A Page of Discussion on America and Problems of the War

Ross B. Wills Judge Panken Lewis Mumford A Page of Discussion on America and Problems of the War By Lewis Mumford U.S.-British Nation Now Could Break Fascism; Lay Basis for Union of Free...

...S—Repeal the Neutrality Act...
...A, actual world today does not bear the faintest resemfrgct to the...
...Always in him and in his Mr reflections on the current scene there 1 *e sathentic stamp of the small town nder barrel, the sharp tang of the chew| * tsfeweo, and those other pictures which \ *Jwe •» the vision of Americana...
...How was it, I inquired, that they could propose such an aggressive war two years ago and yet, today, aloofly scorn as a mere struggle between "rival imperialisms" the present fight for life by two of those same "great democracies" against the invader Hitler, and have, themselves, no great concern over which side wins ? 1_1IS answer, briefly, and as fairly as I can ¦**represent it...
...That was a world in which the free, Sjimtic, peace-loving peoples effectively jheld in check S|S stood for tyranny, war, and barbarism...
...Our second line of defense—Great Britain—is presently resisting an overwhelming onslaught...
...But an examination of this standpoint would seem to show a preponderance of evidence on the other side of the fence...
...WHAT ia the historical trend of revolution in the modern world...
...but even if he existed his prospects would appear quite hopeless, for he'd have to attack not a wrecked state but probably the strongest government on earth...
...Headlines talk of black German planes strafing women in their market places...
...IN CONSIDERING the present situation in Europe as regards our own country, it appears that we cannot escape the effect of what is happening in Europe...
...The European people will arise and, aided and guided by the Soviet Union, a wholesale socialist revolution will ensue...
...Not>do catastrophes admit of timid and cautious measures which do not leave the well-worn grooves...
...The present moment presents a life and death decision to our American democracy...
...Under this resolution, and under the accepted definition of the Monroe Doctrine, we may be confronted with a situation requiring not only the defense o? our own territory, but the defense also of the territory of each of the twenty republics and the countless islands now the possessions of France, England, Hoi-" land et.c...
...Today he is an important msrio writer in Hollywood...
...g.j t^ji^Mia, state capitalism has been instituted...
...and the third—most decisive of all . now—is the time'fo bring the first two elements into action...
...But the "Train" rocks, the rails warp, and ahead there looms a washout waiting to ditch it...
...2—Give Great Britain all that she needs, so that the arms that we build for preparedness may become unnecessary...
...the second is armaments...
...happily in the desperate confusion of unfamiliar loneliness...
...but the work that they did lives after them, and the effects of it are hardly scotched by their last-hour's rush to seek absolution...
...If American aid comes, it must go over now—machines not men...
...Where, then, is the precedent for a popular socialist revolution in Europe...
...the Communists, Browder's '¦mission belts, the War...
...While he hoped to start a world revolt, he plotted actually only to achieve revolution and conquest in the one country, Russia...
...We shall probably in the next Ave "years be required to expend fifty billion dollars for armaments, fifty billion dollars which in other times could have been used for social advance and human needs...
...British pluck and American1 ingenuity may still save the day...
...Yet, given Lenin's genius, and his many years of exclusive plotting and working, his conquest was amazingly full of sheer luck...
...If one: of us goes...
...In Italy and other countries the system is referred to as the corporative state...
...The emergency we face is a catastrophic one...
...the history of American freedom is the continuation of the' long history of British freedom...
...Our sole chance for success lies in the continued resolution of the British peoples to carry on the struggle until we are ready...
...I remarked, that as recently as two years ago the Communist Party was clamoring for America to arm to the hilt and join the "great democracies," as...
...gain nothing—a revolt against Hitler merely getting them another or several as bad...
...and we can survive as a free nation only if we show great qualities—qualities of resourcefulness* qualities of sacrifice that are latent in the American peoples hoarded and preserved out of our pioneer past...
...And with these courageous, if fanatic, lastditch riders go one's sympathies, for they are patently steering not by compass, but "by guess and by God" (Stalin...
