A Statement by 66-"Mission to Moscow" Exposed
A Statement by 66-"Mission to Moscow" Exposed "?*?? film version of Million to Moscow * is a political event to which no thought- l ' ul ¦ Aaierieen ??? I win indifferent, ? With this «?*. Warner...
...lnfrmttMmaS ?????????, in min nim»ni ?. w...
...Take as Exhibit A the bright oertsek printed Saturday...
...Wojewodsky, a Communist representative, was shot for the same reason...
...d) division of confiscated lands ^from church and rich land owners so that everyone would have land to grow the necessities of life...
...That woaM be like Stalin thooting Robert Minor, Israel Amter, Q insert Green, Louis Badens, William Wemstone...
...The main focus ef attention has been on the question of maintaining or breaking the party truce which Supports the Churchill-Labor coalition government...
...We make three main charges: 1. "Mission to neaeow" is we mis tor...
...Natl Representative in Missouri, Textile Workers Union, CIO...
...George S. Coeets, Professor of Education, Cehrmbia University: state chairman...
...On the day of the signing of the concordat the Fascist government paid the Pope seven hundred and fifty million francs gold and about two billion francs in Fascist governmental bonds...
...to Meecew^ These men and women, prominent in American educational, intellectual and cultural life, here initiated the above statement which will be sent for approval to sotce then 600 leading Americans, (Titan* are far identification only...
...John C. Granbery...
...Mas sannated to nhitaoaibiao ? the BtoodT-urgeTS...
...These who re-majaed were polities...
...confiscation of church estates not utilised purely for religious purposes...
...William E. Bono, editor, The New Leader...
...the ows^raton at Count CSene t© our democrat* way of life would be too qokk, too - senden, too like the laghtniaa...
...The Nc»- Leader ierited ' uioi» Italian personsgee ei '-i and Americans, to whr-eaeo the favare of Italy...
...IMsonsi, President of Brooklyn Sidney Hook...
...the education of youth in free Italy, however, must be absolutely along secular lines as it was before Fascism...
...It deaoBBCte" Britain...
...All aid should be given to all the underground groups in Italy...
...author of "The World's Iron Age," etc...
...eemote* <wbo talked...
...Travers Clement, National Executive Comm., Socialist Party...
...This «uper-pradnetion wffl be seen by ? at least fifty million Americans...
...Under the protection of an Allied committee s ream like Count Sforza should be put at the head of a temporary Republican government, until conditions in Italy under Allied aaperriaior make it possible for a real demoeratie plebiscite...
...educational director Wc*kmen's Circle...
...On the other hand we left our doors open for Fascist propagandists to propagate the doctrines of Fascism not only .to our five million ItaloAmericans but to the American public at large...
...David, a eat stent to the German delegation in the Third intern* tiowal...
...A wealthy country tike England could support a monarchy with all its trappings bet certainly Italy^is too poor a nation to support the luxury of the House of Savoy or any other monarchy There must be absolute separation of church and state, and freedom of conscience and religious worship...
...Warner Brothen have ptosiuasd m this country the first full- i dress example of the kind of propaganda : movie hitherto confined to the tetali- t tarian countries...
...is a qaaai ameial daca- I meat baaed on a book by a fisrmer aas- | bassador which contains onVtai reports t mode sob he by special permission of Che 1 U. S. State Department...
...Max Eastman, writer and critic, author of •Stalin's Russia," "Enjoyment of Laughter," etc...
...Italy, prior to this war...
...We closed our immigration doors and refused admission to thousands of Italians who would come here and enrich our nation...
...Lord Berry felis inte tine with the txg...
...4tm Kremlin's vahits am m eur voiites its poHtkai methods sea ? our methods, and we are deeply «C turned 07 qoasi-oflcial projagaoda «V signeeVto gviao obi eoo trary The undersigned hold different political news...
...Lerey Bowman, Bureau of Adult Education, N. Y. State Education Dept...
