Where The News Ends


Where The News Ends By WILLIAM HENRY CHAMBERLN /ferns on Political Censorship COME of those who were opposed to America'* entrance -into the present wer committed themselves to overly .grim...

...This bureau baa pat tent of thousands of small farmers an their feet enabled them to continue and tncreset their production...
...Speed i* more sssjS beat than-completeness of arrangement...
...Every new manifestation of it should be unspe ringly exposed and condemned...
...Every person saved is a blow at the dictatorship...
...Authoritative words from London a* Washington have increasing power ir the Asa lands...
...And as for the udlHens still directly a_ the threat of death in Germany er tae*-t copied and satellite lends a direct and seas*, statement that murderers will be broogfcpX justice the mutete the war is over weW past, ably have a iiaaiiwatli iaissedtate effsetS ;?a*m thsmaohres might give little heed...
...few sample figures will give a good picture of what is happening...
...I cannot understand its complacencyNeither the idea iter the pnrasing was particularly erriginal But it would be interesting, as an anthropc-logiea...
...The Civil Way.w«s in its fourth year...
...We do not think that bureaucrats are stepping in to rob ns of ear liberties...
...It must come, not fron- "exploratory" commissions, but from the beads of our government...
...Fi ¦ ?? thing, the law would prevent the taking of farm-laborers from counties without tht ear sent of tiie County Agent and this official u usually under the influence of the Fant Bsren group There is a simple basis for this oppoaitMc to the transportation of workers from pises* where they are not needed to ptoses wbere mey ere...
...for 1942, 8.7...
...It should be vetoed...
...They are making their sacrifice, and they are willing to make it Bot others are not making equal sacrifices...
...As a esetter ef fact, weTafsr Fas stats ia exile/have been sdaeel ft* aesstiea where we are alpsast useless *» ear eewatrymea fighting Fascism free* staid...
...32 said no...
...They represent the Secretary's approach to internationalism In a sense, they are bask, for they are the first gradual approach .1» the breaking down of nationalistic waBs...
...The election of 1864 was'held at the regularly prescribed time and the votes were honestly counted, as the very closeness of the popular vote shows...
...According te this notion, Italy is "a different matter" because the Italians cannot fight and are an-willing to die fee any cause...
...I confess that it was jriglnally called "Thomas Jefferson, American," and the "Tom" was substituted because of the well-known shortage of rubber type...
...CONGRESS FACIS THE FUTU« WIM EROUS public opinion polls have shown that the citisens of the United States favor our cooperation In some scheme for the maintenance of international security...
...mg inter-Allied food conference a bush-hush affair, with newspapermen barred from normal contacts with the delegates and restricted to official hand-outs...
...FACTIONALISM AND FOOt OUR 1943 food production prognux ? ierV euely threatened and not by the Roost-velt administration, the farmer* or the weather man...
...Wages are fixed, bat the price of meat ia going op—and so are the prices of canned goods, vegetables, hot-dogs...
...It was put xi -oegt under the pressure of the Farm Bursas Federation and the National Grange...
...True not in the sense in which Fascism is totalitarian...
...survey ,ty the National City shows that after all deductions for taxes, reserve* Sd depreciation, the profit rates of American asndnoas for 1942 were only a slight fre*tam below those of 1941...
...As far as the legal machinery permits, the administrationhas stabilised wages and employment in industries that include more than half of the work don* in this country We have gone almost as far in this direction aa ws can go without a sweeping mobilisation act The New Leader favors every step that will hejp to win the war...
...Now, according te reports la the , see vie -trade press, the OWTf Lowell Mellett te trj ¦ ing to muscle in with "a standard procedure" for transmitting "voluntary propaganda requirements" to motion-picture producers...
...rpteived about 65% of the ballots, as against 4S«t for hi...
...of every political tendency, object to the dubious privilege of having Italy considered "s different matter...
...Jefferson has been known as "Long Tom...
...nd civil liberties that would clash violently with all our traditions and provoke an immediate outbtim of hostile public opinion...
