Communist Political Fronts Tie Up With GOP to Turn NY. Over to Willkie


Communist Political Fronts Tie Up With GOP to Turn NY. Over to Willkie By BILL ROBERTS With primary and publicity machinery in motion, supporting the New Deal and a full slate of trade union and...

...Our members and sympathizers in all parts of the country are urged to organize and carry on an active campaign in support of Roosevelt and Wallace...
...Political circles have long f known of the negotiations between Kenneth Simpson, Mew Yorlf County G.O.P...
...Where ignorance is bliss 'tis folly to be wise...
...The Communist party, through its several political fronts, is making ep«ry effort to turn New York State's 47 electoral votes over to the preponderant...
...and John Gelo and Joseph Providente, both of the Italian Dressmakers Union Local No...
...It HI befits often of associations financed by such foundations to picture a MlniNty united community now being disturbed by the "separatist" apBtfkt of workers' education—particularly in view of the fact that «K tenth of one per cent of the reporting corporations own 52 pr- eras of the nation's assets and less than 5 per cent of the corporation* own 87 per cent of the assets of all of them...
...John H. Finley a*sa b» asserted in 1939 at the , Duke University Centennial: :' _ "We are coming into a state of geographical alSBjSJW consciousness, something deeper than intemational-mindetoeit...
...This move put him in the same camp with Senator Wheeler—both men in June were frequently spoken of as presidential timber in the G.O.P...
...For these reasons— "1...
...Senate administration leader...
...Salaries paid tobacco officials have long been a scandal...
...Education can be studied intelligently only in relation to eeooasfc needs, economic forces, and economic classes...
...Local Berks County, Reading, Pa., is the only considerable group of Social Democrats at variance with the position stated in the resolution adopted...
...Philip Young of the Bakers Union Local 607, A.F.L...
...Nearly all of them are drawn from the transmission belt front and Gommanist-controlled C.I.O...
...The scientist has scorned to dirty his garments in the political struggles or become a partisan'in controversies concerning labor problems...
...Books and Writers By Mark Starr Educational Director, I.L.G.W.U...
...The woolly-minded devotees of the mystic ideal of eSscsSsa as an end in itself (which education never was on land so sm), should recall what the early advocates of universal aducatkm SkidHorace Mann advocated education for the purpose of overeonun...
...La' • move forward in step with the late Dr...
...Congressional candidate is the lower East Side 14tnj District, where a political unknown...
...Board of EdaeattBS, has pointed out in his recent book, "Swords and Symaele," thaw education is not an end in itself*: "Education has always been a medium for the eontvautt*** of the culture of dominant group...
...However, I will not allow my support of the President to be used as an excuse for giving Communists a respectable front in the form of the American Labor Party," Mr...
...No detaik concerning the income of the WEB, the date and circulation of ite publications, no statistics (apart from the number of weekend institutes run in 1938 and 1939) concerning its work, its staff tad affiliated unions...
...Furthermore, the expressions of unanimity on the S.D.F...
...The election of Roosevelt and Wallace will mean the maintenance and development of the program of social and labor legislation known as the New Deal, which is of incalculable value to the producing masses of the people...
...Over to Willkie By BILL ROBERTS With primary and publicity machinery in motion, supporting the New Deal and a full slate of trade union and progressive candidates, the American Labor Party this week launched it*~drive, to- keep New York in the Roosevelt column...
...27) biandlr and incorrectly says: "Finding their policies at variance, the tas organisations decided to ge their separate ways . . ." There is no reference to Maurer's resignation ae president ef the WEB in protest against the severe cut in the autonomy aad representation of the local labor colleges and classes...
...But before coming to that cosmic ultimate ideal, let a* fa* the facts which make it necessary for workers' education different now...
...Tartak h or a leer are tour...
...of a faction...
...He said that suggestions and proposals from labor groups would be welcomed...
...Simon Schachter, of the National 'Lawyers Guild...
...Certainly soeh a critic should collect his facts with some accuracy...
...Cartwright's report Mr...
