Tories Act to Cut Off Loyalists

Tories Act to Cut Off Loyalists Yield to Fascist Demand to Close French Frontier Chamberlain Gambles on Alienating Mussolini and Hitler—Hore-Befisba to Visit Duce. Special to The New...

...While Non-Intervention officers are counting fascist heads for two months, the Loyalists will starve to death or be blown helplessly to iritx voile yf^faarjfrr arms from the "demoemtie «MH tions...
...Proof that the promises made by-Mussolini in the Anglo-Italian talks have already been broken by II Duce was offered by Arthur Greenwood, Laborite, in a recent session of Parliament...
...A. F. of L. unions claimed jurisdiction over some of the workers, and the C.I.O...
...TOlfM HOT . . JOME of the comments that followed the defeat of the Dictatorship seemed needlessly harsh toward the Congressional supporters «that ill-omened measure...
...It is well known in newspaper circles here that the Spanish Anfbassador, Fernando De Los Rios, has submitted a detailed account of Italian and Nazi cargoes arriving in Spain daily...
...i-'Psrih* you, O our Gracious Peerage...
...Hoover had kept away from Berlin hi* feelings- need not have been harrowed \fi this deplorable «sy...
...Battle Leads to Violence On West Coast Thirty Workers' ArTInfured as California Dispute Results in Armed Conflict Between Unions...
...Wage and hour plans stand slight chance of approval...
...Righ-fPHF here in Butaritari is t Hag •* good as the best in any other country that still clings to tie quaint tribal custom of monarchy—a king with zip and go and faS command of his vocal powers...
...The moribund Non-Intervention Committee will be used to club the French government, along with the perennial threat of the withdrawal of British support in the event of conflict with Nazi Germany...
...Much of the war material in being shipped to the central front so that the government can continue to fight even if Franco's troops reach the Mediterranean, which won't happen for months...
...Council, who is also attending the conference, favors peace negotiations and declares that there must be no fight with the A. F. of L. rank and file...
...What should we do without it...
...Amazed at the effrontery, antidemocratic sentiment and anti-semitism reflected in American Nazi literature, and the rapid growth, on a national scale, of the German-American Bund, which has been described in previous issues of The New Leader, Mr...
...A complete set of records of the discussion between Hitler and Schuschnigg at the Berchtesgaden conference are also included...
...No special date has been set for registration but Nazi consuls in this country are already busy accepting the registration forms from Germans and Austrians residing here...
...y*t can walk right in any old time and take a front seat...
...So may be toll road projects, where feasible...
...Roosevelt promised De Los Rios action and soon conferred with Senators Nye, Clark, Borah, King, Thomas and Pittman, all of whom have pledged him support if h* lifts the embargo on war materials to the Loyalists...
...if Caesar had stabbed i**«r Mothers they would have done no less...
...and the filing of a suit by the A. F. of L. through President Green and Secretary Morrison against Director John Brophy, Chairman Lewis and Secretary Howard, as C.I.O...
...Sheriff Miller blockaded the town, equipped his deputies with gas, and declared that a "state of emergency" existed...
...Congress is likely to jump at the chance of supporting a lend-ing-spending program...
...Since the industrialists' coalition doesn't intend to give him any respite it has already arranged for a reply by John Hamilton, chairman of the Republican National Committee, over' the Columbia network on Sunday night...
...You will km seen s king and been "presented" and done the kowtow and fcyind that, as you know well, life in our poor country affords • comparable Joy...
...met in Washington this week to act on organization problems...
...would not respond to a C.I.O...
...Tbe exercise is salutary...
...And anyone can me that when he is in the midst of one of these amiable conferences in the WUhelnutraase it is intolerable to have the joy of feed fellowship wrecked by such interruptions...
...Special to The New Leader...
...Meantime, Julius Hochman is representing the union at the conference here...
...The President, now in a fighting mood, is ready to break the back of the depression by pouring $5,000,000,000 into the country in public works...
...Bloody California Clash The bloody battle in California is an example of what the bitterness of the dispute may lead to as 30 workers were injured and 20 were taken to the hospital...
