The Home Front


The Home Front By WILLIAM E. BOHN | WOULD. like to hear from some of you readers about this. -* «Peili«ps I am ¦wrong. In these times, anything may happen. 1 have a nation, and I want your...

...They forever press the tremolo stop...
...On this day he casts into the .stream'"Of-oar national thought a touching threnody on "The Greatest German Poetess of the 19th Century...
...4 "program was drawn up, officials' were elected and permanent MsMquarters were established...
...This brutal war, with which the famous journal, of course, has nothing to do, has not, it is true, cut off German-Americans from knowledge of great world events, bat it has separated them from ill of the little, intimate details of Kfe -hi the home-land...
...There have been important changes in ministerial personnel, and in the organization and working of tte cabinet and its committees...
...Roosevelt, Helen Keller, Harold Reigel-imra resigned when they learned it was a front for the Communist -**>arty,' is still collecting funds for -¦' <*8panish refugees...
...aaaiatntst *t«r...
...The Washington newspaper corns is-deluged regularly...
...This country buys 1 some $3.«o0X>0C worth of Iranian rugs yearly...
...As part of their "evidence" they quoted the new labor press division of the State Defense Board...
...labor Pa rty G a in s Aft e r 15 Months in Cabinet By D/CK REYNARD .IUST 15 months ago tie -Chamberlain^gaveMunent was destroyed ** as the result of a Labor Party challenge in the House of Commons, Today, August 12, as Parliament adjourned for its first real holiday, Britain-baa an ally¦ in the East, the war is shoal 1 hi .-slip .quietly into its third year, and the -British Labor Party, in taking stock of itself, counts nine of its leaders, in top Saooire posts and a total of 36 minister positions...
...Harry Bridges' Maritime Federation of the Pacific is rapidly disappearing into the National' Maritime Union...
...western gateway to India itself...
...iU one has, a good case and has faith in it, he is content to oprssent His'facts'and the - conclusion's which he has reached...
...Which side is it on...
...On Monday...
...Im nNtd Into «be eity fc t motoriaed division, deployed his wen at strategic eauewno, and immediately bosoms the go-between connecting wbat the daily press -¦nphoaiiatil-aMy oalls to* *teft mtaf and pawmeat B, V. Thomas...
...could not win general approval for the best case in the world...
...Churchill's 15 months of office there have been long strides ** made in the economic war effort...
...Head of the labor paper section is Amargamated Clothing Workers' Advance Fditor J. B. S. Hantaan...
...Them waa no way in which editors of non-Commanist labor papers eooM he mvfted and the editors of the NMU Pilot or the Guild Reporter ignored...
...Sitting « Woshinppori - Mke a movie scenario •nan's vension of .9keaBig #hot, John Lewis - directed all moves at the UAW convention...
...He was formerly-president of the Punjab provinces Congress committee...
...The leading editorial on that day is a nostalgic essay on the lack of ship-news and postal service in these cruel days of . conflict...
...A few^weeks.ago I referred...
...As soon as a.survey of the *tistkm i is made it will- be' handed to President Camacho...
...It would have been terrible if it had , see* delivered by a high school hoy or,a woman's dub secretary...
...Chad my back turned for a while...
...The Spanish committee's records, as registered under the Federal law with the State Department, show that $6,018 have been collected and that expenses are running more than 40 per cent...
...Do these radio orators-produce on you the same sort of effect they produce on-met r* '-¦••> I...
...Bombed out of Westminster, where Britain's Parliament has functioned for centuries, the Ministry and-House members have been hammering at -each other in temporary headaaarters with slight regard for party lines...
...where they can, on the "* men who have dug into union tills...
...On Saturday, August 9, great things are afoot in the world...
...He paid for German goods and service's before the war started...
...To prove then point, the Uncensored lads recently prinWd a series of "collaboration" items...
...But objective and competent newspapermen report the disorders are inspired by German agents...
...The Shah was sold short by Moscow...
