Secret Fascist Agents Infest Canal Zone

Secret Fascist Agents Infest Canal Zone Seek Weak Spot In U. S. Lifeline •"¦"•HERE is a little shirt shop in Colon, Panama, on Calk Mm ke-' tween Avenida Herrera and Avenida Amador Guerrero red...

...And an oddity of the situation is that this smashing of presidential prestige was directed by a man who once served a term in Federal Penitentiary at East View for trading with the enemy in time of war...
...Minute Men and Women, active against the Apex Hosiery Mill strikers in Philadelphia and recipient of funds from Pierre S. duPont...
...The following year, it was on March 7, 1936, that he marched his army into the Rhineland...
...In Southern Germany, where he spends his days, Spring comes earlier than in New York...
...It's a critical political campaign that's coming into sight now, and gives every indication of being even more bitterly fought, district by district and section by section, than the 1936 presidential campaign...
...It is the object of eternal diplomatic machinations to have such neighbors as Austria...
...The1 Italians know it and no amount of government-tnsphad journalistic hot air can convince them of the contrary...
...Tourists seldom go there for it is a bit off the beaten track...
...These end many others too incrfedible for the movies have happened and are happening in the -Panama Canal Zone area which is now finked by Japan, Germany and Italy, all signatories of the "anti-eommunist pact" which is now generally recognized as being a military agreement...
...They overlook the native saaity of natuse1* own fores* and, above all, they -think that they can fool *& the . people all of the time...
...The Crusaders, who were backed by power trust money to attack the Tennessee Valley Authority...
...The so-called Rome-Berlin axis, which could justly be called a German-Italian alliance, may be the pivot of his aggressive policy...
...1 Wall Street, George Le Blanc...
...Hence, the espionage activities embrace Central and South American Republics which may have to he need by an enemy as a base of operations...
...Committee to Uphold Constitutional Government, headed by Gannett of power trust finance...
...Mind you, this was twenty years after she supposedly woniit against the Austrians and Germans...
...He lives with Lola in the room above the shop, never does any work though he is supposed to be a merchant, and is always aasauli I lllg1 around with a camera...
...Usually he snaps yonr picture from across the street but if he misses you he darts across the street and waits for you to come out to take another abet, I watched him take*my picture, while my photographer Seek his, as I entered the store...
...Occasionally he vanishes to Japan...
...All fighting to defeat the President because he represents a rather mild spearhead of social and industrial reform which might work out to the advantage of organized labor and high wages...
...No more," one of them giggled...
...Far from that, he loves and idolizes it...
...With modern means of communication and transportation any region within 500 or 1,000 miles of the objective is considered to the "sensitive zone,** espedallv if it is of great strategic importance in the event of war...
...he seat four Italian divisions up the Alps to prevent Hitler from arabbbsg Austria...
...they fall...
...ITALY LOST WAR MARCH 12 OECOND, Hitler is- not yet ready for a major war...
...America First, Inc., headed by James True, leading propagandist against the National Labor Relations Board...
...Anfend that—with its inhibitions upon employers preventing labor organization, by means of spies and company unions, and capital would take heart again...
...In front of the bar is a West Indian boy with a tripod and jssmera with a telescopic lens...
...Obsessed with the idea of a God-like mission, they swats Sjbi strategic position after another, carried onwaid by a bsjpsf tt . their invincible power—and when they reach the hit heat bSjsx...
...And you have the same Rumely active in the Committee to Uphold Constitutional Government, cooperating with Father Coughlin in the defeat of the Reorganization Bill...
...The War Minister of Germany, the chief of staff, along with a dozen generals were retired...
...He Jias the world demoralized...
...At the head of the mattress where Lola rests her charming head, you will notice a mended tear in the mattress...
...The business upon which she and her husband are supposed to depend for a living was in the hands of two gigglihjj young Panamanian girls who sat idly at two ancient Singer sewing machines...
...Will he take advantage of this unparalleled chance...
...I don't especially like these," I said...
...American Viligant Intelligence Federation, headed by Harry A. Jung of Chicago, who is in constant touch with Hitler's headquarters in Munich...
...THE army purge clearly indicates that Hitler's Third Reich is * not yet ready for a major war...