...Textile Workers Union, CIO...
...ONE of the mayor (and cor rut) srgusuenU of G. D. U Goto, Victor Qoium>JM Kirtgatey Msrtm, editor of...
...These men who displayed ind* pesaietrt snarit and oatmtr loft, often ia fear ef tdmir lives, or were executed...
...American Leber Contents** on International Affairs ? J. Giesens Intl Rep., United Ratal Employees, St...
...In 192i, Russia made an alliance with Turkey j\ which one of the prices of the bargain was toe uquadatton of the Turkish Communists...
...Charles ? - jsabein fiirtabeth Cnrhry Flysm and Seen Don—with Mike Geht thrown in lor good measure—erhiie Sari Browder laaruuked an jaai end William & Poster smatifWaafii fnam Mosoow...
...Mas Neaaad...
...Upnotstanna Intl Union, AFL, Layie Lane, Vke-Pnssident...
...Barnum Maarice Zototew...
...Negro Labor Committee Charles W. Ervin, writer for "Advance," ACWA James Henle...
...Ia the firm, however, Davies-Huston is shown as instantly and completely convinced by the confessions as he hears them delivered in the courtroom As readers of the book know, the sensational charge that the Trials eliminated the "FS*h Column" m Russia occurs only on pages ?88--246 which were written in 1941 after Hitler had invaded Russia and which are frankly titled: "A Study in Hindsight" It is not hard to divine the motives of Warner Brothers in disregarding the bulk of the hook to ? ibTwo...
...Leen Der...
...Churchill and other leaders in : such a way arte give ft an almost irre- ' sistible air of authenticity...
...To the church, and this is most important, he agreed to give it anything it wanted: the restoration of the Papal Kingdom, the restoration of properties confiscated by the Italian government in W70...
...In doing so, we do-not question the right of Warner ? Brothers to issue...
...Milium to Moteow will thus .Teste, if successful, an impression in the minds of tens of millions of Amer- 1 icans Unit the methods of Stalin's dictatorship are nowise incompatible with genuine democracy-It seems necessary, therefore, to speak ? out on this issue, and to invite others to make their voices heard...
...Norman Thomas, leader, the American Socialist Party...
...of Staling personal and political opponents...
...book, there as* a great nam** ed highly...
...But the disssdotieo of the Comhstora mstfis nothing...
...All opponents of Roosevelt's pat- « V«,r Barber toreiaya potior are smeared < to either fascists or topes at fascism...
...the laboring eSaaons and who nad...
...Education in Italy must be reestablished along the lines of our American system...
...Among the scores of German Communist leaders shot were: Herman Bemmele...
...Department of Governmeat, Harvard Untaarsity...
...It ] shrewdly eoaabiaea actual new?reel ? ceqoenees "with impersonations of Stalin...
...4.—There are close to one hundred thousand anti-Fascist Italians in this country who could form an Italian Legion willing to fight side by side with American foveas in Northern Africa in preparation for the invasion of Italy...
...falsifies i hiseaiy aad gtoiwtes dictatorship...
...It is not likely that the conference will reverse the earlier 17-7 stand of the party {on May 6) which rejected Communist affiliation...
...In return for this, culminating in the concordat signed by the Papacy in February, 1929, the Pope hailed Mussolini as "the man sent to us by providence...
...afterwards every teacher from the kindergarten to the university professor was forced to teach the Fascist creed and, strange to say, side by side with the priest or tile nun who taught the Roman Catholic catechism...
...Let religious bodies sepoort their clergy and their institutions as we do here in America...
...For nhe toot ten years it was ? macehrr voodoo show...
...thai time Harold J. Laeki, one of tbe Labor Party's 25 executive members, scored the CP...
...The system of education must be amplified and democratized so that the new youth of Italy will learn to Hve and to love democratic theory, practice tolerance of one another's views, freedom of religion, the press, etc...
