Fascists to Use Worlds Fair as Propaganda Center

Fascists to Use Worlds Fair as Propaganda Center Read! b Spend Millions ft Cain tod Mtti if tt. $. Spanish Loyalist* and Chinese Hesitate to Plan Exhibit on Same Grounds With Fascist In...

...Farmer-Laborites ^Minnesota Face ITIIIIIIV9VU...
...We are not certain but there is reason for believing that he has...
...Exposure, obviously of essential importance to Ute labor movement, could be achieved only with difficulty if the charge were thrown as a bombshell ia the midst ef some heated disease*** 8f the war eaettfoa...
...are workers interested in building strong unions that will contribute to their material welfare while the party "liners" of all stripes use the union to fight out their theoretical differences and to control the union for their respective party purposes...
...potential weight in the determination of foreign ilicy is well-known to those Who lived through the last ar or Who have read history...
...But what puzzles us is the bill of hearth Stetberg gives to the Lovestoneites . He certainly knows that the Lovestoneites Were the first organised Communists to get a foothold m the old Socialist Party and there they did What the Stalin Communists do m f the unions...
...When in a minority and seeking control they are hot for "rank and file democracy...
...To be sure, the Lovestoneites were liter edged ont ef the picture when Norman Thomas and his faction opened the door to the Trotskyites and the wrecking begun by the former was finished by the tatter...
...He rent to Soviet Russia, skipping ail oh Which he had been at liforty pending review of his case by He North Carolina Supreme Court r-hich subsequently affirmed his onviction...
...Woldman Counsel In a statement, Mr...
...Qr corregftinations . . The incident et^nem Council realty ig fin officials light not soon disfnust watch its to be betterpionage lot...
...They took the view t h a t while the s t a t e could not constitutionally go into the utility field itself, it could appropriate money to a private * a rm of the government for "educational work...
...By RICHARD LLOYD Special to The New Leader MILWAUKEE, Wis.—Progressive and labor forces of this state prepared a new fight for public ownership of utilities and other vital public functions, despite a setback dealt by the State Supreme ; Court when it outlawed the Wisconsin "Little TV A." Overriding the will of the people, the high court last week threw out as "unconstitutional" the Wisconsin Development Authority, known as the "Little TVA" and as the WD A, set up by the last legislature" •* to provide effective promotion for public ownership of utilities...
...And on January 17th, the House Navy Committee heard a plea for a $6,000 appropriation to buy spy-proof jocks for Navy document vaults...
...One reason is that neither the Soviet Government nor the United State*, government has been making relevant facte avertable...
...mentioned by Stolberg as ¦ assistant to President Martin of the Automobile Workers, played the Lovestone role in the Socialist Party...
...Throughout the series he expressed a Cynical eo4rtorhpt for F. of L. tlhioha which certainly will nbt contribute to the peat* that is so essential to the Labor Movement today...
...Since the conviction of Beal in 1929 there has been a new social awakening in the industrial sections oT t h e South, ih which the S t a t e of North Carolina h a s taken the lead," Mr...
...W8dd"Ward, Alfred M. Bingham, Norni?n Thomas, J o h n Chamberlain, Eugene Lyons, Harry Weinberger, M. R. Werner and o t h e r s . The defense committee Will be represented b y LOUM W??dman, tabor attorney and member of t he S t a t e Exeehtrv...
...LACK OF FACTS A REAL MENACE t ET us suppose, for example, that the Soviet Government makes out some kind'of a case that these people were Japanese spies working in the United States under Trotsky's orders...
...Millions of dollars will he spent By J?S various totalitarian governments to sing the praises of fascism...
...Some"Progressive Party leaders, notably William T. Evjue, editor of The Madison Capital Times, La Follette newspaper, started agitation for a direct assault on the Supreme Court as a bulwark of special privilege, and for militant activity by Progressives in the fcuture in backing genuinely liberal candidates for Supreme Court seats...
...The legislat u r e , it held, had no r i g h t to a p p r o p r i a t e funds to a private corporation...
...Naval vessels and c planes, which have been used to i drop bombs on helpless Ethiopians ii sad terrified Spanish women and r children, will be sent by Italy to t! the 1939 World's Fair as an aid to t their exhibition...
...SPY-SCARES SERIOUS DANGIR TO PEACE By W. C. HAMBBRS 'HE handling of the Panay incident by the general run 1 of newspapers presented, as one put it, a "challenge 'red-blooded Americans' to stand up and put those Japs their place...
