Appeasement Slows Down as Tories Lose Prestige at Home


Appeasement Slows Down as Tories Lose Prestige at Home Chamberlain Still Set To Tie Up With Dictators By BERNARD MOORE LONDON.—It was a chastened Neville Chamberlain who crossed the stormy...

...And according to the Geneva office of the International >M» Campaign, the Soviet Government spent $12,850,000 dtrhf 1937, half of which was spent during the Nipponese war fsW rations period from January to June...
...Small wander, too, that in the press there are insistent murmerings that ' there should be an early general election so that the country's real feefJngs about the Chamberlain policy may be tested...
...r That night from the B.B.C...
...No one who sees the talkies prodaesfjM the organization...
...It is not for me to say what you ought to do but, as one, who has always been a warm friend and admirer of the United States, I must say this, if the embargo continues you will have contributed to the destruction of Spanish democracy...
...All that happened afterwards logically followed...
...The nineteen thousand inarticulate men and women of Somerset, as soon as they got their hands on a ballot paper, expressed themselves in no uncertain terms...
...He informed Chamberlain that unless the British Government made representations at Berlin he would order a general mobilization in France...
...M Attack the Communist Party . . . aha...
...If one had set out to choose a parliamentary candidate for a test election on foreign policy, one a choice might well have fallen on Mr...
...After the Munich Agreement, in an article in these columns, 1 quoted Walpole's famous remark: "Today they are ringing the bells, tomorrow they will'be wringing their hands...
...He did this although ten months earlier he had solemnly declared in a public speech his intention of strictly observing all the treaties voluntarily signed by Germany even before he came into power and the Treaty of Locarno in particular...
...Tor the one thing that has emerged crystal clear from his incursions into "appeasement" is the strong suspicion in the minds of the British public that their Prime Minister, if not a Fascist, 1s at least a near-Fascist...
...movies for something other than drawing^Jg comedies and technicolor hoorahs to the glory of imperialism...
...Premier is almost tumbling over himself to show that g«Ms as good a democrat as the next man...
...Nazis' Santa Claus British Stage-Setting Scared Europe Into Fascists' Laps Tories Broke Every French Attempt to Break Hitler's March By ROBERT DELL Foreign Correspondent, The Manchester Guardian TO understand the present European situation we must go back to March 1936, when Hitler violated the Treaty of Locarno and sent German troops into the neutralized Rhineland zone...
...Hitler would never have dared to risk a war with England and France, still less a war with England, France and Russia...
...According to their own figures, the Stalin regime haf powai $15,000,006 into Nazi Germany this year...
...For a new company has been formed in London •a^g the...
...Runciman was sent to Prague to induce the Czechoslovaks to commit national suicide by submitting to the German demands...
...Latest instance of the boycott was re-' ported this week from Malaga, now in fascist hands, where tradesmen, bitter at the sight of Italian troops marching into Spanish territory, are "spreading a move to starve out the invaders...
...He still intends to come to an agreement with Germany when the indignation over the aiftisemitic outrages has died down...
...II Duce's troops in Spain (which Benito and friend Chamberlain will tell you don't exist) are not very popular with the inhabitants of the towns they have taken under the alleged leadership of Franco...
...In the course of tie day Hessian Jews fled to Frankfort and arrived there bruised and bleeding...
...It is intriguing that, during the dawn of this new era of ''appeasement, France should be pressing Britain to increase its • standing army so that when trouble comes, an Expeditionary Force snail be ready without delay...
...BRIDGWATER ELECTION SHOCKS TORIES NINETEEN THOUSAND men and women of the West-country county of Somerset la/;t week gave the lie to the Prime Minister of Great Britain...
...The fishermen have joyfully entered the drive, refusing to go to sea and catch fish for the troops whose planes bombed Spanish women and children and whose cannon despoiled the Spanish earth...
...SPEED ARMS RACE DESPITE APPEASEMENT j[T is indeed an ironical comment on that epoch-making meeting * in the Bavarian capital that in their next meeting the British and French Premiers should promptly get down to the question of their joint defense plans...
