SDF News

SDF News NATIONAL , , flews of the calling of conferences in Chicago and Boston fer the organization of the campaign will be followed right ^ler Labor Day by news of sfmilar activities mother...

...Philadelphia Social Democrats are readying similiar action...
...The Shochtim are kosher butchers, qualified according to Hebrew training to prepare meats according to Jewish dietary laws...
...We cite Michael J. Quill, notorious Communist stooge, as an example...
...It is true, of course, that we would have eventually left of our own accord and formed a party of our own after becoming convinced that the fight in the S.P...
...So reads the Telegram from Chicago...
...Emil Holman, professor of surgery at Stanford University...
...We stayed in the party and fought for our position until we were over-whelmed by those forces...
...In 1940, they are definitely, unequivocally repudiated...
...Wherever in the coming primary the Communists succeed in putting candidates on the ALP tiv>pt they will be repudiated by the party, as they were in the last municipal election...
...Chicago SDF to Organize Labor Group for FDR Local Chicago, Social Democratic Federation, has issued the call for a conference to organize a Peoples Committtee to "work for the election of Roosevelt and Wallace...
...The position of the Social Democratic Federation in this state is quite in harmony with the recommendation of our NEC cited by Waldman in his letter, as a reading of the recommendation will disclose...
...and a presentation of "Mene, Mene, Tekel," the hit song from "New Pins and Needles," sung by Dorothy Harrison of the "New Pins and Needles" cast, with the Radio Chorus conducted by Simon Rady...
...The Social Democrats were thrown out of the Socialist Party after the so-called militants and Communist fellow-travelers had gained complete domination of the organization...
...If we were to follow Waldman's latest theory of political purism we would find ourselves living in a vacuum...
...Then we shall leave in a body, as an organized, des-ciplined force, and paste the Communist label on the A.L.P...
...On the contrary, there is good chance that we will succeed...
...We prefer to wait for the election returns...
...2. By writing or telegraphing to the President and Congressmen, stressing the n«ed for the utmost possible aid...
...and Jerqme Ave., Bron...
...rid the party of Communist infiltration...
...It is no secret to the well-informed that in their efforts to capture the ALP the Communists are guided by the larger scheme of using it as the keystone for a fake national "third party" movement to be headed by the mountebank John L. Lewis and buttressed by his Labor's Nonpartisan League, the Communist-controlled unions in the C.I.O., th'j American Youth Congress, and other Communist transmission belts, both in the economic and political fields...
...Important business necessitates the attendance of all delegates...
...Speakers;-August Claessens and Louis Epstein...
...In 1936, the Hearst and other newspapers attempted to portray the ALP as a Communist organisation and its trade union leaders as Communists...
...The bosses met again and signed the contract...
...On the contrary, we suspect in Waldman's present position of holier-than thou attitude rather in contradiction with his own previous acceptance of high position in the ALP and repeated candidacies for judicial office on the party's ticket, at a time when there was something like a united front between certain illusionists in the ALP and tb,e Communists...
...The Upper West Side Branch joeets at Hotel Riverside Plaza, ?63W...
...Arroyo's liberal principles have been repeatedly manifested in a long and distinguish'ed political career...
...Nor can we agree with him in the assertion that there is no analogy between leaving the field to Communists in a trade union and doing so in the ALP...
...Besides serving as provisional president in 1939 "Dr...
...To say that our position is similar to those who have promoted united fronts with the Communists in France and in various Communist transmission belts in this country, such as the League for Peace and Democracy, etc...
...Contrary to Wraldman's assertion, it will not do President Roosevelt any harm to be on the ALP ticket in this election, no more than it did in 1936...
...Warfield T. Longcope...
...Our position is that, regardless of grievances, real or imaginary, we must remain in the ALP as long as the trade unions, who are its backbone, and all other progressive elements who are fighting the Communists in the party continue to do so with good prospect of success...
...Representatives of trade unions* fraternal, progressive and liberal groups will gather, to organize an independent campaign committee...
...We do not propose to leave the ALP to the Communists if we can help it...
...a performance by the Negro Chorus, conducted by Leonard de Paur, of excerpts from "De Organizer," a blues operetta by Langston Hughes, with music by James P. Johnson...
...Aid Allies' Group Opens Campaign To Enlist Doctors The Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies yesterday sought the assistance of 30,000 physicians throughout the country in obtaining all possible moral and material aid for Great Britain and her Allies, as a means of keeping war out of America...
...and Jewish So-fggst Verband, Finnish ana Czecho-Slovak Socialist So-gajjes as well as other groups and-individuals will work toyeft and Wallace...
...It will be time enough to leave the ALP when the battle is lost and when ?he trade unions and other anti-Communisfr elements decide to leave...
...Speakers: Matthew M. Metzler and Eli Rosenblatt...
