostalgia tor the smells aad sound* of the Javanese it is a strange type of negativism that transforms decay into poetry, and produces the stylistic grace aad color of Men From Sowhere...
...tmet-ae more than the Stalinists or aristocrats does this man ?? * f*itn- He hatee th* n«h...
...An extra day of freedom in the middle of the week consistently assumes the proportions of a minor tragedy...
...It is in relation to them that the author does of his most effective writing...
...It gives me one more chance to «-•5...
...P-ct the Orient came new reports of th* miserable plight of the Chinese people...
...I >W.aeri*afrf the...
...Daries settled m their seats...
...Slavery was closing in... prevent toe grade-lsbriing of eanaed food...
...They are not merely de-ayed...
...There was, indeed, much of the actor about Billy Mitchell, a fact that his enemies, if not all of his friends, generally noticed and commented upon...
...You from glounug deserts, Home of the spectral God, are just es distant From buoyant sea and sriend...
...Sloe* 4 VUS excellent biography of General William * Mitchell benefit* greatly and ye* ¦ ? handicapped by the feet that the anther was given unconditional...
...Their lives are poisoned and bitter...
...Stefan George, thought by soma to be the Naxi Apouo of poetry — which much controversy appears to have disproved—is heralded on the flyleaf of this book by comment* from the past and present of Cyril Scott, R. ? Buke, BitbeU and Morton D. Zabel...
...ha rasenthr said, was a Trotakyite!—when every body knows that the French Fascist used lease), on Troisiytsii" . iacques Doriot...
...schools to be distributed to schools over here...
...They are dessicated...
...They are imposed on citizens, oh party jsstbsss They shut off the springs of vitality within the indi-4fgal...
...This writing has the sensuous receptivity that endows simple episodes with fulness and flavor...
...before midnight Following dinner Stalin1* guests walked into the sumptuous Kremlin movie theater... rscentty said, waa do a totaf s^cd^ s»sn ssj,hn*4 toW eerts^ 1 nsg watll Hsltsis trip him up in the blackout...
...The King and the Chamberlain, representing the oldest tradi-??, have least of the* poison and pain...
...war-books—and publishers have found themselves qfr down more and more on paper supplies...
...A more sensible, re *?*?#' «Ii y*-**^ JEWLJ^af Mitchell would hare understood tins from th start Officer* like General Patrick, Genera Arnold, Admiral Moffatt, Admiral Towers, an Admiral King have—any single oae of them— actually aoconpHshed mens for military eviatioi in the United States than did Billy Mitchell They went slowly, were not assertive, but tactful bo they got what they oould, without bouncinj their heads against the meeer w*jl of bureau cracy None of them as Brilliant as Mitchell every one of them had far more sense, the worli being what it is...
...The "ambassador books" are *J***tiy crossing the ocean in a two-way stream...
...Of these, Tamarin is the soundest and most decent, for he has flat toe least...
...1 \ n/alter WteceaU ia the Dark:—The power of the press that was ones ipcatsd on the editorial page with its solemn, asasuiid "We r-otesr has bag age shifted to She Gossip column with its italicized innuendoes aad staccato slanders...
...Payment in such international coin is reserved Jto**fr»ends" of the Soviet Union...
...aad tile Partisan Reviev has had a series of articles and totters giving fact and substance to what may have been impure fiction in the past...
...AUd snowy fallows...
...duly grateful to all of Mitchell's relatives and friends for their aafwtanca, ha*, repaid their kindness by joining the rank* of hero-worshippers—for he makes it clear that no adoring sister or loving spouse could have held in greater esteem the pugnacious, self-opinionated, brilliant egoist who strutted his brief period on the world's aviation stage, and then was forcibly retired to the wings, whence he could be heard protesting until the day of his death...
...of Ltr.noff...
...It passed over into the...
...catche* the monkey.'' Billy could never de any thing softly, To catch a monkey...
...Each guest aat in a huge, soft white-leather chair...
