Bund Lines Up U.S. Indians Against Jews

Bund Lines Up U.S. Indians Against Jews N.A.M. Revealed Behind Stated War on Unions J0s, FacingDefeat in China %$ek tof Win Face' in Tientsin By JAMES ONE At Eve- is in the past ten days...

...Isador Lubin, the U. S. Department of Labor's statistical wizard...
...attempt of Lieutenant-Governor Ellis E. Patterson to speak to 1,500 migrant families and small farmers at a rally called by Labor's N" on-Partisan League...
...fate revered Socialist feeder...
...Smith ear now be considered dangerous because of hit backing by-William Randolph Hearst, who a.-., given hhn the funds and carte blanche tc attack Roosevelt and prevent a tided New...
...All this information appeared in the Detroit Free Press of March 2D, 1833 and is being widely publicized today...
...The petitions which were being circulated in England, are no longer being distributed, following Sir Stafford Cripp's statement that the Popular Front was not practicable...
...Congressional big guns, especially those who knifed Roosevelt from within his own party are rumbling over being put on the spot by the tidal wave of third term sentiment...
...So reminiscent were these and other point* in toe NAM anti-union program, it becomes obvious that the organization has for some two years been the pivotal point of" the centralised national attack, in state legislatures, on progressive, social, labor and industrial laws which sprang up in the early days of the New Deal...
...SIR STAFFORD GRIFFS WINDS UF FOFULAR FRONT After a severe defeat at the national congress of the British Labor Party, and after meeting a markedly unfavorable reaction at the hands of the English public, Sir Stafford Cripps' announced this week that he was winding up his campaign for a Popular Front...
...Many of she Social Justice sslacmen are now picketing Congressman Sat Ftootr i residence because of the representatives' position on neutrality...
...None of them wants a showdown now...
...Father Francis Talbot, SJ-, editor of the Catholic magazine, America...
...Further evidence that Coughlin'sIrk* CatW . UcJafcower* doa'^pina te eonaue thatr sctivi-ties to hawking Suaiai Justice te dewish 4m-tions of the city was revealed titin «s*ej( «%¦» Irish eyes slugged black as member* of ths Christian front hiwaded an Americas Labor Party meeting at Willis Avenue and 13S Street, in the Lower Bronx,—a section which is almost solidly Irish...
...Meantime popular sentiment against Japan in this country has increased in recent months...
...of a, 'new order' in the East...
...Complete paralysis of union organization and negation of the spirit of the National Labor Relations Act would obtain it the NAM proposals were to gain wide suppeet in Cn nap em There would occur on a national scale what has resulted in the G.O.P.-dominatedT|ise^latnies of Wisconsin, Michigan, New York, Minnesota and Pennsylvania...
...The American Labor Party will name Ha own candidates for every political office...
...In Europe it is feared that Danzig Nazis, encouraged by the unspeakable German Propaganda Minister Goebbels, whose speeches at the Danzig "culture festival" were hailed hist week, are likely to defy Poland while the pot boils in Tientsin...
...Bund and" the American Indian to combat Chukh-naugan—the Jew...
...Lewis Mumford, author of "Men Must Act...
...Eduard Heimann, professor in the New School of Social Research...
...The attitude i« Jap militarists is deliberately pro-teifqey...
...The radio priest's supporters are mostly young.Irish Catholic...
...Jerry Voorhis, fighting California Congressman who is forcing the Dies Committee to investigate America's fascists...
...were the highlight* of the weeks' news as ajnerinan fascists hit their stride in a running attack on President Roosevelt and the New Deal...
...Labor Party Ratty By VINCtNT JtOtfftS * A Bund leader became an Indian chief, a New York City American Labor Party rally was raided by local fascists, two powerful anti-New Deal fuehrers joined forces, radio stations wer* picketed and the Jews blamed for the plight of the "vanishing American,"—these...
...Kansas City, Missouri...
...Senator Smathers, who has been under fire far opposing the Wagner child immigration bill, revealed that the New Jersey delegation to the 1940 convention would be pledged to the renomination of President Roosevelt...
...Little is known by the general public about the NAM, so successfully bar its publicity man covered the fact that the Association represents seme 7,500 manufacturers, owning binwms e* doHavu wwa^of-fanki^ 000 men and women, 8s renter of standing committees reads like the social register of American production...
...Local and central committees which were conducting it are to be disbanded...
...Under the Farmer-Labor administration, negotiations would be held often 60 to 90%days before a strike would be called...
