Reich List of Enemies Omits U.S.S.R., Eire, Portugal
Reich List of Enemies Omits U.S.S.R., Eire, Portugal The News Reel by Charles Edward Russell The first repercussions from the Grand Roymi Peep Show ex-I fcitrted to the multitude in Washington...
...In France, nothing much has happened except ia trade union quarters where, after the moral and material collapse that fot-owed the unsuccessful general strike, the beginnings of recuperation are apparent...
...I suppose you have not forgotten your interpreter of Valencia during the days you spent there...
...For national hari kari is a deeply-rooted concept in the Tokyo philosophy...
...apparently tin* artists had not practiced the picturizsticn of a void...
...if you received them, which I doubt, not having received any answers from you...
...We ere only a few people here because very few could leave the Central Zone...
...Youth organizations, Pacifist bodies, Socialist groups and local Labor Parties in varying ? numbers spoke to, or gave leaflets to, the conscripts...
...Anything, anything to keep South America from jumping the reservation when the Anglo-American partnership should be disclosed...
...The Scottish Trades Union Geagesea else decided on the withdrawal of representatives from National Service Committees and to press for mffli tart action against conscription...
...This line of action was rejected by the conference of Trade Union Executives...
...After I was released, I entered into the army, and went into a Socialist Division on the Anda-lusian front, where I was well treated...
...To understand this, we have to go back a little into the realities af affairs not recorded by a free and enlightened press...
...T have also the greet luck ef being together with my wife, and that is a great consolation in ray misfortune...
...that Japan despite all its b I U s ter which is convincing only to the surface observers, has made little headway and even ia the comparatively minute area it has " conquered," is living on very loose and treacherous ground...
...Garner may now be regarded as definitely out of the running, and that gives me a chance to bring forward anndidete whose sterling merits have.been too long ob-*amd by his own modesty, diffidence and the neglect of a heed-km world...
...Treasury officials announced this week, has already saved the government"$18,000,000...
...Eminent authorities, regarded all over the world as experts on toe Asiatic scene, have already affirmed the possibility that, faced by the growing necessity of realizing that China will not be defeated, Japan might seek to provoke the world's most powerful nations into a great conflict which would permit Nippon to -collapse in a blaze of glory...
...This means $1,000 for my wife and me, and I have not even II, I may go to the Dominican Republic, where no deposit is necessary...
...Re tens me that he is thoroughly satisfied with it and that he has everything he wants m that direction...
...This theory may sound fantastic to the eastern mind in which suicide is virtually criminal, but it must be recalled that hari kari is an institution which is taken for granted by the invaders of China...
...ess the way, as I noted last week, that waterway transportation J™ astsusinated...
...My brother is here, too...
...But European statesmen are not losing sight of the only slightly remoter danger...
...Now I should like to explain my plsns to you...
...These young men will be called up in batches of 30 or 40 thousand...
...Many of them have attended these same Labor Exchanges for months previously...
...From July, 1937, to tjjg summer of 1938, the latest available figures show, 1,800 miles of new highways had been built throughout the southwestern cities alone...
...AH these who were to active opposition to Stalin and the Communists are destined to starve...
...In those six provinces: Szecb wan, Sikong, Yunnan, Kweichow...
...Do we want for President a low person lost to every consideration of veneration as to lay hand' upon i King—a living, breathing, smiling King...
...Russia is placed on the same undefined plane as Sire and Portugal—that is to say, the two States who might conventionally be expected to be on the side of Great Britain—but who are being worked over (as we know too well) by German agents...
...likely, unless organised labor takes power, to be cannon fodder for fossilized "braes-hats...
...The name and* address of the writer are on file in our office...
...The I.R.A...
...Republicans are helped by the Masonic organizations...
...This aspect of the great European problem is among the most disquieting...
...bat they only attend and help their friends...
...For obvious reasons they cannot be revealed.—Editor's Note...
...9,339,917,777 of the "little" bills—which run from $1 to $100,000 — have been printed since the treasury started turning them out...
...A saving of $2 per thousand bills is effected through the reduced outlays for paper, ink, labor and storage space...
...The letters are probably in the hands of the G.P.U...
...Remember -the casual shock you got 10 years ' ago' when jou" saw' that the old and relatively gigantic paper bills had been replaced by a new form of currency that seemed to resemble a cigar coupon ? Tnat shift in bill production, the ILS...
...Net much to fight for, these young lads...
