Propaganda Drive Exposed


Propaganda Drive Exposed Boris Brazol, 'Discoverer' of Protocols of Zion, Runs Nazi-Subsidized White Russian Ring Here By BORIS SHUB II/HO foots the bills for Rossiya, a Russian language ** daily... is merely eaten** another time...
...WALTER RUSSELL Rutgers University III 17ARIOUS studies of the relation of diet to industrial entaene/j " have already been made...
...The same issue carried a translation of the Cudahy-Hitler interview...
...y Chief drawback to synthstt rubber has been its cost, watt runs about three times the prist of natural rubber...
...The Russian soldier must thrust his bey one t into the earth...
...But the.conference also, wishes to put on record its belief that such a policy and program have implications that go beyond the present emergency...
...Hamburger, Pork . Worms—the Woe Of T6 Millions IF someone tells you not to eaf* that hamburger, in all probability he is hot the bad humor man with the jcrab-apple face but someone who does not want you to get trichinosis...
...But, while eating five meals e* day, their rate of production rose 5.9 per cent above that of tkt control group...
...Rossiya, July 23, 1941...
...cancer, in our social organism ? Here-wqjare fighting, for the*"Four Freedoms," yet in the very...
...Their rate el' production was 4.4 per cent less...
...With the supply of rubbei halted by the present tension, hi the Far East, the government h accelerating measures to mtsp an adequate supply of synthetic rubber...
...Wfei'" "Judging from the output during the periods in .which three meals a day were eaten, the operators of the experimental group were less skilled than those of the control group...
...1/E have in this country, exclusive of the South, an official policy of tolerance, but an unofficial, private policy of intolerance in racial matters...
...Some vaguely mention atavistic urges...
...certed action...
...While individual .Negroes can break the cocoon and attain some, though not full, advancement and status—something they could never do in the South— ' their number is proportionately insignificant...
...On June 25th, Rybakoff wrote that Stalin had entered into the 1939 pact with Germany "upon the direct instructions of the international war party of Rothschild England and Blum France, with the knowledge of these states and a number of others...
...Melnikoff" has since changed his tune tOipredict the imminent disintegration of the Russian armies and the German occupation of Moscow...
...The i>bject of their work was to determine the influence of frequency of meals upon physical efficiency and industrial prodtaetr?-ity...
...Robert Wesver...
...This infamous plot was foiled, according to Rybakoff, when "the Christian, patriotic, anti-Bolshevik victorious white legions of Hitler struck like a fiery sword to destroy Red Satanism on the soil of Holy Russia... consistently expresses the outlook of the Japanese Fascist and military camarilla with all the enthusiasm and eloquence it can muster...
...The problem, would be much simpler if the reverse were the case...
...but for that of all- workers in industries directly and indirectly related to defense, and also for the civilian population as a whole...
...He argues that the real motivation behind this government's interest in Dakar is to protect the South African investments of a family of 'London Jewish financiers...
...It is particularly timely in the growing discussion of job discrimination in defense industries and the steps being taken by the OPM division headed by Dr...
...that of the North is frigidly indifferent The Northern racial atmosphere blights that association which, in the South, despite all inequality, lends not infrequently definite value to Negro-White relations and, at least, provides individual Negroes with some private "protection" and ' patronage in a world in which, officially and publicly, they are disinherited...
...The Negro has been given legal equality...
...Where does the money come from...
...HE issue of June 27th contains a piece by the Rossiya * ''correspondent" in Japanese-occupied Shanghai on the significance of Singapore, which is described as "an obstacle to the task of organizing a great Asiatic bloc...
...While these conditions offer no grounds for alarmist statements, they are serious enough to be a genuine cause of weakness in the present national emergency and to warrant national attention- and con...
...When he arrived in this eountry, he established himself as an authority on Russian law and frequently appeared in courts for banks and insurance companies which pleaded the Bolshevik Revolution as a legal defense to the payment of otherwise valid claims of individual Russian depositors and policy beneficiaries...
...The gains recorded for the Negro—the liberation of the slaves, political and legal equality, the modicum of educational and economic opportunity, etc.—were for the most part inevitable by-products of the struggle between North and South, between two clashing societies and cultures, in which the Negro was merely an innocent by-stander and unwitting medium...
