FRENCH GIRD FOR WAR ON FASCISTS Rightists See Financial Turmoil As Means to Coup One Veterans League Urfnl Censorship. Abolition of Unions; Other Ex-Soldttlt Group Combats Fascism. By BENJAMIN P...

...New Indictments Prove Rubens Soviet Agent Informed Circles Here Expect New Moscow Show Trials to Be Rushed, Featuring Confessions With an American Angle...
...The Confederation is a coalition of 45 anti-democratic and anti-Semitic groups which claim a membership of over 1,000,000...
...Economically and financially, the country is bleeding itself to continue the armament race...
...HUMOR IN THE NEWS UIGH JACK MUSSOLINI having shrieked aloud that he has nine ** million armed men (in buckram and otherwise) and is ready to tweep to victory anywhere today or tomorrow, his partner on the-other side of the table raises the ante by notifying Czechoslovakia that he will eat it alive if it doe*sn't go out of business...
...The unsealing of the mysterious third indictment, which may take place within a week, hi likely to be crucial in this process THE HEWS REEL By CHARLES EDWARD RUSSELL f0LL TO THE RESCUE TBE American government's swift, stern retribution dealt to Mexico for its audacious attempt to repossess its oil resources most go far to restore any wavering faith in the safety of our" cherished institutions- About some other things we may seem apathetic or even negligent...
...They claim that real rationalization would bring down easts by |twenty to thirty par cent.' ' slat do the ewjien want to rationalize...
...In this connection it is important that a Moscow cable just confirmed rumors of the arrest of former Soviet Commissar of Justice Krylenko...
...G. W. Kunxe, Fritz Kuhn's personal adjutant...
...The two indicted Stalinists are also connected by the indictments with fraudulent passport applications made in the names of Jacob Rosenberg of 28 E. 55th St...
...This is all to the good...
...It is rumored that several Stalinist "stooges" who had performed little services for the Rubens-Sharfin-Garber set-up without knowing the significance of such services, are now consulting attorneys, fearing that further maktmeats may affect them...
...he is against the waste of time or of anything else...
...Its local sections are agitating for repeal of the Wood rum amendment by which the funds must be allocated for the entire fiscal year...
...It is the dawn of victory for us...
...All indications reveal that he will follow through shortly with a program of "new New Deal" reforms much to their liking...
...Bo they want to save twenty to thirty per cent on costs...
...As a result, the Moscow GPU, fearing that truths already well known may get the official stamp of an American court, may speedily stage a typical Moscow trial in which the victims "confess" to the story the GPU would like people to believe...
...Among these are the most prominent of the New Deal's brain trust...
...We may see now that it was not for a holiday jaunt nor for reasons of health that he journeyed to Berlin and conferred with the Fuehrer there...
...He tells us we should give no heed to the advance of Absolutism b Europe nor to the threatened extinction of the democratic principle...
...Our own manufacturers taught tt» durmf tkr -uwr thai u,asu : itmili fmireater profits...
...Secretary Hull met this crucial emergency and announced the government's heroic and irrevocable stand for Profits, his eyes flashed with indignation, his usually benign and...
...Faft-are to sign op with the to...
...It was finally established that the mass telegraphic protest stirred up by Gannett and Father Coughlin brought a deluge of 150,000 telegrams down on Congress, a new record of some sort, revealing that the big business interests still have their heavy pressure groups in good working condition...
...THE U. S. DOES ITS BIT I17HEN General Franco makes his triumphal entry into Madrid, the " flag of the United States should be twined with that of the victorious army and pictures of the author of the Neutrality Act should adorn the decorations side by side with the entrancing face of the Generalissimo...
...General Franco has promised that he will never forget the efficient aid this country gave him in overturning the legitimate government of Spain...
...Liberals, here, are hoping that the President uses the W.P.A...
...Whether Fritz Kuhn, American National Fuehrer, will become the Nazis' perennial candidate or whether the Fascists will dig up a new white "Aryan" hope hasn't been decided by the action committee in charge of future campaigns to "Aryanize" America...
...The government is understood to he seeking information concerning them...
...At any threat against that palladium of oar liberties, that well-beloved emblem of all that is dearest to us, the grand old spirit of '76 rises in majestic wrath to overwhelm the wicked intruder...