...Indeed, Lenin's whole adult life was dedicated to that one exclusive purpose...
...As far as Russia is concerned, it is very doubtful that Western Europe would turn willingly to it, seeing that its distrust of Stalin is probably equal to its distrust of Hitler...
...the gar mast fight against desperate odds...
...If we lack courage and intelligence, if we imitate the cowtj ards and traitors and appeasers who undermined Europeafi democracy, we already are lost, no matter how much monejl we may spend on physical armaments...
...t^JJr**r< some people who refer to 'Russia as socialistic...
...And it would indicate, in particular, that the Communists and other Reds wjio rely so flatly upon this solution, make two prime errors...
...With out second line of defense destroyed, the United States will be confronted with an attack from the East and an attack from the West...
...This conference -should cement the twenty-one republics into one unit for offense and defense...
...Western Europe 'never had much regard for Slavic Russia, and would not likely or willingly accept "socialist protection and guidance" from her...
...Even omitting the instance of Russia, -what has been the story of revolution in Europe since the World War...
...it is the exact opposite...
...REAT BRITAIN is the house next door...
...Most of these latter^ have leaped from the famous "express train of history," since the Nazi-Soviet pact, and especially since the Soviet's holy invasion of Finland...
...If it were only themselves who were headed for wreck, there need be no call for qualification, but their fabulous "Train" in its erratic career through America has cut such a wide, (Jeep swathe of damage in divers regions, thanks hugely to their influential liberal fellowtravelers, that it will probably require decades before we can patch up their mess and find the time and the generosity to grieve over their tragic end...
...Chances for People's Revolt Abroad Fades With Advance of Hitler By Ross B. Wills DAPIDLY coming to a head now, in Hitler's " apparently complete conquest, and particularly in its dubious aftermath, is the total effect upon America of the work of the Communists among us, aided greatly by that large group of our Liberals who for upward of a decade eagerly went along with them in the role of fellow-travelers...
...Democracy is the guarantee for the orderly processes of social evolution, Without democracy that cannot be...
...Mumford'* article should be read everywhere...
...They know nothfc^ *oeS*hsm...
...Only thus can freedom and democracyAnd civilization itself survive...
...411 extension of the freedoms and the liberties to which men aspire, j. we orderly evolution of society promises...
...And if the terms of that surrender should follow the French example, with a fresh betrayal of democracy by the corrupt...
...it is to the extreme right...
...Were it not for the pact between Hitler and Stalin in August, 1939, Poland would not have beeijt raped and the WorldWar would have been avoided...
...So I suppose, as the very first item in our national defense program, that the United States take the initiative in effecting an immediate union between the American and the British peoples...
...j|jB*n*!ia they talk of the state capitalism, which has been instituted, as *he.two ideas of state capitalism land socialism are poles apart...
...This is a great crisis...
...Don't we have here a situation that is exactly reversed in virtually every particular...
...It is on fire...
...Heinrich Heine, the great poet, said: "Die stinken alle beide...
...When it comes there, it will follow soon in America...
...American safety, therefore, depends upon the ability and the willingness of the British to carry on during the next six months: that alone...
...J | ! Tie fact is no peace is possible for democratic peoples in i jurist world, except the peace that comes to slaves...
...Once we have lost our last free ally, the British poles, that world would, be worse than a prison...
...But most of them moil about un...
...We are the only countries in the world that have had an unbroken tradition of freedom which goes back three hundred years...
...And armaments become obsolete almcflst over night and require replacement...
...a government that will probably be stronger than ever in its history when it finally conquers Europe—surely the most rigidly and highly organized government in modern history...
...e., not only Russia, but France and England), and drive Fascism (i.e., Hitler and MussolinT) out of the world...
...3 j To face these aggressive anti-democratic [forces dnly two —j powers remain, the British Commonwealth of Nations the United States of America...
...If we have the courage and the intelligence to fight the fascist powers now, we shall fight' with the utmost military aid and personal devotion of * great group of free peoples...
