Quiz of Milton in Senate Shakes Hague Dictatorship
Quiz of Milton in Senate Shakes Hague Dictatorship Labor Prepared Te Wage Strong Fight en Stooge Carl Holderman and Eli Oliver of Labor'» Nonpartisan League Lead Battle in Washington...
...According to latest reports tiie party will have a full list of candidates for all offices, both statewide and local, composed of American Labor Party nominees...
...By pre-arrangement, Milton was allowed to take his oath and Ms - seat without prejudica to the charges filed against him...
...One page is devoted to a striking cartoon bearing the caption "I Am the Law...
...And * billion is so little for the merchants of death that powerful lobbies are at work to increase even that enormous sum...
...M*?f*OUS TALK tt0VERING over the New Deal while it attempts to cope with what Is we are euphemistically referring to as a recession are rumors, reports, resolutions and the slow piecing together of a movement to push Prtnklin D. Roosevelt into the fight for a third term...
...has been operating underground hi this country, the labor movement should know it...
...A pamphlet published by the British Railway Stockholders' Union declares that nationalization cannot be postponed longer than five years and the official organ of the National Union of Railwaymen has declared that "a national coordinated, publiclyowned, and efficiently administered transport system is a social necessity...
...over into the water with Mayor Hague occupying the pedest a l Hague i s shewn, an exultant " shrhVk Oft his face, holding aloft a short three-lash whip, a symbol of hra Simon Legree views...
...What will happen when they can go back no further is a question vhi* is being solved on the frozen Aragon front in war-torn Spain...
...Quiz of Milton in Senate Shakes Hague Dictatorship Labor Prepared Te Wage Strong Fight en Stooge Carl Holderman and Eli Oliver of Labor'» Nonpartisan League Lead Battle in Washington as Front for Jersey City's Mayor Is Seated...
...I t is a m a t t e r of profound satisfaction that the t a s k h a s fallen to Labor...
...Evading Child Leber Issae Led by Nat...
...After the talk, tea will.be served snd there will be a h ? e s t i p n and discusgabn period...
...It's true that the international turmoil and fascist aggression can only be stopped by a determined stand of the democratic nations to avoid within their own borders what is happening in Spain or what a?ght have happened in France had the Hooded Order not been exposed...
...In sp*te~of all tiie care that could be exercised, this injunction cost several thousand workers' jobs in the last year...
...was ready to begin its drive to secure cooperation of upstate farmers and strengthen the party organization, preparatory to the gubernatorial fight, in every city and town...
...And this regardless of Ambassador Troyanovsky...
...swung into action Commonwealth's net income in 1933 was a little over $8,000,000, a 1»** ft went nD to lightly °ver 112,000,000 and in 1837 it jumped te approximately $16,000,000...
...Goering Wars On Nazi Extremists As Policy Shifts International Economic Boycott Causes Rift Among Nazi Leaders — Goebbels Reported Fighting for Life LONDON...
...support hext November Or frostier* o« Uettaf* Alex Rose, Speaking St s firmer held in Albany to mark the initiation of the upstate organ ltatfoh drive, which will be conducted seder h t s personal supervision, clarified lhe A.L.P...
...Amendment »jn*d . Benjamin Brenner and Frank Monaco, b o t h A L P aasenobtym?n from Brooklyn, assailed t he p a r t i e s for sabotaging the efforts to keep young children from .beast sweated...
...By the time the message reaches Congress the scramble for steel, munition, tanks, planes and warship contracts will have started...
...Thus far t h e t o t a l i t a r i a n i sm has been held in check by t h e f a c t t h a t two r e a c t i o n a r y and corrupt machines have fought over t h e spoils...
...Wage Policy As for the wage policy of the administration, it will be welcomed by workers throughout tbe country...
...If the G.P.U...
...Workers feared that the President would yield to the enormous pressure of big capital and his decision brought a sense of relief to labor chiefs in both the A. F. of L. and C. I. O. camps...