...But the effect of this flew of purchasing power is powerful and constant Here is a line which Congress and the President are conspicuously not holding...
...In my judgment, the election that put the final see...
...Bat The New Loader does vociferously object to the aronocnif picture of which the wage freesing and job'freesing are a part...
...bat that is a different story again, indeed a very different story...
...and to the world at large he w*» Thomas, just as in his letters he was TH...
...i"*'*^": * Mr: WHlkie was censored, tar English reader* when he "deplored the race discrimination that prevented Negroes from serving as combe tan« in the U. S. Navy," Supreme Court Justice Rob-erts got the censorial axe when there was ac attempt to transmit his public statement: "I can no ? understand the gmugnese of the United States...
...Zevi to tend MS the manuecript—Ed] j from MUMO ZEVI Editor, Quademi Italians IT is in Germany and Italy that the inter-''national system which will come after this war Will first be* tested...
...Their faith in the national leadership tends to weaken...
...is vital, however, if a third war te tc be aft-vented, that the democracies clear : nafsF stand the position of European aati-FaeefaaV This position was expressed recently by lgaawf Siloaa ha a few words which I shall quote: „ "*» war te net like thai ef 1*14...
...At the moment we have no such assurance with regard to the Congress...
...Teddy Rocs eve...
...Its question to members of the Senate Was so clumsily definite that the Answers cannot be taken as a-true boox of attitude...
...We will learn there if the principles of the Atlantic Charter are really understood as international issues antf, equally important, if they are to be implemented accordingly...
...their perpesa, The dropping out of the tppreprtatiot) far the Farm Security Administration is eves more disastrous...
...on the toughness and abiding quality of American political democracy was held in 1864...
...As Jonathan Stout, our Waahington correspondent, demonstrated some weeks ego, here we have one of the great motive forces of inflation...
...f*m HENDRIK WILLEM VAN LOOM tijlit Bditor: 'sorry, but that will never do...
...The second thesis is of a very different kind and of international importance...
...as Paul Mc Natt says, a war to be wee...
...recently noticed...
...be on the side of democracy and freedom...
...iJJL ? rather .flattered;that Mr...
...Twenty, seven million war workers are almas* completely fixed in their jobs...
...Some aspects of any arrangements to secure the release of refugees, to provide them with transportation and with even temporary asylum obviously tespxut, careful preparations...
...Bet these figures in obtained by averaging the percentage returns in more than 70 fields of mining, manufacturing, commerce and transport...
...Ia thai battle aae saaat reeeaa wish a Tkard «vesrt which cute acresa sf jaatlsae ami which will lead te the...
...And so I hasten to add that the case is nob exactly ai it is made out to be by Mr...
...and 82 preferred to Reserve their decisions...
...And one need hardly remind the labor movement of the contribution made to the anti-Fascist struggle by the workers, the peasants and the intellectuals of Italy...
...Generally, in talking of the two countries, people are accustomed to make a sharp distinction between Germany and Italy...
...When workers ask for wages sufficient for livelihood, a thousand voices rise in protest- But enormous profits flow quietly...
...WnuUng ft is right now the supreme consideration...
...whjch is engaging the at ten tion of the studios at the moment...
...In these two countries we will discover if the war has truly been won—that is, if the ideas and issues for which the united peoples are fighting today will prove to have such a value as to persuade not only ourselves, but also our enemies...
...Secretary Hull's trade treaties were first passed in 1933 and have been twice renewed Since then...
...officer, many...
...We bare complete faith that when this strangle is over, the freedom of labor will be restored...
...order they remarked, is being administered as a "hold one side of the line" order...
...He may have been thinking of Congress...
...Im limit myself to drawing one eonalnsien...
...A realistic film about Russia would be excellent But whether a realistic film would conceivabjy be liked by the Soviet thought controllers, the strictest in the world, js something else again...
...It is not the Roosevelt administratis that is being hurt...
...any agreement to stabilise the post-war world showed by their gratuitous comment that they have but the crudes* notions of what this war is about...
...The first book at band, Prof...
...As ? matter of fact, general histories record that much as Stepoer...
