Isolationists Seek Probe of Biddle for Indicting Fascists

Greene, T. R.

Isolationists Seek Probe of Biddle for Indicting Fascists Patterson Press Aids Wheeler, Taft Efforts By T. R. GREENE Special to The New Leader WASHINGTON. — Leaders of the America...

...These are the revolutionary changes in sight if the // outlined above gees through...
...Under eight-column frontpage streamers, the N«w York Journal-American, featured this week twu all-out attacks on New York schools and educators by Milo F. McDonald, a high school principal, and organizer of the American Education Association...
...The implications of appointments of men favoring Dalian, the Polish aris-trocracy or the Communist movement are obvious...
...His magazine, The Educational Sign/pott, has been following a general line not clearly distinguishable from the line of Social Justice...
...It is also known that Hoffman plans to go far beyond an examination of the Department's handling of pro-fascists...
...But it is assumed that they will be sufficiently broad to make it the dominating American voice in the economic and political reconstruction of such territory as is liberated by the United States...
...Once in charge of a liberated territory, the school's graduates will take orders from the State Department...
...The American Legion of California issued a public statement last year char ging that the California America First, headed by Wheeler's son, hsd many proJ fascist agents and organizations in it...
...I shall not dwell on the frightful instances which are familiar from press accounts...
...Davies' request...
...anti-somite and openly fascist...
...I knew the Medem Sanatorium...
...The technical Film advisor on this vicious fabrication, The New Leader learned, was Jay Leyda, well-known Kremlin cultural agent...
...Our members, Jews and non-Jews alike, before the war, supported groups of children of Polish garment workers in the atuttem Sanatorium...
...However, the naming of Appleby as its director swings it into the Wallace orbit, since the new office will be largely autonomous...
...We are fighting this winter, and fighting against the slogans of hate, the deeds of indecency...
...Under the direction of Paul Appleby, Under-Secretary of Agriculture, the OFT is believed ready to help Governor Lehman carry out the global and humanitarian policies of the new rehabilitation agency...
...3—The West would again play a strong industrial role, not only in the revival of a new large-scale mining, but that western industries, particularly shipbuilding would no longer be dependent on eastern monopolists...
...We who are engaged in this struggle against the Nazi monster, we the workers and the peoples of the fighting democracies are paying with blood and tears in this worldwide fight for liberation...
...William Dudley PeH«JV*«y sentenced to 15 years for sedition...
...They are lie rfeng the gram market and not milling...
...Sponge Iron' Seen Cracking Steel Monopoly...
...Protests continue to file into Elmer Davis' office and the Warner Hollywood studios...
...It is well-known: 1) that the Activity, program was an American idea developed by Professor Dewey in Chicago about 1900...
...Less charitable opponents of the isolationists insist that the America First leadership is "thoroughly frightened at...
...You, German workers, must not depend solely upon others to liberate you...
...The gruesome details of these mass murders freeze the heart and inflame the mind...
...In other words your department resported to entrapment for the purpose of obtaining jurisdiction here in the Capital...
...the plan to remake The Birth of a Nation was abandoned...
...I have in mind the heroism of its teachers who preferred to die with their children rather than save their own lives...
...Leaders of the America First-isolationist bloc, fearful over the IiuW^il consequences of • public federal trial of 26 indicted fascist sympathisers,"this week were organizing their Congressional backers for a drive, early in the next session to win official sponsorship of both Houses for an investigation of the Dept...
...Appelby, who will serve as a spacial assistant to Hull, is considered one of Wallace's closest followers...
...The government faces two alternatieae: _1... the hope of a still higher price...
...Dubinsky Appeals to German Workers: Repudiate the Nazi Masters, Halt the Massacres By DAVID DUBINSKY President of the International Ladies' Garment Worhtrt* Union Hitler has converted all' Poland into a slaughter house...
...The activity, or child-centered program, too, is not generally employed in New York schools because the higher costs involved... bloc pressure, have risen sharply...
...The beauty of the Brassert process is the simplicity of the operation...
