Where the News Ends
Where the News Ends By Charles Yale Harrison yw?. COURSE you've seen the Spencer Tracy - w^itfnd of newspaperman—wise-guy, cynical, hard-boiled. Nobody can put anything over on Jtfm, no sir....
...Who is it that says this shameful thing...
...For an aspirant to the presidency to think he can dispense with it indicates either a groan underestimate of the job or a gross exaggeration of his own capacities...
...Fuehrer Browder made the same complaints...
...Watson was all for "peace.'* jK.i :7 When file Kremlin ,issued orders that the American-Labor Party was to get the works bemuse of its condemnation of the Nazi-Soviet war pact, it was Watson who was put in charge of fjita 'operation...
...Jerry Voo'rhis' proposals hit only at the agencies here which have something to hide...
...Exposure will cripple their organizations...
...Appointed chairman of the socalled Committee to "Rebuild" the American La-, bojr Party, although a paid CIO officer,' heT used ij&p time and the Guild's New York headquarters to organize fund-raising cocktail parties and dances for the cause...
...Top that, if you can...
...t ¦This is just what the A.Y.C...
...The war has become essentially a contest between Nazi dictatorship and the British workers...
...The time has come, I am convinced, for a mass exodus of all non-Communist elements from the Guild...
...4. Meetings are packed with delegates from such outhouse publications as Russky Golos, New , Masses, Friday, the Freiheit, Daily Worker and other avowed Communist papers, who vote on resolutions condemning the current enemy of the party and endorsing or praising friendly organizations and persons...
...If they say it all in July there will be nothing left to say in October...
...And that is what is wrong with the American Youth Congress...
...British Minister of .Labor, warned that England — the England of Labor —jvould avenge every Socialist and labor man disposed of by the Nazis and their French lackeys...
...May pay' roll's amounted to $75,r84,000, as against 67,724,000 the month before, and $60,372,000 the year before...
...At the last convention he and his Stalinist buddies were all far a third fernr-for Roosevelt But came the Hitler-Stalin pact and came a change in front...
...Herr Browder...
...An out-of-town acquaintance tells me that when °he refused to' join his local Guild on - the ground th=.t it was a Communist-controlled organization, he was asked: "Do you think that Bob Conway of the Daily News unit would be a member of any CP stooge outfit...
...Theirs' not to do the dirty and dangerous work of stealing plans and blueprints, sabotaging munitions plants, and blowing...
...1. The Communist fraction in the Guild maintains itself in power largely through the dexterous manipulation of "rotten boroughs" and midget units whereby the voting power of genuine newspapers like the New York Times are canceled out by Communist-dominated cells...
...Richard H. Hippelhauser, associate editor of Fortune...
...Herman Dinsmore, assistant cable editor of the New York Times...
...Get out and form a new national newspaper union under the aegis of the American Federation of Labor...
...In the darkest hour, when it looked as if no more than 20 per cent of our men would get back from France, every minister in the government—not only the 'War Cabinet but those of us who are not in the War Cabinet—solemnly resolved to see it through, and no compromise with Hider...
...Thus, well-known anti-Stalinists are used to screen the essential character of the Guild...
...From Chatham and Mirabeau and Stem to the present time, every responsible statesman has had his corps of advisers, experts, fact-finders, liaison men, digest writers, draft writers, and so forth, the results of whose work entered into his speeches and state papers...
...The American Federation of Labor has assured Bevin that so far as the workers of this country are concerned they will spare no effort in supplying their British comrades with weapons and equipment...
...THE COMRADES PROTEST ^HANGING old fronts for new ones and working through all its sympathizers—who are legion in strategic government positions—the Communist party is vehemently protesting against the Voorhis bill, which is designed to ferret out fifth-column agents by requiring registration of all affiliates of international organizations...
...Well, dont be fooled by this caricatured concept of how a real newspaperman looks, acts and talks...
...But he tried valiantly...