...WASHINGTON, D. C. — Armed barricading of roads in a physical encounter between A. F. of L. and C.I.O...
...Lord Plymouth promised the Italian Ambassador here that rigid control would be instituted on the French-Catalonian front...
...How marvelous is the garnered wisdom of tie academy and the schoolmen...
...B- C and there was a somewhat similar situation in Rome...
...Eden resigned his office of Foreign Secretary...
...but had turned its funds over to the C.I.O...
...Congress will continue to be wary of White House reform ideas...
...not the President say he didn't wish to be a dictator...
...On Tuesday the press carried stories that the I.L.G.W.U...
...j»F»u haven't a Plutarch handy, the version of him madV-Jby W. S. * ^Wn* Caesar," Act I, Sc...
...The plans had been fully endorsed by high Nazi officials...
...Imperialism Revived Meanwhile, the Chamberlain government is pushing it* Italian pact to a close by repeating what the big powers did in 1914—carving out districts of influence and fortifications in Africa and along other strategic sections of it* ooi—1*3 life-line...
...It is significant that Hore-Behsha is the sole Jewish member of the Chamberlain cabinet, and a cordial welcome by II Duce will be considered a direct slap at Hitler, whe has been trying desperately to get Rome into a world-wide anti-Semitic campaign...
...Further probing reveals that Britain has acceded to the Fascist demand that control be instituted as soon as "counting" begins...
...Following the bloody clash...
...Some among them—and the argument has found favor especially with the more progressive in the presidential clique—feel that it was a mistake to have made the fight with the reorganization bill as the issue...
...And already anti-Semitism in France can so longer be ignored, it has reached such proportions...
...come on, Harry...
...Perhaps I "•f ere akin to the Bismarckian theory of treaties...
...And whan these three billions are gone, there will be enough more to keep the sport from languishing...
...Worse still—the British government now abandons the vital provision that the withdrawals should include all categories of the arnty right from the start...
...I can give you particulars," Greenwood charged, "of a number of hew aeroplae**, bombers, and chasers, which h»»F gone into Spain sniee Mr...
...And yea don't need any Ambassador to introduce you, either...
...silences Lewis's critics, who accuse him of being a "dictator...
...Watching the Tyrol / The trip at Crewn Prince Humbert, only son of the Italian king, to the Tyrol area, which has lain under increasing tension since Nazi troops marched to the Brenner Pass, is attracting much interest among European diplomats...
...what hope...
...German secret service activity in the' Czech capital is now so intense that the Czech government can no longer guarantee the personal safety of the documents' custodian...
...Trade Unions Back Laborite Opposition To Chamberlain British Labor Party Demands Immediate General Election to Test Public Opinion on Tory Foreign Policy...
...Some observers here saw some significance in the action of Chairman Lewis iii'uupuiulilig Dubinsky chairman of a committee on housing...
...The probe will be directed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which will have the cooperation of the State Department and the Army and Navy Intelligence Corps...
...The A. F. of L. had sought 'a preliminary injunction to prevent the union from disbursing the funds, but lost the suit since the money had already been turned ever to the C.I.O...
...Which simply means that the Fascist* will recall some useless infantry and leave the aviators, artillerymen- arj technicians to wind up the w»Mor Franco...
...Kuhn Visits "Belgium" Kuhn left for a short trip "to Belgium," about six weeks ago, intending to get orders and funds from Hitler and Goebbels but was delayed by the march on Vienna and the April 10, plebiscite...
...Since then he has been an ardent advocate of reopening negotiations...
...Hoover heard them and they gave him great pain...
...Hoover Was in Berlin when the hard-boiled Ickes launched one •f his coarse, unmannerly attacks on the Fascist style of government, k appears that naturally the reticent Goebbels and his associates tpe goaded out of their usual bashful diffidence into making scornful •joinders and Mr...
...LACKEYS OF THE CHALK RING Jews are beinsj seized in Vienna streets to act as cleaning squads in premises occupied by storm troopers...
...By placing him on an important permanent committee, the implication is a permanent C.I.O...
...And you can kowtow t*a ce««e home and swell around with unclouded joy...