...Fortunately, an English destroyer released us before we entered the Fascist port...
...We may need the Russian pact now in order to stiffen up the Eastern European resistance to the most immediate menace...
...The anniversary ef Menleh will find a very different Hen ton, though whether at peace ee war, I for one do not care to prophesy...
...Spanish Socialists who opposed the Negrin-GJ\U, combination...
...Providing of course, we are faultlessly hmhfml to Standard OH and properly punish Mexico for inter-fling with Standard Oil profits...
...all the slathering talk about "Good neighbors" was Erected to the same end...
...I stayed in the Central Zone until the 22nd of March, 1939, after the Communists' "Coup de Force" against Bestei-ro's Government in Carthagena and Madrid...
...Mexico is open, to Spanish -refugees, but the vis*"is given by the Mexican authorities only through the medium of the committee controlled by Negrin...
...Garner had to go to bed at 9 o'clock and therefore had wen tompeiled to forego the unique and inexpressible pleasure of shtng est royalty, actual royalty...
...But when...
...Reich List of Enemies Omits U.S.S.R., Eire, Portugal The News Reel by Charles Edward Russell The first repercussions from the Grand Roymi Peep Show ex-I fcitrted to the multitude in Washington and New York the first «** » Ju"* w*« •waited by its august impresarios ?| »re said to have been distinctly disappointing...
...Most of their demands in this eonnec-tion have already .been grant*: and same of the apprentices are now hack at work...
...I have known all the miseries of a French concentration camp, from which I escaped -a month ago...
...But you know that every person going there must deposit $600...
...CHAPUH FILM RfC?»#»TS TO AW EMtGBATtOH LONDON.—Charlie Chaplin's new film "The Dictator" will be used to help Jews •offering under persecution ia Central Europe to emigrate...
...It is a vivid picture of the suffering of those prominent ?—-—n—n...
...Be mine the voice that now seeks to correct this intolerable ajssoee...
...This sensed some critical inquiry that dug up the explanation that Sr...
...Extirpate -all these foreign "isms," deport all these foreigners, tmfer print enmry man whose ancestry shows no parallel with MmwC Oarfcoari, exile to Alaska all persons that show any weakness for the abominable Karl Marx, and then we shall have the tmmtry as it ought to be...
...perhaps maw strikingly at the recent con f erence of Trades Council...
...Here is a man that speaks right out and is sst nshimed «f the fact that he hasn't an idea in his head of sfter origin than the age of the Medici...
...Since your departure many things happened to me as you would have known from my letters...
...Divided on Conscription British Trade Unions By REGINALD GROVES Prominent British Labor Journalist On Saturday, June Sid, 219,964 young men of 20 years of age registered at the Labor Exchanges under the Military Training Act...
...Baron has never seen them...
...I do net need to convince you that -we barely manage...
...So great is the Reynolds anssiga that he would be his own platform, neatly but power-htlly condensed in one happy sentence: "Back to the Caves!') ^GwMemen, he'd have the enthusiastic support of every hill-•Rly in America...
...Again I am moved to observe that at anything **,**M-up to poeket-dipprng, we have a team with which we ^fr sll competitors...
...American Socialists, help me raise $115...
...Loud apphtuse from the hills...
...It *V the way the limit on publicity for corporation salaries was *se<l so as to conceal the salaries ef -all railroad presidents...
...Throughout China, 3,600 miles of new railways have been built or are under construction...
...The people of the Catalonia Zone belong to the P.S.U.C...
...winning aver the Soviets...
...if - l j!___»¦ a. mlnf Itlufcn soldiers r o verTy-aTricsen Observers in the industrial districts noted the shabby clothes and tiie visible effects of years of poverty on many of the young soldiers-to-be of the wealthiest country in the world...
...The passage costs 2,120 francs, or 4,240 francs for my wife and myself...
...The southwestern provinces of China which alone are twice the size of Japan and larger in population than the United States, are booming with new production and agricultural developments...
...BoMMvek is so eager to psenwte and of which the British atates-mea Save dreamed these test 86 years, was and is South America...
...denied the right to work and granted an inadequate "dole" to keep them alive...
...tried to implicate him and Sam Baron as Fascist spies...
...At this conference a decision was taken to withdraw all trade union representatives from National Service organizations — that is from all 'committees engaged in recruiting for the various auxiliary civil and military forces...
...For it we have boosted the Pan-American...
