Coughlinite and Fascist Lose Heavily in New York Primary Fight
Coughlinite and Fascist Lose Heavily in New York Primary Fight Shipstead Wins, F.LP. Vote Drops, in Minn. Special to The New Leader jj MINNEAPOLIS, Minnesota.—So inchoate is the...
...Those caring to volunteer—and between 21 and 60 and healthy— can do so easily at one of the leading hospitals in New York...
...Br ErMtt J. Simmons...
...With these products, produced at practically no cost, a new barter drive is expected...
...69.8% of the lead...
...In 1938, the last full pre-war year, North and South America supplied Europe with 60% of its imported cotton, 51% of its imported copper, 63 % of its gasoline, 73% of its corn, 76% of its coffee, 45% of its wheat, 63% of its nitrate and 52% of its tobacco...
...With the wider range of industrial products to trade with, now that the factories of France are at the Reich's disposal, combined with Soviet goods flowing into Germany and all backed with French gold, the Nazis have a powerful weapon...
...and merely indicate that morej'interest is attached to any particular party fight...
...Books and Writers By Elias Tartak Rebel or Reactionary...
...I Hear America Singing" Scheduled for Garden Oct...
...The famed ILGWU Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Fritz Mahler, will play several selections, and the ILGWU General Chorus will sing, directed by Lazar Weiner...
...And he succeeds in convincing his reader that that is where we really belong...
...Prominent Republicans tried hard to put him over in the G.O.P...
...This, though, islnot so important in the light of the primary system...
...Prices range from 40c to $2.50...
...Red Cross Pushes Blood Aid for England "Blood for England" is the slogan of the Red Cross, as it enlarged its campaign this week to secure voluntary donations of blood to save civilian and soldier lives in England...
...Not only did they endorse Shipstead, they ran off scores of thousands of copies Of Labor, their official newspaper printed in Washington, and, sent them into the state, helping to defeat Shipstead's nearest opponent by a huge majority of from 50,000 to 100,000 votes...
...Active in the drive to beat McWilliams were several anti-fascist organizations, most prominent of which is the Friends of Democracy, led by Reverend Birkhead, foe of Father Coughlin...
...Louis Schaffer, executive di- —. rector of ILabor Stage, said that the pageajit and concert calling upon all I the Union's dramatic, musical a#d dance groups would show all pne entertainment skill and rescairces of "Pins and Needles'' pn a giant scale...
...Julius (the Just) Heil, labor law-wrecking Governor of the state, was renominated on the G.O.P...
...This is the Administration's proposal for an inter-American cartel to buy up the surplus production of all South American nations, in order to effect a complete control of the Western Hemisphere's foreign trade...
...ticket, while a New Deal supporter, Francis McGovern, was nominated on the Democratic slate...
...The meaning of the term "interdependent world" becomes clear with the realization of industrialized Europe's precarious situation if cut off from our cotton, copper, nitrates, meat, petroleum, etc...
...Dostoyevsky's inferno is the hell of our modern slums, factories, jails, of our squalor and poverty...
...Hjalmer | Peterson defeated Charles Egjley, who had Communist backing, for the gubernatorial nomination...
...No great artist had a more painful sense of the "Poor Folks" problem, of our "progress and poverty," of the demoralizing and soul-destroying nature of our destitution and insecurity civilization than had Dostoyevsky...
...The Russian displayed the same naturalness and convincing ease in unfolding harrowing incident and detail, the same mastery of vast Gothic design...
...The eternal problems of morality, rehgion and human behavior earr.o under the same ruthless, merciless and uncompromising process of investigation...
...OF all the great masters of^Russian letters, Dostoyevsky is the most puzzling, disturbing and—at time—even frightening psychological and literary phenomenon... corpuscles, the Red Cross is bottling the blood and shipping it to a point of need to be used at once or at any time within six months to a year...
...Enemy of Freedom...
...The propaganda drive is expected to come mainly through Spanish newspapers, and "goodw i l l " "cultural" ambassadors, who would invoke the unity of "Latin blood" against "Yankee imperialist" domination of the hemisphere...
...that it can better ask the questions .than supply an answer...
...One may have all kinds of opinions on the respective value e? this or the other of Dostoyevsky's novels...
...GO.3% of the copper ore supply...
