Axis Exploits Suner-Franco Split to Force War Entry
Axis Exploits Suner-Franco Split to Force War Entry By DICK REYNARD The much publicized visit of Serrano Suner, Spain's Foreign Minister, to Berlin, can now definitely be interpreted as an...
...Sweeney has frequently spoken for Father Coughlin and is closely associated with John J. O'Connor, whom the President "purged" from Congress two years ago, both being contributors to the columns of "Social Justice...
...Mattison Boyd Jones, according to instructions from Washington...
...this for lassitude and indifference...
...from Madrid, it can be assumed that Franco The powerful British fleet, aided by American will soon be retired—or that he will be nothing equipment—and perhaps a formal declaration of but a puppet, for Spain's new Caudillo will be war before next summer—could effect a landing Senor Serrano Suner...
...Those that approved and applauded at the time might well pause now to take a good bok...
...The external debt was swollen by commercial credits contracted by the fascist government...
...Anti' War Bloc Beaten, Labor Gains, in Australian Elections Special to The New Leader five to three seats...
...The generalissimo may Franco's anti-war...
...If yen don't believe in it everywhere, you don't believe ilk at all...
...make weak nofees which sound warlike, but if He is far from convinced that his entry into war the Axis secures an open declaration of war will not mean grave danger to his regime...
...On the der have lent added weight to Falangist argu- right, the monarchist question remains...
...There are good chances that this loan will be made if Gibraltar's rear lines are guaranteed...
...2. The oppression of a democracy anywhere is the concern of every democracy everywhere...
...This will throw the Japanese and British into even sharper conflict for the Japs can keep the Burma road under constant air bombardment...
...AND while we're on unpleasant subjects, we'd like to men-tion Adolph Germer, who was recently shipped from New York to Seattle, Wash., to spike an anti-Communist revolt in the Washington Industrial Union Council...
...Either the American People have lost their interest in their politics, or the Big Boys •hat didn't want Willkie nominated don't want him elected...
...Portugal is still Axis...
...More than once I have called attention to this phenomenon, and here it is again thrusting itself ¦upon our wonder...
...Jleand oh the left By VICTOR WSfL...
...From July, 1936, to July, 1939, Spain bled millions of dollars in crushing the republic...
...Olson is having his troubles...
...Ever since the outbreak of the European crises, Japan has been moving steadily to the south, in sharp contrast to its previous concentration on Manchuria and Northern China...
...froaeo's Success the Result of fc»cracy's Complacency PRANCO'S success in destroying democracy in Spain was made C possible only by the help he received from two sources, from Great Britain and^he United States...
...raff Lowers Physical Standards— » Has To With 45 Million Underfed MEANTIME, we migh... our TorkriUe Beobachter brownshirts would gently pat it...
...Franco therefore emerged from the Civil War with an unbalanced budget and a heavy foreign debt, quite apart from the material destruction eaused to the nation's resources...
...Greece and Turkey would be forced to become, like Romania, ;»potent vassals...
...Occupation of French Indo-China would put Tokyo armies on all Siamese flanks, from which Japan could easily take Siam, and so perch itself above Singapore, which controls the entrance to the Indian and the Pacific Ocean...
...Occupation of the Indo-Chinese-Siamese peninsula would be one of the last laps in Japanese occupation of strategic and succu* lent territory in the Orient...
...power and dominion...
...The result is that the Labor chjef Curtjn ]ogt hig United Australian-Country Party ^ d hjs luraljty when coalition retains its power with ^ ference and lndep?ndent Menzies as prime minister...
...OOME of the local talent has been busy rigging up support here for Frank Scully, the cafeteria society writer who has been indicted for alleged embezzlement of public funds in California...
...It happened at one of those fantastic parties given by a rich Jap attache...
...first, over -the ridicule heaped on him for believing the Olson-for-Vice-Presi-dent myth, and second, because he is attempting- to appease some fellow-travelers in order to slow the rerali drive picking up speed against him...