...Courts Settle Fewer Issae The power situation readied its present phase when three Federal judges in the Middle District of Tennessee upheld the TVA and the government's right to make loans or allotments to municipalities...
...League Files Charges A committee headed by Senator George of Georgia will bear the charges and protest of Labor's Non-Partisan League, and if it finds sufficient merit in the facta therein alleged, Milton's appointment by Governor Moore of New Jersey will be referred to tbe Committee on Privileges and Elections, where another hearing will be held...
...Despite Mr...
...And that is where be is in an uncomfortable spot For be cannot brush tbe charges aside with a feeble wisecrack, nor will he be able to call a mass meeting to denounce oil those who make tbe charges as "net," He will, of course, be able to declare that a charge that elections in bis city are stolen and that the civil r i g h t s of working people a r e brut a l ly denied a r i s e s from t h e animus of " r e d s " who a r e so low t h a t they j u s t don't like F r a n k Hague...
...Mainly, he ia a practicing lawyer with a practice so lucrative t h a t nothing bat Hague's friendship can explain it...
...pOR two months the press has carried reports of the arrest by the X Moscow G.P.U...
...The progressive forces throughout the nation are looking to New York State for leadership and both the A. F. of L. and the CJ.O...
...toSeekFarmei Cooperation Upstate Democratic-Republican Vote Defeats Child Labor Amendment—Old Party Hacks Denounced by Labor Party Members...
...thus, tt will require a majority vote to throw him out and send him back to where he came from, not a twothirds vote...
...V" «. Richard Rohman a t Rand School On Tuesday evening, Feb...
...Didn't we know, the Sun asks a bit piqued, that Mr...
...Only Fuehrer Hitler's protection is saving the director of propaganda from the attacks of General Goering and complete oblivion...
...In a summary of the case Judge Florence Allen said: "The government may sell land belonging to the United States in competition with a real estate agency, carry parcels in competition with express companies and manage and control its thousands of square miles of national parks, even as a private company...
...For six weeks *• Moscow authorities have treated the curiosity of the American State Department on this subject with contempt...
...Some endorsements will have to be made, it is said, although few are expected...
...Mere than 160 delegates have received credentials and will dascuss vital problems of aha S J> JF...
...When a reporter aeked him If he had read tbe protest filed against his seating by Labor's Nonpartisan League, Milton's answer was an attempt at what he undoubtedly considers humor: "No spika da IngHs...
...Roosevelt, is 1940, would set a dangerous: precedent and prevent a realignment ef forem behind a naional Labor Party...
...Roosevelt's "New Deal" can be dragged on by a "liberal" who Btes to think himself as a radical...
...ere supporttnf Oar pdslti?h...
...The League," said Holderman, "cannot be expected to endorse a candidate for public office just because he has a union card in his pocket...
...V : Eugene Lyons, well known author of "Assignment in Utopia," a book dealing with his experiences in the,Soviet Union, Will speak on Saturday, January t e t a , a t 2 : t o pC m., before the Rand School Foram...
...k . l<et us have the facts...
...Moffat has tat r e p u t a t i o n of a '"liberal" but w*t willihg t o lend his influence to the side-tracking Of the real isste on child labor-ratification of the amendment Final vote on the resolution was 124 in favor anc 17 a g a i n s t , revealing exactly what could be expected from lhe old patties, both of Which had beenfallisa over themselves in an effort » t r e a t the ?.L.F delegation «-ti courtesy fit ah effort t? secure A.L.P...
...Under constant pressure of Nazi Germany Prague can look only to London and Paris for support—and she finds little to encourage ha there...
...The next presidential term, and the tee after that will produce no better results under the present political fnenp...
...V Newspapers have remarked that in answering Secretary Hull's <t»*sts for information about the fate of Miss Boerger, an American **ti*«n, the Soviet Foreign Office has acted as it usually does toaard Fascist governments...
...If, in the present tense international "tiiation, Moscow is going to "bombshell" us with "confessions" «hat •aybody Stalin likes to call a "Trotskyite" is really a Japanese spy, plenty of trouble can result for the American people...
