...It is a grim story...
...Informed foreign correspondents here feel that unless the Government acts very quickly and produces really far-Teaching reforms without delay, things are likely to come to a head within a few weeks...
...We insist that all persons capable and willing to work afig entitled to the right to work at decent wages and that un-forutnates unable to work are also entitled to live as human beings...
...The Liberty League is sMs.jj confuse them with talk about the old village rules, the cant*** that no longer control...
...He blames the very outbreak of the civil nv on the disorders, strikes and demolition of churches of the pariai immediately preceding the war...
...Arthur Greenwood, deputy leader...
...I want to address myself particularly to the independent businessman, because the independent businessman is often deceived into supporting political movement which spell his own ultimate economic destruction...
...We believe that the people themselves shall be the masters of their destinies...
...KnoWaajk seems to see all on the Loyalist side...
...the opposition would place production and distribution of wealth on the basis of serving human greed...
...We are trying to do a modern engineering IJ with stone-age tools...
...Life has grown complex...
...117HAT has the Republican Party and Big Busi...
...If they kJaj and lied and stole, it was away from home...
...The criminala vs*s heroes, benefactors...
...Our old village demseraSj grew during ten thousand years of the stone and bronsa se* ft survived through the farm and small-town era of Aineri**— down into the 19th century...
...Is there anythim quite new under the sun...
...Books . . . and Writers By ELIAS L. TARTAK The Tragedy of Spain *T*HERE are two nations in Europe who refuse to do the common...
...The two books parallel each other in many interesting rasps* The scenes of Madrid, both before and during the siege, the initial confusion, the heroism' and cruelties of the civil war, oaaarp vividly from both books...
...This was the gang which had painted yellow the homes of the late Con- -gressman Charles A. Lindbergh and Senator Shipstead...
...From a "Save Minnesota from Socialism" slogan it is now "Save Minnesota from Communism...
...AS the G. n O. P. and R e 9 e n ode D • ss eerots defect New Deal proposals one after the ether, it becomes clearly e v i dent that one man doesn't make a liberal move-meet...
...Mir Riesenfeld's experiences in Spain involved her in a parsant tragedy which will arouse the sympathy of the reader...
...That made a difference...
...Whoa Si lectures at the Rand School the clear blue glint in his eye aarie notice that here is somebody special...
...Each has for decades provided the on looking world with strmnft surprises, paradoxes and contradictions...
...They vwill say things about us which are untruthful or distort the truth to such proportions that it cannot be recognized...
...Is it any wonder" then that all the present system has had to offer to the people has been constantly recurring periods of depression, each' depression more aggravated than the former...
...COMMUNISTS DOUBLECROSS FRENCH POPULAR FRONT LEADERS PARIS.—Although paying lip service to the former Blum cabinet, through their slogan "everything through and by the Popular Front," the Communists are more than secretly iatisfied that it fell...
...Madrid Adventure •I'HE second book, "Dancer in Madrid,"* is even mow SOSV * biographic than Mr...
...From the present state of turmoil to the setting up of a parallel local Government would not take much—and once that were done, Prague would have to choose between recognizing and * legitimizing a de facto autonomy and trying to subjugate the f area by force...
...He was executed bytse Loyalists...
...These policies have led directly to depressions and mass unemployment, but Big Business was always sura to wash its hands of responsibilities for them...
...Knoblaugh's book...
...ness ever given the worker...
...He doesn't spare u...
...MEXICAN OIL WORKERS OFFER GOVERNMENT 100,000,000 PESOS JkAEXICO CITY.—Union men throughout the country are rallying (,-f4to the Federal Government's aid in its fight against inter-^iiationaj" sanctions which the financial interests of Great Britain f.and the United States have imposed on the country...
...the conservative opposition holds that government exists to protect the holdings of the few who have obtained control of our economic system...
...They will call us "reds" and charge us with espousing a philosophy foreign to our people and our land...
