Gov't Exposes Utility Bribes, Vanderbilt's, Pew's Political Spies

Gov't Exposes Utility Bribes, Vanderbilt's, Pew's Political Spies Special to The Nsw Leausk WASHINGTON, D. C —Some of the nation's leading Repttbheans and utilities chiefs are characters iff a...

...Another bill which is worrying labor is the Smith "omnibus bill" (H...
...To stop the export of war materials into* . countries from whence they may find their way tor aggressor nations...
...It is a mind-story of • member in excellent standing of the American intelligentsia...
...It is an intellectual's confession...
...Books and Writers By Elias L. Tartak W. H. Chamberlain's Faifh EVER SINCE the appearance of W. H. Chamberlin's "Russis's Iron Age," many a reader must have looked forward to another book by^aniherlin^kind of "perss*et4iistory," a narrative of things seen and experienced in so many countries by this Observer of such eminent attentivenens and courtesy to facts sad people...
...George "field...
...And "The Confessions of an Individualist" is a moving humane book which will enrich the reader's thought and experience...
...Despite a supposed U.S...
...The measure provides, in effect, for the curbing of freedom of speech and the press under the guise of protecting the army and navy from "subversive influences...
...Louis Gas Company...
...Until early in Aprils—a few days before Denmark and Norway were taken—there were seven leading neutrals contiguous to Germany...
...One of them'— before the Naval Affairs Committee-i-iwOHld wipe out the provisions of the Walsh-Healey Act requiring government contractofa to pay prevailing wages and maintain reasonable working conditions...
...Passed by the House last year, it is now under consideration by the Senate Judiciary Committee...
...U. S. shipments to Fascist land will bit the $80,000,000 mark this year...
...2) To make available $100,000,000 for the purchase of clothing, supplies and food now in American granaries, to be dispensed by properly constituted agencies for the aid of the five million Dutch, Belgian and French , refugees within the war zone...
...Andrew J. May of the House Military Affairs Committee is preparing legislation to re* lease" contractors on War Department projects from all labor legislation: Anti-alien measures are not a new- phenomenon in Congress...
...Frank Kingdoh, President of the University of Newark and New York Chairman of the Committee...
...These small countries imported 47 per cent more goods in the first six ntonths of the war than in the same period during 1535-39... Russia's recent past he discovered the Russian intelligentsia with its century-long record of fighting for the lowly mujik, of creating a culture of sublime beauty and humaneness...
...It is also a candid story of spiritual growth, and this may be its most attractive feature...
...Last) week it announced that" it has found a mass of evidence and will resume open sessions...
...They are seeking to undermine all morality, all religion, and all democracy...
...Other U: S. materials finding their way into Russia , for Germany, are tons^of rubber, copper, tin, molybdenum and aluminum...
...The book—made as it is of radio addresses—reads msi^elously well...
...It was 1922, and Russia was the hope of so many radicals...
...Martin Dies test week introduced a bill to tighten immigration laws by reducing quotas by a third...
...W. H. Chamberlin has, since his Russian days, enriched his range of observation through protracted sojourn in-Japan, China and France...
...Investigators have reported tracing wiretapping into three states and expect to expose a plan through' which wealthy business groups planned to control political parties and the national administration...
...Allied observers are ready to present evidence'proving that the imports from the United States, which have-been cut off from the five small nations, art now being diverted into Germany through Italy and Russia...
...4tC frdbeg Otitffhif More lid-lifting is expected from the public probe by the S.«.C...
...Southern democrats are supplementing support te< the G.O.P...
...Supplies of machinery to aid the Soviets to reorganize their oil production is equivalent to actual' shipment of fuel to the Germans...
...The LaFoIlefte Civil Liberties measure, product of three years of investigation, after being batted around hi the Senate for more than a month, was finally passed this week, but in an emasculated form...
...raw materials and fuel to Vladivostok and Tokyo, has become one of the most vital cogs ¦ in: the minutely planned German military machinery...
