Chamberlain Ready to Give Duce French Land


Chamberlain Ready to Give Duce French Land THE NEWS REEL By CHARLES EDWARD RUSSELL &t$ "a-piece-ment" of Europe seems to be doing nicely, Mr. Cham-*li*ini y°ur friends at Cliveden need have no...

...Tki*0» have come to a pretty pass in this land of ours, my ~" ryrrwt...
...Let him go on with his good work, let him continue to expose this motley crew...
...Polish Teschen is rapidly becoming one v a s t military camp...
...but it has remained for the incomparable Dies to demonstrate that they are also blasphemous and defiant **J*jl ?sd...
...Few in Europe can predict what turn tomorrow's polities will take as long as the fascist powers continue tower international game of diplomacy through agitation and nuisance values...
...Bet as events 11 yitaliasd taanseotves this week it became apparent that those looking for a crack in the Rome-Berlin axis will be sorely disappointed and that France will probably pay the axis this time— for a new permanent penes by yielding Djibouti...
...Break in Fascist Axis Believed Improbable Now Polaod Cents eh aloe Trees* ie T esc hen as Ctraiiy Laeaches A a Itati on far "Self • Determination" of Polish Heroine Special to The Nop Leader BRUSSELS...
...Energetic attacks are launched at the country's radio chains which the Bund "charges" is controlled "by international Jewry" in league with the United States government, which in turn, tiie Nads state, has deprived of broadcasting prerogatives such defenders of (he truth oa Boake Carter and Gen...
...THE SOOTHING POLLSTER~ JkWSN, it has always seemed clear to the Right-Minded in this country that attempts to establish or defend what are by a fiction supposed to he the rights and liberties of the common herd were high unman against the state...
...rwar1iaW<- genius WtroM show that John Milton ^MAaVPUlip Uoseinger a dtwnamhtttor of subversive doctrines msflHry Vane a moat dangerous character, all being guilty of ****** within...
...Many consider such a move "dramatic affirmation of Roosevelt's determination to hew to the New Deal line...
...JapanSel toDefyBritishOpposition to'Closed Door...
...Germans Abroad Registered I t can be authentically reported t h a t Nasi Consuls in American urban centers have long lists of thousands of young men who can be called up for immediate •dep a r t u r e to the Reich...
...PAUL.—Tired of the bicker ing and sabotage which the Com munists brought with them into th< Minnesota Farmer-Labor Party, th« State Central Committee of th« Farmer-Labor Association meeting last Saturday in an all-day sessior voted unanimously to oust al known Communists from the Association...
...Mo "Deal Membership" "That the Communist Party requires membership and the subscribing of its members to the precepts of that party...
...Wylie's shattering assaults upon the fearful foe con-**ted of the revelation that TVA was "brutal...
...Leading tike employers is Ahnon E. Both, former chief of the Water-front Employers Association, who has been the spearhead of strike smashing movements in California for years...
...Louis, and Herbert Fellman, tutor to the sop of Dr...
...the Consul, a r e t r a i n i n g t he Bund men in t h e suburbs...
...Much depends on Cordell Hull, if when he returns from Lima he falls in - line with other presidential advisers, the* American Government will lift the embargo on Loyalist Spain before the intensive insurgent spring and summer campaigns... Bohumin machine-gun sections are reported to be even posted on t h e roofs of public buildings and a n t i - a i c r a f t batteries put into position...
...China Ready to Meet Long Blockade Special to The New Leader HONG KONG.—Japan, whose boasts of large-scale vie- i tories and demoralization of the Chinese have often been shown < up as mere bluster, is not blustering when she states her in- 1 tention to keep th...
...Polish nervousness is reported to have been shown by t h e recall of soldiers of the Ukrainian race and their replacement by Poles...
...Apparently the South American powers a r e n o t coming through as Secretary Hull and Company expected, and t h e proposed aloofness of American foreign policy towards Europe and the Far East may s p r e a d to the nations south of the Rio Grande...
...This would keep New Dealer Murphy in t he limelight s nd will give Roosevelt a political advisor who knows as much politics a s J im Farley and is not t i ed up to the Big Business crowd...
...This work was effected within eight months through t h e a id of the GermanAmerican Bund and hundreds of Nazi agents working in industrialized areas...
...It is not for me to make suggestions to Dr...
...vital Yangtse River closed to world commerce in the face of stiff opposition by France, Britain, and the United States...