...i. At this juncture it is difficult to make a prediction...
...Hitler decided to strike in Austria some time in February, and he so informed the army heads...
...IF the American military and naval intelligence officers will rip * this thread and stick their hands into the mattress they will find photographs of extraordinary secret military and naval Importance...
...Fishing boats flying the American flag, but manned by Japanese, take soundings of the waters around the Canal searching* for the locations of the mines...
...Lola Osawa is not her right name...
...By EMIL LENGYEL Veteran International Correspondent THE war under the sign of the swastika has only begun in Central Europe...
...As a matter of fact, all of the great organizations founded to protect finance capital from organized labor have that kind of name: Committee for the Nation,, headed by Rand of the Mohawk Valley Plan...
...The War Minister, Chief of Staff, and several generals must have warned him of the consequences...
...connection between rumely and coughun rIERE has long been a connection between Rumely and Father Coughlin, whose appeal to defeat the reorganization bill on the sham ground of dictatorship, resulted in the blizzard of telegrams that scared Congress into humiliating President Roosevelt in the eyes of this nation and all other nations... ia a rebellion of Congress against everything the President stands for...
...Special efforts are made to boy or lease land "for colonization" but the land chosen is soch that It can be turned into an air base almost over night...
...I saw four of them...
...High sounding names those...
...There is a method to Hitler's madness...
...When she appeared again she was Lola Osawa, seamstress...
...A DICTATOR NEEDS "MENACES" BUT the number of menaces from which a dictator can save his country is limited...
...In front of the window with the blue curtain is a worn bed, the hard mattress neatly covered with a counterpane...
...But he cannot yet afford to go to war for two main reasons: first, because at the last free elections in Germany, at the end of 1932, he and his Nationalist friends got only fifteen million votes, against more than 21,000,000 opposition votes...
...To the right, casually covered by another print curtain, is a red painted ladder by which the deck is reached...
...The defeat of a President, supported by Labor, is more than a mere defeat on a single law...
...Hitler may feel that he cannot beat all the world single-handed or in cooperation with his ally, the Italian dictator...
...A deck which cuts the store's height in half, forms a little balcony which is covered by a green and yellow print curtain stretched across it...
...Sentinels of the Republic, headed by Alexander Lincoln, who wrote that "I think, as you say, that the Jewish threat is a real one...
...France was busy overthrowing cabinets...
...Liberty League, headed by the duPonts...
...Austria is annexed, and not for the last hundred and fifty years have the moves of the head of a state been awaited so anxiously as Hitler's...
...SEEK TO INSTITUTE LOW WAGE SCALE AND that's the fundamental problem in America today—this belief amony many corporations that they cannot pay union wages and continue ot exist...
...SPY ACTIVITIES TOO INCREDIBLE FOR MOVIES IfOLLYWOOD in its maddest moments would dismiss as toe * * incredible some of the activities of the secret agents in the Panama area...
...There were then apparent certain connections between Father Coughlin and Rumely...
...France may be on her way to a back bench...
...Her husband, who entered Panama without a Panamanian visa on his passport, is a reserve officer in the Japanese Navy...
...At bottom, the whole struggle over the presidency is a struggle on one side for low wages and on the^ other side for high wages...
...The little shirt shop is a cubby hole about nine feet square, its wooden walls painted a pale, washed out blue...
...What, they asked, if the Powers decided to call the German bluff ? Hitler raged and raved, he knew the Powers would do nothing of the sort...
...Nevertheless, even though not living wages they are still high enough, when exacted by unions, to create the belief among corporations that corporations cannot pay them and continue to-make profits...
...president's Defeat Stirs New Drive on Labor CORPORATIONS REFUSING TO PAY DECENT WAGES RESORT TO SPURIOUS "PATRIOTIC" COMMITTEES TO CRUSH ROOSEVELT'S ATTEMPT TO RAISE AMERICAN STANDARDS—"COMMITTEES" BECOME HUGE RACKETEERS By Bryce Oliver WEVD's News Commentator 1JBOBABLY nothing that has so far developed *^in the struggle of reaction against decent wages, has had half the effect that the defeat of the President on the reorganization bill has had...
...Russia was busy with blood-purges...
