Crux of Soviet Foreign Policy Was Creation Of Reich Army of Revenge to Destroy West
Crux of Soviet Foreign Policy Was Creation Of Reich Army of Revenge to Destroy West By BORIS N1 COLAEVSKY (This is the first of a. series of three articles.)' * BECAUSE Hitler attacked...
...Beginning with Ebert's struggle against the Rapallo agreement...
...Several articles by Robert Alexander on the South American labor movement have appeared—others will follow...
...That much money has been sopped up by the government to prevent inflation or buying'of goods which may cut into the arms program...
...But Hitler struck before the Good Neighbor Policy could ,be given an affirmative cultural and economic content...
...A distinct project is devoted to the teachers colleges, r and substantial encouragement is being given to universities which have organized institutes' and centers devoted to Latin American studies...
...seSnS" are cheap...
...But I know that many of them have been, and are, so engaged—either voluntarily, or because of concern for- relatives at the mercy of the Gestapo in the mother country... wej k..~ .---•--------* o.t a <oat Kuvcrnmeni set-up designed to promote better U. S. and Latin-American relations...
...These men were seriously interested in learning the language and appreciation of the customs of our neighbors tf the South . There were only a | few men at that time...
...In response to the same events in Europe, the governments of the American Republics, realizing the seriousness of the situation from the point of view of the economic security and defense of the Hemisphere, hastily convened a meeting of the foreign ministers of all of the American Republics at Havana on July 21, 1940...
...jPHE culminating point in the development of this policy * came in 1931 and 1932, when the German Communist Party took an active part in the plebiscite which the Nazis organized against the Social Democratic government of Prussia...
...Each is a guardian of great historical values which it seeks to preserve and to expand...
...the Lowlands, the evacuation of Dunkirk and the collapse of France...
...Is Sn» defense "boom" towns, worba* live in dormitory fasbWB • Jj rambling shacks, and recrsesasv is second to sanitation and fort . Concrete steps hav*.**"* taken in areas in which Fesaisi housing projects for dafsSSI workers will be built...;miiimiimii?ttnimmHiuuiiitiiimiinimiNimtHti»jmj...
...Consequently, only the triumph of the revolution in these bastions would assure the ultimate victory of" revolt throughout the world...
...Steel, alminum, manganese and rubber which go into autos, radios, washing machines are needed for more serious purposes;.*f'defense," and- increased consumer spending and demand'only curtail' arms production...
...The President's vigorous and sincere advocacy of the Good Neighbor PoKcy has given us a solid foundation...
...State Department learned that le Soviets were shipping oil to Germany as rapidly as they ere drawing it from the ground with the American eauipmeut The most important new industrial center in Asiatic Russia, rcording to London experts, is in the Kuznetz Basin in Cany al Asia...
...At the recent meetings between MmhsKf aad Eden, Onsuaahy ad President Roosevelt, the Moscow men revealed that the neaians will be in urgent need of machine tools, espeehUh...
...The answer to the civilf** problem isn't so simple...
...The Nazi victories and the blockade of Europe suddenly accentuated the traditional cultural and economic ties between the North American Continent and many of the other American Republics...
...As representatives of German business—and this, of course, carries back to the pre-Hitler days—they were first trained in Spanish and Portuguese and instructed concerning ^he customs, manners and economic needs of the countries to which they were sent...
...They have done little 3n the past two years which has not served Httjer's cause, and would still be following that course iPne haSf'lddt attacked Russia...
...Speeches and good will missions are not enough to create a united Hemisphere any more than they were enough to create a union of forty-eight states...
...During the year 1940, when we added $170,000,000 to the total 1938 level of our purchases from Latin America, we had nearly offset in dollar value the loss of^Ahe German market which had taken about $190,000,000 in 1938...
...In Brazil alone there are almost a million Germans and children of German citizens...
...These three states, according to the Bolshevist doctrine, held the keys to hegemony over the world...
...T H E R E is another aspect of the program, the longrange, continuing job—the assurance to ear neighbors that we are permanently committed to building the structure of Hemisphere unity...
