Cripps' Moscow Mission Fails To Stop Anti-Ally Balkan Move

Cripps' Moscow Mission Fails To Stop Anti-Ally Balkan Move Limitless, indeed, is man's capacity for illusion. One would have thought, after the Stalin-Hitler pact of August 23, 1939—the fuse that...

...acquire lirge reserves'of strategic metels and rubber, 8.500 tonj of scrap iron, one of the largest such cargoes ever shipped from a west coast port, tót San Pedro, California, for Japan and the Mikado's war industry...
...Under this "readjustment," which the Boersen Zeitung rightly characterizes as'un-expected only for tlje innocent, Hitler Germany IB to dominate in one form or another Western Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Rumania...
...Nazi airplane landing fields in Mexico «re more numerous than is generally known although it is said on good authority that 26 can be identified...
...The engineers had been working with the English Rolls-Royce representatives until Fords announcement stopping production... Morgan, which were in newspaper code...
...Wheeler last week followed Lewis to the platform of the Townsend national convention and appealed "for a strong liberal" peace movement outside the two _major parties if necessary...
...Nor is the price already received by Stalin for his betrayal of the democracies the end of the payoff...
...Wheeler knows that seven important sections of the C.I.O., and therefore part of the League, are led by Communisfs who owe allegiance to Moscow and not to American Labor...
...There remains one other point of essential political and strategic significance: the Dardanelles...
...To be sure, Stalin received a good price for his treachery—eastern Poland, Galicia, the Baltic States, a free hand in Finland and, now, Bessarabia and part of Bucovina...
...And when that happens, there will be "ein Stneh—dmreh -Reohnung" fin -aH "three of -them—Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini...
...The POPULAR of May 30, carried > lU* about the U.P...
...The situation is even more serious for Italy...
...Jose Vaseencelos, Who used to be Minister *f Education during the Obregon period, and itt is recognised as one of Mexico's greatest intellectuals, has been and probably still is- in tbe pay of the Germans, who through hint published a magaeJne called EL TIÉION...
...This would be, indeed, a body blow to England and an immense advantage to Hitler...
...But what is amusing, in the light of the foregoing facts and analysis, is the persistent inclination on the part of those whose capacity for illusion knows no bounds to view the Soviet advance into Bessarabia and Bucovina as the beginning of a rift between Stalin and Hitler rather than the logical, uninterrupted development of their blood-stained deal—the second and no less important phase of the arrangement...
...The United States wopld then fce f^sed...
...In 1918, Kaiser Germany forced upon Soviet Russia the draconic peace of Brest-Litovsk...
...Such a third party would have the support of Labor's Non-Partisan League, which, according to its former leader, Eli Oliver, is completely part of the Communist apparatus here...
...If we only keep in mind the salient facts of the situation, it will not be difficult ;to perceive that the illusions of today are no more well founded than those of yesterday...
...Bnt as regards Bessarabia it was long a foregone conclusion that Soviet Russia, would reannex the province afr the first opportunity...
...Appearing on the same platform with members of the American Legion, applauded by the same "peace" elements who approve Lewis' political forays—we mean Father Coughlin and the Communist Party—Senator Wheeler bids for a place on the Democratic national ticket by voicing threats to form a third party to buck the anti-totalitarian administration...
...It is part and parcel of the pact...
...A Mexican government friendly -to a foreign power would mean a government which "would permit the, construction of air bases along the Rio Grange, A large bomber can fiy from Mexico City—which is 900 miles south of the border —to industrialized Pittsburg in about 19 hours, to New York City in 21M hours," to Chicago in 15l/i hours, to Los Angeles in 12 hours, to Panama in 27 hours...
...And the British navy would be around to blockade Europe...
...So generous has Hitler shown himself in his compensation of Stalin that many good people havé been inclined to believe tfia^.it is the dictator ft the Kremlin who Tiäs olbtwlned "the better part of the bargain...