...The sponge iron process can use low grade iron and low grade fuels—lignite, coal, natural or by-product gases—and by a process of baking the ore at a low temperature of 1.200 degrees, produces economically a melting stock which eliminates the necessity for pig ires and scrap...
...WPB Delays Plants By MURRAY EVERETT Special to The New Leader WASHINGTON, D.C.—If enough Congressional and public pressure can be brought on the War Production Board to facilitate action forthaaae-af flii laea^Mffrns^ iiira, thaa sojpc interesting change* 'arw->%i sight hi steel America's basic industry: V 1—The industry would be put somewhat on a competitive plane after years of a tight monopoly constructed on a basing-point system, the infamous Pittsburgh-plus idea...
...j There is little intimation here of the extent •f OFTs powers...
...It is a sentimental Christmas when we can make bar symbols really mean something, when the Ynle log can bring light back to a darkening world, when the voices of children in wassail song are not a bitter condemnation of oar world...
...How much of all ibis has been incorporated by writer Howard Koch into the screen play is not yet known, for the film is still in production...
...Isolationists Seek Probe of Biddle for Indicting Fascists Patterson Press Aids Wheeler, Taft Efforts By T. R. GREENE Special to The New Leader WASHINGTON...
...You, yourselves, must help in this struggle...
...The factual scene in which the fabulously wealthy ambassador's wife is shown arriving in Moscow, with several dozen refrigerators packed with delicacies, has been ordered eliminated at Mr...
...It follow...
...It is your great and immediate < duty to cast off this band of assassins "We know that you are fettered and bound by the Nazi machine and we know, too, that the fight against the Nazis is hard and bitter —that this struggle demands untold sacrifices...
...Let us in the name of the American workers sound a warning to the mad Nazi rulers: Halt the massacre of innocent people...
...Coughlinite Group, Hearst Press Attack N.Y.C Education Reactionary political elements in the educational world, backed by the big black headlines at the command of the Hearst press, have opened a sew offensive against progressive education and a democratic liberal-minded school system in America...
...Max Lerner, prominent liberal, and William YamMi Elliott of Harvard, also devoted to a policy of U. S. participation or partnership in world empires...
...This is a merry, merry Christmas, and its ironies are the fine ironies of live and living...
...3) that the rowdyism and delinquency spreading in the city is a special problem of the war, conditioned by unsettled family situations, housing difficulties, oversized classes, etc...
...Our President, two days ago, uttered a word of warning and of retribution to the Nazi murderers and joined his voice to the voice of the United Nations in an save the millions of innocent Jewish people from the Nazi hangmen...
...At his suggestion, Noel Coward's In Which We Serve had a tentenee ablated regarded as offensive to Italian-Americans...
...of Justice's agent, aided by v several competent civic groups have gathered vast evidence of fascist activity conducted under the committee's protective covering...
...The biggest factor in opposition is toe Iron and Steel branch of WPB which is still dominated by representatives of she giant steel trust...
...It it widely hoped that the new OWI move to examine all motion picture scenarios, with an eye to larger political consequences, will prove another obstacle to the Kremlin-minded American propagandists want are seizing upon the heroic resistance of the Russian people to make narrow Party capital...
...John L. Cihlds, of Columbia University, and one of the nation's leading educators...
...Strict impartiality has been urged on those appointing directors and personnel to these agencies...
...The Dept...
...Perhaps some day you will tell year grandchildren that on the 25th of December, 1941, with the world in ¦asses aad humanity in tears, you said "Merry Christmas...
...The I. L G. W. U. here in America helped to build it...
...Wheeler's denunciation of Biddle aad special federal prosecutor, William Power Maloney, is considered here indicative of the determination of the pre-Pearl Harbor anti-war group to battle the President though such efforts ace •eaag exploited by the indicted fascists in a peseta far aid and funds...
...Many Washington and New York AFC leaders are known to have become alarmed over thie infiltration In his letter to Biddle Wheeler wrote: "If it were not the intention to use this indictment for the purpose of smearing the America First Committee, it would never have been mentioned in the same...
...The New Leader learned this weak frees authoritative industrial circles...
...2—In the behemoth steel industry we would see the growth of small business as an important force, perhaps the first time that the monopoly process is reversed...