...H e r b e rt Diet...
...This was emphasized by Cardinal Mundelein shortly after he returned from the Vatican, where be had had important audiences with the Pope, without whose permission the Cardinal wouldn't have spoken...
...WestCoastEmployersForm 'Big Union' Against Labor Special to The New Louder SAN FRANCISCO, Calif.—Once more the west coast industrialists have devised streamlined union-stnashing machinery to aid the California and Washington vigilante outfits fighting to tie the labor movement in a legal knot, as the Associated Farmers did in Oregon by the in corporation lew...
...W» P4TR/OT/C BRIBER g°T it seems that in this country there are more agencies than the TVA that are showing brutality toward Our Betters...
...Let us learn the whole dreadful truth as to the peril in which we stand from these desperate aliens...
...President Roosevelt and his chief sdvisers, in line with their decision not to buck Congress unnecessarily, are looking for important jobs for leading New Dealers which won't require Senatorial consent...
...It is pleasant to note that these uncouth scoffers have now been overwhelmed by a demonstration of the real services of this notable body of experts...
...lines to "bargain collectively" with the western unions...
...There may he those that object to winnas triumphs for the ever sacred cause of peace by the tricks of the poker sharp, but "peace" is "peace"—ain't it...
...Simultaneously the charge has been made that Walter Rist, nativeborn St...
...In t h e meantime, Germany is t u r n ing t o Poland a n d Polish Ukraine...
...When this was ¦Side known in the press, disorderly elements in the rabble showed • disposition to sneer and to remark that judging by its records in "wnicipal elections the Power Trust could easily qualify as an expert « things brutal...
...Both the Army's generals end the Navy's admirals are protesting vigirously against the suggest or...
...There was no explanation of the activities among St...
...Wylie's dis-<wure one may hope, sank deep into the public mind...
...IW "7 pert, Iter^jwt the least doubt that proper investigations emrfactrd by thta...
...Vice-President Garner is to be cast in t h e role of conciliator, if he will take it...
...Today, Nippon is throwing up huge fortifications, an airfield, and a large military camp near Shanghai, as positive indication that she will carry through her defiance of the three countries...
...If you will irn!* mC' at the very time wncn Mr...
...During September, a unit of 17 young Nazis was discovered in Camp Smith, a C.C.C...
...If the scheme works it is expected to spread East rapidly, rwpmeing former employers' stooge eeOnta which have had to work ttadoreewer to avoid entanglements with the LaFollette Civil Liberties Committee and the Wagner Labor Relation* Lew...
...This cripples all Chinese exports and imports, making it easy for the Japanese to keep anything they choose from going in or out of China...
...Wylie, burning with righteous •rath and zeal and things, was doing battle against the hideous TVA, * brutaI Tennessee Utilities Commission was filing against his com-*™3Lthe accusation that it had violated the law of the state in 1917 "Peemed instances and demanding in a most brutal way that the «W»Pany be indicted...
...Any split with I t a l y now will swing against Berlin most of the Central European countries, all of which a r e willing t o g r a s p at any help offered to doublecross t he Reich...
...The one discovery it has made that Christopher Marlowe was a Communist is alone enough to justify its existence...
...Hopkins' Promotion Dee With the n e x t Congressional session j u s t a few weeks off, domestic problems shared the White House spotlight this week with plans for the development of foreign policy...
...Military t r a n s p o r t s are streaming into t h e area...
...Father Coughlin linked To American Nazi Bund fascist Priest Loaded I* HWerrfe Pre** Nero—Propaganda Show at Greed Central Palace Tela Week-End Seeks to Point All Germans ie U. S. as Pro-Nazi iy VICTOR RIESEL There can no longer be any doubt that the Reverend Charles E. Coughlin, radio priest who was denounced last week by Cardinal Mundelein, is closely allied with the "fre< America" movement launched earlier this year by the GermanAmerican Business League of America, Inc...
...Plans for meeting such a blockade, however, were made long ago by the Chinese government, which has plenty of foodstuffs, nil the raw materials essential for military operations ee an easily defensible front, and all the manpower needed for the war and industry...
...Italy wants Djibouti because of the railway Unking Addis AMmkn...
...there were those who did not overlook the fact that when the uproar had reached its noisiest, Friend^ Daladier was able get in the Chamber of Deputies a vote of 315 to favor of his style of Fascism, and that result was hailed with enthusiasm by the Right-Minded press of all countries, including our own...