...The possibilities of cooperation here are well demonstrated by the Brazilian steel plant, which is being planned and financed as a joint endeavor of this country and Brazil, the ownership to be in the government and people of Brazil...
...U. S. companies have" estahtished new connections with firms known to be friendly to the beat interests of the Hemisphere...
...operattsa-at New Orleans...
...Stalin was forced to send Heinz Neumann as a special emissary to Germany to force the Central Committee to reexamine the matter and pass the necessary resolution...
...With the ad of nearby civilians, social and recnaaaa programs are organized...
...t • Than the idea grew of the objective progressive nature of national wars of "liberation" against the ; Versailles Treaty...
...We now know that for the first four months of 1941, the United States purchased from Latin America $340,000,000 worth of goods—50% more than its purchases for the same period of 1940 and nearly twice those for the same period of 1938...
...They intensified as well the basic cultural differences, and the economic obstacles to unity between our nation and the southern part of this Hemisphere...
...Their contribution is one of the most significant that is being made in the long-range building of the resources and manpower of this Hemisphere...
...This is the ease Soviet envoys are putting before the British and American leaders...
...And serious consideration is being given to the establishment of an Inter-American Institute which will provide a special training for persons who plan to go to Latin America in any capacity—public or private...
...They say that the Red armies eat, remain a unit, and that from behind the Urals they can harass the Nazis for years, creating a new front, forcing Hitler te use a million men to occupy and protect European Russia—-Jf sufficient arms, tools and supplies can come through VlssV vostok and over the Transsiberian railroad...
...3. A third defense effort has struck at the very heart of the Nazi technique by drying up an important source of funds for anti-American propaganda...
...We must demonstrate that in building an arsenal for democracy, we are mindful of our obligation to deliver the necessary goods to the Hemisphere...
...We hope that through knowledge and understanding will come that sympathy with viewpoints and problems of the ether Republics which is indispensfble to the entire effort...
...i/*' * * '¦ ¦ '.' THE Soviet - regime, albeit against its, will, is now engaged in a war with Germany as a nesult of which it has begjMMUMvtaal ally of the democracies of Europe and...
...The Government is, therefore, taking steps to insure satisfaction of their essential requirements, both from the standpoint of production and from that of shipping facilities...
...There was opposition both in the German and the Russian Communist Parties...
...Retreat From Moscow" Sum .mit- win MDUMtmn, uie goaieec ivan Mnssky he London and the toothsome, white suited Constantsa* umansky in Washington, hare been telling foreign seera* iries that any aid dispatched to the Soviets will reach is* ed Army for it has plans to retreat, in a unit if neeeansss, > the Ural...
...Gulfport, BUS* Mobile...
...Peaceful New England tonal and sleepy southern villagesjjjt day resound to the honk honk* migrants' dusty cars, the stsatf hum...
...The other Republics have normally been dependent upon a trade with Europe which represented about one-third of Latin America's markets...
...A very substantial revenue for Nazis in Central and South America has been derived from anti-American representatives of United States business in those countries Through the excellent cooperation of our exporters and manufacturers, upwards of 1,000 trading connections have already been terminated...
...Some plans havp been mssfsi to meet the problem, for basKslh it involves morale...
...Naturally, the subordination of the entire foreign policy of Stalin to the tasks of German militarism and the transformation of the Comintern into an organ executing the special requirements of the Reichswehr, was not carried on in the open...
...To build vigorously and now, the firm structure of a united and peaceful Hemisphere—to build when almost tee entire world is dedicated solely to the ends of destruction—is an opportunity for- which all of the Americas may well be thankful...
...Married couples with two children will be affected when their earned income ^"exceeds $f.O60 instead of $1,200...
...later the Wehr- j macht moved into Soviet territory, although Hitler's ultimatum to Molotov had given Moscow until Tuesday, June 24V In the accompanying article Boris Nicolaevsky, now) in America, traces the Russian foreign policy which i made possible a streamlined Germany army... Russia and Germany...
