Solomon Receives 63,450 Votes
Solomon Receives 63,450 Votes Solomon Sees Hope For Future in Vote By CharlM Solomon I am satisfied we have waged one of the most effective Socialist campaigns in the history of our party in...
...621 5th A.D____________ 247 6th A.D...
...F. Cassidy...
...had as its sole objective the ousting of Tammany, despite the mudslinging campaign of the so-called major candidates and the virtual ignoring of the Socialist campaign by the capitalist press, in marked contrast to the attention paid in recent years, the results were as follows: Charles Solomon, for Mayer, 63,450 votes...
...Liptchitz on Germany Dr...
...11,264 12,001 13,260 William Karlin___11,701 The Bronx...
...1,430 4th A.D...
...CEDAR VALL TO SPEAK ON AUTO WORKERS Appalling conditions in the Detroit automobile industry will be described by F. It...
...1,048 3rd A.D------------ 991 6th A.D------------ 1,608 4th A.D...
...Socialist Lawyers to Meet General memberahlp meeting of the Socialist Lawyers' Association, Monda;-, Nov...
...Prior to his Detroit work aa an organiser, Cedarvall toured the country with William Hightower and W. B. Jones, defendants in...
...1,741 10th A.D------------ 404 10th A.D------------ . 426 11th AD------------ 606 11th A.D...
...675 6thA.D------------ 1,021 6th A.D...
...13, at 8:30 p. m.p at 7 East 15th St Professor Karl N. Llewellyn will speak on "Radical Lawyers and Capitalist Law...
...llsrry Waton and Dr...
...splendid Vote despite big obstacles T*HE campaign if over and aa a result there are close to 70,000 convinced and unshakable Socialists in New York City...
...Cedarvall, IWW...
...The arena and on the balcony were the sretlona assigned to lli< in...
...18,681 Brooklyn...
...Total of Aldermanic Candidates, 75,068 votes...
...1,226 Total, Manhattan...
...who attended the rally paraded with flags and bannera for about tea minutes through the alulae of tin- main flour, along wlUi the YipeeU...
...Young Circle Member* Commended for Part In the Garden Rally Two hundred Youns Circle League meiuhera acted as ushers at the Madison Square tiardrn nilly, rrportlns for work • t 10 n. in...
...Meetings will be held at the Jewish Center, Ocean Parkway and Neptune Ave., Brooklyn, and will be controlled by students...
...617 Toted, Bronx_____ 15,254 Total, Queens____ 6,984 RICHMOND: 1st A.D......___________________ 479 2nd A.D...
...Professor Nathan waa formerly economic adviser to the German government...
...Under the ausplees of the League for Industrial Democracy, a symposium on "America, Japan and Russia In the Par Rest" will be held In the New School for Social Research, Nov...
...The keynote of the meeting will be: clarity of thought and action, so that organised labor everywhere will know how to fight the common enemy...
...In the "Current Kvents Course'* the [speaker will be l*x> M Krurekl, National Chairman of fhe Socialist Party and member of the Eeeullve Hoard of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers...
...Harry W. I.aidler, for Con trailer, 65,640 votes...
...All Socialist lawyers are Invited...
...IS, at
...Frank R. Crsoswaith, for Alder manic President, 67,869 votes...
...NRA Is the Subject of First Brooklyn Forum Symposium THE Brooklyn Forum opens its third season Sunday, November 19, at the Brooklyn Academy of Music, with a symposium of outstanding national importance...
...This will be the first of a series *f fifteen debates and symposia to be given every Sunday evening it the Brooklyn Academy of Music...
...4,769 19th A.D____________ 443 19th A.D____________ 466 80th A.D...
...Hundreds of thousands wanted to take a wallop at Tammany, and forewent the opportunity of voting Socialist "this time...
...15,254 18,816 14,512 Edw...
...J. Dlllk, director, states that among the organitatlon's plans is the development of a series of concerts at the Coney Islaad stadium...
...Despite the most terrible difficulties, despite the tidal wave of sentiment that...
...Thanksgiving Eve, Wednesday, November 29th, Hotel Lismore, 253 West 73rd Street...
...Comrade Kriyrkl has been In charge of the great drive to organise the shirt korkrrs and ia In a position to discuss "Labor and the Recovery Act'* with authority...
...Not that there was any unfairness, but rather lack of interest in editorial offices, and much less space was given than , in previous years...
...Future events include debates between Fred Henderson and Fen»« Brockway, Norman Thomas «td Scott Nearing, Max Eastman B. Chantey Vhtdek, and lectures by Louis TJntermeyer, AlexvkW Woolcott and other equally prominent The Brooklyn Forum has become * Socialist institution...