...and David Gertler of Illinois...
...evil" at "education lor social7 action...
...The first, during Teddy Roosevelt's Big Stick period, resulted in the dissolution of the American Tobacco Trust The Big Four, products of this reorganization, have for all intents and purposes acted as a trust...
...Profesior Lynd blames his fellow social scientists for-their failure to grapple with these problems... left-wingers need patronage, and playing ball with the Republican city machine against the state New Dealers is one way of assuring rewards...
...United Retail and Wholesale Employees of America, C.I.O...
...TsmSSfSw separation and independence are made indispensable by SV of circumstance...
...aadjWrW of separatism, workers' education will surely help to brcah deaWj If the rote of trade unions in the economic and social dti'lSil"*^ of our country has been ignored by the colleges and sthsaw^ if unions have been wrongfully portrayed, can they do <SSS...
...Workers' education arose to -fill in the gaps left by existing educational .institutions and to stimulate them to social action to aid us in ,these perilous days...
...and the Democratic party, respectively...
...S. M.~Neistadt of Maryland...
...As a re- 3 v suit, the Communists will emerge strongers and better 'covered in' than befoA : "In, common witfc - other pro- « gresmve and labor-minded citizens I shall support President Roosevelt for re-election...
...but the recipients of their bomftr may well remember Homestead and Ludlow and the other inerdBrtJ surrounding the start of these accumulations...
...1 Is Workers' Educational Separatist' JN "Thj... those districts where the Willkie vote needs bolstering...
...P • If knowledge is not going to be harnessed to the practical needs of the moment, it will surely be submerged by the irrational ferees of despair and desperation and the retreat from reason which has marked recent developments in Europe...
...The Massachusetts Federation of Labor endorsed conscription this week when it rejected by a 259 to 8 vote a Communist sponsored resolution opposition the principle of selective training...
...Watson committee has named a complete ante of officers, oh which are literally scores- of Communist Party members and fellow tousarts...
...Labe><S devices replace men and women...
...The Rebuilders group is negotiating with the Republican party on a deal which wiM give Communist support to the CO.P...
...Support of Republicans will be more open in districts where regular ALPers defeat the CPers in the primaries...
...this week moved to appease liberal and labor opponents to the Burke-Wadsworth bill by assuring the passage of an amendment to pay conscripts $30 instead of $20 a month...
...The absence of libraries in small towns, their poor selection of social science books, ft* slowness in -fhg obtaining of current books are not mcatiened, Mr...
...Prosecution was brought after a two-year investigation, after efforts to crack the trust through civil suits had failed...
...say even about >the traffic problem in their own eity...
...Education is the process by which the individual > *lst»* himself to the universe, gives himself citizenship in the tktVh ing world, shares the Twee's mind and enfranchises Mr eaw soul...
...Although the results of the vote on the Mabney substitute—deferring the draft to January 1, 1940—are, in certain circles, expected tor be close, this correspendent is in a position to believe that it will be defeated...
...T. R. Adam demonstrates that amiability and good intentions cannot substitute for accurate information The author' suffers from a dogmatic faith in...
...Louis Eeiss of New Jersey, Darlington Hoopes of Pennsylvania, Dr...
...While the national group is being organized, plans are going forward for a mass rally to be held here shortly, after Labor Day, it was stated by Irwin J. Jaffe, director of trade union activities for the White Committee...
...wants no part of the CP...
...Professional Workers, and a score of others, among whom is Joe Curran, Congressional candidate for nomination in the 15th A. D., Manhattan...
...the tutorial Tniiarsili extension classes of Britain and Australia...
...Knowledge smst make for greater happiness among men and women living <htre and now, if it is going to justify its existence...
...News, which will become a weekly newspaper in September...
...Ralph Waldo Emerson recognized that the ruling fCeSJB in the United States needed education as a stabiliser Sw As status quo and as an insurance' against dangerous ideal social change...
...Some of them can add to their income by writing tip sheets for banks and investment companies...
