Tientsin "Iricident," USSR and Turk Pact Balking, Create New War Crisis

Tientsin "Iricident," USSR and Turk Pact Balking, Create New War Crisis »v Charles Edward RussellThe News Reel i*»CLY, s°nic of tnc d^P***4* flurries, of the harpooned and Tj^en Profits...

...As the present Constitution requires that any amendment shall have the support of 45 per cent of the electors for it to become law, the proposals just barely failed to pass...
...All hope abandon of any relief :rom your depression, warns this trance medium, unless you are villmg.ssw to lay hold upon the skirts of the only salvation...
...Mes Always forked Before THE other revered authority on The Way Out is the Alexander • Hamilton Institute of New York, whatever that may be...
...And then labor turned against itself...
...The desperation that has impelled Tokyo to blockade Tientsin and threaten all British areas in the Far East can easily be understood through an examination of balance of trade figures for Nippon and China in recent years...
...Any one that has traveled observantly about this country must t«*e noticed at division terminals and other convenient points, * lines of sidetracks filled with locomotives and freight cars Sr which there is no use because there is no business...
...And the reason that the Turks are holding it up is because they want to keep in step with their IKiwerful neighbor, the Soviets...
...That a majority of the responsible leaders of both sides share the desire seems equally clear...
...In the totalhasian states there is an increasing number of people that cannot believe that their idols could he crazy enough to hurl them into a war that would surely mean their own destruction...
...NEW JERSEY OUTLAWS GERMAN BUNDS UNIFORMS TRENTON, N. J. — The German Bund's storm troopers met a rebuff here similar to one they have encountered in many other states throughout the union when Governor Harry Moore this week signed a bill banning the wearing of storm trooper uniforms...
...It is oh interesting proposal, but one wishes that for the -Imantntj'^of comparison it had been accompanied with a "deJLgWrn remedy" emanating straight and clear from the madiLgit...
...So long as the Russians keep Great Britain guessing, just so long will the Turks keep the French guessing...
...Unionists Ask: "What's the U.A.W...
...Then one could note any difference...
...Admittedly, there is vary little that is cheering in the international situation, insofar as the democracies are concerned...
...The result of a compromise between the Labor-Radical Government under Thorvald Stauning and the opposition Conservative Party, the bill was expected to bring to a close the long constitutional struggle which has dominated the Danish political scene since the formation of the Labor Government ten years ago...
...One of the pickets resented rough handl- • ing and a general melee ensued, in which skulls were cracked and eight arrests made...
...In Saginaw, the situation resolved itself more simply...
...rlATEVER it might be, it would be wierd indeed if it was as madhouse as the Senate's action in raising the buying price silver to 77.57 cents an ounce...
...MacDonald's superb footthat all ordinary eulogy seems futile...
...Onlysix months ago he was resigned to the end of the open shop in his empire...
...T*HE full measure of chaos * attendant upon this example of dual unionism can only be appreciated upon the scene, for the most deplorable fact is not the intensity of the struggle between the rival leaderships, but the sullen attitude of public opinion and of a good part of the rank and file...
...In peace time...
...The game was held between the Prague and Belgrade soccer clubs...
...Jsd what is that Mace wages...
...Chinese communities outside China contributed $3,000,000 in bond purchases per year to the Nanking government...
...A house divided . . . The beneficiaries of the civil war in Michigan ? Henry Ford for one...
...Under the existing statute, the government is buying silver at tbe ftxed rate of 64.64 cents an ounce, which is nearly twice the nnal market rate...
...ek A 'S When we contemplate Mr...
...In the realm of monetary control, China has very sucessfully rebuffed Japanese efforts to smash her currency system...
...The average worker in the auto industry, relatively a novice in unionism, a "scissor-bill" as one union organizer picturesquely describes him, is'interested in what he gets for his union dollar, not in the political and factional problems involved in the fight...
...ith regret for the unintentioned injustice I have done him ?**H* this oversight, I wreathe the laurel of triumph around 2J ••"•'ving brow of Mr...