...THf CZECHS TURN RIGHT POLITICAL eyebrows were raised throughout the country when for* sign news dispatches revealed that the Democratic Czechosiovakian gevernment, still under the aura of Mazaryk, had given de facto recognition to the Franco regime in rebel Spain...
...CITY CONVWrmOH opens this Saturday in IAMB SCHOOL The first city-wide Social Democratic convention atoes 1986 when the Social Democrats dropped the name, People's Party anel eflliatad with the Amerian Labor Party, opens m tbe Rand School on January 29 at 1:30 p. m. Since tbe past presidential campaign tiie S.D.F...
...The committee will call upon tbe League to prove these charges...
...I t has everything, including the vicious system of appointment by t h e Governor of all judges and prosecutors...
...His appearance will mark a high point in the affairs ef the Rand School Forum, a Forum already known for i t s interesting features...
...While the Labor P a r t y is being organized the fight against Hague wffl continue Unabated...
...While the American Labor Party Assembly delegation bucket its first real opposition on the handing of the child labor ban, Alex Rose, State executive secretary of the party, revealed that the A.L.P...
...We do not expect Moscow to give us the truth...
...Yet it's a dangerous business, this talk of a third term for Roosefelt He won't be able to accomplish any vital reforms because the system a against him, as are his party, men in his cabinet and, of course, the hysteria-raising corporation opposition...
...Roosevelt can be a powerful force far piogreea once he's out of the White House, in 1940...
...Behind the Week's Headlines : By VICTOR KIESEL mgBSH Willkie wept hut week that the billion dollar Commonwealth W and Southern Power Corporation had been ruined by the T.VJL, h* forgot that some of us would take our erstwhile brown-derbied friend's advice and look at the record...
...Utility Interests Smashed by Court In TVA jJtigation Road Is Cleared for Public Ownership of Power Plants—President Opposes General Wage Reductions...
...However, the onus falls on the democratic nations in Europe more than upon the Czechs...
...Elia* L. Tarts* will o« chairman...
...WASHINGTON, D. C.—Out of the several weeks of muddle in Washington, complicated by a deadlock in tiie Senate since January 6 because of a filibuster of southern Senators who want no anti-lynching legislation, "No, Suh," came the announcement that the Tennessee Valley Authority will negotiate with the Commonwealth ft Southern to purchase power plants for the cities and the United States, while the President declared firm opposition against wage reductions as a general policy by the owners of industry...
...He feared what his enemies would do while he was sway...
...How did he ever manage to get along ? • • » CfRMS OF WAR 1?Y the time this edition of The New Leader is in your hand, Presi** dent Roosevelt will have sent his special message to Congress, asking for a greatly expanded national defense program, to cost about » billion dollars, which will cover the Navy, the Army, and the aviation forces...
...Himmlsr aad Goaring Fight Goebbels Josef Goebbels, who has often been described as the "maniacal Minister of Propaganda" is fighting for his political life with both General Goering and Rudolf Himmler, head of all the Nazi police, on his trail...
...Nor *> »e like the "special handling" being given to the Federal Grand "°ry on passport rackets in order to keep everything dark...
...Over forty prominent labor men and several others, not members of anions, are listed by the bureau...
...and t h a t Labor is fighting not only for i t s own r i g h t s , b u t f or inherent decency and t h e liberties of all t h e people...
...Task Pells fa Leber When t h e Hague machine cracks t h e danger will begin t o p a s s . When t h e facts of t h e operations of t h at machine a r e known to t h e people of t h a t community, it will begin to crack...
...Week's Editorial MR...
...It pictures the statue of liberty in New York harbor topple...
...2 OS'E day last week our friends on the Republican New York Sun used the good part of an editorial column to ask, "How Much, ?toily, Is a Large Salary...
...In September his tirade at Nuremberg had to be cut off from the radio and revised before it was published...
...delegation forced discussion and a long rollcall on the resolution which the old parties attempted to rush through, which would mem oral ize Congress to pass the Wheeler-Johnson Bill...