...George N. Shuster, widely-respected progressive Catholic and democratic spokesman, to the presidency of Hunter College...
...they have buried them alive in graves dug under Naii machine guns by the victims themselves...
...What minor items are available about the picture hardly attest to scrupulous concern for the facts...
...they have massacred entire Jewish towns and settlements...
...Agency, Army Officers to Rule Re-occupied Areas By EDWARD LORING Special to The New Leader • WASHINGTON, D. C —Two little-known federal agencies were ready this week to move into any territory seized from the Axis by U. S. forces and set up complete but temporary governments operating on policies guaranteeing the civil and economic rights of the Atlantic Chartsr...
...McCormick publishes the vehemently anti-New Deal anti-British Chicago Tribune...
...y This is the nab of the situation: , Wheat prices, under politics...
...Little time is devoted to ideology and theory...
...It ia hoped here that the OFT will not conflict with the apparatus being prepared by the War Department at its Virginia Army School of MiHtary Government...
...Anti-British forces here believe that the Congress which convenes in January will be sufficiently opposed to President Roosevelt to men such as Senator Wheeler and Representative Hoffman funds and authority to launch an investigation of Attorney General Biddle's department...
...Perhaps yoa will remember that with millions dead ia Pound, Russia, China, with millions walking about who on the morrow would be dead, yoa sang the old carols, the beautiful madrigals, and yoa meant them...
...The great shame is that any American newspaper could stoop to printing such slander against a great school system and the finest body of teachers in the world...
...Such a probe could be used in a manner similar to that adopted By Wheeler when be examined the alleged "warmongering of Hollywood" in 1941...
...McDonald's organization was the leading force in the drive against the appointment of Dr...
...Shuster, it was charged, supported the Loyalist cause in the Spanish Civil War...
...Hitler is now avenging his defeats by the wholesale destruction of innocent men and women who cannot defend themselves against his armed gangsters...
...2) that the Soviet Union, in the last decade, has removed all vestiges of the early Progressive-Dewey educational system adopted in Russia's schools...
...A House Committee, headed by Congressman Boykin, reported after weeks of investigation of the steel problem, that thelUpublic Steel QMpterjrV sponge Iron pmw»9^BrmS^otm authorised so far by the WPB had been delayed for months by "red tape and needless delay...
...Merry, Merry Xmas Merry, merry Christmas to you...
...The Nazis have placed the stamp of murder upon your country and upon yourselves...
...Fellow-traveler Erskine Caldwell prepared the screen adaptation of Mission to Moscow, which was a collection of ex-Ambassador Davie a' diplomatic dispatches...
...They are for the most part National Guard and reserve officers, with a small number chosen from civilian life through the former Army Specialist Corps...
...The Brassert process converts sponge iron into usable iron in three and a half hours...
...The issue of the Activity program," Childs pointed out, "is completely irrelevant...
...The massacres and pogroms which your Nazi masters have inflicted upon the nations of Europe have left a bloody stain upon your country...
...R. de T. State Dept...
...Among those indicted by the Washington Grand Jury are Gerald B. Winrod...
...of Justice...
...went to considerable expense to revise Tennessee Johnson lest some of the Civil War sequences offend Negroes...
...The school now has an authorized body of 150 officers...
...They can produce without scrap iron, which is getting scarce, and they can do much more to produce for wax requirement...
...the second sn added burden to the smaller taxpaying group ," It leaks as if the seeead or subsidy plan is lost aad that the OPA may relax the tear eeffiag...
...TiA The more wawoade by Lowefi Mellett, OWI film chief, because "some pictures have ¦ kiwlereil unwittingly the war effort by their dialogue and •abject matter...
...The superintendent of a furnace can mix the Brassert melting stock with other metals or minerals in any way that he pleases to obtain high-quality steel...
...The experts developed here arc designed to foe assistants to the military governors, none of whom will set political policy...
...For generations American and German workers used to exchange greetings and delegates st conventions—for years we regarded each other as comrades in the same cause...
...They can protect themselves from the squeezes of big business control of iron melting stock...
...It would take a year and more to built a blast furnace of equal capacity and the cvost would be $10,600,000...
