What A World!

What A World! •By Leon Dennen . Americans prefer Germany, This cheerful bit of news, my fellow-countrymen, appeared in • quarter-page advertisement published in the New York...

...The child will grow into a big man with a big conscience...
...class rooms will become overcrowded...
...ILGWU Marl Hit $y Qupiessis in Waf IJnierns 9uebee Premier Brings . gamzer, neens Ta sssjjiIT" Union Coafracfs...
...Hence, there are sharp contrasts of light and she « is kb pictures...
...Perhaps he will keep me within him as he grows, and go out into the world and not be ashamed of me...
...In a, sense, they were typical rnortals and, together with Lincoln...
...He has been remanded on parole until June 21...
...And where are some of our great trade union leaders ? In the meantime our lunatic fringe is already packing its thinks fox a spiritual, if not physical, trip to the* shrine of'Hitlerism...
...Paul Hanley Fur-fey, sociologist, the Catholic University of America...
...Chaims, "who, having sold their birthright for a bit of heaven on this earth, are today despondent and defeated creatures without a backbone,"without a tradition...
...9n the streets of New York, Coughlin's bums are sowing chaos and destruction while Fiorello H. LaGuardia, our fighting, biting, roaring progressive-liberal-repubiican Mayor, prefers to hear netajng, see nothing, know nothing...
...This is revealed in the June bulletin of the Methodist Federation for Social Service and the number of influential Catholics who are joining toe Committee of Catholics to Fight Anti-Semitism...
...Last but not least I should like to take to Germany that man Einstein who applied to court for permission to change his name to Eaton so as to remove all Semitic traces from his offspring...
...This extraordinary doctrine is developed in connection with the first legal action under Quebec's Labor Act...
...Women Defend Law A second hearing on the same recommendation is to be held in Atlanta on June 26, and Southern textile owners w<ere reported to have engaged high-priced attorneys to argue against the 32 ^ cent scale and to demand a "differential" for the South...
...He h.imself rose from that world...
...To be sure, the intellectual duel between editors, psBtk^j^ IHfaehers, educators, essayists and historians ignored MM* f% wan sound in the criticism of the other side...
...Meantime the fight between the rival unions in the automobile industry in two Michigan cities has left many members apathetic as to the future of unionism in this industry...
...Officially, he was Un archangei-in-chief of Soviet literature...
...A. Sloan, former president of the Cotton Textile Institute, called for outright abolition of of the "industry committees" through which minimum wage scales of as high as 40' cents an hour can be promulgated...
...Then I should" nke to take Comrade Earl Browder to Rome to greet the Pope who has recently given his pontifical blessing tc Franco's murder brigade...
...This recommendation was made by a 9 to-6 vote, with all Southern textile operators dissenting...
...They cha&mpei} JB threatened the world around them...
...One million WPA workers will Ipse their jobs if Representative Clifton Woodrum of the House Appropriations Subcommittee has his way...
...From coast to coast lunatics—they are lunatics until they have seized power—spread the gospel of racial intolerance...
...While I apt in the tourist business I might aa well take Mr...
...Representative CI if tor...
...All this, my fellow-countrymen, is happening in the United States, |ke richest and most civilized country in Che world, in the The fascist forces are making rapjd stride...
...Then came the temporary adjournment' of the peace conference to permit Lewis to negotiate with the operators, followed by the meeting of" the ClO executive las$ week, and the announcement that the A. F. of L. officials do not want' unity, and that peace ii now second to the aims of the CIO...
...The rebel was compelled to becoaai psalmist...
...A sentence in the closing parsff**" ¦ the last lecture summarises the fruit of the war...
...A BOOK OF SHORT STORIES, by Maxim Gork- S4W by Avraham Yarmoliusky and Barotitis Maura Bmdberp Mmi Holt and Co...
...But then, again, Earl mini be too reactionary for the Pope and I shall be the cause of a quarrel...
...Aimed of Andrews' Hearing Sloan's talk was on the eve of a hearing scheduled in Washington for next Monday by Wage-Hour Administrator Elmer F. Andrews on a recommendation by the textile inefostry comrait-mittee for establishment of a 32 "d cent an hour rock-bottom wage throughout the industry...
...DCY this time, we are able to judge Gorki's achievtmcn si j a 'dhole...
...Meanwhile, in a Rotary "Club address in Nashville, Tenn., Geo...
