Labor Threatens to Bolt War Boards Over McNutt Actions


Labor Threatens to Bolt War Boards Over McNutt Actions UAW Quits Manpower Committees, Unions Hit Lack of Labor Voice By JONATHAN STOUT WASHINGTON, D. G. — A working AFL-CIO unity of • sort is...

...Frank X. Martel, president of the Detroit AFL, and others...
...They *»* here i wearing crisp new uniforms and ving shining new Boeings fresh from the ^•fcag grounds... * * The Inside Story of Mikkailovick and the Communists The mystery behind Communist efforts to assassinate Gen...
...Not those...
...Wt must stand ready to encourage and assist tnem*r-when called on—but we cannot and must not do their work for them...
...Here's an example...
...The Hunger Bloc lobby eg mnJm%M^mp is equally criminal In its cone act...
...When Russia was invaded the following June 22, Jugoslav Communists flocked to Mihailovich's forces...
...Alfred Kreymborg...
...A graphic piece of evidence of the ineffectual role of the -Labor" Production Division under Wendell Lund in the WPB set-up is afforded in a recently distributed staff circular...
...He has ben succeeded by an old-line standby, Carlo Scorza (who is being persistently confused by the U. S. press with Count Carlo Sforza...
...The Prince had a deputy "cut in half and placed one morning in the public square wish the block and blood-stained knife by his side...
...The inference, it seems, is plain...
...L'affaire Aldanov, in which the Daily Worker and the fellow-traveler fronts worked overtime to smear Mark Aldanov's Book-of-the-Month-Club novel, The Fifth Seal, has boomeranged into a best-seller rush for the satire...
...Poet William Rose Benet and Authoress Marcia Davenport read the novel in galley proofs (it was only published last week, although the campaign has been running for months), and scored the narrow-minded attacks...
...Why all the fury against FSA...
...And don't forget that the Army, too...
...TMa <aj*ja?jse House did the aoaOsbin's job foe lb| Bureau Federation,' which 11 pi tseSSi saw e)tg farmers, by voting to abolish FSA...
...and a physically active sbldier is, no more so than a bricklayer, a shipyard woftter or a farmer...
...And that's what labor is stewing about...
...The Italians, reported Richard Massock, chief of the AP buresu in Rome and the last correspondent to leave, have "subsided into apathy and pessimism...
...When we appeared to have food surpluses in the past—when we plowed under wheat and corn and pigs and such—it was, simply because millions of Americans were too poor to afford all they, needed to eat...
...Tflfciff"th taken by President William Green *«*t<Sfc ALF and Philip Murray for the CIO was ^'demand price and profit inflation to the The AFL-CIO position was well taken to coincide with the public's attitude to price profiteering...
...The trickery by which he slipped the freeze order over on labor is on a par with the trickery by...
...It is logical to assume, therefore, that 32 pounds of butter annually is what the average human being needs...
...and they loathe the Germans as much as an amiable, industrious, peace-loving people are capable of hatred...
...Their joint willingness te hold wages at present levels if prices were cut back to last year's mark gave further evidence of labor's self-sacrificing patriotism...
...Within two days of President Roosevelt's order to freeze prices and wages, ^Food Administrator Chester Davis ordered the ceiling on corn raised t*9e cents a bushel...
...Following the Pearl Harbor attack that brought the United States into she war, the puppet Jugoslav government under the Croatian Pavelich declared war en the United States...
...The first mention of labor participation in WPB is found at the bottom of the list on page four where it is announced that Vice-Chairman William L. Batt also "supervises" a labor production division...
...Meanwhile, fears that the Davies movie had an official war-information imprimatur wore allayed this week by a telegram from 'Saner Davis, of the OWI, to John Dewey, chairman of the committee which held international hearings on the Moscow Trials...
