The Puzzle of French Politics-Behind the Official Documents


The Puzzle of French Politics-Behind the Official Documents Bandwagon Shifts Blur DeGaulle-Giraud Picture By Andre Ratnal THE development af French «Sein ben beer. * marked in recent week* by ?...

...Washington finally decided to cut off all traffic with the French West Indies in order to bring Admiral Robert to reason... theTerturje of war: the Anglo-*_aer debsreation in Africa, the renaissance 2T71apxh array with Giraud at its head...
...the first opportunity for the recognition of this principle...
...It is true that several units of the French Navy and a greater number of commercial vessels are laid up in French Cirri bean ports and that these ships could be of one to tbe Allies...
...ft b doubtful whether the adhesion of Mr...
...3. Help the formation of an Italian Legion, seeking te obtain from the Department of State tbe necessary permission for Italo- American volunteers to enroll in it...
...A DISTINCTION has to be drawn between the period of possible Allied military occupation and the subsequent period...
...Drew Middleum...
...Soldier and Politician...
...finally, fa tearing for I anise tostoad af remaining oa French asiL • · · -—, . Tfiteorsfa daffy Wttk Detoos/lo THE memorandum of de Gaulle, like that of * Giraud, contain* one principal point which may well become a stumbling-block...
...General Catroux knows ¦s wry well, tf he patiently goes on with his ¦has, it is, no doubt, with the intention of s position of his own at a moment which 1 n* judgment appears to be favorable...
...That is why both Japan and Germany must not only be defeated but be placed in a position from which they will no longer threaten the culture and national development of countries such as yours and ours...
...placed him be has already dem*e**raief th* impossibility af his hin imtoi one...
...Roosevelt Churchill and Giraud prefer s military authority eetnbtoasd only for the period of the war, leaving tito way open for the rscenstetotioa of civil power a* soon a* the circsietsinea make it possible--te satm...
...In the post-war world the reorganisation ol these regions cannot be on the Japanese system...
...If the Allies win take care: a) not to humaliate Italy...
...Other fiisppa, venohtoafa ss> publican and patriotic, express tito *ame ¦%*** of mind...
...rela-issai« and can accomplish no change in the ?? which dominate the military situation, lb spm telegram sent to General de Gaulle ? Gsiersl Eisenhower is very explicit on this Nat...
...During the period of occupation local governments will be formed, which might subsequently, if need be, be unified...
...German occupation and, the behavior of German chiefs in Italy is a decisive historical fact to justify the rejection of Fascism which hap bean it* cause...
...The Admiral now shows himself in a more conciliatory mood than formerly...
...J. W. Burton...
...We believe that these objectives can be achieved or greatly assisted by conscious and deliberate planning...
...lag the debsreattoa, and inter fa maktog sifiVsltiea ahoat gofag to Cn**blaasa sad...
...This freedom will awaken the mind of these who for twenty years have been kept away from the truth, who hare believed in all nationalistic e tag aerations and imperialistic infatuations...
...The total defeat of a eoun-' try which' never had to suffer one since the time of the barbaric invasions, will be a cathartic element for all and especially for the deluded youth...
...I find also an almost unanimous desire that, without prejudicing primary commitments, everything possible should be done, and done speedily, to hamper-or prevent Japan's con-seUdation of her new economic empire in IndoChina, the Philippines, the East Indies and Malaya...
...As against Japan this is not merely a war te retain or regain territory...
...more dangerous threat to the European, or the Australian, or the American way of life...
...rarrsepsadsat af tito...
...or anyone else...
...As planned, the conference will consist of experts who will not have full authority to.speak for their government* on matters of policy...
...These peoples cannot be excluded from j...
...The underground fat, by definition, secret...
...It will be sufficient to maintain a rigorous blockade of tbe French Antilles and to await either a capitulation without conditions or a decisive act by the American Navy, the technical nature of which, naturally, is not a subject for discussion in the marketplace...
...It will be necessary to avoid the Dar la ? s and the Peyroutons...
...of June, 1942, the Frane-Timtr Ji* further: "We have written, and we re a that we are whole-heartedly with de Slat Si* etruggle for the liberation of the but that we shall be opemsf him if, *|4»iriir- having been achieved, be en-*Ti-» tsertrary to what he has promised, the 2Ssbip of ? general which are shall be •jj^gunwiffing to accept as that of a mar-Si.* ???» the publication of these lines there has JTtaup existence an important new fact, a...
