Rail Workers Refuse To Consider Pay Cuts

Rail Workers Refuse To Consider Pay Cuts National Convention of A. F. of L Railway Employees Urges Six-Hour Day, Reduction in Stockholders' Dividends. Specif I to The New Leader. CHICAGO.— In a...

...Legislative Commit tee «g watch its deliberations care* ftflr Our committee is now en-raced m drawing up the A.L.P...
...The speakers are Nat...
...1 A joint meeting of the City Ex-<" ecutive Committee and the State Executive Committee of the New York S.D.F...
...additional funds for the Civil Liberties Committee...
...An action committee was elected to organize and stimulate this work...
...At present the League is pressing for passage of the Wages and Hours bill, twice side-tracked in the House...
...Roth was the A.L.P...
...A democratic Socialist, he was elected to the Assembly and later to the Board of Aldermen...
...CHICAGO.— In a vigorous, militant statement that left no doubt as to where they «ood...
...time in wrangling for partisan or personal ends and delaying the es*ctiMtTf of measures vitally necessary to combat unemployment, increase the people's purchasing power, aad eventually do away with the ssSat for relief...
...Some leading experts en houstaf throughout the country have already promised their cooperation...
...will meet its first *S»t in Peekskil...
...He gave so much of himself to his ideals that his health was wrecked and he died in his early fifties...
...wr' Union era-ad >n>f h—Sag power* should be tamed late the chasm***, of unionized industries...
...Housing Program...
...campaign, a novelty in this community, fa being directed by the dab chairman, Clifford Conway...
...1 his committee is beaded by Louts |Waldman, State Chairman...
...A l«M**Jj feature of the drive will be aaSge scale public conference* n tjpft cities to which trade tart^-Jked other otgcnisatfoK* •yespwtmflW with the program will be invited...
...in the coming campaign...
...Minkoft* and Jes...
...B. M. Jewell and James M. Burns were re-elected president and secretary by acclamation...
...Roth is also a member of the Social Democratic Federation, a Socialist campaigner and frequent candidate since 1912...
...on April 12 ¦pTtko viasge will-adopt a new ad mare efficient charte...
...and passage of legislation, by Congress, prohibiting age discrimination in employment and in service...
...These lanssen will hear from the AJUP...
...delegate* to the ninth convention of the Railway Employees' Department of the American Federation of Labor instructed members of the executive council of the department to "refuse to, consider any proposed reduction in the/vvages of railroad workers...
...She has the support' •f Mayor Thomas L. Holling, who *m elected last Fall with AX.P...
...They suggested that the Reconstruction Finance Corporation "be provided with sufficient money to absorb any railroad bonds which the present bondholders re-'use to absorb after the interest has been reduced to a maximum of 3 per cent, which is a liberal allowance, in view»of the present money market...
...The membership of the League includes C.I.O...
...Tiki should be the cry in every cam-1 munity in the coming weeks...
...pOUNCILMAN Louis Hollander **-|es presented a resolution call-in* for a conference of represent-ttives of the WPA and the State ad City Relief Agencies to work •it i simplified relief organization...
...The department is composed of'" seven unions"— the machinists, boilermakers, blacksmiths, sheet metal workers, electrical workers, carmen, their helpers and apprentices, and the firemen and oilers and railway shop laborers...
...HI- » * * TB A.L.P...
...Labor League Prepares Drive For Fall Election Labor's Non-Partisan League is using its growing strength throughout the nation to push the drive for workers' legislation in the present Congressional session at the same time that it prepares to back liberal candidates in the fall election...
...Active in the A.L.P...
...Contributions for the memorial | plaque to Shiplacoff may be sent to Samuel Kanter, secretary, Brownsville Lab jr Lyceum, 219 Sackman St^, Brooklyn, N. Y. SDF Opens Campaign To Eradicate Slums Federation Seek, to Rum J10.0O9 Im AfWn to Aid Movement for NationwicJ...