...The British hesitate to act for any ponce attempt to bring order will mean -shooting -and deaths— all of which would be widely exploited...
...Parliamentary Secretary .to .'the Home Office1, in charge of air paid shelters...
...Heard on the Left By Victor Riesel f\UK cathartic friends in the Lewis machine had themselves m successful time in Buffalo last wook...
...Fearing a rout of party inffitence on the Beverly Hill front, the Laboratory organization has nailed a strike vote for August 24...
...His land sits astride the strategic road the Germans must take to cripple the Russo-British forces in the Near East...
...Sir William Jowitt, Solicitor General...
...Tom Atohes...
...And - the Shah listened, for Russia not only had Urge forces along the northern Persian front but was Teheran's largest customer...
...arid Arthur Woodburn, Parliamentary Private Secretary of the Scottish office...
...virging that the sdmtnjstrs-tion'a noiod front offer -he rejected Among those who Osgasd the statement »err ken Crawford of PM...
...Loot week Usey is—ed a Wast weasaot the Milton kuifawn leoderahip...
...I - have the feeling that •hen they are before the microphone, it is they who are suffering from hysteria and that their feelings so color their voices, accents and manners that they rouse sympathy rather than respeetfnl attention...
...This will do a lot to give these people xou rage and self-re»(Wet...
...DRESS PICKUPS: - -Moot of the top Washington correspondents in the hnoiswsR hove swung mto the hght to ooot the presoat Nawopaper Gaild adcamastratson...
...Once youfhave acquired it you are never immune...
...I* Oetobor, 4^wi» will let mi 11 If-fee draitoi at toe to-sistenee of Pail Manny...
...LIOLLYWOOD is bubbling with political hangovers...
...If the Bhah orrsts the 6,000 German agents now swarming over his walled-up mountain country—the size of Idaho...
...Ghurehills report that a third more people are working at war industries than a year - ago (only 270,000 jobless are reported in Britain,: the majority unemploy-ables...
...Nevertheless, these of us' who recall the devotion to Herr iSchicklgruber .formerly 'professed by members of the family -which owns and operates * this great American journal, experience a shock when we open the current numbers... charge of post-war reconstruct ion planning...
...Perhaps this .loss, is merely an indication of the'fact that in the eyes of certain astute German-American observers the war is already lost...
...The rank and file factory workers are speeding production...
...In came 5,000 to 6,000 German agents: some, to build the Trans-Iranian Railway...
...But the other five men whom I have mentioned, speaking as they do...
...The latter city controls the largest single oil field in existence...
...The Minnesota Beacon began circulating last week in Minneapolis as part of an America First effort to rally Midwest'b*m-ness men against the government's foreign policy...
...It's'like a taste of Limburger or sauerkraut or beer...
...Then I got to thinking about other...
...To the East are Afghanistan, where frequent uprisings keep a large British force ready fpr (action, and Beluchis-tan...
...the Spanish Refugee Relief Campaign...
...This news came as a aur^rise' to»Jobservers here who had learned last January that its license had been revoked by the> State Department...
...x rlN.Mr...
...Political tension in India has lessened...
...First rally was Wedatsday night at Astoria Caaina It will be interesting to wait for the Tanrmany-Flynn-Kelry candidate r repudiation of this support...
...Iran will sooner or later be the war's next large scale battleground...
...the Shah is moving slowly, talkie*: of defending his neutrality, oust-iag handfuls of...
...The British royal navy would be crippled without it...
...In three directions lie great oil deposits—Baku on the North, Mosul on the West, and Basra on the South...
...But he believes his false premises and state* bis case calmly...
...Bemay's was subtle...
...Continued «fauctioning of the United Committee, which- until recently was run by veteran communist functionary Fred Bieden-kapp, is evidence that the State Department restored its permit suddenly without any public explanation, although the fund-collecting privileges of 26 war relief agencies were revoked recently...
...They should report to our trade ^km movement and to the President of- the'United States...