...vwmorfce only reveal the debased mind of a vulgarian...
...Between ourselves, I have grave doubts, too, about this Shake-tateje^ppraon...
...Dies ¦J* added the sobering discovery, through the unquestionable authority W-* omeer, that they are also Atheists and their real purpose **M«»tiwy the church as well as the state...
...D r i v e on Polish Ukraine Germany at t h i s t i m e must have I t a l y ' s cooperation in Central Europe...
...All eligibles were, tracked down and warned...
...By EDWARD LORING Special to The Sew Leader WASHINGTON, D. C. — Real news out of the capital this week is that there seems to be a vital recasting rrf American foreign policy makifig til* rounds at the White House...
...The G.O.P...
...Wylie has appeared more T**.once before the Congressional Committee to lay bare the ¦¦¦¦ities, the atrocities, the guile and the perils of TV A and to battle j*™*hingly for the divine rights of Privilege, of Profits, and of ™*wr...
...Japanese defiance of Britain, which first was expressed some months ago, reached its highest point last week when Nipponese troops crossed the Canton-Kowloon railway and occupied a British dugout inside the Hong Kong territory...
...Another important factor is the persecution of the Catholic Church in Germany and Austria and the Duce-Pope quarrel in I t a l y . Millions of American Catholics who were originally pro-Franco because of the anti-Loyalist propaganda a r e now convinced t h a t t h e Fascist invaders of Spain, once they won the "civil w a r , " would go a f t e r t he Spanish Church...
...Punitive Measures Outlined Besides repudiating "Communista and other disruptive forces" 'the State Central Committee advised locals and affiliates that members of the CP...
...A German military a t t a c h e h a s just a r r i v e d in Chust, near t h e Polish border, which coincides with reports in t h e Czech press of Polish m i l i t a r y concentrations in t he Teschen district, of which Czechoslovakia has j u s t been deprived...
...Nazis Work la C.C.C...
...Louisan, t a u g h t Nasi doctrines in me t r e e u«rmtu classes for children he conducted in public schools t h e r e d u r i n g t he summer months...
...Members Scored for Role In Nov...
...Because it is obvious that the charge is just...
...Organizing under tiu name of "The San Francisco Employers Council," the industrialist] now have a unified holding corporation specially designed on moden N.A.M...
...and " F u r t h e r , t h a t if a n y local club or affiliate fails to c a r r y out the provisions of t h i s order this state committee will: " F i r s t : Either revoke or suspend t h e c h a r t e r of t h e local a n d / o r affiliate failing to comply with this o r d e r ; or "Second: Bar all delegates at the local and s t a t e conventions coming from clubs or affiliates which have disregarded this rule...
...This figure, the sum an no in lead by the Republican state committee test week, represented only a small pert of the actual total spent, since Joseph E. Pew, multj-miUionaire newspaper publisher, Buntoi ess own money into the campaign and is now believed to control the Pennsylvania government...
...Although little has been heard recently of the Canadian Christian Social Party, Fuehrer Arcand has already put his swastika movement on a firm basis by opening up headquarters in several western provinces...
...A monster Nazi propaganda show is scheduled for this weekend at the New York City Grand Central Palace, the motif of which will be that the American Germans German-American Bund can make good its boast that i t can influence the entire German-American population, or a s t h e " F r e e American" puts i t : " T h e pro-Nazi Germans are 26 p e r cent of t h e population «f the United S t a t e s ." ° ! Many German Consuls here act as drill masters in local Nazi Samps...
...As the fines, imposed by the law for these prases would total in this case $917,000, it will be seen that brutality r* indeed reached a stage that perfect gentlemen cannot be ex-peet*« to endure...
...It took sf*V 649.82 of the Pennsylvania 009% money to pot Governor slant ilea into the state ruling seat...
...Last week Hitler's silence on Italy's demands of France was broken when the important Berlin newspaper, V oelkischer Beobachter, organ of the Nasi Party, bached II Duces bid for participation in control of the Sues Canal .ties would cut Italy's transport Mil down by millions of dollars, gtve her a new stranglehold OB...
...Ballup's news only proves that the people tike %jf**, $Low, and in the way of farce-comedy this is the best ever...
...The S t a t e Department's proposal of " a l e r t dominance in t he Western Hemisphere" is finding other Western Hemisphere nations not as enthusiastic a s Washington diplomatic circles expected...
...One of Mr...