...The two peoki tmkf present review will supply the reader with a good deal of iaaW mation on the Spanish tragedy, but neither goes beyond *b"| personal impression...
...BRITISH WORKERS CAMPAIGN TO SAVE SPAIN—AND PEACE I ONDON.—Mighty demonstrations of working people are planned to cover the entire nation in the Labor Party's energetic drive to bring last-minute—and effective—aid to the beleaguered Loyalists...
...WfcSJ NRA or the Wagner Labor Relations Act tries to bring the SS* tional life into a pattern—with rules that represent the coiamSBW will—the neighbors get scared...
...The professions are overcrowded only because the people have not the money to buy their services...
...The work is in the hands of a special group, Labor's Spain Committee...
...She reached Spain almost on the day of the outbreaks...
...person, both Insurgent and Loyalist, the book holds the atteBBh of the reader..., the expected: Spain and Russia...
...As a contribution to the paying of the oil debt, the Union of Oil Workers has announced that it will cede to the government its claim against the companies of more than 100,000,000 pesos due its members for indemnities resulting^ from the breaking of the labor contract...
...when the workers and farmers have no money to buy the goods the businessman has to sell, the businessman likewise suffers...
...the civil war, but managed to be admitted to the country...
...Will Spanish tenacity save the cause of democracy when atke nations, adjudged more progressive by the usual standards, ss* given in and surrendered...
...Hcnlem—Czech Nazi chief— and his xtonn troops are having things all their own way, terrorizing all other factions—particularly the'Socialists...
...They expect not an uprising, but a collapse of Government authority in the German districts—like the collapse of British authority over large areas of Ireland in the Sinn Fein days...
...the opposition would class all such persons as derelicts to whom society owes nothing...
...They will obtain persons in our ranks who are liberals in name only to enter our campaigns so that these 1 persons can become disseminators of their vile falsehoods and defamations...
...He ends with a note furnished by Justice Cs**ft...
...Your Mind IJERE is the bad news about your mind...
...Funk and Wtf nails Co...
...A few other falsa* may know about the same things...
...They had broken the rules...
...The principles and ideals of the Farmer-Labor Party are not alien to America nor were they imported here unless one holds that the principles of the founding fathers were alien and imported...
...i. * • • Two Personal Accounts TXOZENS of books on Spain have been rushed from the preaan since the outbreak of the' civil war...
...In blood and in history, Spain is probably more African that European...
...TPHE Brookings Institution has made a survey * of family incomes for the year 1928, when we w^re sliding into the depression from which we have not yet emerged...
...At this very moment, Big Business is attempting to liquidate whatever advances labor has made under the New Deal as the condition upon which it will go along with the Government in measures to restore normal economic conditions...
...B» doesn't spare himself...
...The position of the Socialists and of the other non-Henlein . sections of the population is desperate...
...DASCER IN MADRID, by Janet Riesenfeld...
...Sheed and Ward, London and Xew York...
...In addition, the Oil Union is proposing to its members that they give a day's wages each month, for as long as it may be necessary, towards the national fund for meeting the oil debt...
...Intelligent people know that the Farmer-Labor Party is not a Communist Party and that it does not have a Communistic program...
...The independent businessman and Big Business have absolutely nothing in common...
...a note which suggests the theme of the entire work: "NeedsmSV were narrow or parochial a century ago may be interwoven to StT day with the well-being of the narton...
...These strikes could be wholeheartedly supported as demonstrations against any possible attempts of the Radical Socialist backers of Deladier to ignore the Socialists and Communists in the Chamber...> a bunch of "Reds...
...This single item will thus take a large slice out of the amount the government will eventually have to pay after the court valuation of the properties is made...
...The welfare of the average businessman is tied up with that of the worker and the farmer...
...This picture is a meaxure of the faths...