...On the one hand, they are not relying enough upon historical precedent...
...People who talk about the United States becoming strong gags to preserve peace by our unaided efforts are living in c opiam eater's paradise, and mistaking fhdir wishes for j3...
...By reiteration of a slogan, no matter how false and unrt may be, faith is created—a f afthf which is designed to supplant com^fMd reason...
...It is Hitler's introduction of a new war technique, the blitzkrieg, the swift conquest, to say...
...Sho1618 llistoric *orces at work which' produce the frightful and horrifyas they descend upon mankind...
...The first .of these is morale...
...Europe is under the domination of three priests of a new ^Ttn?6 re^on °' totalitarianism, the religion of nihilism of reason and of v «W of individual human dignity...
...ftfo^JA^PA, the youth in Europe have been conditioned to the accep-' 'flfcjjL0* *n-Geology which makes each of them serfs of government, instead iZiSMr** government is created to be-ithe servant of each of them and of "¦^duals...
...War upon the monster...
...That means, in rather coarse English, they both stink...
...So far, then, as tradition and precedent count, it would seem that the only kind of revolution, tjr any, that is most likely to come out of- Hitler's -destruction of the democracies and ether independent states, would be of an extreme rightist variety,'in which the people would...
...Catastrophes do not waif upon the convenience of cheap politicians who trade flattering lies for the votes of those who wish to be seduced by them...
...Peace taj price is peace at the price of giving up justice, huasity, freedom, the hope of progressive'human developed Peace at any price is peace at the price of tearing up anational roots and abandoning the right to call ourselves a descendants of Washington and Jefferson, of Lincoln and boat E. Lee, of Daniel Boone and the strong, self-reliant at and women who conquered a continent, j Our democracy could not survive in a world dominated by seism...
...Insofar as direct aggression against us is concerned, that is not to be excluded...
...where is the tradition...
...and this is one of those times when it is not sufficient to count Americans: one must weigh them...
...It is .here that their blind reliance upon revolutionary historical precedent misleads them fatally...
...it is printed as word comes that Hitler will shortly increase the size of' the air fleets he is sending over England, from 100 to 1,000, as he has increased them from 10 to 100...
...Fascism is already at war with us...
...1 luone who believes that our country can i avoid war by gfjDg out of the present conflict is as- incorrigibly stupid gOawberlain, or as traitorous to democracy as the Hoares, j. Bonnets, and the Lavals...
...By tradition, by the acceptance of the Monroe Doctrine as a principle, we cannot permit one inch of land on the western hemisphere to be taken over by any foreign government...
...That is, even granting that the Russian Revolution was a socialist revolution, they are depending far too much upon it as precedent and guide to bolster their hopes and beliefs, in a wholesale European revolt...
...it is printed as the news tickers chatter of the largest most ghastly raids any nation has yet suffered...
...The other (s the votary, ^•Snaf...
...and any remedy we seek must plainly be on a level with the danger itself...
...And there is not only lacking a Lenin with a quarter-century of specific, directed plotting behind him, prepared to take advantage of every break...
...nothing of his many bloodless conquests, that has so completely altered the situation, What, after all, is the- brief history of the Russian Revolption...
...A decade, indeed, has just closed during which the Communists and their liberal friends reached their finest flowering, when the Voice of the Revolution was heard in the land, and the Second Coming was seen literally upon the doorstep of Tomorrow...
...Japan cannot be excluded as part of the Axis, which is now rapidly becoming a Black Internationalism...
...In that resolution,' it made quite clear that the transfer of any land on the western hemisphere by any foreign government to another foreign government would constitute a violation of the Monroe Doctrine...
...The fcjr^tizenship, political as well as industrial, to those people...
...Great Britain needs oar fire apparatus to extinguish that fire which was started by the beasts of Berlin and Rome, yes, and the beast of Russia, of Moscow...
