Dark Eyes", New French Film Due at 55th St, Playhouse


Dark Eyes", New French Film Due at 55th St, Playhouse The Week on the Stage By Joseph T. Shipley UPPER MIDDLE CLASS Reehe (jMHn her HoveL "Whiteoaks of Jalna"). At the Hudson. Old -Gran...

...April 19...
...RUMMAGE SALE conducted by the Women's Committee for the benefit of The New Leader and the S.D.F...
...These series are in addition to the present discussions on current topics, held by the University Tuesdays at 10:15 p. m,, Wednesdays at 10 p. m., and Sundays at 10:15 p. m. "DYBBUK" TO BE REVIVED •Maurice Schwartz and his Art Theatre players will revive the famous Yiddish classic "Dybbuk" for one performance...
...New York Lower East Side Branch...
...Harry Kavesh, Solomon Mag gin, Estelle Abram-son...
...Karl in in English...
...Also that she has more •ana* than most of bar descendants...
...Jndge Matthew M. Levy will be the guest speaker...
...Morris Lehman is chairman of the membership committee, and Edith Olshin of the women's committee...
...Included among the speakers in this group are Miss Tony Sender, a former member of the German Reichstag who has just become a New Leader columnist...
...Old -Gran Whiteoak (in Mazo de la Roche's dramatization of one of her.,Jalna series) gives Ethel Barrymore a grand opportunity for a character role...
...April 23, at 8:30 p. m. A fine concert is being arranged...
...and she shrewdly leaves it to the one that covets it lasses lajt will make the bast use of-it...
...Branch is conducting a series of public forum meetings twice a month...
...May 8th...
...the only thing in his^household that is second class.—Similarly, despite its lauded virtues, who is content with a civilization that is middle class...
...Watch for details...
...Wagner's "Lohengrin" I Wednesday night...
...Bizet's "Carmen" Sunday night...
...Branch 3 will held a mass meeting, with Dr...
...OPENS AT THE GAIETY With Bali once more in the public eye through such best sellers jas Miguel Covarrubias's "Island of I Bali"' and Vicki Baum's "Tale of 'Bali...
...Saens' "Samson and Dalila" Thursday night, May 12...
...Verdi's "II Trova-tore" Saturday night, May 7th...
...3rd A. D. — Hyman Watt* t-spoke on "The Platform and htt-s-lative Program of the \Lj?* it our meeting last Monday in U» clubrooms, 502 Henry St...
...Connecticut SDF Set Up New Legal Election Machine BRIDGEPORT, Conn.—Mestiaf in state convention here last San-day, the Connecticut Socialist Party, affiliated with the Social Democratic Federation of the Unites States, set up its legal state machinery in compliance with the election laws of the state...
...and if we —rr# quite believe that a woman over* hundred has ail that mental and physical force, we must nonetheless admit that she is a great old lady...
...WEVD Radio Notes WEVD opened the Spring, session of its university of the air last Tuesday with a discussion of "The Theater and Social Drama" by Ernst Toller, exiled German playwright...
...and Max Brauer of Germany...
...The first lecture in this group will be delivered April 15...
...Thi« booklet is bound to ! make friend...
...10 cents...
...for the mansion itself— Pa Whiteoak left that to grandson Reniu'e—what money is left in the family stays with the old lady...
...Make reservations for the dinner wtth Df...
...The Rand School Chorus and noted artists will present the concert program...
...The affair concluded with a dance...
...Heading the supporting cast of 'Sailing Along" are Roland Young and Barry Mackay...
...Local New York Root Ride Saturday, July 23, on the S.S...
...journalist and author, and Marquis W. Childs, journalist and author of "Sweden The Middle Way...
...Others who will speak on following Tuesdays at 8:30 p.m...
...in "Dark Eyes" (Otehi Tchornia), which is said to be a keen and pointed picture of old, ¦ decadent, aristocratic Russia, Baur is co-starred with Simone Simon...
...The Rand School women's afternoon das?es will wind up their season with a luncheon on Monday...
...He takes an active and integral part in the production of each film, often participating as much as the director...
...Mav 11th...
...MUSIC HALL HOLDS OVER HOLIDAY SHOW Breaking pre-Easter week records, the Radio City Music Hall's j holiday show, headed by Gary-Cooper in "The' Adventures of Marco Polo," is now in its second week...
...A. L. P. Clufe ' Meetings 0 -,-—* Kings County Counselor Salvatore Milassn, Jr...
...Bronx Amalgamated'Cooperative Houses, Branch.—Tenth anniversary celebration of our branch on Saturday, April 30...
...A,ntonio Merenda is chairman...