...Perhaps 1 the.unpleasant oratorical result foes back to a bad consciences 'Perhaps they are upeet because jdhey sease in advance that their bad...
...The good German beer has gone stale...
...and much to the surprise of labor circles...
...8«ving-4a4th in the reasonableness of bis fellow citizens, be just -Jot* it...
...If the Shah rids.Iran of Nazi technicians he will abruptly cripple transportation and production, in which the British failed to interest themselves previous to 1989...
...But they are working in«this country...
...Ed Achstetter, 'AFL organizer and the representative for the strikers, hailed as a victory "the fact that we have been-successful in having, the NLRB extend its jurisdiction to the' citrus field workers...
...It apoeafH that Ct turn bis isoaed aa otbnm of red army pongs, bat wasn't snhtle...
...Its Germanism had all 'the charms which distinguish it in moments of success...
...The editor proclaims specifically that she had nothing 'whatever to do with the "Nazis...
...G. Stooley Garrison, editor of the Unitad Mine Workers Journal...
...Uncensored't other evidence is rs circumstantial as the above item...
...Among these are Ernest Bevin, .Minister of Labor...
...The Chief of Staff in Berlin announces the destruction of 25 Soviet divisions...
...Any German inspired putsch leaders will find lined up against them a weii-equipped army, some 200/KX strong, with a small.but efficient fleet of 250 planes...
...Ob the treat is a tee meadow red rtar...
...latoMnsrBanthn 11 o»te 1 ¦"^romsnoVllani tJ*erOtea*Liino»s\ lioj ow inolowmil pippsi Pi ¦ till 1 m fill iHjpmi fw the re-election of comrade Addet- As tbe minstiw raw into its Anal days, bevis -bad rcooon to retex tie oow centre** Mm tM,s»04omon»rs and' taw 1AW« HI<s»b«to —¦ abjoJaft n» en...
...Any ' hour now foreign news desks in U. S. dailies will recem a wire flash that this aeeladet: nation has become another bettl* field, for the British, fearful of the effect on the vast Mosler population in Afghanistan, Tur key and India, are nxmng slowly again while top Gestapo officer -By into Iran to direct the work of increasing numbers of strong, hoariiy I mans t.*d USmsaaa, -tourists...
...sod hammer and sickle wit* the Kremlin in the bars-ground Whatever-the attraction at Columbia Record™ gs, RCA Victor artists are leaving to go over to Hammond...
...The group was organized as part of Governor Lch-man's'phms for publicizing state defense needs...
...isolationist addresses by Senator Nye, Senator Wheeler, Senator Walsh, Norman Thomas, Jebn-.T...
...And the Shah insists he can defend limmff .agsimst the repetition in Teheran of what occurred in Baghdad...
...Flynn and Charles Lindbergh...
...In those days the Staats-Zeitung woe a fountain of inspiration...
...State Department permission allowing the Committee to resume collections was given some time this spring, for the group was operating on May 20, the time the Department collected data for its recent statement...
...The German language bristled and foamed and surged through its ¦ pages...
...They -were convinced that.only those with a sufficient admixture of the magic German blood could appreciate the services of the little dark Austrian to Germany and to the world...
...But no sooner was I comfortably settled at my *sk after my re torn, than the longing for good, strong German besieged me...
...V.;Alexander,<FiFBt;Lord of the Admiralty...
...the Belgian Relief Fund, Inc...
...I will leave John T.'Frynn ont of my discussion...
...These men are never content with so simple *>pr«ce*s...
...Some observers saw in this large amount an alarming growth of pro-Nazi sentiment here among mid-west German Americans...
...The announcements of these development* come from the **flsdera*ion^ ofafexiean Workers...
...1 have a nation, and I want your opinion of it...
...Then-came Germany...
...a. ¦ Shah of Iran Tries Appeasement Of Russo-Brrtish and Nazi Forces By GEORGE SHORT Mustached, beetle-browed Reza Shfth Pahlevi is on the spot because...
...They are really the most innocent arid harmless people, these Germans...