...there were diversities of economic interests and conflicts <a p°'P" cal opinion in the1 South similar to that of the North...
...A modern Mil'ar...
...Friends of the act are by no means letting its foes run the show...
...s voja frorn Hades...
...Men became bestial, maimed in spirit...
...Books and Writers Gorki, Rebel and Official "jyiAN—the very word bass .a proud sound...
...The Methodist publication denounces the Kansas Fuehrer, the Rev...
...Churches' Fight on Anti-Semites Spreads Fast A healthy reaction against fascist totalitarians and anti-Semitism in their own ranks is developing in the Protestant and Catholic churches...
...Neither Tolstoy nor Chekhov, both of whom might be considered more typically Russian, were proud...
...the Right Rev...
...This reopening of a bleeding wound comes at the moment when the National Association of Manufacturers, for forty years the most powerful enemy of labor organizations, reopens its attack on the Wagner Labor Act by demanding eleven changes tiiat would largely paralyze its administration, so far as labor's interests are concerned...
...Ward Hard, Washington correspondent...
...Declaring that the premier is guilty of a one-sided enforcement of the law, labor leaders point out that employers have been known to discharge workers for no other reason than that they belonged to an international trade union...
...Let Mr- Einsteio—Eaton—meet all the Hanses and Karls, the former MoishesJ and...
...Louisiana State L'niver*it§ **msi.&e...
...writer, and Emmet La very, playwright...
...The lunatic fringe in America is growing and^nany of them are already ripe for f pilgrimage to the shrine The Great Master Confucius once said that all war is based on deception and that he is a good general who strikes at the propitious moment...
...Hence, after 1917 (and even before that) he lest ( rood ?** of his influence, even qf his old spell...
...The complaint alleges that Shame, acting as an officer of the union, attacked the "freedom of labor" of Blanche Chevalier "by having her dismissed from the employment of LeBoff Brothers, because she was not a member of a particular union...
...Many organizations, including the printing trades, have "closed shop" agreements in this city...
...Finally a drunkard picked it up but it made him feel uncomfortable and he passed it on to a saloon-keeper who in turn gave it to a usurer...
...Assemblyman itobert F. Wagner, Jr...
...Naturally, President Green responds to this situation by a counter-attack in a letter to all state federations and central bodies, warning them against what he calls a "scheme" of the CIO Newspaper Guild to seduce A. F. pf L. publications with advertisements, propaganda an<* cash "in sin attempt to color the policy of these newspaper publications to assist the CIO...
...the new lord and creator of a Socialist universe, Stalin, tA vbst be all power and glory...
...Thus the last man did...
...They ta * tot . A remarkable writer, a great influence, great dries ltd* epoch, of his time—but not of all times...
...Also, a sense of humor, i.e...
...Both JfitB**% denied certain similarities in the exploitation of labor* j> sections...
...and then this g*ef*;.legislator^-jjpffl Shake hands with the puppet members of Hitler's Reichstag...
...Some of these periodicals are referred to as "so-called A. F. of L. publications" which have often "ridiculed the position of the American Federation of Labor...
...The ?'German Railroads Information Office" obligingly supplies '^Germany embodies not just as few but all the enchanting traits yacaiionists crave: scenic splendor—favorable climate—good food —renowned health spas—fascinating festivals—march of music...
...They felt the injured dignity of man, and that moved them to protest mixed wiih pity...
...It provides, like similar contraots, that nb worker may be employed unless he or she is a member in good standing of the union...
...According to the "German Railroads Information Office" of Jfew Tork—* Nazi propaganda outfit if ever, there wis one—who p*id for the.ad, Germany has undisputed leadership in Continental Europe "in number of visitors from the United Sta'tes"—the figure for 1838 being 79,652...
...Everyone tossed it, like an old rag, as far from him as he could...
...Mind you, the "pride" rather thi- ^ dignity...
...According to Browder, in case you don't know it, the Ppp| is a great liberal and anti-fascist...
...However, the South was primarily agricultural while thf Noftt was commercial and industrial although within both refto** were variations of climate, soil, occupations, and interest * latter two changing with increase in population, #a exyasedf frontier, and economic development...
...Employers in the Old Dominion state, at a meetipg in Richmond, arranged by the Chamber of Commerce and Virginia Manufacturers' Association, denounced many provisions of the act and demanded they be allowed to pay their workers less than in theNorth...
...And all injustice, treachery and violence wtft then disappear, becifuse the conscience will no longer be timid but will want to have everything as it wishes...