...We have no idea who Rubens really is...
...Goering, as Acting Economics Minister without the financial genius ef Schacht, wants every penny of foreign exchange he can lay his hands on...
...1, Richard Rohman...
...Perhaps the whole story «Bki be told only by Stalin...
...DIES ' 1 1 > Win Dyson, internationally known cartoonist on the Laborite London* Daily Herald, died this week- Dyson was known throughout -the world for his pungent attacks, through his clever cartooning, en reactionary political figures, oppression and fascism...
...Latest reports reveal that the Stuermer has failed to appear for the third consecutive day and that newsdealers have been told not to expect copies for some time, giving credence to the rumor that the paper has finally been suppressed...
...But In this case, the charge Is that MrKon ht not only adviser, but a n integral part ef t h e Hague machine, and that his personal relations with Hague make h im unfit t o s i t in the Senate, i i EUGENE LYONS TO TALK AT RAND SCHOOLFORVM...
...In September, too, apologies had to be made to Poland for his offensive references to the "Black Madonna" of Csestochowa, most sacred treasure of Polish Catholicism...
...New Jersey today is by way of becoming t h e first t o t a l i t a r i a n s t a te since the passing of Huey Long...
...He never had an elective job, although he hae been Corporation Couijsel of J e r s ey City, and has held other vitally important offices in t h a t city and in Hudson County at the g i f t of Hague...
...Max Brauer, former Social Democratic Mayor of AHoona, C si assay, Councilman B. C. Vladeck aad Lotos Hollander, Judges Jacob Panken, Charles Solomon, Matthew M. Levy, Louis Waldman, Louis Hen din, Leo Mekaer, National Secretary, aad Abraham Cahaa wfil address the convention...
...The drive is being managed by the Provisional Executive Committee elected at the state convention last month...
...about antiJewish blasts in his daily newspaper, the Stuermer...
...H»S unfortunate that the newspapers which carry so much utility advertjging and which gave Mr...
...His subject will be: 'Twenty Year* of Soviet Russia...
...For some months now he has been getting into trouble...
...Willkie so much space neglected to set their fcmon reporters investigating these statistics...
...According to dispatches from abroad Dei bos, French Foreign Minister, backed the British pressure on Prague, leaving the Czechs Stnt to do but to give way slowly in the face of combined fascist-tory niaroce...
...The English, in their haste to appease Hitler wherever posHlie...
...But when he is asked to answer certain question* before a Senatorial committee be will undoubtedly experience a miraculous change, and he will not only understand and "spika," but he will have to have recourse to the most complete grasp of "Inglis" to explain away the things he will be asked to dear up...
...There is sufficient precedent for expulsion under tbe constitutional . provision that each house is to be the sole judge of its membeishlp...
...of Adolph Arnold Rubens, alias Robinson, alias fcoaewhi, and his wife, Ruth Boerger of New York...
...The proceeds will be used to carry on the fight against the Jersey Cky Fuehrer...
...The Wheeler-Johnson Bill is another way of evading the real issue," Minkoff said during a strong plea for ratification of the amendment...
...Anything to help sales...
...But t h e b i g business Republican machine is almost dead, and the "popular" wmg of that p a r t y , headed by t h e comical Hoffman, Is in alliance with Hague...
...We do *»t like the silence in Washington...
...on the subject, "Labor on the Cultural Front...
...Regime Shown Up No m a t t e r what happens, whether Milton is allowed to s i t and to legislate until t h e e n d of t h e year, or whether he i s compelled to go back to Journal Square to bask in the warm sunshine of Hague's smile, it doesn't matter...
...Labor Editor Of Women's Wear, will speak at t he Ra%d School, 7 Beat 15th St...
...Recently several editions were sharply censored because they "quoted", statements Hitler never made...
...fh Czechs may have to defend themselves against another "national-upeiaiag against the "red menace...
...Headquarters will be set up in key cities, .organizers will begin work shortly in six regional offices of the party in Rochester, Binghamton, Syracuse, Utica and Albany...
