Spies'Threat to Shipyards, Canal Spurs Drive for U.S. Secret Police

Spies'Threat to Shipyards, Canal Spurs Drive for U.S. Secret Police Navy Bans Panama To Tokyo's Ships; Cuba Ousts 500 Spies By BILL ROBERTS So deeply infiltrated into this country's defense...

...New York J apenese shipping circles...
...Cuba has just ordered 500 Jap fishermen to catch something and go home...
...The all-important .question whether the expansion and planning would be on an industrywide basis is unanswered...
...Part of the fascist fringe are the Ku Klux Klan, which is going in for organization work in urban centers...
...Despite the vast expenditures and the defense production program, 5,000,000 persons will be unemployed this year, according to the Works Progress Administration...
...German-Japanese and Spanish Falangist groups are a formidable threat in the Caribbean sector...
...Also* of interest to the international labor movement is the formation in London of the International Socialist Forum...
...Louis Levy of the French Socialist Party, Julius Braunthal and others...
...For that reason we favor all possible aid to Russia...
...This plan has been brushed off...
...This hits feeder plants which have no national defense contracts...
...Tear gas bombs were flung by the police...
...naval establishments, there was gathered considerable evidence of Japanese, Russian and German sabotage attempts...
...The violent pendulum is swinging back to the point at which the criminals and conspirators diverted the clock of history back to tyranny and barbarism...
...And so we have the war between the Nazi and Soviet totalitarian regimes, a war in which both are bound to perish in order that Russia and Germany may again be free in a free world...
...Origin of the fire which destroyed $25,000,000 worth of important piers and defense and food cargoes destined for England on the Jersey coast opposite New York has never been determined...
...Evidence offered in the Senate this week by Senator Walsh and Navy Secretary Knox reportedly merely scratched the surface...
...Without a labor advisory committee Jtt set up or in session, the industry committee announced a program for a six million ton expansion in pig iron...
...Although ci':>scurr pd by the int('nse publ ic it y given the Co mmu n i ~t a nd German a ppar a tus here are orl!an izatio n set up 'by the Ja p a n~ e in the United States is qU Ite fOl'lTJ ida ble...
...There the big stake is the Panama Canal...
...And unemployment wiir rise...
...This was learned during the recent trial of George Johnson Armstrong, who was later hanged in Wandsworth Jail July 9. Armstrong was a go-between German consuls here and Uixi agents in Britain...
...Those who unleashed the new blood bath will before very long be called to account...
...t he Norlolri Maru of the Kawa sak i K.K...
...li ne r Toka i Maru...
...The Coughlin-Klan-Smith-Counc~ drive is di...
...Japanese fishermen and laundrymen enjoy the widest privileges...
...It will ti e up much west coast shipping and if succes...
...Some 100,000 workers were affected pleasantly...
...Since this roposal received wide approval in the Senate, only a House vote is necessary before this nation's first secret detective force officially springs into being...
...rected at the newly organized auto worker...
...Ther e a re the O.S.K...
...The CIO announced that preparations are under way for ,submitting to the membership of , the Marin...
...Stalin, like Hitler, is fighting for the preservation of his regime...
...If the Henderson office's production cut goes through, between 1,000 and 1,500 employees are in danger of not being called back to work on the new models...
...This has now been farther demonstrated by no less than four reorganizations of his immediate military entourage, hie official assumption of supreme military command and the additional concentration of all the instruments of oppression, suppression and espionage in the hands of his tool, Bena, supreme Soviet tchekist...
...These consuls were responsible for infiltration of Axis agents in strategic central American areas...
...Of these four were fires and 10 were mechanical "accidents...
...Add to this rapid rise in prices, perhaps inflation empty shelves in consumer goods retail stores and the administration has a problem on hand as grave as that of 1933...
...Ther e is the Rafu Shim po, th e bi-Iing ua l Los Angeles Japanese Daily News...
...The heroic resistance of the Vienna workers could not save it...
...More than 700 men are out...
...There will be no othei jobs fbr them, once the plants shut down foi retooling and metal shortages hold up ever air bomber factories...