...THE WORKERS ABROAD By DICK REYNARD CZECHS BAN MAY DAY DEMONSTRATIONS PRAGUE.—Fearing the situation in the German districts throughout the country, which admittedly is more critical than even the world's democratic press has revealed, the Cabinet, for the first time in this republic's history, has banned May Day cele-- orations.' -According to well informed Government circles, President Benes and other high officials have been tipped off that the granting of demonstration privileges to the German Social Democrats will be the signal for wide-spread counter-demonstrations and rioting arranged in Berlin for the Sudeten Nazis and their newfound allies in the other German parties...
...And Napoleon had actually e» quered Spain...
...This action is similar to that ¦ taken by hundreds of other labor organizations and government agencies which have voted gifts to the oil fund ranging from one day's to a month's wages...
...I say that the Big Business—Wall Street—controlled Republican Party means the death of private, individual enterprise in America...
...Our is a crusading movement...
...And Spain is Eurafrica, a bit of Africa in Europe...
...As this is written, there are about 200,000 metal and munitions workers on strike and more coming out every day...
...Those who have watched'the situation in Spain closely feel that there is still time to roll back the Fascists and cut . Insurgent Spain in two if enough planes and guns are sent to Barcelona...
...At times we may be called upon to champion an issue which for the moment may not be a popular one...
...The author went to Spain in the course of a professional f> gagement...
...In the accompanying article Farmer-Labor Governor Benson shows the need and calls for a national Labor Party...
...Sir Stafford Crlpps and many others, including Herbert Morrison, head of the London County Council, when he returns from the United States...
...the opposition believes in the right of the few who possess great wealth to rule...
...They are directed by a handful of men who have caused wholesale unemployment...
...Here's the argument...
...This book* is a prime piece of pragmatic thinking—not Jsst for educators—for all of us who are bent on creating a cratic world...
...But Dr...
...Civil war is horrible in any case and for the best of caaan, But, after all, it was Franco «nd the Rightists who invoked tat sword as against the verdict of a popular election...
...Hart sees hope...
...The total by the end of the week is expected to reach 300,000...
...A recent investigation showed that one per cent of these corporations control half of the wealth of the country...
...By GOVERNOR ELMER E. BENSON of Minnesota TTHE Farmer-Labor Party came into existence * because great masses of our people, while enjoying political citizenship, were denied eco-, nomic citizenship...
...Will Spain become the graveyart <r fascism as, more than a century ago, she proved to be the grow yard of Napoleon's ambitions...
...which broke the Front's agreements by entering a candidate for a seat previously held by a Socialist...
...Only one choice is open to us and that is to fight «>or that which we know to be right...
...They are no more trying to save Minnesota from Communism today than they were a few years ago trying to save Minnesota from Socialism...
...The people themselves must find thet road...
...This is the first of many mass meetings set for every large cjty in the Isle# which will hear C. R. Attlee, leader of the partv...
...Joseph K. Halt * * is our Number 1 educational evangelist...
...We should not become disturbed by their crude tactics...
...THIS new feudalism, through the Republican Party, the United States Chamber of Commerce, the National Association of Manufacturers, and the American Liberty League, is now waging war upon progressive political and economic movements...
...The Socialist Party has issued a statement blaming the Communists for the defeat of a Popular Front candidate, saying that it was the CP...
...Is it because the people have not the need for the services of all the professional men and women ? That is not the case...
...He seems to imply that if the Supreme Court can anybody ca*n...
...When the Supreme Court apprsesl the Social Security Law it turned from the old pattern to wjt, new...
...It kv1>elieved here, however, that President Cardenas and the Mexican government are standing firm by the decision not to allow its petroleum to be used by the fascist and aggressor nations, and that an arrangement will be concluded whereby Mexican oil will be sold in England and the United States or else wHI be taken by the oil companies themselves in part settlement of the government's debt to them...
...Rome wins, and holds Spa- for some seven centuries...
...No deal has as yet been made for the .sale of the bulk of Mexican oil abroad, although various interests are known to be angling for control of this large source of supply...
...This would almost certainly bring Nazi intervention—"to keep the nation from bloodshed...