...Minkoff, Bronx Assemblyman, the A.L.P...
...it is too much like Moscow's...
...Why not follow the lead of the French Popular Front and nationalize the munitions industry ? Then well be certain that what weapons the government has will to used to halt fascist aggression, or for national defense and not for nW profit of the American Zaharoffs...
...The State Executive Committee has also approved a recommendation of Chairman Carl Holderman that members of trade unions are likely to lose the approval of the League If they accept nominations for public office on any party ticket without first consulting the state office...
...at the convention...
...And those who a s k t h e questions and insist upon answers will not be a t t h e mercy of a corrupt and b r u t a l machine t h a t h a s t h u s f ar been able to silence dissenters...
...of Now York State has thrown all tbe Tssegrcas of its press, educational institutions and local branches behind the drive to baud the A.IJP, BhsJa* taining its own organization as a non-political force devoted to Socialist education...
...The past years of New Deal effort have shown that he was deserted on every vital issue by Jus "own" administration men...
...That's why Goebbels cancelled his trip to Egypt which was announced with such fanfare in the daily press...
...Stretcher "On the Spat" Another "leader" who is on the spot is Julius Streicher, most vicious anti-semitic protagonist in Germany...
...The effect of the decision was to quash an injunction by Judge John J. Gore of tbe same district which in effect stopped the TVA from building lines to towns which wanted its current and the PWA from helping these towns to build their own plants where the local company refused to sell the plant already existing...
...Milton Is Hague's "front," although he h a s always kept himself in the background...
...That's how public ownership "ruined" Mr...
...Constant economic pressure is slowly but surely forcing Nazi Germany to abandon its extremist policy and turn on the men in the high command who were invaluable during the "drive for power" period, but are more troublesome than useful now that the Government is trying to settle down into "respectability...
...The foreign office has had to apologize from time to time in recent months for the wilder extravagances of both men who were regarded as unmitigated liabilities by Goering and his crowd...
...We suggest to Secretary of State Hull that it is his duty to the «nerican people immediately to disclose all relevant facts concerning »e Rubens case...
...More fanatical than Goebbels, and wilder than Hitler cares to tolerate, Streicher has been warned several times...
...jr • * * 14 THf TIC LAMENTATIONS NO...
...The Non-Partisan League filed charges with tbe George committee that Milton is an integral part of a virtual dictatorship that baa destroyed civil rights, that is biterly anti-labor, that is hideously corrupt, and that is notorious far its disregard of election day morality...
...sad Milton will be called upon to answer them...
...I» has made he commitments to *b group Or individual...
...Hogue Pilloried la Cartoon Tin League has also begun publication of a State Bulletin, the first number consisting of eight pages...
...That's really a difficult question for a Hew Leader editor to answer, but some of our colleagues on the Sun think us either "envious, curious or a soap-boxer because we—and anreral million others—thought that Mr...
...Since a war will kelp sales, the munition-makers aren't averse to promoting that bit •f business...
...As the railroads are carrying the sins of their fathers, it is believed that they will be the next on the auction block in tiie next few years...
...What was believed to be a bluff by the Commonwealth ft Southern has been called by the TVA and if many of the former's plants become publicly-owned ji,is believed that this will give impetus to the idea of public-owned industries...
...Goering, who has never liked him, regards Goebbels as an expensive nuisance, who runs up a bill of $100,000,000 a year for foreign propaganda, which the general considers a sheer waste of valuable money, much of it doing more harm to the Nasis than good...
...We agree with some of the miners' delegates now meeting in Washington when they say that President Roosevelt is doing "all in jiig power to uplift Jhe moral and earning power of the laboring class aad that it will be impossible for him to force through the necessary legislation, daring the next two years, for the benefit of the working dais...
...A speakers' bureau has been organised and speakers are being assigned to meetings throughout the state...
...Our «muientator, Eugene Lyons, has revealed some interesting facts about Communist connections with the Rubens' phony American passports...
...But why permit the steel and munitions corporations to cash « on this hysteria...