...For Major General Van Horn Moseley a trip to Germany would be a real enlightening experience...
...j On the street corners of our cities Coughlin's hoodlums, like howling hyenas, shout slogans of hatred and violence...
...This fable was written many decades ago...
...Realist that he was or, rather, wished to >- he ts t romantic or even a Byronic realist He dealt with the' ttsYktst realities of human poverty, -With the submerged groups of "bubjh society, with the world of "The Lower Depths...
...403 pp...
...But pride—and injured pride above *" -tungM make man a fierce rebel when oppressed, and—an arrogs;„ crat or despot when in power...
...In the meantime flie poor conscience lay on the road, torn, spat upon, trodden under-foot by passers-by...
...If Andrews approves the proposed "floor" on wages, over 175,000 employees out of 660,000 in textile manufacturing will get pay boosts...
...But the stories written hi & last ten tp fifteen years covered by the collection are less kaeu...
...University P. O., La...
...ft new appears that the CIO chief was waiting to settle matters with the employing groups in the eaai industry before taking the stand be has now'token...
...Theodore Marynard...
...Others are the Rev...
...v — But the whole point of the fable is that conscience had been lost...
...IT is quite an experience to re-read, a dozen of Gorki a storlk * good opes most of them, and selected so as to esfbrsst ay years between 1895-1V26, thus giving us a sense of tb< ititer'i cpntinuity and development.* Most readers win remember the earlier stories, TheHatV "Twenty-six Men and One Girl...
...I should like to take some of our "patriotic" ladies and gentle-men for a personally conducted top to Germany...
...Time^E end of the last century...
...Some readers of this column, I know, will execrate me for mentioning the names of these gentlemen in the same breath with conscience...
...thj» "march of music"' (th* inircfc of Bitter's- aaiw hfa*^ H*U* without an end...
...the forces of progress and democracy are torn' apart, divided or fast asleep...
...Rebels were not wanted any 1*b#w with the new Satan-in-chief who became God on earth) Gorki died...
...Perhaps an innocent baby will shelter me and care for me...
...R" EADERS of What a. World, of whom I like to think as sceptics who take their information, whatever its source, with a grain of salt, will no doubt want to know why our "good" citizens have suddenly^ developed such a love for Naziland...
...In the State of New York, the richest state in the world, Assemblyman Moffat, supported by a Republican-controlled state legislature, would slash the school fund and thereby j eo pArdize the state's entire educational system...
...Heading the list of Catholics joining the Catholic anti-Semitic group the past week is Gene Tunney, former heavyweight champion of the world...
...W'th »V satisfactory union contract that serves as a barrier to t\e 4. f. of L. union in the industry, instead of resuming the negotiations that were temporarily suipendep* to give him time to confer with the mine operators, Lewis induced the CIO executive to make this temporary pause is the peace parleys permanent...
...His epoch died around him...
...tfciV woufcf have liked the first }ine of an old poem, a favorite pf Lincoln's: "ph, why should tije spirit of mortal ?* proud?1' There was much that Lincoip, Tolstoy and Chekhov had in common *J»C1 * »tB| That leit-motif of fierce and rebellious pride was ¦ • ;ed h/ Gorki from the very beginning of his literary csreej h fZ that {and his powers as a Story teller, of course) whicl cs»ti» and held the attention of a startled world of readers...
...robbery and violence reigned in the world...
...Our entire work relief program is threatened with destruction...
...The debate was carried into political struggles and ft military conflict, which ruined the South for decades "Sjss»fjMsajJ Negro was left to his fate by the northern politicians %Jtffm after the "end of the war...
...Millions of men and women—writers, actors, plumbers, bricklayers, skilled and unskilled workers —are faced with.hunger and starvation...
...A LL this reminds me of a beautiful fable by the great Russian *"» satirist, asKy^v^Behedrin, entitled "The Lost Conscience...
...The child with the conscience is, alas, suffering from arrested development...
...amir and File for Peace The A. F. of L. members of t|| cp^rence, after, consultation, then Informed the CJO confreres that they would* recommend to the A. F. of L. Executive Council that these old unions be restored with their' present enlarged membership, and this was accepted by the CIO mem-"S™ with satisfaction...
...Their ^status will, of course, be affected by the result of the case against Shane...