...of machines whirring twentr" four hours a day and the trsmf" ing of workers searching ¦* town for recreation after ¦ strenuous eight or ten hours...
...The broadening application of the technique of international commodity agreements has received much attention here and in Latin America Serious consideration is being given to the problem of relief distribution bf surpluses and to the mechanism for such activity...
...The plant will give the internal economic structure of the country the additional resistance power that comes with a more diversified economy...
...Because little is known here of the political, cultural and economic situation below our Texas border—and less of the labor movements there—the New Leader has made special efforts to secure some of the nation's best informed men on Latin-American affairs...
...BECAUSE Hitler attacked Russia, Stalin, who did not wish this war and strove by every possible means to remain at peaee with Germany, was left with no choice but resistance...
...It is from, such Germans in the Hemisphere that Hitler has demanded, and frequently won, allegiance...
...Our neighbors are finding it increasingly difficult to place orders with U. S. factories which are working at full capacity on defense or to... programs by powerful directional antenns beams, ingeniously adapted to the sensibilities of th( listeners...
...But that extra amount he pays —say $20—is credited to him in a' Post Office Savings Bank account...
...The rank and file were told that fascism would pave the way for the revolution...
...If one follows the matin thread of this foreign policy, it becomes clear that the primary objective was to shatter Versailles Europ* bu alliance with Germany...
...Even Lenin himself, however, did not Believe that successful revolutions were possible by means of the internal forces of the proletarian movements...
...The Russians are working round the clock to speed are* j:__i______i it »t .-duction beyond the Urals...
...Visual aids and elementary lessons in history and geography will seen he ready for wide distribution in the lower grades of thousands of our schools...
...Whether to make such contributions is the real Hemisphere chal. lenge to this country...
...Iron and steel production is being pushed frantically in the Central Asian basin...
...That was the only iron-clad rule—all talk, including the summoning of the waiter, had to be in Spanish...
...This territory is linked with the large iron ere ?posits in Magnitogorsk and the growing industrialization of ie Ural Mountains, which form a difficult barrier for any -my to storm...
...It is estimated that seMp thee* million school children will be affected by this program in the next school year...
...The series of conferences of the American Republics set a pattern for joint Hemisphere action...
...The devices and instruments for inter-American economic cooperation are multiplying on every hand...
...In some instances as -many as .fifteen U. S. accounts have been lost by a single antiAmerican firm...
...ter at Perm...
...TPHERE are more Germans in Latin America than any other foreign group...
...British Adopt '•Forced Savings" Plan in New Budget '•(Leon Henderson this -<weej< 'painted-a- hot too engaging pictu»e ctf ¦•«¦ people crowding thi market places with money tc spend, but finding no materials to purchase...
...In this brief summary of some aspects of our defense effort, I have tried to demonstrate that, while meeting the immediate day-to-day impact of the war with all of their resources, the American Republics are constantly mindful of the continuing job that lies ahead...
...For the United States' role in world' politics today—and the Nazi counterthrust to America— hinges on the unity of the Americas... earlier alleged right of intervention... ¦ means a makeshift., arrangement, but was rather tfiVIOffical' denouement of the entire foreign policy of the Bolsheviks since they took power in 1917...
...payers into the orbit of the income tax...
...In this process, our own defense effort has been tremendously aided by the large supplies of strategic and critical materials which have been produced by the other Republics Recent statements from the Berlin Institute for Business Research have completely misrepresented the facts as to ourpurchases...
...I do not maintain that most, or even a large percentage of the Germans in the other American Republics are actively engaged in anti-American activity...
...This is at the rate of $1,200,000,000 a year, which is more than double the dollar value of the normal continental European purchases from Latin America...
...policy of the democracies which for nearly tw<^ years have borne the main brunt of the struggle against Hitler...
...Nothing was, or is, to be gained by an ostrich-like disregard of the obvious difficulties...
...Needless tojsay, Hitler's attack on Russia is no more contemptible than his previous acts of aggression—acts that did not prevent Stalin from maintaining relations with Nazi Germany which he himself described in December, 1939, as "cemented in blood...