...where Socle...
...He refers again and again to the "line" of the Communist Party in the C.l.O...
...Rejects Stalinism According to a long series of trticles in many publications in his country wriften by Beal, he eft the U.S.SJt...
...The display will e be m charge of Vice-Admiral Guiseppi Cantu, a black-shirt fascist a who played a prominent pert in the t crushing...
...Some thought he was Just S fool...
...j'HE importance to anti-war forces of this question of * spy-scares and government policy in relation to them becomes particularly clear when one examines the sensational mystery of the "Robinson-Rnbens" couple who have been mixed up in a fraudulent process of getting...
...Ttefpite tne theme of the 1939 World's Fair which is described as an attempt "to improve international relations by portraying the interrelations-hip and interdependence 01*4)1 groups and peoples," in reality it will be the battleground between two theories of government, between the much heralded "glories" of fascist regimentation and the underlying advantages of democracy...
...In recent years he has had to satisfy himself with the chairmanship of the State Railroad and Warehouse Commission, an important position, while Benson was doing a good job as governor...
...Beal's counsel, I want to emphasize my disagreement with his political views...
...V_ Then^ cnJJa«uary_VisV' " ~ * •¦' ate bill ightening restrictions onTilK^^ nhg, or* sketching of American military or naval defenses...
...unions and makes public what is fti??wii by those who have followed events...
...The passions that were let loose by the s t r i k e of t h e National Textile Worke r s Union have now subsided and a saner view is being taken by t he public officials of t h e S t a t e toward the problem of employer-employe relationship...
...American passports, and who disappeared from sight in Moscow early in December...
...He waa a product of a theological seminary...
...On the whole this is true...
...The Supreme Court invalidated t h e Development Authority on t h e ground that it was set up as a private corporation...
...Framed by Police Although it was well known that Beal was framed in North Carolina this group, prodded by the Communist party and its publications which have been viciously attacking him, has refused to lend any financial or moral aid to secure his freedom...
...They are Austria, Brazil, . Cabs, Germany, Greece, Hungary, I Italy, Japan end Portugal...
...These "Socialists...
...Out of more Chan sixty nations that have already signed contracts for space at the New York 1?39 World's Fair Exhibit only two, Spain and China, both major powerf ;*havejffeiefred plans for participation, Beth of thtjse nations have sent Word to'Pair officials that they hope to take part bat because of fascist invasions of their territory no cornmhtfeWt ttar be undertaken tt this tlfcfei • Plane are afoot, however, for accepting President RooseHlt's invitation to Loyalist Spain, which will make an effort to present iXt cause %o the world, fcasdsr Nations Represented least nine of the sixty nations that have already accepted are fascist...
...where they control unions they establish despotism...
...In addition to the Boardwalk rolling chairs...
...disgusted with the reatrnent of the Workers there md disillusioned by the iron heel lictatorship...
...Spanish Loyalist* and Chinese Hesitate to Plan Exhibit on Same Grounds With Fascist In vatiers...
...unions Who have np party "line" whatever...
...According to advance information emphasis will be laid upon the progress made in so- 1 rial legislation add cooperatives...
...He always dressed well, appeared to have money - to travel about the country and to publish crackpot Hteratnre W? were unable to "size him up...
...Other Socialists took the view t h a t , under the court's intepretation, public corporations on t he order of the Wisconsin Develop-, ment Authority, if revamped to provide for directors by t h e governor, would still be legal...
...Glenn P. Turner, of Madison, former Socialist and Farmer-Labor Progressive candidate for t h e Supreme Court, urged that a recall movement be s t a r t e d against t he high court justices...
...It was reported that the American publicity given the Robinson case had been received with great Satisfaction by Soviet authorities as a fine ^build-up...
...Considering the series as a whole, one teste like asking whether Ben also has a "line" of his own...
...Henson was a mystery to us...
...Presiait Roosevelt himself set...
...Swedes Emphasizes Co-ops In contrast to these elaborate preparations of the fascist nations are the pans of the Scandinavian W??MW...
...iii the ?tttj»** Howard papers were completed last week and much that h? wrote was known to those who kept informed of the development of the C.I.O...
...Beal, after being sentenced to srve a seventeen to twenty year ;rm for supposedly having parti-' rpated in the killing of Police hief O. F. Aderbolt of Gastonia uring a disturbance arising out of be strike, fled the country...