...In the last analysis, it is an effective means of shutting the Negro off from the "closed society" of the White in a measure impossible of accomplishment in the South...
...Ruediger Bilden analyzes the respective attitudes of north and south towards the Negro...
...The study was made in a large industrial plant manufacturing rnV ber footwear...
...This singular publication is the only Russian daily fa any part of the world not under Axis rule which champions the cause of Hitler and Japam Founded in 19S3, shortly after Hitler came to power, Rossiya has managed to survive for eight years with virtually no paid national advertising other than Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and with no acknowledged source of revenue commensurate with the cost of publication...
...Present plans call for* production of 80,000 tons of sav thetic rubber by 1943, when jfl government-financed plants bej|i operstrons...
...Nevertheless, within the etiquette of established race relations, human contact and friendship between Negro and White is possible...
...The bear in the case was the Negro and the pleasure-seeking onlooker, the South...
...It actually lacks social significance and validity, unless it rests on such forced}, e. the traditions, customs, psychology, etc...
...Colonel Rybakoff came to this country by way of the Far East after-, fighting in the armies of Admiral Kolchak and Ataman'Semionov...
...His greatest business success, however, came when he sold the Protocols of the Elders of Zion to Henry Ford...
...With reasonable caution in this regard it is entirely possssst to obtain freedom from a feeling of fatigue, irritability, and from ., muscular inefficiency*by frequent feeding and at the same time *• satisfy all of the requirements of a fully balanced diet...
...Wars are won or lost according to the health, courage, calmness of the whole population and their ability to exert therrf-selves to the utmost and this is particularly true in modern total warfare...
...Top synthetic product resists these effects...
...of the people...
...The writer explains that Japan must obtain Singapore to protect its trade lifeline, and that with the occupation of that bastion, Japan will cut off all aid to China via the Burma Road and become invincible against attack from any quarter...
...Our lsw decrees equality...
...If, in spite of all, he does acquire that capacity, he rarely can make full or free Use of it, because of the cold unfriendliness, not to saj' hostility, of the environment...
...The human climate of the South has a certain warmth...
...statement, probably the most significant public attack .ever made from such high office on racial inequality v tjmt...
...In the North, on the other hand, the Negro is a relative newcomer and as such a stranger and alien to the White population, which has little or no previqus^ Experience to be guided by in its relations with him...
...The signatories to the petition are members of the "Russian-American National Committee," a paper outfit with headquarters at 2 West 46th Street, New York City, which is the address for two other organizations-with which Brazol is connected...
...There are others, not quite so labeled...
...but the North and the West, where, technically atpany rate, no race discrimination is supposed to exist...
...It has been, abundantly proved in many cases that undernourishment and, ignorance are twins born of the same mother—-poverty...
...The whole trend of our historical development has served to accentuate a tendency clearly marked from the beginning...
...Nor is the chief culprit 'in this instance the traditionally and notoriously pigmentation-conscious South, where one expects nothing else...
...Brazol has had an extremely interesting career...
...A LEADING feature writer is a former officer named Melnikoff, who came to the United States during the last war as a member of the.Czarist military mission...
...I*HIS article can best be summarized ¦ and brought to conclueisi^ * by giving some of the recommendations of the National NflSjNjJi tion Conference for Defense to thef President of the United State...
...Exposure many years ago apparently has had little effect on his activities...
...In various ways it tends to preserve and fortify the racial attitude of the White...
...From the dietetic point of view the food eaten at the two extra mesls is not to be added to tket A of the regular meals, but subtracted from them...
...Attempts on the part , of medical : authorities to en- ' courageJ-the erection ot hundreds of small fertilizer plans through- ' out the 'Country to use all the garbage, have Been fought by the fertilizer trust as a means of beating down their monopoly-prices.'"~ r. Ersatz Rubber, Silk, Metals —They're Here to Stay It may be empty consolation U? the women forlorn over tht shortage of silk stockings, hat there is already flourishing e|fiE this country a sizable indasfej*-engaged in the production of ei satz sffk, rubber, metals, wood, glass, and other important defense materials...
...Why should this be, when we in the North habitually associate with the South all the worst features of discrimination and segregation and pride ourselves on our fairness to the Negro...
...Nor is this ground for surprise...
...effofrt deny these freedoms or their equivalent to a sizable proportion of our own people...
