New York Labor Movement Wails Hails New Leader on 15th Anniversary

New York Labor Movement Wails Hails New Leader on 15th Anniversary Over 1100 Guests Jam Banquet Hall Morrison, Waldman, Vladeck, Zaritzky, Oneai and Lee Among Speaker*—A. F. of L. amd GI.O. Li... chairman...
...Judge Jacob Panken, and Leo Meltzer, national secretary of the Social Democratic Federation...
...liar, ris Bialis, vice-president of tat I.L.G.W.U., and M. Novak, chab> man of the United Hebrew Trades, was whisked off to Mayor dtellejr*i office in an official car...
...On the dais with the speakers were Judge Matthew M. Levy...
...All city officers were present at an official gathering during which Morrtsot spoke on the Labor Party's accsa>-plishments in London...
...state chairman of the American Labor Party, and Louis Hollander, A.L.P...
...National Executive Committee...
...In the evening, Morrison spokf at The New Leader's anniversary banquet...
...Most of The New Leader feature writers came...
...Luigi Antonini's message to the assemblage declared: "Absent, for several days from New York...
...and today had a powerful bloc in Par-liavaeat and hundreds of municipalities, including the city of London...
...B. Cha rosy Vladeck, majority leader of the NeW York City Council, and James Oneal, editor of The New Loartsr ¦mahasised the importance of the never ending right for labor's right* end ervil liberties which The New tender had put up through the years anil thcr argent necessity of continued national support at the paperwhich always has been and always will be ready to fight every battle of American Labor...
...Permit me to assure you that the welfare of The New Leader is close to our hearts and we will do all possible to make The New-Leader a powerful and vital factor in the advancement of the cause of Labor and Socialism...
...Although a kttle late in arriving because of other matters, President David Dubinsky of the I.L.G...
...This was evident what in ;19S« we split with a political tradition of sup-portfnsiotldr eaatjldatastof otttr o%» and united with labor and other progressives in support of Franklin p. Roosevelt...
...American Federation of Labor unions, out in full force, wore matched by C.I.O...
...Mussolini's governors, first Count Graaiani and later Prince Aosta, have discovered what the British ai ways knew—that the coaatty is uwtsasWn for white people and that there's nothing in it, except imperial glory, for the Italians...
...Jobs Tucker, who emphasized the importance of defending democracy and urged unstinted support from, the labor movement for The Keg...
...unions, the Rand School, and Camp Temineat...
...He urged the American labor ffiovement to support The New Leader all the way...
...copies weekly for distributionsjsm our workers...
...Workmen's Circles, A. P. ed L. and C.I.O...
...Will you extend my greetings to your guest of honor in the way I know you can... unions like the State and Municipa 1 workers, public school Worker*, civil service workers aad others who Bad never before come close to the political sjajjaj of the tabor movement...
...Heavy fighting is still reported from the central, section about Ogaden and Arousi... educate, not to dominate: and this policy had ample justification in the great gathering last Sunday night...
...Max ZaTitzky, international president of the Hatters UiMen, who has been leading the campaign for A. F. of L.-C.I.O...
...Luigi Antonini...
...assistant manager of tl» Forward...
...j | "Our Labor and Socialist message and its application to practical affairs is badly needed in the muddled world of today...
...Special to Tha New Leader...
...LQND<pN.—British agitation in Geneva to recognize II Duces Aincan raid has focused attention on the constant running warfare in Ethiopia which is proving so disastrous {or the Italians...
...After a discussion of the proposal, it was decided to decline the invitation and to state the reasons for the declination...
...Tha heat, nerve strain, and the constant gwearslln warfare keep* decimating the Italian garrison at a rapid rate...
...The Ethiopians, knowing that Mussolini can ill afford the cost of maintaining more men in Africa, have ordered a general mobiliza-, tion...
...The only other speaker of the evening was Irving St...
...Nathaniel Minkoff, leader of the American Labor Party Assembly delegation...
...He also told Mussolini that many times the number of men'how in the conquered African colony couldn't keep Abyssinia subjugated for .long...