...an Amtrica (1941...
...But Abraham Lincoln, the finest human embodiment 'of the American democratic ideal, was not ? man to uphold "government of the people by the people for the people" by the methods of a- Jacobin Committee of Public Safety or a Communist Cheka...
...sad liberty w« aot be derided oa the affe...
...maintain a twenty-four hour watch ereii*t this danger, we may not be gently and unconsciously chloroformed into such a pattern...
...but if this is »hat peepie wMMTiitiii ?????: »**»- ?» ie A (Preliminary censorship that would be pgr-ticularly- active in doctoring up filme about foreign countries would have much more sinister implications, as exemplified in Item 4. According to the Hollywood correspondent of "The Christian Science Monitor" Harry Hopkins recently suggested te Samuel Gokftryn that he should try his hand at "a realistic story about Russia, one that the Russians would like...
...Zevi wot - a memoer ?/ tkt Italian antUfateit under-ground and participated in the itudenf eTsseusOtiatisas against ???????* a few" ; fofWe^tyw.' Ssveast of the wide interest · tn the speech a>e atked Mr...
...THE trouble is that this business of saving * refugees has been regarded as charity...
...and immobilised us — perhaps because astg knew that no matter how little under*taadtaf they show of our purpose we shai sAnsse...
...Hollywood films are universally popular and reach large numbers of persons m every continent...
...Bureaucratic usurpation and edging in with schemes of censorship and indoetrinat.ont this is what lovers of Uberty must fight if the danger of transition to totalitarian and semi-totalitarian practices, via the chloroform route, is to be resolutely smashed...
...as te these ia terms of spheres af natueace...
...Inevitably their mood is effected.- Their enthusiasm for the national cause is cut down...
...The President's solemn warning to tot sac...
...if hit leadership was repudiated by the ????, of his countrymen...
...And seme former ardent interventionists have been inclined to wax complacent over the state of ciril liberties, to twit the prophets of gloom with the failure of their more extreme predictions to materialise...
...A lege part of the increase wnWb was registeied last year was doe te this arw* ity...
...which the Monitor correspondent describee as "a fair example of the new prop-aganda, expertly...
...t will always remain Teddy Roostveit...
...Even if it could satisfy the immediate, selfish interests of Italy, this idea, must be rigorously rejected by anti-Fascist Italians in the light of the ultimate interest of Europe...
...The Cost of Living Committee of the CIO pot the same idea in another form...
...And it must be understood that ?? move in this direction because this ? eat mean* of getting at Hitler's power ai\f Destine >t down...
...24,Senator* said yes...
...Now in this matter I think that both exaggerated alarmiem and unreserved complacency are out of place...
...The first which is of national interest is deeply offensive to the Italian people...
...The Cannon Bill, House Resolution 96...
...makes severe...
...Until new...
...It is clear that we most do our^utanost to help Russia arid to collaborate with her ? wish only to suggest that no collaboration te possible betwatu a master and a slave...
...What ia needed ? not some fnovanonal agreement with Russia as to the precise seen* daries of her sphere of influence in Busses...
...It is not openly discussed, but m certain quarters of the democracies it te hinted that Italy lies within the sphere of Anglo-American influence, while Germany—or the greater part of Germany—Ilea within the sphere of influence of Ruaafa...
...Other citations could be listed, but then Mr...
...Congress and the administration face a crisis...
...The 27,000.000 workers tn essential industries are, with their families, the very heart of the civil population of this country Their morale is essential to our total success...
...When a people has never skipped a regular free election for one hundred and fifty years, which ii Mr record up to date, it fa not likely that political liberties er due processes '¦¦' of law would be or coatd be swept away by • a stroke of the pen...
...Russia te a totalitarian state...
...Where The News Ends By WILLIAM HENRY CHAMBERLN /ferns on Political Censorship COME of those who were opposed to America'* entrance -into the present wer committed themselves to overly .grim predictions of what would happen to democratic processes, once hostilitk's had begun...
...THE article must be read in its entirety to get * an impression of the bumptious boners which our censors have been pulling...