...Industrialists pf South Plan New War on Wage Act WASHINGTON, D. C—Southern sweatshop manufacturers are sharpening their knives for a new attack on the Wage-Hour Act, developments this week disclosed...
...The Nasi propagandists in the United States could - not have chosen a more opportune moment to call to the attention of our people the glories of Naziland...
...fHE collection under present review contains some ff C^rk*' * best stories...
...Aid tht extermination of the old Bolsheviks must have carried man aW surface meaning for Gorki...
...Standard Practice The matter is very simple...
...And for a long time the poor banished conscience wandered about the wi<Je world...
...Gorki is one of the few famous Russian writers in whx s« sjjfefc the note of pride and of injured pride sounded so percent y ^ persistently...
...the *favqrable climate" ("intfte eoncenta%iics^ips...
...Bernard Shane, general manager of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, was the first victim...
...Israel Zinberg, the great sixty-seven-year-old historian who, after a lifetime of service to Soviet science and* culture, was removed from the scene as though he had never existed, Freda Kirchwey might want to have a few words with Gronski (if "she finds him alive)' who was also a "great" editor of a "great" magazine...
...The selection is judicious, the translstiop an very satisfactory—not an easy task with a writer of GopB'i typt full of dialect, proverb and aphorism...
...In the City of Baltimore young Bundists brand a Jewish boy with the letter H for Hebrew...
...By Leon Dennen . Americans prefer Germany, This cheerful bit of news, my fellow-countrymen, appeared in • quarter-page advertisement published in the New York Hersld-Tribuneof June 15...
...He could observe the "scenic splendor" (burned synagogues and broken wjndows jn Jewish stores...
...And a perceptible smell of sulphur about th -Uft I is...
...Industrial capitaMsm, with/ th* banners of righte8U»5d*4 patriotism, and progress over its head and with du hushed in disgrace and defeat, went on to its fullness »o W haps its ruin...
...He might wast to meet there Dr...
...a sense ; W) own failings...
...For men's dignity implies respect for others and, g certain humility...
...1 .^'...^* *An6* today the little child grows, t>e wns^iwnpe grows with it...
...Coughlin could drop in at the Dachau concentration camp for a pleasant chat with the thousands of incarcerated Catholic priests, nuns and monks while his vocal hoedlUm' pay a visit to the work camps for the youth...
...has recently accepted the honorary presidency of the Stalinist League of American Writers, for a flying trip tp Moscow...
...Shane was net served with a warrant, but gave himself up when he learned that his arrest was impending...
...This wees more than a score pf representatives of na -tional church, women's and consumers' groups—in no way affiliated with organized labor — called on Chairman Mary T. Norton of the House Labor Committee ami pledged their full support in resisting any attempt to wreck the law...
...According to Premier Maurice Duples-sis, a trade union leader who attempts to enforce a "closed shop" contract — voluntarily agreed to by an employers—is guilty of a criminal offense and may be severely punished...
...community centers and playground services will be curtailed and thousands of teachers thrown on the breadlines...
...Leaders and rank and file on both sides are convinced that a closed union shop is necessary to effect this solidarity, nut there is little hope of it so long as the rival' union war continues...
...For Miss Kirchwey, as a matter of fact, the Soviet Union will be a happy hunting-ground for liquidated literati...
...But it must have been bard for the old is tank rebel to become a legalized inspector-general of a regimenssi laersttr* whose task it became, day by day, to glorify on harp »n...
...Was the Conflict Irrepressible...
...FD Unity Call Held Vital As kabor Rift Widens WA&pmQTQN, D. CWTO alteration by John L. Lewis that peace in the labor movement is how second to rajgi^'otf tipe ?|Q, ^fiife a i^penjt Qfllup poll shows a 3&IirVe in popular approval of unions in general, it appears \%&( the intervention of President Roosevelt is now the two federations together in a peace conference...
...By J. A. P. HAY DOM "Labor's" Canadian Repre sen ta t ire MONTREAL...
...The Martin organization is certainly much the weaker of the two, but it has enough members to prevent that solidarity in thought and action that is essential to an effective union in such a great industry...
...Emanuel Chapman, secretary of the Catholic organizatfD.,fni?r^&^,f ? pr,5*»°f*y at Fordham University, rejoiced that so many Catholic priests, and laymen V* the movement and #ec»»w* the group planned ty P"**** ^ eight-page p*Pfr views...
...Some, the Green letter declares, "operate, as a side line, dances and benefits, for which they prist hundreds of patroness tickets to sell...
