Meaning of Reciprocal Trade Pacts-'The Test of Our Intentions'

Meaning of Reciprocal Trade Pacts-'The Test of Our Intentions' Big Business and Communists By FREDA UTLEY ?' [tee old medieval legends the Devil, when bt tempted a man, never appeared twice ia...

...believe in democracy if we give them ^¦¦**jmssion that we believe in it so little J5*te...
...The national executive, who is after all demoeratieaRy elected, sad elected to serve the country as s whole, and not a limited geographical district, is far more likely to consider the effect of tariff policies on the country as a whole than is Congress, which considers every individual arrangement in terms of the detailed effect it might hsve on tbe local district), represented by the indiridns...
...HE wheel has indeed come full circle...
...ANDRAS Special to The New Leader /YTTAWA.— The Federal government con-tinues on its reactionary way... clerical exhortations aad have conducted militant strikes...
...aeiiy Worker, New Masses, In Fact, and lime camouflaged organs of the Commmtists, soMlaim that the Communists are democrats...
...TWO C.C.F...
...Its succsss is perhaps going to be obvious to public efpkWn only through the protests of those who formerly received this privilege and who find tltetasefares in a position where the government is equipped with the power to reduce, or even ultimately to remove, the privilege which they enjoy...
...This would, of course, not be possible ? not the American Communist...
...Labor expressed its demands for adequate legislation protecting the rights of association and collective bargaining and demanded a relaxation of wage-freezing to enable the tower paid workers to seek wage adjustments...
...Organised big business has been for years firing its guns st the co-ops and has at last scored a hit...
...Obviouslyithe preparation of other countries for war, and the measures they have taken since they were forced to go to war, have a significant bearing on foreign trade...
...At a period, for instance, of sharp drought in the United States, you would expect increased agricultural imports, even if the policy as a whole was designed lb promote agricultural exports...
...of them have returned since June 22, 1941...
...Roosevelt's foreign policy i m it U...
...g"* was quoted to prove that "we of the States may ally ourselves with the forces * "«»ocracy in Europe ONLY.on condition ?* *» ally ourselves with the Soviet...
...Or was our rear intent revealed in Senator Taft's prcposal to renew -the trsde agreements until six months after the cessation of hostilities, in other words" to renew them during the war period when normal trade has practically ceased to exist find to suspend them as soon as the war is over...
...It is now not only the economic core of Mr...
...The inquiry will be directed along two lines: labor relations and wage stabilization... found in this country's export industries, are usually ices vocal in their praise for the policy, although the expansion of trade and employment here ie t easiiy demonstrated...
...Did we really intend to reduce tariffs and trade barriers aj^tojsj&minate "all forms of discriminatory treatment in international commerce," as we said in fee lend-lease agreements...
...After nine years of operation large business interests as well as organised labor have seen the fundamental constructive significance of the Cordell Hull policy...
...This has naturally caused the Syndicates some concern and they have retaliated in s manner which is daftV-cnlt to combat In the smaller communities, it is snVmnnl thst the pariah srtests bare been threatening Catholic members ef international unten» with excommunication aad denial ef the test seers meet niese they turned hi their galea cards...
...These charge* were made pobBciy by French -Canadian Catholic members of the Trades end Leber Congress ef Canada (A... the same temptation as the German jgiUfirtti who backed the Nasis under the illu-lion that Hitler would be their tool, only to lad that precisely the reverse was to be the ??* after the Nasis came to power...
...It has been noted mainly for its do-ooCbinff...
...This ed...
...The second argument proposes to tuba)it sll the individual agreement* to the Senate set ratification or to the Congress for *?*?*»»1 ?? for veto, ostensibly with the purpose of sah» mifting the process to whst are sew eaihnl "the traditional democratic checks of constitutional government" As « matter of historical record, it is well established that individual trade agreements ere a* difficult to ratify aw th* usual two-thirds majority in the Senate as any other foreign treaty, and that, in consequence, such a stipulation means that a determined minority can stop the whole policy of tariff reductions from going into effect...