...The resignation of Leo Meltzer as National Secretary, due to personal reasons, was accepted and August Claessens was appointed as Acting National Secretary...
...The committee, organized in May with William Allen White as national chairman, is now pressing for the release of at least 60 over-age U. S. destroyers to Great Britain, in the interests of American defense...
...Every section of organized labor will be included under this wing of the Committee's activities, according to Clark MEichelberger, national director, who added that letters have been dispatched to every international union president in the United States, inviting them to serve in the national unit...
...locals will be urged and assisted in calling conferences of labor and fraternal organizations and sympathetic citizens to carry on an effective campaign on an independent basis in their localities for the election of Roosevelt and Wallace...
...National Chairman Jasper McLevy, Mayor of Bridgeport, Conn., was unable to attend...
...Five Chesterfield Co...
...This triple gouge, it was said, runs into hundreds of millions yearly...
...Passage of a resolution supporting the committee's objectives will be sought at the state convention of the New York Federation of Labor at Niagara Falls August 20...
...Men starve in thje faee of plenty...
...locals and members throughout the country, also weighed against the suggestions for a national convention...
...American Labor Party leaders Are organizing their political forces to prevent any A.L.P...
...The CP...
...Bernard Harkavy, secretary of the spurious Jewish People's- Committee...
...U. S. Cracks Down on Cigarette Trust Profits By JOHN BONNE WASHINGTON, D. C—Profits and salaries paid to the officials of the Ligget & My|rs, the Reynolds and the American Tobacco companies |re greater than the entire income of more than 3,500,0(t> persons whose lives are dependent upon the tobacco they produce...
...but of the unity of mankind and its obligations, the relutuim of the individual to the rest of mankind...
...leader, and Hymen Glickstein, left-wing legal comipissar...
...where the CP...
...Typical of the Watson committee candidates are Ray Condon, of the Comintern's Transport Workers Union...
...Conscription AFL Demands Conscription Job Clause Special to The New Laassav WASHINGTON, D. C — Opponents of selective military training were handed another weapon by the House Military Committee when Chairman May revealed that his committee in secret session had struck out the provision assuring those drafted the return of their jobs...
...It will mean a foreign policy based upon unflinching opposition to totalitarianism, the mortal enemy of peace and democracy throughout the, world...
...labor and particularly vigorous in opposing legislation safeguarding workers...
...Hope Stevens, chairman of the American Youth Congress...
...Too-many social scientists think that all they have to do is to collect facts, and then automatically some direct lead will merge...
...I Mr...
...Why coals*•» danger to "political groups...
...Social Democratic Federation NEC Votes Full Support to Roosevelt The National Executive Comiiittee of the Social Democratic Federation, in session at the Hotel Astor last Sunday, adopted by a vote of 6 to_l a declaration urging its members and sympathizers throughout th$ country to give full support to Franklin D. Roosevelt'and Henry Wallace in the present campaign, working through whatever political parties or agencies' may best serve the purpose . The members present were S. Syrjala of Massachusetts, Algernon Lee and Lous Waldman of |Tew York, Dr...
...84): "It is wise to assume thatf**V«wj *" groups (my italics) obtain the financial power te mlPSShlii1 education, seoner or later they will use that power W Stoat teaching offensive to their social prejudices...
...Adam has further added to his prejudice some of the current fallacies of tile AAAE concerning the allege...
...for it thinks not of the relationship of nations one to imwtl...
...They can lecture to graduates about the mysteries of the •gold standard...
...Adam probably does not know that where librarians are willing, union locals get deposit libraries for their own premises...
...Thus'the college has too often become a coward's castle...
...One other spol...
...Lewis Merrill, of the Comintern's United Office and...
...Adam (p...
...By the same 6 to 1 vote the committee declared that it is the duty of - all Americans to participate in defending democratic institutions and the democratic way of life against the danger of totalitarian attack, and called, for the enactment of legislation providing for universal military training as a necessary part of an adequate system of national defense...
...Simpson, an early Willkie supporter and' a powerful figure m the national command,, is known, to h»ve pushed the endorsement of Marcantonio, the only Congressman to have voted against defease appropriations...