...All the interesting people are in the other place...
...Petersburg and, curiously enough, of London read today almost like Marx's chapters on the English "primitive accumulation" phase of,capitalism...
...Nazis Use South America's Spanish Ties in Drive for Economic Control By JOHN DONNE WASHINGTON, D. C—One result of the Suner-Hitler talks now going on in Berlin, will be a new axis propaganda drive in South America with Spain taking the leading role, stressing its cultural, racial and linguistic affinity to the Latin nations in the western hemisphere, diplomatic circles here believe...
...His letter said, in part: "Following receipt of your .telegram, the Department communicated with United States Attorney McClanahan...
...The Friends of Democracy published a stirring leaflet labeled "The Case Against McWilliams," many thousands of which were distributed in the Congressional district just prior to the primaries...
...Wisconsin 1 maintains an open primary...
...This is the last step in a long, hard fight which came to a head with the lynching of Elbert Williams, a young Negro N.A.A.C.P...
...Shipstead ran with the endorsement of the^ Standard Railroad Labor ^Organizations, the central committee of the powerful railroad brotherhoods, which also endorsed Congressman Lemke of North Dakota...
...390 pp...
...I went to Memphis and two car loads had been there looking for me, so I had to hide until they could get me out of town...
...Tickets are being sold at all local offices of tKe ILGWU, as well as the headquarters office, and at all theatre ticket offices...
...According to the statistics compiled from League of Nation's sources, based on 1937 production, the Western Hemisphere produces more cotton, lead, molybdenum, coffee, petroleum, corn, etc., than the rest of the world...
...The Greet Puzzle A ND right here is where one of the major Dostoyevsky puzzles and paradoxes occurs...
...The problems indicated above and many more are treated w Ernest J. Simmons' recent book.* It is a competent book and shows a rare mastery of the original material and sources, tor the author is an American scholar who takes his Russian writers straight, in the original Russian...
...G. A . Borgese, professor of Italian literature at the University of Chicago...
...The e*dtt prohibited relief clients frmHtW ing dues to "any orgaftiuMi political or otherwise, from relief moneys...
...McWilliams immediately sought an injunction to prevent its distribution and instituted suit against the Friends of Democracy for $20,000...
...It is a subway-, not a medieval cathedral hell...
...The day after election, McWilliams was arraigned in Magistrates Court for disturbances resulting from his race-inciting campaign...
...One does not have to enroll theskprevious year to vote in a partys primary...
...While this would be a huge financial burden, the larger effect would be a throttling of the totalitarian industries by the cutting off of raw materials...
...It is perhaps a bit frigid, for Dostoyevsky demand*, fa addition to competence, some fire...
...Italian Exiles at II Mondo Dinner Four distinguished Italian leaders and thinkers opposed to fascism will conduct a symposium on "Our Duty to America" at the Second Anniversary Dinner of " I I Mondo," Italian - American magazine, 147 4th Ave., devoted to comments on national and international affairs...
...Like Dante, Dostoyevsky was perfectly at home in hell...
...His own life was a first class Dostoievsky novel...
...Gov't Stops Anti-Negro Vote Terro Special to THE N EW LEADER N A S H V I L L E , Tenn...
...This was printed in Social Justice...
...He belongs among the great heretics of literature, social and philosophical thought * * * His Life—His Novel NJOR can we forget that he* actually went through all the circlet 4 of hell...
...The Nazi^drive is expected to be organized along two fronts, one economic and the other propagandists...
...T. Bernard, Who won over four opponents in the 8th Congressional Distinct nomination race...
...Gaetano Salvemini, historian, lecturer and journalist and visiting professor at Harvard...
...Also in the numbers preceeding the pageant will be a Harold J. Rome production number, "The Franklin D. Roosevelt Way...
...l Elisha Davis, another person who was run out of town, is up North now, too...
...Social significance" and "social vision...
...however, few observers predicted the large vote cast in the Republican primary, which placed them in the lead in the totil ballots cast...
...5 The international Ladies' Garment Workers' Union is moving mass production from industry to the stage with " I HearlAmerica Singing," at Madison Square Garden, Saturda^ matinee and evening, October 5. The proceeds of the gigantic pageant and concert with a cast o f a thousand' union members will be included in the ILGWU'I contribution to the Greater New York Fund...