...The insinuation came in an article in the National Zeitung, of Essen, official newspaper of Field Marshal and Four-Year-Plan Commissar Hermann Wilhelm Goering...
...Louis' thousands of German-born...
...After Czecho-4mba, a good fat slice of Lithuania at Memel makes a nice dish Spgheta tiie appetite for the next assimilation for peace and general gjUeoasness...
...Mow ie troooened But the backbone of the new "band of bosses" is Roger Lepaam, Manhattan-born chairman of tin American-Hawaiian Steamship Co...
...There is t a l k in Europe of "diplomatic agitation" in t h e . Polish Ukraine fur self-determination under guidance of t h e Reich...
...The government plan of defeating Japan by making Nippon's stay in China entirely unprofitable for the invaders is still going forward strongly, aad the material within the country itself is entirely sufficient for such a campaign...
...Germany Hints of "Internationalization" of Panama Canal...
...his ardor for national salvation, Mr...
...Besides which the Reich needs I t a l y to keep g u a r d in the Medit e r r a n e a n while she watches Western and E a s t e r n Europe...
...Most foreign correspondents agree with the Berlin reporter of the Manchester Guardian that "France has lost enormously in influence and in power, while Germany has gamed correa pondmgly * Strategically, Hitler's position to Central and Southeastern Europe is one of tremendous strength...
...Severe criticism was voiced in the committee against the Farmer-Labor state convention's failure to take action against the Communists before the disastrous November election when Ramsay County delegates sponsored an amendment to the constitution to specifically name the Communists... International Rotary mackamuck, who has been dubbed the "collective mariner" by Friseo's waterfront...
...w-—a v... territory at "bargain prices...
...It is reported that guns are ¦iniiejleil in from the French territory to the Abyssinian rebel tribes...
...Shells are packed near the guns, ready to keep foreign warships from entering either the Yangtse or its tributary, the Whang poo, which leads to Shanghai...
...The secretary is hereby directed to send a copy of this resolution as adopted t o every local club and affiliate organization within five days from this date, and io cause the same t o be given full publicity...
...This came as part of a drive to rebuild the Farmer-Labor Party which suffered severely during the past campaign...
...I snim—1 of funds spent was of special interest in view of e recent drive Munched by Pew aad the Republicans to pass a state tew wtteh would, like its |.....q| Oregon counterpart, virtually outlaw all trade unions...
...Ley from Berlin, to line up for m i l i t a r y and labor service in t h e Reich, all male •citizens now living in this count r y , who were born anywhere in Germany between 1918 a nd 1919...
...Now they have adopted a watch and wait policy, their actions to be determined by final election of men to control t h e party...
...Thank amssu, (he majority still stand firm for a good sound witch hunt...
...Indeed, he has reincarnated those heroic old crusaders before j>«walls of Ascalon...
...Special to The New Leader ST...
...A* this correspondent reported recently, the White House is looking for a promotion for the W.P.A...
...On to the assault, Mr... in Vermont, the Non-Sectarian AntiNazi League reports...
...Both men blistered the Communists and called attention to their activities in the last campaign...
...and "such other persons as advocate the overthrow of the government by force or revolution" must also be expelled immediately...
...f *w» «*t disturbed by the comment I hear from the degraded Multitude that Mr...
...Now therefore, the State Committee of the Farmer-Labor Asso-riatwtn of MiTinejurtA herebv repudiates communists and othei d i s r u p t i n g forces and advises al' local Farmer-Labor clubs and affiliates that they must forthwith expel from membership any member of t h e Communist P a r t y and also such other persons as advocate the overthrow of the government by force or revolution...
...Holmes, tat I think he should understand that Hagueville and Hobokm «. pect him to do his duty and are looking hopefully for another jubilate on this inspiring occasion...
...There is little reason to believe that in an effort to wis French friendship for a while, Germany is ready to break with her southern fascist ally...
...On one day alone, i t was reported, eleven long milit a r y trains packed with infantry a n d light and heavy artillery reached Krvina and were split up between Bohumin and F r y s t a a t. In Teschen a r e already concent r a t e d at least two Polish divisions...
...J u s t as quietly conducted has been the Bund campaign to a t t r a ct the American youth t o the "Free' America" drive for a "White Gentils, Aryan United States...
...Failure to do so will bring revocation of the local charter and the barring of all delegates to state and local conventions from clubs and affiliates which have disregarded the ruling...