...Today in the United States no sane capitalist would support the enemies of his country, nor would he be likely to fall for native Fascist propaganda after witnessing what happened to kii class in Germany...
...It has lpa|-anM ef it* meet effectiv* sapporbm and it ha* aahmnces with some of the most «sntshlr influ***** Is our politic*, life...
...It is obm vary curious to find the Herald Tribune patting forward ? line of mgunlent about post-war Europe which Is practically indistinguishable from that of the isolationists prior to Pearl Harbor, and that of the British and Trench appeasers prior to 1939...
...Thus Um Herold Tribune equates democracy with Stalinism and In effect tolls the peoples of Europe thst what Hitler hat always said Is true: that there is no alternative for them between Communism and Naxtism...
...I ABOR relstions continue to be the sore spot *!* en tab neWooal scene...
...discern two mam greepsngB afdsmdaamamt...
...S, - ? , - - * * · - mh— ?*?^·G BttttwieW ? ? ? rnn»w*> b*?***I AHFRW KiQrtlS Wrii towtt?t fcfhf St*%HttJ?t regrfnt...
...tomjm4 tot our predeseed war aims and principle* -in order tS w4s She war.*' There are these who Sah both •tili t i p U l i sad or*-Stalinist, and «hers ?ffe those wh* sre both s«a>BHtah and s*w-Stalinist...
...the ?fiited Ststea Chanvher of Commerce as well a* the America* *HteMI*n of Labor s « t ? ? ? ? ? ? » 1? thrsf xAby b therefore ? ???» n**re^l*vi*US...
...The secretary's report indicated an enormous expansion of party strength...
...A sow con 1 ic t bos srteea m toe teas* leid hi Qsebec Quebec ia s...
...It has of course, been a difficult policy to put into effect because efforts to undo tariff privilege that has been enjoyed thus far, always provoke very pronounced and sharp pretests from the tariff lobby financed by the beneficiaries of past tariff favors...
...Perhaps we cermet prevent the ftbv*ut Union extending its "borders" as far as it thinks fit after Germany is defeated, but surety we need not cynically jettison the principles for which we light in order to- please the Communists...
...Bsreertain Big Business elements or financiers...
...The French appeaears said they did not want to "die for Danzig...
...Too many other factors play a significant role in the development of exports and imports to make it fair to say that the Hull policy has definitely pod such and such effects...
...Even if our country boa sought to promote agricultural exports, the effects of such a policy might, easily be offset by efforts abroad to become, for mil-itsry reasons, self-sufficient with regard to food...
...or, by efforts abroad to economise os their wpraem tor non-essentials like American fruits to order to be able to buy larger quantities of war materials of an industrial sort for the purpose of waging war more eettUely...
...Any hopes that the Government would con- ~ tinue to retain its war-born enterprises in peacetime have now evaporated...
...The following article may sag-mats possible explanation.—F...
...Isn't it clear, that if we meant the latter, no one anywhere would pas any further atten-ticn to anything we migfiv****} about post-war reconstruction...
...although st the same ties* recognizing "the orgeat aaed to maintain and extend close cooperation with the Soviet Unten...
...What is this but an argument that our professed war aims are a scrap of paper, and that In reality European affairs are none of our business and Western Hemisphere affairs none of anybody else's...
...There would be very little sense in the destruction of tariff privilege if it did not hurt those wbo ???» the recipients of the privilege...
...Party, ever dam "Germany attacked Russia, become the aBrs-patriotic party, and had it not endeavored...
...would have believed a year or two ago (j^that one would ever find the American Lggnbt Party quoting ? Herald Tribune TfH »rticle in its propaganda ? Yet this was J**** when Earl Browder's Lincoln Day was reproduced as a fall-page adrextiee-JJJJt in fifteen leading newspapers...