...Powerfully Father Kernan summons Catholics and Protestants to take.S Christian stand against the powers of darkness clad in religis** . garb and mouthing holy words...
...Although in no position to alienate American public opinion, Allied economic agents here are reported quietly protesting to the proper federal agencies...
...The bill also provides for the fingerprinting of all incoming aliens...
...The dictators do ssy that their vices are virtues...
...A fund was rantedyfo defray expenses of the committee's efforts and an executive committee Was named te campag in for the appoint men t Of an impartial investigating committee "or take any ether stepfr Jsiuwd necessary to reatsre mWsWtmm processes in the Fur Workers Union...
...It coven the whole American Fascist front...
...The LL.G.W.U.' president criticized Lewis for his lack of willingness to effect labor unity...
...The convention will meet for two weeks more to hear reports and plan action in the garment industry...
...Garden, and thousands of persons milling about outside unable to gain entrance, heard the opening Monday session of the fburtieth convention of the International Ladles Garment Workers Union this week...
...and the" contribution of "substantial sums" in connection with the candidacy, nomination, election and appofntmenl...
...t -Among those- who signedresolution at the meeting in ad. dition to the members of...
...If possible, his vision has become more mature and balanced...
...No, Victorian Kberalism and 1914 style pacifism will net work...
...A grand jury probe is also hanging over the company in St...
...Spencer Miller, Jr., Herbert Bayard Swope, Lewis W. Douglas, Dean Virginia Gildersleeve, Clark M. Eichelberier, AKSuY GoTdsailtK, J©W fop* pele, T. K. Finletter, Christopher T. Emmet...
...This week, however, a "new bill" i>y Representative W. R. Poage of Texas, seemed to have a greater chane# at passage...
...Vandenbilt is a member of the famous and wealthy family of the same name and Pew, money-man of the G.O.P...
...i The message is especially addressed to Christians...
...We believe that the result of the battles now being waged between the Nazis and the Allies will affect the lives of all of us and the generations that succeed us...
...Stephen S. Wise, President of the American Jewish Congress, Louis Waldman, Chairman of the National Council for Social Democracy, Benjamin Stolberg, Author and Journalist, Father William C. Kernan, and...
...The arrogance and disregard for human freedom and values on the part of the Soviet noxiveaux riches hurt and shocked...
...The meeting was presided over by Dr...
...He placed the blame- squarely on the failure of the CIO to accept peace...
...Emil Rieve, president of the Textile Workers Union C.I.O., who called for the safeguarding of labors rights...
...R, 5138...
...i President Dubinsky, ami Luigi Antonini, Both of whom preceeded t^^^o^TOor^exP^^sed.>.^PuljT ings and encouragement to the embattled democracies, and to the labor movement abroad, was loudly applauded...
...A group of the most representative citizens of New York gathered to plan a program of immediate action for Amerioahswho wish to aid the hard-pressed Allies...
...You will find, too, the trnth shout the un-Christian Front, about the Ku Klnx Klan, about all t*« strutting little would-be leaders, Moseley, Cassidy...
...It was tmavoidaHe that as a young college graduate he should have been'opposed to America's participation in the World War...
...Governor Lehman warned the assemblage of the dangers of a Nazi victory to our system of liberties...
...The pamphlet is written by William Allen White, Robert E. Sherwood, Fred* Kirch-, wey, Frank Kingdon, and James Truslow Adams...
...Lehman, Governor of New York", David Dubinsky, president of the union, and Luigi Antonini, first vice-president, whp_ presided...
...The tribute paid by Chamberlin to the Russian intelligentsia forms one of the most stirring chapters of his book...
...The "collectivizations," famines and concentration camps were instructive...
...These charges included the maintenance of a luxurious camp at which lavish entertainment was supplied for politicians and other "influential" powers, and payment of large' sums for newspaper propaganda against public ownership of power plants...
...and for punishing "incitements to disaffection" in the Army and Navy through books, pamphlets, letters, etc...
...The book is a mine of information, an armory of weapons to be used in the good fight against race-hatred and violence...