...27th Special to The New Leader LONDON (Passed by the Censor).—A conference of labor leaders from the exiled governments of every Nazi-conquered country in Europe will be held in New York on October 27...
...Roy Hudson's front page Daily Worker orders to his men in the UAW to support Thomas have been excoriated in UAW publicity director Eddie Levinson's crisp language...
...the independents—Nash, Studebaker and Hudson—must cut 15 per cent...
...The purpose of the "secret police"— which will automatically disband on June 30, 1943—is to prevent destruction of shipyards and warships under construction, and to safeguard the Panama Canal...
...Myers, National Marjtime Union organi2er, has been assigned by the NMU to work on the west coast for "one hig union of seaworkers...
...The Japanese consulates in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle and on the East Coast have become the chief clearing houses for espionage on the West Coast and in the Caribbean sector...
...Industrialists See Material Shortage Halting Defense Soon By DANIEL BELL Storm signals are flying for labor, production and the OPM—all due to critical shortages of materials...
...We need not speak of Fascist Italy...
...That, in...
...are above any of the last three years and close to the 1929 peaks...
...Collaboration between the British and American intelligence services was also revealed...
...There are ominous indications of friction between Hitler and the,Nazi machine on one hand and the army on the other...
...This new CIO plan underscores Phil Murray's contention that production can only be speeded by the creation of industry councils...
...industry envisages lagging production...
...Result is a deadlock with the union asking P r esi dent Roosevelt to operate t he plant...
...Movie compan.ies in New York have been ordered to hold NLRB elections in their storyI'fad ing departments...
...er e informed las.t week...
...A rising fascist movement in Detroit* is reportedly keeping pace with the auto city's industrial boom...
...An AFL chart shows ' price increase (non-farm), from June of last year to June of this, of 11.2, with the maximum rise due to ¦wages, of 1.4 per cent...
...1939, and thereby helped kindle the /ew world conflagration...
...Meanwhile, Knudsen has speeded ahead...
...There is evidence that the German consulates in New York, Boston and San Francisco directed espionage in Canada, Mexico and England...
...Even after wage increases this spring, second quarter dividends...
...President Roosevelt is now faced with the prospect of having to plan priorities, and then care for the additional millions made jebless by them...
...IBut big, hard Harry Lundeberg, anti·stalinist leader of the Sailors Union of the Pacific, does not intend to per.lIlit the party ' lads to sew up American shipping...
...The rise in recent weeks is said to be the fastest in history, raising farm prices to 26 per cent liove last year (by July 5), textile to 17 per ¦ cent, wholesale foods to 19.5' per cent...
...The Labor Board or~red Hell r y F ord to rr instate 30 employees at his Edgewater plant...
...Twentieth Century-Fox, RKO, Columbia and Loews \Io'i ll vote...
...the J a pa nese Council of the I nsti tute of Paci-fi c Rel a tio ns, headq uarter s in Tokyo...
...The program is being worked out b'y a com ·mittee of .50, half from the East Coast, half from the .West Coast...
...The Internat ional Brot herhood of Elect r}cal Workers repor t s wage hikes of $4.000,000 dur ing the past s ix months...
...Federal agencies have known for over a year that this country's navy yards from Brooklyn to San Francisco are infested^with German and Communist agents and party members, many of whom cooperated with each other until June 21...
...Unions which saw potential memberships of 1,000,000 and more are - faced with large unemployment rolls and collapse of dues payments...
...li ne'" K~'Mu m i Ma ru...
...This vaek he appointed his steel advisory committee, lhich includes Eugene Grace of Bethlehem, fom Girdler of Republic Steel, E. L. Ryerson tf Inland Steel and America First, Ernest T. Wsir of National Steel and America First, and Walter S. Tower, president of the American Iron and Steel Institute...
...Although wages have risen 6.1 per cent over a year, labor costs per unit have declined^—-due to increased efficiency and machinery .7 per cent over the same period...
...The reverse process began in Russia with the Bolshevik counter-revolution, which destroyed the young Russian democracy as it struggled desperately to maintain itself against tremendous internal and external odds...
...Czarist Russia was the ally of the democracies in the last war—which destroyed the then existing political regime* in Russia and Germany...