...Will it be ready next March ? It is difficult to make any such forecasts in this unbalanced world of ours...
...i * ?V*]S .Dictators lack the controlling force of failure, to BSSbs^ibSJat mind their steps...
...Upstairs,' the other said, motioning with her thumb to the ceiling...
...It was also known that backers of the rally were Robert M. Harrjas of the Wall Street firm of Harriss and Vbaa and an investment counsel at No...
...You will re-member that a few months ago he carried out a purge of the army...
...Rumely, convicted once for anti-American activities, runs through both the Committee for the Nation and the Committee to Uphold Constitutional Government, and defies a Senate Committee seeking to sobpoena the records of the latter organization...
...When will he strike again...
...It happens to be the committee which defeated She Reorganization Bill and finally realized the high hopes of - the anti-labor element—the de-7StiucUoa of the President's prestige...
...He is in a feverish state of excitement, which is an important condition of winning battles...
...You may have noticed that in all his speeches Hitler is combating some danger threatening the world with doom...
...So you have Le Blanc and Rumely linked in the Committee for the Nation, backing a Coughlin rally...
...The significant fact about the high army officers' resignation was the implicit admission of Germany's lack of preparedness for a major war...
...When you do meet her you find that her scholarly dark eyes behind the octagonal shaped lenses of her glasses are soft and kindly with an intangible something of suppressed amusement in them as if she were always laughing deep within herself...
...The tragic part of it is that so far they are winning...
...You will notice that the most important moves in his political life as a Chancellor were made in March...
...A CCORWNG to a special undercover r spar tor of the anti-fascist, anti-communist magazine Ken, agents of the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis latest the Canal Zone ond adjacent republics, ferrefiaa out the possible weaknesses of the defease of the Panama Canal, so that arracks may bo pi—od sow for some future fascist war on the United Hilda...
...This next attack should be even more effective, because presidential prestige has now been effectively shattered...
...The ten-mile-wide strip of 46 miles of land, lakes and Canal which the Republic of Panama leased to the .United State* "to perpetuity" is America's life line both commercially and to 4bae of war...
...Labor organizations, themselves, have suffered most from the recession, and they seem stunned over the course of events...
...Committee for the Nation and Committee to Uphold Constitutional Government...
...When Hitler manhed into Austria on March 12th, Italy lost the World War...
...It may well be that by election time, Labor will have gathered itself together enough to retire the people in Congress who have been stampeded...
...I asked...
...He is a mystic, who depends on hunches...
...How has this alliance been affected by recent events in Austria * If Mussolini were not a dictator, standing above the law, he would be placed on trial for high treason...
...The same organization that deluged Congress with the telegrams of frightened victims of propaganda, the Committee to Uphold Constitutional Government, is now moving on to defeat whatever program the President stands for...
...No busy...
...It was almost high noon and Lola was not yet up...
...Only if Germany and Italy are ready to go to War aew *r in the near future, was the annexation of Austria a good move...
...Thus the army chieftains had to go, and the annexation of Austria" was carried out...
...For example, it was known that the great Father Coughlin rally at the New York Hippodrome, in 1934, was backed by the Committee for the Nation when Rumely was the guiding genius of that organization...
...He has stopped short of war so far...
...Nazi and Japanese secret agents co-ordinate their work round the Canal...
...If they want to go to war, Mussolini may have know* what he was doing, but not otherwise...
...All with great patriotic names...
...For years the Italian dictator backed up the Austrian geeara-ments in their resistance to the Germans...
...If Italy is thinking of extending her sphere of tnffuafkeC commercially or otherwise, m the Danube Valley and the Balkans...
...The world was puzzled about the significance of this event...
...what chance has she got, with Hitler occupying the gate to at) Eastern Europe ? Today Italy is wedged in on all sides: try PlaskiJ, Germany and Great Britain, which still rules the seas...
...To defend the Canal, the army, navy and sir corps have woven a network of secret fortifications, laid mines and placed anti-aircrat guns...
...High wages is probably the wrong term, because in many cases even union wages are still not exactly living wages...
...SET TO DEFEAT PUMP-PRIMING lhJEXT on the program for defeat is the Presi-*^ dent's so-called pump-priming program...
...He must .save his • country from some danger every day...