...We are united, howeve- ?? lieving «tot the fast that Russia is smr thai sjMill's miUtory ally k ;---^Igjt reason for r MS wring this...
...i, a hard worker...
...Richard Parrish...
...The population has had no possibility of expansion, and an over-populated country sooner or later finds it economically impossible to live and is easily aroused by any agitator who promises them something with which to fill their stomach...
...Daniel Bell, managing editor, The New Leader...
...Louis Joint CounriL' Haxei Rswtborne...
...Res*» ssd Ourselves," and Cole and Martin—are takmgsfto enlarged" Soviet Russia and the obeeleeanMB of the ???» state—only to Ind Mat their *# menta are being ased by Germar propagem» among the smal loot Europaer, natiena...
...Werner Hirsch, aemstont to party leader Thaelraann...
...It may swam awfLff the* Werner Brother* should be so anxious «e fa-educate the Arontican public en &» Moscow Trials, as issue long ilaon ?? and one which might seem of bat*lest tfnAmy rhisfly to lhaaa sshu s as sitpteMiiag · Stalin's straight party line...
...I can best conclude by quoting the old Latin adage NEMO DAT QUOD NON HABET "no one can give that which he has not...
...Charles Ferna...
...Every Priest, Bishop and Cardinal is paid a subsidy or a salary by the government...
...W. E. Woodward, historian, author, "New American History," etc...
...A. Philip Randolph...
...The Smanei-petor...
...In 1»FT and ItSa, David Kandeiaki, Stalin'* personal representative, was in Berlin, oftcially as bead of the Soviet trade delegation, actaelly to prepare the ground tor a pact with the Sari...
...Schubert, member ef the Reichstag and viee-presi-dent of the perty: Heine Neumann, member of the Reichstag and the party** puMic spoheeeaar...
...No one will forget how they supported the war from September 3, 1939, to October 7, 1939, then denounced it as an imperialist war until June 22, 1941, when it became a crusade...
...President, Vanguard Press Ferdinand Laadberg, aajthor, "America's 60 Fsmihes" Begone Lyons, editor, American Mescory Jeaepb Sehleaoherf...
...Last week this apostle, of complete teessei /air* made a speech to America, ? sported s» the oeass, in which he called on the United States...
...Suaaskmd, editor of the Mote Alone.-Bertha Cropper, member of the Reichstag, and ether...
...l -Mission to Mesaee" glorifies the Stahe «rta4e**nwp ssj...
...In Russia...
...Arthur d. McDowell...
...B. F. McLaario, Natl Secy March on Washington Movement...
...Lionel Trilling, Department of English, Columbia University...
...that the Vatican is neutral There are elements, some in our state department, who are dickering with tile Vatican through Bishop Spellman, or the personal Ambassador ef the President to the Vatican, hoping that the Vati-ean might bring a boat the destruction of Fascism and bring about a pro-ally attitude on tbe part of ftaTy This feeling is puerile...
...The Call...
...Amalgamated Cloth-" ing Workers union, OO Benj...
...TV contribution this week ¦¦ is try Dr...
...CHARLES FAMA 1.—Mussolini's program after the World War was more or less socialistic...
...School of Law, WssJungton Sojeas, N.Y.C...
...Among those executed was Dombal, the Communist leader in the Polish Sejm...
...Edmund Wilson, critic, author, "The Wound and the Bow," etc...
...1 Missiin to Moscow is not "just an- i other movie...
...Despite the generauy iavoreo*e vm m mi...
...This combine plotted all its adventures, including the war in Ethiopia, the Fascist aid to Franco for the destruction of the Spanish republic, Mussolini's aid to Hitler to overthrow the German republic to the tune of a subsidy of one million francs in gold a month, and the adventure of this World War including «the Vichy betrayal of France...
...He called for: a) The ovesthrow of the Italian government, i. ?., the monarchy...