...Hans Vogel, head of the German Social Democratic Party...
...Stalin's moment of retribution had come...
...This industry employs 10,330 persons...
...It is the next big battle when the smoke of the HendersonKnndsen jurisdictional fight on curtailing production clears away...
...But where are the private jobs coming froml The same cuts have been ordered in industries making all mechanical equipment for nondefense use...
...Leaders of World's Unions Plan N.Y.C Parley, Oct...
...The Russian people, however great the territory temporarily occupied by the Nazi invader may be, can look forward to the ultimate achievement of their objective: freedom...
...The pendulum of history may frequently swing in wild tempo, but the historic process nevertheless retains at all times an inexorable rhythm...
...Both the Stalin and Hitler regimes will be devoured by the war which their leaders unleashed...
...Labor has been aware of these responsibilities and has planned . for these emergencies...
...In only one case was the situation otherwise: a borax shortage has been created by a four months strike at the American Potash and Chemical Corp,, and the export, in 1940, to Japan of 18 per cent of our total production...
...The British and American peoples must facilitate the process by helping the Russian people insofar a,s the strategic-military situation permits while intensifying the blows against the Nazis in' the West...
...From Switzerland, the only remaining independent country in Europe, comes news of the functioning of isolated underground trade union centers...
...One source report.~ that the Detrllit Klan headqu~ rter at.89 Ea~t Forest St., is "huqtming with activity...
...There could be but one victorious totalitarianism...
...Switzerland herself is in a perilous position, but is firmly resolved to defend her independence...
...Victory for Russia and victory for Stalin are two incompatible conceptions...
...When Churchill says "that Britain is now Russia's ally—in the war against Hitler, the most important immediate enemy— he is talking and acting good strategy...
...Union officials from all countries fighting Nazi Germany also will attend...
...Strongest groups are in Austria, where several strikes have been conducted only to be forcibly smashed by the Gestapo...
...With his own purpose in mind—the Leninist conception that out of a new war would come the "world revolution...
...Lundberg's ul)iorl has just called a cyst-wide strike vote of its 6,000 members at .San Francisco in protest against signing of foreign' crews at low wages to operate Danish Ships recently seized by the Government...
...Russia became what Lenin himself called upon his arrival in Petrograd in April, 1917, "the freest country in the world...
...The str ike started after an Auto Union victory in the NLRB el ection...
...Lel'ders of the National Maritime Union went to work this week on the new plan adopted at the recent Cleveland ' convention of combining East and West Coast seamen's union into one organiza...
...That is the situation in two of the four remaining "neutrals" on the European continent...
...German and AustroHungarian...
...For the democratic peoples it is now a question of strategy...
...It will operate under the Secretary of the Navy somewhat in the manner of France's Deuxieme Bureau, and Scotland Yards lesser known divisions, many of which employ former "white Russians...
...the ~ . Y.K . li ne';' Asuka Maru...
...But crime carries its own punishment...
...Auto Union Sees Ghost Towns As Result Of Henderson's 'Drastic7 Cut in Production By VICTOR RIESEL As CIO's baby giant, the United Auto Workers' Union, prepares for its important August 4th national convention in Buffalo— at which the Reuther-R...
...The company fired n ine persons...
...Core of the plan is the creation of an X/irminum Industry Council on which industiy ' and labor would have equal representation, with a government official as chairman...
...Knowing full well what the consequences to him and his regime of a war with Germany would be, Stalin did all in bis power to avert the conflict...
...This small Wisconsin city, where Paul Porter and a group of other union leaders early effected AFL-CIO harmony, may soon be a ghost town...
...There are more than 14 national labor centers.affiliated to it—in...
...Priorities means sacrifice of some production for defense...
...Following this fiasco, Knudsen set up "Industry Advisory Committees"—without labor representation—to plan increased production...
...wit h J apanese a id, will close th e ca na l du ring t he next weeks as to coincide with a T OKY-o move in the Orient...
...Fighting broke out early in th e I4-day strike, six strikebreakers were hurt...
