U.S. Destroyers Needed to Maintain Wide-Flung British Food Lines


U.S. Destroyers Needed to Maintain Wide-Flung British Food Lines By DICK REYNARD To fight off Germ an air armadas, which have destroyed many of the Isle's southeastern ports, the British must...

...the American armed forces will shortly find itself faced, by a completely . Nazified Eufop&-- ;gith Irejandj the Azores an4 rjjakjtr...
...J TheOfcst thing!the .Fascists did when they had won out in their dirty game was to choose Petain tp.be their Mussolini...
...Diplomacy a | - MHteat Debt AS"a matter of fact, where do we get...
...Replying to charges made this, wofk before a Loo Angeles • Grand Juvn, Jimmy Cagney's brother denies that ntar was linked to the mulcting business which was the Hollywood Communist Party during the Spanish civil -war days...
...During the same period England could get only 459,449 gross tons...
...For our pains Toland sent us a note insinuating we were un-American—which of course we've been ever since toe slugged our way up from under push-carts over on First Ave...
...represent There must be some system in the selection that gives us exclusively parrots, mannekins, and claquers for resurrected absolutism...
...Instead of cocktails for Spain, it's now highballs for the Emergency Mobilization for Peace in Chicago...
...The Playwrights are now setting dulcet voiced solicitors on New York trade unions for support of a September 6 performance...
...Here, stab mo in my heart f...
...Many naval experts, such as Admiral Wlliiam H. Standley, chief of Naval operation from 1933 to 1937, agree that America's first line of naval defense would best he served by permitting Britain to use part of the U. S. navy...
...These have been replaced by new craft and by additions from the French and Polish fleets...
...No dreakn pf avarice ever approached the possibilities of such an empire...
...During the first six months of 1940 Britain did buy $138,407,826 worth of fighting aircraft, machine guns, rifles, howitzers, mortars, automatic pistols, propellant powders, airplane propellers, high explosives, grenades, bombs, torpedoes, bomb racks and $36,000 worth of flame throwers...
...publications, and that the comrades all filtered into strategic spots in the Time, Fortune outfit...
...Southern states ^before the Civil War "were the happiest human beings in the world...
...won't help his peace of mind...
...it is quite possible that in fact the administration knows what it means to do, but is not in this case making its intentions clear to the public...
...defend itself—and concomitantly the American shores—cannot count on its heavier craft...
...Where is your stiletto...
...And he didn't give any big taps on his Mm voyage.- And that when you are P^ntedjto hun 3pnnst curtsy, but.only bSr-to the Duchess...
...Why, I'm a psychiatrist...
...old metal he left us...
...Gentjemen, there are billions in it...
...We could fill the column on new Hollywood fronts—the HoTlyT wood Theatrj^Uliahce, for example—or on Commissar Lionel Standee's sdffil difficulties, but the would-be Hollywood leftists are sufficiently hysterical and fickle faddists to need a raoralogue on how not to aid the Axis' espionage apparatus here...
...But now it's Mr...
...hacks set up new ones by the score...
...The Comintern's Motion Picture Guild is rushing the editing of an American Youth Congress film - called "Sez Youth," which will be shown at the "mobilization...
...During the heated "discussion...
...Peter was startled one morning by, a knock on the pearly gates...
...The American destroyer squadron is idle—and being augmented rapidly by a newly launched building program which aims at 378 destroyers by 1946-47, during the intervening years these destroyers may become obsolete because any European Fascist armada heading for the United States will have to be stopped by huge capital ships...
...Mulberry Sellers to this Was a,fumbling piker...
...We're having trouble "Wish a chap named God...
...Not so long ago we charged that Toland...
...And who might you be...
...f^OISE being made by the Daily Worker and the Freihcit over *™ Theodore Dreiser's support of the Chicago Peace Mobilization reminds Leon Dennen that although the Communists are gleeful over the erstwhile novelist's support they barred him from speaking at the Congress of the Stalinoid "League of American Writers" because of his anti-semitic statements made in an exchange of letters printed in the Nation...
