Where the News Ends

Where the News Ends By WILLIAM HENRY CHAMBERLIN A RECENT political step that is eminently in • · the right direction is the decision of the American and British Governments to forego...

...If the extra-pay provision were repealed, the change would be nothing but a flat reduction of wages...
...Faced by this future of struggle and responsibility, we look back to that day which we celebrated with such furor and flourish in ,,1918 with little of elation...
...Extra-terri-toriaiity in China should have been abolished long ¦ ago...
...Needless to say how much we as trade unionists welcome unity in this movement...
...The British ? Eighth Army had pursued the Germans into .Libya...
...In the great airplane industry, the .average week was 47 hours several months ago...
...His breaking down of the old reactionary control of legislation opened the way for all the reforms which have come since those days...
...Sgt Meyer Levin, outstanding hero of the Pacific area, is the son of active members of Branch 402 of the Workmen's Circle...
...To me the incarnation of the irritating arrogance, no doubt usually unconscious, which this system of privilege generated was a prominent British lawyer with whom I talked in Shanghai...
...Organised labor is for whatever work-day and work-week vffl turn out the most goods...
...It would be well for them to remember certain cautions...
...As this war swings into its second half, our men are completely in charge of the great African maneuver...
...I look forward from week to week for my copy of this very interesting paper...
...4. Liberals who lend their names to the organization, while shouldering public responsibility for its policies and activities, will have nothing decisive to say on these matters...
...FOR THE MOST -EFFICIENT WORK-DA, TBE CIO convention ia so hot on one important point that it can leave no doubt ia the mind of any honest citken...
...at Workmen's Circle Flag Ceremonies for 3,000 Lieutenant Governor Charles Poletti will be the principal speaker at the dedication of a Service Flag honoring over 3,000 members and sons of members of the Workmen's Circle, on Saturday evening, November 14, at the Central Needle Trades High School Auditorium, 24th St., between 7th and 8th Aves...
...diplomats have their uses—as weTf as typewriter strategists...
...Randolph brought the plight of his Negro people honestly, publicly, openly, officially to the attention of the convention of the A. F. of L. at Toronto...
...I dare say a certain kind of justice gets done there...
...Extra-te.rritoriality was forced on China in the nineteenth century, when the West was strong and aggressive and . China was living under a stagnant and decadent Imperial regime which fettered its national energy...
...The Turks and the Persians got rid of this system after the end of the · First World War...
...The * setting up of the Tennessee Valley Authority was the crowning act of a long career, and it best symbolizes his persistent devotion to the public welfare...
...Free at last to express his opinion of the Vichy regime, he gives it to us in picturesque terms which must satisfy his most ardent critics...
...Obviously the attitude of four hundred million Chinese and three hundred million Indians will play a great part in the issue of the war...
...And here their own country was giving them a supreme example of that sort of total coordination...
...Witness the case of the American League for Peace and Democracy...
...I have read many an article in The New Leader concerning the question of Unity and Peace in the Labor Movement, particularly between the AFL and the CIO...
...They belonged to the wing of eager and intelligent critics who had been insisting on the,coordination of political with military offensive action...
...Every labor paper in this country and every trade union spokesman should unite to put this point over...
...And what does Mr...
...It would doubtless have been conducive to the comfort of the fox if the goose had been willing to be eaten in peace and quiet...
...Tobin hawj to say in reply...
...2. Hence all key posts in these organizations will be occupied by Communists or their pliant tools...
...Reactionary writers and speakers who art carrying on the campaign against the Wage-Hour Law are plainly using the war emergency as an anti-labor club and cannot by any stretch of the imagination be supposed te be honestly attempting to increase industrial output Then is no law in this country limiting the workweek to 42 hours...
...Italy was sending troops to Sardinia and Tunisia...
...Among the allied nations, minds were running forward to the treaty -which was to provide for eternal peace...
...If liberals want to aid Russia, fight for civil liberties, aid the Negroes or the foreign born or the Chinese people, let them form their own committees firmly in the hands of true and tried anti-Communists, if they would not again be sold down the river by the red gold brick salesmen...
...With a freezing look and in accents of inimitable condescension he replied: "Oh, there arc such things as Chinese courts...
...In Central Europe, thrones were falling and republics were rising...