...They had band to use the Nasi Party to maintain their teuer, wealth, and privileges after they bare johroy destroyed democracy in Germany, In-Xtta, "finance capital" found itself as much the fan of the Nasi Party state as everyone else...
...Perhaps the single statement that witl do tion for the layman is to stress the fact— sod fact tt b—that there is probably ae ether question in tbe waste field of economic policy upon which there fat so striking s degree of unanimity of opinion among professional students ef sronamlcB, Economists who disagree about balancing the budget, farm relief, monetary policies, labor policies, or the question of monopoly, are all in agreement with regard to the wisdom of the present Cordell Hull policy...
...In the past the conventions have been preponderantly urban in character...
...CCF Grows By A.R...
...The situation was aggravated recently by the action of the provincial premier who intervened in a jurisdictional dispute in favor of too Catholic syndicate, compelling a paper mill to abrogate its contract with the A. F of L psper workers' unten, which had been established there for years...
...Too mild a protest would simply mean that no results worth talking about were being achieved...
...lean ago Eugene Lyons wrote an article ¦dUed "Moscow Likes Millionaires," showing else the United States Government was to aal Jos Davies to Russia...
...Ose can...
...For J* resemblance between the Nasi Party and ·*¦American Communist Party is very close...
...Anyone who insists on stick-SJ.» democratic principles and declared war JJJb villified by the American Communists ^fping Hitler "by creating suspicion in the ¦*» of our Russian allies, or as "hampering ¦4 *v effort...
...More than fifteen hundred members of the American Economic Association have recently memorialised the House Committee on Ways and Means in «Support of unqualified renewal of the Trsde Agreements Act They included economists from every university in the land, economists from trade unions as well as urban banks, from farm cooperatiives as well as government departments...
...and stated "the hope that no sack isoae will arise again to endanger ear relations with the Soviet Union...
...A notable feature of the convention was the fact of rural representation...
...The Ontario .Convention wis by far the most impressive the party has ever .held in thst province...
...A floor on wages, rather than a ceiling, was the basic demand in this respect Representation ort war boards and greater encouragement to labor-management committees were among the reforms in labor policy asked for... s number of esses weehais have switcher from the Catholic Syndicates to the non-sectarian organisations...
...The results, nevertheless, are clear enough...
...Lippmann also serve" notice in effect on the small, nations of Eprope ' that we are unconcerned with their fate, and that Russia may extend ber "boundaries" as far as she likes... Welles has well said—is not the only choice, or the most difficult, thst th* ???*4* cf the United States will neve to make about the foundation of peace But it is fundamental, and it happens to come first in tune...
...during the same time...
...Bat the HrmU Tribtrnt is ? ssnhhbhtttt) friennty to the British and evidently thinks it is helping Britain by heists so pro- Soviet...
...The .first group may imagine that it ean wm Raeeisa friesahnde for the United States in the pest-War era st Britain's expense, or at least that, by crfteeiehtg Britain a*d softsoaping Scahm it wfli prevent Russia and Britain drawing too close tog cent ?. The reswit of this line is however far more likely to have the contrary effect, since, if Britain feels the American people to be unfriendly, she most naturally lean more toward Resets...
...about the Communists or Communis, have apparently fallen for the Party line, ? presented to them by journalists and authors...
...It is quite significant that the chairman of the government's post-war reconstruction committee has recommended that the government do little or no planning: "Let Industry Do the Planning...
...AS in British Columbia, the Socialist ** viewpoint was reiterated aad a program of immediate end post-war action adopted... the Bret real fc*» ef America's intentions in tad postwar world, it may well be the determining factor in the evaluation of possibilities of soceess or failure in the post-war affects of the united mmmmJBtv-&um^~ ?* · ·:?·::··· The importance of the dachten which the Congress mast maaq Wnri, ?|?»1...