...One very eloquent fact, of course, is that upon the dispatch of the Soviet ultimatum demanding surrender of Bessarabia and Bucovina the German and Italian envoys in Bucharest waited Xing Carol and urged him to yield...
...In the United States, too, the Communists and their transmission belts have been working overtime for Nazi Germany in the violent propaganda designed to stymie American aid to the Allies and cripple the de' fense program of this nation...
...This propaganda, combined with well-laid plans for saboteur activity, extends to Mexico, the Caribbean, and the whole of Latin America...
...which has armed and trained about 100,000 men along military lines...
...But Toledano too has plumped the country for...
...lore than 2,000 persons attended Christian fallt rally in Brooklyn the night of July 4 and ««red anti-Semitic utterances...
...Control of the Irak oil wells is of more immediate importance for Hitler than the military conquest of England... a holy war against Nazi Germany, Moscow concluded a pact with Berlin which untied Hitler's hands vis-a-vis the rest of Europe and unleashed the catastrophe...
...In 1939, Hitler obtained from Soviet Russia, under the camouflage of a "non-aggresSion" treaty, a pact no less draconic in its political and economic implications...
...ther Coughlin has taken the lead...
...Morgan went to see the Procwrader General (Attorney General) about this theft, he was t&M t^ ask Dietrich, the Chief of the German Propaganda who has been expelled since...
...Ever since the Stalin-Hitler pact we have witnessed the valuable task performed for Hitler by the Communist wing of the Fifth Column in all the reations overpowered by Germany...
...In a sense, such control would be the most sensational dèvelop-ment of the war in the Near East...
...Canadians Boycott 'Anti-Ally' Ford OTTAWA, Canada (Passed by the Censor).—-A spontaneous boycott of Ford cars has sprung up throughout the dominion as resentment to Henry Ford's announcement that he would not build airplane engine motors for England increased...
...Now abroad the Swedish motor liner Mirrabooka, chartered by a Japanese firm, the iron will be converted into ammunition and guns which may be used against Britein and the United States as well as «Winst the Chinese government of Chiang Kai-Shek...
...Great is the carcass of Europe and Hitler can afford to let his vassal in the East have another piece or two—especially since, as will be seen later, such generosity dovetails perfectly into his own larger scheme...
...In less kind words this is known as political blackmail...
...Justice in, whjch he an-«^Tfctt^U.&ffry exonerates all täie Chris-Sétccused of Conspiracy," he endorses Wen-frfillkie for president and urges a vice-praïtntial spot for Colonel Charles A. LindCnghlin has resumed his past blunt style of Uii the Jewish people with the Communists ailtternational bankers at the same time...
...An unified Ukraine as part of the U.S.S.R...
...while-actively supporting Almazan they are subsidizing Communist newspaQprs supporting Camacho...
...The defeat pf France was followed by the complete occupation of the Baltic states by Soviet troops . And now, with the armistice between Germany and France signed, and Italy an active participant in the War, eèmfes the division of the Balkans...
...The Mirrabooka tót California on June 30, about the time American and British diplomats were consulting'over action to be taken if Tokoyo made food its implied threat to take over de facto control of French Iwto China, the Dutch West Indies and the British naval bases at BangAKbout "e same^time government spokesmen in Washington reveal...
...The Senator from Montana has acquired a stock in trade which rallies to him the panacea fringe, the German-American Bund, the Communist Party, John L. Lewis, John J. O'Connor of New York, the American Youth Congress, the National Negro Congress—and an occasional sincere pacifist...
...And the answer was not difficult to find if we remembered that since the pact With Hitler and, in accordance with the pact, under which each side was obligated to faké-tfo stépS without consultation with and consent of the other, Stalin has synchronized all his moves, military and diplomatic, with Hitler's...