...Following the able generalship of Boris Shishkin of the AFL and John Brophy of the CIO, the committee announced this week that they were tired of waiting for McNutt to order hearings on racial discrimination in Detroit and in the Capital Transit case in Washington.' The committee, which includes Milton Webster of the AFL Pullman Porters Union and-Earl Dickerson, prominent Chicago Negro loader, has ordered hearings set for early next month on the case of Capital Transit's refusal to hire Negro motormen and bus drivers in the face of a shortage of such workers in the nation's capital...
...The general freeze order which turned the Board's power over to Economic Stabilization Czar Byrnes has left labor without a voice in any quarter of the war effort...
...D. C—America is...
...One is that it is labor conscriptkm by executive order instead of by law...
...Mihailovich promises of Russian support and a world-wide propaganda buildup if he would repudiate the Jugoslavian Government-in-exile in London and proclaim a de facto "People's Government" under Soviet hegemony...
...The Bntish-¦*J™ Parachutes are easier to manipulate and t^J^oally replacing the more cumbersome JJJrSc*n type...
...TWn the peoples of the several European couu-trio must take over for themselves...
...There are at present five WPB vice-chairmen, all representatives of industry...
...Those who quit included Victor Reuther, August Scholle, president of the Michigan CIO...
...That is a good sign, as the ^ <rrteJioh in use of equipment should be of efficiency...
...Four pages are filled with listings of principal officials and heads of units...
...Special problems of an educational nature will probably arise in two countries—Czechoslovakia and Poland—due to the almost unbelievable savagery of Nazi butchery...
...Script of Davies picture was not submitted...
...The Food Administrator's order," Montgomery continued, "violates the President's order, and not only will force higher milk and meat prices in coming njfemths, but also gives the farm bloc much of what it wanted to get from the Bankhead -fiUl which was vetoed by the President...
...Behind this...
...Every effort, within reason, will be made to obtain answers to specific questions from readers of The New Leader...
...tlaly—could be taken as evidence of any "pro^MussoHni," "pfro-Fascist" sentiment in Italy...
...Ruth Mitchell explained, is the effort of Soviet bnperiahsna *p ops Jusuohutn as the base Tor extending Soviet hegemony over the Balkans...
...It said the civilian population gets an averagsj'^f 16 pounds a year now, and that pre-war average civilian butter consumption was 17 pounds between 1935 and 1941...
...Promptly the entire eight-man Detroit committee, including leading AFL people, resigned...
...The ferocious decisiveness of this spectacle caused the people both amazement and satisfaction...
...hold Mussolini personally responsible far Italy's tragedy...
...Whether Commander Brown's remarks were "TngJ JW) independent, or perhapn calculated to i"4tMM the tack of British political wasfgtK, ifjflft known...
...Hungary would then become the nut between the jews of the nutcracker, and with Jugoslavia's long Adraitic coastline it would give the Soviet Union final control over the Dardanelles...
...The average American gets only half the butter he needs...
...Correspondents in North Africa report that the Italians are happy to be prisoners, and hundreds surrender daily...
...which he jockeyed the set-up of the WMC Labor-Management Advisory Committee from a 9-to-7 pro-labor lineup to a 5-to-4 anti-labor lineup...
...McNutt characteristically pulled a fast erne on labor...
...And how is the suspense...
...The date set is now Thursday...
...In February, 1942, a group of ex-Spanish war veterans were parachuted into Jugoslavia by Soviet planes...
...Capital Comment Stout Interviews Berle On State Dept Policy My JONATHAN STOUT WASHINGTON, D. C—What are the State Department's plans for post-war Europe...
...Davies and F.rskine Caldwell even had the brazen audacity to rig op a scene in which Leon Trotsky plots with Von Rib-ben trop in a Nazi Embassy: It accepts without question the exploded GPU version of the purges of thousands of guiltless Russians...
...Beginning with a Daily Worker editorial, which claimed the novel was "anti-Soviet" (replied the BOM: "It is no more anti-Soviet than Dickens' Pickwick Papers are anti-British...
...New Leader Reporter Wes in High-Altitude Nones, Compares Allies By S. L. SOLON Neio Leader Correspondent LONDON (By Cable), April 15.—I have been ¦I tt-SLA...