...Fascism was born of an exasperated nationalism, developed thanks to the aid offered by capitalism against the working masses (organized in Italy in the Socialist Confederation of Labor with 1,500,000 members and the Christian Democratic Confederation with 1,200,000 members), ending up with the militaristic autarchies and imperial adventures...
...Wpopnetor of important oil factories, "Re-—1» of the Bank of France, president of tbe [Jem sV* Contribitables, etc., "now is chsm-jjotiag the movement for a French provisional pwriment which neither General Giraud nor IM ?*??* Nation« authorities desire to see aaahhsd st tbe present time" So writes the jiasnrnhnt of The Christian Science Monitor it Algiers...
...Oa tito affirmative side, the Americas...
...a · * ntffraff...
...Who it Marcel Peyrouton...
...It does not mean that Germany offers the...
...tito memorandum sent to General de Gaulle by General Giraud outlining- tho general basis for French unity to Africa wa* published...
...His "conditions" do not at all resemble his former threats or suggest the sort of arrogance which be crhihitod daring earlier-day...
...All that one knows is that the wiitaieftlsiM carries on a fight to the death against .tec invaders and against the Vichy regime...
...It In evident that if the political error* rem mittod to Algiers daring the pant *ti months are net firmly corrected, tito wasps-eratic majority will lane all confidence t* the men who pretend te act fa tito aa me af Franca...
...Afore than T~BW enderground has leaden4 to count on ?fest»» liberation of French territory...
...1 i ? ? — or against the entire hierarchy of Fascism —its roots and de* velepmeats...
...JOME consequences of this may now be suggested...
...such fond hopes...
...This increased interest is largely the result of the war activities of the United States in the Psrific areas...
...attainment of a higher and better stand-* ard of life for all the Pacific peoples involves the assumption of specific duties or obligations towards the peoples concerned...
...General Giraad is not · politician and to the psartiaa fa which rirmmstsnesn...
...Such governments will have to be fcrmed by elements favorable to the Allies and not tainted by any responsibilities as Fascist leaders, notorious party members, or chief bureaucratic executors of Fascist policies...
...If "freedom from want" means anything, it means that the age of unfair exploitation is over...
...and the Blums suggesting *t Geneva that sanctions be removed and the Roosevelt* sustaining the arms -embargo against the Negus, and foreign Catholics calling Mussolini the "new Constontine," and the crowds of visitors praising the abolition of strikes, the seeming outward "order," the trains "running, on time...
...Accordingly, in keeping **jh the eighth principle of the Charter, there ¦•WW be established a system Or systems of J*tef"J or regional security which will -be as **sttrre in these Pacific and Asiatic regions as ™ *U other parts of · the world...
...of Lamoigre-Dubreull jn...
...b) not to create national resentment with acta of injustice or with mistreatment...
...To this end it will be necessary to make it clear that Italy will benefit from both Article I of the Atlantic Charter, with regard to Italy's metropolitan territory and colonies prior to 1922, and Article III cf the same Charter concerning the free choice of one's own form of government, thus excluding the possibility that the Allied powers might back old or new Fascism, both of the Right or of the Left...
...It mt$tM the substitution of military author-$ k* civil, etc., etc Oa ?? Of these poiats ?????*1 is possible sad necessary...
...with tbe Vichy regime...
...Japan's record as a mandatory power only proves that a solemn trust can be betrayed...
...At any rate the people of this country freely express anxiety lest, by over-concentration elsewhere, the Japanese should practically be invited or permitted to "go their hardest" in the Pacific for an indefinite time to come...
...As against Japan fa% a war to retain our civilization...
...Its dominant purpose must be that of benefiting the peoples everywhere...
...Pending the '•htidishment of such a system,-the aggressor *W be disarmed...
...Bat „ da main point it is impossible to see „. Mssibility of compromise...
...Fascism was first responsible for the rupture of the equilibrium of Europe with the Abyssinian war (1935) and the instigation of civil war in Spain (1936...
...Tbe importance of this document arise* from the eeatohorattoa of Harold MaeMillsn, representing Britain, asm of Robert Murphy, the American diplomat, with the French authors...