...Prince Humbert was recently made Inspector-General of the armed forces, and his appointment was the signal for the pouring of Italian government funds into the German-speaking region...
...Roosevelt Takes Fight on Reforms To the Country Will Try to Break Back of Depression by Spending Billions More on Public Self-Liquidating Projects...
...If Roosevelt feels that he has the people behind him, he will lift the ban...
...A union label exhibit is the ear* nation of organized labor's "king...
...The law became effective this month...
...Ho am "presentations," no more kowtow, no more planning of the dsborate costume—what hope alas...
...By Victor Riesel ^HEX Fritz Kuhn, national fuehrer of the American Nazis...
...All men and women who are in the book will from now on receive information telling them of "Aryan stores" and warning them against patronizing Jewish institutions...
...All preparation* have been made for the move...
...Special to The New Leader...
...He most sometimes be in Berlin to absorb wisdom at the fountain head...
...there is still water left in the old pitcher...
...Formerly held in Prague, the entire set of records is being shipped to London to avoid possible seizure by the Hitler agents in Czechoslovakia...
...The Deladier government in France will undoubtedly follow Chamberlain's policies...
...Of a sudden, the string was pulled, Mr...
...More lending through the RFC to business men and railroads and through the FHA to prospective home owners and on easy term basis...
...I can prove," he added, "that there has been undoubtedly a Uw#» accession of military strength, as* I have figures and the numbers and the types of aeroplanes that haw gone there, photostat copies of German documents showing the structure of German one of which destroyed the hut British ship which was destroyed'' Prime Min...
...0«f AtOUT SANCTIONS •JW "Good Neighbor" stunt that consists in giving Mexico the Kind Word and then handing her a wallop on her silver exports •»»*• nothing to awaken enthusiasm in the judicious...
...It's still too early to write on what form these will take, but the spending will veer away from work relief in order to provide jobs for as many as possible...
...The President is prepared to throw government credit into the breach left by contracting private credit...
...Chamberlain is racing against time in an effort to alienate II Duce from Hitler before the Nazi Fuehrer visits Some in May...
...Turn to Plutarch the Wise, if you wish evidence...
...It is significant to note that I among those who voted against ^JBratMan^JP't mm Progress sfve Congressmen from Wisconsin, Representative Thomas R. Amlie being the only one from the state who voted with the President's supporters...
...A chance to vote for renewed public works will be welcomed enthusiastically by a large majority of both Houses...
...Other Criticism Follows The defeat of the reorganization bill has loosed a flood of criticism against the administration on other issues...
...Tories Act to Cut Off Loyalists Yield to Fascist Demand to Close French Frontier Chamberlain Gambles on Alienating Mussolini and Hitler—Hore-Befisba to Visit Duce...
...Other information received reveals that Kuhn plans to leave Hamburg April 18 in order to be here in time to push along the organization of the Nazi national political party Wheeler-Hill announced last week...
...This appointment was supplemented by the international union,' officers creating two new vice-presidents, Sidney Hillman of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers and Philip Murray of the Steel Workers...
...The Fascists are not taking any chances despite Hitler's promises...
...unions decided this week...
...Yet all is not lost by any means, and glad am I to send along the •eras that have healing in their wings...
...The files also contain letters from Hitler to his spies in Austria which prove conclusively that the Nazi dictator had planned invasion of Austria long before the recent crisis arose...
...7 am moved to verge these useful and inspiring precepts because I hum how devastating to a certain, part of the community is the ssi, tad news coming this week from London...
...By EDWARD LORING Special to The New Leader WASHINGTON, D. C—Apparently taking the advice of those close to him who urged that he take the fight against the nation's reationary elements to the country, President Roosevelt has decided on a series of fireside chats which will rival any previous hook-ups...
...In other words, more money to the P.W.A...
...and less to the W.P.A...
...The Amalgamated Engineering Union, representing England's armament workers, has asked for guarantees that a limit will be put on armament firm profits and a promise of fair pay be given to the workers before it can' pledge its support to the government's request for a speed-up in arms production...