...Reveal that the Soviet Government spent millions in Italy, bolstering II Dace's bankrupt system by building warships in Fiat dockyard...
...Chamberlain has not only lost out in the field of foreign affairs, he is losing out at home...
...Germany refused, as was to be expected...
...In fact Bonnet informed the German ambassador in Paris early in September that France would not go to war for Czechoslovakia, and on September 21st the British and French ministers in Prague informed Doctor Benes at two o'clock in the morning that unless the Czechoslovak Government accepted the Franco-British proposals, which were really the proposals of Hitler and Runciman, the British and French Governments would give Hitler a free hand in Czechoslovakia...
...Many mm task to the forests to escape the troopers and are still wsaderisf about, afraid to return to the cities...
...After the unfortunate Schuschnigg enforced visit to Berchtesgaden the French Government proposed to the British Government that they should at once inform Hitler that they would not tolerate a German annexation of Austria...
...What an admission...
...The Premier had hoped, they said, that the folks would enable him to proceed on the next stage of Ms appeasement policy—a policy which has still not been defined...
...The whole thing was play acting and neither Hitler nor Chamberlain ever for a moment intended the play acting to develop into reality...
...He could not afford to let Munich _ fail, so an agreement had to be reached, no matter what the price...
...Chamber* lain, I fully believe, is wringing his now...
...find anything but straightforward, instructive, *ao''*2|ff taining films discussing the growth and strength '•SJ workers' movement...
...Five years ago, one October Saturday *%tOming, crime the news that Hitler had given the order for Germany^ to leave the League of Nations owing to the alleged ansympathetic treatment meted oat to her at the Disarmament Cast i nice...
...But, since Munich, they complain, relations between Germany and Britain have become steadily worse...
...BartTett as the most vigorous and the most prominent opponent of the ChamberlainHalifax-Rome-Berlin Axis line-up...
...Chamberlain, the Peacemaker, who flew three times to see his friend Hitler and came back boasting that he had brought peace and opened up a new era of friendship between Germany and Britain, to have, to admit within six weeks that his policy is a complete failure...
...For the one thing that might have made peace with dishonor worth the heavy price was a real improvement in Anglo-German relations...
...The French objected on the very reasonable ground that such an act would encourage Hitler to be uncompromising...
...The granting of belligerent rights to Franco would SB for him another near-Fascist label...
...NEW M.P...
...Chamberlain, drifting dangerously towards another concession to the dictators, pulled htaaseLf up sharply...
...More than 200 have been shot in Buchenwald, where torture has become a sdeaet, and even in "normal" times hardly a day passes that pHajQan are not beaten to death...
...Chamberlain's supporters boast that he is a busir.e?s man and approaches problems from the business man's point of viev...
...British Malaya__«*% * Netherlands Indies______62% " United States____48% Philippine Islands _. 34% " Canada__28% India__27% South Africa__24% Great Britain_______9% " * » • SOVIET HAS HUGE TRADE WITH FASCISTS /^NLY last week, one of our colleagues dared to point out h his daily column in the New York Post that the Soviet Government had quadrupled its commercial attaches in Niuri Germany because of the increase in trade between the Reich tti the Soviets...
...Bps Franco, trained in the Berlin-Rome school, tried to press * hosne "his advantage...
...Vernon Bartletf, is regarded in England as the epitome of everything that is opposed to Mr...
...Boycott Benito BARCELONA...
...That is why—suddenly, unexpectedly—Chamberlain is taking a strong line with that junior dictator, Franco...
...The Premier, while talking "general settlement" all the time, patched up the Czechoslovakian problem without any relation to a general settlement at all...
...The Czechoslovak Government mobilized and for once Daladier took an initiative...
...It was he, incidentally, wife eotned the witty phrase: "The inner or vicious circle of .ifc Cnfcnet.'' Small wonder that Tory headquarters are alarmed...
...was broadcast a blattnerphone teeord ef Sir John Simon's speech at Geneva in the morning, gaif 8a near later Vernon Bartlett, as official commentator, gave a talk in which the then Foreign Secretary was strongly critiBBbt It meeat, of coarse, the end of official broadcasting for VsrSon Bartlett...
