Manufacturers Use Vigilantes on Labor Everywhere
Manufacturers Use Vigilantes on Labor Everywhere Quiz Exposes NAM War On Social Legislation C f vi { Liberties Committe* Rev e&k Pk> t of Five UnMI Industrialist* to Smash Unions, Sabotage Labor...
...Fixed Bayonets - At the entrances to these premise* are stationed steel-helmeted soldiers with fixed bayonets, or storm troopers with rides...
...Its front cover bears the post-office box number of Arcand...
...Business establishments suspected of being partial to the C.I.O...
...It has become Europe's "City of Whispers...
...N. E. Sanctuary, an active New York fascist, had ordered 756,000 copies...
...More than 6,000 application forms have already been issued to those wishing to go to Australia alone...
...A half-million copies of this filth were printed in French for distribution in Canada...
...Even more vicious is the provision for heavy fines and terms of imprisonment that are imposed for striking before the red tape of procedure is exhausted, and there are penalties for aiding or encouraging in any manner any worker who strikes before the preliminary tedious process has ended...
...He, too, knew 'JPSeJ the guns...
...hew Fascist Legislation Menaces Canadian Labor Catholic Unions Join in Battle Against Gag Laws Reactionaries Push Bills for Incorporation of Unions and Prevention of Strikes — Anti-Semitic Propaganda Widespread Special to The New Leader MONTREAL, Canada...
...ftlfhalew* of San Xavier Hos-•IjjWt Very gently...
...Anti-Semitic Tolas Legislative reaction is supplemented by the intolerably insolent behavior of the fascist leader Adrien Arcand, whose anti-Jewish propaganda is an import from Hitler's Germany...
...This lack of confidence in the government is especially rife in the ranks of the Nazis themselves...
...She's old...
...Report Declares—Congressmen Find Electricity Companies Gouge More Than Billion...
...will not back up Walker's recommendations...
...Not one of them has any love ^or organized labor and all have been fighting the unions in this section ever since they organized...
...One" sleeve of his red pajama jacket was empty...
...Local officials took action on the side of the growers, Sheriff Soy Merrill deputizing tha mobsters a* his assistants...
...I'd Give My Other Arm To Step Franco...
...b» turned to me...
...Faces lined with terrible jour-neyings...
...We don't know much here, but we read the papers...
...Manufacturers Use Vigilantes on Labor Everywhere Quiz Exposes NAM War On Social Legislation C f vi { Liberties Committe* Rev e&k Pk> t of Five UnMI Industrialist* to Smash Unions, Sabotage Labor Bilk...
...Associated Industries, however, favored the National Industrial Recovery Act, with the exception of Section 7-A,,which would help the unions...
...With the exception of those fib-longing to the Nazi Party, Imp about their business in siienft...
...jmSfre coming," he said...
...Motor-cycles, with dispatch bearers wearing Swastika armlets, career along at speed as though in wartime...
...Demoted The S.A., so important during Hitler's rise to power, has now been reduced to traffic regulation...
...One" Fuehrer... than by its enemies...
...New Brunswick Reaction The proposed law in New Brunswick declares that "It shall be lawful for employees to bargain collectively with their employer," while in Nova Scotia the law declares that the employer "shall recognize" and bargain with trade unions...
...I've got a mother...
...Proud, black-shawled women...
...reduction of 25 per cent can ¦"gde'iB telephone rates through-•s fee entire BeH System without Jkrmpting the existing net earn-*y Walker declared... this week, invading striker*' headquarters at Nevada City ibd Grass Valley, and beating up C.LO...
...And the Nazis can't locate it...
...Non-Jewish establishments all display notices marked "Aryan business," or "German Aryan buai-ness...
...complaint that law and order have broken down in Nevada City and that a reign of terror prevails...
...FerelgtrePS dlfTTTy their respective national flags in miniature on their coat lapels...
...Large portrait* of Hitler adorn every advertisement, and smaller photos of Hitler, Goering and Goebbels are displayed in shop windows, especially in the principal shopping thoroughfares...
...ttm STfUftS ItMTfJf ' CALIFORNIA...
...A thorough prob> the WCF declare* will reveal that mobs attacking A F of L. organizers are financed by the Asstv ciated Farmer...
...The bill provides that unincorporated trade unions may be summoned before the courts, that is before judges who are mainly of the reactionary clerical type...
...I sat at the right hand d the dealers in...
...increase of more than IMBMlO over the profits of the piethflttk year...
