Churchill Pledges Post-War Safeguard of Union Rights
Churchill Pledges Post-War Safeguard of Union Rights Reconstruction Plans Drawn By Greenwood 13 Leaders of the British labor movement, now in charge of economic "planning and reconstruction,...
...The crux of his position can be inferred from a ' little story he tells: ". . . when a theologian taunted a philosoj-h* with the old charge that .philosophers are like blind mer...
...the" | Capetown (Africa) labor move- i ment has just grown large enough to affiliate with the International Federation of Trade Unions, with which the American Federation of Labor is affiliated... would provide a 'coefficient of common ancestry' which could serve as the only possible mm-ure of their biological re'ationship... the United States Senate, which he once advised on finances...
...By the last words he meant that only what the unions themselves may want to see restored will be 'resurrected...
...but while these are attacked 'mk% much good will...
...upon a genuine desire to serve the reader, rather than satisfy the whim of the publisher or revenue-producing advertiser...
...The shy* that the closer Huxley approaches to his philosophy of istft* "humanism," and she faster the generalizations about 9»mW> and Society come, the\less we find of Huxley, and our ears »*Jh to hum with familiar echoes...
...If, however, concrete values for the probability could be obtained for various groups...
...Max Winkler Wa* VaAed Ma Jlolidaif - (\X the campuses of Colombia University and the City College, where he teaches...
...written this claim in the plainest possible terms...
...Send us a new sub now at $2.00 a year and we'll send yon FREE OF ANY CHARGE, EITHER THE BIOGRAPHY OF LEON BLUM Qft FRANK KINGDOM'S NEW BOOKLET, "177.6 AND TODAY...
...But we need help...
...Britain's change in 1926 from an Imperialist policy to a Commonwealth policy of encouraging domestic production has proven the greatest stimulus...
...and it is not-that old fashions are not .charming, only that they are not sufficiently steel-resistant...
...Huxley reaffirm the adequacy of naturalism...
...India's young men have flocked to enlist...
...The Germans have hundreds of divisions to waste...
...Chief German agent in that area is Fawje el Kaougni Bey, a disciple of Rashid Ali and an intimate of the anti-British Mufti of Jerusalem...
...It is with keen anticpation that the readers of this fearless journal look forward to the day when its pages will record the triumph of democracy over the autocratic forces of darkness and terror, bigotry and injustice...
...He is still an important factor in Near Eastern politics and-will be used as the spearhead of a Moslem drive from the rear against the British...
...The Indian people are proud of their accomplishments...
...As for the values themselves, it*} too, need re-interpretation in the light of the concrete social ettj...
...This declaration was made recently at a joint gathering of representative trade unionists and employers in London, according to Alfred B. Lewis, national director of the commit-tee's Trade Union Division...
...ditions our scientific plans envisage...
...the quantities are limited only by the shipping space available...
...When "race" is not clearly question-begging « emotive, it is at best an unredeemed promise of scientific description...
...Frank KJngdqri's "1776 and Today" has just been published...
...on a holy war for some time...
...There is a competent discussion, for example, on the concept of race, based upon the most recent findings in genetics aid anthropology...
...The Trade Union Division is informed that every ¦ change made is- recorded in detail •by the unions...
...We don't want to spoil your vacation, but there's a job to be done...
...The people of the Punjab—Hindus, Moslems, Sikhs—have shown a fine aptitude for industry and engineering...
...If race ever functioned as a specific term, it would be i quantitative concept, not a qualitative one...
...across Spain to Gibraltar...
...No more vacations in (Xermany, France or Italy—wheW IP trains run on time...
...By Jack HordnaA- The Bobbs-UerriU O...
...they suffer from an evident superficiality...
...No ro\>re pilgrimages to the half shriaejjf Lenin's mummy and the Workers' Fatherland ruled by the baa** lent baby-kissing Father aid Leader of All Peoples...
...Although the'Wehrmacht is strung from Norway to the Dodecanese Islands and Libya, there are sufficient divisions remaining for concentration in Middle Africa and for a strong invasion force...
...gether in a cooperative enterprise of maximizing values for .} personalities in the group, than for the traditional end of wonhjj This is certainly neither new nor unique doctrine...
...Books and Writers Julian Huxley on Man By ADRIENNE KOCH New York University JULIAN HUXLEY has gathered together a group of his recant ** essays, some -written in pre-bombed England, others fa ^ roidsjt As a group, they axe informal, bright in manner,, and knowing...