...In previous years the capitalist press paid considerable attention to our campaign...
...The Young Circle League Is to be commended on their flue Spirit aa well as their splendid organlxaUon...
...yingle admissions for the fifteen "tnta would total $10...
...RAND SCHOOL NOTES Next week's lecture In the coarse on "Nation, Hare, and China" will,be fey Profeaaor Otto Nullum of Princeton, Monday, Nov...
...The lecture will be under the direction of the Women's Committee of the School...
...Two orchestras will provide continuous dancing...
...1,072 ------- 2'897 2nd A.D________ 805 «rd A.D...
...Thkets now on sale, Rand School a/tee, 7 Bast 15th Street...
...199 4th AD____________ 867 4th A.D...
...Wolf Adler will debate under the auspices of the Ingeraoll Forum, at Pythian Temple, Sunday at S. Subject...
...Ah a matter of fact, ours was the only party that offered any definite party program...
...Speakers: Charles A. Hodges, Nathaniel I'eirer, Or...
...Charles Edward Russell, noted journalist and Socialist candidate for Mayor in WIS, and Louis Waldman, state chairman of the Socialist Party, will discuss "Ia NRA America's Way Out...
...Ckecks may be sent to Abe Belsky, m of the Brooklyn Forum, 7 E. m Street Mes will receive instructing the week to elect Forum representatives subscriptions from party Urge your friends to join the Brooklyn Forum for intellectual stimulation and dynamic Socialist education...
...In coming campaigns the impression* we have made this year will be translated into an enormous Socialist vote...
...Through the press, the radio, our campaign literature, and from the public platform, we have reached unprecedented masses of people with our menage...
...Resolved that beesiue of Judaism, Ihe Jews are superior to all other races...
...this year so ; great was the- absorption in the ¦ Tammany - anti - Tammany battle that' the Socialists were lost in shuffle...
...When Charles Solomon was Introduced, all the ushera at well aa the hundreds of other Young Circle member...
...The three were routed through Pennsylvania by the Socialist Party...
...This lecture will lake place Thursday evening, Nov...
...944 998 1,121 James Oneal______ 9,166 Total .. 63,450 76,666 76,068 78,166 For Controller: Harry W. Laldler...
...Our influence and impress art out of all proportion to our vote...
...11,254 Total, Brooklyn 29,014 THK BRONX: QUEENS: 1st A.D------------ 533 1st A.D...
...In addition, despite the eagerness with which the Socialist message was listened to everywhere, the campaign waa crippled by the fact that ao many of the Socialist campaigners were busy in trade union work, either aa union organizers or representing unions in code hearings in Washington day after day...
...The splendidly organised squad of Die younger generation of the Workmen's Circle was eiceedlngly Inspiring to the Iboiisiinils of Workmen's Circle membera who attended the rally...
...1,618 5th A.D------.v...
...A brilliant array of speakers will also be heard on tubaequent Thursday evenings...
...strike leader there, at a massmeeting in the Rand School auditorium Sunday, November 12, at 2. He will speak on "The Automobile Workers' Battle for Freedom...
...He is now free on bail on a conspiracy indictment The strike is being paessed by the Metal and Machinery Workers' Industrial Union of the I.W.W...
...strike murder cases...
...Solomon Receives 63,450 Votes Solomon Sees Hope For Future in Vote By CharlM Solomon I am satisfied we have waged one of the most effective Socialist campaigns in the history of our party in this city...
...By general concession, we have discussed the outstanding issues of the campaign, as they affect the great masses of our people, critically, intelligently, and constructively...
...3,984 17th A.D____________ 418 17th A.D...
...14, at 8:30, in the Queens County Labor Lyceum which no comrade and sympathizer in the fight against Hitlerism should miss...
...838 ftidAD------------ 811 2ndA.D------------ 4,393 SrdA.D___________ 837 3rd A.D...
...7th A.D.......___1...
...835 20th A.D____________ 605 21st A.D____________ 462 21st A.D...
...807 12th AD------------ 460 12th A.D------------ 717 18th A.D____________ 386 13th A.D.........___ 866 14th A.D____________ 366 14th A.D____________ 634 16th A.D____________ 363 16th A.D........____ 276 16th A.D____________ 427 16th A.D...
...Ham Koliu and II Charney vladerk...
...Do not arrange competing affairs if possible...
...I am proud, and I am sure we are all pYoud, of the clean, intelligent, persuasive exposition of Socialist principles by Charles Solomon as our principal standard bearer and by his running mates, Harry Laidlcr and Frank Crosswaith...