...The Northern Negro has' already more equal rights of the sort than ¦ he can comfortably digest at present-Rather the problem is one of changing the basic social and cultural psychology of the Whites with regard to non-White elements...
...Accordingly, legal equality in the North is, indirectly at least, an agency for discrimination...
...Not . only will tow-heaided Anglo-Saxon "Poor Whites" and dusky Negroes- live peacefully side by side in their more er less ramshackle dwellings, but they even maintain at times quite -friendly relations and some sort of social -intercourse...
...In more than one sense, to the Northern attitude during and after the slavery crisis ¦ applies what Macaulay said of the Puritans: they objected to bear-baiting not because it gave pain to the bear, but pleasure to the onlookers...
...No English Kerensky named Winston Churchill will defeat Hitter...
...Popular conception of a spy is .that of a gutteral German or pleasant apologetic Jap...
...Because basically the attitude toward non-White peoples is the same in both sections, but finds different expression as the result of differing circumstances...
...This explsins the demand for neoprene in gasoline hose mf in setf-sta'iTig casoline tasty*' combat planes...
...Haggard and Green berg of Yew University have published a book on Diet and Physical Efficiency...
...Trichinosis, the incurable disease caused bjr tiny white worms which concentrate in the voluntary muscles of the body, has infected J6, million persons in the Uhited States, and the danger is still unchecked...
...Furthermore, pride in the achievements of the Russian armies is at least as strong ainojag Russian officers who once were in the Imperial Army, as among other groups of Russians...
...a friendly kiitd are even rare and, if occurring, are usually with immigcants...
...There seems no reason to doubt, on the basis of present evidence, that, just as by the use mf modern, medical science we have conquered diseases that took an enormous toll of life in' the past, so by the use of the modern knowledge of nutrition we can build a better and stronger race, with greater- average resistance to disease, greater average length of life, and greater average mental powers...
...Among these sre White Russians of the type exposed here by Mr...
...Jeering at the view of American naval and military experts that Dakar is the strategic key to the Sooth Atlantic, Brazol cites the views of Colonel Lindbergh to prove that it possesses no naval or military significance for the United States...
...Substitutes are superior in many ways...
...But on such a schedule, as on any other, no one meal stands alone in thesiiet...
...This versatile and energetic figure speaks as a "loyal American citizen of Russian origin" in a petition to President Roosevelt, while in Rossiya he characterizes the Administration as an accomplice and tool of Jewish finance...
...Diet Hunger Curb Vital To Halt Defense Fatigue By PROF...
...our tradition, customs, habits, mentality make for inequality...
...In "--'- J this respect our laws establishing racial equality, the Fourteenth Amendments and others, are very much in the category of the deceased Prohibition Amendment...
...against Negroes in defense industries and calling „ for immediate steps to remedy this "grave" situation...
...This conference urges the .following lines of attack as particularly important...
...Many of the officers who took up arms against the Bolsheviks in 1918 did so because of the peace of Brest-Litovsk which surrendered the richest third of European Russia to - Hohenzollern Germany...
...The solution of the problem of affording the Negro equalized opportunity and status does therefore not lie along the path of granting the Negro more and more equal rights by lsw...
...The daily newspaper he writes of would cost nearly $200,000 a year to publish...
...We conclude that the pattern of productivity, J# . influenced by the number of meals taken, bears directly upon the"" rate of production...
...And:the personal relationship is at best of the patriarchal kind and hence, if benevolent, sterile as far as advancement Of the Negro is concerned...
...Lew cannot create social force...
...Shortly after his article on Dakar, Brazol's name appeared on a petition sent by a group of "loyal American citizens of Russian origin" to President Roosevelt protesting against American aid to Russia in the present war...
...Thus there is good evidence for the mid-morning and mid-afternoon lunch in industrial plants and even in business oWf ¦' in which there is not the necessity for the expenditure of physical energy as is usually the case in the plant...
...Twelve million colored persons live on little island, Harlems in seas of 120 million whites...
...White Spies DREVELANT through the nation is the notion that * expulsion of Axis consuls, and the arrest of 33 minor spies has solved this government's fifth column problem...
...Long association and common experience produced varying degrees of personal intimacy between members of the two groups...
...It always has- been...