...Without it, the NBA would have been strictly a measure to help employers...
...Nobody dares to think aloud in the trams and in the cafes, a London Daily Herald correspondent reports...
...I'm not grumbling," he said...
...I was a delegate from the Cleveland association...
...Jr., and Elbert D. Thodsats continued to question William Frew Long, manager of t3sV^ftB<-sociated Industries of Cleveland...
...Those who have jobs in the party itself find it extremely difficult to get any public positions at all...
...There is widespread dissatisfaction and animosity now being created by the regime, not on principle, but simply because the National Socialists haven't come through on any of-their promises, except persecution of the Jews...
...Even before the Gestapo seized the hotel, it had its spies there and in all the oiner Vienna hotels...
...Attacks on the Jews are growing...
...Unrest now is even seeping through to the formerly loyal ranks of the S.S., Hitler's private troops...
...Weak though it is, the outlawed Socialist Party carries on anti-fascist propaganda whenever it can...
...k» fY-jjeer-oH boy, he has a TtMl of* shrapnel...
...Despite Hitler's aggressive foreign policy and apparent military strength, the German people doubt whether the regime is as permanent and free of internal strife as Propaganda Minister Goebbels would have them believe...
...from France herded cattlelike in sealed trucks back across the border into Catalonia...
...inflated Costs Described The report described a number of these inflated costs...
...Union Solidarity Fostered The Catholic unions of the Province are affected as well as the non-Catholic, and the members of the Catholic unions have in recent months been awakening to the fate that awaits them at the hands of their "spiritual" shepherds...
...The secret radio broadcasting station is still going full Wast...
...Huge placards in scarlet lettering nave been posted in busy centers, with the slogan, "One Reich, One People...
...Anti-Semitic propaganda is growing more repugnant...
...The boy in the end bed hadn't said anything...
...Wagner declared that "this is a public utility existing on a franchise from the government, and it shduld willingly submit to supervision of all its activities...
...pslT?e Six of the nine memberi of the Executive of the Jewish Community are under arrest thirjasd with having organized a collection in aid of the Schuschnigg plebiscite...
...Nazi employees are also caught up in the spread of discontent...
...It requires compulsory arbitration, forbids strikes until after a long and tedious process has been observed, and empowers the Minister of Health and Labor to appoint or not appoint a conciliation commissioner...
...Where formerly the S.A .men denounced every suspicious word, every anti-Hitler remark, today many of them look the other way...
...Sabotage continues in nearly all armament factories...
...He knew of moments when a man can do nothing but run before the roaring planes overhead that bomb or machine-gun ,him...
...Doesn't want to live any more...
...Rule Believed Temporary Whether this feeling "*has its source in war-anxiety, or whether it be a consequence of the lack of raw materials and foods, is unimportant...
...Their helmets are without a scratch and their brown knapsacks without a smudge...
...The Gestapo has descended in force on what was until lately the capital of Austria...
...He ex-****this startling statement by •WTttat die rate' cuts would be made possible by "reduction of unnecessarily high costs...
...What looks like more work for the Senate Civil Liberties Committee is cropping up in the form of the newly created Minneapolis Civic Council whose campaign for a fund of $350,000 to finance its activities is in full swing...
...The Nazi fascism of Arcand and the clerical fascism of Premier Duplessis repeats the situation in Austria before Hitler seized the country...
...Each fights for a dictatorship, one of the pagan and the other of the "Christian" type, but each is a menace to the freedom of civilized human beings...
...t-jfe lftMMil Communications " bsssjanaa made public a "pro-*fjf SifcriiV' nn its recent investi-s*b* »f the American Telephone i Tikguph Company, which was aaja) with gouging its customers a* tune of $270,000,000 a year...
...And the only money left is earned by these officials...
...The purpose of the meeting was to plan new strategy against unions, in view of the court decisions, ' Working in Secrecy Associated Industries sent out an announcement saying that "ho record of the discussioh Will be kept and no publicity will be given...
...There is not much more plunder to be secured from the Nazi...
...Hitler may permit Julius Streicher to start nation-wide pogroms once again in order to curb internal unrest...
...A khaki-uniformed Basque, learning to use an artificial leg, smiled bitterly at Catalan workmen replacing windows shattered by bombs...
...Recently its officers took possession of the Hotel Metropole, an imposing edifice containing 300 rooms...
...They remembered...
...Hitler's militancy abroad is speeded up to compensate for what he is depriving the people of at home...