...there is uary> 194i Menzies sought to a greater chance that such a coa- have the United Kingdom Parlia-lition will emerge, provided Men- ment put off tne election, but this zies accedes to the Labor requests was met Dy Labor and Country that the government conscript Party opposition...
...This group s candidates were The election was further com- overwhelmingiy defeated, show-plicated by a split in the Labor on<x more ^ ^ Party...
...Discovering a telephone, a decanter of whiskey and an unoccupied room, he gracefully imposed on Japanese hospitality by telephoning Madame Chiang Kai-chek in Chungking, China...
...own constituency and obtaining haye ljn]e tience with the an expected majority in both „anti.war„ crowds houses...
...It has also safeguarded our Best 'fttrttU with a provision in its revenue bill that any manufac-enlarging his plant because of government contracts can '"the next five years charge off annually in his tax return per cent of the cost of the improvement...
...Secretary Hull's immediate protest against "disturbance of the status quo in the Orient" is interpreted as one more step in the direction of physical action to prevent the Nipponese from absorbing the Dutch East Indies...
...Nor dc the alpenstockers (the hammer and sickle are such clumsy weapons) hesitateto cooperate with the country's leading anti-Semites...
...franco War Entry Would Be a Ttrrtte Blew at Britain rf Butcher Franco should conclude to go into the international Bold-up game, as practised by his friend and college chummy, JdKaeiini, and the cement grinding should be good, here are some J the consequences: Great Britain would suffer-the heaviest loss of prestige she has ever known—and things far worse...
...This heavy financial commitment has been England's ace in the hole, to be played against somewhere on the long and vulnerable Spanish the ideological and military pressure of the coast next spring or summer...
...The splinter- ministerial burdens of Defense, labor party faction, led by for- Munitions and Information bonier Premier Lang, dropped from sides his prime ministership...
...are passionately loyal to their chief, Suner...
...Spain can supply the bases...
...And from the whole alarming situation others might draw a salutary lesson for future guidance...
...The Axis spite any present inclination toward the Axis, propaganda machine inside Spain has been play- Portugal would afford Britain an excellent beach ing on the expansionist sentiment of the young head...
...Whenever an argument arose, he wo7ild advance the stock Stalinist cliches...
...Now *• limit .must 'be reduced to five feet in height and 107 pounds ™ »eight...
...A situation in Washington had developed along similar lines to that which was created in Rochester...
...Helen Gahagan, chosen National Commit-teewoman from South California by last July's Chicago convention, was to be set aside for the more conservative Mrs...
...All* these nations, long merely mystery spots and movie locales for the American people, may soon become the Ypres, Amiens, Dunkirk and Verdun of" another war...
...Owing to the lack of tal-Party dropped from seventeen to ent Menzies has had to carry the fourteen places...
...Au5tralia,s While in the past months the parliamentary proportional rep-Labor Party had been offered resentation system went to his positions in a coalition-national opponent as a second choice...
...If my name was used, it was without authority...
...Industrialists Set Plants Free AFTER all the alarms, and grinding anxieties of the last few months it is sweet and wholesome to come upon one vital tS5P«t in which we mav feel confidence...
...The widespread malnutrition resulting from the first j-k*en years of the slow crack-up of the capitalist system has *?un to make us a nation of pygmies and scarecrows...
...If the Vichy government refrains from large scale warfare against the strong Japanese Canton Army, Tokyo militarists will undoubtedly occupy all of French Indo-China within a few months...
...Italy would 'get Egypt, the Suez Canal, Syria, the Sudan and Palestine...
...The best the CIO leader—and Len De Caux and Lee Pressman of course, could get is "assurance that Madden is among those being considered...
...Menzies' United Austra- cabinet ministers opens the way Han Party retained its twenty- toward the Labor-Menzies coali-five seats, while the Country tion...