...When time comes for demobilization, men will not be flung from the' barrack room or camp to the employment exchange...
...Although the Islands appear to be well fortified, the Germans have not yet failed to come through with some successful surprise...
...If the Russians have permitted the Germans to mass north of Iran and Turkey, the real battle of Asia Minor is about to begin...
...Popular SKpercrti&oni about superior and inferior races, pure and impure races and the like, Huxley reduces either to the Active status of propaganda, or to the kernel of common-sense observations about the rtalwv&l (socio-cultural) characteristic of a group...
...V • This news "is in harmony" with State Department information, according to one source...
...The greatest center of heavy industry in India—the iron-copper-coal belt of Western Bengal, especially Jamshedpur— is in their hands...
...but a theologian would have found it'* • Huxley believes that traditional religion and superrvatujsjiia...
...larger than that of France, is Portuguese-speaking BttvL *Mf_ icans who know Brazil are lamer_by far—than those ffeVjpQ Europe, and the comparativelyl few Americans who ^MJedwJJf as tourists, saw only a f ew portl cities and the fantaejfflsllr ful capital Rio de Janeiro...
...Then the scene will he set for the final invasion attempt...
...Nor is HuxWg decent faith that "Life Can Be Worth Living" (Chapter H) capable of filling out our imaginative gaps and deficiencies...
...The Size of Liiiaj Things," "The Origins of Species," "Mice and Men," "The W of the Dodo," "The Courtship of Animals," "The Intelligent* a Birds" are frequently amusing and always rich in concrete raff1 ence...
...Huxley shows the fuzziness of the popular eoncep...
...He writes that we're doing a job for democracy...
...Climate and Human History" and "Uniqueness* of Msn...
...Syria remains the key...
...At the same time, should the war bog down in Syria, .Turkey will rapidly move over into the Nazi orbit, perhaps even permitting Germany to extend her military and supply lines through the country... a «w room looking for a black cat—which isn't there: 'That mayi,' said' the philosopher...
...During World War I, large orders were placed with Indian firms by the railways and the government...
...The New Leader enjoys the rare distinction of being such a journal...
...It is in the original Lippincott edition of 325 pages...
...BUT Huxley's individual talent far graphic presentation of scientific material is happily still functioning, and these an the sections of Man Stands Alone which are actually most ^ortb-while...
...Some trade union leaders, led by Labor Minister Without Portfolio Arthur Greenwood, have ;been charged with drawing up plans for post-war social, economic and physical reconstruction...
...Once this is accomplished, the British Labor Party's instructors will be withdrawn...
...For the sharply defined quSHts-tive notion of common ancestry we must substitute the statistics, idea of the probable number of common ancestors which tm members of a group may be expected to share in going back s certain period of time...
...Recent information from Cair revaels that the Germans are distributing "documentary evidence" of a British promise to open to Jewish colonization Syria, Iran and Iraq...
...At the same time, the Germans are known to be planning new Arab uprisings...
...Another Dunkirk may be effected...
...Greenwood writes that as wholesale sections which have been obliterated by bombs and will be rebuilt with dignity, beauty . and usefulness to the housewife, so outmoded social and economic abuses, dropped during the war, will be wiped out and replaced by post-war legislation...
...In some ways, these are the most successful is th book, perhaps because their material is fresher, perhaps bteesn Huxley doesn't take out time to preach...
...In this cor.nectia it is interesting to notice that the moat widely oppressed.flaw" in totalitarian Europe, the Jews, belongs to the first, and at 1st second category...
...Paris merchants and industrialists dominate some of the most important and thriving In-, dian trusts...
...If you enjoy vicarious traveling and m«d adventwrssj* » easy chair, or even entertain the h*P* <** some **** bein* afTord a pleasure trip to Brazil—thfc is your book...
...Allied diplomatic circles are uneasy about it...
...It is to its readers, therefore, rather than its publishers or editors or staff members, that I extend my heartfelt felicitations...
...Prime Minister Churchill said he realized what was involved in the agreement of trade- unions to suspend customs and privileges "which had taken generatiops to win...
...India's industries, dormant in the nineteeth century because of civil wars, got under way with the start of the Swadeshi movement in 1906...
...1 ' '"Z...
...This is especially true of the jute and cotton mills...
...The material presented in its pages is based upon tangible, concrete facts, rather than upon hearsay or gossip...