...There is no necessary contradiction between the cartel plan, now said to be abandoned, and the alleged substitute plan of lending hundreds of millions to Latin-American countries to be used in developing industrial production that would balance their production of foodstuffs and raw materials...
...Lindbergh made his plea for if partnership with Hitler iii bis peculiar ministrations with *ombs and firing squads, but the press gave no indication of any fcy elsewhere...
...we didn't really need the addition of this Cudahy cuckoo, late America*n Ambassador to Belgium, with his argument that if a food shortage occurs in Belgium by reason of the German conquest we" should induce Great Britain to break the blockade so that we man supply the deficiency...
...GESTAPO officials in New York are very much annoyed at having been secretly subpoenaed by Congressman Dies to appear before the committee when it opens up shop here next week to probe Nazi tie-ups, especially that of the German Library of Information at 17 Battery Place...
...it not strange that as labor is subjugated and enslaved in Europe and the medieval concept of Concentrated Power hurls democracy into the sea, we have in our own country so many unmistakable manifestations of the same, identical spirit...
...Major Eliot is urging a U. S.-Canada defense pact which would enable sections of the American fleet to cross the Atlantic for action against the Reich...
...And ..while Washington spends 10 billion dollars for a defense machine which won't be operating until 1942-43, it keeps the world's most powerful destroyer fleet (240 ships) for dress parades and fishing trips instead of plugging the hole bombed by Germany in the British fleet...
...The loss of St Louis as a customer for the...
...When war brpke out Britain had 180 destroyers...
...Dear, dear Ralph, he's so perturbed . . . even bawling out Leo Huberman for being so overtly pro-C.I.O...
...Britain, it is suggested by the Soviet-German "news" ministry broadcasting out of Berlin, must accept and adapt herself to the fait-accompli because her "military impotence based on her physical exclusion from Europe resembles her political impotence due to her ideological isolation...
...WHICH reminds us that St...
...Germany has 41 such craft, a few French destroyers and 32 under construction in French yards...
...That is to say, Fascist regimentation...
...Friend Ingersoll, whose bleating* around town have availed him little, has had to draw up a memo for the investors to "disprove" charges of PM's Trojan-Horsin' around...
...England tp...
...This propaganda is being intensified to keep pace with the aerial devastation now being unloosed over England...
...This comipission, consisting of five island representatives and four U. S. members, will visit Puerto Rico next month to investigate working conditions, especially those of the 70,000 needle trades workers...
...he' purred...
...After that incident the New Masses asked it* writers to go to work on the novelist as one of the country's dangerous antiSemites...
...fellow travelers on the Board, in a united front effort to oast Dave Saposs...
...who has little love for Labor, was shielding C.P...
...There, was much regret that one the country had WOored should join its enemies and a frequently shown disposiextremely interesting, td make allowance for the effect of tte "German medal upon an infinature mind...
...Germany encourages this talk because the idea of a "Latin bloc" is untenable and the Latins have us much hope of resisting Germany as had the „ Balkans...
...This is, of course, a lie...
...Keep it straight Suppose> you were M**ey to.th^Ducjhessandtww:.j*jtt».fttf* It's lH»tbinJ»ble...
...whip in the CJXf...
...Phillip Fleming, Federal Wages and Hours Administrator...
...Bolstered Jap reserves are reflected in Tokyo's anti-British and anti-American attitudes and activities, some of which will shortly involve the Philipines, French Indo-China, Hong Kong, Singapore and the Dutch East Indies...
...Goebbels himself could not do better.' * i r For now we come to the mast remarkable coincidence of all, which is that the foregoing language bears an unmistakable resemblance to that of the propaganda with which it is hoped to sell "The "New Europe" to the people of France...
...The lending program would promote this, but it could hardly begin to yield appreciable results in time to affect the present world conflict The cartel plan, on the other hand, has probably never been thought of by the administration as a permanent or long-range policy...
...Heard on the Left By VICTOR RIESEL IJOLLYWOOD is as full of Stalin-stars as New York is of ex* * foreign correspondents, but there is little sense in mixing the reputations of movie people like Franchot Tone, Frederick March, Francis Lederer and Jean Muir with mealy-mouthed Lionel Staader and that lover of the oppressed, the $5,000 per week James Cagney...