...Negroes Hit by Wider Discrimination Up North Than in South Despite Jim Crow, Laws By RUEDIOER BILDEN WHY in this critical emergency should it have been necessary for the President of the United States to issue his recent pronouncement assailing nation-wide discrimination...
...These gains were primarily means to an end, not an end...
...Consequently, when Hitler launched his attack on June 22nd, all the leading non-Communist Russians in this country, from former Premier Kerensky, the Socialist Revolutionaries and the Mensheviks to most of the "Whites" on the extreme right, expressed their solidarity with the Russian armies in their struggle to defend their native soil against German aggression...
...Natural rubber de teriorates in air and sunlight, and almost dissolves in lubricating oil,-gasoline and benzine...
...In doing what little they can to prevent the spread of the disease,—medical authorities however, have been checked at every step by important business and political interests...
...Some of these direct the German Labor Front here, some are actual members of the Gestapo, some operate from travel bureaus or Spanish consulates...
...Th« basic racial situation is unrelieved by those intimate human touches which exist in the South between individuals of the two groups...
...Messiahs and panaceas arise to catch the jaundiced eye of a starved mass: Ten-cent chicken dinner and religions frenzy of Father Divine's "heavens" are a case in point...
...Official circles, however, estimate that there are still scores of thousands of unregistered, unknown foreign agents working throughout the United States... an individual, while we hate him as an individuaWfirid Jove him as a race...
...While hardly any official and public segregation exists in the North, unofficially and privately the Negro is more effectively segregated as a group than he is in the South...
...It is notable that the lowest amount of work obtained during | the time the 5 meals were given considerably exceeds the highest found for this group when only 3 meals were eaten...
...And that is considered the full measure of his due> Essentially, Ifowever, it means that he is given the doubtful freedom to shift for himself in a society which has prevented him and still prevents him from acquiring the prerequisites for competition...
...The Germans will be in Moscow...
...Few problems in the field of public health are simple and that of undernourishment is particularly complex...
...It js not uneoiTwmn to observe in Southern communities, Especially...
...It has not only medical but...
...or rather isolating him within that society as in a racial oocoon...
...Synthetic fibers are certain to find ever-increasing use as a re> sult of - the cutting off of sift, shipments from Japan...
...Dubose Heyward in his novel ."Mamba's Daughters" describes the situation well when he has an observant Northerner say to a Charlestonian: "The difference between you Southerners and us Northerners is that you hate the Negro as a race and love him...
...In this country, the dominant minority problem is that of the Negroes...
...On July 29th, however, seeking to explain the hitch in the German timetable, Rybakoff produced this gem: "In the first five weeks of war, the Red.Army, despite its threefold numerical and technical superiority over the German army, has steadily and shamefully retreated, suffering one defeat after another...
...One phase of their work was, "A study of the variation in production among factory employees under actual working conditions...
...The Japanese, he gloated, would take Singapore while "the Soviets today or tomorrow, upon German orders, will move into Persia to attack the English flank...
...Itris a difference merely of degrees and shadings, despite the tfact—not over-significant economically, socially and culturally—that the Negro enjoys equality with the White in,' the North and does not in the South...
...cities, B. varying degree of overlapping of Negro and iower4riass White residential sections...
...This fundamental fact makes quite plain the nature of a newspaper run by former officers of the Russian Army which says: "The war must be brought to an end...
...However, the situation is in no manner sur- > prising to the student of the racial and cultural history of this country, ;and of the Negro minority in particular...
...The lowest value found for a single day was 188 and Osf-highest 196...
...Maybe-it would be advisable to consider his propositions with your men in New York...
...At the time he saw a lightning German victory...
...In this respect it corresponds to the private modifications and softenings of inequality in the South, aptly termed "the etiquette of Southern race relations...
...each is merely a part of the total daily intake of food anVshould e» planned with the total in view... sharp contrast to the sympathetic understanding shown for Japan's Singapore ambitions, the Rossiya of July 6th carries a sardonic piece by Boris Brazol on Dakar and the United States...
...and some operate from behind the type of newspapers like the one described here by Boris Shnb...
...A veiled reference to the United States...
...Beth nylon and rayon factories already operating at full -<s2 parity and plants are being expanded...