...Although the official lanfguage of eighteen of the Latin-American countries ia Spanish, they differ from eaaV*flr at least as much, and often eve* more, than the countries of iPg The largest of the countrieaj to the South of us, a eouawTjP an area greater than that of tgie United States, with a TfOf...
...British Aid Spurs Growth of India's Home Industries CALCUTTA (By Mail).—Few people realize or know of the enormous strides toward industrialization and Indian ownership of factories and natural resources which have occurred in the last several years: Today, Indians own or control or have an interest in the majority of industries operating in the country...
...And we pass it on to you, not so much because we naturally feel Mattered, but because we think it important that The New Leader be as widely circulated as possible...
...He then > gave the following EH**5 . <-% "It is" a matter of honor to the whole country that these privileges shall be restored and resumed when this crisis has passed away, unless some better arrangements can be made...
...One of India's first magnates, Tata, emerged as the head of a large iron and steel business...
...It is pointed out that the Labor Party has given New Zealand free i medicine, 100 per ceat^-employ-ment, cooperative factories,'arid low prices during its present ' regime...
...another' through Africa from Vichy's colonies towards the British and Free French...
...Labor in Australia is only 1 vote from parliamentary control...
...Two Englishmen, fw instance, are almost certain to have more ancestors in commor than an Englishman and a Negro...
...Invasion today is a practical possibility for the first time in two centuries...
...It is a challenging, vital commentary on the problems of world action today...
...Harper a *» 1941...
...Huxley might well have closed his book with this suggnste review of facts about animal behavior...
...We'd like you to re-read Max Winkler's note...
...Either of these books FREE with a new sob at $2.00 a year...
...As the titles indicate, there is no unity of subject m*$a$ but some order is achieved through the constant frame of M: ence (Man) which Huxley keeps throughout In this sense...
...We, too, think what he has to say is important...
...Thia is Germany's trump card and the crux of her recently renewed streamlined propaganda offensive in the Near East...
...The "wise peace ffW of the ruler of one-sixth of [the earth and the Soviet-Nazi "a* aggression pact" of, 1939 havfc put an end to these prJt^MasjR So the vacation travelers lire now restricted to this faeftMP of which most of them knowUess than of the Crimea or the casus... longer think of common ancestry, a single original stock, as the essential badge of a 'race.' What residuum of truth there is in this idea...
...This propaganda is offsetting British promises of June 8 to the effect that London will give complete freedom and independence to the people of Lebanon_and Syria...
...He preferred, hurts***/* add a mediocre chapter on "Science, Natural and Social" alS* contributes nothing to the topic of methods in the sciences, m even fails to exhibit Huxley's specific virtue—the injects**'* "life" into over-intellectualixed veins...
...These sources insist that undisclosed private business firms, with wide contacts in the Near East, have informed them that during the past two weeks German troops have been sailing east from Constanza in Romania and from Odessa in the Soviet Union...
...But a threat to their growth and freedom looms, and they know it...
...Editorial opinion is constructive and devoid of motives of personal ambition...
...the Canadian labor move-ment is growing rapidly...
...tion of race...
...We probably agree in welcoming a diversity of personal values, »e may even share the author's faith that "for moat people" life can p« worth living, and yet we are impatient since this is not the question now...
...There are consistent reports in Washington that the final attempt to invade Britain is not far off...
...For Your Vacation By STEPHEN NAFT *T"HE yearly exodus of school teachers and other happy AatJfiM * who can take a six or pn weeks vacation will be diverts* if some time from Europe to\ this hemisphere...
...Qactl UtPiece oj^ictioH' "117HEN false prophets and pseudo-messiahs begin coming into their • " own, as is- invariably the case in periods of great stress and uj...
...The body proposed by Representative Voorhis is similar to one in Britain, headed by Arthur Greenwood, which is already at work studying post-war needs...
...Tne German apparatus is in perfect working order in the Near East...
...In his book "I Lika Brazil" A the much traveled Jack Ba»*J gives a pleasant, interesting aCid informative narraMw •Wg travels by train, by motor ear, Sy air, by steamer ina» **• *3 up the Amazon River, and his Adventures in many P****^ vast country...
...Voorhis' resolution, which is somewhat similar to a resolution offered in the Senate by Senator Robert F. Wagner of New York, carried out a recommendation made last year by a national conference on unemployment conducted by the representatives of Catholic, Protestant and Jewish groups...
...The tribesmen in the desert and mountains of Iraq, Iran, Syria and Palestine are well armed...