...But if jjWkeep on that way, where will you get your men to do your &8kting, O ye fusty patjes that still cling to the shattered raft the theory of Profits?^ It has heroine necessary to lower the physical standards for "A'torv service—lower them in this sinister fashion...
...The military sharps have long assured us that before modern artillery the famous "impregnable" rock would be anything but impregnable—if there were but available bases for such artillery...
...Sweeney have next on the pogrom for rioting . . .? » * » |JROM down Mexico way comes another letter from Frank Jel* linek, PM's foreign correspondent, the sum total of which is that he resents our ignorance, and the continuation of the "Jel-linek Saga...
...The "Popolo d'ltalia," one of the most conspicuous of Mus-wfrnfi stooge press, suggests that when the war shall be over, tkt United States be invited to join the four other great nations fiat wUl then control the world's commerce and take its share Pi the fat proceeds, its partners in this: pious enterprise to be My, Germany, Russia aild Japan...
...Onions and disquieting phenomenon...
...The straits are only fifteen miles wide... a result of this week's na- Another labor faction led by tional election—a poll which Tory Communists, known as the Premier Menzies took to the "Hands Off Russia" group, ran country on the war issue by on an isolationist pjatform .r...
...Dangerous and subversive elements in ^Wess wanted to levy, notable taxes upon excess profits caused 2 defense contracts, and some of the baser sort even wanted to 00 « England has done and confiscate for the common good all ""a excess...
...The foreign debt is now close to two billion dollars while the budget for 1940 reveals only small sums allotted to reconstruction, but huge military expenditures...
...In short order the pleasant little Nipponese diplomat was summarily recalled to Tokyo to explain the mysterious presence on the telephone bill 0f the Japanese consulate, a call to the wife of China's generalissfmo...
...Ry Charles Edward RussellThe News Reel -jgAGER and baffling were the dispatches the censor allowed u, l»to have about Spain and the part it may play in ^ -jifrwing crisis, but there was reason good enough for the British fcdamp hard on the subject...
...In past weeks the Dairy Worker has been hinting, in it* plodding way, that Jewish support of defense measures and conscription will lead to pogroms up where the Grand Contours* runs...
...Failing to influence Franco knows that once war starts, the power General Franco, who today stands intransigeant he wields because of the Vatican's support, will against a war adventure—in which stand he is disintegrate before the power which the Axis supported by the Vatican, which has just ordered wields among the Falangists, its German bishops not to issue their famous Franco is likely to find that Suner has de-annual pastoral letter—the Axis turned to Suner...
...that the Menzies government was Under the Australian Consti-unwilling to effect a .total reor- tution a general' election was ganization of Australia's efforts scheduled before the end of Jan-to meet the war crisis...
...sentiment is not mere altruism...
...Around the proverbial military corner lie Siam, Burma, India and Australia...
...The life line of the British Empire would be severed, the Empire itself dis-mpted...
...Last week we listed Morrie Ryskind on the Scully Defense Committee...
...Stalinite leaders have recently been working with Congressman Martin L. Sweeney, of Ohio, who was charged tit three hundred newspapers last year with being an avowed Jew-baiter...
...Big Berthas in the World War carried seventy-two miles...
...The Catalonian and Basque people are still Since the German-French "military armistice" anti-fascist...
...1. H ye* believe in democracy, you believe in it everywhere... thcpossible results...
...The possibilities, if Spain climbs Hwn into the Axis camp are'too grave to be contemplated lightly True, as optimists tell us, it is an exhausted country Spain's -tkve years of civil war have left it nearly flaccid for fighting ^ote, and bankrupt of money...
...The two Old Ladies' not very homey jearnal is doing its best to paint this as a "Jew war...
...state convention was illegally called...
...This move on the part of the national administration reveals that Roosevelt is fed up with Communist influence in the California Democratic Party and in determined to wipe it out... two considerations, the great British investments in Spanish iron mines and industries Sid the blind staggers that fell upon Cliveden at every evidence d a popular front...