...On being asked 'wbefter they favor "preserving ube 'peace thioajK an international police lore...
...Of course, there have been other Presidents...
...Van Loon sRcntld" have read my Jefferson piece with'so fine an historical glass...
...Whatever it may prove about the level of twentieth century popuiar taste and culture...
...What we need is action and the threat «* action...
...Se the landlord* are sgainet it The Cannon Bffl la the ssnss whereby they hope to...
...who hope for e new Social ?? .dtessaewasie freadaaa have rehnteerei ???_ spa...
...Getting every possible victim of Hitler barbarism out of German clutches is, rather, an important war measure...
...A war economy half frosea and balf free cannot endure...
...By collaboration we moat understand an sOBP> ment on concrete ways to aid and promote » free and united Europe...
...Fcr leV Thomas Jefferson was a competent mathematician, and aa such he realized the impor-tar>ce of "distance," and after his younger days tbere'iwere only a few—a very few—privileged to call him Tom...
...It woes) terminate, or st least seriously interior* with, the activities through which the Department of Agriculture has been transporting workers to sections where they are needed...
...Boris Shis kin, economist of the American Fecssretaon of Labor, pot our objection into epigrammatic form when be said...
...The danger that we might slip into totalitarian prac...
...I have no authority to speak for the Italian Underground, nor for the Italian emigration...
...But there te one thing that totalitarianism, whether it* result* are good or bad, cannot allow—the eo-extetence of an opposition...
...So are the salaries of the rieh...
...The situation aa a whole simply does not make sense...
...He was prepared to step out...
...y| democratic governments havt so fs...
...ess been passed and now lies on the Presidesrt desk...
...Lincoln did not receive the 99.9% majority that is the sure hallmark of a fraudulent totalitarian plebiscite...
...Jefferson was often called "Tom...
...I do net think, however, that the »tery at our disillusionmenteboukJ be told here...
...A lasting peace casmot be built on this foundsrloa It mast be baaed fat-stead en interna tieeal cells bora tie* which, ia tare, Stesse from independence end freedom for the whole of Europe Furthermore, eo far as Germany is concerned, we have one reason more to question this second thesis...
...t am sure We can arrange to split the difference.— ._ MefTfa J. los.y...
...They are est interested in tire war or the nation's webtea...
...the Western llssgirsijas, have abowa aa interest m the L'sdlT ground, They have given retetivf)tr sW help te the orgaaisstiesa in Geratest sad Italy...
...Reducing tariffs—-or abolishing them—gives us no guarantee against war, but it is a first step in that direction...
...By reducing tariffs according to their Provision* we have increased trade, understanding, goodwill.' High tariffs are a part of the system which produces wars...
...atbejaifj references to Jefferson as "Tom...
...Our entire war effort ia threatened...
...It may be thai Tnafiy favor various means of international secdrhy who are not willing to go oat en a hmb^-for an international police force...
...I em not so confident that, unless progressive...
...Shipbuilding received profits of 28.9% m the earlier year, 26.6% in the later...
...This flow of credit endangers our entire war effort...
...It is regrettable that this thesis should be so widely popularised by the democratic press...
...In the end, tn spite of all propaganda, their efficiency will be lessened...
...Bat it most be said that numerous members of the chamber which must O.K...
...Then, of all times, a plausible case might have been made out for adjourning the Presidential election until after the end of the war...
...LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Mian Emigre Urges Recognition Of Role of European Underground...
...The figures are: for 19><|, S...
...Dixon Wdtter'r Tdf...
...power is sjiiwjtriing...
...ffscui of THi...
...The help of the Western desnocraesss » vital for, the growth of the* now aad deiaeawtj* Europe...
...following communication was firtt jooerntsd at an addrtf, dthvrrtd last «web ?* fFaaftMpton, D. C. Mr...
...brain that a certain ???????» of t&abt&ip mind develops, to see any military justification for suppressing the transmission* abroad of part of a Chicago Sun «Atonal criticjimg a decirioi to forbid the export to England ? EesUsW CaM-well's "God's Little Acre...