...position on the international situation, the support of the New Deal and candidates in coming campaigns, as reported by August Claessens and observed by him on his recent nation-wide tour and by correspondence with S.D.F...
...In carrying out this recommendation, our members and local groups are free to act through such existing political, parties and agencies in the various states and localities as serve the purpose, in accordance, with their own political conscience and the exigencies of the state or local situation...
...Why should trade unionists trust the teaching of awerjSSism professors or teachers or ge for help to colleges which h» of firing professors reputed to be radical...
...officials |ach collected $90,000 a year in 1938, and move than 50 other officials were paid between $10,000 And $75,000 each...
...M~R- ADAM writes (p...
...And still in further iaddition, one must reckon the huge bonuses and stock dividends jwhich total more than a million a fear...
...We notice that the big metropolitan papers have assiduously avoided mentioning the suit or the jjajaries jp their news columns...
...needs for its plans to control U. S. transportation systems...
...fficials received $175,000 last fear...
...Professors have played for safety first and been afraid to ask irrelevant questions concerning the sacred cows of private competitive enterprise...
...votes from being lost by the Roosevelt electors...
...This is the motivating factor of the Department of Justice's instituting criminal proceedings last week against eight major companies in the tobacco field, 26 of their subsidiaries and S3 officials...
...In 1936 the Democrats named David Dubinsky, president of the I.L.G.W.U., and Sidney Hillman, president of the A.C.W.U., as presidential electorsThe Communist Party's Rebuilders Committee has already made a deal with the Republican Party in...
...Three other American Co...
...candidate for important judicial posts, this week resigned from the American Labor Party charging that "the presence and power of the Communists in the party" made it impossible for him to remain in it...
...Theodore Glass, president, International Typographical Union Local 83, AJFX...
...This, is all a build-up to charge workers' education with "separatism.* Mr...
...Waldman said...
...He emphasizes the dangers of government control in workers' education...
...It is the colleges which too often suffer from a d*a^s!S*r separatism from truth about the social facte of life...
...Discussions are now under way between the Laborites and Democrats to settle the number of A.L.P...
...committee is expected to give Congressman Bruce Barton covert support, despite the nomination of Morris Watson against the incumbent in that district...
...In the same vein, he asked that adult education "should be on the: lookout for the'charlatans who foment hafred, disorder, and revolution under the falsely assumed name of workers' education...
...What about *e p»Sc*M of "separatism'' as applied to such edweators as those aiaaj distinguished social investigators discharged or induced te hart* under pressure by universities...
...So far, existing institutions of education tsaaw meet the legitimate requests of workers' education...
...He endeavors in M minded fashion to create a false opposition between 'fflNsafl cultural development and enlightenment, and the social development of institutions...
...The facts shout the original sources of these foundations should also be stated St frequent intervals...
...Harry Smith, Building Employees Industrial Union of America, C.I.O...
...and is fighting them in the primaries...
...It is also publishing a bi-weekly, called the A.L.P...
...Aeaat ignores the preliminary work in- Pennsylvania which led at tae fxwndation of the Workers' Education Bureau in 1421...
...Arthur Osman, president of the Warehouse Workers Union, which the CP...
...James Marshall, president of the N.Y.C...
...George P. Hill of the Lucky Strike Co., fnd who has attacked the suit as Ipart of the government's effort to promote foreign theories," glraws down annually more than X350,000, to which should be added another $150,000 paid to Hill's son...
...Louis Waldman, prominent labor attorney, former A.L.P...
...The'economists can explain the trade '"cycles of the past, but cannot tell us when the next upturn will come...
...the tendency towards "the domination of capital and the servility of labor...
...Special literature will be printed and speakers routed in the coming campaign...
...The matter of preserving academic freedom in discussing «o»troversial questions is vital and one for action by the orgaeM professors and teachers, but encroachments upon academic freedm do not wait upon federal or state subsidies and control for w»rk« education...