...For many years we American workers were your comrades in labor...
...4) that Communists have little or no influence in the shaping of American educational policy...
...Although sponge iron has been known- as long as iron itself its low grade made it unusable for the steel purposes...
...For many months Brassert roamed all over Washington seeking a hearing for his processes, but he was shunted from agency to agency...
...The Washington Post reported that some of the "Welcome Wheeler" posters which decorated the hall an dspeakers stand when the Montanan spoke for the America First Committee in Los Angeles before Pearl Harbor were prepared la the bookshop of a secret Naii agent, Franz K. Ferenz...
...In the name of the hundreds of thousands of workers who belong to my organization and, I have a right to say, in the name of the millions of organized workers in our free land, I call upon you: Open your eyes to your unhappy situation...
...Representative Hoffman, known as one of the most bitter foes of the administration and the large labor federations, is said to have drawn up complete plans for a campaign in Congress to obtain such an investigation...
...This would mean a loss, bat would keep bread prices at their present level...
...Even more terrifying is the information that five million more Jews in Europe are marked for destruction by Hitler...
...McDonald himself has been making addresses at the Brooklyn parish hall of Edward Lodge Curren, key Coughlin spokesman in this city...
...A 1,000-ton-a-day Brassert plant could be built in less than six months at a cost of about $2,500,000...
...Among the important instructors at the school are Nicholas J. Spykman...
...Protests against the whitewashing of "the GPU record" have already been registered with Washington ' and Hollywood by many distinguished American liberals...
...The other bureau, a school for the training of "top administrative personnel for temporary military governments," was set up by the Army last May 5th at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville...
...Said Dr...
...All but five or ten of them are primarily civilians...
...T^ttJIM of Foreign Territories, created by President Roosevelt on December 4, 1942, in What wag considered the most significant move since Pearl Harbor, is dominated by Vice-President Wallace and those of his colleagues who hare been concentrating on turning the Bureau of Economic Warfare into the key postwar agency...
...They will function under the Office of the Provost Marshal General...
...the possible exposure of Nazi elements which crept into their organization... of "America in World Politics," an exponent of an American Geo-Political policy...
...It is known that the America First leaders never followed their rank and file into disintegration...
...The henchmen of Hitler have killed thousands of defenseless Jewish men, women and children in gas chambers...
...The Washington Post offered as an explanation the theory that many of the isolationist Congressmen feared revelation of America First's association with known pro-fascists...
...Patterson publishes the frequently criticized New York Daily News, while "Cissy" Patterson publishes the Washington Time...
...Merry, merry Christmas...
...Hearst and McDonald are playing for bigger fish...
...The wee of rowdyism and delinquency was ascribed to the John Dewey-inspired Progressive Activity program, which in turn was ludicrously ascribed to Communist teachers taking cues from "Lenin-Stalin theory...
...Nearly 70 per cent of the students' time is spent on practical problems dealing with the institutions, customs, economy and psychology of the occupied areas...
...Although the country is in desperate need of steel, these people fought expansion of steel plants—these men, representatives of *»tt""H* in government—now, with the nation's biggest ore-bed the Messaa range pits nearing exhaustion in 1945, according to a House Committee report, the sponge iron process is more important than ever...
...2. Releasing "loan" wheat oa the mark** at a price less than that paid to the farmers...
...that it is now possible to develop small high-grade ore deposits all over the world in accessible regions...
...But I shall mention only one fact, one page of horrer in this book of woe...
...Recently however this problem was solved by an expert metallurgist Herman Bras-sert...
...The political implications of these agencies is considered great in government circles here...
...Rudyard Kipling's JCtm has been similarly abandoned, and Sam Goldwyn shelved his reissue of The Real Glory alter Mellett pointed out that it was offensive to Filipinos...
...Wheeler's attack is also considered a sign «•* the continued sctivity of America First, wfeisfe has been operating here and in New York' in small and closely guarded social circles...
...AH Washing***, circles interested in poet-war reconstruction and the political compiecUon of post-war Europe hare begun to r¦alias thct these two bureaus hold the keg to permanent pas m or a near war...