...Was All Foreseen _ In native regalia, feathers and all, Chief Red Cloud figures it this way: Since the German government .has adopted the Indian swastika and raised arm salute, the German storm-trooper is merely a brown version of the red Indian...
...A Gallup pell revealed that whereas 47 per cent of the people consulted in 1937 supported China, this percentage has now increased to 74...
...Three Senators — Guffey of Pennsylvania, Smathers of New Jersey and Hughes of Delaware—pledged their support to a third term...
...This is ia contrast with the policy adopted in 193* when it supported President Roosevelt and Oovernor Lehman, in 1987 when it supported the LaGuardia ticket, aad in 1988 whoa >t supported the Lehman ticket...
...A. E. Towner, lawyer «f Portland, Oregon, is stumping the Northwest spouting this tripe...
...How can a "poor* priest draw, more than $40,000 in one day from ate private bank account—and where do' 380.000 a' day doeosite come from...
...Henry Smith Lei per, secretary of the Federated Council of Churches...
...Quotes are not mine...
...Service* will he held In fee Hlllauii Grove...
...But petulant and reactionary 4> Senator Rush D. Holt, mortal enemy of the New Deal, is set to introduce his "no third term resolution" and demand a roll call vote...
...But perhaps Jhe most fantastic news of the entire American fascist movement which has ever broken is this week's information that the notorious Fascist Indian "Chief" Red Cloud of the Siletz Indian Tribe has made West Coast Bundfuhrer Schwinn a tribal chieftain, and has worked out a story making the Jews responsible for the fate of the American Indian...
...will make every effort te increase the Labor d slags ttoe in the City Council of New York...
...The narrow margin of a 31-35 vote beat a proposal to disfranchise migrant families in the state less than three years...
...This came after protest fiPt -Japanese bombing of American mis-HH China and blocking the admission of Spit to the foreign area of Amoy...
...What about Cous-alan's steek market deals In Packard Voter Car aad Xnlesy Wheel stock...
...Hughes said that the trend in Delaware, despite duPont influence was for renomination of FDR...
...Gerhart Seger, former Reichstag Deputy, who escaped from a German concentration camp...
...Moreover, eleven fc%uL/*Mto°ym *" 80011 ^ prOCeed to BrfM the two European fascist pow-2t^^%** by « conference of 60 British Et7=^$**wV air, and naval defense of-Singapore while Commander Yarnell g*5...
...The Minnesota State Federation of Labor paints out that under the Stassen law, Unions must notify the employer of intention to call a strike...
...Reverend L. M. Birkhead, outstanding authority on American fascism, who will accompany his talk with an exhibition of U. S. fascist literature—the first exhibit of its kind...
...within—the free nations, win be sharply probed here during the next few days by General Hugh Johnson, Scripps-Howard columnist...
...Recently the Associated Farmers warned Governor Olson that rioting would accompany any...
...It will concentrate on building sad strengthening the party te prepare for the 1940 piiilasntlil election where it will throw its support to a New Deal pridliiiHel candidate...
...Burke is trying to get the Senate Judiciary Committee to vote favorably on his proposed amendment to the Constitution limiting future presidents to one term of six years...
...It east center it* energies on the reelection of it* present Councilmen and...
...This will break the issue wide open forcing (New Dealers to defend a third term and perhaps a presidential commitment...
...From its skyscraper central office at 11 West 42 Street in Manhattan has come the notorious Rand Mohawk Valley plan to smash strikes, and the blueprints for the identical anti-labor bills which flooded the legislature of 22 states from Oregon to Pennsylvania...
...Essy, says the chief—just forrn^a united fronjLbf .the...
...Came the day of the meeting—the first open gathering of working men and women ever called in the Imperial Valley—and the crowd had to walk through a gamut pf hostile armed deputies and Associated Farmers ,goon squad* The meeting was held peacefully while the bet California sun glinted...
...Matthew Woll, vice-president of the A. F. of L., and Dr...
...Lettuce, melons, alfalfa and peas look pretty in your summer salad—and bring millions of dollars into the net profit columns of the Imperial Valley corporate farmers, who for years have smashed their way towards a dictatorship, over a section of this country, which makes the late Huey Long and Jersey City Hague look as amateurish as a flock of summer stock companies...
...Detroit and Atlanta, Ga., appear'te be vying for first place as host to oat end net fascist leaders...