...And after the War be will have a powerful Reich to deal with...
...Edward A. Rumely, super-propagandist of the Committee to Uphold Constitutional Government, has scored the greatest victory of his career...
...The balance of power, for which England fought so kwg, is nO more...
...Many of the latter may have become Nazis, of course, but it would be a grave error to think that all former Socialists, Communists and Centrists have given in...
...The article appeared in the April issae of the magazine, which will publish other exposes of Japanese espionage in succeeding issues, it It copyrighted, 1938, by Kan...
...It is at the interconnection of the great continental highways, the focus of intellectual, social, political and economic activities...
...They looked puzzled and I explained: "Busy, eh...
...Does he not believe in war...
...Got amy others...
...Without troubling to rise and wait on me, they pointed ts a glass case stretched across the room and barring quick entrance to the shop proper.' I examined the assortment in the case, counting a total of twenty-eight shirts...
...All reminding the observer of Washington's admonition...
...Ls menjjoped.before, Father Charles E. Cough, lia, who had been cheered to the echo by a Nazi organization in Chicago, hore the burden of the radio appeal which falsely assured the Americans that the reorganization bill meant the establishment of Roosevelt as a dictator...
...Not unless he can get his next victory without the danger of a major war...
...She is Chiyo Morasawe who arrived at Balboa from Yokohama on the Japanese steamship Anyo Maru on May 24, 1929, and promptly disappeared for almost a year...
...I don't know, of course, the exact date, but I assume that it will be over a week-end, when the British cabinet members are away...
...Practically every contributor to these super-patriotic organizations is a bitter-end opponent of what Senator Wagner called the "Magna Charta of Labor," and practically every editorial in the press, calling attention tci the present plight of the country, either states outright or implies that the so-called fright of capital could be alleviated by amendment of the Labor Relations Law...
...Across the street from her shirt shop, where the red sight district begins, is a bar frequented by natives, sokHers^an^aeilora...
...Mussolini was aware of this when, in 1984...
...She has been an active Japanese secret agent for almost nine years, specializing in getting photographs of military importance...
...And so they resort to the super-patriotic organizations, such as the Committee to Uphold Constitutional Government, in the hope of*- crushing a President who takes the labor viewpoint that the opposite is the case...
...With a population of 75,000.000...
...Hitler evidently felt that Mussolini had to keep silent during the rape of Austria...
...If you stand on the ladder and press against the ceiling directly over it, a well oiled trap door will open soundlessly and lead yon into Lola's bedroom above the shop...
...le blanc was Also unked with rumely IT is now possible to disclose that Le Blanc, who has been associated with one of the great Rockefeller trust companies, was actually a member of the Committee for the Nation at that time...
...He never photographs natives, and wandering tourists pass him by but he is there every day from eight in the morning until dark...
...My guess is that mystic as he is, Hitler responds to these strange stirrings in nature, which are responsible for spring fever...
...Hitler leads a dynamic movement, and, as the self-appointed God of the German race, he has to do things at a furious rate...
...Rumely was the propaganda brains and super-ergsniser of the Committee for the •'Nation, head-ad by James H. Rand, Jr., chairman of Remington Rand and exponent of the so-called Mohawk Valley Plan for the destruction of labor unions...
...Looks like you're doing a rushing business, eh...
...Real statesmanship never takes such chances, but Hitler is not a statesman...
...Lola herself pays little attention to the business from which she obviously cannot earn enough to pay the rent, let alone keep herself and her husband, pay two girls and a lookout...
...And if there is no danger on hand, he must fabricate one...
...They now control the backbone of Europe, ana nobody can pass through their territory if they decide to keep them out...
...But let us not forget that the weakness of the dictators is in their strength...
...The exposure will run ia The Now Leader ie a series* of fear short articles...
...At that time he stayed there over a year...
...This organization, the Committee to Uphold Constitutional Government, is the organization which rallied the press and business interests to the defeat of the reorganization bill and the destruction of presidential prestige...
...Hitler simply took advantage of the chaotic state of Europe's affairs...
...Now the army purge assumes unexpected significance, and explains some of the German mysteries...
...It was on March 16, 1935, three years ago almost to the day, that he startled the world by tearing up the military clauses of the Versailles Treaty...