...The new trend is important to the Socialist underground movement...
...At a Nazi conference, in Toronto last August the statement was made that 3,000,000 copies of "The Key to the Mystery" had been printed and that Col...
...Their action was taken at the request of the con*titntioo*i government then in power, but the Nazi system knows neither justfee nor logic...
...Vienna today is completely paralyzed in the steel grip of the German occupation...
...Newly-printed notices in big type are pasted over the doorways of various buildings, indicating which division of the German Army Officers Corps or of the Nazi Party drganization has established itself there...
...One example is "A...
...PARIS.—An amazing radical change has occurred in the ; German National Socialists which brings many rank and file Nazis into the rapidly growing opposition to Hitler and hi-ruling clique...
...The British Consulate is besieged daily by hundreds of applicants for visa* for Palestine ancT the British Dominions...
...My disablement pension and a little money from the unkm keeps her going...
...It' didn't do to think about to-* morrow...
...Moreover, the bill would set up a benevolent, paternalistic government agency to do the work of the trade unions...
...The Federation referred the Civil Liberties Group* to the record* of recent National Labor Relations Board hearings in Yakima, which -proved that the Associated Farmers ia hacked by such large hMtaa-trial firms as the Roes Packing Company, one of the nation'* greatest dehydrating concerns...
...A few days ia Vienna are quite enough for anyone even wit...
...It's smaller than yesterday— but it's sweeter than a loaf of Franco's bread...
...Wry Smile u<»SJitb able to run away," With a wry smile...
...Long described other under-cover employer association activities and came to April, 1937, when the Supreme Court upheld the Wagner Labor Relations Act...
...This condition may affect Hitler's foreign policy, since he would never dare provoke a large-scale war unless he could depend upon his own storm troopers to keep the Socialists and Centrists in line...
...Army lorries, camouflaged in green and brown, roar and rumble through the city...
...The National Socialist Party n6V is cursed more by the S.A...
...I Snarly owned an electric light "Sfalst...
...Fifteen workers are in hospitals as a result of the mobsters' attacks...
...Armed vig> lute* and scabs renewed their attacks on striking Murckie miner...
...It was called by the National Association of Manufacturers, and its purpose was to prevent the threatened dictatorial control of industry...
...It showed that there are secret ways of enriching the BelK^ystem and expanding its economic and political power...
...Walker said that the probe has already far more than paid for itself by bringing telephone rate reductions amounting to over $29,000,000 a year, and by stopping some of the evils discovered ia the Bell System...
...The Duplessis measure is^he third one passed against the vigorous protests of the trade unions...
...What the Civic League actually lis, is a "united front" of the manufacturers and financial interests in the Twin Cities, now actively fighting the Farmer-Labor Party candidates running in the St...
...Fought Hoar Iffl "The conference decided to oppose the Black-Conhery 30-Hour Week bill, and to demand a phvn for industries to regiment themselves through trade associations...
...JJA58fINGTON, D. C.—The enormous annual toll taken tram the American people by monopolies was partly revealed hffajftk'by two sensational developments in this city...
...Left ?**sat Bekhite," he explained...
...The clerical fascism of Quebec took' its model from Chancellor Schuschnigg of Austria who was recently ousted by the Nazi fascism of Hitler...
...Loss Bread An Oviedo women weighed a roll of dark bread in her hand...
...This is probably an exaggeration, but he also denies any sympathy with German or Italian fascism, despite the fact that "The New Commonwealth," organ of the Canadian Commonwealth Federation, reprint* .a letter by Arcand to a fascist, revealing affection for Hitler and the Nazis...
...With clerical fascism in Quebec becoming bolder every day, its political boss, Premier Maurice Duplessis, introducing a bill providing for provincial incorporation of trade unions and having it passed by the Legislative Assembly...
...Associated Industries is the new name of the Minneapolis (Jttlestrs Alliance, the name having been changed*because of the noterltfy it received after years of ah»-labor activity...
...If he does nothing, apparently the workers have no right to strike...
...A record profit of spores-mately $5,000,000 was also earn*: in 1937 by Firth and Brown, a major British steel snc" armatn...
...Anti-Hitter Feeling in Nazi Rank and File 9 _ ——————— ^ _ Discontent Grows as the National Socialist Chiefs Fail ' to Keep...
...j|> rix-fcoter, blue-eyed Aatu-JjS*** ^jul have to be carried ^plfcjiiifc1 squad if the rebels J^^tSloiS took five machine-3ggt» faxa his body, but one ^W'd in his spine and crippled Sobbing Lad |fflP"d <& cage in the corner sobbing...