...Their task is to corrupt the American mind, to dampen its humane enthusiasms, to undermine its democratic faith, to accustom it to the idea of clasping hands with dictators and letting the Swastika kiss the Stars and Stripes...
...THE opposition to the Stalinisjt...
...If its activities were a spontaneous expression of the exuberant energy, the joy in being alive, the lack of knowledge and the desire for it, the generous idealism and the thoughtless cruelty, the cocksureness and the secret teff...
...up chemical works...
...The facilities''¦' of the service were used in twenty-six major industrial fields, and were utilized by employees and employers in thirty-seven states, Alaska, and the District of Columbia, Steel Industry Shews Employment Gain NEW YORK CITY.—Employment in the steel industry in May...
...All this makes for control by the dominant faction which plays one type of worker against the other...
...It is our people, leaders of the labor movement who are missing first idnd foremost," Bevin said...
...Many of my friends and co-workers, who are members of the opposition, feel that the Guild can be reformed from within...
...Oi course, this is merely my own opinion...
...Nothing, I feel, is further from the truth...
...Yet not one of them was ¦ chosen to attend the Memphis convention, although all of them ran as delegates...
...I made up my mind when 1 went into the government that there would be no sentiment and no settlement with the Nazi regime...
...The eoyness of the Kaufman-Watson group in preferring not to debate the Guild's tie-up '• with Moscow is understandable enough...
...An internal fight wfll take, years .and even then the Communists would, rather wreck the organization than lose control...
...managers are overdoing the Willkie buildup arid rushing it too early in the campaign...
...These are Cromwellian words—-the words of England s . new Cromwell, organized British Labor...
...Max Danish, one of - the most outstanding labor journalists in the country, editor of Justice, official organ of the powerful International Ladies Garment Workers Union...
...No doubt it would be diplomatically "incorrect" for the United States to seize them and hold them in trust for * future settlement of world affairs after Hitler Germany v liquidated...
...Y°UTH is on the whole rather a pleasant time of life...
...Such a union would be a fighting outfit and not a political front for Stalin...
...There is a left-wing fifth column, too...
...I mention but a few: John Chamberlain, eminent literary critic, nationally known student of political, economic and social problems...
...It is not an achievement, but just a phase of experience...
...5. In matters of' financial integrity the Guild leadership is little better than ap out' and-out racketeering union...
...is hit hard, so is the Bund...
...TheErtnci islands Guadaloupe and Martinique and the Dutch jaind of Curacao are equally near to the great lanes of South Attaatic navigation and even nearer to our islands and our tatst In form, France is still an independent nation atd « neutral, in fact, most of its territory is occupied by Nkwt troops, and its present government would neither dam as wish to refuse any service Hitler might call for...
...Young folk who think otherwise can at any rate comfort themselves with the consideration that even if youth is a state of martyrdom, it doesn't last forever Whichever way you look at it—ground for congratulation or for condolence—it is nothing to be ashamed of and nothing to brag about...
...Is it safe that they should remain so...
...Instead of airing this vital question which threat- ens to destroy the organization in the very near future, both factions went into executive session behind closed doors, barred the working press, ooviously to work out a deal that can only benefit'the present leadership...
...Study classes took up the following subjects in this order of importance: Trade Union Problems, Public Speaking and Parliamentary Law, Labor Union History and Current Events, Labor Dept...
...Only one course remains open to the honest liberals and progressives in the Guild...
...No credentials are required, except from known progressives...
...However, if the opposition, for smotives that are beyond me, refuses to do its manifest duty, it therefore becomes incumbent upon this correspondent to publish a few little-known facts about Stalin's Soviet in the' American newspaper world...
...to M we Jpok back upon it...
...It is a combination Hitler will find it difficult to beat If our British comrades can avert a knockout-blow this summer, democracy—not Hitler—will be master of the world...