...Disobey Italians The native troops commanded by Italian uffkeis who have tasted this type of attack before now ratsbe to oaey...
...Ih fine way, travelling by lonely circuitous paths they suddenly appear on either flank of the Fascists...
...but against M sortarprogreTs ^or which ^President had become ways Dee^i^thrva^raaTd of the fight for democracy and labor's independent political action...
...Independence, self-reliance, and voluntary service gave the British Labor Party a sound moral foundation, and no labor party, anywhere, is secure without it," Morrison concluded...
...Tn his introductory speech, Louis Waldman, who was the evening's toasrmaster, called for an independent National Labor Party, which would owe allegiance to no one hot the voters of the country...
...Algernon Lee, member of the S.D.F...
...We feel that the proposed joint meeting would serve no good purpose and might do considerable harm by confusing or obscuring vital isaees, and we accordingly decline the invitation...
...Seeiolists Built Forty He spoke of the Socialists' part in the creation ef -the party, and how since Keir Bardie they had played a leading role in directing its propaganda, its educational activities, its foreign policy, its national policies, and its fight against hll dictatorships—red...
...Insure against losses of purchasing power by baying anion label Labor unionists retain their self* Social Democratic Federation Rejects S. P. May Day Bid A joint statement by the State Executive Committee and the City Executive Committee of the Social Democratic Federation issued this week announced that the S.D.F...
...Morrison on behalf of the New York labor movement and expressed the hope that when the British labor leader returned next year the scene in Europe would be brighter for the cause of democracy and peace...
...It is here to serve, not to dictate...
...Nevertheless I join with you and your guests in wishing continued success to your newspaper, which we have known for fifteen 1years 8s a staunch and faithful supporter of the cause of Labor...
...The Ethiopians have 52 large calibre guns, hundreds of machine guns, field guns, auto lorries, and a huge quantity of rides and rebes^ag , Newspaper editors here and on the continent expect reports of large scale warfare to come through from Djibouti and surrounding African towns shortly...
...Attend Everybody was there...
...led off the collection by donating $500 to the fund collected yearly at the anniversary banquet to keep The New Leader going and to extend its news and feature gathering facilities...
...Prominent Figures The hall was full of interna-and leaders of the democratic Socialist movement everywhere...
...The New Leader also renews its pledge to serve the ideals of democracy and human liberation represented ¦ by those organizations...
...district leaders, ,'S.D.F...
...Including many officers of rank as high as major...
...In this manner they have liiiietej thbesawds of casualties en the Blackshirts...
...Italian- calls to and force is necessary to get them Out on rescue expeditions...
...The attendance her* was I cross-section of the labor movement in this part of the country...
...Telegrams were also sent by Samuel Laderman and Morris Seskind of Chicago...
...A telegram from Morris SeftUssf of Chicago read: "Heartiest «sjp gratulatiens on the fifteenth sajf versary of The New Leader, Tbi Chicago comrades have , msdeig good beginning at Comrade 1|M risow's banquet to assist The Nag Leader financially...
...national labor partv, and s strong fight in defense pf world democracy, a All those who spoke—Herbert ~ •Morrison, colorful leader of the British Labor Party...
...Please convey to him my congratulations on his splendid achievements abroad and here...
...M. Polin...
...dabs, S.D.F...
...Maclnnis, leader of the Socialist bloc in the Canadian lower house...
...It is inspired with a broad vision and idealism, Without vision and idealism, the cause of labor must perish...
...Usually authentic newspapermen Duce, shortly after he returned, he presented hhn with the gold crowns of the last Emperor of Ethiopia and the royal diamond studded secptre, along with a report that this was she beet loot Ethiopia coukt give...
...refusal to tolerate them in, the ranks of the organisation, or when he urged independent political action for the American Labor Party and showed how each tactics, coupled with pore idealism, faith in the working class, and hatred for political opportunism, had built a ^saafuflabef.,party iMch had fc<u*tee*b»f 'Urn iniabju twjee...
...When the active troops have succeeded m isolating a garrison in an Italian outpost they immediately dispatch strong battalions com-1 laaiided by experienced officers, all erased, strangely enough, with mod- i ern arms made in Nazi Germany, to mountain passes and strategic points along the road over which the Italian issent expeditions must come...