...Hunan, Kwauktung, and Kwangai, there are 1&.&35,-000,000 tons ef coal, all ef China's copper < 480 tons a year) and, in just three of the six provinces, 90'/« of the nation's manganese deposits...
...Orfferences Crop Up The division of opinion has been shewn in «a" number of ways...
...Thii-wsf the way the Franco admirers Slipped through the *Dtr»Bty*ct that enabled democracy to, be annihilated in Spain...
...Although European Communist* piact all the blame for delay on Great Britain, there is good reason to believe that the Russians are at least equally responsibk...
...I received a letter from him yesterday informing me that he is in France—preparing some books and that he cannot recommend me to any committees as all of them are controlled by Negrin and his friends...
...As expected, the Trades Union Congress decided against using industrial action to resist Conscription...
...And why has the German newspaper "Voelkjscber Beobachter" published a map purporting to show the fclfc-circlement of Germany—a map in which the encircling enemies of the Reich are depicted—through a conventional scheme of lines and dots—according to the degree of hostility, and in which three states are left while and undefined, Eire, Portugal and Russia...
...Of that Scotland Yard has good reason to be ' certain...
...Garner may survive the shame and horror of the social Mffsdation into which he has sunk himself, but his candidacy can Star survive the shock of his disgrace...
...Jl might be as well to note that in England, the Labor resistance to conscription has ceased to he a live issue and that the country has settled down to conscription in the way that England does when it makes up its mind that something disagreeable is necessary...
...You can take the lousiest bill "kfever was drawn, a bill that nobody outside of Wall Street * nobody outside of the Ku Klux Klan could tolerate, and by the Kication of this new slickery and apparently infallible method irat thins you know, ifs passed...
...A similar decision was taken by the Labor Party Conference at Southport...
...Among other unprecedented advantages centering in this candies**, bis nomination would excuse the convention from the labor enibsafe sack of formulating a platform...
...The Peace Pledge Union, a pacifist organization, gave away leaflets urging individual resistance to conscription...
...His first arrest came when the G.P.U...
...In addition, many precious metals are stocked in the mountains and subterranean parts, of the six sohn^west provinces...
...Then I left Spain with my wife and brother in a British merchant ship, The Stancor...
...No debate, no hearings, no Just slip it along and let the victims rave when too late "ey wkke up to what has been done...
...And Japan is nowhere near constituting a serious threat to that huge and wealthy region...
...was the way the stone-hatchet anti-alien bills were passed...
...has, tar the time being, left the main struggle to imtiviil—Is...
...Readers of The New Leader will already have understood, from previous articles, that this opinion is not shared by large sections of the Labor and Trade Union movement, for it is fe}t that to postpone resistance is to make easier an extension of conscription end an approach to industrial conscription...
...Not among our Better ftnestt, anyway...
...Some of us here have felt for a long time that sooner or later, on the principle of "like-to-like," the totalitarian states seemingly hostile, would be bound to come together...
...Loyalist Re veals Neg ri n Aiding Only Friends From an exiled Spanish newspaperman somewhere in France comes the following story of the treatment of non-Communist Loyalist refugees...
...It was of a significant conference between the representatives of three South American countries and the agents of the Nazis...
...Everybody ttfat knows the sensitive and intelligent people of that continent knows how suspicious they have long been of an taglo-SaJfon domination...
...300,000 tons of tungsten are contained in Kwangstung and Hunan, while four of the six provinces turrtv-oVr 7,400 tons of tin every yer.r China, which is the world's chief producer of antimony, mines, 90' i of the nation's store of thsrvital metal in Hunan...
...I intend to go to America...
...Some, in the depressed areas, have not worked for years...
...In the internal fieid...
...Whenever it is, the democracies had better look to themselves...
...Incidentally, Leon Blum does not share my view about the foreign policy resolution of that congress, which I regard as a compromise destined to paralyze the constructive activity of the party for six months...
...Is the time approaching ? Some of those in the best position to know are convinced that the time will come...
...For it we have given the gladdetst of glad hand...
...Blum Optimistic The Communist wsr on the Socialists continues, more bitterly than ever after the decisions of the Socialist congress which struck a severe Mow at the "para-Communist" organisations...
...outrages in England have been financed by Germany... was to forestall and counteract any such fatal reaction that m have had in the last two or three years all this fuss about Soutn America...
...During the civil war the writer was one of the editors of a Socialist newspaper in Valencia...