...With some notable exceptions, . the historians, and economists of j our accepted colleges have not shown the ability to lead society into more scientific and rational ^ways- of life...
...The .one dissenting vote was cas^ by Mr...
...Their victory at the primaries would mean the legal use of the Labor Party name...
...nohtfeiti* RspiAKesw party dw fafi...
...Distribution will soon begin of some 35,000 pieces of pro-New Deal literature...
...The end of such education stretches as far as infinity...
...a * Mr...
...Adair, also rebukes the workers for not demanding equal opportaniti* for individual enlightenment...
...a Labor Party spokesman said this week...
...Replying to Mr...
...Morris Watson, vice-president of the Daily Worker subsidiary, the American Newspaper Guild...
...Since the April state committee primaries, the right wing clubs have remained dormant while the Commatsist-doininated clubs have been active and now more than ever determined to use the party for theiEOwn purposes...
...Typical of trade union attitude throughout the nation is that of Thomas J. Lyons, president of the New York State Federation of Labor, who early this week said that he did not find one New York leader against conscription, but that labor was ready to fight for the return of jobs at the end of the training year...
...Growing Up: 21 Years Of Education" is mistitled...
...Worker's Road to Learning" (American Associatioe of * Adult Education) Mr...
...The full resolution on the 1940 political scene follows: 'In the Presidential contest of 1946 the candidates of the two major parties are clearly opposed on two issues of overwhelming importance...
...More than 35 clubs will be actively campaigning for Roosevelt and Wallace within a few days, a Labor Party spokesman reported...
...Algernon Lee, Louis Waldman and Louis Reiss were elected as a sub-committee to set up offices and, as funds permit, to engage organizers and representatives to organize the campaign in various cities...
...This clause would have made employers refusing to rehire draftees subject to prosecution under the Wagner act...
...counterbalance this in their ewn education, even 'tt it —S^" a while at least, a separation of workers' education freer forms ef education...
...wiB covertly support the G.O.P...
...The companies involved are the Big Four, makers of Camels, Chesterfields, Old Golds, Lucky Strike, and Phillip Morris...
...This is the third effort made by the government to break the bold on the market...
...A shift of 60,000 votes will turn the trick for Willkie...
...At the same time Congressman May has introduced a House bill which will place a short moratorium on insurance, rent and real estate taxes owed by draftees...
...We need an education which will concc*traM>-SiSt the social sciences to find • solution for the problems e# aaiW and also to get the knowledge' which wiM lead to actiee # those problems...
...This will alienate support of compulsory training by organized labor, which is already divided on the draft...
...members who will be named as electors by the old party...
...In return for the covert support if Barton- it became known tbii sweek that the Republican national high command has openly approved the designation of Mareantonio in the Republican primaries...
...W\ :¦¦ KMOSE serious is the glossing over of the expulsion of BroeVwoori ¦™ Labor College by the Workers Education Bureau as a seooence to condemnation by the AF of L, which refused to allow Broakwktd to answer the charges made against it Mr...
...It is note the task of education to eewip man not ea*r *» think far himself but also te make the highest use of maw new forces which, misused, -may wreck the civilisation that has built this mechanism of possible progress...
...Alfred K. Stern* professional fellow-traveler...
...The party expects to nominate the same electors chosen by tile Democratic Party...
...He may succeed in delaying action for a day or so but no longer...
...Barnaby O'Leary, of Mike Quill's Stalinite Transport Workers Union...
...Aid Allies' Group Forms Labor Unit The Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies today widened its group representation by organizing a New •York labor division and announcing that a national labor committee is now in progress of formation...
...The debate in the Senate will continue its acrimonious pace until next week...
...William Cubert, will cover the knifing of M. Michael EdeJstein, who opposed Browder in Aespecial February election...
...Let there be no mistake—such foundatJrmt a? those established by Carnegie and Rockefeller money have performed many beneficial functions...
...Waldman, Eli Oliver, state executive director of the American-Labor Party, denied the validity of Mr...
...The National Executive Committee endorses the candidacy of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Henry Wallace for President and Vice-President...