...Diplomatic circles in Washington report that the pro-Franco forces in Madrid have been trying to negotiate a $100,000,000 loan for Spanish reconstruction, and that for the first time even the New Dealers were willing to support such a move, on the theory that American dollars would buy support for Franco's policy of keeping the Axis at a distance from Spain...
...These are already Nazi in everything Spain Franco knows that the unhealed wounds but language...
...The information came from a usually well-informed Broadway columnist, who himself has obviously been hoaxed...
...Well, all we haye against Mr...
...The Senate has fittingly rebuked all these evil spirits by fixing 7* tar at merely nominal rates...
...Hitherto, and old, the minimum stature for admission to the army has been J*6 feet, four inches in height and 120 pounds in weight...
...In the SenMELBOURNE, Australia...
...His dispatches from Mexico read as if they had been turned out by a Kremlin mimeograph machine...
...While Jellinek covered the Civil War—we learn from one who was an important Loyalist official during 1936-1987—he was invariably seen in Stalinite company...
...Suner is Franco's brother-in-law a"nd has long been the center of intrigue designed to unseat the generalissimo and line" tip with Germany, despite the intense ill-will prevalent in Catholic Spain against the Nazi "pagans...
...Helen is Melvyn Douglas' wife...
...V t IN1 -the danger that we might overnight become Velvel Rieselofsky * we'd like to expose some recent Communist Party refinement of the Schmelka Ginsberg technique...
...Catholic, are already vehemently anti-Jewish, The distress among the working class is wide-talk of expropriating "plutocratic property," and spread...
...This is the seventeenth pesidential campaign that I have observed and none of the »thers have matched...
...Jellinek was correspondent for the Manchester Guardian in Spain...
...clared war on England...
...ate the government will have sevThe Labor Party remained the enteen votes against fifteen for single largest bloc in Parliament Labor...
...The same day Sweeney inserted a short speech called "The Country Needs John J. O'Connor Back in Congress...
...Spain must have gold now, many millions worth, if she is to avoid collapse...
...His help from Britain was prompted...
...It appears that the President was dissatisfied with organization on the coast and ordered last week's California Democratic convention in Sacramento to select twenty-two delegates to the Electoral College who were avowed anti-Stalinites...
...On September Fifth, at the request of the Chicago Peace Mobilization, Congressman Sweeney inserted hi the Congressional Record a petition, signed by nearly a hundred Communists and fellow-travelers, opposing "any form of conscription...
...If an enemy force strikes anywhere in Falangists...
...By occupying northern Indo-China, the Japanese army is within two hundred miles of the British Burma road — the only route into South China for the Chiang Kai-shek forces...
...deny that any promise was made...
...The schism is believed to rf ^ Britigh E t oyer have prevented Labor Leader which the pseudo.isoIationists John Curtin from winning in his of ^ wor,d crocodile tearS...
...scheduled the election for Sept...
...Governor Culbert Olson, a National Committeeman, was to be ignored when patronage came up...
...even if it means political oblivion for the appealers like Governor Olson...
...Although the Siamese government had agreed to the project, British influence soon put a stop to it...
...The Si no-Japanese war has now been brought to the very door of the rich and fertile colonies of the European powers: French Indo-China, British Malaya, and the Netherlands Indies...
...The United States is involved because of its dependence on Southeast Asian products and because the entire balance of power in' the Pacific and the Far East is at.stake...
...What else *onld you expect when the Defense Commission reports that lorty-five million people tf the United States are underfed...
...The Asturian miners are known to German troops concentrated on the northern bor- have large arms caches in the mountains...
...The Fascist-Nazi Empire, the most colossal .«*er known in the world, would stretch from the North Cape to the equator and from the English Channel to Afghanistan...
...but failed to come through when FDR failed to reappoint J. Warren Madden to the National Labor Relations Board...
...So the experts say...