...The point, of course, is the're is no equality of sacrifice...
...litis is a new kind of book-burning, the BOM judges declared, condemning the "hearsay" basis for the whole campaign...
...In the past ten weeks there have been three shifts in Mussolini's War Cabinet—involving no less than 11 ministers...
...The Fifth Seal contains no snch episode...
...Croat troops are now fighting American forces in North Africa...
...A more important kick at McNutt came later in the week when the United Auto Workers' Executive Board, under Walter Reuther*s motion, voted to pull out all its members now serving on regional or area War Manpower Commission policy committees...
...Said Variety, influential show-business organ, this week—"The campaign against the 'Mission' by the New Leader, mag . . . is viewed in Warmer's as probably helping the picture rather than hurting it...
...II Duce's "revolution" seems to be devouring its own children...
...If rationing is a real problem to you and your family, the smartest thing you csn do is to write your Bamatet that you want a billion dollars appropriated for FSA...
...The strategy was as old as history, and Machiavelli (II Duce still picks up a trick or two) has offered counsel on how to make examples of hated assistants and thus recapture prestige...
...Winsten remarked, "to avoid all political aspects by approaching 'Mission to Moscow' as one would an ordinary romance...
...But Gen...
...noted anti-fascist exile...
...A news release from OWI recently came to this office...
...In a way of speaking, it was Lewis who jockeyed the AFL and CIO into the position where McNutt could give them the clubbing last week that still tea labor dizzy...
...What II Duce has been trying to do is to discharge pent-up grievances...
...Do they convince, attract, thrill...
...Third, it cheapens and debases the great ideals for which the world's free forces are said to be fighting...
...There isn't enough food being produced to do that job, plus feeding our men under arms, plus feeding our allies...
...3. The big commercial farmers, through their Hanger Bloc lobby in Washington, are successfully moving to keep the small, or family-size, farms out of the food production picture, thus further depleting the amount of food that could be produced...
...It seems to rjaat American ingenuity should not be 2JW by the problem of deheating all guns aaTe-to function at that height and de-2J oeirmting for all windows...
...Come back to points two and three...
...It stated that men in our armed forces eat an average of 32 pounds of butter a year...
...It is a simple fact that even before the war, we were a food-importing rather than a food-exporting nation...
...McNutt's tactics make clear beyond any last lingering doubt that he ia potentially the jsoet dangerous man in America...
...Labor was not prepared to make any agreements until their other demands were mat, including the return of its power* to the War Labor Board...
...The first crisis this year saw Count Galeasso Ciano removed from his post at the Foreign Ministry, which he had held for six years...
...They are defeatists in the war...
...April 28, at the Hollywood Theater in New York...
...A bombardier in-*rB*t*r said to me: "Sometimes they listen, "(Betimes they yawn...
...Being fresh out of crystal balls myself ud, incidentally, the direct way sometimes being the simplest, I took the questions ikoTe to Assistant Secretary of, State A. A. forte, Jr., this week...
...not the trials...
...That this "defeatism" has spread Irom the civilian front to the military forces has been increasingly clear from reports on the Italian troops, engaged in the hopeless rear-guard defense of Rommel's Afrika-Korps... was pointed out in circles critical of Kremlin Set propaganda, there was no intention to "boycott" the picture...
...This was the curious, startling statement made this week by C. L. Brown, British K*Vy officer, who has spent the last two yean as a prisoner of war in an Italian camp...
...Not only must price increases be halted, Mftt ^prices most be pushed back to where they Ware a year ago...
...Agriculture Secretary Wickard la authority for the figures showing that email farmer clients of FSA leans, comprising only 7.6% of all U. S. farmers, produced in 1942 **%, of the total increase in milk production, 9% of the total increase in pork, 7% of the total increase in beef, 10% of the total increase in cwathona and eggs, 10% of the total increase in peanuts, 27% of the total increase in dry boons, and 7% of the total increase in sugar boots—all deficit commodities...