...This may partly account for the stiffened resistance by the French colonial troops in Syria...
...Il these reports are true, then Germany already is Using Russian, French and Japanese ports in its war on England...
...The question for applied science is that oS the epecifir nucha*, isms for safeguarding those undeniable values which Bjmto thinks necessary to "defend...
...1 fie British Cabinet, through Prime Minister Churchill, last week gave English labor chiefs binding assurances that when the war ends, the rules, and agreements to which they attach importance will be fully restored, the Trade Union Division stated from its London sources...
...It is reported that he will -lead the raids on the 400,000 unarmed Jews* iiw Palestine when the Germans finally launch their offensive on Egypt and Syria...
...Her recruiting stations have supplied full quotas, and men have had to be turned away for lack of equipment A recent call for 300 educated youth for the Air Force cadets brought in 30,000 applications...
...The Nazis are promising the Arabs complete annihilation of the Jews, so that Britain will have no force with which to counterbalance the Arabs...
...The exiled Rashid Ali, who ruled Iraq for a month or so, is in Iran...
...Huxley attempts to deal with the "grand" issues toS the "values of life," the direction of civilization, the nature of ts* natural and social sciences...
...Another essay, lata ia • book, called "Scientific Humanism," tries to make explicit wast*" was saying in more -particularized contexts, all along...
...Send us that one new subscriber—from among your friends and shopmates— now...
...Out of India's vast raw product resources are being exported iron and coal, mica and manganese, shellac and oil, seeds, rubber, cotton and tea...
...Germans to Send Troops Through Caucasus, Iran, Stir Arab Uprisings in Near East Drive By DICK REYNARD A wideflung French-German-Rujssian-Japanese agreement has been in operation for severaJi weeks, according to newspaper and diplomatic circles here and in Washington, permitting German troops to cross the Caucasus, French aircraft and other war equipment to be shipped to Syria, and Japanese troops to filter quietly down in French Indo-China, where they threaten to flank the PhilippineIslands and Singapore, gateway to the East...
...i uncertainty, and commence preying upon the populace by holding out promises of early salvation which is not salvation at all, it is re- ° freshing to find a publication which gives to its readers with honesty and candor, facts in place of fiction, impartial comment in place of stereotyped views, and constructive interpretation in place of sinister ' platitudes...
...Tkaw are followed by several other essays, focussed more direeth;ta biology, where if social implications are in order, they are left * the reader...
...British labor leaders point out that should Britain collapse, the entire structure of free labor throughout the world would collapse, except for the then isolated American labor movement...
...Ms Mm Round-the-World trips in thVee months...
...If Germany wins, all this will be wiped out...
...In short, Julian Huxley tatlks like an old-fashioned man... purely quantitative...
...More important, the British fleet will be scattered for weeks, leaving weakened forces in the British Channel and Eastern Atlantic...
...Berlin has been counting...
...Legislation embodying the pledge of restoration is shortly to be introduced...
...One of these sank the Robin Moor...
...After crossing the Black Sea, the Nazi divisions are massing on the Iranian border for a drive southward into Syria, Palestine and Egypt...
...The Germans have been supplying them with rifles and small calibre' artillery for more than two years...
...The one question they are asking most frequently is whether, after this period of great defense spending, struggle and effort is over, there will result another severe depression with millions of people out of work, or whether we will begin now to lay cornerstones of action upon which a real American New World may be built...
...World War I stimulated its growth, and a change in British attitude in 1926 spurred a gathering momentum...
...It is sincerely hoped that' that day is not far off...
...It is not at all inconceivable that the past two weeks' disinformation on a Sqviet-Nazi split covers simultaneous German drives down into Iran, west into Egypt, one...
...Huxley explains: "We can...
...It's hot in the summer, and you' no doubt plan vacations and swimming dates...
...ever it is pleasant to hear Mr...
...Since the great practical difficulty of converting the notion of "race" into such a mathematical function is apparent, Huxjey finds no present scientific warrant for its use...
...Voorhis Offers Bill for Post-War Planning Body WASHINGTON.—With the en-" dorsement and support of representatives of three great religious faiths, Congressman Jerry Voorhis of California will present his proposal for a post-defense economic adjustment commission to a sub-committee of the House Labor Committee on June 24...
...But there'll be no holiday for the British, no swimming dates for" the men in North Africa keeping the Nazis back from Suez and Palestine...