...Dubinsky on U. S. **dy to Set Porto Riean Wages David.Dubins]cy, president of the International Ladles Garment Workers Union, was this week appointed as Labor's representative of a Government Commission of nine which -*ili set minimum wages for Puerto Rican workers...
...so it enacted an ordinance compelling within itsjiborders the use of smokeless fuel, tjrer in Illinois were ninetyTeigJit gentlemen that were interested in mines producing the smoker Breeding soft coal...
...Important American steel men reveal that the lack of restrictions on the export of scrap needed by U. S. mills holds "a threat of disaster for the nation's defense program...
...One is the "Lawyers' Committee to Keep the United States Out of War," the other is the "Negro Playwrights," sponsored by Stalin-stooges Paul Robeson, Richard Wright, Max Yergan, Langston Hughes, Ben Davis, and all the lads...
...Reich Encourages'Latin Bloc To Bolster British Appealers "With M. Laval slipping from power in Vichy, it became clearer that -the Germans had little difficulty in winning the diplomatic tug-of-war between the Nazi government and the alleged "Latin bloc of unoccupied France, Spain and Italy, The New Leader learned this week from an unimpeachable Washington source...
...within easy bombing range of the U.' S. East Coast...
...J -v ': /,6fcserve how in France, with precision and faultless ixte.'tiie ^.pattern has been followed...
...Jap competition for scrap keeps shooting up the price, which in turn takes huge sums out of American taxpayers' pockets...
...You would think a basswood slab would have sense enough to see that this is equivalent to asking Britain to feed the German army, but the fact is apparently obscured to the Cudahy mind...
...By Charles Edward Russell The News Reel f\AY BY DAY the actualities of devefoprnerits, howeverlamly1 ' Uapd slovenly reported, throw the jtfcite.ligjit on^ aifcation i/fiFPPe- ^ le?t now H? exSJWft.for any,Amejicsrnlnai follows them, yea though one <>fi$e,Sb^rt-je&c^tet thief of them, to pretend any error »sAto the nature, the origan -pd the purpose of this war...
...In American shipyards today 57 of this type of war craft are under construction— more than enough, to cover the saje of our destroyers to London's admiralty...
...BECAUSE of unwanted support from the Coughlin-CatholicFascist circles and publications, Willkie strategists plan a strong subtle drive for the "Jewish vote...
...members and sympathizers...
...Accustomed to their own titles^ some of the bright boys have set up the American Peace Crusade to send a "delegation" to Chicago...
...a short, stocky, bald-headed, sinister-looking man with bulging Mack eyes and black-painted, pirate-like moustachios...
...I don't believe it Even a. rich young stun needn't always be dumb...
...He knows that Tom Davin ran...
...not pan the reading of a St Louis newspaper...
...fF our West Virginia listening post isn't too full of hillbilly liquid * cheer, we can take his word that Van Bittner, C.I.O...
...Destroyers Needed to Maintain Wide-Flung British Food Lines By DICK REYNARD To fight off Germ an air armadas, which have destroyed many of the Isle's southeastern ports, the British must eat, to eat the British Navy must effectively bring in at least 75 per cent of its convoys, to protect this merchant marine the Royal Navy must have at least 60 of the United States' 240 destroyers before the end of August...
...It need not have that effect if'suitable precautions are taken, and especially not if it is accompanied by a prompt and reasonably liberal beginning of the lending program to stimulate industrialization...
...Dreiser suddenly turned to Trachtenberg, shrieking: "Why do you stare at me...
...Brother Cagney has a Swiss cheese memory if he so readily forgets cavcauses, swimming pool collections and cocktail comrades guided by Cos*- ¦ missars Biberman and Stander...
...The speeding of normal economic progress is highly desirable from every humane and economic point of view...
...TfVERY section of the Communist apparatus has been given the word to go after Sidney Hillrrw.ru War would have been declared on the A.C.W.A...
...THE four or five hardened readers who went through our recent expose of PM will be interested to learn that the new proCommunist—and only recently anti-Nazi—tabloid's stockholders are raising hell...