...For purposes of "disinformation" designed to bewilder and confuse Allied opinion and policy, German spokesmen have been permitted to say that Britain was intriguing successfully in Moscow to break the solidarity between Soviet Russia and Germany, and Berlin propaganda sources Have not been averse, for the same reason, to disseminating the impression that all was not well between Stalin and Hitler...
...While the Ford management has announced the data woold be at the disposal of the Packard company which has assumed the contract, it has not revested just how much technical material and inform«» tion the company is retaining...
...that no «ttempts t<» embargo scrap L* would be made, despite Japan's absolute depended-«»on the U.S...
...On July 1, US...
...This causes not the slightest irritation to the Soviet foreign office or "The Committee to Rebuild the American Labor Party...
...The thing was not difficult: it offered him safety for his regime, for the time being at least, and enabled him to stab the democracies in the back...
...Despite Wheeler's fingering a mantle of "pro-gressivism," he has in recent months failed to criticize Nazi aggression abroad...
...Only a fragment of the truth of the operations in Mexico of Dietrich, the Nazi ringleader...
...recalled, a writer in the Communist International, official organ of the Comintern, hinted that Soviet Russia would occupy Bessarabia...
...The Senator knows that even the talk of a third party has forced the administration to cripple aid to England...
...vast amounts of gold, copper^ lead, zinc, antimony, mercury, arsenic, amor« phous graphite, molybdenum, coal and op^l...
...J. S. Courtesy of Low's Cartoon« Mexico Faces Revolt as Nazis, Communists Await July 7 Poll By DICK REYNARD Mexico goes to the polls this Sunday—and perhaps to another large-scale civil war...
...kthe July 1 edition of Social Justice Cough-ä kits at the anti-Nazi administration by leasing a full-page editorial in which he says "definitely, the "New Deal party is pro-feitah and pro-Marxist...
...It was, in truth, as was predicted by Rauschning, Hitler's great stroke...
...Editorial writers guided by noble wishful thinking rather than facts and logic dwell upon the possibility, and even responsible statesmen permit themselves to chase this will-o'-the-wisp...
...In April, 1917...
...Reports from Germany are that her oil reserves are growing dangerously low...
...Bucovina is the first stej> in that process...
...The purpose is the same: to immobilize the Western Hemisphere for any effective action against Hitler...
...This week we see this emphasized again in the Balkans...
...Here is no polling to be dismissed as typical Latin-American political fantasy of musical comedy tradition...
...He knows why Len De Caux, Lee Pressman, Joe Curran, Hairy Bridges, Mike Quill, and the rest who followed the collective security line before the Russian-German pact, now think Wheeler, the isolationist, a great political leader...
...Camacho has President Cardenas' blessings...
...But there is no more escape for Russia from the new Brest-Litovsk than there was from the old Brest-Litovsk except through Allied victory...
...Thorkelson, after all, was from Wheeler's home state of Montana...
...The only question was when...
...being a Yankee juBj agency, and published reproductions og', stolen from -the files of the U.P...
...Soviet Russia's advance into Bessarabia and...
...There are to be certain alterations in the frontiers of thesé territories: part of Transylvania is to be returned to Hungary, part of the Dobrudja and possibly a section of Macedonia are to be transferred to Bulgaria...
...Wheeler is much too shrewd a politician not to know long in advance that should he split the Democratic Party, he will roll up only sufficient votes to hand Willkie the election...
...J™^ « strategic raw Materials now purchased from the Netherlands Indies...
...The semi-official statement in Berlin to the effect that the matter was wholly one concerning Moscow .and Bucharest was, therefore, obvious eyewash...
...Why in view of Thorkel-son's active sponsorship of fascist General Van Home Moseley and Joe McWilliams' Christian Mobilizers, has this "progressive" Senator not actively campaigned against Thorkelson's attempt at re-election...
...Stalin may soon claim the distinction of having achieved that ambition...
...It was, indeed, a grandiose conception on the part of Hitler to make that pact with Stalin...