...China's New Deal, represented through such agencies as the IMRC (Industrial and Mining Readjustments Commission) and the ARC (Agricultural Readjustments Commission), has been so successful as to give the Chiang Kai-shek regime a huge wartime excess of exports over imports...
...Germany and Italy put ogrther were able to take only f32.660.000 of Japan's exports n 1938, while the British Emsire was a $529,200,000 customer 'or the Rising Sun in the same >'ear...
...In picking Britain as the newest object ot their aggression, the panicky Tokyo officials are t a c kling one of the nations which could nost reaony crippie wiem on heir already broken economic 'ront...
...On one side, therefore, an overabundance of simplemindedness and on the other an overdose of Machiavellianism...
...TNLESS the breach is healed between the A F L and the CIO, labor and progressive government face defeat...
...The brighter side of the picture is the situation in Italy...
...That the rank and file wants peace is certain...
...Not long ago the sages of this popular academy of knowledge perceived clearly that the reason why we made no progress toward the pleasant highlands of Recovery was Franklin D. Roosevelt...
...Italian Morale Poor On the Russian side, the British diplomats continue to show an almost indecent haste jn wishing to conclude the pact...
...in the sample year of 1937, that excess amounted to $40,000,000...
...They know that they are members of the United Auto Workers of America, but the question they cannot answer is: What is the United Auto Workers of America ? This perplexity is not due to ignorance or stupidity...
...C. Moller...
...ILBE AN WHILE union funds *" are tied up by a temporaryrestraining order, and union offices and equipment are divided according to which side laid hands on them first...
...It is purposed to take $500,000,000 of the total benefaction j bestow it upon the railroads that the railroads may purchase a ercat ^ea' °^ e°,u'Pra*nt that they do not need and so jjjrt up the equipment factories and set things booming...
...While Japan's industry and agriculture have sagged and her exports have fallen...
...Turkey Stalls for USSR Then things are not going so well with Turkey...
...Both sides are so busily engaged in the intricacies of civil strife that 'there is little energy or time left for legitimate trade union activity...
...They are the substance of the new industrial day in Germany and Italy, and just look at the glorious waits...
...Huge Contributions In addition to the many reports of progress in New China, accounts of aid to the Chiang regime from overseas Chinese express the united opposition of China-bnrn throughout the world to the Mikado, and indicate the well-nigh universal confidence in the ultimate defeat of Tokyo...
...The Farmer Party, which represents the interests of large farmers and landowners, appealed to their supporters to boycott the referendum...
...Michigan to answer, since Maurice Sugar, the 'I...
...The advocates of this unique adventure in pump priming are loauent about the men that would be employed in making the but have overlooked the number of men that would be emjft«d in layintr down new side tracks upon which to store the junk...
...Father Coughlin is another who has reaped harvest out of the split...
...In many cases even those wearing CIO buttons were unwilling to cross the picket line, but a good manyworkers apathetic to tboth factions slipped unobtrusively and sheepishly into the plant...
...For one thing the question has become one for the Circuit Court of Wayne County...
...Well, the French Foreign Office has boon saying that the signature of this agreement is imminent for weeks—but it is not signed...
...Malcom MacDonald, Colonial SecreJ*2J° British cabinet...
...both with headquarters in Detroit, both claiming sole right to the name, property and rights of the international union...
...No matter how much truth there may be in certain charges made, he srets no benefit whatever from the dissipation of union energies and funds into the unproductive channels of factional warfare...
...So the first thing to do, if you want to r'mipy and see a boom, is to abolish the villainous labor union -wrain the shadow of which me thinks I see stalking for the laakr's natural detestation the sinister figure of John L. Lewis...
...I* Watting for Bssoboos rIT while we wait for light from Bloomingdale and Ward's bland, on one hand, we need not grope hopeless in the economic morass...
...Rawsilk is being produced in far larger quantities than ever before in China, particularly in the newly exploited southwestern i rcviiices...
...If it continues much longer it will have far more serious repercussions...
...Here is territory -where unionism made great strides in an incredibly short period of time...