...Many * of those who wanted the United Stetes to enter the war against Germany long before Pearl Harbor are now telling us not to take the Atlantic Charter seriously, while some of the ex-isolationists, now, to quote the Herald Tribune once more, "weep copiously at the idea that the United States should foil to maintain every small pretension to sovereignty in Eastern Europe...
...provincial conventions, held sl-* most simultaneously, have once more demonstrated that Socialism is on the march in Canada...
...sen ander iu aegis, with mederats success, sod claims about 50.··· workers hi the...
...For some years now the Confedarattea ef Catholic Syndicates boa been sesnhag to organise the French-Ciaadiaa...
...denounce any insistence on moral issues •jj^ttciple* saying that the only thing which ?*"*1* is victory...
...our policies with regard to foreign trade are -In the hands of the nstionai executive which can afford to think them Ihevuffh ht terms of their significance to th* country S* a whole as well as in their refetiewi to all she other policies that been* directly <r indirectly on the negotiations that were conducted...
...The Pools are pure and simple co-operatives, handling wheat marketing for the prairie farmers on the usual nonprofit patronage-dividend basis...
...Now we have the Herald Tribune, as for instance in its editorial of March 24, denouncing those who in the name of the Atlantic Charter "assert a veto over Russian policies in Eastern Europe which we should certainly never grant to Russia over our policies in the Carribean," and warning us against any interpretation of the Atlantic Charter which might lead to "the entanglement of the United States in a hopeless and disastrous attempt to reorganize Europe in opposition to its greatest hand power...
...iKdre not satisfied by all-out aid to the ttmUnion against Germany, bat insist that tbjAnimunists here should share in the glory ?? Russiair people's heroism... policies, although ia seam esse* the rank-and-lie have turned a deaf...
...The Hull policy is simply a careful and systematic effort to lower slowly.m one ease after another, trade barriers at home and abroad...
...So the Minister of Munitions and Supply told the House of -Commons recently...
...while the American isolationists used similarly to argue that the United States hod no business intervening in Europe to protect weak powers from domination by the greatest European power, Germany...
...In terms of immediate results, the" rent sal'for ? fourth term of three years of the Trade Agreements Act is not a matter of great importance...
...jJKfui who at any time has had close contact eJKibe Communist Party or who knows its (HBstery, is taken in by its hew democratic •mtetic disguise...
...dippers, politician of the Right and iBjausble newspaper publishers, knowing little...
...Only a strong promise of Anglo-American participa-' tion in world organisation will save countries like Poland cr Czechoslovakia from a' choice between Rossis or Germany, whatever the outcome of the wsr and whatever its effect on the particular ideology or governing group thst may be dominant The promise must be strong because every one remembers what America did lsst time to the efforts of President Wilson...
...Equally significant is this man's prognostication of a major depression in Canada in the immediate post-war period...
...Such a decision on our part would force countries like Poland and Czechoslovakia to write off the possibility of, post-war reconstruction with the aid of Anglo-American cooperation...
...With the C^rdell Hull trade agreements peticy...
...All government-owned plants and other properties established to fill war needs—some $800,000,000 worth— will be liquidated or sold to private corporations...
...Unfortunately, it is probable that both group* sre net only playing into Stalin's heeds at the expense ef the eVssseeracies...
...g* Horoid Tribune had in fact stated on JV*2 ?: uHow can the oppressed peoples...
...The Greeks were victorious but Aggamemnon on his triumphant return home from the wars was slain by his wife in revenge for their daughter's death...
...and twenty-five trade unions, with about 20,000 members, had affiliated with the C.C.F...
...The Trade Agreements Program is simply an effort to undo the damage done by tariff privilege conferred by the government ? the past on special vested interests...
...but also that they are unwftthkgty sashmg Hitler csTSSLt his hold on Europe...
...Was our heart in it when we said in the Atlantic Charter that we intended "to further the enjoyment of ail states, great or small, victor or vanquished, of access, on equal terms, to the trade and to the raw materials of the world...