...From the Rio Grande to vital, bottleneck U.S...
...Spokesman for the company said that the preliminary work has developed simplification of many manufacturing processes...
...will put to work the 10,000,000 jobless who, the Senator claims, are "our first line of democratic defense...
...There is a third candidate, General Sanchez Tapia 3 powerful campaigner seeking to unite all the Mexican Indians in a single party...
...Alas for Peter that he should be so traduced...
...Stalin moves only with Hitler's permission, when there is no danger of getting hurt...
...One would have thought, after the Stalin-Hitler pact of August 23, 1939—the fuse that exploded the European powder magazine—and all that has happened since in the relations of Soviet Russia and Germany that there would be an end to wishful thinking with respect to any help the Allies may expect from Moscow...
...Hiring waxed fat 6rt the raw meat- of pop-the President and his secretariat, all '«kom are Je wish^c on trolled, are moving to-the establishment of dictatorship through At" fa Mother section of the same edition Social Mcs advocates island concentration canlps'for refugees as Leon Blum...
...This Mexican election is of more than academic interest to the people of the United States...
...The incumbent has frequently quarreled with Toledano over foreign policy and nearly broke with the labor chief last Fall when the Communist Party purged all those who criticised the Soviet-Nazi pact...
...That victory may "yet come, but on one condition: that England manages to hold through this critical summer until the United States can come to her assistance...
...cities flying time decreases by three to four hours...
...In that case, Stalin may share the fate of Balbo and Von Fritsch...
...He has no chance of winning...
...But Cardenas has never poV* licly attacked Toledano—perhaps the President thought it unwise to split the semi-official C.T.M...
...That was the second indication of what was coming...
...It might have put him down among those actively opposed to Hitler...
...led by the Stalinite...
...Thorkelson, after all, was supported—«149 for this there is the word of one of the West's most important labor leaders—by Wheeler...
...They forget the one simple fact that It ß Hitler who gave and it is Hitler who can take away...
...Stalin may continue to tolerate him in Moscow for such future contingencies as may arise, but he has shown himself able to pull the leg of many a diplomat much more resourceful than the naive British left-winger...
...What we may witness is some minor fighting between the various Balkan countries themselves, but we will...
...After years of Popular Frontism cultivated by the Kremlin ostensibly as an instrument of battle against Hitler, after luring the democracies into the false belief that Soviet Russia was eager to lead the nations Courtesy of N. Y. World-Telegram IMPERVIOUS TO HEAT_ Coughlin Whips Dp New Anti-Jewish Drive on FDR .Stesse of the 16 Christian Fronters...
...This convergence of Moscow-men, the extra millions spent by Berlin for Alamzan and proCamacho newspapers mean only that Russill and Germany are counting heavily on controlling Mexico's mines, oil fields, and agriculture... merely part of Germany's first dominion—Soviet Russia, of which Stalin is Gauleiter by the grace of Hitler...
...Without oil the entire- military, naval and air establishment of Germany would be paralyzed...
...In moving into the Balkans, Stalin is therefore performing a service to Hitler every bit as important as the signing of the Moscow-Berlin pact itself...
...A fact the illusionists find encouraging is the possibility of a conflict between the Axis powers and Soviet Russia over division of the Balkans...
...There are other 'plums to come...
...Stalin at the mouth of the Danube is no more dangerous to Hitler under present circumstances than Sovet control of all the other territories ceded to Russia under the StalinHitler pact...
...II—Complete dislocation of the Allies diplomatic position in the Ballans and in the Near East...
...government economists found tt "ewM^..^f...
...Camacho—and it's no secret that Toledano h*t> conferred frequently with Manuilsky, Mink and others of the flying squadron of Comintern agents who swooped down on Mexico last winter...
...Definitely the New Dal party is pro-internationalist and pro-Jew...