...Howe'prr, from its deliberations there should ffnajb/ emerge at least a general agreement among tito...
...And that aggressor is •*Psn—the only Pacific power which since' 1931 systematically employed its armed forces nf" purP°se of territorial aggrandisement, mit, while security comes first, the Charter **» assures to the peoples of south-eastern Asia •*d the south-west Pacific that they shall be ·#¦ to live out their lives in freedom from 3j...
...One essential part of that policy should be to obtain secure and continuous employment ami to improve the tiring standards of the mass**- of the pa apis...
...The nations which have now subscribed to it extend around the globe, sad the declaration is universal in its scope sad application...
...For that reason, there would bathe most violent objection to any strategic pohcy *tf that necessarily involved the further consolidation of Japanese gains and the further spread Of Japanese "culture" throughout the ?? tsMtories she now occupies...
...R. MaiUard iPai sontinnes "When I asked Mr...
...c) not to impose ideas, standards, methods, or teachers for purposes of re-education in the name of America or of any other country, then the development of the present war and the Allied victory will inspire the mental reorientation of the people of Italy...
...Everyone agrees that a reasonable share of the expanding war production of the United nations should be set aside to carry out important tasks against Japan...
...United Nations that, within their own domestic field*, they will take positive measures to mntaic and raise the living and nutrition standards of their own peoples...
...In short, we must found future Pacific policy on the doctrine of trusteeship for the benefit of all the Pacific peoples...
...We see in thii Food... GeneraS de Caafto, Theae ana sis to I items, ef aawojoal importance, begin to tire a public which can net anderstaad all the details of tito event...
...The first principle which must be *Pslled is that of a security from aggression, or freedom from fear...
...It is composed af vary smaU groups connected by very stornier three*.* or, in many on*aa, entirely without liaison... France a priori aasapi to confide its political destiny to gener-Jeasee mission should be confined strictly to «njttary realm Apart freaj this, tbe memorandum ef i* fisntt* iasUU with reason on the oUm-Itha net only of Vichy legislation bat JJpTrf tbe men who have identified them...
...Such a promise would be of immense help not only to the underground but to the great majority of the Italian people... · great deal since be has saaggdsM the asai-tioa ef supreme aathertty to Africa., Per...
...Moreover, any post-war order inathe Pacific cannot be for the sole benefit of one power or group of powers...
...This collaboration confirms at all points the understanding reached in Washington by Anthony Eden after the public ex change of approbation by Winston Qhasahin and Cordell Hull with regard te the recent address of General Giraud in March...
...enemy submarines ?? aa atotissm fa a system of radio esmmanlea-tion...
...F. L. McDougall, E. McCarthy, J. B. Brigden and Dr...
...General Sice, General Odic, the aviator Saint-Exupery, Mr Jean Monnet, Mr...
...or tike other...
...And de Cantta, far haa pert, committed mistake* which have rrsnHnd fa Giraad in Algiers daring the weak fnitow...
...But r* aha rear, certainly...
...the awerhwa correspondent...
...March, Xfiet) . «f« do not expect to substitute for the ffntfiT'r of *??8...
...Tbe tnuderdVoond prate render* homage to Giraad as J well as -fa de GauBe and hopes for their nnim On the other hand, the sorialisjti...
...The name "Atlantic" which was given to tab solemn pledge does not refer only to the Atlantic region or to powers haying interests in the Atlantic...
...could settle the whale ba*iaiss to a few hours...
...b. Lemaigre-Dubreuil has just naturally tsssd one of tbp worst deviations of a mo vena efjch had given birth to... tbe point which events have now reached 1 a trident that s keg role is being played by bsjqi] Cstroux in carrying on the negotiations •be are in progress...
...The outstanding mistakes hare been frankly pointed Out and commented upon in The New Leader...
...has told as that the General ham...
...h a generally known that relations between iklrlfiih government and the de Gaulle head-•nrteri have...
...In the period following that of military occupation the Italians themselves will choose their own leaders, and will lay the ground for a Constituent Assembly to elaborate the constitution of the new regime...
...General Giraad...
...The Charter merely teak its name from the place where it - ¦*» signed...