...without which Bolshevism could not maintain the slightest ideological justification for its existence—Stalin concluded his pact with Hitler in August...
...This desire is fully backed by the organized trade unions in the country, which number more than 212,000 workers...
...A report of the National Association of Manufacturers highlights the situation...
...Mussolini's Italy will fall with the collapse of the Hitler regime as inevitably as the Austrian Republic collapsed with the destruction of the Weimar Republic in Germany...
...Electrical Workers Local 3 called 0« its strike at ttM...
...Oddly, the fire broke out near the site of the famous Black Tom explosion...
...Of particular concern to Washington are reports of a growing Nazi Fifth Column menace in Panama, Haiti, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guatemala and Honduras...
...Total induded 14 AFL stoppages, of 4,700 ml' n; and 1'7 17 CIO strikes involving 17,600...
...Ed Smi th d issented...
...Argentine, Canada, China, Finland, Great Britain, India, Mexico, New Zealand, Palestine, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, the United States (AFL), and Dutch East Indies...
...The rise of Nazi totalitarianism in Germany made the new war inevitable...
...Typical of the curtailment order's effect is ' what has occurred in the union town, of Kenosha...
...His address was a feeble apology for his bankrupt policy of collaboration with Hitler, and his call for heroic resistance to the invader merely camouflaged his own desperate desire to save himself...
...The Buffalo convention will see more housecleaning...
...The inevitability of the new war was accentuated by Stalin's policy...
...Stalin cannot expect to share in the ultimate victory...
...IfJans for residence on the west coast are being made by one, Freddie Myers, hetter known on the 'Waterfront as Blacki e. Mr...
...We have no doubt that the alliance of Stalin's Russia with Britain will have the same consequence: the destruction of both the Communist and Hitlerite dictatorships...
...Private industry can not absorb those thus made jobless...
...Tower was recently released as a dollar-a-year man 'from the OPM,* where he was under fire for his underestimates <• steel...
...Fast rising food prices conjure the spectre of inflation wiping out labor's gains...
...This would be calamitous in Kenosha...
...These ships r e:prese nt importa nt tonnage t o Tokyo...
...Theoretically, the set-up is supposed to cover employers and workers...
...If t he Japs move in the Or ient dur in!, t he next month t hese ships will be lo"t t o the m for t he d u ~ a.t io n. T h e tr ip around Cape Horn is a lon g one...
...Many Shifts of Army Commands In Reich, Russia*Signs of Unrest By MALCOLM HASTINGS The last war ended with the collapse of three monarchies—the Russian...
...S. officials have said, production could be increased 600 per cent in four months...
...Repor.ts of the Legislative Reference serv ice of the Library of Congress issued revealed that jurisdictional disputes between unions caused only one pel' cent of all work losses in defense strikes, and that half of all losses !il)ce the inception of ;the defense program have res ulted from strikes at Jhree companies-Ford , Allis Chalmers and International Harvester...
...They were fired for union activity...
...The sh ips are be ing refused pa ssage on t he grou nd th at the Cana l i ~ "un ri(' rgoing repa ir s ," but thp fact t hat Am!'rica n ,hi p,- are a ll ow('d th rough is a clear ind icatio n of the temper of Americ an Naval a uth or itie, . J a panese amba ,, s'adoria l efforts to obta in perm ission f or use of the canal have been a ba nd oned...
...Within Great Britain is to be found emigre national groups of the Belgium, German, French and Austrian trade, unions...
...This has been kept a s qu ie t as p os ~ i bl e by the admin i ~trat io n in order t o a voi d i~ol a t ionis t demons trations...
...And more serious rises are in sight, for although living ' costs as a whole have risen only 3.5 per cent above last June and 5 per cent above pre-war, wholesale prices have spiraled upward since March, and -by July 5 were 13 per cent above last year arid 17 per cent above pre-war...
...The CIO this week proposed a plan to lift the nation's aluminum production ' uits necessary level of 3,000,000,000 pounds a 10...
...t hE' K .K .K...
...the Yamashita K.K .' s Yama sak i Maru and the Mitsu i Line's Amagi San Maru...