...The Dietriehrs expulsion the enclosed ki in the newspapers ''Since £1 Täsos-Kä1 magazine, nacionalUt, ^frflfosh does not oppose the external politics of the Gavevnweiit, we see ourselves obliged to suspend its publication, but we are not disposed to abandon our pro-German sympathies...
...It is the Leninist "breathing spell"—1989 model...
...It "was thus in the Soviet occupation of eastern Poland and of military and naval bases in the Baltic states after Hitler's legions had crushed the Polish armies...
...Does he think Morris Watson and Eugene Connolly are interested in American defense...
...The meteroric conquest of Franc^ and' the Low Countries bjJ the Nazi war machine, and the sorry performance of the Soviet army in Finland demonstrate only too convincingly how completely Stalin remains Hitler's prisoner militarily as long as Germany continues to hold the whip hand in Europe...
...Browder in this country, for example, to play the role of a disinterested friend1 of peace in Kjs "Tanks Are Not Coming" campaign...
...London dispatches holding out the prospect of a rift between the totalitarian would be, indeed, comic if they were not so seriously tragic— tragic because they stress once more the reliance being placed by some people upon miracles rather than planes...
...Camacho is backed by the Communist Party, Stalinite Labor chief Lombardo Toledano, and the Comintern-controlled Mexican Federation of Lazor (C.T.M...
...Poor Sir Stafford has had nothing to do with the move...
...Wheeler is supported by the Communist section of the American Labor Party...
...Petroleum production is even vaster, occupying 30,866.894 acres...
...Why did Wheeler swing important support to the anti-Semitic Congressman Jacob ThorkelsOn during the congressional election several years ago...
...In the ¦4 edition...
...Meanwhile in other quarters concern was ex' pressed at the disposition of the technical know!« edge about the Rolls-Royce motor« now in the hands of Ford engineers, several score of whom are German ar)d known to be sympathetic to the Nazis...
...The emancipation of Russia from the new German yoke, like the liberation of the rest of Europe, depends now entirely upon the victory of England...
...It had a purpose: to prepare Rumania—and the world—tor the inevitable...
...The Popular is the daily of the CTM...
...find that Hitler, with the assistance of Stalin and Mussolini, will have no difficulty in policing the situation...
...defy Hitler would bring swift retribution awl his elimination from the picture...
...The appeal is for *pris»ls against the Jews for the war, for the "»ärapted persecution of Brooklyn Christians" «ätte "internationalists' plot...
...Soviet Russia is today' to all intents and purposes a German domain, part of Hitler's vast totalitarian empire...
...A childish interpretation is supplied by those who point to the presence in Moscow of Sir Stafford Cripps, the new British Ambassador, credited by some with the feat of having incited Stalin's march into the Balkans as a ftieans of embroiling him in a row with Hitler and Mussolini and thus relieving the war pressure upon England...
...Several months ago, it will be...
...It helps Mr...
...Then, more recently, came the removal of Voro-shiloff as war commissar, and the appointment of Thnoshenko, a younger officer "and a Bes-sarabian...
...Behind Almazan are important German agencies which have been assigned by Berlin to ascertain, that during 1940-1941 no Mexican oil will go to Britain—which is already cut off from Romanian fields and about to have Stalin Wheeler Bids For Nomination By Joining C.P.-Lewis 'Peace' Front By VINCENT ROGERS Plodding faithfully in John L. Lewis' footsteps, Burton K. Wheeler, senior senator from Montana, is touring the panacea and pressure group circuit to pick up stray support for his campaign against the New Deal's anti-Nazi foreign policy...
...He has not even succeeded iin prevail-ingupon Moscow to curb the incessant vitriolic attaeks of its press upon England...
...with eitfcer watching tiie Jlfieh sap Mcqce rf war m*t«riais or with taking naval action to embargo Mexican prpdijice—which means war unaidfd by any other power...
...Ill—The placing of the entire vast propaganda machine commanded by Moscow through the Comintern and its affiliated Communist parties in the Allied and neutral countries m the service of the Axis powers...