...j|y toe explosives in Bohemia, Moravia, P** *nd other parts of Europe that may gto the final showdown between the fascist **nti-fas«ist' powers are also planted 'in and it is no accident that German and r*« aa~:»ls met OB Lake Constance op to discuss the combined action of the gjP Italian fleets in the event of war...
...This *«i i.k make Britain a partner on the •ere end o| the Axis, with Rome and Berlin Iptotter end...
...And what's more, the Indians should hate the Jews anyway...
...Most of those attacked by the Coughliaito-Christiaa front squads were Irish members Of the 1st Assembly District dab of the ALP ' It took a large force of policemen about half an hour to clear the street of the riot precipitated by the milk-bottle throwing Cou«k-linites...
...IBs was ijjfHhj* Frrtrfr that she must belt* sr...
...Red Cloud then applies the made-to-ordcr Indian legend to modern times—and figures it out to mean that "the despotic rule or New Deal Jewmocracy will have to go...
...Joseph Hanc...
...Jackson, speaking before, some business clubs denied that FDR had had two terms on the grounds thai "the first term had been canceled by the courts...
...Their picket line across the entrance to WMCA and WINS has dwindles to some 360 men and women...
...Chief Red Cloud, Bund organizer extraordinary' in Indian territory, now sees no way out of the American depression and the Indians' impoverished conditions—but.„to wipe out the Jews...
...Every conceivable angle of Fascism's threat to modern democracy's institutions, and the totalitari suites' wide offensives against—and Alexander Kafcs, fvaeraf masea»r of tie Jewish Dolly Forward, will fee Me principal spOofier at the annuel mmmtul services tor Morris HllJqer...
...Tie two ends of the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo KrU'tHh...
...Didn't the great God Wa-ta-tonka prophesy some 1,000 years ago that a great white race would come to this continent, accompanied by a purely destructive element, expressed by the Indian word "Chukh-naugan or in plain English, the Jew...
...In Minnesota Associated-Farmers-supported GOP Governor Stassen has admitted that in the first 30 days of the administration of his pet Labor Act, no less than 62 strikes had broken out—an all-time record for the state which had been Farmer-Labor until the 1938 elections...
...Eugene Lyons, editor of the American Mercury, and former director— for six years—of the United Press bureau in Moscow, where he was, an eye witness of the red totalitarianism in action, so vividly described in his "Assignment in Utopia...
...jf China or be starved out...
...These bills, when passed in such States as Minnesota and Wisconsin where militant organised labor won't take anti-strike-legislation sitting down, have created mere loss from industrial disputes than have any other recent laws...
...Wallace stated that the only issue in 1940 was the election'of Roosevelt and the continuance of New Deal principles...
...Thomas Kennedy, secretary-treasurer of the United Mine Workers...
...However, it Is now a part of the set-.- and yielding to the Jap military "¦¦tod wc aid be a blow to China's resistance * tar wc-enemy aad strengthen Japan's **$terian iUies, in Europe who are rejoicing stru(BJe" in Tientsin, ^m militarists .counted en American neu-J% » this struggle as American "interests" *9tat are small but the United States has jMstered its pretest against the Japanese jgjh of Tientsin...
...Nazis 0#*r Asia to Japan The unknown factor in this alignment of world forces into two camps is Hitler himself...
...And how will this "Jewmocracy" go, ask the Indian braves who gather regularly throughout the northwest to hear Red Cloud...
...v The dogma of "blood brotherhood" survives in this volume but since the conquest of Czechoslovakia the new dogma of "living room" has replaced it in Nazi conquest policy...
...Is it any more fantastic than Streicher's Stunner, qr Goebbels' Be-obachter ? AMERICAN LABOR FMRTY DROPS CO A UTIOH FOLIC Y Announcing that the American Labor Parte is abandoning its coalition policy, the State la-ecutive Committee this week jsSlaiit that it favors independent nominations for all oftVet and an educational drive te prepare the membership for the important 1940 political fight "The American Labor Party," said the ALP statement, "win be independent in 1989...
...The Tamiment Conference is the leading labor forum of the country...
...Tomiment Opens Parley on Totalitarianism Special to The New Leader CAMP TAMIMENT, Pa.—The moat pertinent ' problem contemporary civilization is facing—totsJitarianisre'* challenge to the sotionally famous rustic jwaatj by the country's leading newspapermen, eolumnists...
...The assembly has passed a bill that would virtually ban miner political parties...