...the monthly booklet issued by tbe Corner* Sadowment...
...Sexy Fiwlingouysea, painter...
...Of tsweonteawfeBsSat'swewae1 tmBBBant wh...
...3.—In my opinion the AQied victory should tend to leadership af men who are known for their a ? tj-Fascist and pro-Democratic attitudes, men who have aoffered durine the pes: twenty years of Fascism...
...President, Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, A.F.ofL...
...Nathan Chaain...
...Huge Eber lei...
...Partisan Review...
...ose 4ctioa I ORD PERRY, chairman of the Britisb res* *~" Motors and one of the moat ''rndmJaal**' industrialists in Eaglaad, recently wrote a letter to the London Daily Telegraph attacking the Archbishop ef Canterbury, as fellows: "We are at war today because we am enter-mined to preserve abe old order of capruiaos an: the bberties we enjoyed under it heiare tte totalitartana attempted to destroy the way at life our forefathers had chose...
...Most intelligent Rom ? ? Catholic dignitaries win admit that evorytiase the church gets mixed up with a political state, sooner or later it gets into trouble, and omy when the church is separated from the state, as in the United States, does it thrive and live in peace...
...Only the loyal sap-porters of the Communist Party accepted the verdict of the Trials that Trotsky, Bnkharin, Radek, Rakovsky...
...Chairman, Department of Economics, Washing ten Square College, N. Y. University...
...member of the Remkstoe and former party treaeocer...
...Federation of Teachers...
...Matthew Low, columnist, The New Leader...
...Wattes** and Hation...
...Their master can sttsl count en them to perform their appointee tasks...
...There is a tremendous effort on the part of many pro-Catholic writers to show that the Roman hierarchy has ahrsys been against Fascism, that it did not want this war...
...Dwight Maedonald...
...In 1?7, 8 commission beaded by John Dewey investigated the Trials, heard numerous witnesses, and published a two-volume report finding that the Trials were "frame-ups," the verdicts unfounded, tnd the whole procedure contrary to the principles of Soviet law which, like ours, does not regard confessions as a sufficient evidence of guilt...
...former editor, "Soviet Russia Today-'* WOterd Atkins...
...John McDonald, editor, Film News...
...This was so up to the coming of Fascism...
...It also pretends.to be based on the official reports ? to tie U. 8. State Department made by l ex-Ambassador Davies, who appears in ? pa>w in e prologue to give it his benediction...
...Wagt u thj* social security we are hearing so much aeeatt It is merely ? demand from the...
...Jacob Rich, city editor, Jewish Daily Forward...
...2.—Italian anti-Faeeists know fell well that this triple alliance brought about Fascism in Italy...
...She like* Soviet sailor-women, the charming Jcasnao) St** and some fascinating hypeotist*—ph» Salvador Dali...
...of Allied,policy, and warn the people agef* defeat t Now GalUnea...
...These trial* were generally regarded, at the time they took place, as brutal travesties of justice...
...i Congress is slanderously portsayed and ? President Roosevelt is correspondingly exalted-as all-seeing and all-wise These ? "amalgam'' techniques, this deification «f 1 The Leader are methods hitherto more 1 characteristic of totalitarian...
...Kamener, Zinoviev and almost all the other surviving leaders of the 1017 revolution had plotted to restore capitalism in Russia and to betray the nation they founded to Hitler and the Mikado...
...Other victims were Sophie In schlicht, Le-.sk...
...are employed in Mm- i Throughout the firm there is a de- ? kam policy, so that critics of the one s at any time hi the past few years an ? presented as necesaagay ejsposfag the ? other...
...in a new book...
...If we wish democracy for all other nations we must preserve democClippings and Comment By DANIEL BELL ^*T*HE Comintern has been liqiiidated...
...To capital he promieerj the destruction of labor unions...
...protected by international agreement or—doa't let your moatt ? the front soy what you hand *> the back is doing...