...Hett and athletic areas have ba— -*r* marcated...
...Instead of issuing a blanket amnesty to the .Communists for their past actions, -Tf/'tf'heceasary now, more than ever, to prevent a repeti&JrC b? Stalin's treachery, of August, 1939, by subjecting^te^njSciless examination those foundations of BolBhevtet JJeoiqgy which made the'1 Nazk-Soviet pact of 1939 ponflfe^ft^greemeht Ifcfetween Stalin and Hitler was by...
...The Good Neighbor Policy had gone far to reassure our neighbors with respect to their individual, national sovereignties...
...It was a necessary first step...
...Closely related is- the program under which, in response to requests from the other Republics, scientists, medical men, and sanitary engineers are being sent down to work on specific problems...
...Extensive irrigation schemes have beta speeded up...
...The loss of the Ukraine would man the lest of about half of Russia's heavy industries and the conquest of the Caucasus would mean the loss of most of the current oil output and nearly all the refining capacity...
...TUs weeks removal of many government offices from Moscow Indicates that a shift in the seat of government hundreds of miles nearer the Urals is not far et...
...At first both Its official" organ, Die Rote Fahne, and the Central Committee, were opposed and openly announced that they would take no part in the plebiscite...
...Furthermore, in almost all communities, Germans, or their descendants occupy powerful commercial and financial positions...
...Naturally these recollections of the past cannot determine the...
...i * * * I N the area of long-range economic development, the • Inter-American Development, Commission,' which has recently established national councils in each of the South American countries, is planning tropical agriculture and industrial projects which, it is hoped, will be ready for prompt execution in the immediate post-war period, ready to take up part of the slack in the transition from a war to a peace time economy...
...But the new industrial centers towards the Urals and Asia would remain intact even if the whole of European Russia is occupied...
...Having decided upon war against his ally of yesterday, Hitler did-not even permit him to choose capitulation...
...Nicolaevsky is the author of many histories and biog...
...The London Economist wraet that "besides smaller p-odueief centers in Central Asia and tbr Far East, a second Baku is bp ing built between the Volga W the Ural Rivers with me ess...
...To p.opreciate the danger to our national defense of such collapse in any one of the other Republics, a few supplementary facts are needed...
...policy of full support to Russia in its War agapjst Germany certainly does not require that we drop' ouRjjpjard^jn^ dealing With the Communists...
...Crux of Soviet Foreign Policy Was Creation Of Reich Army of Revenge to Destroy West By BORIS N1 COLAEVSKY (This is the first of a. series of three articles...
...With the exception of Hitler's incoherent remarks concerning Romania and Finland, and Ribbentrop's reference to the Dardanelles) Germany in the past has been highly efficient in turning out voluminous White Papers ,in...
...The Transsiberian's rolling stock was badly worn during the past two years, by the heavy usage involved in shipping thousands of tons of war material, feed and propaganda literature in an out of Germany on a seheduja set by German technicians who were practically in charge ef the line during the past 8 to 10 months...
...Daring the past year Russia bought many millions of dollars orth of these tools in the United States...
...It is estimated that, these tax reductions >will bring approxi• mately 2.000.000 additional tax...
...A substantial sum was allocated from the President's emergency fund and the office was charged with the formulation and execution of a program which, by effective use of Governmental and private facilities, in such fields as the arts and sciences, education and travel, the radio, the press, and'the cinema, will further national defense and strengthen -the bonds between the nations of the Western Hemisphere...
...Vital to the long-range commitment is the educational program now under way...
...Hitfer has torn that bond as he has ipped the national life of 14 countries...
...The latter entered into this agreement only after considerable resistance...
...Argentina, for example, sold 4295- of her exports ($225,000,000) to continental Europe in the years 1936-38... a sharply increased domestic demand...
...London authorities state that Baku still supplies 75 per cent of the total Russian oil output...
...not only by this nation but by al of the American Republics, individually and as a group Let us not forget that each of the American nations ii jealous of its freedom and independence, its own cultura history...
...With the increased purchases so far during 1941...