...This comes as a crushing disappointment to many members of both federations and certainly some CIO officials, who want an end of the brothers' war that is playing into the hands of the most rangerous reactionary forces in American life since the Civil War...
...John A. Ryan, Catholic University...
...APPEARING today in one of our largest newspapers this ad-^™ vertisement is to, me, in a sense, symbolic of conditions prevailing in the United States...
...The Garment Workers have a "closed shop" contract with this particular employer...
...I» "Trr planter aristocrats believed that Northern society had Sprung free the lower stratum of English society while Southern seciefy ** the offshoot of a "superior" English breed...
...Of these, the "Hermit" and "Karamorf" are two pedtiw representatives...
...Then he will also be able to kiss the dust on the grave of another general by the name of von Schleicher...
...The pride of man...
...This is thr f)^ *" sentence of a poem, in prose by Gorki...
...At last weary it asked the last man who had it to find a little child who would open its heart so that he could be buried within it...
...They were what they miri and they were "proud of it...
...all quite real—this hell on earth, and the defiant i -,n« m presented with grim power, but it is also, at times a est a* striking in its effects, paradoxical and rhetorical...
...Citizenship classes and kindergartens will have to be abolished...
...Professor Craven points out all of this in s TiOVi OW pa risen between slave labor in the Sooth and wage leber • ™ rising factory capitalism of New England...
...1S30-1WL H. *f*f Craven...
...Snch* Intervention is' hinted here in Washington, where it is reported that the President and his advisors are shocked at the attitude of Lewis...
...of literature...
...y JdMfS OWFdl THE development of two civilisations nnder the same rover* ment, each wjth a different economic basis, and the cent «s between them which ended in the American Civil War, is ta* tkoa of three lectures delivered by Avery Craven at the Louisian* Sun University in 1938, now made available in a small' volume.* fj fessor Craven holds tiiat the Old South was far from beinj w "solid" section that motivsted much <)f northern opjjnot...
...I Gorki's tramps, thieves and all his early Lumpen} >*«rsH heroes did not apologize for their existence...
...Those who read Gorki's articles of the last decade of hif» could discover notes of discontent with his surroundings and IP himself, though he kept (or tried to keep) the official "line" After all, he was an old Bolshevik...
...Naturally, the affair has created a tremendous uproar in international trade union circles...
...Gerald B. Winrod, and several preachers who approve Win-rod's anti-Semitic agitation and devotes much space to these and other clerical apostates to democracy...
...Woodrum would" leard" all about the "good food," the famous ersatz consisting of potato peels, margarine and other good things...
...More than that: "The register of American travelers in Germany reads like pages from the Social Register and the Almanac de Gotha . . ' I am not...
...His pride may have ktst satisfied...
...The poem hL been considered of any particular significance among Gort t q^S works, but its first sentence has become' a proverb and a „-yK quoted, somewhat Ironically, by Russians...
...By Elias L. Tartak...
...Assemblyman Moffat, for instance, could visit the "renowned, health spas" (what if the caring waters taste * Utile'M innocent hum'in blood...
...This course is all the more regrettable considering that one imoortaat repression was made ljFfJjfi A", f. of L. representa-tives when the recent peace conference jjrfrurnedl The CTO representatives on May 13 called attention to President Green's statement the day before that the old A. F. of L. unions that ' founded the CIO must return "as tNtJ* w«re when they Were suspended...
...Jtr R tru two social orders developed and expanded westwTSrif, 4j *^ antagonism between the two" became more and ajste 0^ )iuuneed and each expounded its own virtues in terms of M Iiuukcs, lMjlitics, social order, discipline, culture, morals shd ¦*¦ ttny to the disadvantage of the other...
...It was token on Tuesday by the Premier, himself, in his cap§city of attorney general...
...Many Unions Affected However, the premier has prevented these workers from bringing their cases into court, although the law states no discrimination against a worker on such grounds will be tolerated...
...His Wed* like to talk again, like Milton's" heroes in hell...
...The South with its ruling class resting on broad seres Eg slave labor produced the gentleman ideal of rural society, pr» men who regarded mercantile, commercial and industrial Pcc|8t tions as vulgar and as evidence of inferior breeding...
...Thomas Mann, who...
...Some time ago the premier served notice that he contemplated proceedings against a trade anion leader and it was generally understood that Shane was the man he had in mind...

Vol. 22 • June 1939 • No. 25

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