...Mussolini promised the monarchy to keep the status quo...
...t 1 "¦' ' " ' ' 4 Stz weeks ego The V» Leader bogen a srmuteioa* oa After Mussolini—What' The Tunisian campaign was yet to move to its final climax...
...Mary McCarthy, novelist, author, "The Company She Keeps...
...Daring the twenty years of Fascism the Catholic Church was the only religion recognised by the Fascist State...
...The solid trade-unionist is likely to remember how swiftly that attitude can change if circumstances require it...
...John L Chile...
...For we must be mindful that Italy , is divided into · two camps, the youthful Fascists who have been trained to fight for Fascism to the last drop of blood and the great majority of the Italians who are anti-German and would welcome liberation from Fascist and Nasi enslavement...
...Stalin was kill rag the leaders of the German Oenonnmatot Party who had fled to Moscow for refuge...
...And m indignation ahn orient...
...Tbe Kremlin...
...Jews and other non-Catholics were persecuted, jailed or exjjed-The future government of Italy must completely cancel this blot and establish absolute freedom of conscience...
...Lis ton M. Oak...
...The Vatican City might be retained as a Papal State in which it can work its spiritual salvation without being subject to a foreign State...
...cannot forget that thto is aha tojgl and labor circles by executing ?? Jewish SocisJam...
...selling goods to Britain, portienlarly * assemblies, ud asked the Ameneans to buy OJaosk goods...
...8??13????4??10 BATISTA ol Cone r has rsjiaatadJy and eyplicstiy jnasted tM* 1» wall not he a candidate te eecoeed r merit aMa» nagt el actio a. Leber organisations ?*"··™ lectors in island polities, have been casting FMf* for a candidate en trhoa obey might **>*·* general unttr, ceojition pOtitsrs in Cttoa'heMfA atendard method...
...Warki, Rosa Luxembourg's closest collaborator in the Polish Socialist Party before the first World War, "died" in Siberia...
...A Boishevik since the revolution, he was charged with being a Polish spy...
...Frank R. Cresawaith, chairman...
...Lillian prases, columnist...
...Ssmuel H. Friedman, editor, The Call...
...of the natMeml monas-oUata is Britain in earaal for a closed ilgaoastii) mo...
...But this is not the first time that the Soviet state -.4.- dissolved foreign Crmmucist groups to mit Russian policy purposes...
...is had tor II creates mass discontent — was one of the signers of a antej* festo on liberty issued by t group calling themselves The Individualists (reprinted tote in...
...Sam -Baron, General Manager, Greater N. Y. Joint Board...
...That's Elsa, the premier political aurrealut of our time—and quite an achievement, tee » * * ideoiof...
...Minion to Moscow whitewashes the Trials and the Stalin regime so thoroughly as to be unfaithful even to the book on which it is based...
...With iter ear to the ground, she hoard the Vosuwaa whispers that - Count ? tan* and Dtoe Oranna "are ?? the asomeot ?* eoaa ?? lurhoi in -Ohe President'* desk et the White Hoase, ready to set up the ->«w Ueiia...
...b) maintenance of church and state separation...
...Celoo> bia University...
...It show, half tbe map of Poland in Semes when Hiuer attacks, bot He atWliaX Utted by the Red Army, appears uaaffattod The invasion of Finland ia yttaisitaJ as an antifascist action, swtoaghout the film, Davies-Huston rsfl»f>lli his datermjna-tion to nqnantoc bosk sides of every question, but the inaifsjri sever gats a glimpse of the seamy sice of Stalin's IfflT^ ~ ¦ ***** the Seerri ? A...
...No one seriously accepts their assurance that they can loyally abide by tbe Labor Party's constiution and policies...
...He has watched with amusement the way in which Communists are now far more loyal to Churchill than most of bis conservative followers.....' Attack War-Guilt of Monarchy By Dr...
...gad es...
...en, pobiieity director, Jewish Labor Committee...