...The London Labor Ministry under Bevin has aided in training Indian working men, so that ordnance factories, trade workshops and railway yards are now turning out TOO different items of munitions supply, involving<the manufacture of 20,000,000 individual articles...
...His fingerman in -Buffalo was Allan Haywood...
...Formerly they were hot for "One Reich, one people, one Fuehrer...
...On no other front has London'been so vulnerable to Axis propaganda...
...On the cover were a group of harmonica players in red-starred, peaked caps...
...Americans will also remember Ellen Wijkenson...
...That is the first step,'but it must not be the last...
...They try to reach out over the miles of space and take you-by the ear or the-throat and compel "#u to agree .with them...
...Arthur Greenwood, Minister without - Portfolio...
...There is --no eoeKprmmtieu of the rumor that RCA Victor ie iooaanp far wfgmtMm of its mm...
...One fascist agency,, the Federation of Italian World War Veterans, lost its permit...
...Local 683 of the IATSE...
...None of the major Nazi collection organizations .however, was ordered out' of business...
...The most successful of all agencies is the British War Relief, which had collected $9,640,-201 in cash and $2,282,419 in goods and supplies...
...Fields is an avowed anti-Staliaite...
...But no one with my respect for the English language or for the art of public address could possibly reach any conclusion ether than that that speech teea-timpfoterrible...
...that the IATSE Stndso I uuty Worker* tana fonmd mptsee in the stud ios tor A. H. Wobber, formerly with CoonanMa Koeormar Company...
...This is the ftret of a projected series of isolationist weeklies planned throughout the country...
...1 naturally try to listen with respect to a man who hat occupied high position and, especially, one who ha* breathed the same air with Adolph Hitler...
...who will be raoMntborod«M - the censor-man with the Hay» Office, mtd is w« h»^< oi tOe KKO studios...
...HoHywod muiem circles are »-hurr ow tMe new...
...Toe Moslem League is still publicly pledged to partition .as -the way oat for India,'but the Premiers of Benal and the Punjab who do not support this program have been reappointed to the League's executive committee...
...was held...
...The Germans always were fond of *Tbetry,"esy>eeuilly ¦ of quiet, bucolic poetry, poetry of the vsmer, ;mWftxal .life,'poetry quite unconcerned with crude sights -end Wyicaw Workers as Good Neighbors ¦MEXICO is our key' to the entire Latin American situation...
...I. F. Stone of the Nation...
...The next -wii: came when the New York City ¦CIO moves to dissolve the Hillman-contrailod Statej Industrial Counc i. watch moots in ns fourth regular convention in L'tica on Septemaer 26...
...y ¦ / would like -to • have a reader*' consensus-on this observation...
...Herbert Morrison, Home Office dynamo, and Minister of Home Security...
...Labor Party men are in all offices ranging from -the l^bor Ministry to Comptroller of His Majesty's Household and Captain of the Gentlemen-at-Arms, whose mysterious functions fall to tiord iSnell...
...If be doeort't...
...By June 30, 1941, the Nazi groups had collected $2,133,867...
...I*bope;this wMsper turns out to be justified...
...The June revocations cut the collecting organizations to 325 from an original list of some 500 licenses...
...49d Flynn, New York Post...
...Organizing these ^[^P'rs' as Mexicans may be the best thing that can be done rsjm...
...Do banners fly in the Staats-Zeitung editorial room...
...George E. Browne, indicted stage and theatrical employees' head, is through on the AFL executive committee...
...CHRISTIAN Front and Mobiiizer hern Jor McWnUsasos is ^ railying all sympathisers to fight "the Jew Mayor...
...These are the men who talk about the hysteria of "war-mongers"—meaning President Roosevelt, Secretary of .. War Stimson, and Wendell Willkie...
...D. R. Grenfeil, Mines Secretary...
...Saty-a Pal, close friend of Gandhi and Nehru, has resigned from the Congress Party...
...It is, at least, a striking fact that so many of the isolationist pleaders show evidence of -a sort of hysterical fixation...