...Cuba Ousts 500 Spies By BILL ROBERTS So deeply infiltrated into this country's defense zones are Japanese, German and Spanish agents, the Federal government has asked Congress for a new secret naval police to augment the existing counter-espionage military and civil agencies...
...The Germans are now working through the Japs, especially in Central America where little oriental "fishermen" abound by the hundreds...
...This strike will be voted...
...It is understood that so efficiently do these headquarters work, there are no longer any American naval secrets...
...the OPM is under fire for having ignored labor's suggestions for increased production, the need for unified industry councils, gnd the more drastic curtailment of durable goods industries...
...The big cities will be hard hit, too...
...For totalitarianism and war are synonymous...
...Business has improved in these consulates since the closing of Italian and German offices here...
...T ~e hooded men are promising new members rapid promotion...
...Labor faces rising prices because of products scarcity...
...A sixpoint program was offered by Aluminum Workers head Nick Zonarich which would permit full priorities on construction material to permit rapid erection of badly-needed new aluminum plants and spur vastly expanded operation of essential bauxite now under tne -control of the Aluminum Corporation of America, where,_U...
...Participating in this effort to form a new basis for a socialist international movement is Louis de Brouckere, former head of the Labor and Socialist International...
...The question of unified industry councils, With labor sharing in production planning, Will shortly come to a head...
...and the Detroit Council for Industrial Peace...
...The KICK is maIPng headway in Ford's, Briggs, ~dge, General Motors, Packard and Hudson...
...Beset by economic problems the auto union is also beleagued by political ones...
...Inasmuch as every worker is part of the "national community of labor," no private groups are allowed...
...The Russian armies figfeting bravely on the blood-soaked approaches to Moscow, Kiev and Leningrad, are fighting for the liberation of Russia and of the world...
...The Knudsen order to all auto manufacturers curtailing their production to divert metals and other materials to national defense production cut the Big Three (Ford, General Motors and Chrysler) 21.9 per cent...
...In a May survey of over 600 defense manufacturers, g2 per cent (as against 64 per cent in January) stated that shortages of materials — strikes weren't even mentioned—-was the major obstacle to production...
...This is the crux of the Murray steel plan, the Reuther auto plan, the Zonarich aluminum plan...
...The Weimar Republic «was wrecked by the joint conspiracy of Communists and Hitlerites...
...German tourists are a frequent sight in Haiti and Panama where they have the sympathy of President Arias, and his Nazi private secretary...
...The uni on claims that the corporation pays the low e ~t wages in th e aircraft industry...
...The industrial mainstay is the Nash-Kelvinator Corporation plant...
...248 Japanese language schools in Calif ornia a lonE', with "54 tea cher ;: and 19.310 pup ils...
...Hillhum protested, and a compromise was effected, with labor advisory committees attached to the labor division of the OPM set-up...
...Ten or more Ja p ane~ e ships in Atlan tic Coas t wate r s will now be . forced to r e tu rn to Ja pan around Cape Horn...
...Within a few weeks, some 16,000 workers will lose their jobs producing aluminum consumers goods with- , in a few weeks...
...J. Thomas elements will be in control—it was hard hit by news from Washington...
...Elections will be held On a craft basis-said NLRB memben Harry Mi llis and Will iam Leise rson...
...After that, the collapse of the Austrian Republic beccame inevitable...
...arc quietl y re f u s ~ ing to perm it :Japanese s hIps 't o g o through the ca nal...
...In Spain, the trade- unions are being integrated into the state machinery according to an Act recently promulgated by the Spanish government...
...The Klan and the Council are 8upervising and coordinating the work...
...The International Federation of Trade Unions is still a powerful world labor body, despite the destruction of various labor unions on the European continent...
...Informed Washington sources reveal that out of 26 major incidents of damage in defense plants last month, -military authorities have evidence that 14 were caused by sabotage...
...That Stalin understands this Is evident from his conduct since the outbreak of the RuaaoGerman conflict...
...li ne which left B o~ ton la ,t week...
...These internal developments in both countries are more significant than the military operations...
...Germany and Austria emerged as advanced democracies...
...The Romanovs, Hohenzollems and Habsburgs were relegated to the limbs of history...