...When really "** gentlemen—really nice, understand the point—get together *ad issue two billion dollars of fictitious capitalization and lay **neet plans to have the public pay the interest and dividends ¦pon this benevolent fiction and TVA comes along and spoils everything by cutting rates down two-thirds—well, it just seems *" ,f "brutal" were too mild a term to apply to such treachery...
...Of course, it is toe that no direct action can follow in this particular case since this wretched Marlowe person, true to the depraved instincts of his kind, tad probably acting under instructions from Moscow, evaded prose-rat ion far his crimes by dying in 1593...
...How lost to all sense of decency this Utilities Commission must °ewe can learn from the fact that among its charges against Mr "Tues company is one that it bribed a newspaper with $75,000 to ¦ f. Power Trust and concealed the item on its books by «*hng it "legal expenses...
...administ r a t o r to relieve friction in battles for new relief appropriations...
...Farmer-Labor Party Orders All Clubs to Expel Communists State Committee Votes Resolution Unanimously Outer Comes a* Part of Drive) to Rebuild Association...
...But I am glad to say that our loyal newspapers •nekly suppressed these signs of insurrection and Mr...
...German Consuls in America have finished their drive, ordered by E r n s t Bohle and Dr...
...Wendell Wylie, , Tennessee Electric Power Company...
...the Mediterranean, and ease nor sma» ments of arm* ana man tc Ethiopia...
...that Harry Hopkins be given the job of coordinating the new national defense program...
...fl ___ ->¦ mums ALU IAM SUBE that all the Better Element in this country, those, I mean, that give to it all that it has of tone and distinction, have keen indignant at the ribald and unseemly mirth with which the lower orders have viewed the Dies-Committee...
...The German attitude towards France now is one of rather patronizing .friendliness...
...Many former pro-Germans and pro-Italians in the State Department feel, especially after recent anti-American activity in Peru, that it's only a before this form of international blackmail is tried on the United States...
...First protests made by an English officer were unavailing, and the Nipponese refused to quit the land until new and firmer representations were given...
...the axe-handle, anti-Labor Water front Employers Association, th« Committee of 43 (a vigilante band) aad the San Francisco Industrial Association...
...Until this action was t a k e n it appeared t h a t t h e l a r g e r A. F . of L. unions would withdraw from the Farmer-Labor Association...
...dmsloeare coming upon the heels of the revelation of the » led Churches of Christ, the Young Men's Christian Association WSM^^W^kewday Night Bible Class as mere camouflages and bliiids flJ^P sseat pernicious Communist activities, might overwhelm us "jj* dkawsp wore it not for the timely reassurance of Mr...
...A battery of 12-inch coastal defense guns are now manned by Japan behind the old Chinese forts at Woosung...
...register immediately with t h e con-' sul office nearest their homes...
...Since the powerful Catholic influence in t h i s count r y is no longer as adamantly opposed to cooperation with the Spanish government, as it was a year ago, there will be less resistance from Congress should Roosevelt lift the embargo...
...I0W0OWN REDUCTION QP all the stalwart patriots that have sprung forward to save this ijation from the yawning abyss of public ownership of public "¦»•», as symbolized in TV A, my fancy is for Mr...
...After Saturday classes, it h a s been stated, trucks picked up approximately 50 of t he 400 children enrolled and whisked t h em off t o t h e Blankenhagen-Fellman camp...
...Charges have been lodged with the Missouri authorities t h at Eherhard Van Blankenhagen, secretary of the Nazi Consulate in St...
...Although the resolution was opposed by three committeemen a viva voce vote found do one against it...
...With tot Detroit priest bringing their message to millions over' the large broadcasting chains, the Nazis continue building their organization not only on a nationwide scale, but inter-continental in scope...
...No publicity blasts announce* the formation of this "one big union of employers" which merge...
...anyway, I am in favor of investigating him...
...Nothing Hitler could get from France now could repay him for splitting with Italy...
...Most of them will go r a t h e r than see their families back home become the "guests" of SA-men in concentration camps...
...camps t o organise groups to sabotage American ships, factories and power-plants supplying materials to countries which may fight Germany...
...Pro-Franco sentiment even in the State Department is heard less and less as both Germany and Italy war on the Jews and Catholics and intensify their international policy | of creating nuisance values to get... , ineligible to membership in the association...
...Incidentally, if Anthony Eden brought with him t h e suggestion for a joint British-American loan to China, h e l l r e t u r n disappointed...