...AuetraUan Foreign Minieier WASHINGTON.—I find in the United Stetes a far deeper interest in the Pacific now than a year ago...
...On* cannot anter upon any dJtotWSSfion of detail* witboo...
...list of beneficiaries which the United Na-T** have envisaged ?? entitled to "freedom from "**·" Therefore Australia, as a leading nation south-west Paeific zone, will have a Very concern in economic, as well as strategic "fakements in that zoneL "For some years past, Jspan has prop-;*W*sd the notion of a co-prosperity sphere^ _ ?» ever since 1931 and faereasingfy so amcu she haa occupied and commenced to exploit British, Dutch and American areas in Malaya, the Philippines and the East Indies, it has become plain that the so-called prosperity sphere means only this—that Japan is to get the prosperity while the subject peoples get a lower standard of living and the status of serfs or slaves...
...Australia is vitaHy' corioti ned at the standards of neighboring P^ksaseVeoontries and territories and will do its utmost to make the conference a succesa...
...been placed in jail...
...As for the help which the American government could render to the underground groups, it is preferable to avoid, any public discussion of it, for fear that such help might never arrive or that the opposite result be obtained, that is the discouragement of the underground or its discovery and punishment, on the part of the Fascist regime...
...Law, in The New Leader of April 3.) It is necessary, in addition, to refer to the scandalously prolonged detention of Spanish political prisoners, a disgrace to France, and _i -¦_._?_ ? * the impunity which sheltered the hodtigaas of the "Legion," particularly the member* of tho SOX (Service d*Ordre Legion« ire) Such blunders, would have been impossible, even inconceivable, had the Gaullist* rallied North Africa immediately upon tito debsjwsttorr ·** the Allies instead of remaining in London...
...ft mH be usefni therefore, to review tito «hole situation ami attempt te tad their .j...
...On the contrary, in such respect, the greater threat comes from Japan...
...Under the circumstances, there is no other alternative...
...Oa the negative, we hare the fact that the Nary has shewn itself completely disinterested and has relegated to the State Department the task of maturing the af air through peaceful menn...
...Andre Labarthe (Director of La France Libre, published in London), snd other important French...
...A LOST war is ef itself an education, and ^* the present war imposed by the Fascist leaders against popular will contribute one more factor to the re-education of the Italian masses...
...the trade unionist* and the Cathotias of mW toft, who are aa integral part af the ander graced and section of it, repudiate in safswe all iftstefisp-ship, that of General do Gaulle...
...That doctrine Australia haa already carried out faithfully in New Guinea under the mandate system of the League of Nations...
...Australia and New Zealand hold strongly to;fbese views...
...Bat both parties could disco** endlessly tito "true bases" of a really authentic iiniesnaflfi tion of the underground...
...A furiously nationalist af sjiophobe spirit dominates de Gaullist nahmt in Englaad (something which is com-)kmrabsent in France...
...political quarrels, the pretensions of one aber .the ambitions of the other will not be Waited behind a decisive battle front along n*b the fortunes of war are being decided...
...We mast see to it that any agreements proposed take proper care of the standard of Uvtag not only of the middle classes and the industrial workers bat also of toe farmers themselves, who since the last war, have never obtained reasonable standard^of tiring...
...The agreed strategic policy does not involve so disastrous * consequence...
...Thus tito...
...lohn A. F. Maynard, The Repeal of tito...
...It follows that the future ef the nations of the Pacific and of sonth-*sst Asia are to be given the benefit of the ^brosd principles of the Atlantic Charter...
...Thronghout this long night they have heard nothing but praise of Fascism, even in the great independent international press, and they have seen the Chamberlains and Macdonalds and Simons hurrying to Rome to sign four-power pacts and Mediterranean agreements...
...Ha demands the direct representation of the Flench underground in the "provisional government...
...In Washington, fa London and to Algiers those to authority are np stood...
...We must have fsith in the people, who will come out of the war utterly exhausted...
...It is wrong to expect too much from the conference the organization of which has already had to overcome certain difficulties...
...Even now little is known of Australia f aid 'New Zealand except their great war \ efforts...
...ioajpt-Dubreuil will bring notable moral ¦nart to the cause of the deGaullists...* eventa which here set yet reached their deOn April 16, Admiral George* Robert hi a letter to tl» Associated Piene, ??* down three condition* upon the tnhtUhsaent ef which depends his adhesion to tito United Nattosuv On April 19...