...It must not be thought that Chamberlain's action under pressure of public opinion in regard to the settlement of Jewish refugees in certain British colonies means that he has changed his policy...
...The movie then brings the fight the present time, showing today's labor moveiBS**S terms of a real-life, human-interesting story of *,**r|H and his wife...
...The British Government never made any reply...
...The preparations for war in England and France were only an expensive stage set for the purpose of frightening the British and French peoples...
...In some regions, all male Jews aged 16 to 60 were sent t» concentration camps in crowded lorries...
...Ask why the Kremlin refused to harbor temporarily 25,000 German Jews until the Evian refugee committee could arrange to distribute the victims of Hitler terror . . . you're a social Fascist, even if you have before you the dispatch from the liberal London Daily Star, which reports that the Soviet Union was approached two weeks ago...
...So, not unnaturally, the man-in-the-street reaches the conelusion that Mr...
...All that it would say was that if France were involved England would support France...
...Chamberlain <and most, if not all, of his Party have insisted since Munich that no matter what capital might be made out of the Four-Power Afrreement by the politicians, the inarticulate British public was, wholeheartedly for "Cahmberlain, the Peacemaker...
...Chamberlain, however, was determined not to be put in the same position again, and about the middle of June he informed the French Government that he proposed to send a British observer to Czechoslovakia...
...And he still intends Franco te win in Spain...
...He would never have dared to attack Czechoslovakia if this policy had been continued...
...10,000 Jews have been arrested in Berlin alone, and 40,000 have been jailed throughout Genua*, exclusive of Austria and the Sudetenland...
...Since he left the B.B.C, Vernon Bartlett has been diplomatic correspondent of the left-Liberal newspaper the News Chronicle, ' where he has expressed his views in no uncertain fashion... other sections tat limit was raised from 18 to 80 years of age...
...Chamberlain, Daladier and Bonnet had already capitulated to Hitler before Chamberlain and Daladier went to Munich and they went there only to register their capitulations and to conceal the truth from the British and French peoples...
...So in fact there was never really any danger of war...
...Through the crosses they put on> their election pap<irs in the Bridgwater by-<sleption, they took » safe Conservative seat from the Government and returned as their Member of Parliament a man who is bitterly opposed to the Chamberlain policy...
...flNE of the most effective frauds ever perpetrated «e American radical movement has been the CommsdwP ntical defense mechanism—the cry of "red-baiting...
...If Franco wins in Spain —that is to say, if Hitler wins in Spain—it will be the end of European democracy...
...Two or three weeks' ago Chamberlain went as near to accepting Mussolini's withdrawal of 10,000 "volunteers" as the fulfillment of the con' ditions.of the famous British Plan as it was possible for him to go...
...He has put in force the Anglo-Italian agreement although he had previously declared that it would not be put into force until the Spanish question was settled...
...After Chamberlain's visit to Godesberg public opinion in England and France was so indignant at Hitler's further demands that the only way by whkh that opinion coald be induced to accept them was to make the British and French peoples think that war was the only alternative...
...Despite the warnings of his younger but more widely experienced colleague, Anthony Eden, he felt that given a "man to man" attitude, it was possible to come to terms with the dictators...
...What ft is meant to emphasize is that rarely before have the views of a candidate for parliamentary honors been such an open book to the electors whose favors he demanded...
...Be is on Mussolini's blacklist aad was recently arrested while passing through Italy on his way to China...
...Pathetically the Tory press in Great Britain for the past few days has been deploring the conditions under which the Paris talks have had to take place...
...On May 21, Hitler was massing troops on the Czechoslovak frontier...
...Thus the French Government repudiated its obligations under its treaty of alliance with Czechoslovakia...
...But he is admnaatly opposed to Fascism and to the two Fascist leaders...
...but it will not set...
...Chamberlain in foreign politics...