...During the past two years O'Connor has been working closely with reactionary elements...
...remembered as a prominent | Communist fellowtraveler, spokesman for many transmission belts in ;New York, among which was the...
...The speakers will be Max Ascoli, Dean of the Graduate Faculty of Political Science at the New School for Social Research, New York... was a suspicious genius...
...In the merciless artistry of his vision of our infernos, Dostoyevsky was the equal of his Italian rival...
...McWilliams was campaigning for the Republican Congressional nomination in the 18th Congressional district of Manhattan, heart of the German population center in this city...
...Unemployed workers will be thrown off the relief rolls if they pay union dues, Attorney General Earl Warren has ruled...
...A ND yet, this great portrayer of human suffering, the superb * ™ analyst of passion and revolt, became a reactionary monarchist a chauvinistic and militaristic nationalist, a mystic orthodox churchman, and a bitter enemy of Western liberalism, democracy and Socialism...
...Bernard is...
...While the above figures represent what Europe has been taking, it in no way suggests the full dependence of Europe on the resources of the Western Hemisphere...
...Here's a vital cause...
...organization, polled 2,573 votes to 674 for McWilliams for the whole district...
...Recent political activity of the railway unions has caused much surprise in progressive circles...
...95.7 rA of the world's molybdenum, a metal vitally needed for the production of steel, is produced in the western hemisphere, as is 88% of the world's coffee...
...Acting under the protection of the Department of Justice, through local United ..States Attorney William McClanahan, Negro citizens of Brownsville, Tenn., were finally allowed to register for the November elections...
...He is especially notorious for his aid to Comjmunist fronts during •the Spanish civil war...
...Usually mdre votes are cast for the Farmeir-Labor Party than for the G.&P., but this time the Laborites slipped to second place, just a fe^ votes ahead of the uninfluential Democrats...
...leader, and the running out of town of eight Negroes when^ these colored people demanded their legal right to register and vote in the forthcoming elections...
...In dealing with hell, you need » little more depth and . . . warmth...
...It has the shabbinesand realistic drabness of our age...
...jjuring his past term in the Senate he voted a straight Tory ticket, lining up consistently with men like Taft and Bridges...
...p • » * Dante of Our Age l \ 0 S T O Y E V S K Y was the...
...Memoirs Prom the Dead House," "Notes From Underground," "The Possessed") There is only one difference—and it attests to DostoyevtikyY originality and modernism: he is our Dante...
...Like McWilliams, he is talking of running independently...
...Interest is also centered on former Congressman John...
...Oxford University Press, 1940...
...Against Shipstead runs former Minnesota's Governor Benson, on the Farmer-Labor ticket, and John C. Regan, Democrat...
...70% of the maize...
...His opponent, James Blaine Walker, Jr., candidate of the regular G.O.P...
...Announcement of the action of the Department of Justice was contained in a letter sent to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People this week by Asst...
...was renominated for the Senate on the Progressive Party tic^t...
...Attorney-General O. Johfi Rogge...
...Dostoyevsky knew more about these things four score years ago than all the IttHSt class "proletarian" writers of 1940, if there are any left - Hk novels are full of social dynamite, and as such they were reed Vy the youth of Russia...
...Although Warren's decision was presumably aimed at the Workers Alliance, it would apply equally to any labor union...
...The court ordered him remanded to the Psychopathic Division of Bellevue Hospital for observation...
...One merely steps up |o the poll, designates a party, ajid then receives a primary ballot...
...sulphur 81.5...
...The Western Hemisphere, before the war, furnished Europe with 50% or more of its mosV important raw materials...
...His repudiation at the polls, the poor attendance in recent days at his American Destiny Party mass meetings, is sufficient evidence t& observers that political parties patterned on Berlin styles are maKing — little headway among German-Americans...
...nomination race but lost it by a vote of 1,662 for O'Connor to 2,630 for William T. Pfeiffer, the regular Republican candidate...
...John O'Connor, Joe Mc Williams Swamped in Congress Fight By BILL ROBERTS New Yorkers this week frustrated the political aspirations of 6ne fascist associate, of America's leading squadristi organizations and one...
...Whether Benson knew it or not, he had the support of the Communist apparatus here...