...Tberi are, however, no indications that any benefit derived from posstts freedom from fatigue is carried over to the following week..., economic, and psychological aspects, and to attack- it on a national scale will require particularly widespread and wholehearted, cooperation on the part of all elements in our population...
...1 • * * IN -mattejpss p?.race relations, especially as affecting the ™ Negro, thie difference between North and South is slight...
...IN ,the South, forced acceptance of inferiority brought . * the Negro, first as slave and later as freed man, into close relations with a large element of the local White population...
...It's income is not $200 a week...
...In the North the NegrO is more confined v.-ithin delineated "colored" districts...
...Some of the shades, notably in strictly human relations*, actually speak in favor of the South...
...Until recently, Rossiya also drew upon material generously furnished by the Nazi Transocean New3 Service, since closed by the Federal authorities...
...Rossiya is not merely pro-Japanese...
...From Berlin the paper receives contributions from the staff writers of Nashe Slovo, a Russian Quisling sheet financed and directed by Alfred Rosenberg and the German Ministry of Propaganda...
...Bilden is a distinguished anthropologist who has studied race problems in Brazil and the United States...
...some bask sleepily in the sun on decks of lazy little fishing vessels which acquire energy only when the American fleet moves out to sea...
...Here are some of their results: "The experimental group, during the three periods in which . they ate three meals a day, had average hourly productions of I7aj| 176, and 176...
...The great and sometimes startling advances in the knowledge of nutrition in recent years have made it clear that the food an individual eats fundamentally affects his health, strength, stamina, nervous condition, morale, end mental functioning...
...It is vital for the United States to make immediate and tali use of the newer knowledge of nutrition in the present national emergency...
...It affects the Negro mere than other minorities because of his numerical proportion and the intensity and complexity of the feeling toward him...
...And, incidentally, why did some of the metropolitan dailies fail to give front-page importance to Mr...
...some are Japanese valets, laundry men, gardeners...
...A month before the outbreak of the RussorGerman war, Melnikoff predicted in the Rossiya of May 22 that the British Empire would collapse as the result of a combined Russo-Japanese attack...
...There are few among the 600,000 Greek Orthodox Russians in the United States who have not thrilled with pride in the knowledge that the Russian army is the first to have dealt heavy body blows to the hitherto invincible German war machine...
...The latter is the chief of the Japanese-financed White Russian military force with headquarters in Harbin- and Shanghai...
...The lowest average value found for any single nap* within these periods was 169 and the highest 179...
...Legal equality has become a convenient excuse for disregarding the Negro, for avoiding social responsibility with regard to him...
...I Why kvou/desperate effort, toward adequate defense, already hampered by lack of skilled labor, are "fully qualified .workers being turned away from the gates of industry on specifications entirely unrelated to efficiency and productivity VWhy, when] girding for combat, armed or not, against oppression of racial, national and individual liberty, should we demonstrate the same spirit of intolerance by discriminating against full-fledged colored American citizens...
...Thus the harshness and jniquity of the racial situation is in some measure alleviated by the exigencies of human intercourse...
...The cold picture remains...
...These broad recommendations are made as the basis for a national nutrition policy, and an action program that-can reach down to every community, and if possible every individual in the land in the present emergency...
...Due provision must thus be made that the selection of food for the smaller meals is properly supplementary to the larger meals...
...It is interesting to note that the "foreign correspondents" of Rossiya include K. Rodzayevsky, the chief of the Russian Fascist Party of the Far East, who is generally known to be an agent of the Japanese Intelligence...
...And to quote further, from the report: /"\UR conception of the five-meal-a-uay schedule calls for the co»» v ventional three meals with the addition of two smaller flNatsV.-mid-morning and mid-afternoon lunches...
...Vigorous and continued attack on fundamental problems of unemployment insecure employment, and rates of pay inadequate to maintain an American standard of living...
...Perhaps the key to this sheet which speaks for the "National Christian bloc" of Germany, Italy and Japan against the machinations of the "internationalists, Free Masons and Jews," is the fact that its editor, Colonel Rybakoff, as well as most of its regular contributors, are military men with close ties in Berlin and Tokyo...
...Hore-Belishas, Attlees, Greenwoods, Bevtns, Browders, Fosters and Company" (I) were anxious to give Stalin a breathing spell before he attacked Germany...