...U. S. Continues to Ship Vital War Material to Axis Special to the New Leadeb WASHINGTON, D. C.—Returning from a defense conference with federal officials, an observer remarked that "our factories are so full of orders for Russia and Japan that it will take months before we can supply our country or the Allies/' . • "this bottleneck, coupled with the"shipment of vital-U.S...
...Other -measures introduced by Smith were also attacked as being mimical to labor's rights...
...They point out that rubber and tin, which were originally bought from the United Kingdom, are being transshipped to German depots via the neutrals, forcing the extension of the blocade into Balkan and Pacific Ocean sectors, where the Allies need to make friends, riot alienate them...
...During 1939 U.S...
...Southern Bloc in House Hits Labor Laws, Aliens H j , % i > Special to ThU New Leadeb > - ¦ vVAS^INCfTON, ,D...
...By a standing vote of 600 to 13, the motion was passed...
...moral and strategic embargo on exports to the Soviets, mote than 5 million dollars worth of vital oil drills and precision tools are on order here for delivery before 1941...
...The short and snappy chapters are packed with information and inspired with devotion...
...W. H. Chamberlin's manner of writing is sirfrple, friendly, without glitter, emotionalism or striving for effect...
...To protect our security-and our way of life we believe that the Allies must win and Democracy survive...
...North Carc^na's Senator Reyn- olds, for' many years an alienbaiter succeeded this week in attaching a rider to the LaFollette Civil Liberties Bill which would provide that no industry covered by the measure' should employ aliens to an extent greater than 10 per cent of its total personnel...
...He scored the levying of an assessment by the A. F. of L. to fight the C.LO...
...Frank Kingdon, Chairman...
...Group to Aid Allies Urges Help Now Asks Embargo, of Axis By GEORGE FIELD AN organization meeting of the New York Chapter of the Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies, was held last Monday evening in the Little Theatre, Station WEVO, 117 West 46th Street...
...It is his only service, but it it a real one...
...TV.' ' - Dubinsky insisted that he was not interested in fighting any section of the honest labor movement...
...oil corporations sent 547,393 barrels of high test aviation gasoline to Japan...
...2 „The,next day, the business sessions of...
...But-we need the Chamberlins and Huxleys, if only to remiad us what we are fighting for...
...He called for aid to the Allies...
...In Philadelphia detectives placed dictographs in the office of John B. Kelly, Democratic political leader,- and also in a hotel room to which he had been invited by undercover agents...
...The bill outlaws oppressive labor practices, these being defined as the use of labor spies and strikebreakers, possession of national guard firearms, munitions and tear gas—which the LaFollette probe disclosed that industry buys more a year than does the national guard...
...Kernan vs...
...A pageant based on Walt Whitman's 'I Hear America Singing,' was presented by the union's cultural department beaded by Louis Schaeffer...
...Last week, the President announced the' removal of the immigration division from the Department of Labor to a special unit in the Department of Justice headed by the liberal SolicitorGeneral Francis Biddle...
...One would derive labor unions of the right to contribute to national Campaign funds...
...Coughlin By Dr...
...Liberals in Congress declared that a" proposed bill by Virginia's Howard Smith against advocacy of the "overthrow of the government?' would become an instrument of oppression against organized labor and unpopular minorities...
...of the Wlldn-ddftSr'lJo'ffli American Company utility system and two of its subsidiaries—the Union Electric Company of Missouri and the St...
...As a result of these past hearings several high officials of Union Electric have been sentenced to prison terms and fines for perjuring themselves by denying to the SEC that they knew the company subsidized Missouri state legislators and government officials and maintained a secret "slash fund" for these purpose...
...We have now such a book* before us...
...However, W. H. Chamberlin's old style liberalism, his "isolationism," his apparent "peace at any price" attitude, including even his acceptance of the Czechoslovakian "peace with honor,"—, fill this reader with grave doubt...
...But our author also delved under the surface...
...Attempts by administration leader Barkley to write in several exceptions was headed off by Reynolds, who succeeded in having the Senate delete the Barkley amendment from his own...