...This man, born during the first year of the Civil War, represents the same idealistic mid-western strain as Eugene Debs and the elder Robert LaFoIlette...
...Since we have stabilised wages as of a certain day in September, a legal reduction of wages is plainly not in order...
...Though he dreamed as much as any man, he fought and won political battles against the toughest opposition and achieved results that can be added up in the columns of the people's ledger...
...The Russians were turning the edge of the Nazi attack in the Caucasus...
...The Americans were seizing a thousand-mile Mediterranean front...
...Playing the game as we have played it, we have been up to now officially the friends of Unoccupied France...
...territoriality under these circumstances might have played into the hands of the Japanese invaders and their stooge Chinese regimes...
...Any lasting peace settlement must take account of this fact...
...Of course, there were many other resolutions brought into this convention and as yet I fail to see any mention or report given about them...
...The same organization has also presented a resolution to that effect...
...Nothing—so far —about osing the influence of the great A. F. of L Executive Conn-cil to swing minor officials and local organizations into line for a fair and decent trade unien policy which will give Nagr* workers a chance to do their part toward beating the Japs and tfce Germans...
...He knows more reputable Chinese than anyone else," my informant continued, conveying a strong hint that at least ninety-five per cent of the Chinese were hopelessly "disreputable...
...Hundreds of colored workers are not being hired because certain A. F. of L. unions have rules or practices that keep them out...
...Moreover, the achievement of full equality of international status by the more advanced peoples of Asia is just as obviously part of the historical tide of the twentieth century as the advance of the European and American industrial working class was part of the evolution of the later nine-teentsand early twentieth centuries...
...The conditions m the conquered lands cannot be at all forecast on the basis of any knowledge which we now possess...
...They are on the ground, seventy five million mobilized people, while the white population of the Far East, apart from Russia, amounts to only about six million Australians and two million New Zealanders...
...Recently I read a speech delivered by John P. Burke, president of the International Brotherhood of Pulp, Sulphite and Paper Mill Workers, of Fort Edward, N. Y., in favor of unity, which I believe deserves to be mentioned in your paper...
...SENATOR NORRIS MARCHES ON THE voters of Nebraska may retire Senator George W. Norrie, but the dynamos continue to hum at Norris Dam...
...Public investment and public control distribute the power of mighty streams to the uses of citiaens and the increase of wealth...
...One cannot but speculate or the impression made on German minds by the apparition of this man with this name in the Mediterranean world...
...Armistice Day, 1942, provided twenty-four hours of rapid movement and breath-taking reports which turned old and out-of-date as the minutes ticked along...
...When the papers of the State Department are opened after the war, we shall learn precisely what part the men in these offices played in the planning...
...What about this patriotism and democracy about whiei Mr...
...Senator Norris represents America's vision of the future and America's way of fighting toward a better life...
...And he appears there on this ancient African battlefield as a typical western American speaking the dialect of democracy...
...But there is, after all...
...The cry for the repeal or amendment of the Wage-Hour Law is an attempt to reduce wages - EISENHOWER AFR1CANUS KTEAR where Scipio sowed salt over the ruini ^ of Carthage...
...We moved in psychologically, politically—as well as with tanks and planes...
...When the time is ripe for the Communists to change this policy fundamentally, this will be done with scant attention to the fellow-travelers...
...1. While professing interest in certain special issues around which these committees are formed, the Communists are at all times interested primarily in building the Communist Party...
...I checked up on this story and found that, while no such crudely worded sign was in existence, the effect was achieved by two separate regulations, worded as follows: "Dogs are not admitted...
...Any attempt to embark on such a misguided course would only set the stage for another terrible cycle of wars, wars of race and color...
...the point of view of the fellow who is being eaten...
...It is now certainly running above that figure...
...Almost forgotten now is the fact that he led the fight against Joe Cannon, the ruthless Czar' of the House...
...Bat the impatient persons who have been heaping abuse on Secretary Hull for his maintenance of relations with Vichy must have felt a bit cheap as they listened to the news of the triumphant ' sweep of our men into Northern Africa...
...IT is easy to understand why this system was •"^offensive to Chinese national -pride, especially when Chinese who went to Western countries were gi'ven distinctly second or third-class treatment...
...LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Writer Recalls Communist Tactics as Lesson to Liberals From BENJAMIN E. NEVIN5 To the Editor: Now that the Communists are "supporting" the democracies again in their fight against Hitler and we have a revival of the so-called Popular Front reminiscent of the days before the Stalin-Hitler Pact, it would be well for the liberals to remember how their fingers were burned at that time when they lent their names to Communist-insuired causes allegedly against Fascism...
...It will never come to an end...
...They we're not subject to Chinese taxation...
...We may remember it most profitably as a lesson in what not to do...
...At the convention and in a public statement made since the convention date he says in effect: "Be patient...
...It is not greedy and prejudiced employers this time who keep then outside the gate and present them from contributing U the American war effort...
...Before my first visit to Shanghai in 1927 Chinese students had told me that the parks in that city displayed signs: "Chinese and dogs not admitted...
...It remained for Petain and Laval to break off relations...
...Some things it is now possible dimly to foresee...
...The Japanese, on the other hand, hold the advantage of greater nearness to the scene of combat...
...But—and far more important—the extra pay for overtime beyond 42 hours is in no sense extra...
...don't set up a public squawk and humiliate our great organisation before enemies...
...Twenty-four years ago, the United States was at best a junior partner, and Russia was pointedly unconsulted...
...Foreign warships patrolled China's coasts and navigable rivers...
...All of this would have been impossible without the work of Admiral Leahy and all of his staff members scattered over France and the African colonies...
...Better than any other man...
...Cites Burke Speech on Labor Unity From MORRIS WRAY To the Editor: As a steady reader of The New-Leader since its inception...
...Every step with relation to France and French colonies has had this end in view...
...There is something here for the geo-politicians to ponder...
...One is connected with the winning of the war.f The other is connected with the winning of the peace...
...If the idea is kept alive that the normal peacetime week is 42 hours, it will be easier to return to that level after the war...
...There is no leadership inside Germany to serve as center for the rapid founding of such a republic as was initiated twenty-four years ago...
...How many years and months it will take to batter our way into Europe and beat Hitler at the center of the continental empire which he has set up, no man can say...
...The change would not add one minute to anyone's working day...
...And Russia, after the part which she has played, will also have her proportionate place and power...
...All sorts of efforts have been made by labor men to increase eft...
...It is well that he—rather than they—has been running the State Department during the past two years...
...And this gives President Roosevelt the chance to say to France: "We have not broken relations with the French...
...There are two very important reasons why the abolition of extra-territoriality should be only the beginning, not the end of a program designed to gain the friendship of the Chinese, the Indians and the other Oriental peoples...
...With one possible exception, trade unions have ant done anything and are not doing anything to keep the work-week down to any particular length...
...Tobin orates so eloquently...
...It is white workingmen represented by AFI» union officials...
...It would merely clip some dollars from the pay envelopes of millions of workers...
...it was a holdover from the oldfashioned nineteenth century brand of imperialism that had become entirely anachronistic in modern China...
...We are on the offensive, and the enemy is desperately on the defensive...
...3. Money collected will not be used primarily for the purpose announced but for the Communist Party, even though the kickbacks may be indirect through advertisements in the Communist press and printing orders with Communist printing houses...
...We never shall...
...Daniel Tobin's various replies to A. Philip Randolph on the subject of discrimination towards Negroes in trade unions sound to me far too much like the fox's lecture to the goose on good manners...
...Its errors are more conspicuous than its triumphs...
...Many forces, and notably the spread of education and of industrial technique, are pointing irresistibly in that direction...
...His idealism was teamed with a faculty for the most practical sort of political realism...
...The responsibilities of the victors toward the defeated populations will be far heavier than on the former occasion...
...Sam Staff Scores AFL Shrug At Negro Union Discrimination from SAM STAFF To the Editor: Mr...
...this man's ancestors came to Quaker Pennsylvania as refugees from an intolerant Germany...
...Large areas of China's largest cities were administered and po-licedTby foreign powers and foreign business and bisking institutions in these concessions were under no Chinese control...
...What this man has achieved is a living part of America...
...Detachments of foreign troops were stationed in the-foreign residential areas...
...Other speakers will be Magistrate Charles Solomon and Joseph Weinberg and Joseph Baskin, president and general secretary, respectively, of the Workmen's Circle...