...Anxiety fete* been widespread about the filming of Da vies' Mission to Moscow following the repoft that "in this film will be shown the real reason for the purges of 1ST and 1938...
...We are on the march this Christmas, aad the star rising in the West is the star of hope in a better world, here and now...
...No educator approached by The New Leader cared to discuss seriously the wild charges of McDonald and the Journal-American...
...and yoa meant it...
...The OFT is authorised to "draw upon the services of officials of |he U. 8. government particularly qualified to assist in carrying on these functions...
...Your silence, German workers, may well stamp you forever as accomplices in the horrible crimes of the Nazis...
...He has watched the growth of power of the United Nations, especially of our own United States...
...resalt is that wheat is scarce in the epea market...
...Less then one-fourth the steel is needed to construct a Brassert plant...
...I think the limits of freedom of speech and press are being approached in this vicious McDonald maneuver," said Dr...
...The conscience of the world and of America is appalled by this tragedy...
...1 shall not even speak of the city where I was raised, the big city of Lodz, where tens of thousands of our sisters and brothers were slaughtered by the Hitler madmen in a bestial orgy...
...Vie fibs, the report continued, "will throw an astonishing light on the real part Leon Trotsky played before his death [sic!] in Mexico...
...The political design of the attack seems to me particularly dangerous.' Milo McDonald's American Education Association, Tha Ne»--fae«der«tos«ie*«*M^»h**iJject of a specific attack two years ago by Mrs...
...They are being trained tor exceptionally wide powers far removed from ordinary police functions...
...AskOWIWatch'Mission'Film The announcement this week that Elmer Davis' OWI is to review all motion pictures before final release has reinforced the hope that the Warner Bros, film Mission to Motxekc will not be shaped to the grotesque pattern of Comintern propaganda...
...Yoa will remember that in the midst of Borrow aad fear, yon watched the candles aad heard the Christmas masses aad spoka of peace oa a war-torn earth to men of goodwill at gripe with hate...
...Floor prices, for consumer protection, are under s rigid price ceiling set by the OP A. The millers, squeezed between rising raw material costs sad the price ceiling find they have no profits left...
...Los Angeles authorities have told federal officials that they could prove that others it the rally were close to the Nazi line...
...The world will hold you to a merciless aeoeunting And to the workers of Nazi Germany I want to say the following: "You, enslaved aad deluded men and women who are supplying the Nazi military machine with its tools and weapons of murder...
...The first coarse sseaas a "tax" ea everybody...
...The OFT is officially part of the State Department and subject to the authority of Secretory Hull...
...Johanna Lindlof, of the Board of Education, on the grounds of "spreading intolerance" among New York school-chidren...
...All civilized humanity has been stunned within the past few weeks by the horrible account of the murder of two millions of Jews by the Nazis in Poland, the Ukraine and in Lithuania...
...economic policy by the State Department or the Beard of Eeonomis Warfare, or both...
...and a number of Klsimaea, it ilk against the indictment of these anti-deaaeeraMa propagandists that Wheeler protested indignantly this week in a letter to Biddle...
...The capital was surpirsed this week by the isolationists' bitter attack on Biddle and the technique used to bring many of the outright fascists among the indicted 28 within the Jurisdiction of the Washington Grand Jury...
...I have in mind the wholesale slaughter in the Meden Sanatorium for Tubercular Children on the outskirts of Warsaw...
...and restored the "traditional-authoritarian teacher, because progressive education was too democratic...
...Intense interest has bee* aroused by both bureaus behind the scenes...
...And when the tragic news reached me that the Nazi assassins had broken into that Sanatorium and slay the ailing Jewish children inmates, I felt that no punishment is too great, no revenge too severe to meet this act of Nazi criminality...
...Senator Wheeler condemned the mentioning of organizations which were named in the indictment, but not indicted, such as the AFC, he also charged that the pro-fascists had been trapped and thata the conspiracy process in the indictment of the 28 propagandists was abused...
...The question of sponge iron is one of the utilization of low-grade ores...
...A host of stories sprung up about him, most of them contradictory...