...In the month of April alone, Latin America sold $101,000,000 worth of goods in this country...
...Many of these orders ere held up when the U.S...
...It is probable that no single act by our country has ever done more to win the gratitude of the great Republic of Brazil...
...Because of new reductions in ..t))e earned income allowances under the income tax, the British John Doe will have to dip more heavily into his pocket for taxcj...
...In this universal American desire for cultural and political independence lies our greatest strength...
...arid housing HMHR vigors will receive f ull, #Ss*nSP< of recreational activities **•* can be organized, \UltimatumWRITING from Paris for The New Leader several " years ago, Boris Nicolaevsky analysed the organic bond which existed between the red and brown dictators...
...Since then, as a result of the close cooperation between the Stalinist spparstus functioning out of Paris and the German Wehrmacht working out of the Siegfried line, France has disintegrated...
...For every American, there are at least 25 to 30 Germans citizens or children of German citizens...
...But the policy was largely a renunciation of...
...They would be—and are—quick to seize upon any evidence of failure on our part to alleviate economic distress in any of the other Republics resulting from the war...
...AmBpSpjPft task of We'fatter, consequently, is to give all fippssibje aid to the Russian armies despite the present Kremlin regime...
...For this reason, Lenin began to think of, the decisive role which an external blow could deliver to the three great "citadels of capitalism," to shake their foundations and unleash the forces of proletarian revolution...
...The ^onslaught not only came entirely without warning-, but without a preliminary ultimatum...
...We can and will defend the Hemisphere against forces which would destroy its unity...
...The essential strategic design t9 the revolution was the^ destruction of the capitalist...
...We must also pledge ourselves to the * full realization of the Hemisphere's human and material potentialities...
...The creation of an office for the coordination of interAmerican affairs was one of the cast following closely upon the conquest of...
...The reason for the present reticence on the part of the Wilhelmstrasse, as well as of the Soviet Commissariat of Foreign Affairs, is not difficult to guess...
...It created an atmosphere of healthy confidence...
...In all of South America, there are less than 25,000 Americans...
...Shortly thereafter, on September 26, 1940, the Congress of the United States appropriated an additional $500,000,000- to the capital of the Export-Import Bank in order to meet"the economic crisis resulting from an almost complete loss of European markets by the Republics of this Hemisphere...
...Transocean News service furnished free to some newspapers, and on liberal credit t< others, the true price being a sympathetic editorial attitude...
...Again, in response to the request of the Department of Pathology of a principal Latin American medical school, one of our leading pathologists has been sent to organize an anti-cancer campaign...
...It was not until after Lenin's death, however, that this idea became dominant: Since the force which Was systematically preparing for war against Versailles was militaristic, nationalist Germany, the only conclusion which this conception could draw was that an alliance was necessary between "the country in which the revolution had triumphed" and the Reichswehr...
...He is setting up systems for running the experiment stations in a pattern which has been moat successful in this country...
...The projected Inter-American Bank promises to find a considerable zone of function among the various financial instrumentalities available to the American nations, expansion of the use and scope of the trade agreement principle is being promoted...
...In Washington fhe Inter-American Financial and Economic Advisory Committee is meeting regularly with the whole area of financial and economic cooperation as its function... of Stalin's closest friends,.conferred for hours with Von Ribbentrop, yielding point after point...
...Say It in Spanish TTHERE once was a high offi* cials' luncheon club in Washingtnn, headed by Vice-President Wallace, then Secretary of Agriculture, which met daily, and conversed only in Spanish...
...The structure mast be weH built so that no future emergency will require our people to fashion, hastily, a framework of Hemisphere defense...
...Our social "outlooks diverge at many points...
...And the object of the entire effort is to exploit the differences between us, to play on th< fear of Yankee economic and military imperialism, anc thus to delay the establishment of a united Hemisphere The resulting challenge to the integrity of the Hemi sphere has been met...
...Without understanding this evolution of Bolshevist ) 'thinking it is impossible to fathom not only the main current of Soviet foreign policy from 1926 to 1933, but the basic trends of the Comintern's policies as well...