...I suggest a constitutional amendment Providing that all corporations and all persons with as much as a million dollars' worth of anything shall be exempt from tax- **ksi of any kind anywhere... the beginning of sj drive to bolster foreign trade...
...has something new up his sleeve to which they haven't contributed at all, talk of returning to private industry...
...His money financed the purchase of the arms found in the neighborhood of his factory at Clermont-Ferrand...
...The Nazi German-American Bund, after a short conference of its Assistant Fuehrers, called after word was received from Fritz Knhn iri Berlin, has decided to enter national and city election campaigns on its own ticket and save the United States from becoming "a Zionist nation...
...If the New Dealers win the states below the Mason-Dixon line, this country may see a new political realignment aeaner than it expects...
...This cabinet would be in reality a directorate of five or six persons, free from the restraint of all psMt ical parties...
...he said...
...Sharfin Would Not Talk Last week Sharfin was ordered by Federal Judge Cox to answer questions put to him by the Grand Jury, or to be sentenced for contempt...
...In other words, trees grow with their roots in the air, a pyramid stands upon its apex and "men walk on their hands...
...Needless to say, the "fate vitation" would be a one-way pysjt osition...
...H. K. Williams, a former Geneva correspondent, and Herbert Roth, the Bund's radio news commentator, will handle publicity and contact work for all Eastern Bund Units...
...known whether these -are the names of live or dead people...
...Mini Worry tfco Politic...
...Is Upset - The announcement of the' Grand Igry action is understood to have faTuriM SSTcS&^alS na<i been hoping that tike State Department, in control of the Grand Jury, would sipdthcr the whole Robinson-Ruhens-GPtr scan-da...
...The Bertm pgginnsaU ten have ordered every German' who has been away from Germany for more than three months to reav ister with the home office...
...U. S. Nazis Plan National Party Wide Fascist Network To Aid Hitler Agents By VICTOR RIESEL From now on American politics, which has seen rough treatment in its day, has something new to contend with...
...Aylesworth is ably seconded by that eminent economist of the Permian Period, Senator Pat Harrison, chairman of the Finance Committee, and when two such minds get together, something is going to bulge, I can tell you...
...The) "Favorite Sons'V Political activities looking towards 1940 are stirring...
...Sharfin, moreover, is believed to he acquainted with one of Zuker-business associates, said to be Peter Targun, attorney connected with the Tenants Research Bureau at 401 Broadway...
...The President's recent belligerency towards Congress has encouraged liberal and progressive legislators who have been wobbling in their support of the administration...
...Mat Schulman of 2802 OHnvflle Ave...
...By BENJAMIN P HOTTER Special to The New Leader PARIS — The French FarfdsM believe their hour has struck...
...As for the Socialists, they are struggling not to be caught in the dilemma of having to choose between war and Fascism...
...This include* Austrian nationals and ex-tends to every country in the world, including the United States...
...Most prominent airing these are the National American Labor Party, from* whose headquarters at 147 East 116th Street a New Leader reported recently took vicious s w a s t i k a-laden anti-semitic propaganda...
...gentle face assumed a grimness terrible to behold and his voice rang like a trumpet thundering... as lay to our souls this inspiring episode...
...airs The President's strategy of sitting out the depression until demands for action came from Congress or business seems to have worked, although it had, and still Mf, most pf the progressives worried...
...If to reduce part of the taxes paid by the - rich would cause the face of Prosperity again to shine upon us, that's the matter with going the rest of the way that we may be completely happy...
...The workers are quite aware of his tricks and are determined to enforce their, rights...
...Krylenko, whose sister is married to Max Eastman, American translator of the writings of Leon Trotsky...
...About 20 "favorite son" candidates are working for nominations atvtber^wmo-cratic presidential convention...
...Who touches a hair of yon dear head Dies like a dog...
...The future historian can have no end of fun when he relates bow in the year 1938 a band of shoe-string ramblers bluffed the entire world with a pair of Duces... the one outlet for quick spending of large" sums...
...It is regarded as likely taat if any are alive they are Stalinist party member...
...who have also been "fattened," might play a role in such a trial...
...He will run well in Yorkviile, and to the 65 branches of the American-Nazi Bund as to the Liberty League be Favorite Son and White-Haired Boy...