...Sometimes, after leaving y* and going on a couple of raids, they come j"* on their own time and pick up a few **nt«rs tbey missed while they were yawning...
...Why should the treason bloc get away with holding up OPA for what they want on prices...
...Denunciation of the Communist political campaign has been widespread in the press and literary circles...
...Not until he got into the Army-did he get as much butter as he needs...
...It might be termed as self-defense unity...
...Two things are clear in Mc-Nutt's order virtually freezing 27,000,000 free American workers to their jobs...
...It's a pipe dream...
...An intense pressure campaign against the Book-of-the-Month Club, which has 600,000 members throughout the country, was launched to suppress publication of the May choice, which had been enthusiastically previewed by William Allen White, Dorothy Canfield, Christopher Morley and Henry Seidel Canby...
...A new- Naval Commander was also appointed...
...The findings of the seers have made for a fine fury of confusion on the question...
...A well-known playbcy and crook, Ciano had bean am ardent advocate of the ill-starred campaign to invade Greece...
...He promptly issued the order, which now jockeys labor oat of it* bargaining ¦esitiaii on Ha other demands...
...jJppRMa is obviously ridiculous...
...Americans will lose their bearings—if propaganda hoaxes like the Davies movie are net exposed before all the people...
...The first sign of their activity came shortly after when Communist guerrillas, who later adopted the name Partisans, seized and executed 1,000 supporters of Mihailovich...
...What was in the minds of labor leaders was that OPA Administrator Prentiss Brown had promised to give labor a Deputy Administrator in OPA, and President* Green and Marray of the AFL and CIO were preparing to meet with WPB Chairman Donald Nelson this week to demand that labor be given a Vice-Chairmanship equal in power to the other WPB Vice-Chairmen...
...Labor Threatens to Bolt War Boards Over McNutt Actions UAW Quits Manpower Committees, Unions Hit Lack of Labor Voice By JONATHAN STOUT WASHINGTON, D. G. — A working AFL-CIO unity of • sort is being forged between the clubbing given both labor bodies by War Manpower Crar Paul V. McNutt and the hot-foot handed them by John L. Lewis...
...In January, 1942, after the Red Army had apparently turned the tide in Russia, Soviet emissaries brought Gen...
...Confident and a little cocky, incoming airmen j^Wmetijnes impatient with the painstaking *W of their instructors...
...Italian Cabinet Shifts Seen Isolating II Duce By MELVIN J. LASKY "Mussolini is j4st as popular as ever with the Italian masses/—and the Italians are not on the verge of revolution against the Fascist regime...
...Genevieve Taggard, Dorothy Brewster joined with spurious committees from Joe Curran's National Maritime Union, the Book and Magazine Union, the Office and Professional Workers, to ask for the suppression of the Aldanov story which is centered about the Russian community in pre-war Paris...
...Letters should be signed smdTsear return address...
...It makes John L. Lewis look good by contrast...
...When McNutt last week showed his freeze order to his Labor-Management Committee before it was issued it wag understood that the order would not be issued until the labor rep-1 resentatives had an opportunity to consult with CIO and AFL leaders and come back with whatever suggestions for changes might he necessary...
...Few questions, of course, are of greater concern to democrats everywhere than what and who will succeed Hitler, Mussolini and their assorted quislings in Europe...
...Hearings on the Detroit cases of disctimination against Negro women in war industry have been set for May 27 and 28...
...What we want to do," one informant explained, "is to shed some light on the vital wartime issues which the Davies' movie so darkly camouflages...
...War Minister of the JugoslaVian Government-in-exile and leader of the brave Serbian Chetniks fighting the Nazis in the Balkans, was clarified here this week by Ruth Mitchell, sister of the famous "Flying General" Billy Mitchell, who herself fought in Chetnik battalions...
...Week after «eek for a year OPA has regularly announced price increases above the established ceilings because some treason bloc had cornered something America desparste-ly needed and would not produce it until they got the profiteering price they demanded...
...Just so do we resent this quasi-official whitewash of a totalitarian regime...
...Editor's note...