...Bern*: a tough, foxy old soldieri...
...baa thrown tae'ttaw.-coascioua-$?,e00-peroweak crowd into "a panic Farmer Loagoe -of American Writers- etuef BonoH-Qfdori Stewart...
...Only Maxton's perpetually irritated Independent-Labor-ites—all...
...opposition side of the* House,- <n* Ldslie WMB&iMAM hit the government hard...
...Imagine Be may's chagrin when he was scooped by Colombia Recording Corporation, where John Hammond of the Ot-faari Bridges Committee is an executive...
...Sokn Howard Uwaon, Mng liosdntr...
...some to run the new-iron smelter at Samnan, which hopes to become Iran's Pittsburgh;.and some to fifth column...
...Tuxrhundred thousand of them, we are told, were represented...
...four of them—are opposed to-the-war effort...
...n"r'IfWM Lemon Pocknrs f 'iv3'/2-Moath Sfrlke ^ VSNTURA, Calif.-Jdbre than 2^nt«fcmg Mexican omptoyees *t»erve Ventura County--'toman teclnag plants ware back'at work settlement negotiated -by 82342, -Agricultural and ^tros-Workers' Un)eo,-APL...
...Bat .poetic, .parliamentary and press criticism was still sharp last week when adjournment came, despite Mr...
...A part of the program is to set up district organiza-'•ious...
...Mot week reportedly dumiued...
...The editor has put away his steel ¦ helmet.^piut on his carpet-slippers and,settled down with a long German pipe...
...Recently Pahl Robes Tn and Bennie Goodman wont over...
...Last weak the Voice of the Federation, for half a decade the voice of MKT vt-absorbed by the Pilot, official NMU newspaper...
...The war is a dramatic crisis...
...These reforms were on the basis of recommendations of the Wesflndies Royal Commission, of which Sir Walter Citrine, leader of the Trades Union Congress, was an active member... blackmailing, bribing .Nasi tourists...
...C. R. Attlee, Lord Privy Seal;>A...
...But the pressure from Moscow and London is strong...
...Among those revoked were the licenses of the Basque Delegation . in the United States...
...With the trial of Willie Bioff oat to break on August 25, and the Tenney Committee palling frightened tovarischi out from under bars, the lads want to -s»itdifjr-their strength before tt's too late...
...Tom it aw at 11*, Secretary for Scotland...
...So London has ordered its police and troops to remain in barracks—and looting continues in other Indian cities...
...I was away, foreed to forego theunsmrfction of winged German words...
...The party Une editors of CP dominated mien papers are also in the committee...
...Criticism has Aeon vigorous;, despite the inter-party truce, which now-includes Liberals, Tories, Labor-ites and the lone communist, who recently rose in .bis typical vaudevillian style, to inform the House that Chureiiill now was his leader too...
...s*!?6 &1'4-month strike wns the-!r^-l'te«iir-test.o^T«ttwBffsh''Wr% the Associated Farmers and other - employer groups in -the lemon industry, largest industry in Southern California...
...In charge of organiziag the committee is Sid Fields oae of the Daily 'Mirror's editorial writers, and assistasnt to Tex MaeCrary...
...sjttir* on the...
...production it will double again within the next three months, redouble in the next six months...
...Almost all munitions factories are now operating under direct government control...
...This could...
...The latest new* from down-there &WjkeJorm of a whisper that certain groups of* American citizens trotting interested... to the frictionr caused ey rdiscrimination against Mexican laborers on©our side of the 4"> Grande...
...All that he can do is *> tty "to improve their situation through diplomatic steps...
...There are riots in Bombay...
...His resignathnrfollowed that of Munshi, once Home Minister of the Congress government in Bombay...
...a hundred •years-ago...
...he helped...
...Their tears'fairly aitinge you over the air waves...
...The onion is controlled by the California, end of the party Une...
...Invasion of Russia is shaking the faith of many of Mahatma Gandhi's-folkrwers, according to London Labor circles, including influential Pandit ' Nehru...