...The conference, called by the Far Workers Defense Committee, was attended by more than 470 delegates representing more than 126 organizations connected with the trade union movement...
...But the fight is an inner one, a social fight, an inteUectSsl fight...
...To the support of democracy he sirnithoM all the great religious leaders from the ancient prophets down to the outstanding Catholic and Protestant officials of our day...
...A wide circulation of this book is one of the most effediw means to combat Coughlin and all of the pretentious little upstarts who eat at the foundations of- civilization...
...Whether he speaks to his hundreds of thousands from the studios of Station WEVD or quietly to individual...
...The meeing approved the composition of the originally constituted Executive Cdnrmitte* arid authorized the Committee to add to its numbers...
...About 1,000 planes use an average of 70,000 barrels of oil a week, V. R. Garfias of Cities Service revealed this week, in a report on consumption of oil in Europe's war...
...It ii a Dostoyevsky world and totalitarian "crime" must be met witi "punishment" or—at least—with resistance...
...for deportation of aliens convicted of certain offenses...
...Father Coughlin has produced Father Kernan...
...Rose Schneiderman, New York State Secretary of Labor...
...Much to his delight, Wl H. Chamberlin found himself a correspondent of the "Christian Science Monitor" in Russia...
...In addition the smaller Balkan nations are buying about 27 per cent most of strategic war materials than they did a year ago...
...Ah injunction secured by the company stopped the public hearings, and for a year the commission's investigation has been proceeding behind closed doors...
...the Executive Committee, were Professor Harold C. Urey, Nobel prize winner, Walter Damrosch, Dean of American Conductors, Algernon Lee, President of the Rand School, James W. Gerard, former Ambassador, Judge Samuel Seabury, Dr...
...Its author i^ only too well known for his intellectual frankness and conscientiousness, and—therefore—his report on his 6wn soul after such varied experience with men and ideas in America, Russia, Japan and Germany, becomes a human document of utmost importance...
...If you give it to a friend you may rest assured that he will read it from beginning* to end...
...Smith said also: "Without America's scrap iron end steel . . . there would have been no Sino-Japanese war and no 'bellicose attitude in Europe...
...He gives you a vivid account of all the twistings and turnings of Father Coughlin, gives all the evidence to show that he is following the Hitler and Goebbels line...
...It requires just such weapons as Father Kernan furniahea...
...Convention Hears Pleas for U. S. Labor Unity More than 25,000 . garment workers, jamming Madison Sq...
...this end we call upon the President and Congress to take the following steps immediately: 1) To make available to the Allies as many planes as may, in the opinion of the President, be released without impairing our national defense...
...Every bH of it is brought to life by the earnestness of the man...
...anti-labor drive- With bills of -their own which include one of the most strenuous and total anti-alien campaign yet devised...
...Urge Embargo By the unanimous decision of the 125 members in attendance, the following resolution was adopted: Following the announcement of William Allen White establishing the "Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies" and in agreement with his statement, we believe that the security of the United States is threatened by events at this moment occuring abroad...
...the building of Secret political slush- funds by means 6f kickbacks from company officers, lawyers, insurance companies, and contractors...
...As an exponent of democracy this Father Kernan if deep and powerful...
...Mere than a year ago the SEC began hearings on charges that Union Electric 'was guilty of "political activities" forbidden by the Utility Holding Company Act of 1935...
...Tapped Wires Vanderbilt, according to several witnesses, paid more than 515,000 to detectives who "" tapped the wires of his Democratic rival, Mayor Thomas P. MeCby *f Pawtucket, as weO as' the wires of Eis own attorney general, Louis V. Jackvony...
...Labor Parley Acts to Restore Furriers' Rights At a delegated conference held in Beethoven Hall on Tuesday evening, a movement was started to secure investigation, by an impartial committee of the suspension by the Staiinist-controlled administration of the Pur Workers Union of six of its members...