...Civil War Hits the Michigan Front By BORIS SHUB r\ETROIT.—Bewilderment is the only word that describes the state of mind of the ordinary auto worker in the Michigan area as he observes the struggle between the Martin-led A. F. of L. faction and the CIO forces...
...With the bitterness that always characterizes civil war, the two sides have gone to unwarranted extremes in their attacks...
...A few days after several Czech football games had been the scenes of enthusiastic cheers for Benes, a Yugoslav crowd of 20,000 this week gathered a ta soccer game enthusiastically cried, "Long live a free CsechoSlovakia...
...m,-.--¦concerned, and no amount 01 « charges and counter-charges hurled by the two sides aid in clarifying his understanding...
...With contrition, I admit that lately this column made an asser?• that not being sufficiently considered has now been shown to *kst ill-based...
...There are many workers who carry their union cards without having paid dues to either side since the split occured last January, without knowing to which union they belong...
...BBHHB^Bm t.¦ , 1 » •___i . • i-----1---- -c <'-----------First, the National Chamber of Commerce, justly famed for grave and thoughtful discourse...
...Though an overwhelming majority of the electorate voted for the proposal, the large number of abstensions was sufficient to block its passage...
...expressed the belief that in the line of cold-drawn, colossal "Wdince, Signor Mussolini's editorial factotum in Rome had Jpcved an all-time high, and confidently I scoffed at the chance **"*cessful competition...
...The reason is, I learn from unimpeachable authority, that the Turks are holding it up...
...The general feeling in official circles here and, to a great extent in England, is that war is becoming inevitable because no one can see how it is to be avoided...
...What stood out most vividly was a general feeling of indifference to the outcome...
...Properly the full merit of this surpassing performance »*ta bUt to recaI1 tnat >f Palestine is the Arabs' country now no less the Arabs' country when the British government r?">'y covenanted to erect there "a national home land for the people," the same covenant that Mr...
...But progressively, it was realized that this was not the case and that if there were a European conflict, part of Turkey's role would be to defend Frenchmandated Syria—-so that an agreement with France was essential...
...One result of the rejection of the Bill was the resignation of the leader of the Conservative Party...
...The only outstanding figure in the Opposition, Mr...
...Moller, was a sincere democrat, and it is possible that the Conservative Party, which under his leadership had lately shown signs of social consciousness, will now take a more reactionary course...
...Here people feel that there is a subtle and well-conceived plot, worked out in conjunction by the Japanese and the Germans...
...The proposal is to enlarge this astonishing collection Tank by adding a lot more junk...
...His state of mind is more important than anypublic pronouncement of either John L. Lewis or William Green...
...The result of the referendum does not affect the position of the government, which had just been returned with a clear majority in both chambers...
...Roosevelt is still there, with his devi&tk inclinations, more or less, but greater than he to keep iu t'ut Wssd in the misery of depression is the labor union.' You see, ft is this way...
...Tientsin Perturbs French The Tientsin affair is causing more anxiety—curiously enough in France than it is in England...
...The issues that gave rise to the split in the Auto Workers Union are not concrete or understandable as far as he is i ___i...
...In the recent Flint strike, called by Martin, pickets were attacked by strong arm "goon squads" while workers shuffled outside factory gates unable to decide whether to go to work or return home...
...It is no more true that Homer Martin is a fascist than it is that the rank and file of the CIO auto union are communists...
...He stood in the way and blocked every effort of the Sincere and Patriotic Business Men to rescue the fist os farther consideration and research, the seers discover a cum ttili more potent to clog our weary footsteps and keep at t» tkt plough of despond...
...Having failed to obtain the required number of votes at a referendum, the proposed new Danish Constitution, which would have abolished the Senate, introduced a modified single-chamber system and reduced the voting age from 25 to 23, has been abandoned...
...And if a nationalistic movement is JTr60* reason to justify Britain in moving out, why lingers it J?**-moment in the face of the tremendous and always growing ^""•ustic movement in India ? Dane Labor Gov't Unhurt by Setback On Constitution By REGINALD SPINK COPENHAGEN...