...Universal adult suffrage was ordered along with the creation of an enlarged Legislative Council, to comprise approximately double the present number of elected members...
...It must have seemed turgid and illogical to intelligent isolationsts, .just as it did to me...
...The Limburger is mere mouse-cheese...
...The Shah, Imperial Majesty over 628,000 square miles and 16,000,000 Irani, is the Kemal Ataturk of what used to be known as Persia...
...If they hold the bottleneck, they have the motion picture industry lock, stock and barrel, seconding to our own Hollywood and vine exports...
...India is relatively quiet...
...editor Don Gordon as part af a studio • ilomi np <»f tMe tovarischi...
...It is bad because ¦fas- premises are false...
...Although there has been no official opposition since the Churchill coalition was formed May 12, 1940, such "watchdogs" as Lsfborite Emanuel Shjnwel and Tory 'Barl 'Einterton...
...Her name was Annette von Droste-Huelshoff, and she 1 lived about...
...Movie industry bottleneck is the Laboratory Workers' outfit...
...What news will come through/both gloomy and gay, when certain anonymous powers conclude their unfortunate conflict and mails again fill the net which the creaking crane will lower over the ship's side...
...August 11, Germany announces the conquest of "tte'Ukraine...
...Small fortunes are being spent on propaganda daily by toe Soviet Embassy in Washington...
...Just as Turkey kept close behind Moscow's foreign policy - during the past decade,' the Shah .ass -cautious about contradicting his huge northern neighbor...
...Tennessee hill-billies or Minnevich's rascals in disguise...
...Solida rid ad International Antifasci, and the American Field Hospital Corps...
...EANWHILE there is growing dissatisfaction with the poftcies of the Congress party, and moderate opinion is spreading for Congress to resume office in the Provinces...
...Principal product is a daily, i.-pagt indexed and well-printed digest of war news and Russian not Object is an expeditionary force of planes and soldier* -for aoe on that portion of Russian soil which lies across a narrow atrcteh of water from Alaska...
...This is the largest block of cancellations in the 23 months of the war...
...However, there's some chance of a housecleariing . . . and tHerbie Brbermnn may have to go back to his tatkfr's Pittsburgh dress factory after all...
...But most important is the liberalizing-effect the Churehill-Laborite*combination has had an Downing Street's handling of the colonies...
...Pride ran high...
...go at that...
...The Rosso-British forces have .the fthah in a nutcracker...
...Xhnt is, they have it for revenue, for propaganda and for jobs . . . Obe public and tlje producers will never know...
...They ought have been Romanian gypsies...
...She is ournearest neighbor'to the-south.- She is so far in advance of most Latin American countries that the possibilities of understanding and cooperation are much greater there than elsewhere...
...Colorado, Utah, Nevada...
...And a good deal happened besides the usual handing out of platitudes...
...It was no aeoident that the GOP statement of 15, tn which Lewis hit FDR's foreign peliey doot week, coincided with the first -days of VAW's eenventeen...
...Joe Breen...
...Hitler Lost the Siaait-Zeihtmg Front iOfSWTWBR loss of'support of the New Yorker Staats-Zeitung •-'™ will lose the war for Hitler remains to be- seen...
...I will, too, : omit Mr...
...Successor to the late Tom Riekort on the board will be the roost progressive trade union leader in tb-country, an avowed enemy of laOor racketeers...
...T'HE APL CHIEFS are cleaning up...
...Since then things have-happened;just north of the ¦'¦eider down .'Mexico way...
...This **Hmt»toe weakness of the position of this large group of workers ^bo^re-wompeting for jobs here in the -UnitedStates...
...Not for such crude affairs ;1he'inicy tears of his gentle.pen...
...BATTLE of Baftalo was only one of a series of moves Lewis ¦* piaao as part of the aoti-H llimar...
...It was John L. who ordered Thetmas to cancel his taoarna timuil Uco may oroodaart to British Borne Security Mimmtrr lie 1 bet t-Moriieon...