...the other an amendment to the Wagner Act, protects "free speech for employers.'* It has been pointed out that there is nothing how to curtail these rights, and that this amendment would enable employers to interfere with employee rights to organise...
...The Macmillan Co., New York...
...The Committee announced the~publication of a pamphlet which will shortly be available for wide distribution...
...The past years has seen a flood of bills by R^sresentatives Dies, Hobbes, and Starnes, as well as Senator . Reynolds...
...On this second day, the convention heard Mayor LaGuardia of New York who denounced labor racketeers...
...The enlarged Executive Committee includes "Dr...
...P*» Speech Forum, 117 West 46th...
...the convention moved to Carnegie Hall...
...In other words, cessation of oil shipments to Tokyo would ground immediately the Japs' 2,000 planes...
...It provides for the deportation of all alien Nazis, Fascists, Communists and criminals...
...These bills have usually died in committee...
...As a result of his Russian "lesson," later reinforced by ,aife in Germany and Japan, Chamberlin has emerged as an almost fanatical "individualist," a democratic liberal, a hater of all dictatorships and regimentation...
...K provides severe penalties for failure to register...
...The details are here, the proofa of dishonesty, of hypocrisy, of every sort of... rouses us to battle the Commu-Nazi evil on-every front of ear personal lives...
...From that it was only one step to becoming later a warm supporter of the "Soviet experiment...
...Today, Tolstoyism will not work...
...C—Conflict is developing in Con• f^emJ&etween the New Dead Woe working Closely with President Roosevelt, and she conservative groups in both parties who are attempting to cripple labor reform legislation- under cover of united national sentiment for immediate large scale defense...
...and Judge Jacob Panken^ Panken's speech became an issue which revealed the Communist strength at the convention...
...ii «:4...
...j • • >*0sail r These tdiry elements ifl both houses were mueh chagrined by the President's statement that nO New Deal legislation would be emasculated by - the rearmament program...
...However, he continued, the union was not yet ready to rejoin the A. F. of L. because of the failure of the leadership to oast racketeers from unions, a job, he insisted which labor itself must do...
...This bffl provides lor the deportation of aliens who "admit- in writing" to espionage or sabotage or who have been convicted of a felony...
...His plea for effective aid to the Allies and the upholding of democratic values brought a spontaneous motion from the floor for a vote of thanks and extended inclusion in the convention proceedings...
...years, transactions described in 1939 in these terms by Emery E. Smith, consulting engineer of, the Iron and Steel Institute: "A large part of our twentys years', accumulation (of scrap iron) has been sold to warring nations for a mere bagatelle of its war value...
...Our author was born a non-conformist...
...We have sold close to ten million tons of scrap to Japan alone in six...
...Petitions to the President and Congress containing the resolution, will be circulated immediately...
...Freedom of Japan in the Orient— bearing in mind the Netherland Indies of course opens another front which must be carefully guarded by the Allied empires...
...The added charges this week by the commission include the faking of hooks f o conceal payment of "substantial sums" for various secret purposes...
...Attorney for Rhode Island, placed before the committee photostatic -* copies of .checks drawn by Pew in favor of the Seaboard Bureau of Public Relations, a private detective' agency directed by Frank Bielaski, which bad been detained to spy on the Rhode Islanders and Kelly...
...Without these materials Mussolini would -be forced to curtail his production schedule by at least 12 per cent...
...Shipments continue to Italy— feeding a parched Fascist industrialism with minerals, iron and steel, grain and other foods— despite II Duce's semi-belligerent status which has immobilized the Allied navy and scores of divisions .from southern France to Turkey...
...In New York City, Councilman Keegan has introduced a resolution providing for the immediate registration of aliens in the city, whether residents or visitors...
...Gov't Exposes Utility Bribes, Vanderbilt's, Pew's Political Spies Special to The Nsw Leausk WASHINGTON, D. C —Some of the nation's leading Repttbheans and utilities chiefs are characters iff a sensational story of scandal and political bribery whose first chapter-la being written this wee* in thtfTfiisclosures of two Senate committees and the Securities and Exchange ComKfflMion...
