SDF News

SDF News NATIONAL A two-day regional afrfeNjfice will be held at the beautiful Workmen's Circle Cafnp Hbffnung near Pipersville, Pa., Saturday and Sunday, August; ?3-24. Delegations of...

...The House of Orange is turning Red, while Stalin gets deeper in Dutch...
...India Takes Further Step to Self-Government in NewCouncil LONDON (Passed by the Censor).—India took a long step towards self-government this weet with the announcement' in tht House of Commons that the Executive Council of the Governoi General of India would be enlarged with a majority of the members to be Indians...
...Come into the bakery, fella, For a thort one of Lacrymu Crusty...
...Speakers: Morris Waldman, Louis Epsteinl Corner 208th St...
...Tuesday, 9 p. m., at the W.C...
...and creeds can solve the problems which have hitherto stymied the British Administration...
...And who can blame him...
...Speakers: M. Metzler, M. Rosenblatt, M. Levenstein...
...170th St...
...We knew it would come to this after seeing Molotov kissing Von Ribbentrop and Matsuoka...
...Perhaps the Navy made a typographical error, Senator...
...It is expected that Gand+ii's Tnrlian National Coneress Partv will not find these new moves wholly satisfactory, since that body still stands intransigeant in the demand for complete independence...
...The organ of the Communist Party, the newspaper Pravda...
...Local New 1 York City will act as the host and will provide comforts and entertainment for'up-state delegates...
...Thursday, July 31,-9 p» m., Corner Burnside and Walton Ave., Bronx...
...Center, 844 Utica Ave., cor... 10 a. m. and returns at 9 p. 'm...
...National Defense" at Brownsville Welfare and Civic League, 78 Thatford Ave., Brooklyn, Wednesday, July 30, 9 p. m. * * * i The City Central Committee meets Wednesday, August 6, at 7 East 15th St * • . * ^ Street Meeting* Friday, July 25, 9 p. m., Corner Brighton Beach and Coney Island Aves., Brooklyn...
...Just an exchange of courtesies between crowned heads, my dear Commissioner...
...Friday, August 1, 9 p. m., Cor...
...a°d the Jewish Socialist Verband are electing a committee on arrangements and the national office is sending the call for the conference to locals, branches, friends ' and sympathizers within a radius of 200 jailes of the camp...
...Capitalism is through...
...Willkie's plea stressed the need for national unity and for the suspension of labor-management disputes Hillman, echoing the plea, stressed the common cause of labor with democracy...
...Speaker: August Claessens...
...In fact, we don't know what we'd have dene without his quatrain: * My child, observe the ( «mm um».t He has an intellectual twatt... read like this: Russians see red, ' Molotov is blur...
...As the sponsor of Nazi collaboration, we were certain he'd succumb to that dreaded Russian disease, "Ogpur Judgment...
...babbled the cleric, "ape* the splendid triumph year government has won at the polls .'" • * • We antedated the Pali tier Committee by several years SI giving Leonard Bacon the Poetry Prize...
...A committee chosen by the Viceroy from elected members of the existing Legisuature at Delhi is to advise the British .civil authorities...
...Fiends and cannibals...
...or at branch headquarters...
...William L. Shiref in his "Berlin Diary") You see, Mortimer, it was probably a Brussels carpet...
...Tickets, SI for adults and 50c for children Under 12 years of age, may be obtained at 7 East 15th St...
...Termite, oar Communist friend, brought in s department store ad which reads: . , . DICKENS WORKS All This Week For Only 14.99 "Who...
...There can be no neutrality in viewing the war abroad...
...In Germany, this fateful totalitarian malady is known as "Bad Guesstapo...
...Chianti it bitter and muety...
...Speaker: August Claessens...
...N. Cohen, Morris Kurinsky...
...Herman Kobbe speaks on "Civil Defense Against Air Raids" over WEVD Wednesday, July 30, 10:45 p. m. * * • * Hyman Waldman speaks on "Social Problems and...
...The American assault on Iceland is an active, open aggres si-on and eclipses every provocation and disregards international law...
...As I prepare this little volume far printing...
...a Philadelphia baker, refusing to pay taxes, appeared in court with 'Soviet Power...