...the really, important things of life, the things that tthe large, crucial issues, never will they be found to fail, nay not have told us Wything about the reaction of the ated peoples to the iron yoke that has been placed upon nor any approximate ^rath about, the a,r...
...Glance at some of the recent effusions on this subject if you wish to be astonished and puzzled...
...I cure people having delusions of grandeur...
...Only 100 can be earmarked for convoy and defense of the Isle...
...The Bullitts and Gibsons ge fuglemen for the dictators wore a sufficient pest for the nation...
...of their mines threatened their profits, sacred profits: Soj they have used the power of their petition as employers and captains of industry to.organize six counties of their region into a; boycott of St Louis until it shall repent, repeal the ordinance, and live again in soot, smoke and grime...
...be ^eatejt and competition stifled...
...at JEhey have even added a touch of pseudo-science to their operations...
...chief even if he hadn't turned down John L.'s attempt to place Jimmy Matles, C.P...
...Try,to remember M, greasy scaled plehian...
...These are the myths of the latest German propaganda drwe...
...P" the City of St Louis siaffered from a choking soft coal nuisance until the affliction became intolerable...
...They say they have learned how much is necessary for the ipjjfcistence of each member, of a working-man's family, ana} each sagker's wage will be the totahof these itejpa, „ .,r.Jknd as for the control of commerce, they have a flourish about t*»W calculated to dim the lustre of CaRtain jpdd...
...mine,, the Stukas can cripple the larger craft...
...At the same time it weakens the American defense industry, which uses as much scrap as it does iron to make steel...
...It's a device that strikes the: average free-born American as a trifle too raw for his taste...
...Just for a medal to pin on his vest...
...Food must continue to pour into Engl?n...
...During the first six months of 1940 Japan imported 411,383 tons of scrap, according to the statistics provided by the Institute of Scrap Iron and Steel, Inc...
...And now they have adopted frankly and avowedly jjj§, three cardinal principles of Fascism, which are the Regunjentaijjjn,,of Labor, the Subsistence Basis for Labor, and'$}» (patrol ^foreign commerce...
...From the same source we learn that he hunted up the invertebrate King Leopold to pay' his respects to that faded piece of imagery, an.d that _ the Nazijp are nice fellows and treat the Belgians nobly, except of course about daily bread...
...Cudahy's immense fortune came from the Beef Trust It is currently believed in Washington that his wad) was his only qualification - for a career in diplomacy and that all the other selections for such posts are now made on the same basis...
...all these queer birds we ** send-abroad as ambassadors and ministers...
...electrical union, on the defense advisory labor group...
...Yet we have tragically depleted our available supply...
...In addition to the present 175 serviceable destroyers 26 are being built...
...work or be shot ' It is proposed now more than ever to cut the heart out of the NLRB and the Wages and Houjs Act It is proposed to manipulate and bedevil the excess profits tax so as to protect private capital at the expense of the national treasury...
...Dreiser slandered the Jews in typical Goebbels style, saying among othef things that "the Jews control all business in the United States...
...Old South \ieasserts Itself rwould be wildly fantastic to suggest any deliberate or conscious connection between these phenomena and the next I am to mention, but 0 ye philosophers...
...More than 25 are in drydock undergoing repairs of injuries inflicted by Reich dive bomber...
...Britain's destroyer fleet — 175 s.trong—is now scattered oyer the Gulf of Aden, the Mediterranean, the Irish Sea, the Orient, and the Channel...
...Many mills along the eastern seaboard —from which comes most of Britain's war imports—use as much as 80 per cent scrap to 20 per cent iron ore in steel-making...
...in New York's East side...
...This is a fight where the Renown, the Hood, the Resolute and other famous capital warships can be used only in a last desperate and suicidal effort...
...Commodities so pndoced landed where profits mag...
...queried the newcomer...
...Next they ^solved.^the labor unions...
...Putting aside fihe portent of the Fords and the Lindbergs, observe some other analagous activities: ; • K is proposed to make particjfpation in a strike in any factory engaged in defense work a crime...