...Bached already by seen* OMP loaders aeat attrooOing favor ia she stsoV^BF time onions, is Dr...
...to enter the Lahor Party has gained some new Impetus...
...ahnt tbe efficient men should work fnv him " Load Perry, who behave* anw maes eaucawor...
...Cart J. Friedrich...
...as beae.i of tbe present government af...
...The top Labor Party leadership has consistently, add with the strength of their Ministerial prestige, effectively held to the truce...
...She knows not what other* may ate, but Else once bad hi och and beard I'aeptrM swear against the Duce "Anyway," she ssys, "I shall always like Umberto...
...One of the chief purposes of the film is to present the Moscow Trials of 1936-1938 as the Jost punishment of proved' traitors...
...areas ateot...
...Milton R. Koavitz, N.Y.U...
...Elsa'* toad maar.dermgs are too msaey to .catalogue, bat whenever she earn* u>e politico...
...appeasement of Hitler, bat tbe appeasement of the Stalin-HWer Fact is giossed over as . realism...
...Engene Lyons, editor...
...Staate, radio actor...
...Jamas Barnhsm, author, "The Machiavellians," etc Bertram D. Wolfe, critic and reviewer, stolen Woodward, advertising woman John Heynes Holmes, pastor, Community Church . Alfred stasia, contributing editor, New Republic...
...Only recently, D. N. Pritt, well-known Stalinist spokesman, argued that "The ending of the political truce would merely give reactionary Toryism a chance to make mischief...
...Department of Phflosophy, Mew York University...
...Teaehers CoUeg...
...Ahetrecf 4rr THIS dsaiii an lint has a favorite candidate for the tide of the ?uddy-Duiay Qoeea of, Muddle—Bisa Manwcli- ¦asaauentas to Ohe bored -400...
...the ftfture of Italy is earnestly discussed ia *B papers...
...observations and anecdotes about the Soviet regime scattered ttr segment it The reports on the Trials, ia particular, were most critical of the procedure, especially the dependence on confessions alone...
...For fif-* teen year it protested its revolutionary inde-pessdence—the eommuaiquee were once iesued from Paris to 19S4 to protect the American Communists who were charged with receiving oro>rs from Moscow—only to be sacrificed on the stone of Soviet foreign policy...
...during the past ten years their sn>-waveriag hatred of toaeism and waa> sympathy with the Russian peop.e, shsaM warn us that the Statin dittatorshtp^Z not changed its nature simply becas» the Soviet Union is now fighting ? Germany...
...The Communist Party has been a staunch supporter of the trace, and has been more faithful to Wiaston Churchill than many a Conserve live...
...A. F.of.L...
...C\m\t% ? kW...
...goads ? than af our own...
...it is quite simply adaeie...
...Tbe leader* of the Polish Communist Party fled to Russia—and were wiped out by Stalin as Bukharinites...
...Italy was far removed freiu the front-page hcodKnoo...
...May tt, in the Mow York Post...
...editor, Partisan Re- , view...
...It is I presented not as s nationalization, bat 1 as a documentary record of history...
...and Rronkovski...
...It eorre sponds m every sfcttsT with whet the to think about its domestic and foreign policies...
...Varies Fry...
...pcsslbli to support Bussia as an ato in a eaaaonen sear in every pornOto nsV tery way amd at the same time to eaov gvrieaily refnse to import StolinnX ??|?> torton practice* We fas] that it weoM be mtinmsfhia to matotoia ??- «????' lor justice end the aotensssa af dsnas...
...c) confiscation of big feudal land estates...
...And Kernel Pasha had them drowned or shot In 1937, Stalin dissolved the Polish Communut Party m an attempt to make an agreement with the "Fascist landlords...
...Irwin Rees, asjbUcations secretary, U. S. Student Assembly...
...President, Seafarers International Union, A FL...
...Said LauKi: "No one finds it easy to believe that the Communists want to enter the Labor Party to strengthen it...