...But, alas, upon Tomorrow's doorstep it is the Devil himself who trods in hobnailed boots, and Revolution's Great Voice is drowned in an uproar of alarm, and even of alarm's first child, Reaction...
...Wills carries with . • the authentic flavor of America and its fanatic west...
...Now men do not fight merely with arms...
...tile left...
...Slogans are made the vehicle loyalists...
...This, as nearly as one can grasp it, and with as good a face as one can put it, seems to represent substantially, the basis for the Communists' present stand...
...although, despite legend, Marx did not invent socialism...
...But one's sympathies are, perforce, seriously qualified...
...People, who foi centuries have regarded themselves as advanced, are hardly likely to accept the patronage' of those they've regarded as backward...
...For it is here surmised that the crisis which now confronts America is of such importance as to render concern over any particular parts of American democracy as but incidental, wherein the whole of it is gravely threatened...
...In almost every part of ^ continent they have paralyzed the instruments of democ21 gad freedom, and are waiting to dictate a peace that (tB juke their destruction complete...
...The New Leader is happy to present Mr...
...it is also a line «f defense for all of the Americas...
...world that existed before 193...
...Mumford was an editor of the New Republic where his militant anti-Nazism fonnd little sympathy...
...The Congress of the United States was correct when it passed a resolution setting forth in explicit language what the Monroe Doctrine stands for...
...T IS no purpose of this article to inquire into * the Communist-Liberal influence upon any particular aspect of the so-called upsurge of democracy, such as the Union movement, etc., during the New Deal period...
...Now is the time for as to work as a unit, and by our common will to serve as the core of a new Union of Free Peoples throughout tWf world . This unit will gather around it in time a free India, a free China, and a free Latin America...
...It struck first in 1905 against a strong government—and was badly defeated...
...OUT the second error that the wishful revolutionarie» make is even more significant...
...For he had a comparatively easy, set-up to work on—a collapsed government, and country...
...but their own faces are s.till grim-set toward Destiny...
...Progress—the possibility of the development of a greater democracy, Of greater opportunities, of greater life to the individual—is threatened and will be destroyed if dictatorship is victorious...
...came down to this: "France and Britain are rotten and deserve destruction...
...4—Repeal the Johnson Act...
...Only a few of the Communists' old associates remain, die-hards, but these are reduced to wandering up and down, the wellemptied cars of history's "express train," firing vindictive spithajls out the windows at their ex-hero, F. D. R. The "Communists," the OnIy*True Believers —stick with the "Train," their bottoms firmly glued to their seats with that unyielding Moscow Mucilage...
...is Lewis Mumford, literary critic, sociologist, historian of world culture/ author of "Culture of the Cities" and "Men Must Act...
...And that would not be a socialist turn, of course, but merely another, totalitarian.shift, and very likely only a; temporary turn born of the raonjent's desperation, at...
...the Communists called them (i...
...If we understand that fact we will not repeat the tragic mistake of the European nations and...
...And most important for our immediate safety, it would give the English, the Scotch, the Welsh and the Irish, the Canadians, the Australians and the New Zealanders the heart to bear the unthinkable sacrifices of life that may be necessary before" American arms are ready to help crush the fascist despotisms...
...hence workmen cannot organize into trades unions...
...And it was accomplished only after long, costly and bloody warfare".' * * • lITnERE does there appear even remotely sim™ ilar circumstances in the present crisis— existing or on the horizon...
...This situation is a test of our moral powers...
...Such' a coalition or resources and manpower and fighting spirit and common purposes would enable our peoples 4|s> stand up against the attacks of fascism...
...Czarist Russia that steadily destroyed itself through war has no counterpart in the Hitler-ruled Germany that grows 'stronger through war...
...There are eveh Congressmen in both Houses who appear to reason along the same line...
...First a military union, with the United States Navy steaming into line at once to take over its part of the burden: then an economic union and a political union, a union in peace and war, cemented between free peoples in their fight unto death against the fascist tyrannies...