...and Wadsworth Ave., Manhattan...
...Roosevelt entertaining transmission-belt agents in the White House and, in general, playing the role of a fellow-tourist has aroused the protest and indignation of every true Laborite and Liberal...
...physf-cian-in-chief, Johns Hookins Ho»-pital, Baltimore...
...But the fight in the ALP is by no means hopeless...
...As Waldman interprets it the position taken by The New Leader is that "we must support the ALP and continue in it, regardless of the strength and position of the Communists within it...
...Recently, they had almost captured the Democratic Party in California and Washington...
...Friday, August 30th, 8:30 p.m...
...Eugene S. Kilgore, clinical professor at the University of Chicago...
...We must not hesitate to meet and smash them wherever the battle appears important...
...So does organized labor, which has some rather substantial grievances against the administration, notably in the anti-trust sujts filed against many unions, the manner of enforcement of the National Labor Relations Act and tile fact that fellow-travelers in the National Labor Relations Board have been permitted to play fast and loose with the interests of labor...
...Boston, Mass., is also calling a conference with the same objective...
...Campaign for Roose-f velt and Wallace" over WEVD on Sunday, Sept...
...The thing is all the more impossible because of our primary election system, which enables the Communists to infiltrate any political organization they desire...
...WTe are inclined strongly to the belief they '.vill show the opposite in Manhattan and elsewhere where the Communists are entrenched...
...The infiltration of Communists in the ALP is due, in the main, to the opportunity offered them by the primary system...
...This is in line with the well-known views of the new President, who was instrumental in obtaining for the New World Resettlement Fund a contract whereby the Fund is permitted to settle five thousand Spanish refugee families in Ecuador during the next five years...
...Enjoins Union Picketing Where no -Dispute Exists 'Picketing by a rival union, not to improve labor conditions, but to enforce alleged rights of its members in another union, was held not to arise out of a labor dispute and was enjoined by Supreme Court Justice P?cora this week... firmly that the Communists will be unable to deceive the public into the belief that it has become anything but a Communist instrument...
...Street Meetings Friday, August 30th, 8:30 p.m., Corner Burnside and Walton Ave., Bronx...
...The united front in France, as we have indicated, was the consequence of deliberate action on the part of misguided Socialists...
...Waldman underestimates the intelligence of the public...
...3. By voluntarily sending a contribution toward the support of the Committee's work...
...was hopeless...
...Ecuador Elects Liberal Head Dr...
...The feat would be physically impossible and tactically and politically suicidal under the circumstances...
...We refuse to commit political suicide...
...Dallas B. Phemister...
...Under the Illiois election laws, Roosevelt and Wallace can only appear on the Democratic ballot Nevertheless, the conference will organize support for the ticket by rallying all progressive elements outside of the Democratic Party, "to make certain the reelection of the man* who did so much for Labor- and who is being fought by all the reactionary elements...
...We remain with the S.D.F...
...Carlos Arroyo del Rio...
...It becomes necessary, therefore, to dispel the fog in which he envelopes the issue, to the profit and satisfaction of the Communists...
...In fact, the chances of doing him harm are far less, for in 1936 the Communists within its ranks had not been repudiated by the ALP...
...NEW YORK CITY . City Central Comjnittee meets .Wednesday, Sept...
...Continuing our analysis of Waldman's dissertation, we may acid that it is simply not true that the Social Democrats left the Socialist Party "because the Communist philosophy and its supporters became entrenched with it...
...This is an* obvious perversion,- as will be easily -perceived by anyone who has carefully read our editorial...
...We believe that in view of the new Communist line of opposing President Roosevelt and promoting the Moscow-Berlin conspiracy against the United States and all democratic nations it will be_easier to smash the Communists in the ALP this year than has been the case heretofore...
...6th, 8:30 p.m., Corner 208th St...
...The Communists were no less a danger when Waldman ran on the ALP ticket than they are now...
...An Editorial The ALP and the Elections /V...
...1, at 10:15 p.m...
...Angnst Claessens speaks on, ?fig S.D.F...
...Executive Committee elected F. Passavoy, Nicholas Pesch, Spencer Binyon, Jacob Siegel, Morris Polin, David Gert-ler, N. Wagman and S. Regens-burg as the committee to promote the September conference...
...Friday, Srfpt...
...In France, the Socialist Party deliberately entered into a united front with the Communists and ceased all criticism of them, for which the party and the country paid a terrible price...
...Seizure of the party by the Communists would, therefore, be even more harmful to labor than their capture of a given trade union...
...The meeting will be in the Hotel Morrison, Tuesday, September 10...
...The campaign committees organized will be independent of the Democratic Party...
...He has also held successfully the post of president of the Board of Education of Guayaquil, president of the University of Guayaquil, and head of the Department of Hospitals of that city...