...A strong indorsement of Walker's report came "from Senator Robert F. Wagner of New York, a member of the Senate Interstate Commerce Committee, which authorized the Bell investigation...
...He feels it's all been for nothing," one explained...
...My dad went out at the beginning with his trade union—engineers— and didn't come back from Tar-diente.' • - "I went, too, and got this...
...So intense is the dissatisfaction that no Nazi member will accept an unpaid honorary-post in the National Socialist People's Welfare division or any other Nazi subsidiary organization...
...Underground Activity Underground anti-Hitler activity continues...
...RAID UNION CO LOW T GLENDALE, Ariz—MO striking strawberry pickers were attacked this week by the Associate Farther* of Maricopa County, ah offshoot of the vigilante group of the same name in California...
...Paul mt-nkipal election on April SB...
...Spies are everywhere...
...I'd give" the other arm to stop Franco...
...All the guests had to clear out at 24 hours* notice...
...I Sold out when I became iwwjghly convinced that the only •kboo of the problem was public ¦SSBUhtS.*' fbl taWsfconel report was made >T Commissioner Paul A. Walker, •*» beaded an investigation by the ia 1935, which took over ** year** to complete and 'cost tb government $1,500,000...
...Hey made this statement during b Pass i debate on the TV A probe at based it on a mass of- evi-SSSSSempiled by congressional satltsabii el Trade Commission in?Mja*Ver," said Pierce, "I-know asMptx about the powerJsme...
...On the other hand, the measure provides no penalty for discrimination or intimidation by employers...
...Tk isport contended that rates s*Htt slashed 25 per cent with-atktufering with the trust's Wo progressive Congress-ajflr...
...The installation of the Nasi secret police in this hotel indicates that all the method* of terrorumi and espionage that developed in Germany during the past five year* will now be .applied hi Austria...
...Its men are disgruntled and their mood is ugly...
...l,^2fc*»hell buried him on the ^"•^•r* half apologized for him by telling how he had been the bravest of the brave when German and Italian planes searched for the hospital with 500-pound bombs...
...Whatll happen if Franco They were asking, that outside, too, down below in the Paseo de Gracia...
...Special to The New Leader...
...Seven Members Seven so-called civic organizations make up the Minneapolis Civic League...
...The report says that Bell "cultivates legislators and public utility commissioners" in all states as well as in Washington, "educates school children" to believe what the Telephone Trust wants them to believe, subsidizes "civic and social organizations, cultivates newspaper editors and reporters," and charges the cost of all this to telephone users...
...VfCKftS BARNS ©*OS$ PROFIT OF TtN MLUO* LONDON^—Vickers, one of the largest munitions firms in the world, made a profit of SlO.Qj&QOC in 19S7, for a new recc-rd and Jar...
...Don't fail your brothers in Austria...
...As the unrest grows inside the Nazis' ranks...
...The uniforms of the soldiers are obviously new...
...What the Nazis must face is the widespread belief that their rule is but a passing phase...
...WASHINGTON, D. C—How two employer oi$a*?tf|f|fc waged secret war on labor unions throughout toe New ttaftpHs: revealed last week by the Senate Civil Liberties ^jAittfc, when Senators Robert M. LaFollette...
...Rival Fascist Organizations In a recent interview in the Toronto "Daily Star" Arcand also claimed, in addition to his 2,500 uniformed Nazis, that he has a party membership of 25,000 to 30,000...
...The Maricopa Farmers, sponsored by the big growers, raided the striker?' colony and drove union leaders front the vicinity...
...Promises—Many Germans Believe Nazi Rule Only Temporary...
...The men were quiet...
...Utility Trusts Mulct Huge Toll From Public jfcT...
...Overcharges Customers $270,000,000 Yearly, S.E.C...
...It has been ascertained that Acand's organization is active in the distribution of "The Key to the Mystery," a vicious tabloid devoted to fantastic tales regarding the Jewish people...
...Then, be said, Associated Industries held a "labor relations clinic" in Cleveland, under the joint sponsorship of that organization and the NAm...
...from the Basque land into France...
...Not content with alienating the industrialists who financed hjni originally, and already faced with grim sabotage by the farmers who refuse to raise- crops only to have them appropriated for military purposes, Hitler now is driving away from the Brown Shirts the millions who followed him blindly in sheer desperation during the chaotic depression in 1933...