...At 6:30 p. m., the S.D.F...
...Even in the most meagre films, Baur always scores a personal success...
...Bizet's j "Carmen" Saturday night...
...National Secretary Leo Meltzer will be present at the May Day meetings in Newark...
...May 6th: Gounod's "Faust" Saturday^ afternoon...
...Queens County Flushing Club barn d*nes is headquarters on Saturday, April 23, at 40-11 Main St., Jhusmng...
...There will be new settings for this opera and an elaborate production which will utilize the entire company of 200 persons...
...will be honored at a testimsaisi dinner on Saturday, April SSfT bj the Half Moon Hotel, Coney IsU-k He is an active member w'th* county organization...
...See story on Page 7.) f>» your "bit" by sending your contribution to the National Office of the S.D.F., 814 Albee Building, Washington, D. C. Advance Notice By the time this issue has been received, the National Office will have published a new, timely and extremely, well-written 23-page pamphlet by Louis Waldman, prominent labor attorney and N.E.C...
...Intensive educational activities planned...
...for the S.D.F...
...Sprnf dance, Saturday evening, April f 19th A. D. Central Club.—Sc i 1 fino Romualdi, editor of the Ital » 1 L.G.W.U- publication, spoke r. cur meeting last Tuesday in \ae | clubrooms, 67 Central Ave...
...the famous cathedral scene which has become an annual tradition at the playhouse...
...But this, as Brandes remarked, is...
...The, play hinges upon the fact that,, save...
...Moto'i Gamble" while the RKO neighborhoods in the Brook-tjn tnpeejBs group show Bette Davis in "Jezebel" and ''Radio City Revels...
...May 2, 12:30 p. m., at the C. and L. Restaurant, 2131 Broadway, near 74th St...
...by all...
...Bear Mountain...
...Verdi's "Rigol-to" Friday night...
...A legs...
...seventy-odd delegates ! and many other Socialists enjoyed | a banquet arranged by the Btjjjt* port organization with Mayor I Jasper McLevy as the main speaker...
...A rather greedy group they seem to be, these progeny of hen...
...A. Gaxofalo, treasurer...
...At the Palace and other RKO Manhattan, Bronx and Westchester houses Carole Lombard in 'Tools for Scandal" and "Over the Wall" are toe screen features...
...affair is the annual Bronx County Ball, a yearly reunion of hundreds of Bronx Socialists and their friends The affair will be held in Bumside Manor, Bumside and Harrison Avenues, on Saturday...
...Puccini's "Madame Butterfly" Saturday afternoon...
...I. Kismon of Rumania speaking in Jewish and Labor Attorney Wm...
...In making "Wajan," Dr...
...and she has announced she intends to leave it in one lump...
...As that musician grandson, Stephen Haggard does a good job...
...Baur and Miss Simon are seen as father and daughter in pre-war Moscow...
...May 7th...
...Wajan" is the title of this film, and it will open a limited engagement at the Gaiety Theatre, starting today, under the auspices of Harry Thomas, who distributed the first of the Bali pictures, "Goona-Goona...
...100 or more, at 6 cents ? each, from the National Office, j Remittances should accompany all ! orders to secure prompt attention...
...7 East 15th St-New York City...
...A Public Speaking class is boing planned to begin in May for trailing a crew of speakers for the coming campaign...
...May 14th...
...Simon Berlin, chairman of the City Central Committee...
...Other featured players include Noel Madison, Ali-stair Sim, Athene Seyler, Margaret Vyner, Peggy Novak and William Dewhurst...
...Gallo has presented thousands of times on tour...
...Mickey's Circus," a footlight fantasy inspired by the famous cartoon characters of Walt Disney...
...S.D.F..814Albee Bidg„Wash!dTc...
...Joseph T. Shipley, instructor in Literary Criticism at City College and drama editor of The Mew Leader, and Joseph Wood Krutch, drama editor of The Nation...
...M Anderman, secretary...
...City Treasurer John Shenton, who presided at the conveiioiiai I also served as toastmaster at she banquet...
...Simone Simon's father in the picture, Harry Baur adds another characterization to a series of memorable performances...
...Puccini's "La Boheme" Monday night, May 9th...
...Midtown Cutters' Branch.—The next meeting will be on Tuesday...
...The Center Theatre engagement will open with Verdi's "Aida," an opera which Mr...
...Branches Do Not No* Rxkdj May Ostaia Information, Charter Blanks, Membership Applieatkjip...
...Etc by Addressing: Nat'l Office...
...a double bill consisting of Mascagni's "Ca-valleria Rusticana" and Leoncavallo's "I Pagliacci" Tuseday night, ! I May 10th...