...No matter how loyally trade union officials may go along with taw administration, these millions of workers have a grievance...
...Air Transport advanced from 8.6% in^lftr'to 22.4% & 194Z Enormous profita are sail the rule...
...Landlords who depend on sharecropperi or wage-worker* object so having e part sf their labor supply taken a way and sent te legions where wages are better...
...Surely Greet Breteu w ???_| States can find places te seni them ts$2 SSSSst down it is not customary u, baud nip hemes for the rewioerts before resa_ Sheas from the flames...
...The "bold the...
...Van Loon Locates an Error— , Or Was Jefferson Called 'Tom...
...The issue was far from decided...
...They want to maintain theer grip on tbut helf-starred underlings...
...I If we wish te prepare the ground for s third war now, the easiest way ia ebvieessty far...
...Corporation taxes have thus fir not altered the general situation...
...Costa inly we are justified in a«nmlbg^that ?? the 'Congress of the United Silkes is on ready for the first step there is little hope of its taking the last The Associated' Press proved to be conspicuously inexpert at the business of petita king...
...Alex Faulkner, citing eaaea of thought control by American censorship that are nothing short of scandalous...
...It is threatened by the Congress of tat United States...
...must be united and free, free not only from Fascism, but from all the elements I lisp bain even within the rank* of the United^Natiana...
...The mechanics af dictatorship, be it that of a proletarian party or of Faaeut criminals, cannot allow two Polish Socialist leaders to live—not even ia these days when it might be to Russia'* interest to avoid alienating the democratic countries or the powerful forces of democratic, organised labor...
...mim esrtaiaty another war for the fan-serbBstic repartitioa ef the werkt set that la by ?? saeaaa the wbe> -tor- Tat* time the outcome ef the wer is not s waiter of isaMaTsToare te those wee bese for " s aew society, far oa ? deprade the ser-~ vfval af these veatiges ef Chr^uaatty...
...Labor in this country is not so weak that it must fear being robbed of its right to work where it will for the beet wages which it can get It ia perfectly able to defend itself...
...They say that "so far as Italy is concerned, it's a different matter than with Germany and Japan...
...Item S. From Kalamazoo to Timbuctoo American movies are one of the touches of nature that make the whole world kin...
...to be found in subtler, more-indirect developments, bet me cite a few danger signals that...
...Fl-idlty of labor woug give these underprivileged worker* « chefs* of roe Hein« and occupation...
...Cecil Browne and other America...
...Loon, who, it seems to me, has been unduly influenced by- the compelling Federalist myth that the "people's President" was really a man of cold, forbidding hauteur...
...General McClellan...
...So the net income of 8.7% by no means represents the returns achieved in the great war industries...
...The matter b now before the Senses— with a good chance that the blunder made by the House will be corrected...
...sshdeas It is aa tate Third Free* a? -mm...
...The Reciprocal Trade Law, which expires on June 1, is being hctly debated in the House Ways and Means Committee...
...It te a misconception that if not abandoned, will seriously endanger the earning peace...
...That hdadlrne about "Tom Jefferson" in The New Leader two weeks ago betrsys sn ignorance of history which makes us' lsymen shiver...
...That same democratic press, by snalyzing recent casualty lists of the American Army, could have discovered, that about *0«V of all the American casualties are of Itaic-Americans, children of Italian immigrants who constitute only 64 of the total Ajsierksn population...
...Movies are often trivial ,nd sometime* poai-lively moronic...
...theabbreviation of bis name) bat never Tom...
...And profits are, for the most part, not coming down...
...No federal board is consulted...
...Item L There is apparently a determined desire pn the part of some high executive authorities to...
...Because 'titers is no equality of sacrifice, inflation goes on and the workers are caught between fixed wages and rising living-costs...
...functionary wosdd pay attention...
...correspondents who 'nave encountered some of the excesses of British censorship...
...1 less 2. The last issue of "Harper's" cental** * very interestinf article by the American correspondent of the London Daily Tele-graph...