...Kuhn to Return Soon When questioned later in the week, James Wheeler-Hill, national secretary of the Bund, reported that Kuhn was abroad and will probably return here late in May...
...On the other hand, it is said that by treating new executive offices the C.I.O...
...Involved are orders for material, and orders for machinery, jobs...
...wardens, smsfll circles are marked on a floor, and each Jew has to stand, with feet together, in his circle while he cleans the soldiers' top boots...
...The Federation contends that the funds of the old federal local are under the supervision of the A. F. of L. and must be held as a trust until the Federation reorganizes the local...
...The Dubinsky appointment was regarded by some observers as a test of the I.L.G.W.U...
...This week he received a personal audience with Hitler, to whom he presented a "golden book" of names of American admirers, which incidentally becomes a mailing list for official Nazi propaganda...
...These seven would have swung the vote in F.D.R.'s favor had the battle been over social legislation...
...An aluminum federal local of tihe A...
...It has a double significance...
...Hillman was also named as chairman of a committee on legislation, James B. Carey of the Radio and Electrical Workers as chairman of an unemployment committee, and Charles P. Howard of the Typographical Union as chairman of^a committee on social security...
...No more American social climbers are to be presented to the King tad Queen of England, and black indeed is the gloom that settles ipsa some of our most recherche precincts under this crushing blow...
...Chamberlain, white repeatedly declaring in Commons that he believes his foreign poijsjr meets the approval of Great Britain and the entire world, has «*" sistently refused to submit the* policy to a general election...
...Changed White House policy involves the following action: More spending through WPA to provide quick addition to purchasing power...
...From now on they'll have to buy as they are directed by the Deutscher Kon-sum-Verband now operating in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Illinois...
...LONDON.—Documents drawn up by Nazi officials and dealing with German plans for the seizure of Czechoslovakia will come into the possession of the British government when Schuschnigg's secret files, smuggled out of Austria, are brought to London this week...
...According to •mefleat authority, in the buttering of parsnips these practices are mfieieni but they may have other and more immediate uses...
...Dubinsky is known to be opposed to any course that would perpetuate the split, and the executive board js likely to share this view... to organize a permanent federation and that, should a call be issued, the union would not be represented...
...Members now are deflation shell-shocked, highly bothered by the prospect of returning home without dollar-and-cents results to show...
...McReynolds did the |mriie MeCarthy, whirled straight about and said there would be ^hearing* and no action on the amendments...
...In regard to Katies," observed that astute philosopher, "we are to consider first, «*• « deceived by them...
...Election of Dr...
...Long live the King...
...Can Fight On Military experts here believe that the new supplies now arriving in Republican Spain will enable the Barcelona government to resist for at least six months more and perhaps open a counter-offensive...
...The next day Dubinsky declared that the story was untrue and that any decision made by the union will be made by the executive board, which has not held any meeting recently...
...The, new Federal probe will center in New York and Connecticut where Nazis have been moat -active in recent months...
...All you have to do is to take t steamer to Samoa and transfer there and in two days you are in t kingdom and breathing the refining air of royalty...
...LONDON.—Amazed at the determined resistance of the Spanish Loyalists and perturbed by the danger of having his plans wrecked by the reneweved activity of the Spanish Republican Government, Prime Minister Chamberlain this week/ moved rapidly at the demand of Hitler and Mussolini to close the French border and cat off the supply of big guns, pursuit and bombing plane** munitions, unbalances and trucks -with which til* Loyalists have begun to mechanise their forces...
...They are made to wear the to-p hat of the synagcr^ii...
...Shinned by Defeat Many of the President's confidential advisors were completely stunned by the defeat...
...Aside from Dubinsky's work for peace, it is known that Reid Robinson, representing the Colorado State C.I.O...
...The fight grew out of a struggle of both organizations to obtain control of the entrance to the California and Hawaiiian Sugar Refinery at Crockett which has ¦ been tied up for a month following the lockout of C.I.O...
...The Prime Minister is sending the British cabinet's best glad-bander and publicity genius, Secretary of State for War, Hore-Belisba...
...If they should they would discover that the reason why the old pump doesn't bring up anything but noise is because the well has gone dry —and forever...