...In its annoouncement that it will organize an independent political party, the Bund admitted that it had been promised cooperation by a "prominent American veterans' group...
...I observe that in this pious campaign, Mr...
...But to those that remember rchat happened to the bonus marchers in the last months '*f his glorious administration, the information should be taperfluaut...
...As outlined in The Mew Leader met week, the Bund is the holding cor-* poration for scores of stooge "patriotic" organizations dedicated to wipe the Jews, trade union leaders and other non-Aryans from the political, social, and economic life of the country...
...Upon this platform this powerful and original thinker has ¦inched his campaign for the Presidency...
...But for my part, I feel that it can safely be left to the State Department, whose sturdy championship of Thirteenth Century Idealism will surely not prevent it from perceiving a material advantage when one offers itself...
...There is also a Gentile Allied Forces, at 1934 Eye St...
...Why stop at Reducing, O Deep Browed Philosophers < of the Balance Sheet...
...By EDWARD LORING Special to The New Leader WASHINGTON, D. C—Since the last dispatch of this writer to The New Leader, the President's return to the political wars in the Capitol has stirred this town to a hectic activity unknown since the fight over the unpacking of the Supreme Court...
...What complicates the financial situation still further is that the average Frenchman resists any move which tends to lower his personal standard of living...
...Manhattan address...
...Harry Hopkins will advocate an initial appropriation of $1,000,-000,000 for the first six months and then let Congress decide on more funds when it meets again in January...
...This is Fascism—Hoover •rand...
...4 People who thus fair hate had extreme difficulty in remembering even the simplest matters are sail to be developing mentally to a point where their faculty of recollection may begin to function efficiently...
...One, sealed, ir.Wlves persons not yet arrested...
...It is not...
...Ta both it is now clearer than crystal that if we can reduce the bvrden of taxation upon those best able to bear it, dividends can be resumed, jobs will be plentiful and joy be unrefined generally...
...And at eace upon his return he hastened to impart to us the rich, ripe fruits «f that momentous conference...
...According to the Federated Press, spokesmen for the American Legion denied that any section of the organization would enter a coalition with the Nazis...
...The session would be called during the primary or election campaigns, putting those Congressmen who are coming up fir re-election on the spot, since they'll have to reveal themselves on a aew recovery program at a time when any decision will affect the election returns back home...
...Which means, in plain ISnglish, that the masses wooM have no say in the matter...
...The only way out is by imposing very radical measures...
...Net only have they come out from oo«Mbut their insolence is growing daily...
...HE exact means by which the nefarious attacks of American...
...Oil's well in the world...
...The question arises) whether Leon Blum can force the senators and the capitalists back of them to accept without an open fight...
...Paper Fronts Undoubtedly one of these paper fronts will be used as the first American Nazi political set-up in New York to cooperate with the other groups from the East to the West Coast, where under the guidance of Nazi Consul Killinger of San Francisco and the leaders of the "Washington Christian Social Party, which had a presidential candidate in the field in 1936, the Nazis are already politically active...
...The proposed program of thtp Fascist group includes an "invitation" to the press not to disease politics...
...An essential weakness of the Fascist movement is that they have no nationally recognized leader, and to overcome this difficulty, they propose a directorate of five or six...
...A few other points, since .divulged, are: sending parliament OA a prolonged vacation and dissoio* tion of all trade unions...
...An* registered German caught, or suspected of, purchasing anything la a non-aryan store or factory when a German concern is available, regardless of price, will find the Hamburg atmosphere suddenly un.he*lthiM^&l^ls^sii»Special Session of Congress Probable Under FDR Strategy President Plans to Withhold Pressure for New Legislation Until Congressmen Are in Midst of Election Campaigns...
...At their disposal throughout the nation are Pelley's Silver Shirts, a southern fascist group with headquarters in Asheville, N. C./'Too much has already been written about Pelley as a hoax, to waste space on him here...
...e strike started in the Citroen fedta plant...
...Another names Arthur Sharnn, a "member of the Communist 'Party in the Bronx, formerly employed by His Majesty's Egyptian Consul...
...A neatly appropriate feature of the celebration would he a truck load of the American shells that have contributed so effectively to the joy of the occasion...
...Wist do we care whether there is left a republic on earth...
...Ernest Welkin of * Chiles" St...
...The great lack in history heretofore has been humor...