...Over 258,000 square feet of e space has been reserved by the nine d fascist nations...
...The Communist issue was also involved in the sprit in Minneapolis which gave reactionary Mayor Leach the election last year...
...The malign intrigues of the Stalinists are well known...
...Petersen, while campaigning, has Recused Benson Of alignment with the Communists because of the governor's cooperation with the Committee for Industrial Organization...
...The following revealing comment on resnt developments is from the January 1st issue of the tnservative News Week: "Last week a rapid series of developments caused a mixture spy scare to sweep across, the country...
...Through widespread cooperative systems for buying and selling, through housing legislation and striking results in the endeavor to Better the living conditions of Working people, Sweden has become a leader among nations in the struggle to solve economic difficulties that have arisen since the World War...
...There is, however, a rival theory, recently cited by the New York World-TelepraM...
...Sweden, represented by Martin Kastengren, Consul General in New York, has taken 48,000 square feet of catered and uncovered space for an exhibition that already is fairly complete l? its planning...
...ftfttJOm* TO ATTRACT GAY CROWDS FOR TWO THRILLING WEEK-ENDS ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.—In answer to t h e varied demands from the multitude of visitors, the r e nowned Breakers Hotel on the Boardwalk in A t l a n t i c City, world's l a r g e s t Kosher hotel, reached a point where practically every type of activity can be obtained...
...It goes Without saying that, governments being what ey are, spying is a "normal" activity of state intelllmce services...
...Committee ?f t he Amerie?ii Labor P a r t y , a t the hearing t? b e held in Boston by t h e Attorney General of Massachusetts...
...H? returned to Amerca shortly after and Wrote a book ibout his experience, "Proletarian rourney...
...These Socialists urged a drive for creation of such authorities by the legislature...
...Carlo Tfeseo, Lucy Robins Lang, Heleh...
...Why does Stolberg believe that one "party line" formulated and directed by one Communist leader is all right but the other one ia not* Is it because Ben has become a supporter of the Lovestone "osrtv line...
...When new gubernatorial nominations were discussed Petersen was* dropped for Benson and tie has never forgotten the incident Which prevented his becoming governor...
...It runs as follows: "Informed Washington circles said today it is now believed that the mysterious Donald L. Robinson, Soviet prisoner in Moscow, was a former Soviet secret agent...
...Wisconsin Liberals Renew Fight lor Public Ownership Invalidation by Supreme Court of "Little T.V.A...
...State Executive Cemmfttee, is working as counsel, had difficulty raising Beal's bail because of the rabid antagonism of Communist-sympathizing "intellectuals...
...There is a small section of Socialists also and they serve ?s s kite to the Communist Party "line...
...Wajdman indicated t h a t efforts would h e made to enlist the cooperation of the North Carolina ahthdritiee in a thorough investigation of all t he circumstances surrounding Bears i conviction...
...the Breakers' sun decks, and sun porches, for those seeking rest and relaxation, t he management of this Boardwalk hostelry is also planning a program of gay festivities for t h e t wo thrill-, ing week-ends of Lincoln's and Washington's Birthdays for young and old - Adv...
...Benson argued that to pass the civil service acts would entreneh for years this group which is constantly sniping at the Farmer-Labor administration...
...He maintained the Supreme Court has no power to declare laws passed by the legislature unconstitutional, and t h a t its a t t e m p t to do so in itself violates the s t a t e constitution...
...The man Olson picked was the present Governor Benson...
...PAUL.—A serious split looms in the Firmer-, Labor Party of Minnesota since JSi?lrhar Petersen entered the primaries campaign as a candidate for the governorship ih opposition to Governor Elmer A. Benson...
...Turner at t h e time rolled up a vote of over 200,000...
...Ih addition, there has been for some time "build-up" of a Japanese spy-scare, a phenomenon bos...
...Sts filing for the nomination in the open primaries, cbffl?hg just before the state convention of the party, gives the Republicans a chance to repeat Beth In lhe coming St: Paul election and the statewide poll later on, the victory they secured ih Minneapolis when the party split into two fictions led by Kenneth Haycraft and the late Tom Latimer...
...Arouses Statewide Anger — Recall Movement Pushed...
...This conduct is like their defense of the ruthless dlc?t?fshlp t? Russia while they almost Sob their affection for democracy in Other nations...
...Nor is there necessarily a serious proicfition to war involved in exposing and punishing a reign spy...