...EdillJOn Company ~l\ New York whe'n .the Building and Conl;truction...
...Defense strikes haven't yet disappeared . Thr.week ended with one large walkout--with a ll trimmings of violence and appeals to Roosevelt of occupation of the plant-and thirty·one minor strikes involving more than 23,300 employ'l'es...
...Many of these were successful...
...The vE"S sels must now go via Cape Horn...
...From reports it appears that Walter Reuther and R. J. Thomas will have the Communists well in hand at Buffalo next week...
...rather than through the Canal...
...This may mean that a majority of the 538,000 persons in the auto industry will be tramping the streets for months and longer until the industry is retooled to turn out equipment for the army, or until they are absorbed in private business...
...Cooks and Stewards Union and the American .Communications Association, Marine Division (radio operators) a ten point ballot on affiliation with the NMU, ·backbone of the . Americ;:an :People's Mobilization...
...Neither does the American Federation of Labor, which just won three port elections against Harry ·Bridgea...
...Haw suggestions have been uniformly ignored by the OPM...
...That is the all-important meaning of the terrible conflict now raging on plains of Russia...
...He was ready to yield everything except his domination over Russia to please Hitler . Unfortunately for him, the moment had come when the exigencies of the military and political situation made it necessary for Hitler to strike at Russia...
...Naval autho r it ies...
...The Kenosha auto union people and the city's officials have sent a committee to Washington to see the OPM directors...
...Caught square in the jurisdictional squabble between the OPM and Leon Henderson's office of price control and civilian supply, the auto union is faced with a government ordered 50 per cent cut in production...
...Wage incre&6Cs coming to $20,000,000 a year have been w<:In by the Internationa l Association or Mackinists...
...The bi g strike is on at Bendix , NE!W Jersey plant of Air Associates Incol'pOrated...
...Local after local has been cleansed...
...When the Government of the United States pledges aid to the Russian people it follows the same sound strategic line...
...However much Hitler and Stalin used each other for their respective objectives, there could not be sufficient lebensraum for both of them in that political insane asylum of Europe which both had labored to create...
...Personnel at Paramount...
...brief, is the sad history of Europe after the First World War—that aijd the failure of the democracies to counteract effectively and in time the growth and consolidation of the totalitarian forces...
...Cooperating too are Father' Coughlin's organization and that.of Gerald K.- Smith, Huey Long'lI former mentor...
...f But is not all this a repetition of the actions of Nicholas I I in the months preceding the tempest of the revolution 1 Something similar appears to be happening in Germany...
...Since the ousting of German and Italian consuls from this country, and since the Soviet apparatus was forced to turn anti-Nazi on June 21, the only consulates left the Axis apparatus are the Japanese and the Spanish...
...Text boob aggra ndize J a pan and score the United Stat('6, The re are numerou s Ja panes~ travel a nd propaganda age ncies in Kew Yor k and Washington...
...For ten days after the Nazi invasion of Russia had begun, Stalin kept silent When he finally did approach the microphone to address the Russian people he gave all the evidences of fear, bewilderment and confusion...
...The mess that was created by dollar-a-year men failing to understand our critical needs in aluminum, ""steel, power, freight cars, etc., and the consequent failure to expand capacity, has been described in detail in The New Leader...
...Trades Council refused tD b.ck the pl.nned walkout which would h a ve caused a general strike in a ll non-defenSe electrical construi:tion...
...These price rises are not due to wage increases...
...Typical of those hit are the factories turning out washing machines and ironing supplies for housewife use...
...Repeat the situation in, a dozen midwest cities and the picture becomes ominous...
...Various nations will participate, sending government, employer and worker delegates...
...So perturbed is Washington over the situation t here is a ctual fear th at Germany...
...Before Senate Leaders were asked to author- j ize such a force to investigate any existing or threatened espionage or sabotage in U.S...
...f ul cripple Bridges' waning prestige...
...The conference is being sponsored by the International Labor Office and the International Federation of Trade Unions...
...The whole scheme is con-trolled by the FET (Falange) and JONS (the Youth movement...

Vol. 24 • February 1941 • No. 30

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