...Sharfin helped Rubens get the fraudulent "Robinson" passport on which he went to Moscow in the fal^ of 1937...
...A new corns ku sprung up to replace Mg/mara jn...
...On the other hand, it may be that the GPU does not dare produce Rubens because of the many revelations made by The New Leader and other American papers, all tending to show that he is a GPUJ a^m...
...One newspaper went so far as to speak bluntly of a censorship...
...Garber is charged with having once obtained a false passport in the name of Jacob Schuchman...
...The only real force abroad that could be of aid just now to the French is the English working class...
...Political observers have suggested that they may be, undergoing a process of "fattening" in the GPU dungeons for a new Moscow trial which will feature an American angle in an effort to convince the American public that everybody who criticizes Stalin in any way is a Japanese agent...
...Three indictments were returned after a 90-day investigation...
...The hydra-headed monster of subversive doctrines in oar midst has been dealt a staggering blow...
...We may not care a hoot whether the Absolutist advance .in Europe is achieved with American shells, we may be indifferent to the human abattoirs in China and Spain...
...March on...
...The Fascitis exult, because they see in an economic and financial crisis and in the evergrowing threat of war the best means •/ imposing Fascism on the French' men...
...The ¦Withi tn Democrats in Congress are still resentful oik the President's address attacking feudalism in the Sooth and are determined to make a shew-down fight for control of the Democratic Party in its traditional stronghold...
...Gerald M. M?ren, alias Harko Pilipovic...
...It is clear is day that his intention is to provoke the workers and to keep them in * constant state of discontent and agitation...
...P Fasmebe uptm the citadel of Profits'are id be combatted, the sage couiLgflHor fresh from the Wilhelmstrasse does not tell us...
...We can rest in peace sad really enjoy our golf... the imprisoned Robinson-Rubens couple in Moscow, are Stalinists, and the political basis of the passport fraud in which Adolph Arnold Rubens, GPU agent, participated, is established officially...
...Jmt is net hard to discover the ifPHBJssJMft makers and their intentions...
...strike in .the auto and airfe factories unad P**g* ws a crude light on the subla production m due to the forty-hour week and the ill-will of the The latter declare flatly that the fault lies with the directors themselves who do not know how to organize and co-ordinate the different phases of modern production...
...and the American National Socialist League, another Nazi subsidiary which is supposed to have absorbed the National American Labor Party but which simply exists as a separate entity at the same 116th St...
...It is believed that he continued to refutee to answer questions concerning his connection with Harry Zukerman, who has declared that he acted as intermediary between Sharfin and a Tammany hack in the Robinson passport matter...
...Depression-Groggy The Government's leading economic planners are stumped by the turn taken by the new depression and have been unable to suggest any remedies that appeal to President Roosevelt...
...What we are out for is the Stuff—for the One Per Cent, of course...
...Harry Hopkins' large staff have all come to the conclusion that at least $•,•80,000,000 will be needed for unemployment relief during the ¦at fiscal year, while Labor's Nonpartisan League is throwing its full strength into a campaign to secure a Congressional appropriation of at least $3,000,000,000...
...The two men named...
...Carl Westerdahl of 468 W. 148th St...
...Indeed, the whole Americar^fcpU set-up may be jeopardi* «by the present action of the Federal Grand Jury and the result* which will ensue...
...the American Nationalist Party at 17 East 49th St., also in Manhattan, whose leader is Edward Edmondson...
...was confirmed...
...His engineers were implicated in the Cagoulard affair...
...Will he let as in on the good things of Spanish resources...
...embassy or consul means reprisals and the loss of German eitisenflE This, too...
...The third indictment is against Ossip Garter, a photographer known to be a Communist sympathizer, and who has admitted knowing Rubens...
...Some of them, feeling that F.D.R...
...This factory is controlled by Michelin, the rubber manufacturer...
...And I guess that will make things ' ' *¦»—around the Power Trust and the Radio Corporation, anyway...
...By WALTER HAMBERS ^j^IT/H the indictment early this week in New York of two men charged with making- out fal.-«e passport applications, the .analysis of the Robinson-Rubens-GPU mystery made by tbe New Leader months ago...
...t. Asrti-SemWc Cawpalog « And not to be behind their brethren in foreign lands, the Fascists here have already gotten under way an anti-semitic campaign...