...But the Communists are making political capital of the stay-in strikes, pulling theu- usual stunts, raising red flags over fac-lories and alienating public sympathy...
...Southeastern Spain first appears in history as a totooj or dependency of the Carthaginian empire, later as the hattl...
...Also, to rejoin her fiance, a Spaniard, as fate vsaV have it...
...The first book, "Correspondent in Spain"* is a brisk ssl straightforward account of the author's experiences in Spain a correspondent for the Associated Press...
...ground in the fierce contest between Semitic and African Car*.h»p and the rising power of Rome...
...The prospect of 1 Franco-Hitler-Mussolini victory does not seem to fill him*via any apprehension...
...Later, Spain is conquered by the German* Goths, to be subjugated in their turn by the Mohammedan llaorv Rome, Germany and the African Moors...
...The strikes are also a sharp warning thaiCthe French workers are in no mood to take the Senate's control of the nation with equanimity...
...But, of the two books...
...BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS ARE SUFFERERS I SHOULD like to call the attention of the * various groupS" of our people to the effect of Big Business control upon their own economic class welfare...
...Men born too high-hearted to stsst the village rules ventured forth by land or sea—and returnai • enrich the local life with spoils and sagas of breath-taking athatm ment...
...We mast guard against political opportunism, if we are to be able to carry on the fight for economic justice...
...We are merely attempting to carry out the purposes for which our American government was founded but from which America has since departed—and we are doing it in a thoroughly American and democratic way...
...Sunday, April 10th...
...our schools, of the whole expansive paraphernalia of contemporary life...
...But it must be read with many reservations...
...Today Big Business has driven our people into a state of despair, and it now asks the farmer, the worker, the independent businessman, the professional man for a vote of confidence—a vote of confidence so that it can go merrily on its way exploiting our people and driving our country deeper and deeper into the valley of depression...
...We refuse to accept as final an order, that loss or threatened loss of farms and homes, unemployment and poverty shall continue in the midst of plenty...
...What they were doing was trying to keep in power a handful of people who had ruled by plunder...
...That is the kind of future that the corporate overlords hold out to the average businessman...
...Granted all the confusion, blasi-shed and even the cruelties of a civil war, he doesnt ace taj deeper meaning of the struggle in Spain...
...Big Business is never going to show us the way out of that valley...
...our conservative opposition supports an order which would condemn a large1 part of our population to a life of unemployment and want...
...They broke tht sH...
...They will call us names and they will get their hireling newspapers to call us names...
...Just after the war, when our movement began showing strength, a campaign was organized by the conservatives with the slogan "Save Minnesota from Socialism...
...saw a great demonstration in Hyde Park attended by over 100,000—the most enthusiastic demonstration London has ever witnessed...
...413 ««#* CoviCi-Fnede...
...When the workers and farmers are prosperous, the businessman is prosperous...
...It has blamed them on the farmer, or labor, on government, on whatever thing suited their selfish purposes, lacking the honesty and decency to admit that their own deficiencies were the cause...
...They found that the wealthiest 36,000 families were receiving as much annual income as was being received by the eleven million families at the bottom of the ladder...
...They are attempting to restore their rule of plunder...
...From respectable American hearths during the past etBtaTcf similar impatient vikings have gone forth—not to foreign _aSt*> but to a new time, a new form of industrial life...
...MONEY CROWD EMPLOYS CRUDE TACTICS IT is natural that we should meet with violent * resistance from the sources of special privilege...
...So here is our job—to tear away from the patterns of M* village democracy, to creat^ a national and international dsssH' racy, a pattern which will include our industry as well es SS* politics...
...Unfortunately, her Spanish fiance, while living in Loyal* territory^,' was an agent of Franco...
...And each time the native Spanurt fought the invader bitterly, mercilessly, for decades, for cestorm emerging in the end victorious and independent from what other more tractable nations would have* accepted as black defeat toe national ruin...