...visit to Berlin this pressure increased almost to Any show of strength on England's part the explosion point, with Gibraltar and a larger would throw Salazar into the Allies' lap—de-share of North Africa as...
...Recent negotiations in Berlin and Rome reveal that Suner finally assumed full power over the Spanish state, despite the counter-pressure exerted by London financial circles and the export loan division of the United States-----Government...
...Such cannonading and bombing with present-day explosives would reduce the whole rock to cement powder...
...6.0.* Flounders and Willkie bw 4way With Himself COME of my younger associates in the field of political ob-servation are puzzled and disturbed because somebody in •he Republican management does not put the silencer on the nimble Mr...
...Those who are appeasing certain transmission belts were also given the cold shoulder...
...We have an uglier way to describe it...
...During the few weeks previous to Suner's pro-British...
...But we would like to freshen the gentleman's memory—and that of bleating friend Ralph Ingersoll... rule that the Washington C.LO...
...Menzies then wealth as well as men...
...he*'* Press Hints » Appeasing U. S. WlRTAINLY, it is not the strange feature of this strange war * that the glimpses of its real background and purpose have amtinuaHy come from Italy...
...They have picked up a rather careless habit—left lying about by those who set up the American Peace Mobilization: the use of unauthorized names for committees...
...They should push their inquiries farther if they really want to find •he light Nobody in the Republican management checks the nuuway Willkie tongue because there is no Republican management and no Republican effort...
...A recent statement issued by the Spanish Ministry of Finance lends weight to the belief that General Franco, if he is allowed to have his way, will preserve Spain's non-belligerent status...
...They are rapidly turning anti- of the Civil War would once more spurt blood...
...Scully's political views, as you know, are far different from mine...
...The scores of tunnels and concealed gun emplacements were made for the last century, not for this...
...Aid if the Stalin-Hitler partnership should endure, it would represent a power that nothing now known to man could 'withstand...
...All his associations and work in Spain were related to the Communist Party...
...Upon news of this governmental beneficence, up went the **k market and Wall Street glimpsed once more Prosperity s **r face...
...votes aUotted undej...
...Willkie before he utterly ruins his chances...
...The help of the United States was motivated cy reasons of domestic politics and one man's personal, ambition tad insatiable lust for...
...Bui sources close to FDR...
...And tovarisch Jellinek ought not to threaten libel action \ so frequently, or he'll really give dear Ralph IngersoH a psychiatric headache...
...The huge British fleet now concentrated in the Medi--tamaean and able at present to make a monkey of Mussolini, wosld be bottled up and soon rendered harmless...
...No Stalinist—Trotskyist, Socialist., Anarchist or liberal—doubted for a moment that Jellvwek was either a Communist or fellow-traveler, similar in his role to that of the Louis Fischer of those days...
...the bait...
...This would be the ¦ logical step in the Japanese drive against European influence in the Far East...
...UR own candidate for the presidency, FDR, has reached into '"^ California to stir things up a bit...
...117ASHINGTON, D. C. grapevine gossip lines are heavy with re-** ports that John Lewis paid a secret visit to the White House and promised to endorse Roosevelt last week-end...
...These Netherland colonies are vital to American defense industries because of their vast raw materials...
...He was then, and from his correspondence still is—a close sympathizer who took his ideas from the local commissars...
...He maintained that he was not a party member, which is probably true...
...Then we received the following wire from Morrie Ryskind, now in Beverly Hills: "I know nothing of Scully Defense Committee, nor was I ever asked to join it...
...Up to the pact the Guardian followed a well-defined fellow-traveler line^—the British counterpart of which was to urge the Labor Party (two million members) to unite with the British Communist Tarty's three thousand members...
...And ments for a war on Britain...
...On the whole, it seems, to have " in as sharers in the loot would be easier and less expensive to crush us in an economic war which, we are assured, would k wr fate if we should reject the tempting offer...