...Kuh*, VkWilliams...
...Among those who addressed the meeting were Norman Thomas, Algernon Lee, Max Frankle, Nathan Chanin and Judge Jacob Pahken...
...Much of these stocks flow into Germany under the very eyes of Allied agents stationed in Central Europe...
...4) To take any other necessary measures short of war trr sssnre the fullest possible -support to -the Allies...
...J. Howard McGrath, U.S...
...The Confessions of an Individualist" is a book-calling for attentive reading and offering an enjoyable and moving intellectual experience...
...They have never before blessed evil—nor called evil good...
...He began studying not only Russia's realities but also its language and past...
...Morris Feiristone of the United Hebrew Trades...
...The British say that every day sees American produce moving out of Vladivostok- along the Trans-Siberian Railroad towards the German border in what used to be Poland...
...Wfltiam H. Vanderbilt, Republican governor of Rhode Island, arid Joseph'N;-Pew, Pennsylvania oil millionaire and G.CP.boss, employe* private—detectives ¦ to apy upc* <-and "frame" their political foes, a subcommittee" of the Senate Committee _ on Interstate Commerce, investigating' wiretapping, was told this week...
...Petitions are available at the headquarters of the Committee, 8 W. 40th Street in New York City...
...Harried by attacks on the bill by Senator Taft and George, La' Ftillette, rather than See it recommitted and buried, gave way on two' sections...
...of various persons to public office...
...It has been attacked by congressional liberals as paralleling the Starnes bill, vetoed by President Roosevelt on April 6th, and being in effect an attempt to circumvent the President's veto...
...Machine, hopes to name his party's presidential candidate, because his control of strategic Pennsylvania's 36 electoral votes...
...The detectives employed were much like those brought to light by the LaPoflette Committee in its investigation of labor espionage...
...from the pages of this book, he is convincing...
...In a special message accompanying this move, the President declared that "there would be no infringement of the legal status of aliens...
...No one," he says, "who knows the first thing about Christ's religion can associate it with hatred as Coughlin does...
...Alex Rose, secretary of the American Labor Party, who denounced the Communist Party and demanded, its suppression...
...Russian Lesson ^YNCE IN RUSSIA, Chamberlain's "cure" was slow but steady...
...Louis Hendin, Labor Editor of the Jewish Daily Forward...
...But now this unheard-of thing Kw happened under the Commu-Nazi system...
...Ret: WiUmm C. Kernan...
...Mimd-Storf ' 1*HE BOOK under review presents not only a record of factual * experience...
...St^ N. Y. C. $1.60...
...The convention was addressed that afternoon by Herbert H...
...WILLIAM E. BOHN PVERY disease tends to produce its own cure...
...Dubinsky's keynote was the retention of labor's gains of the past seven years, a third-term for President RooseveK, and the necessity .of labor unity...
...Virtue Apologizes to Vice Father Kernan's chapters are calls to arras for all of us...
...He has written since * history1 of the Russian Revolution...
...You are swept along as you read...
...The very structure of our moral beings is being threatened in all sorts of subtle ways, and this man summons w to counter-attack in all of our thinking, in all of our personal relations...
...a precious 30 days the Chungking government could use with good effect...
...It must all be revised...
...In one chapter he puts it this way: "Men have never before said their vices were virtues...
...Other'Mite aimed at labor are up in the House...
...ft WW Not Work •"THE NEGATIVE SIDE of the author's argument, his crifieisni * of the centralized state, of even the most paternal despotism, the cruel laughableness of the Russian, German and Japanese regimes, —these will shake the most obdurate reader...
...French and British officials here—basing their statements on what they discovered during air mail stops at Bermuda—report that hundreds of thousands of dollars in currency and vital small machine parts reach Germany via U. S. Clipper every month...
...Of these neutrals, Sweden has been cut off, and Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands and Belgium are under German army rule, leaving only Italy and Russia as the entry ports of heavy supplies...
...He was to live there for over ten years...

Vol. 23 • June 1940 • No. 22

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