...Then that map...
...China's Southwest Booms as Japan Stalls on Outskirts Special to The New Leader HONG KONG.—No 'greater admission of the Japanese government's failure to make any real progress in invading China could be needed than Nippon's present desperate efforts in Tientsin to drag the democracies into war and forget the disaster suffered in "the Chinese incident" by perishing" in a worldwide conflagration...
...The famous comedian tins weak personally instructed his distributing company to give ail profits from the European showing af the flan to the Vienna Jewish Kultusge-meinde, which will use its newly-acquired fends to aid emigration...
...Attaboy, indeed...
...Do you remember the friends of the Socialist Circle of Ruzafa...
...I should like te go to Cuba since I have a Cuban visa in my passport...
...still assigned when I write...
...Always your friend...
...Duce aide...
...I explain you all this in order that you inform the Socialists in the United States...
...Rich Southwest Provinces And every day in the war produces more end more evidence that the Chinese government's plan of resistance is bound to win...
...Gamer's trasses* km quite another origin than his sudden fancy for early bed time- /n fact, it is said that he didn't go to the dinner because km sfpSften to 'it was recalled when it was known thai twice he hti committed the mortal offense, the deadly crime, the attainable timt eflese majeste...
...MtmjVmps CeeeTeofe A NTWAY, Mr...
...If any help could be given knf 'your- party in favor of the Spanish refugees in France, I should recommend you and the comrades in America to reserve your help for the Socialists...
...Immediately we left Valencia, a Franco war vessel obliged our ship to follow her to Palma where we arrived the 28rd of March...
...Fetlow citizens, I rise to nominate for the high office oi President of the United States, that hind-sighted statesman, that peeisess leader in retrogression, that stalwart champion of the OMnt conspicuous doctrines of the jungle, the Hon...
...Mussolini's new line may mean that the Nazis and Fascists are planning a last-minute lineup with Russia (perhaps over the corpse of Poland, as many people believe) in order to bring the damsntwif w to their knees—or they may just be nattering the RjietinM with a possible quarter for them in the event of a conflict...
...Nor is there any guarantee that once the agreement is signed, the Russians will cease talking to Berlin behind the backs of their isnnaaj bedfellows...
...I don't know yet exactly how it is done, but it's » humdinger of a throw, anyway...
...My wife earns something at embroidery...
...The six southwestern provinces are no longer isolated and undeveloped as they were prior to the present war...
...Jtog they have done it through a bit of porch-climbing and 2"*4*«0 work...
...ARTISTS UMABLE TO FUtO FASCIST STATE OF kWttf LONDON.—Such inspiring topics as "The State of Kind Produced by Fascism" and "Listening to a Mussolini Speech on the Radio" failed this week to produce suitable art works in a Rome contest sponsored by Robert Farinacci...
...Certain reports and facts that are circulating in well-informed circles here with increasing frequency, open up unpleasant perspectives...
...Twice, believe it or not, he had dared to simp tetsml mnd Gntcums Royattp tm the back...
...Membership Slumped heavily and is still low, -but there ia a staling et hesideuarters that they have tu&ned the corner and that they and* again en the upgrade...
...And now Joy the same handy process, the Big ¦W* have passed through the House a bill to destroy TV A. Tkis is the more remarkable because heretofore the Dilling-**« W Wall Street have been roiled in every attempt to hold •» Hpussaal public improvement...
...Moreover, their quiet little backstair talks win Berlin are not reassuring for the British...
...Veil, he is a vary eleven man and knows heat hew to use a resolution as I must take Ms word for it bat I sen afraid that I still have my devote...
...Some French statesmen have been asking themselves uneasily, "Why is Mussolini now talking about the hostility between the "bourgeois" nations (meaning us) and the "proletarian" nations (meaning Italy and Germany tffA anybody else) ?" Soviet-Berlin Rapprochement...
...If the visit of a king served only to arouse the suspicions and antagonisms of the South Americans, it will hardly be deemed safe to proceed farther a that particular line of glorified bunk, bitter as will be the disappointment in the sloppy realms of American SnobberyHe Hif Teem licsf On the Back AMONG she unexpected results here at heme of the prodigious dive into the flummery of the Fourteenth Century was the nehsinf of e premising Presidential boom...
...So, according to the usual principles ef an equation, and since Russia is supposed to be our friend, X equals the German possibility of...