...Principal industry below the Rio Grande is mining —an industry which turns out 40 per cent of the world's silver...
...His aÖÄmitisra is becoming more virulent, al-tta^h it's difficult to distinguish what part of Ü Irish-Canadian priest's propaganda is more ämnt, the anti-Jewish, the anti-British or *.- «nti-Roosevelt He rolls them together Wvely...
...Cutting through the publicity ground out by U. S. oil companies and propaganda pouring from Communist headquarters in New York and Mexico City, it is apparent that only military action by the United States—to freeze the status quo after the election—or some surprisè move by President Cardenas can prevent armed conflict betwfeen the big business interests of two nations backing candidate General Juan Almazan, millionaire Monterey military chief, and the Communist "peoples" army behind General Manuel Avila Camacho...
...The Germans are taking no chances...
...Much to the headlined glee of the Daily Worker, the Senator charged last week that unless the Democratic Party adopts a "progressive platform" and nominates a candidate pledged to "peace," there would be "no difference" between it and the Republican Party...
...Not at all...
...No matter who wins the other side will charge a crooked election and proceed to set up its own government...
...Hitler may turn upon Stalin when, with complete victory in his gra?p, he may decide to have some one else—sent directly from Berlin—take charge of affairs in Moscow...
...Control of the mouth of the Danube by Soviet Russia may be interpreted by the innocent as a blow, at Hitler...
...Much has been made by some of the fact that in occupying Bessarabia and Northern Bucovina,1 Stalin has finally completed the unification of all Ukrainian lands outside of Russia with the Russian Ukraine, a development contrary to Hitler's old objective of establishing a unified Ukraine under "German domination...
...The real reason, however, far delaying, the advance into the Balkans was that Stalin Was merely awaiting the signal from Berlin...
...has been published, but his operations became so bold that the Mexican government had to drive him out of the country...
...It is merely designed to place Stalin in the position of Hitler's guard °f the line sea com" Germany...
...severed its life line to Irak and the Mosul areas...
...Stalin may turn upon Hitler, but only when Germany's military might is broken and Moscow's interests require a reorientation of policy...
...Think of how valuable such an impression is to the operations of the Fifth Column in all countries...
...The founders of ®® "Ration were all Christians and the pursuit < happiness was the pursuit of Christian as...
...There seems to be a tie-up ^yj^the Gerpian Legation, not tft -about Moscmv...
...Mussolini is to receive a "mandate" over Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and Greiece, while Soviet Russia is allotted -Bessarabia, Bucovina aedi the mouth of tiie Danube, with control over the important port of Constanza in the Dobrudja, on the Black Sea...
...Russia on the shores of the Bosphorus had been the dream of the Czars for generations...
...The airline, LAMSA, that runs from C. Juarez (opposite El Paso, Texas) to San Luis Petesi and Mexico City, is owned by Germans...
...Galicia and Bucovina were never parts of the Russian Empire, and their acquisition by Russia together with the other territories mentioned enables Stalin to play the role of conqueror, of another Peter the Great, before the enslaved Russian people...
...A Nazi victory over England—or a semi-dictated peace—coupled with a friendly Mexican government would open these mines «ad fields to German exploitation...
...All one can say on this point is that it is entirely fitting that Sir Stafford, the embodiment for many years of British illusions in all matters concerning Soviet Russia, should be the fountain-head of this latest pipe-dream...
...But this achievement, too, will be with Hitler's consent and permission...
...Japs Still Arm on U. S. Iron Within a few hours of the time the government announced that the emergency created by war abroad required that the U.S...
...Dispatches this week, not yet officially confirmed but apparently correct, disclosed that Moscow was preparing to demand from Turkey joint control of the straits...
...Whatever else one might say of him, he took his booty with the sword and did not play the jackal...