...During the conflict with the Ethiopian tribes thousands of refuge is found a sanctuary from Italian troops in French Djibouti...
...The German s t r a t e g i s t s will t a k e n o s u c h chances now...
...4 MUX Vtll, Hugh Johnson...
...F r e d e r i c k Mueller, chancellor of t h e Nazi consulate, made no a t tempt to deny t h a t consular officials a r e mixed up in t h e administ r a t i o n , but offered the worn song and dance t h a t the camp is "nonpolitical a n d does not seek to educate American-born children to Nazidom...
...Cham-*li*ini y°ur friends at Cliveden need have no uneasiness about ^jNgress of Fascism and the security of Privilege...
...France's promise not to disturb Central European balance means little now...
...H i t l e r ' s proclamation last May, circulated quietly among his Consuls in t h i s country, required all eligibles in foreign countries to...
...The council is reported to be the first in this country to openly announce its intentions to fight the labor movement, aad" will in th* future be the swiMloyers* chief agent in all industrial disputes...
...Another report reveals t h a t there is a strong possibility that the White House i* considering Governor Frank Murphy as a successor t o James Roosevelt as secr e t a r y and political advisor to t he President...
...Text of the resolution as made public by Harold Peterson, State Secretary, follows: "The State Committee of the Farmer-Labor Association of Minnesota believes that Communism at the present time advocates as its general or implied purpose that government should be changed by force or revolution...
...While Chinese officials have by no means given up the struggle, and are in fact still confident of ultimate victory because of the huge internal resources, they recognise that Japan has control of all the stmmL «lmMtai nf CMittmCanton, Shanghai, Hankow, Tientsin, Tsingtau, and a urge number of other coastal trad ing-centers of minor importance...
...Only last week there was a thinly veiled hint that Germany, Italy and Japan, under the anti-Comintern pact, may eventually raise the question of the internationalization of the Panama Canal...
...INTERNATL CARD SHARK U7HILE various commentators, learned and otherwise, were wondering exactly why 'Harlequin Mussolini's Charlie McCartneys should have begun all at once to shout "Tunisia...
...The resolution was introduced by Walter Turnquist, St...
...Word is going out to Democratic leaders in Congress that emphasis during the coming session will be on p a r t y harmony, with a minimum of deliberately-generated fights...
...Paul delegate, and had the energetic support of a powerful bloc led by State Senator George Lommen and Congressman Dewey W. Johnson of Minneapolis...
...It can be reliably reported that Chamberlain, in his anxiety to settle the Spanish question aad vindicate his appeasement policy in time to prepare a campaign at home for the coming British genera] election, is ready to "oak" France to make "minor" capons sions by granting Italy administrative changes in Djibouti, and so give up some control of the Sues Canal...
...F a k e Excuse • The camp, t h e charges state, is operated b y t h e German-American Commercial League on t h e f a rm of one Adolph Funk in Franklin County, Mo., j u s t west of St...
...Hitler's e n t i r e foreign policy depends on his a b i l i ty t o consummate his Danubian tactics of buying up sufficient foodstuffs and r aw materials from the Balkans and placing, himself in a position where he can withstand a long blockade...
...We had long been aware that the gang of conspirators *** Civil Liberties Union were all Communists, but Mr...
...French a naval hem for anti-Italian activity in time of war...
...Perfect gentlemen cannot bribe, a newspaper without 9 brut^y dragged into a brutal court to explain about iU FDR May Lift Ban on Arms To Spain Soon Whi+w Hens* Recasts Foreign Policy...
...vk a soothing gesture he comes to the front and tells us that 74 per «***/ the people of the United States are with Mr...
...Bat this need not discourage the able and scholarly congress-aan that tore the mask from the designing villain...
...Both is a good looking dapper handshaker...
...In the thickest of the fight, lo, his falchion wming bright, and that sort of thing...
...Authentic Infoi mnSliin reveals t h a t the Band is recruiting members a m o n g the beys in C.C.C...
...Page after page in the five editions of the official American Nazi press is devoted each week to a defense of the Detroit reverend...
...It becomes apparent, aa tile Nazi offensive oh both American continents intensifies, that Coughlin will come into open conftct with the Catholics here...
...That this committee cannot countenance dual membership in other political parties and it is the duty of this committee to see that Farmer-La boritee alone constitute the membership of the Farmer-Labor Association, the guiding force of the Farmer-Labor Party...

Vol. 21 • December 1938 • No. 51

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