...and Hagtt Dalooa,rMfnsotrr of -ffioil—ii' Warfare...
...Somewhere funds were obtained for a series Of meetings tor O'Derpfr...
...They re-;*>rt to the president of a foreign state...
...Until the June 21 invasion, Russian agents close to the Iranian government pushed Reza Shah Pahlevi towards Germany...
...IfHriiest not to ask why, when massed mechanized units are thundering at each other in Russia, the lead editorial is devoted to WmHovely and far-off singer...
...But what is this which I have before me...
...The leader-writer-in the quiet Staats-Zeitung office is "Concerned with far other matters...
...Fortra, Inc., accounted . for $1,222,995...
...Reza Shah knows this and is -worried...
...British production bas doubled Allied power to bomb Germany, and with U. <S...
...IsJBl *>l started with my listening to ex-Ambassador John Cudahy ¦itfl'.thf radio the other Might...
...Radio, and Machine Workers for "red-baits...
...Caviar circles *T* now feel as h'omeiess as a poker chip with Russell Oronoe-Howard Lindsay-FPA on Saturday sight Pear of exposure bfr-the Los- Aageies Termey Committee -exposing latoomivevQtait'Hptii m California, and by the isolationists, who want to omear Hoilyaobod c Jewish producers a? "red war-mongers...
...his economy will be crippled...
...If his case were, good, his sort of presentation would win respect and general agreement...
...English sectarians and American radicals and conservative isoiatioriists... 1 and n—oor too brotheri-ar* rosisnmc-fram tbe executive hoard of thr Screen Writer* -GuiW...
...The imperialist motif-has been played for.all it's worth by Germans, previously by the Russians... Lomden...
...Nearly 400 articles not made in India before Jbe war are now manufactured...
...Wobher was •xpeUed from CIO * United Ktecteical...
...The sauerkraut has lost its savor...
...Sort of a release from pre-July frustration resulting from the fact that the Communists were isolationist* as well...
...Lewie threatened to tonttptoiMafUht, '.take the convention floor and dsstssosos both Thomas aml-Mor-rieon if therbroaAcmst...
...According to the Londoji Economist's foreign correspondent, the Hindu MahasSbha has put off its threatened resort to "direct action" while the Congress Party's civil disobedience campaign is in tow gear...
...f '^fCimgresspf Mexican workers was held in Austin, Texas...
...Erste Pinehojer Kranken - Unterstiit-zungs - Verein, Inc., a Polish agency...
...Arizona and New Mexico 1 .and -the Germans break ihiongii -the'Pntaiait laanlh-east, he .will go the way «f Schu schnigg...
...Nor is U. S. influence to be ignored...
...Pearsam and AUen the Merry-Go-Rounders...
...s OOCIALIST-PACIFIST newsletter "Unrensored" is Rtraining its mimeograph machine in an effort to prove the prroBntioh groups in this country are working with the Communists...
...Through Labor Party intervention and agitation, far-reaching reforms in the constitution of Jamaica were recently announced in the House of Commons by Laborite Undersecretary of Colonies George H. Hall...
...26 Relief Fund Groups Lose U. S. Permits Special to The New Leader WASHINGTON, D. C—The United American Spanish Aid Committee, sponsor of the American Rescue Ship Mission, from which Such persons as Mrs...
...I think he has a bad case...
...Chests were out...
...I was reading papers -in the Spanish tongue which, of course, could give nothing like fte same thrill...
...I like him so much that I would enjoy hearing him even if he set out to.prove that the multiplication table is funny and the Ten Commandments c00:00...
...RECENTLY former New Masses advertising manager Eric Bernay's Music Room, operating in the basement under the Progressive Bookshop, turned out a record album of Red Army songs under the imprint of the comrades' Keynote Recordings Company...
...tieretofmf anyone who' took a stand ¦gemot the usovie~town rmaeassm automatically headed for the relief rolls...

Vol. 24 • August 1941 • No. 33

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