...Bund Leads "Aryanhers" In an interview this week, James Wheeler-Hill, Nazi national secretary, revealed that the Bund was ready to use every fascist stooge front in the country to get votes, public office, and anti-Semitic sentiment throughout the country...
...But let him beware that dares lay a hand upon the Standard Oil Company...
...Aylesworth, of Power Trust-Radio fame, are now diligently instructing the lowly herd that what ails this country is excessive taxation of the rich...
...Hull is in Washington...
...The position of France today in a hostile Europe makes it est more delicate and difficult to have recourse to mass action...
...Little force or substance is left for the cause of social progress...
...Nothing is said—as yet—of concentration camps or of "suiciding*" in Nasi fashion undesirable labor and po* litical leaders...
...Louis Mann, president of tbe Republican Federation (which includes such staunch republicans as Francois de Wendel, one of the most important members of the "200 families"), speaking at Lyons, said, "We are on the edge of tbe abyss...
...Karl Radek who, in his capacity as editor of Izvestia, met many Americans, and Christian Rakovsky, who once visited Tokyo on a Soviet mission, are among the few convicted "Fascist mad dogs" who have not been shot...
...There-fsre, we should forget the rest of the world and concentrate our ener-pt* upon defense against what he calls Fascism at home, which he am threatening the American hearthstone with a fearful desolation...
...usually well-informed cireles have it that the President is doing nothing to create issues triJA will delay an early adjourn-anlipt bo that a special session might be .called to deal with the deepening depression...
...This is a question that trembles upon every hopeful lip...
...Since the Jewish War Veterans are automatically eliminated, the field is considerably narrowed down...
...Their leaders, who are out-and-out Fascists, called for a government of Public Security, rue* as it usual only in time of war...
...Let it not be ^bought tiu& «B the war veterans iri ~TimjHt There is another trig orgardaMssal which is decidedly anti-Fascist "knit whose members have let . it 'Ms known that they will oppose by force if necessary any Fascist coup d'etat...
...There • again, the Labor Party is caught in the meshes of parliamentary procedure and in-capable of overthrowing rapidly by legal means the nefarious Chamberlain...
...or friends, as are almost all other figures in lkis c&se...
...9ALAMCE SHEET PHILOSOPHERS 1*HE newspapers generalled by Mr...
...for diplomatic reasons...
...The Rubenses...
...One of the big veterans' aww i ciations, the Union Nationale dee Combattants, the equivalent of oar American Leg-ion and as easily tad by the none, held a meeting...
...Questioned- months ago by a State Department agent, Sharfin denied he knew Zukerman, but it was subsequently revealed that the two had gone to school together and that Sharfin had once used Zukerman's business address in giving a reference to a landlord...
...Any attempt to regulate profits, shorten working hours, o&totn jsr the worker better Hiring conditions, win to a more equitable distribution of the products of industry, curb the arrogant and autocratic fewer ¦/ accumulated wealth, eliminate the Holding Company Swindle, Sf limit the takings of the Power JTrust...
...This story, in the opinion of many reporters who have followed the Robmson-Rubens-GPU case closely, would be that the Rubens ring is composed of "Trotskyrte - Bukharinite -Japanese-Gestapo agents" who were "spying on the American people and the great Stalin...
...N.W., Washington, D^C, which lobbies for Fritz Kuhn and the Brnd and is vehemently anti -Semitic Whether'these organizations are to be taken seriously or not depends upon the American public's reaction to the coming Nazi campaign in this country And the Berlin Foreign O.Bee is making every strenuous effort to swing that public sentiment over to the Nazis, first by international propaganda frfe* bhttkjmafT wili be used...
...Labor's political leaders figure that the amount they urge will provide an average of 3,500,00 jobs, which is little enough considering that •van conservative estimates place tile American jobless at 14,000,000...
...And what is this "American Fascism," of which, until he •sanded the loud alarm, his fellow countrymen had been so largely unaware...
...Brethren, liberty •m safe, our country is safe, Profits are safe, the One Per Centers are safe...
...I am told by those in a position to know that when Mr...
...Out West, Fritz Kuhn has established contact with the American Nationalist Confederation, publishers of the Christian Free Press...

Vol. 21 • April 1938 • No. 15

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