...0 Warner Bros, version of ex-Ambassador's impressions of Stalin's Russia, Communist politics and the Moscow Trials and Purges has been completed with a huge starring cast and tremendous funds for national advertising and publicity...
...A Swedish newspaper this week published a Rome dispatch saying it had been admitted officially that "stern measures" were necessary to restore the morale of Tunisian troops at the Mareth line...
...Air Force operational training unit, **w airmen coming from the States receive ¦H Poluning on combat assignments...
...going to go hungrier than anyone thought possible . . . unless drastic steps are taken immediately...
...4 The pressure of workers' demands for higher wages in the face of price and profit inflation is felt by every union leader...
...Labor circles here point out that, doubtless, even so drastic a situation as now confronts American workers would be accepted in the spirit of necessary sacrifice if there were equality of sacrifice...
...We are for the reestablish men t of democratic rights everywhere...
...The emissaries left his headquarters with strong pledges -of continued support...
...Meanwhile, in Jugoslavia the Communist Partisans are now allied with some Croat- forces in fighting Gen...
...The two main reasons are that PSA finances, 'OBamta and encourages owners of family-size farms to increase food production, and because PISA, insists on a $3-a-day minimum for agricultural laborers...
...Almost double what he got before...
...Second, it has abandoned conventional boy-girl drama only to indulge in political frauds and deceits about the character of Stalin's regime—in a dangerously misguided effort to create 'good-will propaganda' for the valiant Russian people...
...Such an idea has never been advocated In this office, or any other office in the State Department...
...The seriousness of the problem before us cannot be exaggerated...
...Mihailovich remained loyal to his trust and informed his government in London of the offers...
...He mentioned the Dewey report on the Moscow Trials, and noted that "Mission to Moscow" pats Stalin on the back while sticking the final knife in Trotsky's . . ." "Maybe it will be possible...
...Two is that it is a wage-freeze on a scale never contemplated by the War Labor Board...
...First, it'grossly distorts history...
...Last year Giorgino Molfino, president of the Fascist Trade" Union Federation, was fired—for "graft" and "bureaucracy...
...The rest will be up to the people them wives, when liberated...
...Why should the treason bloc be permitted to continue its sit-down strikes for war profits and withhold from the nation the things that labor produced...
...They hate him...
...T»amk**t* beantiful demand market all to itself, the itiiogli Bloc is heading eve^'enMTasKissaf all possible competitors outside...
...The Italian .people...
...Ha remains a possible presidential candidate whose favorite weapons era trickery and force, characteristic implements of the totalitarian mind...
...The President's order has net yet accomplished one or the other...
...Fascist-secretary Aldo Vidussoni has resigned because >f "ill-health...
...L'affaire Joe Davies, in which an American halo was to be slowly and quietly hoisted above the head of Dictator Josef Stalin, was beginning to be brought out into the open light of democratic criticism as the premiere of the Mission to Moscow movie approached...
...Alarmed by this bold step, McNutt, at this writing, has invited the entire UAW Executive Board down to Washington to confer with him...
...Wheat is the only agricultural food' we'produce in-suffi-cent abundance for export...
...Marshal Ugo Cavallero had already been retired as Chief of the General Staff...
...It was that patriotism that held labor's chin steady last week while Ciar McNutt swung his haymaker...
...Archer Winsten, N. Y. Post film critic, expressed incredulity this week at the movie's political message...
...Christopher Morley had sent a telegram to Jane Benedict, one of the union protesters— "Assume principal objection is to chapter where Commissar Dlngash, Georgian renegade, makes his burlesque of Stalin...
...Is the competition of the small famHy aim farms serious enough to worry the big farmers...
...These are a sample of some of the queries which come frequently to The New Leader's Washington Bureau...
...And that's the big reality behind the necessity for food rationing...
...All this was closely tied in with (1) the crumbling of the Italian Empire in Africa, and (2) Roberto Farrinacci's editorial campaign in Regime Fasctttu against "saboteurs" of the Axis war effort...