...The explosion leading to the final struggle with the Axis gangsters may occur in Danzig or Tientsin, or it may be some surprise move by Hitler in southern Europe while his opponents are looking elsewhere...
...Addresses will also he delivered by John T. Flynn, prominent magazine writer and financial expert...
...4 > Other speakers will include Algernon Lee, president of the Rand School...
...Slowly the political forces for 1940 are lining up...
...NpaW Would Hit China it a gsJa anti-climax to the period when **m» Powers in the mat century imposed **«w:!>Ri '»and "spheres .of influence" on...
...Wa-ta-tonka foresaw the plundering and subjugation of the Indian race by the Chuk-nau-gan, but he" had also foreseen the end of this degrading period in his people's history by the complete annihilation of the destroying element...
...Questions are being ashed ledloa Fascist «letes Sees...
...Launched five years ago, when the trade union world was invited by camp officials to use Tamiment each year as the scene for round-tabie discussions of pertinent problems, the Conic sent* has broadened out to include discussions of world topics...
...The Louiiana reverend is a member of t|t Silver Shirts and there is evidence of the fact in the files of the Friends of Dawi racy ir...
...It was learned that Reverend Kerala K Smith, former Huey Long lieutenant ha* set up headquarters in the sate eity, contacted Father Coughlin on anti-administiwtiolf tactics, and is now broadcasting attacks on the AFL and CIO every Sunday night over Letrott'i most powerfuid radio station...
...There is little doubt that the reason why the Roosevelt Administration wants quick action on neutrality legislation is knowledge that the three partners of the Axis are agreed on one or more raids this summer...
...Behind Burke are Congressmen Bruce Barton, advertising mogul, the Gannett press which this week urged President Roosevelt to resign, and the Hearst forces which are paying Reverend Gerald K. Smith's bill...
...Rabbi Edward Isreal of Baltimore, and Dr...
...Both stations are being picketed dor dropping the Coughlin broadcasts when he refused to submit his scripts la advance...
...This ten-day warning gives tite factory owners a chance to get scabs—which rssuits hi union's being forced to call the strike, instead of using it as a weapon in bargaining...
...Quotes are Red Cloud's...
...In issuing the statement null fsissjaij Bos* declared (hat the new policy would be rwsoro-mended to the party membership...
...cooperated too often for as to think «" «ptt in Tientsin as unrelated to Hitler's NMnajoiinfa plans in Europe...
...During the week Solicitor General Bob Jackson and Secretary of Agriculture Henry Wallace, the former in Washington and the latter in Wisconsin, continued to whip up sentiment for another Roosevelt administration...
...But the,GOP and the "Farmers" have succeeded in slashing the Department of Industrial Relations appropriation by $350,000, seriously crippling the administration of safety laws...
...Mojorivy Rale Abolished . Its proposals would rewrite the preamble of the Wagner Act, revise definatioms of labor disputes, institute employer petitions far NLRJt elections, and eliminate toe majority rule provision...
...political and labor leaders, educators, authors, a prominent Catholic priest, and a well-known rabbi...
...gfgtary cooperation is already recorded in ^•fe-ljejaa military pact...
...if they vote for a third term they're backing the New Deal . . . which is an anathema to them...
...accomplice of Japan' in the complete "totaticr...
...Additional exposes of the Imperial Valley Corporate Farmers' dictatorship will appear in subsequent editions of The New Leader...
...No one knows at any time what is in the mind of the anthqr Mein Kampf, that queer compound of pseudo-history, quack science, and racial doctrines that have no basis in the secisl sciences...
...Hearst, Burke Open War on FDR Third Term By BtfWARD LORING WASHINGTON, D. C—Not all the shooting in Washington is a result of the fight over relief, taxes and neutrality...
...There's little doubt that the opposition te Coughlin within the Protestant aad CatbatJe churches is growing rapidly as the anti-sSsBt-tism in Social Justice grows mors obvious and insulting...
...How about his silver purchases aad manipulations * There are charges that rtnnetlf to the Coughlinites Raid ALP (Continued from Page One) Shrine of the Little Flower were used fer stock purchases...
...Burke knows that his proposition wont paaa the Senate but will serve to bring the discussion out in the open if the Holt moves fails...
...If they vote against a third term—as they would very much like to do — they cut off Roosevelt support, which is still the vote getting power...
...At the same time our abominable "neutrality" in the world struggle against barbarism is revealed in figures of Japan's imports of American scrap Won and steel which show that these imports increased from 500,000 tons in 1938 to 1,301,901 in 1938...