...for their part, have given any concrete" explanation of the Nazi-Soviet relations and negotiations" leading up to the conflict...
...And above all—and indeed, as the hast form of defease measure—we must satisfy our neighbors now that we are irrevocably committed to a long-range, continuing program of Hemisphere development pad cooperation...
...The recent British budget for 1941-42 contains provisions which incorporate these proposals...
...Each side hesitates to open up the subject knowing that any revelations it may make will be answered in spades...
...After-Work Play...
...Europe normally bought about 40% pf the coffee sold by Brazil and the other coffee producing countries...
...Most of them took up permanent residence, many married nationals, and won respect through their solid contributions to the economic development of their communities...
...That was the problem S*M by a conference on RecrenHonw Wfense Workers which saefW Washington thi* week nt UrW vitation of Federal Security Hfc ministrator Paul V. McNutt...
...Projects of the same type must be planned and ready for execution throughout the Hemisphere... equipment for intensive development of the on> ipped resources of Asiatic Russia To get this equipment trough the Anglo-American democracies have been asked ta se every type of pressure to keep Japan from hlockadtsa' ladivostok...
...New courses and teaching materials are being prepared for preparatory schools and colleges...
...Later, when the belief in the possibility of the "real" revolution in Germany evaporated, in place of the theory of an external revolutionary blow, there developed the notion that any external blow, regardless of the nature of the force delivering it, was objectively progressive in character...
...Workers oi this type are to be sent in increasing numbers...
...1 * • • } Nonetheless, the...
...Once there the army can he fed, supplied Inst leled as a "result of industrializing" in Asiatic Russia, the evict envoys nay...
...To the delicate, one or two commodity economics, of the other American Republics—diminutive compared to our own—the rupture of European trade relations threatened economic collapse...
...The article is based on remarks made recently at the Tamiment Conference...
...This week we print an article by Carl B. Spaeth, Assistant Director for the Coordination of Relations Between the American Republics, who sketches the steps already taken by our nation towards cementing the unity of the Americas, and outlines the further work to be done...
...Concretely, this role was to be filled by revolutionary Germany striking at Franca across the Rhine and by "the colonial peoples of t*he East", led by India, who fvould shatter the foundations of the British Empire...
...Nazi control over the many German schools, long established in mosi of the other Republics...
...htsSf camps are already ir...
...To illustrate, on the invitation of the Chief of Agricultural Experiment Stations in one of the largest Republics, an American expert has been sent to conduct a seminar in plant breeding for workers in that field from all of that country's experiment stations...
...Married couples earring- $1,400 will pay $100, and will be credited with $*70,• • „. .. .. - * » — — ---------— ^ffliwinimramniiimmiiirawiiiiiimiimimiiffliimtirommrai I- , >&ejs> Expert Sees Talks, Good-Will Missions Futile in South America Without Financial, Health Aids By CARL B. SPAETH Assistant Director of the Office for the Coordination - ; of 'Relations Between, the American Republics TEN months ago, the office with which I am associated was created by an order of the Council of "National Defense following a recommendation of the President...
...Here another problem is encountered...
...These emergency efforts to strengthen and unify the Hemisphere were, in large measure, due to the terrifying rapidity with which the Nazis swept across Europe...
...All other interests must necessarily'be subordinated in the struggle agains* this* primary evil, •> U- ?/»»r>!t» i...
...biography of Karl Marx and one of Azeff the Spy...
...Single persons earning $600 wiD pay nearly $72 in taxes, but credited ^n a post-war account with $50...
...The struggle for the destruction of German Social Democracy by propounding the theory of "social fascism" became vitally important to the Comintern because German Social Democracy, for all its mistakes, was the only force inside Germany which struggled against the idea of a war of revanche and consistently sought to develop closer relations with France and Great Britain...
...Most sfsfr tacular answer is one annyane* tion—recreation camps for SB* diers on leave . Here no botb* blow reveille at any hour breakfast is served as late S» t a. m. Soldiers sleep in tents, bstlarge lounges are provided...