...groans recognise de Gaulle aa their political leader, bat this whole question info+ve* only s very small number of militant fighters whs do not pretend to Interpret the4 tooosrnt of forty million Frenchmen...
...It is the view of the Australian Government that the war efforts of the United Nations will be assisted by formulating a policy to give effect to oar stated war aims... the idtoi of ¦siting am'a French piiiilafaaal gnvarnsasmt which might later more in on liberated Flapes and impose itself on a French people **dto)ajtod by the war...
...The Fascist leaders will by then have escaped the country or...
...representing all tendencies of opinion are already tn Algiers, and others are on their way to that country...
...Anti-Fascist Warns of Darlan' Policy By Luigi Stuno Exiled leader of the Chrittian Popular (Peasant) Party THE Allies are at war against Fascism, as * ideology and as realization...
...Mussolini and the hierarchy are responsible for it, but the root of the evil lies in the totalitarian conception of the state...
...Giraad would have a hard jab to bring hha-neif sp te date...
...IN our view the first objective of poet-war * international economic policy is that the respective nations should recognize that their governments have an obligation not merely to their own people but to the peoples of other countries to maintain within their own domestic economies a high level of employment and rising living standards...
...It demands a. apselsiitn of the groups Inspired by Hhdhnrian ideoiegy (tbe Legion, etc...
...who has bean conducting negotiations between the two " On the asm* date The Christian Science -Monitor" carried tito report af an inter - ? view seenred by it* Algerian .....tpiasmt . with ?. iatWI Umaigre-Dubreuu hi 'MM fhe toitor declared himself fsvrabi...
...It was an excellent decision and one which should have been reached much earlier...
...Its delegation will be Dr...
...x We in Australia have closely studied the menace of Japan in the Pacific and the Pacific policy which the United Nations strain1 adopt after victory is son...
...Bat at Ida age a man has gat bey end the time when ? is peasants to leara vary mach ar to change . fa important ways-Horn reared and developed in a very rsa-servative and traditional enrtrsamoat...
...THE American government must try te inspire, confidence in the Italian' people...
...First'there wa* tile intolerable appointment 4>f undesirable Feyrouton...
...THE "beat Hitler first" policy is a strategic • policy... it* true proportions, it is a small It comes down to the easatioa as to whether Preach sn**smi*SM hi the Antilles •star tito-threat af aay «Wager to the Allien either aa hose...
...There is no use giving Admiral Robert unmerited publicity in the pre...
...The splendid assistance given to the Australian and United States forces by the natives of New Guinea in (^he way of carrying supplies and stretcher-bearing — often under heartbreaking difficulties—is sufficient evidence that Australia's trusteeship can triumph over Japanese barbarism...
...This, leader of the reactionaries 'adsm General Charles de Gaulle, Fighting fresh Wader, ought tobe appointed Frencn lanag br National Defense...
...For these reasons, Australia welcomes the forthcoming United Nations Food Conference...
...That is why I say that we in Australia and New Zealand pre the trustees for democratic civilization in the South Pacific...
...memorandum from Giraud expresses at the same time his desire for an entente with de Gaulle and his disagreement with the proposal to set up a provisional government with de Gaulle at its head...
...X How shall the lead* ere of post-war Italy be chosen ? 3. Shall the U. S. Government fake steps to render immediate help to the finder · ground groans in ??1??«^ '? * 4. What effective stepa can Italo-American institutions sad orgaaiaatissto teste te speed American victory and help tho common people of Italy fa the peace settlement' 5. What stepa can we take Bsr the "re-edacatioa" of Italian ? oath after the defeat of FnactomT...
...H. C. Coombs (Director General of Post-War Reconstruction) Messrs...
...Australia interprets this conference as the first tangible step in attempting to give some practical effect to the objective of "freedom from want" set out in the Atlantic Charter...
...There will be no lack of untrustworthy individuals, but the system of freedom will be, in time, the only suitable sieve for their elimination...
...By subscribrngto the principles of the Atlantic Qnvter, the United Nations have pinned their faith to a peace which will "afford to all nations the means of dwelling in safety within their own boundaries, and which will afford usurance that all the men in all' the lands may Hte out their lives in freedom from fear and want" They also declared that, while they believe in the eventual abandonment of the use of force, Aggressor nations must be disarmed pending the establishment of a wider and permanent system *f general security...