...What if not pardonable is the conduct of some older persona who,,{or whatever reasons of their own, make it a practice to natter the young, to talk as if youngness were in itself a virtat, to make them think of themselves as a distinct class ia the community, victimized and oppressed by those who a few years ago were as young as they are now...
...But if he thinks he can get along without the aid of what are popularly called a brain trust and ghost writers, then he is either more naive or more egotistic_or both_ than a candidate has any license to be...
...By staying in the ANG men like Lundberg, Chamberlain and others are flaying directly into the hands of the ruling camarilla...
...But when rank and file members challenged -the leadership to produce the records, the Guild management brazenly replied that the records covering the missing funds were also missing...
...Apd not only are anti-Stalinists consistently defeated for office, no matter how insignificant...
...Educational Classes Increase The report of the Educational Department of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union for the year ending May 31, 1940, records a total of 823 classes and groups attended by 18,200 students, compared with 673 and 16,464 reported for 1938^39...
...They sing harmonizing parts in the same grand chorus of democratic defeat...
...Settles 268 Strikes The Conciliation Service of the United States Department of Labor disposed of 412 situations involving 92,441 workers in May, Secretary Perkins reports...
...And the responsibility for the blunder seems to rest on the brash Mr...
...Was determined to see the wax through to the end...
...It is the apostle of rugged individualism, Herbert Hoover...
...But it is much more than that, and much worse...
...For in real life, particularly in matters affecting conditions under which he must work and who is to represent him in his relationship with his employers, the average newspaperman is as naive as a social worker on tour in Moscow, a perfect sucker for an upper case Left hook...
...That Watson failed in his effort was due only to his inherent incompetence...
...Hoover, Lord, Lindbergh & Co.—and the "Co...
...It is the coyness of a pander, who refuses to discuss morality befor* a night-coart magistrate...
...Its leadership is in the hands, not of young persons, but of met and women who are old enough to know better—some of the silly kind, who like to show off and play at being young, and others who are not silly at all, but just plain stoolpigeons in the service of disloyal and disruptive groups en the field of politics and labor...
...But the effect is the same...
...It is high time that honest but ill-informed sentimentaJati should recognize these facts and stop coddling the A.Y.C THOSE ESSENTIAL OUTPOSTS JT would be interesting to know what are, in Mr...
...Bevin also gave assurance that the entire British cabinet, backed by the people...
...Practically, therefwt these colonies are today German outposts...
...And if you doubt this, take a good look at the ' American Newspaper Guild, whpse ultimate aim it is to make a good letfman on the Spokane Gazette look and sound, organizationally, like one jfof the comrades on the communist mimeograph press...
...With sudden solicitude for the American Federation of Labor, Mr...
...The question may become vitally important sooner than we think...
...At this rate it will be a tiresome old story long before election day...
...the arch-enemy of all that makes life worth living for decent men ? Who is it that calls upon Americans to "find a way of living" with the dictator who has brazenly declared that, when he gets through with Europe, he is going to start operations .with the storm troopers whom he already has at his command here in the United States—that he is going to show the "degenerate Yankees" how to build a nation...
...h 8eem...
...covers a multitude of sinners in high places—these constitute the respectable front of the right-wing fifth column in America today...
...It was no coincidence that both Herr Bund Leader Kuhn and Herr CP...
...i . ArND now 'rom Memphis, where the ANG is ^Vin convention, comes word that the so-called ' anti-administration forces have agreed not to raise the question of Stalinist domination...
...No civil liberties are abused by forcing the publication of affiliates of those organizations whose eyery political movement is motivated by slavish adherence to the foreign'policy of European dictatorships...
...Victor Riesel, long one of the leaders in the fight against the Guild hierarchy, has been subject to vilification, slander and whispering campaigns, as have others...
...But the CP...
...Still, last year, before the tip-off came from Moscow, Watson was whooping it up for collective security...
...If young persons sometimes forget this and swagger a bit over their youngness, that is pardonable...