...M [Tpt there's no heed to be taken of them...
...Liberal circles here resent the President's neglect of the neutrality act which means so much to the Loyalist Spanish government now...
...of E. bolted to the C.I.O...
...A former President cannot always be in Palo Alto...
...A convention to be held in September or October will formulate rules for the new body and elect permanent officers...
...G-Men Ordered to Renew Probe of Nazis Attorney General Camming* Cells in Department of Justice—Quiz to Be Centered in New York and Connecticut—Kuhn Returns Shortly...
...So is rural electrification...
...The new eoit- is now directed against C.I.O...
...He also established contact with Ernest Bohle, head of the newly created department of Germans Living Abroad which keeps watch over the international branches of the Nazis...
...unions in Crockett, Calif., followed by a truce as between two armies...
...2 will do/iicely...
...At the same time, union heads declared that armament workers were unwilling to provide munitions to be used to aid the dictators...
...Many of them are merchants, buying materials abroad...
...t'» ^—.will not learn from your newspapers, hut it would be knowl-meotintable value to this nation...
...CHEER UP, SOCIAL REGISTERS Wall lac disasters and tribulations that beset our mortal state, let * is try to be cheerful, let us yield not to despair, let us remember tast every cloud however dark has ever its silver lining...
...Yep—as sure hs you live...
...Emphasis will be on the self-liquidating public works handled by Secretary Ickes and Public Works Administrator Harry Hopkins...
...The fask may take an hour or more f<\ complete...
...excuse given for the legislators that executed this piece of 13 titii shortened freight trains would mean more expense fP **il roads...
...The British War Minister wHT discuss the new Anglo-Italian pact with Mussolini, and perhaps German-Italian relationships...
...before taking this action...
...But Mr...
...In this law the Nazis have the perfect machinery for keeping all its travelling nationals under surveillance and in line with fascist policy...
...strengthens the muscles of the arm and back ] and aids digestion...
...More lending and spending through PWA to bolster the heavy industries and to stir the prospect of private profit...
...If Barcelona becomes untenable* the Spanish cabinet will go back to Valencia to continue the war lathe South...
...Both union, rivals had begun to mobilize additional forces when cooler heads in the rank and ale intervened aad a truce was arranged pending peace negotiations...
...Self-liquidating public works will be favored over ordinary public projects...
...Hoover skenkl not be down east...
...defendants, for the recovery of $29,212 turned over to the C.I.O...
...New policy means abandonment of strategy of sitting out the depression...
...But it is necessary to make allowances...
...I observe on the part of the more vulgar part of our public Kinta a tfseeatthm to urge that if Mr...
...BULLETIN A permanent CJ.O...
...Other emphasis will be on flood control...
...A. F. ef L. Saws C J.O...
...ever set up anywhere...
...There are other kings and qoeeas...
...held the other P •» the string...
...And— t ward in your ear—yon don't have to bother about the dressmaker...
...The details of the German plot against Czechoslovakia, which call for Nazi invasion of the Slavic nation probably .this month, fell into Schuschnigg's hands when a document containing them was seized in a raid on the Vienna headquarters of the Nazi "Pacification Committee...
...establish** a picket line which was crashed by about 150 A. F. of L. members who Were armed with various weapons...
...Here in Washington, President Green and Secretary Morrison moved on the New Kensington froat with a suit to recover money from the C.I.O...
...i LONDON.— The British Labor Party, backed up by trade union demands for insurance' that increased armaments, will not be used to bolster European fascism, threw all its strength this week behind its demand for an immediate general election to test the public's stand on the Conservative policy of concilating the dictators...
...Trnly enough when 49 Senators of the United States* and 196 WescuAsiivm vote to abolish the republican form of government *m set up a single-headed autocracy, the implications are sobering, ¦ *? say terrifying...
...So the Eminent Thinkers of Brookings Institute and other centers of culture stand around and observe with approval the process...
...JjSj** be, for example, the same mysterious power that got the EST*,0* the bill to limit the length of freight trains and compel to hire enough men to conserve public safety...