...Those Jews who still have some cash left are still trying w elude arrest—which means the torture of Sachsenhausea eajfr^-ff tration camp, near Oranienburg, where Niemoeller %~MgJB|| "boot" beatings in Buchen- ____^^^^A wald, near Weimar, where I A the Republic was founded, or x |; Is^^Oemi^ffllpI death in Dachau, where one I nW^tM of Kautsky's sons is impr I ^^K^^TsTimJI soned...
...And my firm belief is that, for the present, he has abandoned any hopes of developing his appeasememt policy and is rapidly seeking to restore confidence in himself at home, in his Party and in the country generally...
...tV Pirst on the production schedule of the associ»0IM "Advance Democracy," a dramatized version of tht^OK teenth and twentieth centuries...
...Nevertheless, in July Chamberlain decided to send Runciman to Czechoslovakia without consulting the French Government and on July 20, when Halifax, British foreign secretary, was in Paris with the King and Queen of England, he informed Daladier and Bonnet bf the British decision...
...I do hot suggest that all the members of the British and French Governments knew this...
...Thus Chamberlain threw the whole responsibility of taking the risk of war on Daladier and Bormet knowing that they would not have the courage to take it...
...y I recall this episode to make it clear that the new Member is not anti-German...
...He knew that his own General Staff were opposed to it as well as the great majority of the German people who were terrified at the possibility of war, but he knew also and so did Ribbentrop that the British and French Governments did not intend to go to war in any circumstances...
...It was refused by Rumania and Yugoslavia which had then passed under German influence...
...The successful candidate, Mr...
...H JUJkjL#B6S"'^*' The Manchester Guardian's ^c5uru!^r^^hS5s25f correspondent in Germany -stop it, Adolf—you're dmaa as reports that between 9,000 and nuts...
...That is why all his efforts at the '.moment are directed towards removing the impression that he is inclined towards Fascism and is, in fact, the full-blooded democrat the British people expect their Premier to be...
...Countries where the boycott movement has been most marked are: Straits Settlements____75% decrees...
...CHAMBERLAIN'S POLICIES COST HIM PRESTIGE /YNCE launched on this dangerous course, Mr...
...should arrange for Britain's Air Minister to follow up their talks with practical negotiations for the amalgamation of the two air forces against aggression from one or both of the Rome-Berlin Axis Powers...
...This article is not meant to be a biography of the new Member...
...Tstnnich, in Rome and in Spain...
...If general appeasement is to be truly general, it must include the United States, and the recent outrages in Germany fbh^e hardly tended to make-American public opinion sympathetic '*jwatds more concessions to the land of the Nazis...
...BONNET DOUBLECROSSED CZECHS IN SEPTEMBER HAD the British Government declared at any time even up to the last moment that England would go to war with Germany if Hitler attacked Czechoslovakia, Hitler would have climbed down as he did in May, but the British Government consistently refused to make such a declaration...
...BOTCOTT SINKING JAPANESE EXPORTS INTERNATIONAL boycott drives by organised labor have art Japanese exports by 21 per cent during the first six nuBtai of 1938, compared with the corresponding period of 1987, according to figures obtained from the monthly summary of foreign trade of the Department of Finance at Tokio...
...On August 8, 1936, he incurred a further responsibility by putting an embargo on the supply of arms to Spain under British pressure and because some of the Radical Socialist members of his Cabinet threatened to resign if he did not do this...
...You're a red-baiter or a Trotakyite sabotaging dog—or both...
...He would have nothing more to do with anybody, he more or less told the British Government, until belligerent rights were granted to him...
...Hunger may yet drive out the Italians just as the Loyalist army made them suddenly homesick at Guadalajara...
...So bad was the atmosphere that the talks between the British and French Premiers had- to -be devoted almost entirely to questions of defense and the joint attitude of the two governments towards the Spanish problem...
...Surely, they argue, our Prime Minister, •i our representative who ate humble pie on our behalf, must know this, too...
...Developments in Germany and the •"offensive attitude of the controlled Nazi press have confirmed in 'their minds what they suspected at the time of Munich—that Nazi '¦ Germany cares not one jot whether -she has friendly relations " with Britain or not...