...This repudiation of fascist attempts to win at the ballot in New York appears duplicated in Michigan, Ohio and Oregon, where the trend is swinging against those espousing race hatred and pro-Nazism, as the campaign planks...
...Re-read the "Memoirs of the Dead House," "Notes From Underground," "Crime and Punishment," "The Possessed...
...It had form, ritual and dignity...
...He was a true contemporary and artistic counterpart of Marx and Herzen...
...Buster Walker, president of the local N.A.A.C.P...
...Both have not yet dared to return to Brownsville, fearing some form of violence...
...doing in paradise...
...With the current reorganization of the Reich economy on a continental wide scale, with the denuding of French industry and the use of German technicians in Soviet industry, south America looms larger • in the Nazi scheme of a totally rationalized economy...
...It is a conscientious and well reasoned out work on the Rtaaiai heretic...
...branch who was forced to flee North, described part of his flight: " I went to Jackson (Tenn...
...and there was a crew looking for me there...
...They are systematic, almost symmetrical counterparts of the first, second, third and nth circle of Dante's Inferno...
...California to Drop Relief Clients Who Pay Union Dues S A N FRANCISCO...
...Or is it the other way around ? * * * Prophet of Revolution ^ J O T even Marx himself had a clearer vision of catastrophes and revolutions which the Western world was storing np for itself in its riches for the few and "the devil take the hindmost" for the many...
...I had to leave...
...The demand for repeat performances ^prompted David Dubinsky, |reaident of the ^jLGWU, to arraifge for additiom showings of p i e pageant...
...We have subsequently been informed that all of the Negroes who attempted to register have now been allowed to do so in a lawful and ordinary manner...
...Can our readers find an explanation for this set of contradictions and puzzling paradoxes...
...One o| the featureS'|jjreoeedimr the pageant will be a dramatization especially written for mass recitation of Vachel Lindsay's "The Congo...
...What is more, he made his heretical novels t*» vehicle of his reactionary philosophy...
...He beat George Lommen for the nomination...
...Of total world exports of refrigerated beef, veal, mutton and lamb in 1938 the countries in the western hemisphere exported 58%, as well as 89% of the total exports of pork...
...His heart, like Milton's, was with tie "fallen angels," sons of "pride and rebellion...
...Running unopposed, Robert LaFollette...
...For years Warren kai mm* known as one of the moat potent and unrelenting foes ot OH* fornia organized labor...
...It is a Main Street or an Essex Street hell...
...55.2% of the world's cotton...
...About his weird power as a seer of human souls and a knower of human existence, about his literary stature there can be no doubt...
...Utilizing a new scientific discovery of separating the needed blood plasma from the...
...Do you want to do something worthwhile for the wounded soldiers and civilians in England...
...close associate of elements friendly to Father Coughlin by defeating in Tuesday's primaries both Joseph McWilliams, leader of the Christian Mobilizers, and John J. O'Connor, former powerful head of the House Rules Committee...
...He obtained nation-wide publicity recently by resigning nominally—in practice he had already left—from the Farmer-Labor Party which he helped organize some zo years ago...
...Sentenced to death as a young revolutionary, reprieved on the scaffold, ten years of "dead house" in Siberia, a walking hospital of disease for the rest of his life, humiliating poverty— he knew it all...
...Last month he came into the open by addressing a long letter of agreement on policy to Father Coughlin...
...Henry Teigan who has written for The New Leadet in the past when he was in Congress, was nominated Congressioilial candidate in the 5th District Comparatively little interest was shown in the primary fights, the vote was low, and the FarmerLabor Pariy total fell sharply...
...And he, who should be the most hated of writers, is perhaps the most popular novelist with the radical readers...
...Hence, even its "crimes" and "punishment" for some were an affair involving angels, saints and devils...
...The magazine's sharply documented and effective comments have made it a powerful force in the revelation of fascistic fifth column activities in the United States...
...Huge switches in primary yotes are common in Wisconsin...
...Already two million French prisoners, held in Nazi Germany, have been set to work producing industrial products...
...Dante of his century...
...In a fiefe of five, Orland Loomis, former State Attorney General, received the Progressive gubernatorial designation...