...Lillian Hellman, a name that baa sppeared on more than one Communist-sponsored manifesto of recent years, is new reportedly at work on this "realistic film...
...It te the entire nation 1$ a, in particular, our effort tc wir the war...
...And the entire tendency to withdraw not only military matter* on which secrecy is imperatively necessary, but other questions of public policy from public scrutiny and discussion until final decisions have- been reached is most harmful, from the ktandpoint of democratic control of foreign relation...
...The aircraft industry enjoyed a net income of 48.8% in 1941 and, of 46% in 1942...
...With a legitimate mandate from a people that had been shle to express its viewpoint freely, he was again President of the United States, destined to bring the war to a successful conclusion...
...We know that the Undseg*a*ini|s|SB> ments are strong throughout Europe But s* nation, no continent, can survive ? tesyfjus, particularly Europe after the tragedies sb* bei endured That is why the undeietjpdisjg *f liberal Americans and of the Ubosn^iuasb» turns te so important for as...
...But there are 20.000 of these Hitler victims in Spain who can be taken oat as fast as ships can be provided and havens ere found...
...The motivation...
...They object because such s statement is generally based on two dangerous misconceptions...
...WAGES are now essentially fronen...
...There would seem to be a good case for international cooperation between Mr...
...The article is all the mere impressive because it is written '? * »P'nt of the most admirable good ¦ '. ¦ j ,',-¦--t-temper, with every recognition of the need for suppressing information that ceaM be of military value SO But it would require the euTtoday...
...There are no heaibsgs or investigations...
...Trim In «ad Sassen ¦ j sa which *·' ^ftL ¦* *" «^-awie betweea Fseeb...
...But I feel cure that all good anti-Fascists...
...Every limitation pot on the oppressor's power to persecute and kill cuts down his power to prosecute the war...
...There is...
...Taxes are not going op fast enough...
...Douglas remsins "the Little Giant...
...The President remarked the other day that "the country is ahead of Washington...
...The American historical tradition, ii stems to me, is a pretty good guaranty that we will never be blackjacked into a totalitarian pattern...
...The Associated Press polled the members of the Senate on post-war security—with very Unsatisfactory results...
...We are not suspicious of the Manpower Commission or of the fceonormc Stabilisation Director...
...If Italy baa a Mussolini and a King, •he has also a Matteotti and a Carlo Roeeelli...
...But headline-writer's license can hardly be submitted as a defense against an horrendous historica...
...It is high time that a clear line should be drawn, on both sides of the Atlantic, between the job of suppressing military information and the indulgence of the whims and prejudices of self-appointed thought controllers...
...This danger has aroused the grartfying chorus of protest from the press...
...specimen, to get a elose-up of the censor' with such an overdeveloped sense of his own authoritarian importance that he felt warranted m withholding from English newspaper readers the feet that a United States Supreme Court Justice believed there was too much smugness and complacency in circulation...
...Van Loon, ia his turrr,.would counter with footnotes on -«etr...
...eminent of Japan may well serve as a medeL American boys have been murdered Befit* all the world President Roosevelt make} ? format pledge e* ou> behalf: "The Amerap Government will hold personally and ^rj3i responsible for these diabolical crimes aljw those officers of tile Japanese Government ft* have participated therein and will in due ceurst bring those officers to justiceSuch s piafap weald have far greater effeet in Germany *kss in Japan...
...Faulkner and his colleagues and Mr...
...The day of doom a* hand...
...We have been practically ferssdsjeu to act for the ladergroaad la Germapy aad Italy as we had dene for years, whse the eoasscrsLiss were net even at war...
...It is a threat to our national economy...
...apparently was that there should hot be the •lightest intimation to English readera that (here are social evils in the United State« -which require correction...
...Our citisens are justified in being Isspsrtssil at what is taking place on the island of Bermuda There the delegations of Britain and the United States are carrying on "exploratory" discussion...
...IJJITH this kind of background, we are effec-lively insured against any open violation of Mlffeal...
...Effective action must be taken at once if the danger is to be averted...

Vol. 26 • May 1943 • No. 18

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