...According to competent non-Communist Russian sources in this city,,Boris Brazol is probably the brains behind the array of pro-Nazi Russian renegades in the United States...
...Trichina, spiralis, the cause of the infectiohi is due in most cases to undercooked pork of infected hogs who pick up the disease=from the garbage they are fed...
...Ours is essentially a White man's country...
...Shub, frequent feature writer for The New Leader, the American Mercury, and others national publications, reveals for the first time in the accompanying article ah espionage and sabotage ring hitherto unknown to the public , , „, The Color Line SOME people just ascribe it to "human cussedness," but that hardly supplies sn answer as to why human beings, rational in many ways, should exhibit race prejudice...
...About 50%i of American cities of 15,000 population or more sell their garbage to hog raisers who take the portion not eaten by the hogs, dry, pulverize, and pack it and sell it as orchard and field fertilizer...
...For essentially the same reasons that the latter was always a social travesty and finally repealed, the former are largely bet-low and empty of significance, save in purely political and legal transactions...
...The accompanying article by Dr...
...During the two 2-week periods, when these same workers war* given 5 meals a day, the average hourly production was 193 aad 194...
...WHATEVER their attitude toward Stalin, the over-" whelming majority of the Russians here and everywhere realize that a German victory would mean the destruction of their country for decades to come, with the establishment of Nazi puppet regimes in Moscow, Kiev and the Caucasus...
...The extra meals unquestionably added to the daily productivity of the operators, and moreover they voluntarily commented on the fact that on the days of the extra meals they felt less tired then on those dsys in which they ste their customary three meals...
...In a Russian newspaper, this political line is as incongruous as a San Francisco editor clamoring for a Nipponese occupation of Hawaii, Alaska and British Columbia...
...We still lack a full answer...
...Social relations of...
...He was linked seven years ago with the Silver Shirts by the publication of a letter dated March 6, 1934, from William Dudley Pelley's "foreign adjutant" to Royal Scott Gulden which said in part: "As you know, friend Melnikoff is now editor of the Russkaya Gazetta and very anxious to print an English edition in his Russian plant...
...The group cannot pierce the isolation...
...The reason for this move, the editor of Rossiya explained, was that "the Blums, Mandels, Reynauds, Gamelins...
...The conditions revealed corroborate the scientific findings of the newer knowledge of nutrition...
...THa > rate of production, during the period in which three meals wer» eaten immediately following the -period in which five were eaten* showed no increase over the expected rate...
...The overwhelming majority work ss sharecroppers or common laborers, living on subsistence level ways...
...Nor is this paradoxical...
...In the Nqrth the Negro is more hermetically isolated from human contact with the White than he is in the South.-And_it is rather because, than in spite, of equal rights that cold legal equality of rights devoid of the comforting warmth of human relations...
...To be sure, all this exists on the basis of rigid racial superiority and inferiority, with all the attendant evils...
...Aside from their use fc cover the shapely legs of American women, nylon can also ht used for parachutes and powdei bags, while rayon is going -inte parachute covers, electric win insulations, hat bands, cords, chevrons and other items of military and naval apparel...
...Propaganda Drive Exposed Boris Brazol, 'Discoverer' of Protocols of Zion, Runs Nazi-Subsidized White Russian Ring Here By BORIS SHUB II/HO foots the bills for Rossiya, a Russian language ** daily newspaper (four pages on -week days, six on Sunday) published at 480 Canal Street, New York...
...Further larse-scale production may slice fkr cost...
...Recent dietary studies among large representative samples of the-people of the United States, clinical studies among smaller groups, and the examination of men called up for military service show clearly that poor diets and undernourishment are widespread in this eountry...
...On June 20th, two days before the opening of the German drive against Russia, Colonel Rybakoff attacked "the international war party in England, America and Chungking" for resisting "the world bloc of national, .anti-Bolshevik states...
...It S' "The average increase of production, while eating five meals instead of three, was 9.7 per cent...
...It can advance only as a separate racial unit, in the wake of the White group...
...Sociological analyses speak of economic poverty and psychological frustration as dominant causes...
...Marginal merging with Whifce districts is rare, except in the case of racially rather questionable Latin Americans...
...The new knowledge of nutrition should be used not only for the benefit of our armed forces, who must of course he adequately fed...

Vol. 24 • August 1941 • No. 32

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