...If this only means that the general purport and the precise words of each address are going to be his own...
...Despite this, however, the clique that speaks officially for the working press in the councils of the American newspaper world consists of undercover agents for a potentially hostile foreign power that is the faithful ally of a country with which we may find ourselves at war tomorrow—or the day afteV...
...Personally, I em not a member of the Guild and as long as it continues to be an instrument of the Soviet Union's foreign office, I shall refuse to join it...
...He would be a poor stick indeed if that Were not so...
...Holland ii still more definitely in Nazist hands...
...In no sensa is it representative of more than a small fraction of the young folk of this country—and those largely the maladjusted element...
...Everything is missing, it seems, excepts the party line...
...It is not the men of big business, but our people who have gone...
...The remaining situations, involving 13,361 workers, were services rendered, such as filling requests for information', adjusting complaints, consulting with labor and management, etc...
...i -^?Se Citizen, a Communist Party smear-sheet in Vai anti-Labor Party campaign, was: openly distributed at unit meetings...
...The A.F.of L need keep nothing secret...
...Willkie start new with this plank...
...Delegates arrive with their wives, sweethearts and hangers-on and all vote merrily and viva voce as Stalinist resolutions receive thumping "majorities...
...As America approaches the most critical hour in her history, it is important that the American working press be cleared of the taint of Stalinist domination...
...3. Although in the popular mind the Guild is supposed to be a union of newspapermen and women, more than seventy-five per cent of its membership consists of front-office or commercial employees: bookkeepers, stenographers, switchboard operators, etc., with the result that in the Guild, as in many disreputable newspapers, the business office tail wags the editorial dog...
...When confronted with the shortage, national officers replied that it was due to "bookkeeping discrepancies...
...but maybe that s an illusion...
...and many others...
...Anyone who has worked on a real newspaper _and when I say newspaper I don't mean herring-wrappers like Russky Golos or the Daily Worker—knows that the vast -majority of the reporters, rewritemen and editorial workers, while not flag-wavers, are devoted Americans, and as such, are in violent opposition to communism and everything it represents...
...Does he count the French and Dutch colonies in Seat* America and the West Indies among our essential outpfg)} Dutch and French Guiana are nearer to Puerto Rjcqiad the Virgin Islands than is any point on our coast rwr«|M| extreme tip of Florida, and are conveniently locaavlw attack upon American vessels bound for or returning Iran Brazil ot Argentina or South Africa and beyond...
...It could work in fruitful cooperation with the American Federation of Labor printing unions and thus strengthen itself immeasurably...
...Ernest Bevin...
...Who is it that wishes to establish a modus vivendi with the world's archliar, arch-thief, and arch-mifrderer...
...At Guild headquarters ft is impossible to get a drink at the bar because it is cluttered up with counting-house Guild members, posing as newspaper people, who lately are debating why the union should approve John L. Lewis' endorsement of Herbert Hoover...
...Any of these men have more ability, as newspapermen and' as group leaders, than all of the existing stumble-bum Guild leaders put together...
...They have to talk the language of popular discontent, as Hoover and his associates talk the language ol the Rotarians and the big and little Babbits...
...They were not good enough, although little two-by-four Communist functionaries were overwhelmingly chosen to represent the New "York units...
...If they beat us to smithereens there would be no setdement...
...Such a union could be organized on a genuine industrial basis...
...wastes his sympathy...
...Since the last convention, $5,800 is mysteriously missing from the New York Guild treasury...
...One of the outstanding straw-bossses on this transmission belt is Morris Watson, the punchdrunk' vice-president of the Guild, who since the signing of the Nazi-Soviet pact declared that the Associated Press is a greater threat to the free institutions of America than Hitler...
...Willkie will not answer it until President Roosevelt takes some action and then, whichever thing the President does, will condemn hitn for it...
...When the party line changes so do the alleged minds of the delegates...