...Each hit a new note to feel opt public reaction...
...There are jfrhctetetee copies of his Stiver Shirt record, including the number of Ids card...
...Threaten fa Smash Meeting Gun-in-holster days aren't quite gone from Southern California...
...It wH not exchange support of rswrtinates for puhHe office with any other political party...
...Beside wanting the complete revision of the labor act, the NAM has bid far limitation on the right to strike...
...Negroes and Mexicans are shot down for merely talking to a union organizer...
...Revealed Behind Stated War on Unions J0s, FacingDefeat in China %$ek tof Win Face' in Tientsin By JAMES ONE At Eve- is in the past ten days indicate that in world affairs the "recess" since f^Kbe-SiOvakia was butchered by the Nazis is at air end and' that another "big mwrn*' by the fascist powers is due with the cooperation of Japan...
...barton, Gannett...
...Fernando De Lais Rios, former Spanish ambassador to the United States, who fought Franco's- agents here for two years...
...t From the reaction to his talks, it hi surmised that he is drawing a wide audience—in* same people whs, antagonised by latin *¦ Internsahse war, voted Frank Murphy out of offkt Always considered a trsrtpjf.1 trying to cash in on Huey Long's reputation...
...SspBBisg with a demand for the surrender °< ftcr fd Chinese "terrorists," countered •f ¦ British offer to arbitrate, the militarists spafiied tiseir demands to an insistence on *fcSj*a cooperation with Japan in the con-•ntfei...
...The Conference, which runs to June 25...
...since many a Congressman—especially in the upper house—may seek to line up in 1940 as a running mate of Franklin D_ Roosevelt...
...f lining np against the New Dealers is a powerful combination lead in the Senate by the Senator from Nebraska, Edward R. Burke, who praised German National Socialism and Adolf Hitler when he (Burke) returned from Europe last year...
...Waldnwm, Lee, Blrkbead to Speak ' Lous Waldman, prominent labor attorney, now leading the fight to free Fred Beat from a 20-year term in North Carolina, will be Conference chairman...
...The Japanese arrogance in Tientsin and other Chinese centers may mean a last act of desperation folmwing a number of setbacks in the war against China...
...Japan's gold reserve is fast vanishing, the cost of living is rising rapidly and outstripping wages, many commodities are rationed, imports are being restricted for lack of funds to purchase them, and the Japanese people are compelled to tighten their belts far the third year of a war which the military clique promised would end with a victory in six months...
...y^teatic"Fleet arrived in Tientsin jS?* tn« British-Japanese dispute ;7^-ill"?le4*> where he conferred with the British Consul General and visited the British Army headquarters...
...is the most searching examination of dictatorship's threat and practices which has ever been made by so varied a group of men which has gained experience through first-hand contact with their .fields...
...x |gesmgton, knows that the text of the Hitler Mein Kampf, points to German Nazi of ill Europe while Asia is intended !|M**cial property of the Japs...
...Concomitantly isolation, collective security, propaganda-, and anti-fascist tactics will be discussed during the series of symposia...
...former Czech consul...
...The general run of Democrats will soon find themselves in a highly undesirable position...
...Does this, sound fantastic ? It may, but Chief Red Cloud, alias Mr...
...It forecasts German Nazis as a "superior" race ruling all other nationalities throughout Europe, while the Japanese are conceded all Asians their anee of domination...
...The docisten will undoubtedly satisfy the members as quite old policy...
...Manufacturers Push Driv% Jo Ban Closed Shop By VICTOR ftifSJL Despite tile findings of the National Labor Board's chief economist which revealed that the board had saved employers and employees some 183,400,000 during 1938 by amicably settling industrial disputes, the National .Association of Manufacturers this week - launched a new drive to force Congress to declare the closed shop and the check-off system illegal...
...In California, home of the migrant farmers, the Associated Farmers vigilantism, the Imperial valley dictatorship of fruit growers, and the Bank of America, Governor Olson is the barrier against assaults on labor in the state legislature...
...Coughlinites Raid N.Y...
...The Jap mffitsrists in North China who wanted an outright military alliance with Germany mkMy, have thrust the Tokyo cabinet aside and challenged Britain and France by iiaek&n fetfir concessions in Tientsin while the Bntek u<a French watch warily for some sur-arikt mm by" Hitler in Europe...

Vol. 22 • June 1939 • No. 25

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