...oufe$ **T indebte<1 to the Greek War Relief Association for ? beanti-Ol Atkus of World War II...
...Jack Warner this week denounced the Dewey-LaFofletto letter as "Tnotakyist" approved of Arthur Upham Pope's aa 'American...
...They lead inevitably to inner death and corruption...
...In Philly the film is flopping sndbj...
...Whether they are Communist, bourgeois or gristoenstic...
...And to a great extent that undoubtedly was true...
...Pgui Ro*enf*id has written of George in The Sew Republic...
...L. B. Fischer...
...Java ia a spit of land that juts out into the sea, and the disease that seeps through the island is an all-eagulfing ennui...
...George has added to this quality, if with a Christian soul-searching lease seeing in the nature of the metaphysical eye a world more or less removed from the tense and sense of man as a dweller ef the City...
...Wendell WiMsji asif Earner Davi* were there, ar.c the chief guest* were three British publishers who have been visiting this country Pari of their message included a warning against certain "censorshfa...
...Then someone remembered, ? wae originally « German ballad...
...or, "lyny did you -j-»t so dami mixed up...
...nvolved - the move of Government tp reiesse official scceusjts" of the war...
...h» scene was a royal ball-room—bright lights, gay laughter, 2*iftwe pattern of traditionalist civilisation...
...matting his objective Christ his own personal Apollo...
...never heeded that old admonition "Softly, soft...
...Stalin, ,c»a -, «g a hght-fray semi miktmry emit, Mae* -ort...
...This was going to be The Song of World War II, and was already matching perary" in popularity...
...spirited and inspiring were books prepared by children of •sr schools to be sent overseas...
...The rest are all outwardly unpleasant because they are inwardly rotten...
...There they have 1000 American books for •**i*h people to read and ponder...
...a frail and faded Anatole France...
...And' I reprint this account from the AF and UP dispatches which -were approved by the censor in Moscow:— * ' "Foreign Commi**»r Viachealav ? Moletov started the...
...The folks 2* there want our books, need our books . YoU can help send 2» over...
...Drop in there some day—end take a...
...Pantheon Books...
...Russian idiot girl's stubborn pnrsoals among the chimisey toes of an evil spirit called Stalin ia the conversations of the old woman vjrhe apswers all questions by the thought-saving expedient of repeating them verbajtkn and Bre-fixing them with a philosophic a. "I wonder...
...Levine might sum up his book :i the classic phraseology of the boxing promote whose fighter lost the decision: "We wua robbed: Inside and Out By MATTHEW LOW ? et Thea...
...It is (bent traditionalist morals of all sorts...
...Jhs) a second emphasis on that word "friends" called his mind -* ¦ Tbe Ambassador continued: "Right now you can render §?| service to the Soviet Union...
...Speaking for bimsei and Billy, Mr...
...He belabored hot) of them...
...St> ? want to publish my complete works if I send a telegram to "toe...
...In Pitt Warner Bros, arranged a tri-state screening for Key People...
...Food Parley and toid the Allied council that the Russian people were facing starvation...
...Di<f he think, whei he got a crick in the back, that he faced th certainty of a rheumatic old age...
...Nadia is a handsome young woman on the make...
...The elaborate dinner included caviar, back of dried sturgeon herring with dressing, English style roast beef, coid nam, gelatin, olives, spring salads, radishes, cucumbers, and a variety of cheeses, wild fowl, chicken soup...
...Leonard Lyons ia yuaaistnasto ianeeoou* (following only the Kfe-of-the-psrty Uae...
...autobiography not to record personal limitations Did the hero's valet admire, him or despise him' Did he swear, or fight, with his wife, or belel after a hearty dinner...
...Then came the dispatch from Moscow Joseph Edward Devfee was being honored by Josef Vissarianeviteb Stalin...
...This was fallowed by strawberry tarts and vanilla ice cream, candy, nut*, and liquers...

Vol. 26 • May 1943 • No. 22

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