...To be continued) Americana ' TE name of Ross B. 'Us is new to readers/The New Leader, iCndoubtedly familiar time who know Louis laaVs My America, lib is of old America stock, served in the if where he lost his Wrhf and,' as'Adamic *• it, "gained a new . ntk sense," tramped the "¦try, working on mb, in mining com¦ met, in banks...
...THE prime requirement for national defense, then, is that ¦ we recognize our actual situation and realize how desperate'ttid...
...Preparedness to meet that situation is necessary...
...conquered and ^ted the greater part of Europe...
...to tie it onto...
...Many of us believe that we are exposed to an attack by the aggressive ideology of totalitarianism, as well as by direct aggression from the aggressors now controlling the totalitarian countries...
...The best that can be sai|j about Russia is that it has created p »tate socialism, but how tha't Miffejrs from state capitalism is hard to distinguish...
...If they surrender our condition will be desperate...
...Dictatorship means social devolution...
...military Nazism Keats down fortified England/ - . ^ One of the few...
...Then, Lenin and his associates who were not destroyed, jailed, or sent to Siberia, went into voluntary exile, and settled down to many years of plotting toward a particular goal—the overthrow of czardom and the seizure of the government...
...Or else, like the Charles Lindberghs ,the Father Coughjs, the Hamilton Fishes, and the Henry Fords, they are jseiiently following their fascist tutors' rifle in calling by 2honorable name of peace what will actually be a dastard|ai degrading surrender of our country rto the forces of Sder...
...He resigned issuing his - now Well-known appeal for aid to England...
...Sfich preparedness will' cause an expenditure of billions of dollars annually...
...6—Reassert our right to the freedom of the seas, and, if need be, defend that right by* the use of the American Navy...
...The incident reveals the forces on the left which have obscured all attempts to outline for the American people the tragic error of not aiding the defense of those between us and the Axis...
...Men Must Act IT is a reflection on American clarity of thought •that there have been all too few men with the incisive ability to paint vividly.the task Amerfta faces If...
...To question the management of state functions is treason, for it is argued that criticism, or questioning, attacks the foundation upon which the government rests...
...and America...
...Great Britain is not only our line of defense...
...appeasers of fascism, in short, if those terms included a surrender of the British fleet to Hitler, our condition ^would be unthinkably desperate...
...they fight with spirit...
...but there is no difference between the corporative state and state capitalism—they are both alike...
...And despite his lucky breaks (which arose immediately out of the Allies,'- failure to rush arms, munitions and stores %o the Russian army), even' the securing of Lenin's victory was almost miraculous...
...Nothing will save us now except a concentration of all our energies upon a single goal-— that of uniting with our natural allies to smash fascism before fascism smashes us...
...1—Prepare ourselves against all eventualities...
...h • * • AND of those liberals who dwelt in Stalin's *"* marble halls, some of the more renowned have fled-out to become terrible knights .in shining armor crying, "War...
...Wills' reflection, printed here, are fcademue American attitudes toward the ionnists and the War...
...a Mr...
...There is but one answer to this question...
...The latter is more probable than the former...
...for it mU be a prison in which we Americans would occupy the ni cell, waiting day by day for the jailer to announce that the fascist executioner was ready to put us out of our misery...
...It has captured, often with little or no sacrifice, not merely countries, but the vital means of warfare—food and stores along with arms and ammunition...
...Adamic *n«f him that he "is not given to simplior formulas, nor afraid of being *d confused, honest, independent, f orthjj^jkrewd, sometimes erring—elemental fo» is the first of a short series by Mr...
...In not a single instance has there been a successful socialist, or even democratic revolution in Europe...
...The editors hope that readers of The New Leader will distribute this edition widely...
...State capitalism, in order, to function, to prosper, to continue, arrogates to itself all.power...
...Workmen may not strike against the state...
...And the might which it uses, by reason of its controlling the individual, is supported by force...
...A government that has actually grown richer and more powerful through war...
...Its power depends upon the idea that might is right...
...Man just now, rather than reto historic forces, answers emotions resulting from a psychologic state »9^!°p*&anda is utilized to whip up hatreds...