...Hollander's Telegram Louis Hollander's telegram read: "Regret that I will be unable to be with you today to greet our distinguished gues^f Herbert Morrison, as urgent matters of my organization have taken me out of |Stf$|l|f SSrtoonftSl^S leader, as an alert Socialist p*jM ; cation, is thereby serving toejksfl for clarifying labor's posltssipB , a world threatened with disaster...
...The Ethiopians have devised hew tactics to War on the Italians...
...had declined the invitation of the Socialist Party advising that the two organizations hold a joint May Day demonstration...
...The old onion stand-bys, for whom The Mow...
...Waldmgn con-tinuesLr...
...of L and C.I.O...
...Grace Maclnnis, daughter of the Canadian Socialist leader Woodsworth, game with Mr...
...Li mora Attend the Dinner > > • - ¦ On* 'of the greatest crowd*—a vivid cross-section of the Eastern progressive labor and political movement—jammed the -banquet haTT in which The Xew Lea'der was cefehrating its 15th anniversary last StWWay and cheered demands of prominent internationally known speakers for peace in the Aaiertearn labor ranks, for a strong- independent...
...I % Murryon spoke for more than an hour on the rise Of the British Labor Party, discussing the role of the Socialists .aad the way they helped build the party into the tremendously effective political force It i* today, Tihawighn'ar.hfa speech the audience's silence was broken only »Z the roaring approval afcich came when he scored the taetfes of the Communists, when he spoke of the British Labor p**«rV...
...Only women and children are exempted and even these must be ready to aid in caring for the, wounded...
...f*HE NEW LEADER herewith extends its hearty thanks ?o alt its friends who helped to make its onniversary dinner the inspiring success it proved to be...
...He was quickly matched by Max Zaritzky and Abraham Miller of the Joint Board of the A.(?*7,A., after which B. Charney Vladeck, who was handling the collection in has own inimitable way, made it a free for all and rolled up a record sum...
...In retaliation the Italians are maintaining a' ruthless air bombardment of Ethiopian villages, forcing the natives to retreat farther into the interior...
...So perfectly camouflaged are they that even tow Hying ree-onnoitering planes can't detect thswi...
...It was an event long to be remembered...
...We do not desire, nor do we suppose that the Socialist Party desires, to make May Day the occasion for a renewal of controversy upon the public platform, and we consider that a meeting in which the subjects named would have to be ignored or spoken of in a vague and superficial manner would be inconsistent with the very idea of May Day...
...Councilman'in New York City, were among the many to send letters and telegrams of congratulations to the gathering...
...Keenan was id-lowed by M. Bialis, the tsast-master...
...editor of tin Chicago Jewish Daily Forward...
...D. Gertler, M. Mumin and M. Zizkind...
...Labor needs its own press and it has it in The New Leader, to bring the order out of disorder, to lead the sight for Labor's rights," Morrison said...
...follows: "While we have no doubt that many members of the Socialist Party now deeply regret the procedures by which the party was split in 1936 and has since been further decimated, and that many of them have changed their opinion on the questions of principle which were then at issue, we have no reason to believe that this is true of a majority among them and we know that the party organization as such has not avowed any change of views upon those issues...
...Large scale warfare broke-out again oa March 28...
...Other members of The Nee Leader reception committee wtrt J. Siegal...
...Comrade William Kar-lin, S.D.F...
...LaGuardia, in a telegram addressed to Vladeck, said: "Please convey my regret at my inability to be present...
...Despite the promise that no aerial bombing would be used against the natives huge fleets of Fiats went -bite action to reduce pressure on their garrisons...
...Jasper McLevy, Mayor of Bridge-pert and national chairman qf the S.D.F...
...Let us hope ts see The New Leader as a daih» labor paper...
...Every section of the economic, political and fraternal organizations of the labor movement was represented, including A.L.P...
...H* jf^*^ ¦ orgy in Congress the night the President's reorganization btfl was killed as the epitonization of the drives of the reactionary elements of the nation...