...much esowtsdjjjp «f-the'lunited States, say* the Weridseer-sMaioP...
...and even distorts the very book en which it ia based...
...is not even ? film designee to arouse sympathy lav Ute heroic resistance of Nasi aggraasion of the Russian people...
...member of the Reichstag and the Central Committee of tbe German Cetnmuaiet Party...
...American Labor Party, Max Danish, editor of Justice, pnblication ILGWU...
...Labor Party Conference Faces Truce Issue, New C. P. Affiliation Move { " — * Speriai to ??* New LsUsna LONDON, England.—Tbe po-iuieal problems feeing the annual Leber Party conference on June 14-IS took on a new twist this week as the news of the Comintern's dissolution started eoTilaaosiiics in left-wing labor circles...
...author, Amerieth Sixty Feuna^ma...
...The fact is that ? intern to Moscow is not a record , of eerrent history...
...Feiwmaod LaodOerg...
...Hesaao W - JBaMsis, Professor of Philosophy, New School for Social Research...
...Henry Caemberlin...
...Stolberg, writer Sheba Streamer, sanative secretary, latl Rescue and Relief Committee Ernest F. Tittle, First Methodist Church, ? vans ton...
...racy if are sheaod new permit auch trim propaganda ** ? *+u>t...
...We must be frank...
...Barry I .emdeborg...
...Count Csrls Sforza, the leader of the Free Italian movement-But that's Elsa, the innocent pixie...
...had forty-two million inhabitants...
...Father Tacchi Venturi from this period on became the brain behind Mussolini and put the Roman Church influence, both political and spiritual, back of the Fascist program...
...That it might possibly mean an opportunity for Labor politics to take advantage of.shifting political moods in Britain today is not widely recognized . . . With the end of the Communist International, the move of the CP...
...As a sees** thought Elsa finds she tikes, too...
...It is a sarians matter when · ] American people uncritical faith ?? aW IibiiiIibm sand jaattos of ehomsV-mW...
...Carlo* Batedoig»«» and former Prim* Mir arte- swiadragso »g, yet fif...
...painUr eahet...
...This ex-wm- 1 baaaador has appreved the film, as has ? tbe ameial Soviet representative in ; BoUywaod...
...There have bean a swelling number of disaendents.who have been encouraged by some of the showings of independent candidates, and the recent election of a' Commonwealth eaadid&te who had bucked the Tory running with Labor endorsement...
...toe Whit* House t arc practically brought ander the same ( roof...
...Rebels ans lese...
...Tbe A.wertet* Mercury Geen-ge L. ? Merris...
...It is oar considered i epinten «het Mittion to...
...R. Werner, author...
...to ??*???\\ But we feel that we ourselves have the right, and the doty, to expose its falsifications...
...tt turne east to be a dunce...
...Most of the American press, lake the rest of the civilised world, considered them to be frame...
...My opinion is that in a postwar Italy the monarchy most go...
...She mourns this fact, and presents a iavorjlt eon and staunch anti-Faeciat—Crown Prise...
...the privileged position of the Roman Catholic Church as a State Church...
...and other fiejgttth eoO rtjfJg against the Vsnoittart tdeetogy was that Oowwtn, teas aaing that tame es* aaapsgenaa to eMW the" Gorman people Ooebheit would rite Vans.tUrt statements as the grim faoaeteWg...
...By 1921 Mussolini through his new acquired friendship with the famooa Jeeiut Tacchi Venturi changed his program completely...
...Sal B. Hef man...
...Since then, ?? evidence has been presented to substantiate the charges of the Russian Court or to refute these of the Dewey Commission...
...wsTieu and acted in that gheoliahry metJsearical tantnt...
...James Rorty, author of "American Medicine Mobilizes," and other books...
...Richard Rovere, managing editor, Common Sense...
Vol. 26 • May 1943 • No. 22