...wait for an actual invasion—the very last act of fascist war—before we plunge into the fight, i Tn this hour, three things are necessary if we are to defend our democracy successfully...
...The cost of replacing armaments is as costly as their manufacture...
...Our first line of-defense^—France—has been completely demolished by totalitarian-powers...
...It may succeed, but it is as likely, that it will fall...
...Indeed, so <le^atnre are the forces of fascism and sc unprepared are i-mntir peoples to resist them, that only a powerful effort Jjbepua from entering a new Dark Ag|p| p- THE actual world of July 1940, the fascist powers, Ger'miMr, Naly, and RuS8Ul» have already...
...The other l^^^^tion where the people have citizenship both politically and indus**SaTI v°ne denies freedom of thought,;!freedom of mind, freedom of religkl^jj*"' other freedoms which are so'precious...
...jfki *3 Jt^.*1*8 set nP three high priests, who receive the idolatrous worship of ""hens...
...munitions and the men that will do the fighting...
...UR two countries have common traditions, a common code, of law, a common language and a common literature...
...The only choice the American pili have today is that of arming with ruthless swiftness jSjfct fascism at once—or of committing national suicide...
...Mumford to its readers for the first time...
...I, j „ Incidentally, it has been demonstrated rather conclusively that Europe has long since rejected Karl Marx...
...Right down the line, it has gene, after Russia: Fascist in Italy, in Turkey...
...If the British people are to go on fighting to the last possible hour, they must be able to count upon something more than American good wishes: something more even than munitions and airplanes...
...Lay Basis for Union of Free Peoples _?SPITE the shocking of the last eouple~of months, most P^merieans are still trying pathetically to live in a world no longer exists...
...A glance at the records would strongly indicate that the conditions which favored the success of the Russian Revolution were quite the reverse of what they most likely will be-when, as, and if Hitler wins this war...
...There is even the "unpleasant racial-cultural issue to consider...
...only having moved up to the First Class Compartments so recently vacated by those miserable traitors, their late, more elegant liberal friends...
...Hitler will weaken and destroy himself in this conquest...
...Interested, therefore, in the curious attitude of those avowed revolutionaries, the Communists, and their few remaining liberal associates, toward the present war, I recently sought out an old Communist acquaintance and expressed to him my bewilderment over the C.P.'s relative aloofness and indifference to the outcome of the war between Germany and the Allies...
...But in this case we have a state that began in the feeblest weakness, and which gradually grew stronger, and now grows stronger with each conquest...
...In Germany, in Italy, and fafcS-nrope' state caP>talism is rapidly developing...
...Hence the immediate question of our survival as a nation narrows down to this: how are we to get the time necessary in order to build up a confident, fighting morale, to suppress the pro-fascist traitors who are already as busy as rats, sapping our foundations, and' to produce in quantity the...
...If both of us go, gggjod will be enslaved by those goose-stepping barbarians lie think of themselves as a master, race...
...It is printed on the eve of the total Nazi lightning blow against the British people...
...it is not socialist...
...It is not toward...
...Lenin started out against a government that was strong, a state that was powerful to begin with, but which had to end in collapse before he could lick it...
...it ia totalitarian...
...Nazi in Germany and Spain...
...and on the other, they are relying far too much upon historical precedent, land doing it blindly and erroneotisly...
...and of those liberals who still follow its line.' And more than that, there seem to be a large number of persons who never had any contact with the Reds who have the same, perhaps fatalistic, belief...
...By Judge Jacob Panken Hemispheric Unity of 21 Nations Vital To America's Rearmament Program f^fcralt to write an article upon current events to be published a few days ^2wL u.wntten- ^e march of events now in one day changes conditions, ^"tes the map and even the nationality (?) of peoples...
...Recently Mr...
...They must count Upon our absolute solidarity of purpose and effort...
...3—A conference of all the twenty-one republics for concerted action in support of Great Britain...

Vol. 23 • July 1940 • No. 28

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