...ionization %f farm labor, the Washington 0o»-mon wealth Federation Urged t&* Senate Civil Liberties ComtttMe* this week to investigate the Association and disclose its hackers IWd secret activities...
...W^hat must be understood is that must of the opposition is caused by personal disappointment, but these disappontments determine the trend of feeling among Hitler's party members, upon whom he must depend in wartime and other emergencies...
...Government conciliators h a vre come to the scene of the strike in response to a C.I.O...
...The day's sardine ration was down from three to two...
...They have turned to united action with the non-Catholic unions to fight their clerical bosses, recognizing that the working class, regardless of the religious views of the members, have a common interest against exploiters whether they are Catholic, Protestant or Atheist^ This is the most hopeful development in Quebec for many years...
...Nazis Terrorize Vienna Into A City of Whispers LONDON...
...Playing around the fresh green of the chestnuts, children, most of them orphans, laughed heedlessly...
...From now on the system of espionage will be extended to embrace blocks of private dwellings and flats...
...Swastikas in all sizes are seen everywhere—on fluttering flags and banners, in shop windows, restaurant* and cafes, on motor-cars, taxi*, and vehicles of all kinds...
...The windows of San Xavier shook again very softly...
...are reopened...
...This can be recognized by the continuous dismissals and transferences among Nazi party'officers.' All complain about the low wages and high prices...
...were also raised, workers being beaten up and ordered out of town...
...The Vienna debacle had its repercussions in Berlin and elsewhere...
...FARMERS SEATTLE—Following repeggd terroristic efforts by the Associat*1 Farmers to halt -Jr...
...Labor and liberal groups here and in Minneapolis are watching it carefully since it began sponsoring the Minneapolis Plan, which is described in a prospectus as an attempt to "get action on problems confronting Minneapolis and to set in motion the wheels of commerce and industries...
...J?JBtD.t Pedres kn ew better, ^fparty* he' whispered...
...All public posts are filled and promotions have slowed down 'considerably...
...We know that sound," said the Asturian...
...the early days utility companies were being 'wsed...
...with Adrien Arcand, leader of the National Social "Christian—Party, leading a uniformed force of 2,500 Nazis, and the Liberal Government of New Brunswick considering a bill that is a monstrous perversion of the right of trade unions to collectively bargain, Canadian workers are getting a dose^hf the reaction that is rising in other nations...
...Swarms of soldiers and police patrol the...
...France, Belgium and Switzerland, and one and one-half million in English is intended for Canada and the United States...
...During the days^ef the march of the Nazi army into Austria, workers in South Germany's factories found leaflets on their benches every day, calling in bold red print: "Help Austria...
...Strongest nerves, for there IS as atmosphere of dread alt oyer $81 place...
...Now he spoke...
...T. & T. activities in the field of public relations...
...JSJ^ELgNA.— "It's nothing— SJw^ffr "thunder," said the 'jWBdo^sioi nurse...
...The people of Vienna wear a look of unmistakable dejection aad disillusionment..., quartered in barracks, schools and other public institutions...
...LaFollette confronted Long with a copy of this remarkable document...
...For the •at time it exposes the inside wdangg of the $5,000,000,000 JjJHjfcftne...
...They are the Associated Industries, Better Business Bureau, Civic and Commerce Association, Hennepin County Good Roads Association, Minneapolis Safety Council, Minneapolis United and Minneapolis Taxpayer*/ Association...
...After Roosevelt came into ©f-1*-fice in 1933," Long said, "there was an emergency conference of 600 industrialists in Washington...
...D. McFarlane (Texas) S|K D.' Ftetee rTjre.Y," declared Uf'the "Power Trust" is overbal ng electricity consumers by S* $1,000,000,000 a year...
...Jews of all classes are fealiac the Nazi tyranny more painfu^y than other sections of the population, and are desperately anxious to get away as soon as the frontier...
...Germany's concentration camps will be filled with 20,000 new prisoners tomorrow...
...Says Gifford Walter S. Gifford, president of the A. T. & T., immediately issued a statement calling the report "absurd" and predicting that the other members of the F.C.C...
...PAUL, Minnesota...
...Sanctuary is said to have later admitted this...
...monopoly, often called "4* mother of all holding com...
...That section guaranteed workers the right to collective bargaining...
...Scores of people wear small lftjnl Swastika* a* a protection agsMt molestation...
Vol. 21 • April 1938 • No. 16