...Political circles here expect the breaking ef the Franco-Soviet pact, the end of aid to the Loyalists, the closing of the Catalonian border, and cooperation with Hitler and Mussolini...
...The organization, of course, has branches ii other states and directs the boy cot ion Jewish firms...
...The is no time to disturb the country which is the throes of its rearmament program," he stated this week...
...Department of State officials are in a quandary over the new German "matriculation" law requiring all German citizens abroad to register at consulates...
...Lending will be favored Over spending...
...A handkerchief about the waist and a wreath of hibiscus Stwers ever the left shoulder—that's all...
...The Washington Conference Meantime, heads of the 39 unions affiliated with the C.I.O...
...Dubinsky believes that an opportunity for peace was missed last year when the C.I.O...
...They think the President should have staked his reputation on the wages and hour bill, or some other piece of social legislation which would not have permitted the cry of "dictatorship...
...Special to The New Leader...
...Poor » down and work the handle again, up and down with all your might...
...THE NEWS REEL By CHARLES EDWARD RUSSELL •jAVING poured sixteen billion dollar* down the pump to prime it] W snd obtained nothing bat a loud and dismal squeak, w* are nee;] U poor down three billions more...
...mVER IS PAINED iTHBftSe «PiJ gtntte souls must feel the throb of sympathy as r former President Hoover relates the anguish that the unfeeling |kes eaaaed Mm...
...The effect upon simple souls -of such a declaration is of the, most -J...
...Eot * eonl in Congress pointed out that if the present rail-K equalization had not been made by financial brigands, looters JJ" Wngsters, the railroads would be in such financial health that «wW he operated with safety sad at the same time with profit...
...organization will be set up as a rival to the A. F. of L., thirty-eight heads of C.I.O...
...Edith Summers-kill, laborite, last week, gave additional strength to the Labor Party's charge that the general public condemns the pro-Fascist foreign policy o^the conservatives...
...Britq'm Break* Agreement British demands for closing the frontier will be presented shortly, despite a November 1937 agreement that control of the French border would be restored only it actual withdrawal of Italian and Nazi troops began...
...Nazi Plan to Seize Czechoslovakia Proven in Records Sent to Britain Special to The New Leader...
...He can always be -sure of the baaing ¦a* among the Silver Shirts and the Black Legion...
...Trends in Cony ess Low cost housing i* due for large expansion...
...WWII* GOVERNMENT ^HEN, recently, amendments were introduced to our Fascist Neu-„_ trality law that has been so useful to resurrected Medievalism in ^l*'jnn*n McReynolds, of the Foreign Relations Committee **** National House, acceded to a request and announced that there he public hearings on the measure...
...And of them all, of different dimensions of brow, from Jim Farley to him of the Chair of Economics at Harvard,-not one has ever thought to look down the hole...
...are meeting here and facing a puzzle regarding the future course of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, of which David Dubinsky is president... a New Kensington, Pa., federal local union of aluminum workers, were outstanding events in the split labor movement as 39 unions affiliated with the C.I.O...
...Cummings this week ordered the Department of Justice's G-Men to renew their iii'i imhigaWeu ^tf+th* eon rrtry-wide-activities of the Bund...
...It is the * leap backward, ^^ymi we must make allowances for other debilitated intellects...
...Despite this, spokesmen for the i Weckruf und Beobachter, violent Nazi and anti-semitic newspaper published in New York City's York-ville section, told investigators that Kuhn was "out West for a few days...
...This newspaper will be off the press just when the people will be reacting to the Presidents talk of the night before (the 12th fireside chat over a coast network of 350 stations...
...He proved to President Roosevelt that these war cargoes originated in America and have reached the insurgent front lines via Italy and Germany...
...turned down a tentative program of the joint peace committee...
...Sack comments are most improper and unjust...
...Death of Government reorganization will be fallowed by the killing of President's reform taxes...
...J?j*»t, "there is the undeniable infection for weak minds that lies huge reactionary wave now sweeping over the earth...
...returns to this country from Berlin on or about April 25 he will be greeted by Assistant U. S. Attorney Brian McMahon of United States Attorney-General Cummings' office...

Vol. 21 • April 1938 • No. 16

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