...Broadway will follow suit this week with the first American I presentation of one of the most un-| usual motion pictures ever made in j the Paradise of the Pacific...
...Director Schwartz will stage the play for die benefit of Lazar Freed on Wednesday afternoon, April 20, at the Public Theatre on Second Ave...
...Baur's performance in "Dark Eyes" (Otchi Tchornia), opening Monday night, April 18, at the 65th Street Playhouse, is the fourth Russian role he has essayed on the screen...
...TO READING READING.—The state office of the Pennsylvania Socialist Party will be moved from Pittsburgh to Reading May 1. The transfer was decided upon at a meeting of the state executive committee...
...Among the speakers (list incomplete) are Louis Waldman...
...The complete list of operas which Mr...
...County Exeeo-tive Secretary Ave Tuvim will Mk every Bronx club to select student* for this class, and all ALP...
...May Day Celebration | Plans are in the making for an impressive May Day celebration on Sunday morning...
...The next important S.D.F...
...85 cents...
...Gallo has selected for the Cen-iter Theatre, following "Aida," will include Puccini's "Madame Butter-jfly" on Friday night...
...8 George Stein hart and JttfBS* Oneal of New York addreeoesVfths [Convention in the afternoon, each i pointing out the importance of xW New Leader as an educatianal organ and complimenting .the Bridgeport organization and Jss-per McLevy for their successes '» elections and administration of the city's affairs...
...The, New York State Executive Committee this week accepted its quota of $2,000 as its part in raising the fund of $10,000 to make the drive a success...
...Tony Wood's 1 Swing O-chestra will provide the dance music Tickets at 55 jents...
...Comrades are urged to rush material, anything that is saiab'e—clothing household goods, bric-a-brac, shoes, furniture, etc.—either to the store or to Room 505...
...Bat perhaps most interesting here is the play's part in the current movement away from social nsoblesii plays...
...Dark Eyes", New French Film Due at 55th St, Playhouse The Week on the Stage By Joseph T. Shipley UPPER MIDDLE CLASS Reehe (jMHn her HoveL "Whiteoaks of Jalna...
...Although Baur performs in more than six films yearly, his batting average of outstanding characterizations is a high one...
...Like Janmngs at the height of bis career, Baur is more than an actor...
...Grievance Committee: H. Goldber, J. Leventhal, M. Waldman, H. Weissglass, H. Waldman...
...May 114th, and Verdi's "Otello" on Sunday night, May loth...
...Robert Beafty ahoT'tan-resa Polke...
...California On April 24th the Los Angeles Verband Branch will tender to Comrade A. T. Silver, one of the most active Social Democrats of California, a banquet on the occasion of hie 50th birthday anniversary...
...A large far-out, a splendid show, a fine jourht and a spleasant evening enjoys...
...The International Scene" will be the subject of a third series, to be broadcast Thursdays at 10:30 p. m., beginning April 21...
...All comrades should get busy and hustle in ads for the Journal and push the ticket sale...
...Tyrone Power, Alice Faye and Don Ameche share starring role honors in this new 20th Century-Fox picture...
...in the i ranks of organized labor...
...New officers of Local New York elected by City Central Committee meeting of April 6: Dr...
...members interested should keep in touch with their clubs and the county office...
...JESSIE MATTHEWS IN "SAILING ALONG" OPENS AT THE CRITERION Jessie Matthews and Jack Whiting will make their first appearance as a dance team when "Sailing Along," the new Gaumont musical, opens today at the Criterion Theatre for an extended run...
...in its first week's popular price engagement at the Roxy Theatre, remains for a second week beginning today...
...member of the Social Democratic Federation, entitled "Should Labor Unions Be Incorporated?—Responsibilities of Unions Under the Law," It is free from legalistic verbiage and,, is written in plain, direct language...
...Remohjyo A. L Shiplaeeff Branch—Special meeting Tuesday, 9 p. m., at the Brownsville' Labor Lyceum...
...Eelas of mwzrX J. W. WildVr of Irvington, or Field Organiser Lena Morrow Lewis, 7 East Itt St., New York City...
...in the drama series include Dr...
...Arrangere.-committee: A. J. Egitto, cht ¦• nran...
...Brooklyn, will continue if more goods can be obtained...
...Newbold Ber...
...First class, naturally, is reserved for statesmen and soldiers...
...IN OLD CHICAGO" STAYS ON AT THE ROXT "In 01«t Chicago," having set new attendance records...
...Allan Taub presided...
...Single copies (postage prepaid...
...The two dance stars have formed * permanent combination under the terms of Whiting's contract, recently signed, with Gaumont...
...state committee was elected, a task that required most of the day after which the...