...Stalinites from howling "red-baiter" at those who print the *•» news reports of Russia's international activity...
...Chamberlain, I believe, is a man of singularly little imagi' nation...
...But, too frequently, the business man is inelastic in his idea...
...For Mr...
...The new production group is the joint activity «sjj Labor Party, the Trade Union Congress, and the 'tWW) cooperative societies...
...The destruction of Czechoslovakia was the logical sequel of the annexation of Austria...
...But imprisonment and threat are similarly futile...
...In all frontier t| • *1 regions, especially near |." fBfjjjtiB&jrk H France and Switzerland, thou- ¦S^HHuMH*' ^efea^dP^Lnw* sands of Jewish women and rn^P-*^ r 1 '^SSLm^^LmW children whose husbands and fSe^BBf" i *^lv^^vf fathers have been arrested li^LS^>V•*3F^W> j are trying to escape...
...Events have shown that he was wrong, terribly wrong...
...Albert Sarraut who was then prime minister of France and several other members of his Cabinet wished to mobilize but they yielded to British pressure exercised through Flandin, the French foreign minister, who has ever since been an agent of Chamberlain in France...
...The group, which would have its proposed new state remain a part of the British Empire, plans a campaign under the slogan "A Dominion of Western Canada," An earlier move that might have led to a drive for secession was launched last October when the: Saskatchewan section of the United Farmers of Canada instructed its members to study the question of forming a separate dominion out of the Western Province...
...We now know that Hitler had promised his generals who were opposed to the military occupation of the Rhineland because they feared that it would mean war with France and England that, if France or England took action, he would withdraw the troops...
...Trade Union Talkies LONDON.—Britons are going to learn about labor fj^Jj the cinemas of England...
...They weakly yielded and from that moment the initiative passed from the hands of the French Government into those of Neville Chamberlain...
...In fact, the loyal Spaniards in rebel-held towns are so bitterly opposed to the great influx of the Duce men that they refuse to sell them food...
...Appeasement Slows Down as Tories Lose Prestige at Home Chamberlain Still Set To Tie Up With Dictators By BERNARD MOORE LONDON.—It was a chastened Neville Chamberlain who crossed the stormy English Channel last week to meet once more one of his partners in the Munich Agreement...
...The Workers' Film Association...
...They V^sW Jmm f camp near the border, wan- ¦ ^H^^^^Sr • dering up and down the line, X^RtP* ^^^BE^kI waiting for the moment they *tft ^^¦Hflel can cross, secretly or other- l*li """""^^^L^BI wise—but across at any cost...
...This Czech question, he argued, is causing friction between us and Germany and may lead to real trouble, so let's settle that now and hope that when the friction is removed, we can do business again...
...Point out that the Stalinite regime has supplied oil to the Italian Fascist navy during the Ethiopian and Spanish civil wars . . . you're red-baiting...
...The U. F. of C, however, is not connected with the new secessionist party...
...Leon Blum who had just become French Prime Minister also refused because the British Government insisted that such a pact would irritate Hitler and Mussolini...
...As far as the Manchester Guardian correspondent could istermine, the Nazi troppers have burned some 196 synagogues ami destroyed nearly all German Jewish schools set up to tram youngsters for manual work abroad...
...For Chamberlain, the Peacemaker, has had a bitter lesson...
...His attitude towards 'Mae dictatorship countries is rapidly becoming as critical as was gttat «f Anthony Eden...
...A careful tabulation reveals that 3,000 Jewish UMpi and stores were systematically destroyed by organized squads wHam a few hours...
...Despite a world boycott against Japan and supposedly tlttM relations between the Nipponese and the Soviets, the StaMsAss actually purchaeed $5,100,000 worth of materials from the Tea* government . . . all this during a period when, as the Jammmm admit in the Monthly Bulletin of the Mitsubishi Research Bmrem, "adverse business conditions, the boycott movement, and the *sbf tively high prices of export goods were the main causes of <¦* reduet^n tn export trade...
...This is an incontrovertible truth...