...The rest of the world remembers what the legislative branch of our government did to the program of the executive branch under President Wilson's leadership—aad the debate on the renewal of the trade agreements is therefore regarded as the acid test of our policy...
...The only people who appear consistent are those who oppose aggression and totalitarian doctrine and practice whether by friend or foe...
...TODAY it is neither the workers nor the 1 "petty bourgeois intellectuals", bat the rep-wentitives pf finance capital and the "eapital* press' who have become-the main objectives ** Communist propaganda...
...We have come to expect over night changes in the Communist Party line, but it is disconcerting to find similar changes of position and principle taking place in non-Communist circles...
...The record that has been made under the agreements is, of course, a spotty one...
...This argument, of course, is quite contrary to fact...
...In other words, it is an effort to undo the damage done by tariff excesses in the past...
...kmy be, however, that some of the former **»Btd reactionaries, or conservatives, who J**»«Pport any and every claim mode by the "•"et Union, who glorify the Stalinist regime JJ* try to convince the American people that g*>- is very much like the United States, f?m that they are using the Communists ? fies versal In a word, they may be hoping rj** the Communist Party as German Big fjtens once hoped to use the Nasi Party...
...In general they insisted thst the United States should stick to the Monroe doctrine negatively as well as positively...
...and misery of the masses in Russia, Jjbk bad revolted s democrat like William W*t, might be expected to pass unnoticed jf* tery rich man, or be regarded by him as H« of the natural order of society...
...The delegates stood in silence for two minute* in tribute to'the Socialist martyrs...
...Economists Unanimoui APART from these political and economic consequences in the field of world "politics, the argument about the renewal of the Cord ell Hall trade agreements is the customary battle of the beneficiaries of tariff privilege to avoid the withdrawal of the "protection" which they, have thus far received...
...Vested interests Seek To Block Vital U S. RoleinPosi-WarWorld By HARRY D. GIDEONSE ANY one interested in post-war planning may well watch the present debate in Congress on the renewal of our trade sgiamiiepH policy with considerable anxiety...
...There are but two choices before the hdSb*yk*- One is to cooperate wish Russia *2"*Hng the world—as there ie an excellent 2*»of doing if we believe in the strength of jf^Ple» and prove it by applying them...
...And tv*?ry Sorif...
...anyone who criticises or opposes (k$ˆeramunists aa an agent or a dupe of Hitler...
...The second group assy think it is facilitating good relations between all three of main allies righting Hitler...
...No wonder the C.C.F...
...A resolution on the Erlich-Alter executions was earnestly debated and adapted by a decisive majority...
...It would force them into one-sided negotiations with either the German or the Russian neighbor to insure sheer survival...
...sfWi* ?· to BLANNM...
...The de ersic-E about the trade agi twnents—e* Mr...
...procedures than ev*r bcaV...
...Again, on March 30, the Herald Tribune scornfully admonished Mr...
...But many a "tired- business man" who would recognise the Drril st once if he came garbed as a Fascist, ? enapletely taken In when the Prince of Dark-spi eomes like a beautiful woman dressed in ?» Star and Stripes, and mouthing democratic * aigem and patriotic appeals...
...In s belated attempt to find some solution to the situation, the government has empowered the National War Labor Board to hold an inquiry and seek a way out...
...IN other words, the policy was pot Into effort * at a time when a wide variety of other factors were also having their influence in the same field...
...Whatever "Poet-War Reconstruction" may mean elsewhere, hi Canada the government intends that it shall mean a retain to the good old status quo...
...There.ware over **· delegates from farm and city, luohniiug ? goodly proportion of young people...
...It is an effort to correct the restrictive policies of trade promoted by high tariffs, by a slow and continuous pressure towards the reduction of trade barriers and the expansion of trade...
...Even the pre-Stalin-Hitler ????-sl fellow travellers are for the most...
...of the Communists today, although...
...constituency associations had been organized in many hitherto unorganised rural areas...