...Harry ^svejjfa^j^^ Letter* *re\lre*riy*b^g*maiksd to members ke this stabs stab* by Chairman McLevy...
...Music will be furnished by the Rand School Chorus under the leadership of Ada Rifkin...
...The statement opposing pay cut.s, in letter form, directed attention to the "great personal sacrifices" that railroad workers have been called upon to make to meet the financial, difficulties of the railroad industry...
...Several persons were fined last week for "not properly complying with the instructions of the Town Council regarding the demonstration of joy and enthusiasm which has been produced in all of us by the triumph of our Glorious Army on the Catalonian front...
...Bondholders charge 4 to 6 per cent at the present time...
...Brooklyn Union Gas Company Nasally unjustified," say* Wald-Resolutions «n this matter been forwarded to Governor f^Bssa, Mayor LaGuardia, and ^raatir Service Commission...
...This became known this week'as a group of his friends and comrades ! announced that contributions were being solicited to place a bronze plaque in the park to be named after him...
...to take all pessary steps to resist the application of the company before A« public Service Commission aad^ „_ other proceeding that may be JLjotsd by the company...
...She has served as President of the Buffalo Parent-Teachers' Association and for the past ten years as director of the Erie County League of Women Voters...
...Brownsville Park Will Be Named After Shiplacoff A Brownsville park is to be named after Abraham I. Shiplacoff...
...making concrete proposal, for the New York State Con-aay*ni and scrutinizing all pro-MtSls having a reasonable chance of adoption...
...Shiplacoff came to be known as "Father Abraham" because his advice was sought by housands who loved and trusted him...
...hut week voted to enlist in this campaign and to accept the quota of' $2,000 to be raised in New York State...
...With the members ef their families, labor unionists could form a anion label army that would drive the chis*jiers out ef their antiunion trenches...
...Rose contended that "it is vitally necessary to demonstrate tint democracy can operate effi-aently as an answer to the charges ih*t democracy is inefficient...
...two weeks' vacation and a sick leav* of two weeks each year, with pay...
...AMERICAN LABOR PARTY ACTIVITIES By AUGUST CLAESSENS • WALDMAN, Chairman of tire Kings County Law ael^flnrittee, is calling a meeting of this committee, which ^^ts pf some 200 Brooklyn attorneys, for Wednesday...
...David E. Gertler, Chicago...
...Charles Edward Buassll of Washington, D. C; Edward Thompson and John W. Wilder of New Jersey...
...1 1 1 ." ¦1 ...» With a new major depression vapidly tbseas a is...
...the new Wagner Act, extending the provisions of the Labor Relations Act to govern contractors and loans...
...t • * * APRESS release was sent out April * by Alex Rose, State IsistSff.ssPPortrng the Reorgan-gsfSon Bill then still before Con-pea...
...T» Council i* to be represented by asief its members at this conferees to help untangle the snarls in idnf administration and end the ¦V hardships imposed upon reef recipients...
...The JLL.P...
...Algernon Lee will give the certificates of the school to the studens...
...the anti-lynching bill, and other progressive legislation...
...enactment of a Federal railway employees' industrial insurance and compensation act and an unemployment compensation act...
...The letters going to SJLF...
...members also carry a contribution* card v.ith the request that they ateMVa personal financial contribution with little delay, so as to finance thi* national drive...
...Favorable action is expected by the City Council...
...S. Neistadt...
...Six-Hour Day Favored The convention supported the action of the Railway Labor Executives' Association on the question of pay cuts and pledged wholehearted cooperation to the association and the A. F. of L. The delegates went on record as favoring the 6-hour day with no reduction in earnings...
...The A.L.P...
...Darlington Hoopes, Pennsylvania ; Louis Waldman, Algernon Lee, Marx Lewi*, NhrhaBie...
...The organization is also preparing to throw its full support behind those fall candidates who have demonstrated their support of such measures...