...Anglo-American appeasement towards Fascism even during the years 1939-40 (England) and 1939-41 (United States), ought to be remembered today as a mistaken and guilty policy...
...M. jjjjjjfclt h psychologically in an analogous situfte gathering of tbe French people for an effective struggle against the common enemy of the Allies can be accomplished only in France...
...L- osw"an de Gaulle is no longer the sole JlLgprtStive Of French resistance...
...In this connection, again, it is only the American Navy which knows all the facts and which can accurately estimate the value of these vessels in connection with the immediate needs of the Allies...
...We are now fighting to end that system...
...Fascism hastened the outbreak of the World War through its alliance with Hitler, its yielding on Austria (1938) and its signature of the so-called "iron pact" (Milan 1939...
...Le-angre-Dabrsuil why he quit General Gi-mnft administration, he said: It is too baj sad iseinHsstid * story to go into ia Matt, ?* I can any that one powerful runes was tagt I no longer was prepared sthuit ta the control of French internal abas here by influences emanating from aha ???????.''' Tib but phrase indicates a close community a* idea pub tbe de Gaulliste which publicly Statt, both in London and Algiers, a discon-1 ieuBg Aegiophobia gnd an Americano-phobia...
...extremely difficult and strtisei Between de Gaulle and Washington ia ttf hardly better...
...Roosevelt, Churchill and Snai cannot back down on the question of a mntwwal government...
...which haa been carried en for two years with the help of the British...
...Australian Mildster Sees Liberation of Asiatic Peoples on Pacific Fronts By HERBERT...
...One aspect of this question of standard* is vital from the point of view ef countries like Australia and the United States with great farming communities...
...They are strong and progressive ¦ British peoples whose civilization is based ' npon s long European background, and ¦ whose culture has local characteristics of jssttel value both to Britain and the United Nations...
...The Career af a Frame* Himmler, m The New - Leader . af January 3.] Then came the abolition of the Cremieux Decree...
...See the article Or...
...Last oat not least, there will be freedom...
...The memorandum of Giraud fa a snmteuu dot am eat—hat its practical valae apnea a* entirely open the method* ef Mt*satlla...
...When all this wfll be but a memory of the ? past and the .new air of freedom will ho* breathed in Italy, the Italians themselves wul lii stop ast aSill re-education without the need off" ^tawjto^^nils^iitTmi and psychiatrist* and Five Questions L Are the Allies at war with "one man...
...It is, alnimntrary, rather a compromising...
...9** ear-article...
...Marry oftd Admire/ labert /4N ? ought not to exaggerate the importance ^ of the Martinique and Guadeloupe question...
...For many of those groups tho only connection with the outside world depends upon tito offsets of the de Gauiitots...
...That is to say, for the time being, it mast be carried on from North Africa...
...We in Australia know from past experience that our maximum demand tor the products of other countries arises whoa eur own standards of living are rising...
...On April 21, the proas printed a report of tito reply carried from General de Gaulle to General Giraud by General Catroux... eitpwasiun of French public opinion This is the principal paint in th* memoras dum, which contain* Shany ether debt table point* in it* throe columns of text...
...writing much mora than three columns It I* evident, however, that the two General* may cone to an understanding about all the second ary points at issue but that the question ef central authority is insoluble without agreement of both on use eeeorttaare W...
...Similarly we know that sales of our export products to other countries are largely dependent upon the level of employment and income* in those coon-tries.' Nothing will contribute more to poet-War stability than full employment and rising living standard* fa the major countries af the world...
...After Mussolini—What...
...tne dictatorship of vic-**Sidelatry of one man for tbe idolatry...
...ITALO-AMERICANS should: * 1. Abandon to their fate all the Fascists and philo-Fascists of yesterday and of today who even now abound in their institutions and organizations ; e 2. Try to see clear with reglrd to Italian problems, openly favoring those solutions which conform to the spirit of American democracy and, are compatible with the war and peace aims of the Allies and with the safeguarding of the national integrity and of the welfare of Italy...

Vol. 26 • May 1943 • No. 18

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