...The War Labor Board was the only war agency where labor had equal representation in making all decisions...
...The position taken by the coal miners' chieftain was that the only way to yet level with price and profit inflation is through proportionate wage inflation...
...Clouds drift j* like flora in the sea...
...He was instructed not to enter into any agreements without their consent...
...Labor voluntarily gave up its right to strike, which means giving u_p the right to withhold what labor can produce...
...Happily, a stubby wriggling upwards turned out t» be a "» American fighter, naturally, in this freezing, airless atmosphere, thick flying suits, oxygen masks and 2**«to harness, all activity requires much T*_*ffort The gooner the problem of freezing T°">e-gTuui is solved, the better...
...Now that earnings have improved, the American people are closer to affording as much food as they need...
...That is what ts behind the drtvo to fMjrjho Farm Security Ad*smia*ratJen...
...or which presented some of our own reactionary Southerners as great Negro-loving white-fathers...
...Take point cne...
...Berle said, "to staff German or any other European schools with American teachers...
...Here instructor airmen, ex-ftoiced in operations, pass on to newcomers Practical tips on fighting the enemy...
...But it is clear that no news, erthetHMsB the underground or the overground, of the mood of the Italian people, nor the official bulletins of the state of Mussolini's regime—the latest announced the removal this week of Aldo VI-dussoni, secretary of the Fascist Party and second most powerful figure in...
...The Communist press throughout the world extolled his exploits...
...The food speculators and middlemen who have cornered the civilian food supply and are pulling a holdup game on the nation to get the prices they want are the saboteurs on the home front...
...The reason given for lifting the corn ceiling, according to Donald E. Montgomery, consumers' counsel of the United Auto Workers Union, is the hope that this nickel-a-bushel bribe will persuade grain speculators to turn loose some of their hoarded stocks of feed grains...
...Are the faces pretty...
...Ngw, Army menus are scientifically planned to provide just the proper amount and kinds.of food to keep an active man in perfect physical health...
...We have asked them to submit script for our easy* gestions but there is no compulsion for them to comply or to accept the suggestion...
...Every military »nd diplomatic move is scrutinized by anxious eyes for clues and interpretations on this subject... a strange world of Arctic cold and ¦™«e silence at 30,000 feet...
...Mihailovich then rejected the Soviet ultimatum...
...But there was always the nuisance value of the possibility that the committee might bust noisily into print if McNutt got too totalitarian...
...Protests were registered by all the fellow-traveler fronts in cultural and labor circles...
...We would attack any film which made the British out to be simple angels in India...
...They will make the final decisions as to whom they will follow...
...has sedentary jobs...
...How about encouraging and promoting the rise of men coming from the democratic labor and socialist movement which for a century has been the seedbed of European eKDoeracy...
...American farmers would never have to worry about fair market price's, surpluses or their incomes if American workers received wages high enough to afford all the food they need...
...After going through J**»«re chamber tests, I took a high altitude...
...It is Mr to quarrel about anything else until that" Wrel is won...
...wag surprised to discover that many Amer-airmen get their first opportunity here **W«h altitude flying and training in gunnery *¦* combat conditions...
...We haven't produced enough for ourselves in years...
...Stanley M. Isaacs (who admitted with most of the others that the book had not been read), Jo Davidson, Rockwell Kent...
...threats, boycotts, and agitation were thrown at the Club...
...Negotiations were broken off...
...Hit Kremlin Set for Aldanov Smear, 'Moscow' Movie Hoax By MATTHEW LOW .The Kremlin Set in America on two fronts this week met rebuffs and stiff resistance to its attempts to twist Russian military heroism into narrow Party capital...
...It was the same kind of trickery by which McNutt clipped and hamstrung the Fair Employment Practices Committee which was set up under the President's executive order to prevent racial discrimination from hampering the war effort...
...Is it .true that the Government is planning to put American teachers in German schools as educational gauleiters...
...Here are the answers: "I know of no plan," Mr...