...MacDonald blithely It** 10 tear up and spit upon...
...The complementary agreement to be made by Turkey w?th France seemed a pure formality...
...The auto industry resisted at first and then became reconciled to the idea of collective bargaining...
...For if Palestine is the Arabs' counaa^™0se country is India...
...What is more dangerous to the labor movement as a whole than the mere fact of dual unionism in the auto field, is that the two sides in fighting one another have merely succeeded in arousing a section of previously friendly public opinion against unionism generally...
...During the same period Japanese exports have fallen sharply...
...Who would have thought that in a S We*ks he would emerge to knock the chesty Italian through tropes in the first round...
...In fact, there are quite a number of people who feel that the Japanese have turned on the British—as in the past they have sometimes turned on the Americans or any other foreigners— just because they were doing badly against the Chinese and needed an outlet for their frustrated aggression...
...U seems strange that the powers that gladden us with these utal messages of redemption failed to support them with cogent flhutration...
...Father Coughlin...
...This, as I see now, was rash, but who JJsa have suspected that even then in England the real champion gj undergoing training...
...Whatever the outcome in the courts, which are called upon to decide delicate intra-union matters not generally brought before them, it is highly improbable, to say the least, that either side will retire from the field because of any findings by a Michigan Circuit Judge...
...All our troubles would be ended if PrhffeO/^\ would let go and start the factories...
...For the time being there are two United Auto Workers of America...
...Therefore, sweet it is to find Senator Gerald P. Nye enrolled ¦"•V the Townsendites...
...Martin from the start has tended to be too impetuous in his decisions and too naive in his judgements...
...He wants an end of dual unionism, an end to name-calling...
...Tientsin "Iricident," USSR and Turk Pact Balking, Create New War Crisis »v Charles Edward RussellThe News Reel i*»CLY, s°nic of tnc d^P***4* flurries, of the harpooned and Tj^en Profits System are of a nature to make the judicious *%^dproposaI, for instance, to lend $3360,000,000 of public t__tm w private enterprise so that private enterprise can enter ^"projects" that will make work and employment and so snare J%er elusive "prosperity" bird that is still after all these years «ne wing...
...kit At IJieffd Be THERE are harmonics of behavior, there are concords of con• doct, there are coincident vibrations of action in the life of a •fteaman as in music, and when among our gifted leaders we find ¦ese deep resounding chords of harmony, great indeed is the pleas«* to the attentive soul...
...fT is impossible to regard the * Michigan situation at all with- out realizing the pressing need of a reunited labor movement...
...Hail hail, the gang's all here—masked and plain...
...On the other side of the Channel, this view is not so widely held...
...The refuse to believe in it because they say among themselves it would mean the destruction of Italy as a European power and a great part of the war would be fought on Italian soil...
...In-many locals and plants there has never been a real showdown...
...When he assurfs the American JJ* tflat the British are justified in throwing the Jews to •J *oh7es because Palestine is the Arabs' country and the *f*hs have a nationalistic movement, he leaves the fans for •» ataer contestants breathless and helpless...
...China Exports Soar Should the Lion decide to retaliate to the provocative actions of the Japanese blockadrrs, it could rip a hole in the Mikado's treasury wide enough for China to march through...
...in whose name many disgruntled workers with no political training and with deep racial and religious prejudices, now talks wildly of making a revolution to "clean out that crowd in Washington...
...Serious thinkers in at least two other groups have been — exploring the ways that lead to joy...
...You oat really expect a mill owner to start the wheels today wien be knows that the wretched labor union is likely to call a SjBfeon him tomorrow...
...Martin countered with a similar suit, through Frank P. Walsh...
...They also regard the pact as necessary, but are__J«T from showing the enthusiasm that the diplomats show...
...The only question is whether the will for peace exists...
...It lias iws reading the stars, studying the business horoscope, gazing into the crystal sphere and brooding above tea leaves, and it finds the ortkwk just blacker than pitch...
...China has been going through a renaissance that permitted her to export $89,840,000 of wood oil and 91.767.000 pounds of tea...