...Labor's Greeting Max Zaritzky greeted Mr...
...This statement by the S.D.F...
...The two committees met in joint session last week and heard a statement by Harry W. Laidler, representing a committee of the S.P., urging that such a demonstration be held...
...a Special to The S'ew Leader CHICAGO, 111...
...If TlhwpJs had any accessible wealth at all the British would have taken it long aax>4 Grasiani returned, literally and figuratively shot to pieces...
...Only pressure of important business compels me to decline your o^er extended to me through your representatives to our state convention, James Oneal and George Steinhardt...
...Herbert Hal rison, leader of the British Laser Party and now visiting the TJnits| States to speak at several New Leader anniversary banquets, arrived here last Friday raoraiBg, and after a. few minutes at ha hotel, where he was met by a> reception committee, consisting ef Joseph H. Keenan, secretary of the Chicago Federation of Labor...
...And we are.indeed fortuaawM having the British labor frHaCM view presented to us by toe* g brilliant leader as Herbert Mor...
...branch delegates, Workmen's Circle representatives, and city officials came to celebrate The New Leader's birthday...
...The hard fight for the independent existence of the party gave us the will to live, the power to fight against the heavy odds, the glorious capacity to sacrifice for a great cause...
...He was introduced ej J. Keenan, who came as an officii representative of the Chicago Federation of Labor...
...I have had a hard week and there is another one to come...
...1*r:s,> •• • x, r; i "TM Social Democrats helped forat the American Labor Party,, we have worked hard to help build it, and we intend to stay in it and work with every resource at our command for a national labor party set-up," he added...
...Besides the labor leaders and their trade anion delegations, hundreds of AX.P...
...unions and their leaders, and it stirred one to hear them enthusiastically cheer every urgent plea for labor unity...
...Leader has gone to bat time aad again...
...10,000 Men Hurt According to reports, recent casualties number somewhere about 10.000 men...
...Regret my inability to be present at your anniversary dinner...
...peace: Abraham Cahan, editor of the Jewish Daily Forward...
...Those leaders of the labor movement on the political and industrial fields who were out of town, or had other engagements and couldn't attend, sent long congratulatory telegrams.' The festive crowd, well over LI w people, greeted the reading, of each wire with roars of approval...
...Letters and Telegrams Mayor Fiorello H. LaGuardia...
...brown, or black...
...In the presence of a clear oppo-sitioa between the stand of the Social Democratic Federation and that of the Socialist Party on the fundamental questions of democracy, international relations, and the role of the trade unions, a joint meeting could be held only on condition either that the spokesmen of the two organizations should freely combat each other's views or that they should all jre-frain from expression of any definite opinion upon these subjects...
...risen," '**dj ' w Samuel Laderman, vice-presioasa of the International Ladies' Hani, bag and Novelty Workers' Unkey said in a telegram: "Accept greet-ings of the thousands of ¦a#8 workers in Chicago on the fifteenth anniversary ef The New Jdndflj We recognize in The New SsgB more and more the articulate voice of labor ana the spokes swat i of sg oppressed and exploited in America, We pledge our wholehearted sos>| port and we will take a "naadrai...
...Ethiopians Ready for New Large Scale War British Agitation at Geneva for Recognition of Italian Conquest of Ethiopia Stirs Native Uprisings...
...My Congratulations" . "I'm very anxious to be with you particularly to meet and hear Herbert Morrison...
...It is on the basis and objectives of Socialism that the British Labor Party has been built...
...A letter sent by Mayor McLevy read: "Comrades: — Please accept my deep appreciation for your kind invitation to attend your annual dinner being held at the Capitol Hotel...
...A. ft...
...New York Labor Movement Wails Hails New Leader on 15th Anniversary Over 1100 Guests Jam Banquet Hall Morrison, Waldman, Vladeck, Zaritzky, Oneai and Lee Among Speaker*—A...
...I just have to get some sleep...
...Louis Wald-majk^JtO^ionally - known labor, attorney, long prominent as a leader of the* American democratic Socialists...

Vol. 21 • April 1938 • No. 16

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