...Many things will change as the struggle goes on from stage to stage...
...The park is reserved for the use of the foreign community...
...Organized labor wants to keep the present WageHour Law for two very simple reasons...
...A renunciation of extra...
...Now tips consideration has disappeared, because British, and Americans in Japanese occupied area have only the status of enemy aliens...
...It is possible, although by no means certain, that the United States and Great Britain could eventually build up enough military, naval and air power to defeat Japan, while cold-shouldering China and failing to give any satisfaction to the national aspirations of India...
...But such a victory would be hollow and transitory...
...seeing Western foreigners enjoy a onesided privileged status in their country...
...In German he is the iron-striker, the iron-pounder, and his name sounds as harshly Teutonic as those of Rommel ?? Brauchtisch or von Rundstedt In 1730...
...From the time of the fall of France, he has envisioned such an action as now goes forward...
...Hitler was rushing troops across France...
...It is that kind of spirit that must be purged from the attitude of Europeans and Americans in the Orient if the relations between East and West are to be put on a basis of enduring cooperation...
...Soon he will disappear from the Senate floor but at the head of the growing column of ? re makers and rebuilders he will still g« marching on...
...Petain was declaring the termination of his agreement with Germany...
...Up to the minute when our men dropped from planes and waded ashore from landing-scows, we had three consulates in France and four in French Africa...
...A complicatT iag factor that existed before Pearl Harbor was..that the Japanese, since the autumn of 1938°, have been in physical control of the seven largest Chinese cities where most foreigners live, Peking, Tientsin, Shanghai, Nanking, ? a i ? g t a o, Hankow and Canton...
...The issue of national freedom for the peoples of Asia can never be settled by methods of suppression...
...ciency and cut down waste of manpower...
...Ike" Eisenhower of Abilene, Kansas, will catch up with his first batch of Hitlerian Aryans...
...It is a part of the workers' regular pay...
...Here we have democracy at its best...
...Trade union men and women everywhere give him credit for his part in passing the Norris-LaGuardia Anti-Injunction Act...
...One of the reasons why it lingered on in China is that ever" since 1931 the Chinese have faced such a serious threat tp their national independence from Japan that they have been inclined to concentrate all their energies on meeting this threat and have devoted less than the normal amount of attention to \be1 minor, although galling, problem of...
...Where the News Ends By WILLIAM HENRY CHAMBERLIN A RECENT political step that is eminently in • · the right direction is the decision of the American and British Governments to forego extra-territorjal rights in China...
...The second phase of the war has started...
...We have heard no suggestion that if the Wage-Hour Law is amended on this point, there should be a compensating increase in regular hourly rates...
...N* the Far Eastern struggle America and Eng-land -hold the advantage of vastly superior technical resources and building facilities, although only a part of these can be thrown into the struggle against Japan so long as Hitler is undefeated...
...The representatives of the United Nations who will sign the next armistice and wise will determine the nature of the peace will represent a quite different alignment of powers from those who held the weight of authority in 1918...
...Amid the congratulations which are going to military and naval chiefs, there should be recognition of the important part played by-Secretary Hull...
...I asked him a question about the Chinese judicial system...
...The position of France may be quite different from what was expected even a few weeks ago...
...Winston Churchill said: "The President of the United States is the author of this mighty undertaking, and in all of it I have been his active and ardent lieutenant" Being—this time—at the heart of the war, we shall be at the heart of the peace...
...Under this system foreigners who are charged with crime had to be tried in their own consular courts...
...They were gentle religious paedtstn Now—after two centuries—he returns overseas in command of tanks and guns and planes to fight Germans who, for the moment, are wore* than those from whom his fathers fled...
...The initial success indicates that their job was well done...
...The enormous psychological advantages of our, present position must be obvious to anyone...
...Among the sons of Workmen's Circle members in the service are many who have been in action in various battle zones...
...ARMISTICE—1918-1942 •"PWENTY-FOUR years ago an armistice was being signed in a railway car at Campiegne...
...Bat the outline of things to come grows clearer day by day...
...And soon afterwards he urged me to meet his friend, Major Osbaldistone-Osbaldistone, of the Shanghai Police...

Vol. 25 • November 1942 • No. 46

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