...But it can't iet 0»SB#start the factories because it is terrified about strikes...
...That one man, perhaps, has it within his power to prevent peace, is monstrous...
...such purchases have soared, and in the year 1938 alone came close to $6,000,000...
...LONDON.—Sports meets are rapidly becoming the favorite centers for Central European anti - Reich demonstrations...
...That last thought depresses them exceedingly...
...And the victim is the auto worker...
...Duce's Army Chiefs Fear 1 Conflict Noip By JACK SANDFORD Chief New Leader Correspondent in France MARSEILLES...
...They might have pointed out to our inferior intelligence that the remedies they advocate have had the benefit of mple testing elsewhere...
...Simply this and Bothing more...
...I should 2Lk there must be a couple of hundred idle locomotives stored 5J| at and near Harrisburg for example, and half as many at Sttbeth...
...Japan, despite its straitjacketed economy, has faced an unfavorV._l---- ~f Hole Dalance ot trade, which totalled $194,880,000 in the past five years...
...The Italian soldiers, or at least a considerable section of them and particularly some of the higher officers in the air force, do not believe in war...
...Since the new inj»a-!T...
...Leadership on the other side has been characterized by truculent loyalty to John L. Lewis and obedience to political dictates having their origins outside the trade union movement...
...The consensus of automobile rank-and-file opinion is that ,at the moment the union dollar has a very low purchasing power...
...The substance of the Senate's action is that afllkms of dollars are to be lifted from the treasury and placed jirect'.y in the pockets of the silver mine owners...
...L. D. lawyer who represents the CIO auto union, applied for an injunction restraining the Martin faction from using the union name, property and money...
...This is clearly a viewpoint that cannot be defended, since it shows both lack of imagination and lack of efficiency, as well as a moral depression that members of the administration should not submit to...
...The action is now pending and the litigation promises to be tortuous...
...The Italian forces are spread all over the Mediterranean and their morale is distinctly poor...
...The factional struggle defeated Frank Murphy and opened the door for restrictive labor legislation...
...Police broke up the picket line under color of enforcing the new Michigan Labor Law which requires notice of intention to strike...
...China Exports Soar as JapTrade Falls Sharply Special to The New Leader HONG KONG...
...A stabilization fund broad enough to check the damand for foreign exchange was established by Chungking last month, and will probably wipe out the last traces of Japanese raids on the Chinese currency...
...The technicians, both in France and in England are not in such a hurry although they appreciate the diplomats' viewpoint...
...Britain buys far more from Japan than Nippon purchases from Corti4Qiu_ last year the British Empire „ „<¦ tea onn nnn ir, t^n export-import balance with Tokyo...
...Some of tit features of this remarkable administrative curio been this week illuminated with editorial wisdom and other*v j,ut one of the most entrancing seems to have been overinked...
...However all that may be, the Germans are, I understand, quite pleased with the developments if only because they provide a test of America's passivity—a test that may be useful in evaluating American behavior in the event of an European conflict...
...The beginnings of optimism in Europe, of which I spoke some weeks ago, have quite evaporated both ift official circles and among the public at large, at least in the democracies...
...At all times marvelfcftuV"** he said to have reached his supreme moment when so Q» L, side-stepped India...
...For what could be*more chimeful, more exquisitely consistent "w that a man that believes munition makers are the cause of *w should also believe $200 a month given from the treasury to "*ry elderly person would cure our economic disorder Jf*e Flows From fesVJtoa's Pea f '¦is world of uncertainties and contingencies, brethren, we ¦oat be circumspect, we must watch every utterance lest un****** we fall into exaggeration or downright error...
...Slash them down to the subsistence basis taslaen see how the wheels will go around and unemployment will end...
...Out of a total electorate of 2.175,000, 006,377 were in favor and only 85,717 against — the percentage of those voting for the bill being 44.46 of the total electorate...
...It seemed that everything, or almost everything was settled when Great Britain and Turkey made their agree----ment...

Vol. 22 • July 1939 • No. 26

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