...Washington -d th.t^ere is . super •bnndance of scrap iron here obviating the necessity to restrict its export...
...Immobilization of Turkey as regards any possible help to the Allies from that quarter...
...The article was disavowed by Moscow but no one in the know took the disavowal seriously...
...But this, too, is illusion...
...Removal of the military and psychological disadvantages ofr having to fight a war on two fronts...
...It might have lost him votes...
...for this vL war material...
...Unless her oil supplies are assured there can be no hope of final victory for Nazi Germany...
...Why did not Wheeler object in the Senate" to Thorkelson's persistent insertion of anti-Jewish and pro-Nazi material in the Congressional Recórd...
...Behind Almazan are the remnants of the Mexican Gold Shirts, the large American oil companies, the Mexico City financial interests and the Catholic Church...
...the Bolsheviks forced the resignation of Paul Miliukoff as foreign minister in the Provisional Government on the charge^ that he was seeking to keep Russia in the war with the purpose of achieving the imperialist ambition of domination of the Dardanelles...
...In nothing so much as in this ßact do we find Hitler's Revolution of Nihilism expressed with such diabolical force...
...The Soviet presi assured the world, however, that Russia had no designs in the Balkans at all, that Moscow's only aim was to help keep the peace in the old cockpit of Europe...
...n the other hand, the advantages gained by Hitler in the pact with Stalin have been enormous and decisive to his whole plan of campaign: I—Freedom of action in the West...
...Any attempt on the part of Stalin to...'ttaM cables got into the possession of the Popular...
...Moreover, without German technical and managerial help the rickety Soviet economy and transportation system would collapse, beyond hope of repair...
...Having brought Russia by his policies, political and economic, to a condition in which she did not dare to enter upon a military conflict with Germany, Stalin has been obliged to take his chances with Hitler rather than fight on the side of the Allies...
...Rumanian emissaries sent ^hurriedly to Berlin, according to press cables, returned with tiie information that the amputations prepared for -Rumania were only a part of the complete readjustment long worked out in Berlin for Eastern Europe, the Balkans and the * entire Near East...
...This will beome unmistakably clear should Hitler finally emerge victorious against England...
...Sweep aside all the futile speculations, disregard the deliberate "disinformation," keep strictly in mind the immediate historical background and the realities of the situation and you will have no trouble at all to size up what is happening and what is coming...
...This move was Prnoked by the Nip^nese th«at tab*» Jones, Federal Loan AiirSS^S This country buys a Urge .mount of tte 1,000,000 ton output of the East Indies...
...The closing of the Balkan door into Germany against any Allied advance from Syria and Turkey...
...Standing guard over the Dardanelles, Stalin would help Hitler complete the -immobilization of Turkey and keep that waterway closed to the British fleet in the Eastern Mediterranean if it should seek to break through into the Black Sea to interfere with Soviet oil transports for Germany through the Danube . With Stalin's assistance, Hitler is obviously seeking also to compel Turkey to yield to Berlin's domination of the route through Turkish territory to the oil fields of Irak...
...Comment in Washington and New York political circles points out that the Senator needs answer many questions before he can come before the public in a new anti-Roosevèlt party...
...Those who predicted that Stklin would soon join in a division of Balkan spoils were, as usual, denounced as slanderers of the Soviet Union...
...And does he think that the G.O.P... a Sflr York jury has intensified not only thie drive ¦ MTe Jews in and about New York but has ptiied the anti-Semitic campaign against the är Deal...
...The freed 16 ^Wm Front men were almost riotously Guest speaker was the Reverend Edwrf Brophy, who said that "the Declaration * ^dependence was framed bjk Christians for 'Qiristian people exclusively...
...Whatever clashes there may now occur in the Balkans as a result of the present upheaval will not be between Stalin and Hitler...
...He has failed to criticize fascistic and anti-Semitic activity emanating from his own state...

Vol. 23 • July 1940 • No. 27

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