...Both the Trades and Labor Caagreaa and the Canadian Congress ef Labor an conducting energetic organising drives ia ttoaeos and s bitter conflict ? iiijieileJ The church baa always tried to isolate Us followers from outside influences and is sufficiently powerful to pat serious impediments in the way ef the en?????» ??????, ia his artkte te^Tae New A&r of April 17, raised a question wbich Share puzzled many people: What is be-the apotheosis of Stalin and his regime ?, the Luce publications and by other ReSil- »nd conservatives who follow the jnJBdelesd...
...The industrialists as ? whole being better kformed and having had bitter experience of Cosununist sabotage of the war effort before fie Eusso-Ge rraan war, have remained aloof or katile to Communist propaganda...
...Our actions would have spoken so much louder than our words that no one would care to listen any further...
...success to pose as the standard bearer sf American Republican tradition...
...of Jona fat- perhaps best understood if we try to loot at it from a Central European angle...
...Meaning of Reciprocal Trade Pacts-'The Test of Our Intentions' Big Business and Communists By FREDA UTLEY ?' [tee old medieval legends the Devil, when bt tempted a man, never appeared twice ia fetsame disguise...
...Their statement was in complete accord with expert findings regarding the disastrous effects of high tariffs on both exporters and importers...
...In terms of its interpretation at home and abroad, howeeor...
...Bullitt and others who "wrap themselves in the Atlantic Charter" and refuse to concede Russia's right to incorporate the Baltic States, and presumably also the half of Poland she took when in allience with Germany... growing by leaps and bounds...
...all list My French-Canadian and Beaaaa Cstholte snow* iaee and the cbareb exerte e pswstfal ter •nenee over every aspect ef tte falls ????* , lives...
...For man learns something w experience, his difficulty being that he is SWinnaltT subject to new, or seemingly new, tjgai and'temptations...
...Earl Browder, if ? Lincoln Day speech, assumed the mantle of the Founding Fathers of the United States, tajsMured us that anyone who thinks that the qjpnmist Party m s revolutionary party is a ? believing in "ghosts and witches...
...the labor representatives irrespective of affiliation were unanimous in their condemnation of the government's policy in both respects...
...The resolution expressed "its disappointment st this renewed evidence ef dictatorial methods is the So riet Union...
...Walter Lippmann, for his part, reinforces the argument by sweeping statements about the fascist nature of the Baltic States, ind, with ? ingenious sophistry, writes: The discussion ff Russian boundaries in Washington was bound to provokes reaction in Moscow...
...Canadian Letter: Gov't Hits at Co-ops...
...This time, delegates came from the inland farming valleys as well as from the industrial cities...
...hv the AssnssM Chsrtsr...
...Strikes continue to erupt and bitterness beeps mounting...
...The CCF...
...In other words, it might be argued that the loudness of the protest of special vested interests throughout the country is, in a sense, a measure of the success of the policy...
...It is estimated that the Pools will have to pay about $5.000,000 in taxes this year, in effect reducing the already deflated price the farmers will receive for their product This is seen to be the thin edge of the wedge to tax all manner of cooperative enterprise...
...The beneficiaries of the reductions, who can usual...
...Mem - bership hod quadrupled daring the past twelve months...
...Our trade with countries with which we have concluded agreements has expanded more quickly than our trade with countries With which we have not signed agreements...
...But it is hard to resist At conclusion that certain capitalist elements ? lis United States, backed by a section of the ???, consciously or unconsciously, are today rtrisf aid and comfort to the Communists in America...
...The old congressional discussions' about tariff rates were full of secrecy and log i*Mng...
...Cong ? ens seen and individual Senator...
...The result is that the general pabHd receives the impress tag thst there are only critics of the policy, and that there are no significant groups in American economic life that benefit from tt...
...This is not the old greedy row about tariff privileges, however Ivis th* first battle in the struggle for a decent post-war world...
...Those who would sacrifice democracy hi order to win the victory against ?* external foes might well ponder the lesson of *Homer's niad...