...Lola is an attractive and sensually exciting woman in her early thirties and you have to look twice in the dim lighted Atlantic NHe Club or the Moulin Rouge which she frequents to notice that she hr Japanese, for her graceful body is always dressed in the height of Western fashion...
...For years be paid part of the bill for an armed organization against the local Nazi** - j WHY did he do it, and why did he finally lose the war for TtaT/T " Today Mussolini and Hitler are friends, but what about tomorrow ? Italy has now the most aggressive, most militant country OB her very frontiers, instead of Austria, which was aa Ideal buffer • State, weak and harmless, the perfect neighbor...
...Hitler knows only too well that in case of a major war, many of these ex-foes would be tempted to turn their arms against him,*not against their party-friends across the French or Russian frontiers...
...However, there's quite some time between the present and the Congressional elections in the fall...
...Mussolini knows this and no amount of white-washing and face-saving can change the baste fact...
...Looking at the map, you will see that the two countries stretch -all tha way from the Baltic Sea in the North down to She far Mediterranean...
...His job is to photograph everyone who shows an undue interest in the little shirt shop and particularly anyone who enters or leaves it...
...On the deck at the extreme left, where it is not perceptible from the street or shop, is another tiny ladder which reaches to the ceiling...
...Great Britain was busy getting ready for what it hopes wiR never be a war...
...VTOU got shirts...
...For him war is the test of the strength of a nation, the breeding ground for all human virtues...
...Germany is the paramount power of Europe The Soviet Union is largely aa Asiatic Stat...
...J IAS common sense lost the game, the stakes of which are IBs ** and death...
...Is Hitler superstitious...
...A danger a day keeps democracy away...
...Whoever holds Vienna is also master of the Danube Valley...
...The Isthmus is a center of intrigue, plotting, conniving, conspiracy and espionage, with the intelligence departments of foreign governments bidding high for information, since capture or disablement of the Canal by an enemy means that American ships would have to go around the Horn to get from one coast to another, a delay which in time of war might easily prove the difference between victory and defeat...
...Costa Rica, north of the Canal and Colombia south of it, are beehives of secret Japan eat...
...Nazi and Italian activities...
...The charming little seamstress, Lola Osawa, is one of the most capable of the Japanese espionage agent* operating in the Canal Zone are...
...The editors of The New Loader fool that Kae'i exposure of the danger at Pa name is to important in these days of dictators' aggressiea that wd %• reprinting a digest of if by special permission of Kan...
...And it was on March 12 this year that he took Austria...
...In addition to taking Austria, he could also rehearse a minor mobilization...
...and Mussolini was busy concealing his weakness, since his country's economic condition is getting worse...
...Better America Federation, which describes public-owned water works, such as New York has, as "Bolshevistic...
...Secret Fascist Agents Infest Canal Zone Seek Weak Spot In U. S. Lifeline •"¦"•HERE is a little shirt shop in Colon, Panama, on Calk Mm ke-' tween Avenida Herrera and Avenida Amador Guerrero red and black painted shingle announces that Lola Osawa is the proprietor...
...He is now operating in the same capacity for die Committee to Uphold Constitutional Government, headed by Frank E. Gannett, the news-japer publisher who accepted power trust money to control important newspapers, including the Brooklyn Eagle, and proceeded to fight public ownership of utilities on behalf of the banker-owners of the companies...
...The initiative is in his hands, and his potential enemies are paralyzed...
...His last trip was in 1935...
...The real target of the drive against the President is aimed at forcing an amendment to the National Labor Relations Law and preventing the passage of a wage-hours law...
...and foreign spies and international adventurers play a sleepless game to learn these military and naval secrets...
...Father Coughlin also runs through both committees, the Committee for the Nation and the Committee to Uphold Constitutional Government...
...There is little work for them and neither they nor Lola care a whoop whether or not you buy any of the shop's total stock of twenty-eight shirts...
...It was to 1934 that Rumely emerged, after his penitentiary term of a year and a month, as the chief propagandist of Rand's Committee for the Nation...
...Men who have been frightened by the increasing power of organized labor with the aid jf the national administration, are now encouraged to struggle on...

Vol. 21 • April 1938 • No. 16

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