...The union prepared for a general strike with David Du-binsky as general chairman, and Louis Nelson, Local 155 manager, as phairman...
...Waldman's attempt to cite it in support of his position is sheer sophistry...
...As a matter of fact, had the Communists .succeeded in capturing the State organization of the A.L.P...
...The issue has two es-sentiar aspects: capture of the ALP by the Communists would find expression in November in the loss of votes by President Roosevelt which might well make all the difference between victory and defeat...
...second, domination of the ALP would automatically provide the Communists with a new political instrument in place of the Communist Party, which is obviously facing suppression before long together with the German-American Bund as the treacherous agency of a hostile foreign power...
...In- the struggle between democracy and dictatorship in South America, democracy has won a strategically important victory through the election of Dr... the last election, such a fake "third party" would in all probability be functioning now, adding another, perhaps the most dangerous cohort to the Fifth Column...
...Knit goods Union Wins Victory by Strike Threat A bitter struggle in the knit-goods industry in Greater New York was averted at the last moment when the manufacturers association capitulated at the last moment and acceded to the demands of Local 155 of the International Ladies Garment Workers Union...
...Friday, Sept 6th, 8:30 p.m., Corner 181st St...
...His election will mean, jt is expected, the immediate decline of Nazi and Fascist influence in Ecuador, the departure of the Italian military mission, and the reorganization of SEDTA, a thinly disguised German air line...
...John nerr Musser, professor of medicine at Tulane University and a past president of the American College' of Physicians...
...4th, at 7 E. 15th ft...
...The spectacle of Mrs...
...Carlos Arroyo del Rio will take office as President of the Republic 'of Ecuador this week...
...How our policy, whether successful or not, would throw "the cloak of moral respectability over the shoulders of the Communists" is quite beyond us...
...There is every analogy, except that it is even more important not to surrender the ALP to the Communists, for the influence of a political party goes far beyond th«.t o? -a trade union, as Waldman himself admits...
...The ALP is not the only political organization into which .Communist termites have penetrated...
...We still prefer Roosevelt to Willkie...
...Ray Lyman Wilbur, former Secretary of the interior and a> past president of the American Medical Association...
...There is more certainty now than ever, in view of recent developments inside and outside the party, that no ambiguity will be permitted to exist as between the Communists and the Laborites in the ALP...
...Like the ALP, we are fighting the Communists frankly and uncompromisingly...
...In last week's- issue of this paper W aid man found it necessary to come back with a long letter distorting-oar views and questioning our intelligence... in effect a summons back to the isolation and sterility of the S.L.P...
...The employers had demanded an increase -in working hours...
...Arroyo del Rio is also expected to submit to the Ecua-dorean Congress a revised and liberalized immigration law...
...We fought the Communists then, we fight them now and we will not stop fighting them as the most desperate and deadliest foes of labor and free government...
...The attempt failed miserably...
...And then we shall have many allies in the building of our own or of a new political organization of labor...
...He has repeatedly declined appointments to high diplomatic posts in foreign countries preferring to devote his energy to the internal affairs of his country...
...Ours is the considered position of the Social Democratic Federation in this State...
...In a letter signed by seven eminent doctors the Committee invited active participation in three ways: 1. By taking part in branch chapter activities...
...Signers of the appeal letter, constituting the sub-committee of medicine of the White group, are: Dr...
...Waldman knows belter...
...and Dr...
...Some of their leading spokesmen suffered defeat at the polls as a result of official ALP repudiation last year...
...The People's Committee for Roosevelt will also spread the message of liberalism and democracy tfirough the New Leader...
...Waldman himself, as ALP candidate for high judicial offices, has in the past promoted the strength of the party by seeking to roll up as big a vote as possible...
...This curious situation arose when the Poultry Shochtim Union of Greater New York, A. F. of L., represented by David I. Ashe, of the labor attorney firm of Ashe, Frankle and Rlfkin, secured an injunction against the Keneses Hashochtim, claiming to be a rival union, picketing poultry markets to force the' A. F. of L. group to aceede to certain compromises...
...The S.D.F...
...But this is not the issue...
...Waldman's analogy with France is, therefore, doubly untenable...
...SDF News NATIONAL , , flews of the calling of conferences in Chicago and Boston fer the organization of the campaign will be followed right ^ler Labor Day by news of sfmilar activities mother cities, «?or and fraternal organizations, S.D.F...
...By remaining in the ALP and fighting the Communists we are thwarting their purpose of making the ALP another Communist transmission belt and utilizing it as an instrument with which to knife President Roosevelt in the State of New York...
...chairman of 'the department of medicine, University of Chicago...
...Yet, we do not confuse these manifestations of political carelessness and immaturity with the administration as a whole and with the vital issues of this campaign...