...The picture has as its musical theme the popular folk song of the same name, which Miss Simon sings in one of the scenes...
...By way of religion and "Graustark" renewals (like JsdaiNs af "gave lie the Waltz") the theatre seems on the way hack to dramas that take for granted the solid virtues of the middle class...
...in a store at 5418 Third Ave...
...GALLO TO RRfSENT OPERA AT CENTER THEATRE Introducing grand opera to Radio City, Fortune Gallo will present his I San Carlo Opera Company at Center Theatre in thirteen performances 4of standard operas, in an eleven day season starting on Thursday night, May 5th...
...A series of talks on "Cooperative Living" will be given over WEVD Fridays at 10 ^p.^ in...
...6th A. D.—Assemblyman S. M. Minkoff sooke at a mass JajjjBag of the Center Club last Wednesday in P. S. 105...
...For of course "Whiteoaks" ends with virtue reasserting.—I am reminded of the comment of Moisha Cohen (pardon me, you know him ¦s the great critic Georg Brandes), when the king sent him his 'seal of the royal order, second class...
...Branches i are urged to obtain a widespread ' circulation for it...
...Conceived and directed by the late Dr...
...HARRY BAUR AMD SWQfXE SIMON CO-STAR IN FILM Since the decline of Emil Jan-nings in the Nazi cinema, Harry Baur is indubitably the outstanding European character actor...
...In addition to "The Adventurers of Marco Polo," a romantic spectacle based on the fabled life of the 13th Century adventurer, the Music Hall is presenting on its stage "The Glory of Easter...
...4th A. D.- -An energetic drive ii cn for an increased membership The goal is 500 by June 30...
...An attractive circular containing a May Day proclamation and program of the meeting will be printed...
...SOCIAL DEMOCRATIC FEDERATION AT WORK Readers in Localities in Which S.D.F...
...May 1, in the I Public Theatre, 66 Second Ave...
...Dora Silverglied, recording secretary...
...Friedrick Dalsheim in the course of a sojourn of several years in Bali, "Wajan" is considered a living tribute to the great talents of an artist who distinguished himself by "The Wedding of Palo" and "The Head Hunters of Borneo" and then in despair committed suicide on the advent of Hitler in Ger-!many...
...9t.t: Bononno is chairman of the clal 2nd A. a—Mabel Durham, * i liant young Negro speaker, a butt ber of Local 62, I.L.G.W.U., alu> on "The Pight Against LyncHrr' Friday, April 22V fc*> P- ? • the clubrooms of the Kings S*rt way Club, 1114 Kings Highway Bronx County The County Bail held last Sett day is now history...
...Drtire Gathers Force f ATEST additions to the list of outstanding bousing experts - who have accepted speaking engagements at the Housl-ij i Conferences' ot the S.D.F%'Unjaria" Congress Drive, inchde Langdon W. Post, former Chairman of the New York C ty Huiusing Authority, and Coleman Woodbury of the Chicago Housing Authority...
...The authentically striking Russian backgrounds of the picture were executed by Pimenoff, noted' French designer of "Mayerling" and "Carnet de Bal...
...Emil Lengyel...
...Branch meeting Monday, April 18...
...ris, Justice McNulty and others spoke...
...dinner will be served at 190 Belmont Ave...
...New York County 3rd A. IX—A successful neighborhood meeting to protest against the continued existence of toe-traps anl slums was held in E, 8> 32 last Thursday...
...August Claessess will be one cf the teachers...
...Leventhal, Julia Primoff, Meyer Lovensteir...
...In the afternoon...
...and "Wynken, Blynken, and Nod," a new Disney Silly Symphony in technicolor...
...The San Francisco S.D.F...
...Vocal solos were rendered by Mrs...
...near 4tb St...
...But perhaps to rise out of that is the function of the young artist in "Whiteoaks...
...Dalsheim had the invaluable aid of Walter Spies, curator of the Bali Museum...
...The Albee holds over Shirley Temple in "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm" and "Mr...
...Members of the City Executive Committee: Algernon Lee, Spencer Binyon, Simon Berlin, I. Minkoff, Bela Low, Jos...
...The rest of the east, which includes the star's daughter, help make "Whiteoaks" an interesting study...
...A splendid attendance at meeting last Monday...
...Now Jersey The state committee and membership meeting will be held April 24 insteid of April 17, as announced last week...
...in Assembly Hall...
...May 13th...
...He has also been seen as Rasputin in the film of the same name, as a Russian postmaster in "Nostalgic," based on Pushkin's story, and- in the title role of the pkturizations of Gogol's "Taras Bulba...

Vol. 21 • April 1938 • No. 16

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