...iMMf «¦ tie Mrhw |gUT the news immediately following the ballyhooed Peep Show • wasn't just what we had expected...
...since Mr...
...t fear they have all been killed by the fascists, who entered Valencia five days after I left...
...French Unions Recuperate Itowevor all that may be, we shall know what the game is by September at the latest...
...The British diplomatic representatives, in Lisbon have been having a hard time recently, keeping level with the German flattery of second-Vine Die-tater ntatSSSK . — i « Great Britain is by no means as sure as she was ef the freedom of the pat lag use ports far British warships sa the event ef a conflict...
...The great obstacle to the Anglo-American Alliance that Mr...
...Or rather against certain adverse effects eonsi lipshni wasnd* have upon their wage rates and conditions in the wniWbjjl...
...Communists) or the C.N.T...
...It is difficult to see any other explanation for this sudden stressing of the "proletariat" angle...
...As the young men filed into the Labor Exchanges, meetipgs were held by various organizations...
...A Trades Council is a local delegate council of all trade union branches in an Area: it is therefore much closer to the rank-and-file member than the Executives of the Unions... dictators and cruel reactionaries...
...We arrived in Marseilles on the 25th of March...
...The Lima Conference had absolutely no other real laresse...
...I do not know if yon have received any information from other persons more representative than myself...
...Really, I am not willing to bore you by explaining every detail of my life during these last two years...
...Berlin Agent* Provoke Irish Anti-British Riots By JACK $AWFOk9 New Leader's Chief Correspond*** je France PARIS.—The Arurio-ttussian pact ia...
...That means about $115...
...No prize was swsiesd for any art work on the subject of fascism's state ef mind...
...Robert Rice lsjntiis, Senator from North Carolina, unterrified foe of Moscow and eB its wvrks...
...Hunan, Yunnan, and Szech-wan produce 6.600 tons of lead and 13,000,cf Zinc every year...
...Individual Bants On the Clyde 2*000 apprentices -^—employed in thirteen shipyards and engineering sheas ' went en strike against conscription...
...The rejection ef industrial action by the T.U.C...
...They were beaten when *«y*inl4t through propaganda, through a reeekatrant ntree-**¦ sseaagh the courts sari through a Congressional investi-Kstioa... ens noticed that when the Embassy gave its rococo dinner is honor oi their Gracious and Wonderful Majesties, Vice President Gsfsnr was not present...
...many of these railroads link the Southwest with the remainder of China...
...And next ef renewed activity along all the Nazi lines in the southern hemisphere...
...All that I have explained could be confirmed -by Ariquistain...
...Which would be exceedingly bad for trade as well as bad for the project af a sweaty brotherhood of the English-speaking...
...In the little town where I am now, the Mayor is a good Socialist and he has protected me from 'being arrested and confined once more in the concentration camp...
...You know that Caballero's "La Correspondencia de Valencia" was taken by the "Police," that I was arrested once more, that I spent nearly two months in prison...
...Under these conditions it may be regarded as doubtful if we shall really have the dose of princesses that has been announced is the next appeal to our hysterical emotions...
...The following story was written to Sam Baron and/arrived from Europe only a few days ago...
...Herder ¦»«¦«¦ ce THERE'S a new technique in passing reactionary legislation that g amuses my unstinted admiration, being an old-time Washington •"respondent...
...Whenever they see an Englishman and an American together, there is uneasiness in the midst of the pseulstfcmAH the insiders in England and Washington have knewn perfectly well that the inevitable answer to «e Anglo-American alliance would naturally be a counter bloc of Latin nations led kj the South Americans...
...Only we Socialists have no help if we do not belong to the Negrin ride...
...s But tamdtng to the story current in Washington, Mr...
...No, a thousand times as, Mar my part, I should like to see impeachment proceedings, eniy I am told that such was the stupidity of lack of foresight of flit framers of the Constitution that they made no provision far sash an offense...
...I am trying to earn my livelihood by buying and selling stamps for collections...
...They wffl serve six months in the armed forces, and be placed en the reserve for a further three years, with various periods during that time in which they will be called up for military saevsgs and drill...
...J also work at home making wooden toys for children...
...Before a war —after a war—during a war—or just without a war at all...
...In Paris, Negria and his Communist friends have founded a society, "Servicio de Evacuacion de Refngiados Esparto!es," and also an "Aid Committee for Spanish Intellectuals...
Vol. 22 • June 1939 • No. 25