...The Nation unit, for example, with nineteen duespaying members has one vote in the New York representative assembly while the 'Freiheit,, the official foreign language Communist daily, with o«e dues-paying member, also has One vote...
...It would be a bulwark against the fear that haunts every honest newspaperman— the day when his usefulness is over and he must be dependent upon the paternalistic charity of his publisher...
...With the Soviet agents out Of the way, it could organize the reportorial and editorial workers of this country as'effectively and solidly as the printers, linotypers and photoengravers are organized...
...Willkie himself...
...Its spokesmen— its Browders, its Coughlins, its Winrods and Cerald Smiths —are aidifferent sort, but not less (nor more) dangerous...
...Of -these situations, 268 were strikes and threatened strikes, lockouts, and controversies, involving 79,050 workers...
...leadership.rin the Guild reads like a Who's.Who in Amerfc can journalism...
...Even if it were that and nothing more, its monkeyshines would do no great harm and might be of some me for letting off steam...
...Typical is the candidate's swaggering announcement that he is going to have no "brain trust" and no "ghost writers," that he has never yet made a speech which he had not himself written and is not going to change his ways now...
...Willkiei opinion, the "essential outposts of American defame'' referred to in the Republican platform, which, as Alf Landon observed, means nothing in particular until the candidate has interpreted it...
...And the same is true of age...
...Refusal or inability to do so will-do more harm to the cause of newspaper unionization than all the Hearsts, Gannetts and Howards in the country...
...And the opposition, no matter how sincere and hard working, will fail because the organizational cards are stacked against them...
...totaled 510,000, compared with 403,000 in April and 448,000 in May 1939, the American Iron and Steel Institute reports...
...Editorial BRITISH LABOR SPEAKS WHILE Leon Blum, French Socialist leader, made a hold appearance this week at Vichy, neat of the traitorous counter-revolutionary gang who call themselves the^ government of France...
...Ferdinand Lundberg, author of Imperial Hearst and America's Sixty Families...
...The first blast of war will drive a Guild that tolerates a pro-Hitler-Stalin set-up into oblivion...
...by conscious adoption when not by absolute invention, then it doesn't mean much...
...But in dealing with a Hitler, is it not better to be quick than to be correct...
...We suggest that Mr...
...Our guess is, however, that Mr...
...5 In one way or another, openly or evasively, the -Guild leadership has endorsed or cooperated with the Youth Congress, the April 6th so-called peace demonstration, the Trade Union Committee to ; Put America Back to Work and other Communjgtiinspired organizations...
...2. For months the representative of an unknown Spanish Communist propaganda organ, La Voz, had one delegate to the representative assembly although their publication was no longer in existence...
...Watson canvassers in the primary fight told enrolled voters that the Guild had"endorsed the fight" against the Labor ¦Party, even to the point of placing of its vicepresident at the head of the committee...
...Two hundred and tjSeventyeight study classes, 154 music, 78 dramatics, 80 dancing, 167 gym and 66 athletic teams were included in the total...
...And the link between right wing and left wing is John L. Lewis—disrupter of the Labor movement, patron of Communists in the unions, and open admirer of the man under whose presidency the breadline became an American institution, the man who says we must find a way of living with Adolf Hitler...
...distrust, the untried courage and the unconfeaaed feart, which are characteristic of normal youth, it could be of real value directly to its participants and indirectly to the whole people...
...is not...
...It's as phoney as a gold tooth...
...Browder goes to Washington and protests to Congress that it is unfair to require labor organizations affiliated with the International Federation of Trade .Unions to register their membership...
...The greater the man and the greater his task, the more use he made of such assistance...
...but they are subject to a constant campaign of heavy-handed ridicule and abuse...
...It is a man whom the American people once honored with the highest office in their gift—and how they repented it before his term was over...
...WE have to find a way of¦•: living- with this man in the world"—this man being Adolf Hitler...
Vol. 23 • July 1940 • No. 28