...The book is unsatisfactory as a source ef information about the other agencies in workers' education...
...Prom such a union the Communists will gain immeasurably...
...jThe proposal for the holding of a national convention or conference in September was rejected on the grounds of many difficulties, lack of time and other factors...
...Waldman's charges, remarking that the A.L.P...
...We do not want platitudinous nonsense about the ahasass sf class struggles in the United States but an understanding and « solution of these conflicts to make possible that real comaiunity about which as yet we can only dream...
...Among the miner slips in "The Worker's Read to Learning" are two references to a "William English Batting...
...Interest in the Senate debate was increased by the proposals of Senator Taft for a volunteer force which, would not interfere with the education and jobs of those to be drafted...
...I In its suit the government conleads that the excessive profits of the tobacco companies enable jthern to blanket the country with Ktly 'advertising campaigns, to disadvantage of -competitors Bnd to the credit Bide «f, the advertising ledgers of theXmetroJpolitan sheets...
...Its job will be to defeat the efforts of the Cprmww«frCoi"Mlft> i to Rebuild the American Labor Party led by the pro-Stalinite Morris Watson and Eugene P. Connelly...
...House action will come much more rapidly despite Congressman Vito ftjarcantonio's efforts to set up an anti-defense bloc...
...He wilf resume rsf 0m reviewing next week...
...ft « by deewriorr of the University Board of Regents and not {a* Mr Adam says)" the Wisconsin Legislature that the Wisconsin Saunter School for Workers is being continued...
...Waldman added...
...Morse* Cartwright recently m his annual SSrector* report pontifically warned workers' education against being used "tc emphasise- and- widen class differences" and "to enhance the grvwts...
...the 6th Assembly District, where it nominated Sam Koenig's puppet, Meyer Goldberg, and in the 20th Congressional District, where Vito Marcantonio is seeking renomination in- the September primaries...
...These Communists and their clubs are now, as before, part and parcel of the American Labor Party," Mr...
...Some day, we hope, an author will have the necessary independence to treat in a similar fashion the dangers of control of adult education by the h«avy hand of foundations...
...While operating behind an inno...
...The party is now circulating nominating petitions for the September 17 primaries...
...A snb-committee was empowered to recommend candidates for National Secretary and the selection will be made at the next meeting of the N.E.C...
...The anthropologists know all about the puberty rites among the Solomon Islanders, but cannot initiate modern youth into industry and a job...
...There appears little doubt that the Burke-Wadsworth bill will pass before September 1st and will receive its presidential signature in time to permit the army to register and" call up at least 400,000 men to augment the 225,000 national Guardsmen- and 180,000 regular soldiers...
...The sociologists can talk at length about the growth of the urban population* but too often have nothing to...
...Adam's book pats fan less inflamed weeds the mm* warning and like Mr...
...Adam gives n» facfttal' base for his warning...
...Lyons just visited 22 of the 35 central labor bodies in the State, which represent 1,500 affiliated unions...
...The history professors know all there is to know about the underlying causes of the war of 1812 but cannot help us avoid -the war of 1940...
...The companies under indictment have been notoriously anti...
...Unemployment, dietsUMinTS aw* asr threaten mankind...
...Arthur Weiss, editor of the Stalinoid Citizen...
...Ada* prefers to expatiate upon the folly of workers' education is not making greater use of the public libraries...
...Plans for the national group were launched at a recent meeting of the New York division, attended by Jack Altman, manager of the joint board...
...cent front, they will through this device have the backing of nonCommunist organizations, their • funds and their workers...
...The government charges that the companies combined to dictate prices paid farmers, the price charged consumers and the profits retailers are permitted to make...
...The election of Willkie and McNary would gravely threaten- the continuance of a firm anti-totalitarian foreign policy and of the progressive trend in social and labor legislation...
...jjtm-^mj We may we» echo the query "Knowledge For Whnt^jPT by Robert S. Lynd in his recent boek challenging his *j~SE fessors to activity...

Vol. 23 • August 1940 • No. 33

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