...As reported, iti«b a par with the equally groundless rumor tint we are promoting a Hapsburg succession tif^fg^gfr-^if- i ''I"'*" ¦»--—•¦ *P§B0cracy cannot be implanted in a people J^Afcfign teachers supported by foreign "Wont we can do is to crush the power -of tie fascist criminals who have subjugated European freedom—and we must make sure they tannot find a backdoor to a return to power...
...In those two nations the Nazis by deliberate plan to create a slave race to serve the 'master race' have tried- -to exterminate every .person with a high sc%» or college edntittoa, v - "The probfeass wnieh will confront 'the returning intellectual leaders of Poland aad Czechoslovakia after' victory is won are staggering n> contemplate...
...correspondent Mas-nock has written in his "Italy From Within...
...The latter was forced to detach battalions from his main body of troops fighting the Nazis to terminate the Communist terror...
...Earope'g refugee-democratic scholars, educators and intellectual leaders may well begin h fulfill their proper and most useful role— *st» they go back to their own countries the •ty'victory is won to take up again the task of recreating the universities and schools of their people...
...The bill cornea up for Senate approval next week...
...The wire came back—"Other passages equally objectionable as one you mention...
...Not that it has mattered greatly to McNutt, who once said of his committee: "They don't have anything to say, they're only advisory...
...We do not approve or disapprove pic-lures made by private producers...
...r s Nor are the grain speculators exceptional the tactics Wbtclihave^naMS5lowe^d^fora year by the canners, packers, skippers, wholesalers and big farmers...
...The first slapback at McNutt was undertaken this week by the FEPC...
...Tracy Doll, president of the Michigan Labor's Non-Partisan League...
...Moscow recognized him as the leader of the guerrilla forces in Jugoslavia...
...2. The food speculators and middlemen— fanners, packers, shippers, wholesalers, grain elevator operators—hare cornered the civilian food supply and are pulling a holdup game on the nation...
...The Office of Price Administration was about on the same level...
...criticism may be distracted from himself by sensational changes in leadership...
...Its special opening in New York has been postponed several times, and all previews have been canceled...
...Lobar Asks Stronger Representation In WPB In a conference with WPB Chief Donald Nelson this week, a joint AFL and CIO demand was made that labor be give If a vice-chairman under Nelson to pot it on an equal footing with industry and authority for direct participation in the industry divisions...
...Mihailovich led the Chetnik uprising against the Nazis on May 20, 1941, about a month after the collapse and surrender of the Jugoslav Army, she explained...
...At first Mussolini was able to make gala expulsions, trimmed with righteous gestures...
...Qraja Mihailovich...
...In the War Production Board labor's participation is to the extent of an appendix...
...The problem before the United Nations now is to win a military victory over the Axis powers...
...Hunger Bloc' Starts Squeeze To Raise Prices, Seeks to Kill FSA From the Seio Leader Washington Bureau, WASHINGTON...
...All feeling of 2** with the earth disappears...
...Ike intricate politics of international intrigue, plus the sometimes inchoate and impractical yearnings of otherwise admirable refugee groups, Sthc inevitable good or poor sehse of judg-L4f Vsfefct*" well-intentioned individuals, the vicious propaganda campaign being waged against the State Department by the Communist apparatus in this country have combined recently to muddy the stream of understanding beyond the powers frequently of honest men with anxious hearts to cope with...
...That, apparently, is where labor rates in WPB...
...5&bor can't hold up the War Labor Board for •\#iat it wants on wages...
...Competition serious enough to worry the pig farmers is obviously competition that cottld keep America, its armed forces and its allies better fed...
...It is this violent, subversive sentiment that has played the key role in unsettling II Duce's administration...
...The recent reshuffles have been too close to the high seat of power and authority to allow Mussolini a margin for political capital...
...Apparently, Rether's audacity has placed labor in an excellent bargaining position...
...B$t6M"&?8S& &the drastic steps, here is the why of the crisis: 1. The popular notion that America is a bounteous land producing huge food surpluses beyond our needs just simply isn't so...

Vol. 26 • April 1943 • No. 17

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