...supported by the Nstionai Associstio* ef ManufsctJren...
...the British that German domination of Eastern Europe was no concern of theirs...
...The other is to get involved in intrigues with all the reactionary and anti-democratic forces fat Europe, the only result of which would be to alienate the Kremlin...
...Our action or it will be sa acid test of our intentions...
...consumption of goods," including specifically "the reduction of tariffs and trade barriers...
...By comparison with this process, the pteseat methods, with their announcements to the general public of changes that are rortienplsfd sind with their open hearings, are the very esshhc* of open diplomacy...
...the discussion of American boundaries in Moscow would certainly provoke ? reaction in Washington...
...Men like Wendell •???'?, Thomas Lament, and Joe Da vies, and ¦reaps also Henry Luce himself, fall for this aopiganda because they have never been in-¦•leaaiud against it They have never been insisted for the simple reason that they have ••••m a world far removed from the struggles Was "common man" about whom we hear so ¦Mb nowadays from unexpected quarters...
...The ?? "AineTsss First" line-up i* now aslidb/ anti^BurdsB ?? They .knew that this is the nm b * | d « g*h J*> psdt war world—and they have ejfcahpf wtth suYmteat skill te make, the passage *f the ra> newai without rawer dating amende** tits et> tnsmely doubtful • · » Dev less 4 i | i H | s Ji B E R H A P S it might he useful ts add on* * word aboet s peculiarly devwr way *f ***• posing the continuation of the Cctttstt &1...
...One can recall the old legend that in order to ensure victory against Troy, King Aggamemnon sacrificed his daughter to the gods...
...At the preliminary bearings which were held in mid-Anril...
...Thus far the world has seen the Atlantic Charter affirmed and underwritten by the executive branch of the American government and it has also noted Article ?? of the master lend-lease saiBauientrtd wafea the executive branch of oar government promises the promotion of "mutually advantageous economic relations" and "the expansion, by appropriate international and domestic measures, of production, employment, end the exchange and...
...The impetus of wartime employment boa sent thousands of workers into the mere virile Inte» national anions...
...Submitting to the proddings of the "free enterprisers," the Justice Department has ruled that the three western Wheat Pools are subject to corporation tax and excess profits tax...
...This, in other words, is set * »ropcoaj to be democratic but rather a proposal te enable a minority to stop the majority from harfng its way...
...As Burnham has pointed out the Luce pebVeations ran a pew-Baal faiiet but aaa-Britrsr Ike...
...The New York Times, to its credit, not only realises this, but has stressed the danger of the American people being driven back into isolation by the denial of "the fundamental basis for liMWjtliiMl tisjinafshsau as...
...B i s » ft t* weg known thst American pshlie episiea has **cmired * new 'a · in dimetiStic procedurve and is rather deeply ma pressed Wtth the d*u*g*rt ef centralised control whkh s a l inhsteirt tar war econcmy, an effort is made « * piasesl th» agreements as a rather dictatorial extension ef sower s a the part ef the executive This takes two form* First of sll, it is argued that the details of the negotiations are all kept secret and that, in consequence, we ham* acquired a regime of settling our foreign trade policy by star-chamber methods...
...For, said Lyons, the...
...In British Columbia, where is now the official opposition in the Legislature, the convention's deliberations hinged on the positive assumption that the next provincial election will put the Canadian Cooperative Federation into power...
...policy which is new quite apparent in th* * * * » - ent Ascusseoss in Ceeurress...
...know just what kind of sauce will disguise a real davor...
...Tariffs are usually advocated on the ground that they promote high standards of living, when as a matter of sober historical fact, they almost invariably hurt not mal trade relations in imports as well as exports...
...F. of Li and have received wide Publicity fas the press...
...It hat accordingly not His likely that American Big Business would... British Columbia is now definitely what it set out to be: ? party in which both farmers and workers find the best expression of their community of interests...

Vol. 26 • May 1943 • No. 21

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