...However the association reversed its own n e g o t i a ti ng committee's stand...
...Elias Tartak will speak on •"Current Events...
...5flrareday, Sept 5th, 8:30 'p.m^ Corner 68th St and Bay Parkway, Brooklyn...
...The fundamentals of the situation have not changed, except that it is more necessary than ever to destroy the Communists, not to leave the field to them...
...It is true, as Waldman suggests, that persons desiring to support President Roosevelt can vote for him on the Democratic ticket...
...This program, which will be presented on the American Commons at 6.30 p. m., will include a performance of "I Hear America Singing," a cantata by George Kleinsinger, offered by the General Chorus under the direction of Lazar Weiner, with the Symphony Orchestra, directed by Fritz Mahler...
...Louis Schaffer, Superior of the ILGWU Cultural Department, will address the audience on the background and achievements "of the ILGWU in the field of workers' education and culture...
...Leon Arkin, secretary of the New England District of the Jewish Socialist Verband and manager of the Jewish Daily Forward, is the promoter of the Boston Conference...
...6th, 8:30 p.m., Corner Burnside and Walton Ave., Bronx...
...Nothing would contribute more effectively to the ultimate destruction of the Communists than their defeat in the A.L.P...
...We venture to say, contrary to Waldman, that intelligent Social Democrats will approve of our position and not of his...
...This is not intended as an argument against primary elections, however, but merely as a statement of fact...
...Negotiations had continued for six weeks until the employers accepted the union's terms...
...73rd St., on Tuesday, Sept...
...Speaker: A. Claessens...
...Comer Coney Island and Brighton Beach Aves., Brooklyn...
...As we said in our fii;st editorial, the indicatons are that as New York goes so goes the nation...
...Speakers: Gertrude Gell-nian and Eli Rosenblatt...
...To suggest, as docs Waidman, that at this late date we proceed to collect 12,500 signatures, with a minimum of fifty in each country, to establish our own SDF ticket for the November election, is fantastic...
...Yet organised labor, no less "realistic" and morally pure than Waldman, knows that in the complex of farces and circumstances of- the moment it is definitely to its interests, to the interests of democracy everywhere, to re-elect Roosevelt...
...He knows well how disturbed all true friends of the President and of labor have been over the fact that the administration has permitted Communists and fellow-travelers to occupy positions in certain government departments, boards and bureaus where they are doing much harm...
...The ALP has been designed as the political arm of the trade unions...
...Waldman's cry of "back to the S.D.F...
...We believe such votes strengthened the position of the sane elements in the party, not of the Communists...
...The new agreement provides for the maintenance of present working conditions, keeping the 35-hour week and in addition the establishment of one week's vacation with pay...
...If successful, it would only facilitate the objective of fche Communists—capture of the ALP for Stalin and Hitler, while we would be alienated from an important and influential body of trade unionists and progressives... to stand logic on i^s head...
...Upon the success of ottj effort may depend the very outcome of the national election, which will probably be close, particularly in this pivotal state...
...August 17, The New Leader carried an edi-torial stating our position on the- ALP and the-Presidential election...
...We know full well that under our peculiar American party system, the Communists are conveniently situated to make deals with Democrats, Republicans, Farmer-Laborites, etc...
...To fail to do our duty in the task of driving the Communists from the ALP would, therefore, be a betrayal of our own cause as well as of the trade unions and progressives who arc fighting by our side...
...and with organized labor...
...The issue is: shall the Communists be permitted to capture the ALP and use it as an effective instrument against Roosevelt arid the New Deal, or shall the ALP be cleaned of Communists and used as an instrument of independent political action...
...Cultural Groups To Appear at World's Fair As a feature of the Labor Day celebration at the World's Fair, the Cultural Department of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union will offer a program of entertainment by its various choral' and orchestral groups...
...Speakers: Julia Primoff and August Claessens...
...We took occasion in the editorial to regret Louis Waldman's demonstrative resignation from the party and to disagree with him on the reasons given for his action...
...Roger I. Lee, Harvard Fellow and trustee of the American Medical Association...
...Arroyo," as he is known familiarly to his countrymen, has served in the Chamber of Deputies and in the Senate...
...We are encouraged in this view by the circumstance that the governing organs of the party remain firmly in the hands of the trade unions and other anti-Communist elements, as well as by the fact that those in the party who in the past had been inclined to make united fronts with the Communists are now thoroughly disillusioned and are honestly seeking to...
...Speaker: Alex Sell wflrtZr Friday,' Sept...
...They have penetrated also into President Roosevelt's own political party and into strategic posts in the administration.v Why does not Waldman repudiate Roosevelt and the administration for this reason...
...It is simply not true, as Waldman contends, that any strengthening of the ALP in this campaign would strengthen the Communists...

Vol. 23 • August 1940 • No. 35

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