...saying to Hitler: "It will be a cold, cold day when you eecupy Iceland...
...The main object of this move is to put into positions of authority a number of competent Indians who are available, in the hope that this cooperation among mutually suspicious Indian caste...
...Red wine ie for meat (when there'* meat), White wine is for food that te jinny* But since we have neither to eat, We'll eat you a toast, Mustolini...
...An interesting by-produor of the times...
...They said, Hitler had been having nn/ne of hi» nervous crises Sateav, and that in recent days they've taken a atrange form . . . he flings himself to the floor and chews the edges of the carpet...
...News Item...
...Speakers: Algernon Lee, Eli Rosenblatt, Louis Epstein...
...Probably the anthem now goes: Ye sons of France, too late for glory...
...Joe said...
...Adolf's overtures fit Ambrose Bierce's definition perfectly: "PEACE In international affairs, a period of cheating between two periods of fighting...
...IT WAS DEAN, DEAN, DEAN . . . "Morris Feder...
...or possibly an Axisminster rug...
...Delegates are being invited from all ¦arts of the state...
...The committee on arrange- ' inents, elected by the City Executive Committee is preparing the , \agenda for the conference which will include plans for a vigorous campaign to revitalize our state organization...
...This means a nonofficial Indian majority will control the entire Government of India 2. Another similarly chosen committee of Indians is to be attached to the staff of the British Commander-in-Chief...
...Massachusetts Front-page ads will appear in two leading Boston newspapers this week calling attention to the Social Democratic Federation and asking sympathizers to write for literature, etc...
...Brighton Beach and Coney Island Aves., Brooklyn...
...Sugar is sweet When you stand on a queue...
...Flatbush Central Branch meets every...
...Wednesday, July 30, 9 p. m„ Corner Eastern Parkway and Utica Ave., Brooklyn...
...and Jerome Ave., Bronx...
...The Armament lit the clime...
...Cigar Named After Coi...
...July 29 Meeting discussion on "Nazi Penetration in South America...
...No editorial cartoonist has yet shown F.D.R...
...Of alt the good-bye, I have heard, the Japanese Sayonam — "Since it must be to—is the most beautiful...
...Speakers: Theodore Shapiro, Jos...
...Delegations of Social Democrats...
...Got a taste of American Blitz...
...We imagine the chief reason for naming a cigar after the colonel is its rank...
...The arrangement falls into four parts: 1. The Viceroy's Executive Council, which is the responsible cabinet in the Government at the center, is to be enlarged by appointment of a number of representative Indians selected by the Viceroy...
...Wiedemann, Scholz, Borchers, Spiegel, Have felt the talons of the Eagle...
...4. At the same time an Indian member of the Viceroy's Executive Council has been deputed to Washington where he will represent India permanently in the capacity of High Commissioner...
...The Republican Party nominee in the 14th District, George A. Hastings, former administrative assistant to Herbert Hoover, was sharply criticized by Rose and with the disparities and JSaAntonini in their statement which launched the 'American Labor Party's official participation in the campaign...
...However, members of the partyi may accept on the new body...
...I cherish the hope that it may areas* fat the mind* of ita readers a hatred at every ferm of spiritual and secular tyranny...
...These notices will attract attention of persons interested in Social Democracy, among ' about a million readers in New England...
...Speakers: August Claessens and Max Aronoff...
...state conference of Social Democrats will be held in New York City, on Saturday and Sunday, August 16 and 17...
...and Walton Ave., Bronx...
...Well, Adolf will probably stick out his little pink tongue and chant: Guns and tanks Will break my ranks...
...Bet for the twist yen a net inspect The presence et sa talsjlect...
...But names will never Be a substitute for a kick in the Panzers...
...under his arm...
...Vic Riesel was right...
...Oh well, he knows the good Dean of Canterbury has granted absolution to everybody in the Soviet hell...
...The American Labor Party will throwj its entire strength behind Nef Dealer, Arthur G. Klein, who since 935 has been doing effective work as an attorney change Commission...
...NEW YORK CITY Annual excursion to Bear Mountain Park will be held on Saturday, August 9. Steamer ;Cleremont leaves Battery 4Park at 9 a. m., West 132nd St...