...The Labor Party won thirty- 21 to cut short the campaigning one seats in the House, an in- period as far as possible, crease from its twenty-seven The recent death in an air-places in the outgoing Parlia- plane crash of three of Menzies' ment...
...Jellinek . . . and PM, is their Stalinism...
...Communist delegates were refused seats by the credentials committee...
...O'Connor has cooperated with Mervm K. Hart, notorious anti-Semite and Fascist, as well as with Coughlin...
...Also to give him dis-ancerting reflections on another head...
...They are strategically placed on the vital routes between the Western World and Japan, linking Tokyo directly to European-American relations—war relations now...
...profitably take most sober heed of the startling facts about, the physical decline of the men.of Amer-disclosed by a new War Department regulation...
...The Douglases, although they have publicly broken with the Communisttclique in California Democratic politics, have made the mistuke of working with the Stah-noid Committee to Aid Agricultural Workers, while Olson, despite much anti-CP activity, has cared for those Stalinites who had to be moved out of conspicuous spots in the State government...
...The South China ports have been taken one by one, Hongkong has been isolated from the mainland, and Hainan, off the east Indo-China coast, and other islands of great strategic importance, have been occupied by the Japanese forces in rapid succession...
...These, of course, are but possibilities, dependent upon whether Main could sustain the loss" of Gibraltar and the paralysis of ha fleet But even as possibilities, they are enough to give the tionghtful man uneasy days and nights...
...A prominent book and theatre editor of one of the largest magazine houses in the country—his initials are the best I can use, J. C.—found himself invited to the soiree...
...Wonder what friends of Mr...
...Jellinek is hardly in a position to speak of "journalistic ethics...
...the charging, that the Laborites were *«te of New South W ales third not wholeheartedly for aid to Ingest of the eight Australian Britain...
...The government, John Curtin, leader Labor Party is seeking another of the party, refused on the basis Eeat for Curtin...
...What it could furnish for fa Time Banditry would not be much in men, ships or munitions tut vhat it could do in gen bases and terrain would be aplenty...
...The dividends of Steel *J all other industrials interested in producing war materials *"l continue to be goodly...
...And the United States is now directly involved in Japanese Empire dreams through control of the Philippines...
...The difference,is that Jellmek hasn't had the courage to break his close Comintern ties...
...Axis Exploits Suner-Franco Split to Force War Entry By DICK REYNARD The much publicized visit of Serrano Suner, Spain's Foreign Minister, to Berlin, can now definitely be interpreted as an indication of a split between General Franco, alleged dictator of Spain, and the powerful Falangist organization which Suner leads...
...It can supply the handy room, on both sides of the straits, fotf the battering attack on Gibraltar...
...So that the >'»*rmnent pays for the improvement and makes a present of it ^1 don't see how we rtulddo much more than that to safeguard "f dividends...
...Having made due record of the twenty-minute interview, he finished the decanter and wandered forth, proud possessor of an exclusive but expensive story, and somewhat filled with good liquor...
...IJISTORICAL NOTE: Behind the recent recall of a minor J»p-* * anese diplomatic official is a story in grand Robert Benchley style...
...He advised John L. Lewis, who of late has become AdolphV shaggy-haired hero (how times have changed...
...However, all the names used in your column, including mine, are those of Scully's old college chums at Columbia who, though they differ widely from him politically, cannot believe that he is guilty of embezzlement...
...This sent the local Communists into hophead glee, for the state's C.I.O...
...president, Richard Francis, had declared war on the comrades...
...Jap Thrust in Indo-China Aimed At Singapore/ Vital Dutch Indies By GEORGE SHORT WASHINGTON, D. C.—A third world war may be brewing in the Indo-Chinese jungle roads, the U. S. Department of State under-secretaries believe...
...How vital this is to Tokyo is well illustrated by the recent attempt of the Japanese to dredge a channel across Siam to avoid using the Singapore route...
...The Detroit radio priest often quotes Mr...
Vol. 23 • September 1940 • No. 39