...T u r n e r , in t he last 1936 judicial campaign, r an on a pledge that he would declare no law unconstitutional...
...others that he was an agent of the government or some private Organization...
...we may add, are also the followers of Norman Thomas...
...Hence a State of affairs ih which any "solution" of the ease, whether real ot false, might be a bombshell...
...Falling in with the keynote of toe Fair, "Building the World of Tomorrow," the Swedish display wiH reduce purely industrial exhibits to a minimum, with emphasis placed on the progress Sweden has aside in recent years in social legislation...
...On the contrary, tee appears to believe that it is creditable to Henson to be a follower of a Communist leader with a "party line," in this ease Loves tone's "MnS...
...The Washington theory, tt was learned, is that the Robinson arrests are to be followed by a new series of confession trials in Russia...
...The funds would be used by t h e corporation to assist municipalities and power districts in t h e i r moves for governmental ownership of utilities...
...Waldroan said...
...Now Henson turns up in the national office of the Automobile Workers' Union as an assistant and Stolberg informs OS that be is a follower of Lovestone...
...The American public has a right to know the facts and not to be the victims of any kind of ft "buiW-up" at S time When a spy-scare can gravely distort important questions of American policy...
...Developments came rapidly...
...inside the c. I» o.— With Ben Stolberg various cottt?uttisr -unci" Bt&i??Xh STOLJERG'S articles oh ike fci.ti...
...Beal was arrested by the Law¦ence police last week m his brothsir's house and is now out on $10,)00 bail pending an extradition hearing scheduled for February 2. George Roewer, with whom Louis Waldman, prominent labor attorney and member of the^ A.L.P...
...ommittee r ormeo fo Help Fred Beal ;ight Extradition Communists Refuse Aid Despite Injustice of Beal's Conviction—All Political Elements But CP...
...A non-partisan Fred Beal defense unmittee has been announced to •fend the former Communist and mvicted leader of the textile porkers' strike in Gastonia, N. C, i 1929., Beal is now held in Law;nce, Mass., while the state au?orities investigate a demand of ie North Carolina police for his (tradition...
...WaTdmin will be associated with George E. Roewer of Boston, Beafs counsel...
...Just before Olson died he was grooming someone to replace him When he went to the United States Senate...
...In the meantime, the fascists, in . their capacities as official represen- j tatives of their governments, will , have every possible convenience St • their disposal to carry on their , propaganda...
...Lovestone was the adviser of his "plants" hi that party...
...Other totalitarian states are expected...
...PY-SCARE GETS IG "BUILD-UP" LND today a spy scare is being given an accelerated * "bttild-up...
...Civil Service Usee Risse Benson has also been accused of sabotaging civil service legislation because he refused to back several bills which would have given permanent tenure to hundreds of ward-heeler Republicans who have never been weeded oat of the state service...
...This would have repercussions on current controversies ih certain unions, and on arguments concerning the question of ?. S. warships in China, and the.naval appropriations schedule, with reference to which the Trotskyites play no significant role, but the - public attitude to which would certainly be effected by a Japanese spy-scare...
...Rose Wilder Lane...
...They persist in this policy although many of them came to his defense before his articles attacking the Stalin regime 10 Soviet Russia were printed...
...Bat their efforts have been frns- 1 trated by the directors who have ' maintained that such exhibits as proposed by Mayor LaGuardia and the Joint Boycott Council will raise , "controversial issues which must not be allowed to enter...
...In the Southwest, Navy officials abated plans to ban airplane flights over a barren stretch long the California coast south of San Diego . . . (In an Diego harbor) blue-jacWs began halting all suspious-looking vessels in aslt's Busi-?erret out and elimiate foreign-owned boJJc demands «4hose field by J?p- " aese . . . The ^eekjjiikiltty," and difc customs agentsescending on Japa.___ . tr_ i i been \bout - to clear -om Los Angeles l~Zr \- c is also ft the ship's apers the guards r?2*™ foT comrades^ of letnrs, consigned to ^*«"OU»_terms...
...As vet, the plans of , the various fascist governments have been withheld from even the . Fair officials bat it is known that the* are preparing to spend a sum well over $5,000,000 in order to impress the American public...
...He dismisses the Trotsky Communists as a small sect playing no role in the C.I...