...What is hapening to Tradition...
...Other speakers at the rally were Frederick F. Umhey, executive secretary of the International Ladies /Garment Workers, AfTL, and Frank Grillo, secretary-treasurer of the United Rubber Workers...
...Church Ave., Brooklyn...
...Matthew Woll declared that the cooperation of the British and American labor movements was designed as a message- of encouragement to the working classes in the totalitarian countries to "aid them in hastening of their day of uprising...
...Draeger, Zapp, Tonn and Shmitz...
...Make Mine Rye (With a Whole Wheat Chaser) Who care* for the tweet Muecatella...
...How about an account of the Colonel't more or less jrmetfut exit from public and official fewer, Anne I It could b* tort of Sufonarrative...
...What myrmidons bid us lie . . ." • * * "LINDBERGH FAMILY TO REMODEL BLACK ESTATE IN THE WHITE MOUNTAINS"—(News Item...
...Tuesday, July 29, 9 p. m., Cor...
...At last Lindbergh will offer something constructive in Black on White...
...Willkie, Hillman, Woll Mark Nat'l Unity at Rally The presence of Wendell Willkie, Sidney Hillman, and Matthew Woll on the "Beat Hitler" platform of the Committee to Defend America and Fight for Freedom rally last week at Manhattan Center dramatically symbolized labor and national unity on the fight on totalitarianism...
...Although we have noticed a suggestive blood-purple tint about Soviet Manifestos these last years . . . Guess they'll have to change the old rhyme from Pravada is read...
...And Nazis to you...
...Watch this^column for further details...
...Every time Hitler mentions Peace, seismograph* all over the world go into a taiispin...
...When questioned about the Social Security fax, he said, 'To hell with my fellow men!' "—(News Item...
...An overflow crowd of 5,000 union members attended the meeting which was one of the major observances of the Aid British Labor Week proclaimed for July 14-10 by Governor Lehman and the executives of twentytwo other states...
...Hastings is equivocal on foreign policy, although he runs in a district which is solidly for aid to the Allies...
...issued a new and violet manifesto...
...Corner 208th St...
...and Jerome Ave., Bronx...
...The statement of Alex Rose and Luigi Antonini said in part: "the foreign policies of every . man campaigning for election to Congress carefully scrutinized today...
...Reich Commissariat in Holland orders all royal emblem* removed because "Queen Vt'ilhelmina is siding with the Soviets...
...will come from Pennsylvania, western New Jersey, Delaware,"Marylarid and Washington, D. C. The Philadelphia branches of -¦-r-the S-D-F...
...That reminds on that shortly after one of these totalitarian J a Da elections with only one ticket, the Dean met Ambassador Maisky at some London function "First let me congratulate yon...
...New York Times...
...News Item...
...To make the Armament fit the clime...
...George Marlin, State Executive Director, said that party workers have been ordered to busy themselves in the campaign immediately...
...Benito Mussolini, Preface to "John Haas," published before World War I. • • • "SENATOR TAFT CHARGES, OUR GOAL IS IRELAND, NOT ICELAND...
...It is to be known as the Defense Committee...
...he asked suspiciously...
...Anne Lindbergh, "North to the Orient...
...Defense manufacturers, we are sore, will meet the challenge of oar far-flung bases with a Mikado theme sang "Oar object all sublime We shall achieve in time...
...New York Stat* JM...
...Rose, Antonini Announce ALP Backing of Arthur Klein in 14th The American Labor Party will enter the special Congressional election campaign in Manhattan's 14th District by endorsing the New'Deal candidate Arthur G. Klein, the American Labor Party State 'Executive Committee revealed today in a joint statement issued by the party's State Chairman Luigi Antonini and State Secretary Alex Rose: The special election was called hyi Governor Lehman for July 29 to fill the House of Representatives vacancy created by the sudden death of Congressman Michael Edelstein last month...
...We're surprised to see Molotov listed as a member of the Defense Council...
...Who is this scab...
...Hamburger Fremdjenblatt, "ITALIANS FORCED TO MAKE BREAD OF GRAPE FLOUR "—Headline...

Vol. 24 • February 1941 • No. 30

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