...Since September, 1939, 30 have been sunk with increasing rapidity...
...Toland who'll have to answer charges of un-Americanism...
...This brought nearer the proposed Nazi regime—under Doriot, Marcel, Deat, Thorez, Ybarnegary, and de la Roque's Croix de Feu—which will "govern" all pi pre-war France...
...1 | 1 Bemght With * Medal : •¦E-were told at the time that a Chicago audience of 40,000 SW-howled with delight when;Col...
...The United States, over the protest of American steel manufacturers, continues to ship scrap to Japan, although the Nipponese have a three-year supply, all provided by American scrap dealers...
...the New Masses, that Leane Zugsmith was featured by NJtf., that David Ramsey edited and wrote for a string of C.P...
...He forgets the Hollywood Health Cafeteria and ideological luncheons with 9am Ornitz, during which Cagney brake, his vegetarian diet with the red meats served up by John Stcachey's "Coming Struggle for Power," Leninism by Stalin, aad scores of little newsprint pamphlets by Foster, Browder and A. & MagiL...
...Apologies to R. B.) AH the News I f? fo Print i , Ot while it may be true, brethren, that our news services of „*'"todav are not just what w? should like to have them, yet when Feomes" to...
...The wealthy corporation is to go free of taxation but a million working men are to feel for the first time what an income tax means...
...do you account for the fact that just at this juncture the Southern propagandists in this country break out into such defense and even* eulogies of chattel biavery as have not been seen in print in America for seventyfive years...
...Against this force the ¦ German-Italio navy has a destroyer fleet of 165 ships, a powerful mobile squadron -which can be concentrated for offensives anywhere...
...Canada took 156,370 at a disproportioately high price...
...Fine," he shouted, "come right in...
...raids but they Wng us the priceless information that the Duke of Windsor cajls mJfife "darling...
...taking surplus stocks off the market or transferring them to the British market, "would only encourage increased production of the same surplus commodities...
...They are not really alternatives...
...In it he charges that he didn't know that these men were CP...
...Changes in the French cabinet are expected to occur during the next few weeks...
...Profit v I Ueber Alles I BUSINESS as usual—the deaa old thing...
...Another endorses this and assures us that the three million chattel slaves in the...
...Dennen tells of the group of Stalinist leaders wbo went to Dreiser urging that he retract his statement The group was led by Cultural Commissar Alexander Trachtenberg...
...Yes sir...
...He walks about all day thinking he's loos L-lrfwut...
...Known, invariable and low labor cost...
...Nor is the delay in transference of destroyers the only criminal balking of real aid to the intransigeant British...
...Effect of scrap sales to Japan on American defense industries are best summed up by one steel corporation chief: "We certainly cannot build tanks, guns, airports and ships without s^eel and we cannot, assuredly, manufacture steel without scrap iron...
...Power for profits, profits for more bower for more profits...
...The London Economist, one of the world's most authoritative ' journals, again reports that Thorez is in Berlin, from where he directs "left-wing" anti-French and anti-"pluto-democratic British propaganda for the Goebbels ministry...
...Take what we offer you and keep «p3t-it sounds a trifle too much like Germany under the Gestapo...
...AFTER Anna Louise Strong's article on the Baltics in **¦ "Friday," and Dan Gillroor's tie-up with the Now York Emergency Peace Mobilization, the magazine Friday should register with the State Department as aa agent of a foreign government * • » TWO new fronts have been added by the comrades to the long and tiring lists of networks slung by the Comintern through the professions...
...Next they put the muzzle "up^ptlje press, upon all news, upon all correspondents...
...Accordingly, the orders arekmt No trade with St...
...knowledge of and respect for the country he is supposed to...
...Aviation gasoline has been embargoed and London must import this fuel from South America—lengthening the convoy lines...
...Bnt if the Profit System is right after all, what's wrong with ' mm picture...
...Bruce Barton, of Batten, Barton, Durstinc and Osborne, is the man in charge...