...Well over 5** of the business Jbrmerly handled by anti-American agents has already been lost to them...
...The pattern of support directly from Berlin is now well known...
...On that day the official Moscow radio and press were j described as "a delirious fabrication by forces hostile...
...According to his analysis, the Versailles peace gave the ruling class of those states such advantages as to enable them to win over a certain segment of the working class by •partial concessions, thereby blunting the revolutionary weapon...
...They were attributable as well, though, to a tardy recognition of basic weaknesses in the relations among the American Republics when exposed to a Qerman threat from a Nazidominated Europe...
...The real defense task is not an emergency undertaking...
...Our languages are different...
...His best known in English are a definitive...
...Another Probler* For Defense WASHINGTON, D. 0-4 three-shift industry tewa^tlR go on living s one-shift 1eusn life...
...The real inspiration for this plebiscite came from the Reichswehr, which through secret negotiations with Stalin himself won the support of the German Communist, Party...
...The alliance between the French Communists and the extreme reactionary Alsace separatists became necessary because systematic efforts to undermine the fighting strength of France were an integral part of the pact with the Reichswehr...
...Subsidies to German owned or managed air dnes, which rapidly expanded services on routes of a lighly uneconomic nature...
...establishment of German centers or club* whicl levy what amounts to an income tax for propaganda purposes upon all German subject to pressure...
...This, plan was aft "organic outgrowth .of the -Leninist conception of world revolution...
...Pensaeola By expected that camps Seconal*** ing 20.0000 soldiers wiU •** operation...
...It influenced to a significant degree the tactics of the Comintern in 1922 and 1929, as expressed in Radek's efforts to secure collaboration with the German Nationalists and Nazis, especially during the French occupation of the Ruhr...
...As late as three o'clock that afternoon Russia's Ambassador to Germany, M. Dekanosov...
...All basic Bolshevik politicaV*cdn!feina.fions had this ultimate purpose in view...
...2. Another economic problem has resulted from our own .defense efforts and the program of aid to the democracies...
...Still the process was not accomplished without difficulties...
...AT first this external force was conceived of as a J revolutionary blow, carried into the country from neighbors in which the revolution had already triumphed...
...HERE is some of the concrete action that has bees taken, and that is contemplated, to protect us against the dangers of the immediate emergency and to build a lasting structure of Hemisphere solidarity...
...connection -with each act of aggression...
...When Stalin took over foreign policy, he followed this course with merciless consistency, and all the more thoroughly as he suppressed the possible sources of opposition in the Russian Communist Party...
...A few hours...
...But until the night of Saturday, June 21, the Soviets'thought it still existed...
...Of course, the action wa3 shameless, and Stalin and Molotov were quite, correct in so characterising...
...Hints of this idea are to be found in Lenin's debates with Rosa Luxemburg...
...order in the strongholds of "finance—in France, the United States and, especially, Great Britain...
...Without capturing these positions, all other revolutionary victories were largely illusory...
...They have been the tools of economic and ideological attacks upon this Hemisphere which, in a day when war means total war, constitute as real a violation of the Monroe -Doctrine as the physical jttacks which were contemplated when that Doctrine was irst conceived and enunciated...
...At the same time, it must be noted that neither Stalin and^Moldtov, on the one hand, nor Hitler and von Ribbentrop...
...A single person will now start paying a tax on earned income in excess of, $440 instead of $480...
...The climate favors a wide variety of produce including rubber...
...Britain's method ' of reducing the demand on durable goods :s the "compulsory savings plan" ofi John Maynard Keynes...
...The years from 1933 to 1939 told a story of rapid progress in inter-American cooperation...
...we have already absorbed a number of anticipated surpluses and in dollar value are absorbing the slack caused by the loss of the remaining continental European market normally between $300,000,000 and $400,000,000 a year...
...1. Up to the present time, our k>an6 and increased purchases {farm Latin America, not withstanding theii loss of European markets, have maintained economic stability'and prevented the dislocations which would certainly have been exploited by Nazi propagandists...
Vol. 24 • July 1941 • No. 29