...Coming after the exiling of the German Social Democratic newspaper this news should cause rtsve concern...
...Minkoff told Democratic and Republican assemblymen that the Laborites would fight for the ratification of the Federal Child Labor Amendment which they considered the only real solution to the problem...
...Willkie's cries of anguish and the T.V.A's "runious" gffoptiitioTi, Commonwealth almost doubled its net income during the fouf years of the New Deal...
...But if he runs bell be defeated, as has every- other President who has attempted to grab s third term, despite their overwhelming popularity...
...This will require funds and the State Executive Committee has arranged a big entertainment for Sunday night, February 27, in the Mosque Thea t r e , Newark...
...Like the Spanish Loyalists she has found little support abroad...
...Other "front" men htrVe gone to t h e Senate and have been seated, as have other highly prosperous attorneys...
...British owners of railways face the same situation...
...WILL bts?N...
...Before the T.V.A...
...But we want to know what the Department of State, which has •••«n investigating the affair for two months, has discovered...
...The stream of industrial magnates and bankers to the White House in recent weeks has caused some apprehension among workers as it is known that the bigwigs desired to start a campaign of wage-slashing...
...y WILLIAM M. FEIGiNiAUH Although John Milton, personal attorney, "front" man and individual brain truster for Frank ("Iam-tbe-Law") Hague is seated In the United States Senate, be is in an uneasy seat, and despite bis jaunty affectation of assurance, be cannot but know that be is on a most uncomfortable spot and that the end of tbe Hague dictatorship is in sight...
...The police chief has secret dossiers about all his colleagues and the one containng information on Goebbels has some very damaging evidence...
...Let the chips fall where they may...
...L* me say at this time, as executive s e c r e t a r y of the party, that our P«r*» did not commit itself In any manner, shape or form to the candidacy of any individual for ear Ofnee for the election of 1S88...
...Lyon's reflections on Stalin's Russia has been causing revolutions in o p i n i o n here among all those who specialize in misconceptions concerning the "great...
...When Milton faces a Sena t e committee and is asked to a n swer c e r t a i n questions under oath, t h a t knowledge will begin to come to the people of t h a t community...
...AH affiliated organizations are being urged not to arrange any events in conflict with thfe affair and to cooperate in making it a trig success...
...No, we admit we didn't—and now that we do we sympathise with him...
...social experiment of modern times...
...position on 9t gubernatorial situation: " I t appears t h a t people from afi q u a r t e r s See naming gubernatorial candidates for 1938 fbr the American LSbor P a r t y , " he said...
...It is Me a f t e r due deliberation and r - i t eration to make such setectieb as wU serve the best interest* Of &e majority of the people of our S t a t e ," 8New Jersey Unions Start Big Drive For Labor Party NEWARK, N. J. —Facing the two-party corrupt machines that rule New Jersey and the Hague dictatorship in Jersey City, the central robber burg of the state, Labor's Non-Partisan League last week launched a big drive to organize unions and their members into a Labor Party...
...The government has an equal right to sell hydroelectric power, lawfully created, in competition with a private utility...
...For t he whole filthy Jersey City regime is now out in the open, and it will be necessary for i t s defenders to explain things that residents of J e r s e y City have vainly sought an explanation of for many years...
...Sloan's salary of $561,000 a isar a bit high while thirty thousand shop-workers were laid off on an hoar's notice...
...But no doubt there is plenty of substance ¦-current rumors that what is now going on in Lubianka Street Prison 9 the preparation of star performers for Moscow's next frameup trial, •Wnplete with "confessions" and the usual dramatic features...
...Jibnaco scored Oat clerical forces who were p u t t i n g pressure oh the assem Sly to pass t h e NtmahMoffat resolution...
...Sloan paid a $350,000 tax on his salary...
...In November came the wild antiBritish Press outburst on the eve of Lord Halifax's visit...
...have even applied pressure on the Czechs to cease irritating the Sans...
...Special to The New Leader...
...Willkie's corporation...
Vol. 21 • January 1938 • No. 5