...The outstanding immediate problem with which the people of the United States are confronted is the need to UNJAlf COW-GrrESS...
...April Sjto map a borongh-wide fight against the Brooklyn Union Qjj Company's attempt to obtain increased rates...
...Bridgeport, Sis | embarked upon a nation-vgftfe drive to stimulate a general j housing program arid to raise $10,000 in aid oT agitation...
...Larry Davidew, Detroit...
...William KarKn, City Chairman...
...candidate for Council-can-at-large last November...
...A. I. Shiplacoff died several years ago after many years of invaluable service to the working class...
...M. Minkoff of New Torlrj Sarah Limbach and Sidney Stark of Pittsv burgh...
...The delegates recommended enactment of a Federal law that would "permit railroad management to retire all their outstanding l>onds and to issue new bonds bearing interest of not more than 3 per "cefi't...
...In Ohio, the state branch of the League held its first constitutional convention recently to lay plans for the coming state election drive...
...As plans for the various con^ ferer.ces unfold, they will be mad* known from week to week...
...While a new major depression is rapidly developing ail soar the country," the letter declare*, "Congressmen are wasting...
...Tuvim, manager of Local 142, I.L.G.W.U...
...They will include public meetings, distribution of literature *M "S«Jb-Iicity to break the disheartening jam in Congress which sacrifice* millions of the working class ta privation, hunger and destitution, UNJAM CONGRESS...
...ijj*frfrMn declares that over a half mMmn domestic consumers of gas "^iaiitad "With labor cost aad -gariai easts drastically on the -gSje, this move on the part of, (k...
...All friends of the school are invited to attend...
...candidate for Village Trustee a Robert A. Stevenson who also k« the endorsement of the independent Citizens Party...
...Approximately 400,000 workers were represented at the convention...
...Interest Rotes Cut Asked It called for a reduction in the interest rate charged by railroad bondholders...
...CHARLES H. ROTH has b«m-nominated for a five-year tens on the Board of Education a Buffalo...
...Rail Workers Refuse To Consider Pay Cuts National Convention of A. F. of L Railway Employees Urges Six-Hour Day, Reduction in Stockholders' Dividends...
...The national drive committee is a representative one, including sot only Chairman McLevy, bat Abraham Cahan, editor of the Jewish Daily Forward...
...urged all New York State Representatives to support the Reorganization Bill...
...Waldman w been appointed by the Kings County A.L.P...
...ncreasing hundreds of thousands of workers out of eJf!pSoy*ertt Whir* wretched housing conditions continue in fltousafidh of fit jes and in many rural areas* the Socio} Democras^l?bSmrts*to of the United States, through its National FTaTr'"'T* ¦f*1|Sl mittee...
...Delegates to the convention came from practically every union in the state RAND SCHOOL TO HOLD CLOSING EXERCISES The Rand School of Social Science will bring its regular year's work to an end on Thursday evening, April 21, at 8:30 o'clock, with closing exercises...
...J. Henry Stump, Mayer ef Reading...
...OffEN the Constitutional Con-" yention reconvenes on April 18, AgfJtL.P...
...Six N. Y. City Congressmen, Bloom, Boylan, CaiSgSn, O'Connor, Sullivan of see York County and Pfeifer of Kings, voted against the bill...
...He gave many years of hie'life to the needle trades unions, was one of the most forceful speakers in political campaigns, and literally sacrificed his life for the Labor and Socialist movement...
...since its formation, Mrs...
...and A. F. of L. unions...
...Railway Brotherhoods, and certain independent groups, such as the Workers' Alliance...
...headed by Mayor Jasper McLevy qf...
...REBEL OFFICERS DEMAND GRINS FROM CIVILIANS BARCELONA.—Failure to show proper enthusiasm for the rebel army's activities constitutes a punishable offense in the rebel town of San Sebastian...
...Smile, darn you, smile...

Vol. 21 • April 1938 • No. 16

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