...They have failed to present a program to cure our economic ills, but instead have engaged in .sabotaging the government and unloosing a flood of poison propaganda through the newspapers, the radio, and every other agency they could bribe to carry on their subversive work...
...The same holds true for the professional groups...
...Despite reports and rumors that arrangements have already been concluded for the sale of Mexican oil to Japan, Germany, ,and Italy, informed quarters -assert that such statements are wholly without foundation...
...Hart says—our minds just aren't up, job...
...v To him the Loyalist...
...Their one hope is now for a combination of swift reform and the restoration of authority...
...KnoblaugVs report of* things asm...
...But he cares more...
...rules inside America and at the expense of their own neighsas* But the neighbors didn't know it...
...We maintain that production and distribution of wealth must be on the basis of satisfying social and human needs...
...MIND IN TRANSITION, by Joseph K. Hart...
...Big Business is still offering the same philosophy and program it was giving from 1919 to 1929, when they virtually dictated the policies of state and national governments...
...Is it, as some hissj im and writers insist, because neither Rusia nor Spain are- trah> European...
...They really weren't trying to "save" Minnesota from Socialism at all because Minnesota wasn't "threatened" by Socialism...
...There had been murder, tSSft and robbery...
...George Dallas, chairman of the Labor Party...
...Since 1929 the encroachmen of chain stores upon independent business has grown despite the fact that thousands out of jobs have invested -their savings in small business enterprises in an effort to eke out a bare existence...
...The Deladier government gives them a chance to spread their strikes—begun weeks before the Blum cabinet fell—throughout the important industries, at the samq time spreading the propaganda that Blum dealt incorrectly uith the situation despite his dejeat by the Senate...
...We bold that government exists to promote the material and spiritual welfare of the great majority and that the chief concern of government is the happiness of the individual, no matter how humble...
...Knoblaugh tries to be fair, but he does not conceal ah lack of sympathy with Loyalist Spain...
...It was St t** expense of aliens...
...Their record marks them as the enemies of agriculture, labor, and independent business...
...Once in Spain, she was attracted by the Loyalist cause, tboejk she doesn't blink the unpleasant things which Mr...
...Today the professions are overcrowded...
...Between the American people and their government there now stands a small group who control America's inter-state corporations, who ranJst control by the Federal Government by saying that this interferes with state's rights,, and who resist control by state governments by threats to move elsewhere...
...In this local pattern—during 1st milenniums up around the Baltic—there were democratic contisk and accepted moral standards...
...I would rather go down to defeat battling for the right than win defending that which is wrong...
...The need for a national Labor Party becomes more urgent rf the working people of the country expect fo lecrease their wages, live decently end not be subject to constant rear guard attacks...
...But it had been away from home...
...their greatest fear that a purely Czech Government may refuse to take the necessary steps in time...
...Since, however, the author met every important and interests...
...Despite agreements to the contrary, the Communists double-crossed the Socialists in the Senatorial election in the Seine district, in which a right-wing candidate beat the CP...
...The author's sympathies, signiflcsss*) enough, remain Loyalist...
...Before election day, lip service—but after election day, the policeman's billy and the soldier's bayonet...
...And they isUusSf with gifts of libraries, colleges, foundations...
...CORRESPOXDEXT IX SPAIX, by H. Edward Knoblaqk...
...Both—we are told—are in Europe, but not quit* 4 Europe...
...They are made up of strata from Greece, from Roma, ttJJL the Middle Ages...
...They talk of law and order—but the only law and order that they are interested in is that which will protect the anarchy of Big^ Business...
...Miss Riesenfeld's story, precisely bacSSB) of her personal tragedy, possesses more depth and manliness tiB* Mr...
...j ¦, In 1930 the Federal Trade Commission reported that one per cent of the people owned fifty-nine per cent of the wealth and seventy-five per cent of the people owned about five per cent...
...Russia is Eurasia, both Europe and Asia, a world of own...
Vol. 21 • April 1938 • No. 16