...I Heaej America Singing," the feature oijjthe performance, is the stirring jageant based on Walt Whitman^ poem, which was presented atlthe ILGWU Convention last M a y | The industrial development of gimerica is the theme of •The pageant originally seen late lastPMay at the opening of the I L G ^ U ' s fortieth anniversary conventiiin has been enriched and amplified...
...Here is the impetus for the drive to the west...
...This column humbly acknowledge...
...Fay will undoubtedly now be returned to Congress...
...The political results of the Wisconsin jprimary were generally expectied...
...His portrait gallery of unforgettable rebels against the religion, morality, against our state and society, the JUskolnikovs, Stavrogins, Karamazovs, Kirillovs and Smerdiakovs, II* more alive and titanic than his small room of saints: ZosimU, Mishkins and Alyoshas...
...crude petroleum 70.6...
...Inasmuch as the South American countries have never been able to trade effectively with the United States—they couldn't offer in return, goods which we didn't already have—and with the European markets dispersed, Latin America is expected to yield, unless strong pressure, already partially being brought to bear, can be maintained...
...zinc 50.2% ; linseed (for oil) 70% ; and many others...
...gasoline 74.7...
...Reports from the ILGWU offices, at 3 West 16th St., indicate that the advance sale o f tickets is very heavy...
...He knew everything there was to know—and more—about the hefi and purgatory of our society and, above all, about the jiihUt hell of passion, fear, suffering and lust which each of us is carrying under his boiled shirt or, for that matter, under RaskolniKov s rags, i^ostoyevsity Knew UJO mucn...
...Katharine Lee Anderson wrote the script, the dances were designed and are being directed by Katherine Dunham...
...Appointments may be made by communicating with the Red Cross, 315 Lexington Ave., N ew York City, or telephoning SAcramento 2-8950...
...The avowedly fascist candidate, a friend of Fritz Kuhn, the Ku Klux Klan, General Van Horn Moseley and a host of other notorious American fascists, was defeated by a three to one vote...
...Following the lynching, Brownsville housed a veritable reign of terror: the Negro newspaper was not allowed to appear, neighboring towns and countryside were scoured for the Negroes who had fled, white persons were afraid to talk of the lynching, and Negroes didn't dare walk the streets openly for fear of violence...
...Of prime importance is the spectacular victory scored by Senator Shipstead in capturing the Republican Senatorial nomination in Minnesota...
...Another organization effectively fighting McWilliams' propaganda is the " W e Americans of Yorkville," led by the Dalton family, father and son...
...The very titles proclaim the spiritual kinship and parallelism...
...The dinner will take place this Friday evening, September 20, at the Hotel Diplomat, New York...
...John J. O'Connor, notorious "purgee," was overwhelmingly defeated in both the Republican and Democratic primaries...
...The "Divine Comedy" has the sombre dignity and grandeur of a medieval cathedral, It is the hell of a world which believed in its God, lived in its Go8, and sinned against its God...
...The process of taking blood occupies less than a half hour, after which one's normal activities may be continued as usual...
...O'Connor lost his attempt «to take the Democratic nomination from New Dealer James H. Fay, one-legged war veteran, by 7991 to 4034...
...Special to The New Leader jj MINNEAPOLIS, Minnesota.—So inchoate is the political picture in tbte Midwest, little can be done in a single dispatch but point to isolated elfctions as signs of .the tendencies in these states which are the centers for the" farmer-labor and progressive movements...
...Count Carlo Sforza, former Italian Foreign Minister and European member of the Carnegie Endowment for ^pternational Peace...
...and the cost of their upkeep is being assessed against the French government...
...with many new episodes, the pageSint...
...American League for Peace and Democracy...
...Dostoyevsky's portrayal of the slums of St...
...Judging from the vote Governor Stassen obtained in, his primary victory, the Republicans will sweep the state againi...
...The fascist, who has been campaigning from the rear of a covered wagon, even lost to Walker by 568 to 242 in Yorkville's 22 election districts—the heart of "Germanism" in America...
...Gallery of Rebels ' T H E method of the parable of our age, of the realistic novel of * our times, makes Dostoyevsky's heresies only more dramatic and effective...
...LaFollette is expected to win the November election, being the only New Deal candidate in a field of three...
Vol. 23 • September 1940 • No. 38