...With small sponge iron plants of their own, in areas which permit shipment of melting stock to the co-operating foundries at a minimum shipping cost, foundries are organising to assure a continuous supply of melting stock of improved quality...
...Independent experts have developed this process to the point where small plants will be able to maintain local industry in competition with the expensive investments of the steel trust...
...The iggaitt> will be closely watched by financial inter seta as well as by the men who dream of an eternally peaceful Sure...
...The Pacific Coast has already aafferai » "flour shortage,** and government •et*tat*~ say that within 30 days the flour famine will become general unless immediate actiaa is taken...
...A second factor is that farmers hsve tamed grata over to the government for the high "IfMlCU offered, while other farmers are bofdtag oats their wheat, encouraged by their llbhfV isu...
...All over the United States small foundries and small businessmen, are talking of the idea of opening up iron mines and restoring iron and steel production on a more natural basis of competition by means of the sponge iron process...
...bringing a higher price to the consumer...
...Recently one of the defendants • began distributing a letter containing excerpts form a note Senator Taft sent him urging the disbarment of Maloney...
...Up to date, most policies recommended by Mellett have been followed...
...Indicative of the extent of the anti-Roosevelt campaign is the support the isolationists have received from the McCormick-Patterson newspaper combination...
...When the hour of reckoning will come, the workers of the world and all humanity'may bold you no less responsible for the Nasi tiiaies than the Nazis themselves unless by your courage and by your resistance, you will prove to the world that the Nazi murderers are not speaking and acting in your ansae " Bread Shortage Looms, Farm Bloc Blamed Although America's granaries are flatted with the greatest grain crest to history a bread shortage looms for the country...
...It is hoped in Washington that these agencies will integrate their activity to give the U. S. foreign "arm" an effective coordinated series of twhich can move in behind victorious mop up enemy political resistance, make the chaos left by retreating Axis offi-eed the people, and set up a political rhkh will be taken over by the freed nationals as soon as possible...
...A flat repudiation of McDonald charges was made this week by Ellsworth B. Buck, president of the Board of Education: "The statements made by Milo McDonald are obviously nonsensical and irresponsible...
...Only three have been members of the regular army...
...The Committee's stop men are reported to have extremely wealthy supporters including one millionaire member of the New York Stock Exchange...
...The men trained here are intended only as stop-gaps necessary to operate in the wake of conquering armies...
...Relaxing the ceiling price on Boar...
...Dante* ¦beth Dilling...
...Trotsky will be proved to have been in the pay of Adolf Hitler...
...Political policy will be formulated by the State Department: fiscal policy by the Treasury Department...
...Much of its work is just becoming public...
...The indictment . . . shows that in order to establish jurisdiction here in Washington your department had somebody write letters to various groups and organizations to get them tp answer, so^ as to - bring them within the jurisdiction of this court, and try them three thousand miles from their homes under conditions where the greater part of the population is made up of government workers, or people who are dependent upon the government either directly or indirectly...
...In recent months Hitler has begun to sense his end approaching...
...Control of these bureaus by officials partisan to any political philosophy would create minor civil wars in re-occupied countries by placing minority groups and parties in power...
...As Waldemar Kaemffert has indicated "more than the sponge iron problem is solved," by the Brassert process...
...and it was Trotsky who reorganized Fifth Columnism in Russian espionage and sabotage from 1936 on...
...Assurances have been received from high government and studio officials that the treatment of political figures and events "will not be the sort to justify fears...
...m The office will deal with all non-military matters and is intended specifically to "implement the pertinent policies of the U. S. in harmony Jrfth the Atlantic Charter...
...This is what is at stake in the sponge iron fight...
...Why was my name and the names of other Senators, dragged in before the Grand Jury and' people asked if they knew me...
...McDonald in a long Mtmmmtiwuil Signpost article, which Hearst editors aaw fit to feature above all the war news of the week: "Abandon Progressive Education and the Activity Program—Reinstate respect for conservative teaching ideals—oust from the school system all Communists and took...
...A Brassert plant," he points out, "is so light that it can be transported easily, and the fuel requirement* are so low that they are easily met almost anywhere...

Vol. 25 • December 1942 • No. 52

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