...George Gibson, chairman of the British ' Trades Union Congress, recently revealed that over 9,000 changes in workshop practices...
...biological essays are also humanistic...
...and suspensions of rules have been registered in accordance with war-time orders...
...Jobs will be provided for them, homes for their families, and food and clothing to keep them going in the interim...
...We think we are...
...The Voorhis resolution would create a commission composed of representatives of Congress and the Executive 'Departments of the government, of organized industry, finance and labor, of consumer cooperative organizations and of religious and educational groups...
...Suez, Singapore and the Persian Gulf are the bridgeheads to India...
...Gandhi's pacifism still exercises wide influence, but it is significant that his civil disobedience protest this ' year, after the breakdown of negotiations, was not an attempt to paralyse the administration by mass action, as in the past, but rather a symbolic and dramatic protest When Pandi Nehru was in Europe last year, he curtly declined an invitation to meet with Hitler...
...Most of it has been set up by Baron von Oppenheim, who, like General Milch, creator of the German air force, is a Jew with honorary Aryan status...
...v • / LIKE BRAZIL...
...Meanwhile, the Germans are using French Togoland, the Ivory Coast and French West Africa—in which is^Dakar—for further concentration of men, planes and submarines...
...And the British must move slowly throughout the Near East—they have scarcely more than 600,000 men to protect the Western Egyptian border, the Suez Canal, Palestine, Iraq, Malta, Cyprus, arid Syria...
...and while this is a depart** from academic biological description, it gives vitality tc a» assentation...
...Passage of this resolution will mean more to the morale of our people than any other single thing we could do in my opinion," said Voorhis...
...Apart from this, Huxley urges that we abandon the term rate altogether, in order to keep separate the two basic notions oft cultural, national or religious group, an the one hand, and as ethnic group with a genetic basis, on the other...
...And this "resjtricted'-V territory includes not 1— 4fjP twenty-two countries between iCanada, the Caribbean and AjafP tine...
...Furthermore, last week's British retreat in Libya and the slowness of the Syrian invasion has hurt British prestige in the Arab world...
...Although this has not yet been BiaaVpnblic, the British government has recognized'and under...
...Leon Blum: Man and Statesman" is the full-length, definitive biography of the great French leader by Goeffry Fraser and Thadee Nathanson...
...The British have learned that German subs are operating out of Dakar...
...The truth is presented without fear of displeasing the narrow and egotistical Tew who, because of timidity or incapacity to think clearly, pursue or endorse a policy detrimental to the many...
...Churchill Pledges Post-War Safeguard of Union Rights Reconstruction Plans Drawn By Greenwood 13 Leaders of the British labor movement, now in charge of economic "planning and reconstruction, have raised the standards of England's social security system «nd other people's benefits during the past two years despite the '¦war, the Trade Union Division of the Committee to Defend America by1 Aiding the A"ies learned this week'from its contacts in British Trades Union Congress London headquarters...
...A recent taw of Parliament has provided, funds for the dispatch of several hundred union leaders to the colonies, such as Jamaica, to teach ¦ the native workers how to organize...
...Being quantitative and statistical, this concept cannot provide any sharp definition of race, nor do justice to the results of nv combination...
...have gone for good, that the scientific way of life tends to use religious feelings rather for drawing the social community j...
...India is profoundly and un-sbakably anti-Nazi...
...These proposed new laws will include gob security...
...A Lot of Ramble Despite the 20 per cent curtailment of 1942 models, four million trucks and cars will be turned out in 1942—a quarter of a million more than in 1939...
...By Julian Huxley...
...OTHER essays of a biological nature which vigorously stinrthtt social thinking are the ones on "Eugenics and Socidj...
...Help us double our audience...
...If this move crystallizes, the usual fanning out tactics of Germany's panzers will cut to pieces the thin British lines, moving slowly into Syria...
...He relates his Observations of the l****izL customs, about mining, business land industry, in the l***"^ well as in the largo cities, and his conversations with ths 9**^ nent men of the country...
...If Iran is suddenly overrun and the panzer divisions flood into Syria through the back door, the British will lose Suez, untold equipment, large numbers of tanks and planes...
...and in the hard-boiled offices of the North American Newspaper Alliance, for which he once columned, Professor Winkler is considered one of the country's important economists...
...He comes from ' one of Islam's holiest families, a descendant of the prophet and grandson of the great Moslem teacher, Abdul Kard Gailani...
Vol. 24 • June 1941 • No. 25