...Germans to Hear Plettl AN important meeting, will be held Tuesday, Nov...
...The result was that the Socialist sentiment created was far out of proportion to the vote cast...
...S. LipHchitz will lecture on "Hitler Germany and Its Significance" Tuesday, Nov...
...We have offered the only program for rebuilding the city In the interests of its wage earners...
...The meeting* is held under the auspices of the Labor Conference to Combat Hitlerism, German Section...
...Operated h Local Kings County, under the toettion of B. Chantey Vladek and H*rry 'Kritier, It has developed into the largest forum in the counfrfr attracting to its platform the outstanding leaders and moulders <* public opinion in the United States...
...We have greatly atrengthened our organisation and have broadened and deepened the receptivity for our propaganda...
...Each Youiik Circle member, wearing- a white armband with a red 111si r11111'i,¦, patrolled his section, told campaign literature and bullous and helped bike the collection...
...SOCIALIST VOTE FOR MAIN OFFICES Assembly- Alder- Borough Borough Mayor men men Presidents Manhattan...
...Whereas every big nrass meet- j ing or rally of the other parties 1 was announced in big front-page j headlines for days, the crowning < Madison Square Garden rally of the Socialists was hardly men- , tioned at all, and when it took place it was reported only on inside pages...
...We have made an impression on the electorate that is bound to bear abundant fruit...
...The definite impression prevailed everywhere that the Socialists were out of the running...
...Hla subject will be "The Rcenomlcs of National HorlalUm...
...67,869 HOLD THIS DATE...
...465 Total, Richmond ___________ 944 A SENSE OF PRIDE By Algernon Lee City Chairman, Socialist Party | HAVE not at this moment ¦ the slightest idea how many votes have been cast for our ticket, but I know that our campaign has advanced tho cause of Socialism in this city...
...LECTURE NC-TES I'nr the purpose of conducting weekly lectures on economic, political and social subjects, the Unity Youth Open Pornm has been organised In Brooklyn...
...Scores of thousands who thoroughly agreed with us refrained from casting their votes for oar candidates only because they did not believe we could win.* Other scores of thousands, caught in one of our periodic reform spasms, could not forego the opportunity of swatting Tammany Hall...
...Comrade Martin Plettl, president of the German Clothing Workers' Federation and of the International Clothing Workers' Federation, will explain the effects of Hitlerism in Germany as well as In other countries...
...Our success In this campaign ia largely due to the splendid efforts of Harry W. Laldler and Frank Crosswaith aa well as to the whole body of Socialist candidates and campaign workers throughout the city...
...Too much cannot be said for the magnificent campaign'waged by Solomon and his teammates...
...Total of Assembly Candidates, 76,556 votes...
...448 22nd A.D____________ 2,161 23rd A.D____________ 1,060 23rd A.D...
...the Harlan (Ky...
...Nothing was too hard for them to do, and day after day they spoke to vast audiences, hammering home the message of Socialism...
...1,500 8tyi A.D-------.____ 3,109 6th A.D...
...The Rand School Ball, the gayest social event in Socialist circles...
...29,014 36,646 87,242 B. C. Vladeck____ 82,767 Queens_____ 6,984 8,201 1,881 Walter Dsaring___ 921 Richmond...
...My major opponents confined themselves to expressing their personal opinions on what they' regarded as the issues of the campaign supplementing this with mutual abuse...
...1,465 7th A.D---------«.- 669 7th A.D.........___ 261 8th A.D____________ 613 8th A.D------------ 280 9th A.D____________ 692 9th A.D... lilt...
...Edward F. McGrady, Assistant Secretary of Labor...
...14, at 2:80, at the Rand School...
...Cedarvall, who is under thirty, has been an outstanding jlgure in the tool-ari9xdie strike in Detroit, having been arrested 17 times for his activities...
...This entitles R holder to any orcheatra seat...
...The Forum Committee is offering a special WASON SUBSCRIPTION FOR mm DOLLARS...
...2,099 6th A.D------------ 3.011...
...Detailed figures are given on , this and the next page, showing how the party stood up under the . most unfavorable conditions it has , faced in a city campaign since , 1905, when the Hearst movement swept virtually all the radicals ( except the convinced Socialists into his "reform" movement of that year...
...The results will appear in the not far distant future...
...Total of Borough Presidents, 73,166 votes...
...1,753 22nd A.D...
...864 18th A.D____________ 648 18th A-D...
...the vote for mayor MANHATTAN: BKOOKIYN 1st A.D------------ *Ui 1st A.O...
...66,640 For Aldermanic President: Frank R. Crosswaith...
Vol. 26 • November 1933 • No. 20