...Roosevelt Hedge on Latin-American Cartel May Lead toPolitical Disaster WASHINGTON, D. C—The unofficial announcement that the administration has "definitely and completely abandoned" the idea of organizing a great cartel to handle the surplus commodities produced in various parts of this hemisphere, in order to prevent such a breaking of prices as would force South American interests to bow tp Nazist dictation, tends to create the regrettable impression that the Roosevelt Administration has no very clear economic views or else that its different departments and bureaus are working at cross purposes...
...ftr » ¦!¦•'¦ IS there some kind of mental infection or bacillus that sweeps like an epidemic over the world ? Or are these startling* coincidences merely blind chance...
...When those in authority vacillate, however, the political advantage always goes to their irresponsible opponents...
...U/HILE the innocents bolt the old Stalinoid pleasant political*, , " social and sexual fronts, C.P...
...Let her turn "her warmongers out, accept Germany's rule of Europe and content herself with the rule of the seas," the Reich propaganda machine urges...
...It has been conceived as an emergency measure, one might almost say as a defensive war measure...
...More than 800,000 .Springfield rifles and 1,300,000 Enfield guns are rusting in U. S. arsenals, and in response to almost hysterical pleas from the British supply ministry some 600,000 were shipped...
...And now comes this noble suggestion' from a rare old crusted reactionary that the national array be made tip of the unemployed, the persons on relief and the boys of the C.C.C...
...As such, it would have great dangers and doubtful benefits to the peoples of either South or North America...
...According to war exrjert Major George Fielding Eliot, Englandmust now have an -ample supply of small cruisers, destroyers, gunboats-^-the sscprt type...
...If that were the case, we would occasionally have one with a symptom of intelligence and same...
...IA grapevine from the politieos' stomping grounds comes the ™ news that Edmund M. Toland, who was counsel of the Smith Committee Investigating the NLRB, has just resigned to join Wendell Wilkie's campaign strategists...
...midwestern representative, is telling all and sundry listeners fchat his wayward chief, John L. Lewis, will shortly support FDR...
...He cited as "evidence" the closing of "all stores" in New York City on a Jewish holiday...
...USHA Guilds Homes to Meet Defense .Boom WASHINGTON, D. C—Speeding to prevent housing shortage that threaten to seriously retard Army and Navy national defense preparations, the United States Housing Authority has scheduled construction of more than 6,000 homes for families of enlisted personnel and civilian workers in sixteen localities within the next 30 days...
...Danton Walker, Daily News columnist, * stops plugging the Nazis with a consistency which we're sure Joe Medill Patterson, who hasn't forgotten his days ob the Socialist Party's National Executive Committee, must tad annoying—if he reads the staff...
...We are solemnly assured by one recent author, a professor in a prominent university, that chattel slavery constituted the ideal labor system for both laborer and employer since it assured the laborer of enough to eat, good shelter, clothing, care in his old age, competent medical attention...
...Just for a bit of...
...A far more subtle lipe of propaganda now pushed by British appeasers is the suggestion that Italy, Spain and the new France, united in a "Latin bloc," can offer more effective resistance to Germany than an island lying in military and political isolation off the European coast Therefore Britain must make "peace and thus strengthen the opposition, to the Reich...
...St Peter, was delighted...
...ISN'T it about time...
...This fight is in narrow waters within effective reach of accurate German aircraft based only a few miles from England's jugular vein shipping lines from Brittany to Norway...
...The joker in the scrap embargo permits the export by American merchants of metal needed by U. S. and Br"^sn munitions industry...
...Italy has 124 destroyers afloat, and 12 in ship-building yards...
...The Republicans, of course, have no right to reproach the administration, for they have no constructive ideas whatever...
...There may be new faces but phe routine is the same...
...The torpedo, the...
...I repudiate at once the ribald suggestion that they ure chosen by the throwing of dice...
...He was offered cooperation by the Dies Committee in ferreting out party liners in key jobs on the Labor Board—he refused...
...Stable labor ejjjjditions...
...The British have also assumed nearly all of the French contracts...
...The body was selected by Col...
...So viewed, it is not open to the objection stated by the anonymous unofficial spokesman, who is quoted as saying that a cartel...

Vol. 23 • August 1940 • No. 33

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