...Of the Loves tone Communists, he declares that they are influential in the Atttomobfle Workers' Union and some unions in the needle trades but, WBile he is contemptuous of the A. F. of L. and jaatinablj* bitter against tie Stalin Coriraiunists he is kindly to the Lovestoneites and even declares that Lovestone "is an able and realistic trade union adviser...
...On the other hand, tat us for a moment suppose that such » case made by Moscow were in reality the result of another Soviet frame-up, in which the "RobinsonRubens" were tools...
...Some protection against this alternative could be derived from a government policy ef making available to the public immediately all established facts concerning the "Robinson-Rubens" couple and their activities and connections...
...What really caused the split happened several years ago...
...PMertoA Aee.ied ef Sabotage The groups in the Farmer-Labor Party which form the backbone of Benson's control of the party accuse Petersen of permitting his own personal ambitions to replace his regard for the success of the organisation...
...this is especially true of the activities of Communists to obtain control Of C.l.O...
...Formation of the committee for his defense on t h e ground that be hall not received a fair trial in North Carolina s w a s announced early this week...
...When Olson died suddenly Petersen, who was at the time lieutenant governor, became chief executive, a position he held for several months until the term expired...
...Stolberg does not appear to think that this has any importance...
...The press has spread the impression that they are spies, who have been working for somebody or other, somewhere or other...
...Rejaew Fight ©* High Court Dismayed and angered by this action, social-minded groups began mapping ways and means to overcome the effect of the decision on progressive efforts at social control of industrial abuses...
...Special to The New Leader ST...
...Moreover, in 1935, Benson was editor of the "Revolutionary Socialist," a monthly magazine, and Ute that year his group published a program in it calling for the organization of workers councils and armed Insurrection te establish a dictatorship of the proletariat...
...off the first spark . . . the rowing tension between the United States and Japan wised interest to settle at once on Tokyo's espionage /stem...
...According to one theory, Leon Trotsky is "an agent of the Japanese Mikado," organizing in Mexico and the United States both pro-Japanese defeatist propaganda and spying, and the Soviet organ, Izvestia, is quoted as saying that "somehow American Trotskyites are involved" in the "Robinson-Rubens" affair...
...I Qvv New Split Threat Peterson Carries fight Against Governor Benson Into Open Primaries— serious career, on «¦try Seen...
...Ren is a free lancer having no responsibility for any movement ?n8 apparently wrote With that freedom that contes wffch rrtegponfmtf...
...The exposure of spying activities is lik,e the firing of percussion cap...
...The "somebody" and "somewhere" are the subjects not so much of discussion as Of dark hints and counter-hints...
...Members of t h e defense ceihmittee include Sidney Howard, John Haynes Holmes, Abraham Cah?n...
...The dynamite, of course, is a nse sta?e-of international relations such as prevails toty in Japan and the United States...
...In any event, Henson did work within the Old Socialist Party which might well have been done by some spy' or by one under the orders of some Communist leader...
...But they do not control the Martin administration...
...Progressives had deliberately established the a u t h o r i t y as a private, non-stock, non-profit corporation, with f a rm and labor leaders of t h e s t a t e as t h e incororators, so as to overcome the present constitutional ban on t h e s t a t e directly a p p r o p r i a t i n g funds for "internal improvements...
...Major objects of the new trials would have been an attack upon foreign Trotskyist movements and) a spy-scare against Japan...
...It can hardly be doubted that there are ipanese spies abroad, and one can not reasonably expect ie American government to fail to attempt to root out reign agents...
...c No Chamber of Horrors ( . An attempt has been made by ^ the various anti-fascist organizations to offset this fascist barrage, j which ia about to descend upon America, by establishing a Cham- j her of Horrors at tile World's Fair...
...Representea on wommitiee...
...He adds that President Homer Martin's assistants, Francis ?. Henson and William Munger, managing editor of the "United Automobile Worker," "are political followers of Lovestone...
...There Is a loud bang . . . but unless e cap goes off in close proximity to stick of dynamite, > serious damage results...
...of liberty in Italy...
...What are the facts* Strangely enough, the newspapers, while printing all sorts of rumors, present almost no evidence supporting either of the theories most discussed in their columns...
...Democrats are in control...
...J. Parnell homas of New Jersey proclaimed that Japanese Naval eservists abroad 'fishing boats' were charting Panama anal fortifications...
...A LOVtSTONUtt 'fiUZZLt f\F course, there is the vast body of members in the C.I-0...
...rri aceepihig to serve ?s Mr...

Vol. 21 • January 1938 • No. 5

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