...On the contrary, the Communist press admits that despite tk* Japanese invasion of China, despite the German pogroms tad Nazi-Fascist invasion of Spain, the "Union of Socialist Sen* Republics" has been dealing with all three aggressors...
...By Dick Reynard Workers Abroad TERROR BEYOND WHAT THE WORLD SAW ALTHOUGH the German pogroms are no longer "in wtVffll jumpy cable editors in the clattering city rooms American and British press, the stalking of Jews by Nasi «ts«t' troopers sweeps on in the Reich in a nightmarish luiisjffJBH and fox game...
...In November, 1936, the French Government took alarm at the growing influence of Germany in the Balkans and made a similar offer to the countries of the Little Entente...
...In June, 1936, the three countries of the Little Entente, Czechoslovakia, Rumania and Yugoslavia, offered a pact of mutual assistance on the lines of the Franco-Soviet pact to France r.nd Germany...
...The boycott has resulted in the arrest, by the Italians, of many tradespeople and fishermen...
...Secession of Western Canada from the remainder of the dominion was urged last week by a new Canadian organization known as the "Western Secessionist Party...
...gc-f Public opinion, he realized, was flatly opposed to any more ?.j.appgessjpns...
...CZECH DEMISE EXPECTED AFTER AUSTRIA IN March of this year the British and French * Governments allowed Hitler to sieze Austria by force...
...Bartlett was commentator on foreign +t Taffaiis to t ne British Broadcasting Corporation and did much to.brinjr forev,rn affairs and the League of Nations into the minds °* .f\e peopVe generally...
...The voters at Bridgwater knew that their opposition candidate was an expert «d foreign affairs, that the election was being fought on foreign sffafrs, that he had bitterly condemned the betrayals of Abyssinia and Czechoslovakia, was bitterly opposed to the Government's ^^H?j...
...Such a pact might have saved Czechoslovakia and by this act of weakness Blum incurred a great responsibility for the destruction of the only democratic state left in Central Europe...
...Indeed he is the very reverse, for he was educated there and spent many years in the country...'re a Hesrstian stooge...
...It is in your power to prevent that by lifting the embargo on the supply of arms to Spain...
...Chamberlain was obliged to inform Hitler that England would not tolerate an attack on Czechoslovakia and Hitler climbed down...
...Chamberlain was deliberately playing the dic' tators' game..., Malayan food is virtually barred to the fascist invaders...
...Try to discover why Russia is supplying the Nazi war department with 52 per cent of the chemical ingredients necessary for the manufacture of high-powered explosives and incendiary bombs, a* quoted by no less an authority than H. C. Englebrecht in no less a pro-Stalinite publication than Frieda Kirchway's Nation . . . then you're a social Fascist, even though the line has changed...
...V*ir M^Hj can afford it, keep on the I •• ^\ -ca -f*(^*..^tv^^mmwL move by traveling night and 1 I, ^:<?jt*iE *"W'^"jHB day, going from place to place mL ^t« / wj^e^ ' 3<^^M to avoid being pic- ' ^d^Sm^mW the S.A...
...Personally I am inclined to regard this conclusion as false...
...tJf?** Premier, too, is hesitant now of offending American public opinion...
...More than 50 full Pr0*I*3|M being assembled for presentation at union meetiBaWflP Labor Party rallies...
...Chamberlain was \^ in an appalling position...
...Included are ps*^^5 of the vigorous fights put up by the Rochdale PjJjM and the Tolpuddle Martyrs for decent labor condJWg when such a fight meant certain imprisonment »*MR sible death...
...Immediately he was barraged by the CP.'» JjP*»i which dismissed the charges by quoting from a London psWication and calling the columnist a "Trotskyite-Fascist" BUT THERE'S NO DENIAL ANYWHERE THAT TuJ SOVIET GOVERNMENT CONTINUES TO DEAL WITH TBI FASCIST GOVERNMENTS NOW INVADING AND SMASHING DEMOCRACY IN TWO COUNTRIES...

Vol. 21 • December 1938 • No. 50

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